Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, December 05, 1850, Image 2

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oKi:tinx cir i
TIR'ltSHAY, DIV. :, f..l.
r. i. scii.M.iti.x, ri-iTon.
Tlii our great luirry to pot iiiit llir
(tnvernor's Messaee. and the li'tii'.liMkcd
for Land llill, wo hate Iron compelled to
, , - . , .,
mane ratiieran inipcricci report pi mo
p'oceeds'ngs nf tho Legislature.
Amoiiii Tca.Mr. Thcro xvax brought
to this olliecn turnip, last wcrk.that weigh,
til IT pounds ll was grown lor llishop
llla-ohcti of this city. A person tn Yam
Hill county, whose name wo haxe forgot,
ten, has icnt us uanl tliat Ins ha raised
on that weighs upwards xf 'JO pound.
As it was not furnished to the office, xxe
arc unable lo give the precise ncl(it ur
the came of the farmer who raised it.
OirWe had Inltdcd noticing the (lor.
rrnor'a Menage, but the want of time and
ipaoe pre eludes it from this number.
Kr Mayor Parker, of Pittsburgh, IV,
caused sheriff Curtis lo be arrested for an
Hedged misdemeanors in otlice, and
bound htm oier to anwrr.
CnoLERt .it Ci.'xciM'rail. The niini.
berof deaths bx1 cholera, freni the 1st of
July toAitfi. 1U. wastUI. Tlio number
, ; ., , , , , ,
ofdetlfi,rponlof..x months, end-
ingon the Oth or August last year, amount,
ed lo I"".
, 7T ,
(O-IheN .bxpre.s recsimmendi the
cstabli'hment of fixed salariiM for Con.
grcssnu-n, insltad of Iho perdicin aUoxx-.
anee. The Uxpress thinks that 8i00 of
. ..i.... .,.n i., .-..I ... ...i. i ...
a salary xxould lie far belter and cheaper
In II.. f,nl,,tri II... ..,, ll,,. !. I.ta
w.......v. .. n,v "" j""cullisTtro nn Irsi irKsome now, at liat
closed xculd probably hare ben "hort. they are sufficient lo entitle ihc einigranl
ined oiK'.hau liaj tlio main proposition
been in furcc. No member cast uf lliu
Kocky inounlaius is l rece!roox'er100t)
miloage, and no nvember or delegate wesl
omrS'JlXrO. If the bill for the latter pais,
es it would culolT the couxtruclite mile,
age of senators, unless thi-y auually made
it. Tho oxpenee for llio item of station.
cry was xoled 10 be 913 for the long, and
35 for tho shcrt sessions.
Mo.ipax Kx-Exttu, Die. 2.
Oregon feg1slsilBirc.
fUnuant lo law, the Legislature of Oris
goo assembled n MoJj,&ej; adjust.,
tas) prooaadasi to tepoesay.s)rfolia.
lion. Upon calling ihOTntllhe following
members eleot, appeared and took their
seals :
Freti Ctaclamai Messrs. Siiupsuti, Mat.
look. Alarum Harding, Hhmw, i'arkar.
DadenXitiv. VoU Holmes. Wath.
wgton Wilcox, King. Yam li!lVt ne,
Absent Messrs. Dcady, 1'owcrs, Si.
Clair, Campbell, Allphtn, Walters, Tharp.
Trtsnav MoRtiso.
Tho members n-A hat ing all arrit cd, the
House adjou.-nid 10 Tuesday morning, Mr.
Payne, Speaker ro ten L'ion re.asseui.
bliog, thri! members xcero still nhnrit.
'Pha House Jimcec-Ud t ilect cdiccrs,
which retultcJ in th'-chuice cf the fdlow.
"rig perj'mi :
Speaker if the Ihut ; Dr. lUlpli iliox.
Crri-, Axahel Hush.
Assistant CleH, II. ( no..
Sergcitnt.nt-Arms, Win. Hjlmcs.
Door Kttitr, Set t'unus Iluetut.
Tor the Counc.1. ll.c following offiiersiof udiuu, 1h.it ...fisl iho ruud : and. al '
1 1
.v...- w w 11,..!,
rirsttlerl, (Jco. 1.. 'urry.
Assistant Clerl, Jaun.. D. Tiirntr
SergeciitMl-AnnJ, llemnti Iluik.
JJoor Keeper, not elected.
Th two Houses hatimcoinplctol tloir
orgauizutiGn, ihu Ootorr.or as duly ini
formed of their nadincss to hear any sug.
goxtious he might haxctamako. Alhalf
past wu o'clock the CJovnrnor appeared
mid read his mc-issgo to tlm two Houses,
in joint assembly ; after which both Hous
es adjourned to Widncsdaj morning at 0
Nlttnitinii C'ainuilllci's.
The Standing Coiiiinitli.es, fur tlm hi.
sion, arc as follows:
On KleettoM Messrs. fJilmore, Payne,
'ii), Means King, Matlock, Tharp.
J'.ilutalion Simpson, Harding, Allphin.
Jwlitiiirf Malloclt, Dvady, Tharp.
CVnmi Holmes, Wallers, Simpson.
Mitilirij Affairs Campbell, Parker, St.
Itoa-ls f lh'ehirayi-fxY, King,Shaxv.
Ihgroise'l lltlls Diadv, Holmes, Mat.
Enrolled Hills Tharp.fillinoro, Atery,
Indian Affairs Harding, (lilmors, Par.
Camirii'w Campbell, King, Simpson.
I'rtnlmg Pajne, Campliell, Harding.
Counties Axcry, lliltniire, Slnion.
heorjKiratinni King, Mailoik, Heady.
(iij" is eslimatcd, thai In January
nut, lour thouianu mlli-s oi plank rwiiliprtieiliug months.
I L . I- Si Tl.-.'- -I--LI..-
Thai a plunking
win re in iuc in oir
J'w f -m pu ps
I-Iovcriior'a Mwiigft
"" KitctTitK PartiTutsr, )
On-Cisa Cii. I'cestaWr Q, 110. t
(ai&nw cli Legistair Assembly!
I cingri'tulato xeii ibsd wo havo Won
pcmsli(i,bx Lltviiif I'rovldrncp, 6rii'iii-
Mf tOScldrf, P deliberate lllufX. questions
that imincdiatilx toucern tho xiolfarc of
the vp!i of Orei-on.
The duly is not inipo-uil in me, Iij law,
to recommcinl w vour ccnsMcrntlnn nu
"''. ' n" l rl,,'l''' ,' 'k"u'r '
i apprvne or disipproxo any of xour acts ;
hut in accordance "ilh previous usage,
and Wliexlng thai .-oino suggestions iVoin
mo, "ill not lo unacceptable to on, I
haxo taken mie"v pains to ascertain the
nam ninl necessities nf our ooinmou eon
stituciits; and with (.runt deference mil
mlt n low observations to X our I'onauli'ru.
I'rexiouitomylcatiii; WusliintonCil)
in Pccember lat, I ciule.wori-J to colli it
all tho information in my power, concern
inc the airnimof Oregon, and addrcwiMl n
letter In I elation thereto, to (icuer.il Tax.
lor, with whom 1 had a Ion;1 cotuennlion,
and who, 1 am happy to say, concurnd
with me in all tho vlowa taken. 1 Iratu.
nut to xou, here with i a copy of the Idler,
I --I - II.. 1. . . ... .t..
and ask xou to consider it a patt of this
municalion. You will obserxo that t
urge upon Conj-resa the propriety of con.
Itrmtni; Iho Act cf thel'roxisionaHioxern.
. ttin! iLmnliniT n ...iiiii f Ininl f.i nil nt.r
'sons oxer the ace of eichteon xcara.wbn
"' ".......'t, .. .-....- .. .-. .- -.. ,- .- ,
j had emigrated to tho country. ud I add,
, " ami furthrr to rilcnt tht tint to nil Xere. renders jour prompt ailion in regard to
ajler,' irho may emmnxte ht ihi Yirnferv, j tho erection of a I'miuiiiiarx iihIisjhiisa.
leilai'n n rtaynahle tern of ytnrt, or until, blx necessary lo the fuithlul execution of
a!! he '""''' ,H Ttrntonnay le ttlttt. the law,.
rJ, iiVH'rii, said citixen shall stmt upon Uur count rx men arc now- t ngagrd in
all,t,euU!rtf lhf mt Cxficr.cnoe lias ilm palriolie and laudable cntorpr.so ,.
reonxiiice-1 me of the correctness of these ' oncimg a National .Mmiiiiiiciit nt Wash
lxlcws; and that whoever iniigrates lo in 'ton C'ttv, itiiniiieiiuratiic uf ihc illui
. Oregon, hai fully earned a siilion ol land 1 trloiis deeds of the I'alher of Ins couuUv.
nilJ ,i10Ui( jiaio u i f.n.x rUi J he settles The States iin.l Terrilorue are inxii.d,
j upon and culllxatysit. With th-toils and , each tniontrihiilen h!ockorlabof stone,
. ditTicjllIo to U Mioiinlcrcd ill emigra. , with suitable inscriptions thermii, to fori i
''" hither, xou are all familiar. 1 am not t a part of the inonuimnt. In riconunend.
i" fnxor of discriininattpg In regard lo ins nn tntiiwliatc uccei tamo ofihis inxi..
,, aclu&, x h Jm wjjp ,
I " . ul . . I.. a .'.
to more Ilian orauiary recouipnise. Ami
niiiioui;ii t no canter emigrants sutierm
iiianyhanUhins and deprix aliens in ilietcr.
rltory, to which those iiqw arriving arc
nui pariiany sunjecieu ; eii-iiiay nave lira nesiowai upon lliem or sucti culliva.
had tlio adxanlago of choosing the most i linn as they are capable of recelting. in
desirable situatiens, and are now dciplxjn great measure, neci ssarily belongs to
tutcrc.ted that ethers should lie encaurag". . the (Jcneral liovernmenl. Tho (lovttn.
iti to maKc tins iin.tr luiurc name.
Il Is tho truo policy of iho Cteueral liov.
ernmiol to bo liberal in donations of lauds
to thoio who arc willing In carry on and
perfict improvements, that haxc for their
object tho development of our country's
vast resources, and I would recommend
Ibal Congress be- respectfully, but most
earnestly, memorialised in accordance
Vl eatwrtwxnsi fcasl
uemoostrateil tho Impnrlanee nr navinc
and maintaining a military defence, such
asuiay re nflnnlxl by the proper training
anil tlisoiplininq 01 ino naroy yeomanry,
the country's slmnp arm when danger
presents ilsilf. I ibreftjru submit lhpro
prlcly of an imiuediale organitnlion of the
militia. i
Tor tlio belter occommodatiou of tlm
great and increasing infercxts nfthu Ter
rltory, il is of tlio utmost importance that
roads be established, no lo connect the dif
ferent sections of the country,' that they
max to of easier nnu in .re convenient ac
cess to each other. Tho want of proper .
mcanx of cam eying intelligence through
theTerritorv.aFiIoftransmrtiuglhc pro.
.!..- .f.i,.'...!!, l! i..." i..' .
uux,t t nix: -t-ii !' iiHinvii fiiii uvi 11 ;
xerrle fill, narticnlnrlv bv those ocou. .
nx-in Iho moro remote nam of tho conn.
t. !.. .1.-. 1.. ...... 1... ..." ..in 1.
r'M'n 111 wia, utisvt.iiuii uu iu rtiNuimu
.i for iU prsator a-cur.lv of life and
iMDenv.bx miimidalinu- iho Utile band.
inuli.-i.iii.. il... f.!.,., .Inn., um.iv .ril... f...
1 ..-..-.-...-.- ft -- -,... ..,-.
jturo (iniKrant. Tin. utial mOcrlnj en
durid ihu muxon, should iwll'uil loiiuprim
! xou with its importance, and not Kate 11 .
I . . .. . . . .. !. sis
noct l'uuitii Souu J w itli tli (jliiniU i n -!
trx. I vtouti iincct, miro partti'innrlx , . 1 . rr ' .-..- ---
vourutli-.mon iho imuK.Iiato .Mablisli. """ "' ' ";''l'" '".
mini of roads for the puroof atlbrdmg ''' h" d lh jper.inent bo
vmio nluf ti .1.. so 'who mux- emlgmtol ,.lci,,",'i ""."x y " '," ffl.V,uch "?V
hcriafi.r; m. I nol ot.lv to imt.roxo the, MW'X "' V" "'"" ,'ouM ''""l-
or; wiiim lAimt on Ihu Willamette witli,rad lliitu." No man's life, liberty or
Hie luoutli ol tho Luluinliia ; ninl Wii Wil.
lumitle xnllov tilth thai of ihu I'm.oiin. .
arc among Ihoso I would iiuinn for llm i
present. Uominlssionors kliouhl bu np.
tmintcd to x lew, loia'e, and mark out the
nr nc nu roads, at the cxnenseoft iqTlt '
rllory; and the touiilie through which
tiny nasi, rrnuln.il to open and Ucrti iln ni 1
ill good ordur.
To the IVdcral (Joxerninont properly
lu tr.i.nu tli a tiasjiiP(-xL isis tit nf nil
ur riiirs and
l" (lllli1lllWIIIIlllilvlll"l vill IHSIIUII'I.
harl-."j. There has, alr.ady, Ucu an
mm. . I
aecurale survey mail, ol the mouth ofllic
Columbia, and it is found to If us aafu fur
xosilsto cntor by thosu Hill nr-'uaiiit.
id with the two channels as tho jiorl of
New York. 1 Nam from Iho Collector'
cilice thnt, out of olio huudrid and it-tin
lieu xcsstls that havo null rid th" Inoulli
of l he Columbia xtithln tlio clghtiiit months
inlerxeiiiug from April 18 tti InSipleinlier
1H30. thcru hui imcii nui two xc-uols dial
hiixri mot with accidents only one of
which was lost both akcidenta happen
ing inforo tho arrixal of (,'apt. White, Iho
able ami iuilofaligablu pilot at llm mouth
of llio Coluiubiu. Tlio number nf vcssils
i ntcring and trading on ihu Columbia and
Iho Willamette, is rapidly increasing rai h
month ; and although I have been unablo
to obtain an accurate account nf tho num.
bcr of xessids that havo nrrived in tho last
two months, I havo been informed by lhosu
litiim mar ilioi.ioulliof llm river and oth.
iirs, tiiat tho incrtate is considerablantcr
l.n m m I hm fMniilla H'" t-1 " l Pl S nn fl Til t
expu I ihink, failhor appropriations hx
'In iiiii-rl 'i xcrtuu'iit I r 'li 'f. 'i u
' . .L.-l. I
of light. houses ali.l nthi r Improvements.
! would nlltldo to tlio en ui' of ulilca.
lion. The integiilx anil prosperity of nur
topuhllceu iimilntions iliii'nt upon tlio
dissemination nl knowledge unions tli'
people. Those whose good, loituno il I"
in nj nn iliioiili.il, Mil no It lito nil
pru o : " InNl those liio inislorttmo it is
to U' Hitliont il, liol, porhaps, ibis prim
lion moro keenly lli. in "Il others' in M r
w us mi mlngi-more true lli in thai ' know
lodo i kim rr I invoke yoiirinot em
nct nttention In tint subiect.
Tho iiitoiueiuenee i'Xtieuenod In pub
lie fuiictionaiie, in t.ll nn the iieople nl
Inrgt. for the mil of uilnblo IhiiMiiik
tn nlilcli to liitutacl the imblio liuuien,
n ti.lors the permuiti til location of the Sent
of liiiieriimeiit of no Imle iiiiivriamv.
' T,, i,ubi. cl l well c.iK uliUd to eeile
the puhlie iiitiid ; thisrelore, grial pulin
should betnkm lo meet the juil ixpieln
lions of nil pails of Iho Tirrilory. IV
adxaytaee, in a pccmiiurx iint of tew,
of Ihi'-Kvalioii to tlio pi.uo vlnlnl, i
I rather liiiauinarx than real. As, then
fore, there i hii lie but little mdixidual nam
i"r loss, the subjict has no importance in
this m use ; bui the public in larjo have
I u diop iutoresl that n judicious si loetiou
1 l.A .... t.. "I I... 1. ....w ... .t.U I..1..I.
1 lie male. There is now, m my baud,
, foOIKI for the purixKso ol erccluu suitable
public buildings, to wlmh max lc
i?lll,t'(H1 appropriatul ut iho lute '
t.k. I
, of Concrcss.
Ihewtiniofa secure p!
The wnni of a secure i
iee of ii'iifinc
mint for persons cotix icled of high irniu's,
wistiesni exorx irue lienttiil Wrejoimu
I In relation Initial portion of the Indian
, inins xviin arc wilitin the tctthsatirt n
tribes xvlm arc w II, tin the ictlbfWirt of
, me icrnt iv a liiglt aim stcreil imtx lie
. lengs lo the legislature. The r
I'he protielion
dftheso people in their homes and persons;
mentilixs appointed a person, xthoso i-spe.
tial duly i10 attend 10 tlm liidinu airlrs;
ami a Hoard or Commissioners In Ires'
villi the Indians for the relinquishment ol
Ih'ir right to the sell. On the part ol the
legislature, the adoption, from lime to time,
omucIi measures as lie within its prox lace,
calculated to further the objects of justice
and humanity towards this fadinr rice,
mho advantageous
of an Act authorising trier apprantklog
Indian children lo useful trades and oiaisj.
pattons, whera the consent of Iho parents
i an bo oiitaineii, nn I under proper safe.
guards for 1W1 gootl Ircatment and edu.
latum, It is probable, nl least in iho be.,
ginnln", llioir own pretutliers will oppose
rt- 1 -: , . ., ',- , . i.i'"i
nnu uuMncio 10 uie plan ; uur, wuu iuuk-
ment in managing tlio system, valusaic
results may possibly be 'obtained. Tho
natural traclacability of tho tribes in this
portion of Orrguii : ih.'ir habit of fixed
residence, and great iiuitillingneuxto
leare iinir oiti gnitinus ; tlio ingenuity dls.
I""?1" "J."',"'" '" mai.v.r.icie.o, ,H.r.u.
ifaitutf, iiidicntn ihu il.rccimu 111 which
. 1 1 1 1 . 1 ,
x" ,,l",", iv l""ti sic-tc.l. .No only a.
,".r",,,r'' '"" cnrpe.iti.rs. smiths, and
iv iiiuijv in a ur uiu iirnicuuMii ui uioii
. r i i . i .1 .1
l'rc,n"c.u ' '"' " U"'J lMyK.
." 'u h? agents of (.ox ernnieut fi enfurw
"iu """' "' '" conlnictoi. Ihu part
1"' th'iimpl'ixir.
I would moji rnrntslly inxilo your Im
medinm iitUntioti Id Iho condition of tho
1.nwsof the 'Prrnlory. Il hi. l-e.-n said
nf mi am u.iil lursnl tl tliul tin ruxals il lild
u h,i Mtf lIlw '' " ','', uljca iculd
I""l" "y sn'JUiu nc siriji tuni in llio opera
tioii of laws uf which ho is wholly loiior
aut iir of which Im might uol easily ob.
ui iiiiorinaiiou ; an i ytt mhii h ckwi
ls"y "'o cumliiiwi ol Iho ,iunplu oj
lirrttnry. unu ol llm hmliest comn
.minis duo llm rieoph. of Ungoii, is thoirl
I other liiif.linlnr.nl mirsiiils. Un v itiitrlit bo
,,,c "' P00"' order, and llioir strict roganUntunorou aro ihu trials uf ihu fioulier -il-
10 mo ii-inisui oueu oiner. nui iiiMt
r' , ,' I0l""--i niw iiiierhtsi w ill arjsjoi
.. ,. ... .
. nieosjuy ui wen. Known rutos uy
i , , , - . -.
""'"h;-" llorostscau bo rogi.latcdand
rifttfisrsf ml lnllt.1 Lis (.lit loiid li. nil Uam
' , ' , , " ... nsuis
m mo lutia iit.tv in um hiaiuiu.iMnjif-, ara
lu'liexeu hy inuiiy n hatu l.ien placed
llioroiii tiolatiuuuf tlnirch.irfri.il riuhts:
whilst others opinly rcfusti obrdieiiio to
limit f.r llm sum. r(n,'iu. Tlu-so dilfi.
Litllies should at once bo gotten rid of, and
a iodo iiittitiitnl that would eommaul iho
rcsiccl of all our constituent..
The subji cl of taxation, always a deli,
enln one, di tuniids your early attention.
Tlio pnoplo will chovrlully pay such taxes
as tlm waiils of tlm Territory uiu're, pro.
xiikdthey urueiiuilably let ml. With groat
drluriiiof, I would rr commend ihu nissaun
ofa law, by means oftvliii.li ihu xaluo of
each Hirsr,iri property, ol exory ih scrip
lion, may ha nscerlaini d, and Iiiihi,o n rca.
Konablu "ad xalorem" tax upon ll, aftor
iltdiiiting his indebtedness.
Tho unexpended bulunon nf five thou,
sand dollars annrnnriated bv Oinirressfor
Ihu puriosa of purchasing n library, witsyog III
placid in my hands, and has been nearly
a" cxptmled uu-toi my diuilluii. Tho
.1 hutc '.ii plun.il in a room, hand
sotnrlx, fill., I tip, im.t I till. nut to x ur
l'..hiiii inn h action in i lH n lo tin in a-.
jou lliiuli proper II it Is oitr ilo-iro lo
prosido fir llioir tin nml safe I... ping nt
the Territorial epi no, thoy um nl vniir
disposal, ullienni'o I will cn.hiitnr to -ee
the Inn l.iitlilullv cxi'iled
Since your las', met ling, it lm i pli i' t
xlluiglilx liod li liruio; in in -, !,, I i,
nml lloliil lit.' ol 111. I'li'tuli nt 1. 1 tin I in
lid Stntis, X.u-h.lrt I'uilir win.. I ft
words wiie, ' I bin il no in iliitx.lmn
not nl'niiil lo .In ." Iiriuilii.l I i . In-t it (
I ll IVenlmit't limiw, ill V nlnti;lo
l u iho iiintli ilu of Jul ol ! "
car. I'o ntloiupl n (lib's) . io
foil). two ori penl mllie v mm
it' ,
rOHi ut
I ooiinlr, wuli a h.loliu, wk.I.mo nml mh
' oo's vi perfect lis lodel i uln urn I'm
nient mi; null nn liuiuble Lionli n in.-v in
'he irm mid leriuiiiiiiiiij; with tin m.i
jexallnl p"in '" h h u hu i r In ntli.
f'Miine ol ,uu hiiiiimi Iwni); lo mupx
land thai I , ileritnl Irmn iho in upt
ied suu of a fiie pi'ople. is In nml t
imiil is eoi eiiuiiuli Im one mini
1 loiieratut.ili xou uthiii the n.iI' Ii lit
trance l ur glorious I inon Ir 'in Hm
drtllgl'l wlill'h llppenrnl llltelt lisilrl .1111.1
it, '1'hc ndmisioii of fitlitoiitia into th.
s9..kHi, tho csl.il'li'liuu nl nl I em' n.il
jxvrnmonls fir I'lnh on. I New Mexico
and pmmniliou to . tile tlio l'i xns 'j
iliry itiestloii, wlm h I lnite no .l.niht will
bo ucci'pt il bx that Mali Ins 11.1II111.I
to the wn .Is td oil n p a'i I dielai in m
of Moiinrchi.ts, lii r Ihore is n n upn u
III man lor lt g.m riinn ul, mil is a
llinilx rrl like 1 1 luiinlii im, li'tli N mli
uiul Smth.
I insiike the diMite bli ssni). '11 ill ..iir
ellblts to Mill' I lirU'.n, tin I ti ml I '"II
nix Iiimiix im p in'i 1
JOHN I' i.ll.-
X'1 in.it.iN I'lTl. lh' ".'I' l-l'
aiu IU .;s.y.,'..il...t.. ' I '..'
Sia I'.ixioiis 1 1 nit .1. pin i . in.
Territory ol Orig. u, wbrio 1 . i ten. pla
id! H.'riii.iin,iitlt riMiliu w,li nit Uin. t,
uiul oxi r w lin.li In jourpir .ilut I hat
liill lalli'd lifts ii t i pre. I , I tl - it 1
pri m ut 1. xour i r j i i iti n .in h i I r
matioii at 1 have hoi n 'th.. t '' i n li m
rtli.tbtt rouret h of the wiiiits in I wish. .
ii( tux fi llo" t iti us, in i '.I. r tint t .ii
B'tM 'V unticisii.t in in 1
I t
win ti must tn te&sniilt mli .in l.l i" I
tun i oitnntjliii nti any I un,; It m mx wn
pcrs inal obst rtali tn
In tins ah nee of nut trjuiui 1 c t
ernnit'til In ('jiil'.'"". th ' n innli'i
pvn, for tin ir .nun. tl sti.t. n ninl r .t .
lion formed n "p rot no. '(ml c it. ninn-nt
(host n bx iho wli io t-np'", am niL' w I..
acts was 'lie iloiiating to I'm h male . u
. ughtriMi xrais ami upwards i
section nf lull I, and llmx il-sire llint I'm
gress max lonlirm smd net nml find, r .
io estriid the iinn' In all w li i mat In rt .
after e.nigrat" to iho Turrit, rx within a
i sn.ialil.i Inrni nf x pars, or nn. il nil ll..-
yWKSWWwstwiem,i, . m ii.Bt b itwi
provided said citixen ahull "tittle upon on. I
Ifcw tTmm ii L .1..'
cultivate lb. same..
It Is well IsJspwn that In n'l n-w e .in
tries under ou? present liile! is, in, th i
are many xxho are nltoenhor un-. ,. .
pay for their lamls after makm? th m .
esssry liuprnxcmeiits nn.l rutnliitr; ti
simplest and mo'tri inoiuietl titiuj I
their families; mil iluit at the romilurlx
eslablished a ill, numbers f " ulat r
am found rradx mlier Inndx mi" rn m x
to the owner nlhn pre ouip!. n,uli ur
chat the Inn. I nutriphi at' -r the inal I it
of lh" settler isrstl'ill'll'd . in I w . u
eeixc usiiully lure mini uin- f rt i. . ,i
xauci s, .in I ml in irlgnt" s 'li 'h r ,
ty, or wben lunr i-iMt m , In i . n I
onuioilgag' I ilh still nn .r.l r at I
any iluin fir i.miiihi-, oil. i. -t. th.
ttaiu.ielioii, tlifiigli appar. .tit i I .
good failh, nud u i fur bii u i itu...
lion, isu mis"tabli sabti ilu , h ;.'i i
and fraud, i.nliii in tie . j . i. . I
person wlu maih iln 1 'latinii, i.to. . .
Struotl-il the iinpro.i in. nt. nn I lh in-tn
Ing ofa new man of ip.i il in tV w
Slllpol lllll lUllil. lllll. In ttli
his lime, labor, nml ml lo m
x,. n
. l'l
noblest of all nn r-su it ., th -ml no i.j ':.
land, nnd making it finillul, i..-.' I
with his family fioui ''.. I u In I . I
enriied by Iho atxealoflns Sir tw.nu I . n
polled lu begin Ilia whole auow, wlul-l tl
linarllon spcculntorx xt ho Inn iiiiuiil
toils nf others, ciijjvs ull theso riglitu uud
rigiitu un. 1
privileges lor tvlm.li he noter
TMyAm spiculalor g.ls iiiiproxul nnd
iltlvatcd land, al llm lucre price, or near ,
lso, of uncullivntcd i nn net ofinjusiici
most dai y occurrence, and nllliou-fli ,
laarnoflon dclayul, xiura boi.md llio
Ilia of makliiL tlm iire.cinnlions. xit nn
ner. anilnoscurcu nnu liuriiiv 10 no niiiiiiu
i... . -. . 1
od is monev currency. Uiul tlimi,uinli mu
found tiiiablu lo pay for this land ul lln
. .. ' s 1
ilium oi naic, i i-imiiis ii-ti ni-eii ""
Luiifumiliur lo frontier life, cm. but slight
fly ennceixii the xuxatioii, U.l, iiml labor,
in llio deprivations, and trials ufllui ploiur r
limn of sale. I'ersons u'.l aic'itilinueiiauu .
nnvaliuniniiil lriais.it ino ptomir 1
in civili..Uion. Ilehimioioulx unaidid I
and alone, 10 guard Ids llrnks nud heu.ih 1
against the lurking Unsl nn.l ttiuliliv In
.f n . .. .
dians, nndcncoiiuter the diseases inenieiit
sarv : so that with Ihu utinosl .-around 1111
coasing lubor, oven I1I1 nbnoltiln iim-msii.
ries aro but slowly and noony auptilied, .
mid comforts and luxuries scarcely im r
known during Ills lifu. Vol thosriiuennre i
tho pioneers of Ihu nation, (xliuding lis
gruuduor, ami Mioiim naxe ami aro mi.
tied lu otery facility which it is in tin'
powers uf Iho cenlrul Roxernnieni 10 uc
; und Congress tlmr. fuioiii lonfirin
Im laxxHiif llm Provisional Unvini.
mint nfOreuoii. would but rrnder annidu
justice to tho.o who limn dexolid their
lime an I means 1.1 pi'itrilm; nnd uplml I
to nowionnlrii's, attiix rrouiiim.llciil skill , """ "" "" "I i""i" ..s ...,..- .-,. 111101110111111011 nl llio llnllc.l males ar.
and sympathising friends, but hu bus to inng.-im. doiibliug but ll.ut llm 'sdoiu. lor Iho pussngo oflhln ncl, shall. Ho Issforo
build his house, brciik up, fenro nnd plant ol ( tii.gn ss w, , kmml.ilg,. tlm in t. s,i , .,tmailon shall bo omplclcl, ths
Ids land, dig his xvell, ami provide many f "' '"ll I' " "'' ' '"' "s l'arl ' -"' I p.nxe-. iry right ntiiirril by film under
other lhiiiLs which aro nbsoiutoly noees. " l th'ir bnlhi. 11 tvlo. 11 in locatnl , tl, nnixisiom ol ibis act shall descend In
li. i r an I on i'iil ol our coin
limn I inli I mieli wiw JiKl
mill i.ttiiiiix Hiiiui ! tiii'iil, I lit m lib r
uoiil.l In I -i i lire hi hii I nml "Im Ii tabu
lirnt i Mit I i (I i Im i.iiion ln iiupniti
nimi' will lo in i" oh. cinini mm iiipiu
U ii ,.l ill.
,lll lie
t II w ill il II
i in i i mi , . ii r
I II I I. tl 'Il II
Il 111 II 111 I 111 . Uli'i ' w 1 ' ll
with ii ii '. I I' i I lli i mi I 'i i n
H ill lllll . Il I I '. I W l'l II I I I. ll'lt
.in 1 III liisl I iih ta t i l ill I ii . ii
t in. i use tin wi nl'li t li lint n i it I
in i osni t uli'tin I I i il. in t iii.iltnis j
I lioin tin iij;, li -m im .1 i n. nn- s I
i xiu , I II is i Mil in, It il. -ii, .l.l. Hi ii i ..I. ii -..
Ins sli ml.l, its i itl ns J.ssilli , In. it nil H
pi.'l 11.1t on -nil I 1 1 il. li n ul. Ho x
I I us 1 ii r r 1 1 lie I tti j 1 1 1, 11 iU "
I tliliii lit nml 1111 idem t th I us it" w.tl
I In 1 III urn, t 111. 1 1 1111 I. 1 win. li lli.lt t '
i mini ut w is e ille.l mi . . t. 11 1 in lie
illi.ellli. 1 t nil j roll 1 II 11 !' I'-'lu'liss, tie
libs' till. It 1 t ..l'l will h t'e II lsti I I I
It, pi i.. ti team, pi 1. 1 I nii.l.i'.'
'lit to 1 Iht I I-.. 1 1 1 s 1 .lllllttl n .11 I I in. I
III h lllpll It' .1 tlitfl! I IU Ill, pt ,t,
II . , I (' II lit II Ml lilt .ll'l'll' uiul o,itl!.ui
lit -I ill 1 ih I 11. . are l.li 0111 t t tin
w ol. I nntl is lh. 0..1 rt mi nt w .til s nil. I
I, .ill I hit 1 tin th M list s Im I thet
h. 1 It I'lOtlllit I 1 1 1 1 ' r t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I' ill III
in. ill nn.1 a tin ir 10 It Mi Ins I-1 11 Ihu
si .l.li
Ion, lit I law utj I
1. but lU't ittitl rt
.I. nl, I 1 1 .11 tin I 1
10 11. 11 I I 1 lie
r 011 Iho I'n
1 11 11
1 iti .i
, 11.0
nil 1 111
V'll. 1 .
It w
mini li tti.it Ihr
. I
I ih '
o w1 in
it fi
.1 l.l.
. xti in 1 1, i t ' '
I i
10 n nt 1 in t .
1 .11 .1 s tit l. .! 1 1
1 I th mum 1 11
1 1 li 111 1 lie .1 1., .
iMl '. Ml in ' .
w. I, in lit 'In i
i . I a i
In ii in i i '
i . . .1 n
I it ii i nn
l I a a
t i tltsill ' .
.1 .in ll it
ii' lllUiinl It
ll I
I. il
i I li in II
.it In
t mr itiiinl
an 1 It
1 ,ii 1.
I 'uln In
vi I It,
i. 1, ,
in .t 11
nib l it. ill I mail
i le J.twettii
'll .IS l.l li' Ins
. , (nui till It I
I I'-gar I us a.
it li an In I in
t at ..l l.t'lh
, .till,
ill n 1 I
., In h
li t r
II I I .. I
I'M ii . -l.l).
i . 'tl
t u
lilt. I.
nt t puiiifthii l ut
l i in ri . It. i
ir i.ni i ilit t
it. 1 in
I. s. I.
.' I ll .1 1.
. I I I l'l
'i mi I '
il W III
tl in
nt 1 if
.'. i
.. lit
Of I
'tu.t , In I a r l
l.l IIS 1
II .11
I I1 ii.
ill -t
li v. ,
! 1 I..
I r
to It i aln
Hi 'li -n.lt
il It o
.1 I lie
I I .
i. !
i . in t i i
I I .. I.. .
m I h.
'i 'll .. .
tl. I il shrill. I
.. riin.iiii that
i' Hindu lot tin
.i.p.l nl tin si
s 1'iltxl
h iti. n.twi. I..
I i n g.m. and
ti w i hi It a,l
ill It '. .-.
I'th nl He
laws, th. tti
nn i
) '' it'"
i I. i..- i
puuishmi u'
irteitri i
ipoi' I
t'.e ,.. it mil l
I 'it h intra
-'. Ill I .1 XI n
. i t w.ih i ,. i
t .i. . .' In.
tin . ii.
o i i'. i. 1.,"
n I " x 1 1
i.l . t i ;i
i 1 In e II
It. IIJ ill
.,,.. 1 1.
n I .1 r,
-', ill I..
r it s i I i
'a.. II I !,' I
in il Unix
. till .St I I .
t S a'
It ll
li'.l ,
i that
! it'
.11 til
nn i lh
I - int .
I. mum
mtig .1
a ri uiti'e
I I .
, In I ' r
'. 1 '1
,1 I
I 11':
l ,
Jt I
: l .i
W 'l I li,
n t il , li
I I., ip,
I lai
o.t I '
''' "" '"
IM'll li
"''I m 'ii
t .1
ll. i
tinli t
iii.ti t
I ' o "' lh
'I ' "I 'I'll It I' -.1 I
with 11 In.- fi .1 ilii, ,1 . iii 1. It .x .
lsiSil.lllsirsiiuMi III lllln pi ...I illli.
a"uli"nll Imj nsp.,,niy a,..i,o,:, l'i. ! .
" ""'"ou . .11 u uny 1 m ig. u x wm, u (
"" "rl-"'' ' " ""' """' u ''"
appr..piia-.i...is are ... mho 1 .1 m ..- in-
"I I""! nnnls nml the cousini n m i.,ij. 1
"iilitufx hh.Is 1.1 mux l' in s .11 V. ami
'"' "" '"'ii'ling' I p" " 'i"l Ho lounie.
" ... .......-.
' "' . '." " ' """ '" 1 "ii m. 10 o.
-ii ....1... .
' xluul-1 Ir.iuii. r, 1 oii,tiiiiilt 1 x ..sod. iln I
r. il iiiulmi. 11 ...in ll 11 . III...
li ,, , t , ,, I ' !."- u. wirui'H , j nfl
diMu-ully of rapid i iiiii,uiii..i m, it will,.,, Thai no niini shall hn entitled lo
' ' " ulhiti nn r," u i. s mi. ir.M, w I,. , .,,,, , , laud, graniul l.y this act, unl
, " ,"11 '" "-'" "r In lh. lir.itor) I" , lie .lull protluoo to Iho Hurvoyor llener
."' """" k 1
7 ' 1 1
" l " "W"i '"" '" Y "" 1 "' '
1" "l't"" ' " H'-" '"'"' ll"' Ko" 111 it
' r" "'' ' '"ihl in nfon urg.. upm
t..,.r 1 n.i.n . rial,..,. ll.,, ., ,.,.. ,,l ll..
1 nn-.nl. r.ilion
'.'.' ll'i;xli.tu.- tn -.km h .1 ler.. ..ur gruil
I hnto mli nliou.ilh .ituehd ii-kiiu
- i.iliu ii.piopn ttn.n, in i ou,niui um nl .
llm xurv liuiilul and imp. ilnt kuunlidgii
it mm 1 pnssi ss 01 tin muiitiy uml Ha
tt nuts, nud hull thuri lorn only ml li dyour
ntli lili'.ii to tho iiio.t piomiui ut ami 11111110.
li.it , In In ting thai llio lii'puitiiii nl havo
iiioio n 1 in liln iilfirin.ttioii on ihoso sub
jn Is th.iii I ini'thl olli r.
If, 111 xour opinion, the ubntn will 1 nil-
tlm 11 to tin piumpi in nnu nl I '..niiriss. nnd
mi' ' ii x -ii will oblige (
"" t""l 3 1 in-- llllUII
the people whose mli icsl I iluairti to m i
b i .iiunmiiii alin tltn miiiih.
ilh m iitimi nls nl resM 1 1 nml enlei in,
I leiiialu x mi iiln.liiiil m mint,
"""" m ti'riMmi'ri:.1""J
in u- m r.-i
! I I
i tl rai,n i, M 7'Allfy fittl
'nun or .iiH'riil 11I I'liltllc ltsjtls.
" XI I I tii- ill Hit Mlliii-iit Nlillrlt.l llni.
nl T lit.. I'ul.ltt I 111 1. mlli.tili, mill In iuilil
It llir. .1111 1 .111 I l.iitiskn tluiulliiiis lis M.lrra
l II .,,.1 ...lli, lin.ts
I II il .inn Itil lii lf Si mile nn. I House nj
, it 1 ' fiCiioii 0 thr I mini Slulei of
I linn 1 in Cofii'ii i nurml'leil, 'I'hal n
Slirtit .rlliiientl shall Im aiilnled for
lilin I'mi'iM tf I'logt'ii, who shall havo
the -ni". iiiiiIi"mix pi ifniui the snuio si it -1
. s 1, . 1 Hug lb. pnl. lie liiiidannd piivatu
I in. I 1 limns in tin l'i rutin of Oregon, as
a ti ti I in nh. I iiiiurril nl the Siirxe).
. ' 1 it... in It . I the I nitid Stairs north,
it isi t th. 1 'In 1, ixupt ns hcti'iunftor
,P. .,1. I
S '.' I,, !i 11 ItrlSrr enacted, Thai
tie .111,1 Sintt tor lieurrnl shall cslabiish
lo. in.oilii. nt sin h ti'iieii wit hlii the said
rnt.ix as tlio I'n. 1, lent of tlio I'ti ilrd
,S ...,, 1.1,11 (1 .in limn 1,1 li'mn itlrttrl I
' -Im'l I r nil oie.l nn nm.ual saUtrv ul Iwn
ihfii'sn I Im loin, In. I it dlarX t be paid
ion fi r x i'n 1 1 x . ni .1 1 1 ejiTn.ni'0 al audi
tin j-. h- .ha!! . nl. . into bond. wi.h coin.
j 1 1 mi uiitx. Im lli tiiilhlul iliseharr.il
'.ill, ill iiiM.fliiM.iliri The. n shall br.
n II i. ' t i ippio iialnl llio sum ol
t ,,r 1 1 ii j. i I ,1 llais i j ,ii mm Ii Oiricol
n.i ii . ut I t i . il lure in his otlice ;
i i 'mil i i .hi i . f. ii" thuusninl dol
I i a i i ii f i lb it nt, fuel, Utks,
im n .ui.l .,lli. i o i h utnl t xpi uses
lli. .i I . i i il mil I llir appro
.' I It t ii,. lh. pnhlll Inn. I.
v ' I.. ' i Inrt'tii enuleJ, 'Mini
. .in ill. Si i rotary 1 1 tins
' i I i.il.le the siirxeys III
i 1 1 ml it si. i I 1 mi.le ufii r what is
I ,
ttiin ll . i'., In in, lh. ..I, iiudir Ui ll
n .tti ii un I ii.n tin li terms, ns may
r tih I in, iht.S.i li tail i f Ihu liitui.
r 'It r h irttiiriit hating i hargo of
-in t. is i I th" piiblio lamls, anil that
I , h In Mini is hhall U fnllotrid bx
pint it ftuiivii ns l oiiffress nnv
I Ir ti tout I . tout aittlitiiue and tli.i el ,
i I ir
I Iihi
t i
it ! r. ut uindi i f surxex Ui ad
It .' .1, ill l,o tin ilill) of saul sill
r t i in t a b line ninl iin-nlnin li
nit' ti I in ii In. I un.l islal.sh.l, in
n.il il 111.41111. i, til or mar the Witlatn
I be
tit i ti i , uiul In sli.tll nisi . aunt' to ts
I him
I in I wiishit uiul siiliuiis ui llir
i ii i il iii iiiin-r, and in in,i orilance w ilh tint
litis if tin ' mini Stalis wlm h mav I in
lot, the tllfllii nl is imtrv Ixiuu Ltwern
i iV siinnl of the ('.mud', mountains mid
i ih.. I'aiiln Ok j n no I smith nudtorlh uf
it,, I'.tliniiliia ruer. 1'rftnU'ifiouvrtr,
I hat ii aiu olliur linn li.wnsyoji lines shall
! .un w..fM il U..4 (Utf...J unlit for
i iiltitutioii. That in, ilipmy surveyor
shall ihargo f.,r any lino exnpt such aa
mix be ui lunllx run uml maikid, nor for
nut line ii ! net i .surj I., he run nml that
,'lt wb e nisi uf niirvojmg shall not ex.
I th lute nlriglil ilnllars a'r mile ninl
i 1 fin I' n. mails Mirxoyrd and mark.
-si- I In' it liirl'ierrnacleil, That
t1 it i...ll i., an. litrihv is, gratitid It
. nit t J r ir in t ilp.uii nf tlm pitbllo
ui. .. xiiu rx mi lu l.r. il n.lians ir.i.l.i.
l-in lliv 114. l 1 ihleen years, lie.
iti' 11 .it tin- I niii-'l States, or hav.
11, mil, ml., l.iruii ui iiieor'lnig to law,
I h . lllll llll. Ml lu h i'iiiiii. n i l,nr win
sK.i'l inil.1 11 I, tl. 1 I11..U1 in on nr In for
l, liiht liny ol ll. 1 1 inl.er. eli.l.l. rn him.
): tl in. I nut, an I " h . shall hat,, resided
t t 11. 1 ui n.il nil- I .r InureiHi.
' "' ii 1 I ! all t.tlieiwik.i con.
' ' '1 ' 1 e p. 1.1 Is nl 'It s in I, tin
1 I'U'itt I 1 1 . t I ni .11 llm 11 loin.
! ' "' ll'd-lll'l 'Wi lilt lt.lt' I 1,111,1, f a Mllglil
'I "io n' inn. .111 1 it .1 ..i,irr,.. nun, nr il I10 shall
' 'will,, ,, , ( ,, ,,u finin tl,,.
I" 'I'l't.il ll. 1 m'.. ngliliiii bundled
lifn, the ipiinint .. 1. ne an nun, or six
h 1.1 li.d im I I .rlt 111 r. 1. 1 111, hi. 1 1 iii I. im.
ll "ilile ..iiilnli loins wife, lobo
h I I 1 111 1 111 li 1 t,a, llghl.uul Ihoyur.
f 1 .. It. 111 i.iUha.l .I1.1 .null' iho iiatl ill
11111111 . 1 iln, liiisl.ini I ,.i t,.il lull,,, wit..
iiiiiiiu '
.III i n r lh ,i,,i, , ,, tl,., r. , ..r.l., ,,r l.l.
, , , ,., ... ,.ii ,,. . ,... .,!, ,...
rn d. Iv.in hlti l.n,n.li,..lnnhll, i.nnl..
n,tn of Ibis u. I, m n, i,MiinltICiii totho
nraul .11 ul.ivo proxnleil, wlnthor under
tin lulu I 'rot i.nnml I invoriiment of Ore-
, r h,v ,( tillir ,)lft ,.ve 0 iet.
(, ,lU , ,,, (,Bwftor and chll.
,r,., . r,r Uin. of h.. drcrnsed shall Imris.
iuli.1 t.j th,, .hare or inloriils of llio do.
1 1 ami in npi.il propurlions, except when
ih iuisi il Kliisll nlliorwisu disiKMa nf It
,j '. staimn'. duly nud properly executed
I. . . .1 I -U.! ..
m-i nrum-; 10 ui" laws 01 llregnii ; l'ratl.
m--inn prtitnn-o 10 1110 .-iiirvoyor lieneral
"I lln goo, rm-nrd exidenco thai hlsnalu.
laiiraiioii .is 11 ciiionrii uie unitcq rMatea
ins ii. 1 11 1 oinpli toil ; hut if any alien l.av.
his diclaratlon of Intenlion lo
his heirs al law, or piss lo his iloviscM lo
wiioiii, as llio case may he, the patent
.hall issiiu I'rai'iJed.J'urtSer, That in all
( um s proxidnl for ill this section, Ilia do.,
uu.ioii shall e.uhraco Iho land actually1
u'ciipiid uud 1 ulllvnled by the settlor
iiiiuion: fraentui jurtner, That all lu.
turn cnuliaiiH by ny person or persons
1 utillud lu llio benefit of (his act, for Ilia
salo nl thu land 10 which ho or thoy may
bu 1 milled under this act bofur. ha or
limy havo rncilved n put cut therefor, shall
no x unit ;7..t...... iiifthcr, rioiesrrr. That
1I11.1 mil' 11 shall not be no voiKtruidasio