JbmzjSmwi 'M' .wAft-SEW T IT'l VTW-. MI t.J.Vl1;w- i-p . tK','7 "I ,33 .!'" ... jm&A A l' Je- ' ' --r kfytfmmMJfcM I.M bw "r74jm&.'v'''' , 'i (UB m. . ?'BKrL '',' .! jtct ' jn U 'ill .'jj iiJ""S liiii. Anr..tr;r-iT.-,i, lf. .jj- -j-ary argj.v 4-.J.-I .u ..i j - Oregon City, (0. T.,) Ttawdty, December 4, 1850. IX ,.-v. " M l 1 I JIM l m mllaW I oL iFbB Mfin Br -! . ! mj .'H,1B ' ' ZB ' ' W Mm lillJl TV VI t '. llil I m imt m JK WaaBaWaaaaTs eWafJ kB'aBaba ' lBBtMBBV aaaTLaiBB1, k aT WMk M kiaa"' !JM TaaWBaV "4,I,r,M , " . t Ws,""' ' " v Baaaaa aaaBBBasBBBBj -m- aaaaa aaaa '. aaaa ' 5 .W.-wjfAiji amnaM.. " i'ii ....... ,,. .. -....,, ... 1 ., ,..,, , ,-! mini i iii in milii ii m i tiiMi.iini mi lfiiiiutf)iilHl t) .J.M-IINF.BI.Y.KDiroR.) MWiMnirf Ik MM 4 IkBptM MM. IU wy. r U, rUMDfJS -nv.M.UHM mMiMt.iii iiMMwwwiiwiw.iMtwwwmwrwM'T1'juM:rjj"rrJ-i . Vol, 5, 4 I t IPBffIEY. JeMf I.lasl MHB. Mr. lUnam'a elftr vf f U00 (of Ik but sgaf, la lx mb( by Jinny Und, u "UmUnfUArari. r" tlM klfhl if hir Ani .aepiuaBM, bnuft Ml M liaj, Myt lb TrlWiu, lata 143 cmMm tioe. Tb ariii mi awarded lo tin MMwIaf, willlm by Bayard T)leti GRRKTINO TO AMKKIRA. wotaaav uiiu villas iiw tv J. hhhdict. I attar, kh a Ml horl. lb UM at Um WmI, Wban Bmi Hln e'.r wertd U aatalM I WMai aaalf a'tnteanv AlbMlaa la WtHl AMMMliUMnaalltnrtTf(WJ Tha laafaf a aMaalaU, Ik ?, Uk,, . AaJaWMajltaaaUlAiaai WMWaMMMTliMMihly ftiaj datalnt iwaka, AM feaMp UHatJ far wbaM ftaaaan liny dM I TkM Cra af Baaba I Ua wlaa W Um (m That ajw aM 1 my rtm m Hmm, Faj haj a kaaa b Uw bnM af Um Tm I AM laaj at lajf vatoaj a)aH (Uta la Um wa, AM haf aj tkf kaajai iMMJaWi thalr Kin, B. Um haa af tar eWMrt anild u aa, AM art aM bar ltil on tkjr llaaatr of Ulan fWaj Um TribiM: ONO..,.Bt R. II. TO0Dit. I'm laft m aali hajaa ttu, Btjmi Um dark Uaa mill) AM BMaf a avalb may fun tail f Eta I tataia apla i , at BMaUa) tad jut nil eon ol g, A raWaf wtim it Ml, Era I rVf u it yaa D A bam whfcla my lil ! I aaa la fw aa aaaOnra ttmt, Aeajai Um alanay tuna. My calaf MIU la alla Uaik, Ta ate( ay BMga af aaaitg Nit win I aaca rrpal aiy nam AM all Um bm UmI aula If jtm wffl aaly ftra bm bmt A aaM vfcbla ytm baartil A Ml 1 mr MtaMl. Mm MaMtrlyalai fat a aaaaarl to Jwa M la rraaa, aM w Mi. Pvncr, A Ih Him ii cams and M whan tha Prima MloUUf In the llouat t.r CommsM ku drownrd what Motar call.lh blind klttanaof tba Saaalao bv which; I auppoaa. Mooaar imbm lb Buhl inai arn'i lo aaa imi tkta MtMavf lonwry bIhmm kKo ttw Ml, oallwf Ika alaiom of Ika etmHttU lo aaaarata erumbla lo mm Mm flag that' over rlh,--yaa im to aaii tna atleailoa or my al4raof Bnglaad tea aeandal aad abuMat vhleh Lord PatRwraton f M I ballare la hi ncnuri le al lb bottom, aa he lathe Foreign fdce head J an abuse that strikes at llri root of private famillMtirrm not using tx strong language) and violates the dea-eat secre cy or domestic lire I mean a lady's age. Yes, I mutt ask, what I Lor I Palmers ton (if that is his naioe),whit a he about that he abould sutler an Kng'.lshwoman, that pay lexea through her husband, lo be insulted by the rudest, and I will My It, the most unprovoked and moat unmanly question that odd be put lo any genttrwo. man. need i My, a quesuon bat goes lo Inquire a lady's age t Out, Mr. Punoh, you shall hear, and through you all the women of England. Mr. Mower is al this moment abroad. A fortnight ago I made up hi 'portman teau' and 11 him go alone for at I Mid, how could we both go, and leavo the paint, era In Ih Iwum f So he went, of course, aad left me lo be poieoned, aa I might, which 1 shall not go Into at present, nut come to lb affront I hav suffered ; the worst affront that can be put upon a wo man I mean ofcoune, the Intuit put up on her a; ise. Well, Mouser, a I My, being gone I Mouser, a I My, bo Mage together lofUloi get my image logeiner !0 miow him im. mj m any rthnora i aad on boiM (aad If I pride rayMlf a ad If I wide ravMir t-aaa Iking, H Ii that I aarar travel wtUi Ibaa aU traaaa, two haaaot-boi haa, aada idirali basket, oraa boiMaadon Ifllaava hat- nr mtmmmrmtf Miat'a 'inaal ftaay, 1 weal lajgaliiiy paaaajort for Motuar wrote to mo thai they wouldn't 11 m Join; him on &rorog ollwhbout though he never eo muehaa braalhed tb inanlt which, a hb wlfo; Im must hava known would haw bota pal upon me.when left to niyaelf. However, what t writ 1 writ a a warning for Ik wIvm of England, that If inay oo iravei, luey may taaa caro ana go abroad with their habanda,on th aame plee of paper. ''TwOigsononesUlk," aa tba watt My. " ' I want U Iha bauaaof lb Freaoh AM. lawaderi aad; alter waal1 I've aaaHHd, toaallrbaFraaohaalltal Kt I aaaaan U'ealtooawortaa Freaoh rve)auMarl tbairgaHaatry ebot Aay la powder aad amok. JWall, IwaadarVrWBHI. u I thought U a weaial i waa MM la go Into a room; aisd the AmhaMador would bm awl' Oat af aat'ral neaeot for aM Bogland, I had of oorMerMd myarlf with particular care, aMtheagti ikwan not My bow I looked (not but what area tha baaaomeet paoala haVatbelr wall laak lag day aad that wueortalnly net on of My went, f muei any maij -inougw onaii nMd ta appaaraaoMi' batag quit bkww aakaaWr wman I iaut My, air. that aad laaata fcr a oook'e place, laataad of a lady'' tiMpirl, lb French Amba. dor eevld'flt havalrrated ma mora Ilka a bear. Tlw young man mind I hava no prajudloa again! youns mn,u yoong inan, by no meana but I think M Ambat. 'aador oiiflht lo hava a lltlla mora of the prima ol lift, which prime, by Iho way, poor aunl paaoook Mid uaed to vary, be ing now ai forty, and now ai flfty-fivc j aha poor aoul dtclarad heraetf only In htr prime when ah died at iliree-aaore) the young man whtn 1 iwum Into the room at, without oonoalt, I think I can iwlm when I like Iho young man when 1 entered Ih apartment which waa not al all unlike an atlorney'a office, without that Irinl, hp.kln email thai kills de cent people Ika young man, aa MouMr 7i f !" morad a muaUc. I'd heard owbc: pod eooh Mnrple of It at the French Ambaeeedora, IhMl mnet'oonleae I felt for tha moment quite etaggefrd where, upon, lor niy'-nreeene of mind never for. Book me, ana preeeace of mind lo a fe. male, aa dear aunt Peaeook utrd to My, la worth a platol al full-cock whereupon did'nl I draw myaolf up I tbould think I aw i 1 Tbora I atood, and the AmUutdor nar. far an roueh u law fcrt chair; and if lie did'nl look at me; and while with one hand be twiddled a pan a..d with hi oth er Angara coaied a ferrel.colond rnou. taoblo, and Mfled a few hair al the end of hi cblnf ' Self they werea licll.rone.and h could'nt get 'e 'em all the lower ly pull Inn 'em well, If wbllat imuaing lilmaelf in thie way and never eprakina a word.he did'nl actually begin lo whittle ! Well, you may believe my blood rose, and I did begin lo with mytelf a man. However, aa i never forget myeeir, that it before Mraagara,andoulofmyown hou, for wllh oae'e own hoeband, and under tai'i own roof, it'a (juite'a diflorenl thing, aa rm aiwaya coot out, l smiled wnai I felt lo be an lev mile, Mying to myself, tni la in rreaen AmbatMdor; but let's aw! how It will end." Thtre I stood and the Ambassador, going on with hi whntllnc, atired vt me frora head'lo Onl. Yea, from the ritaon of my bonnet, lo the very lop of my Ada. laid boots. Not thai I eared a bit about Ms Marine-. I ahould think not. I've teen a Iktle loo muoh of the world for that not a Ml j for I took bis looke as it I'd been, a aaarbl eiatwei looktea at him acaln. and grvMfblM, I akomM tkaak.a UttT betmr jeaTwfcMaaMri t,,.,. tn,,ii 1.. . imh atariaa-. ha braan. tanaMfcel N, thai I aoaid, a irtaa vry pan him my Bb, be began to write ma down. Whereopon, aa was nat'ral, I looked oompoaed ; for I'd aeen Moueer's paaaport, and though ha'e not so handsome a man aa I might, if I'd only liked, have iiad for a husband, ne'e oy no means, i should Ihink not. the frtaht thev msde. The Ambassador smiled a bit, and went on writing. There o my eves upon the paper," aaia I lo myaeir, as he looneq ai me i and. whether or no. I did feel ;em . --'r... .. twinkle. "And that my now, I'm sure of it," tor it suddenly burned so ; and that s my mouth," and I could'nt help smiling at the thought, " aad that' my complexion," for I felt a flush, "and that's my hair and now I'm finished." And having giv en my name, of oouree. I thought It waa all over, when the Ambassador, u if ho had been Baking for the cool r it thing In lifo, Mid, in a sort of English thai even a poodle might be ashamed of "Whatls your age 1" " What I" cried I, and they might havo heard me In the street. " What 1 your agtt" Mid the Amba. aador one more, twlstlnshis ferret mous- taohw in such an aggravating way thaH.LfcfoK u or j raji oouia nave 10m n oil. i nU.ll ..Ml !..... Ill l.l.l.... I HlllIUI, llllllMI OIIU lll.l all he got out of me. "What 1 Madame'a asep Mid tbe Ambaaaador, beginning lo laugh. What aaaeattaa fir a palHa '.f iaaaV mm r aahl I leMjhlag mT Ajfc a kv dy'a atafaTiBawar' I bmM kkw;atadam' ag," aakt tha AMbaakedor. '. -' "V - IT Ilka yoa iaa),'' aatt 1 aM yoallbaewaotkkages'aboaart:'' "Thoa Madam eaa'l go to France,'! Mid lb Ambaaaador, throwing down hi pn " What I it to Frano how old I am t Franoo I very curious, Porhapv I'm flr-and-twcnty,"aaldl. Flv-and.iwaMy," cried tho Ambaa aador, aad whara he lMrnt tha word I can't toll, " roppoee, Madam, for porl, we go double or auhat' , My Uaed did bell, bat leant rivad to My T-fiailjr &ada' iaid-th. brul. be gtaay tograC-HtmuM have yoar Wak'taAMULthrowlaaTmr rail alt hiikt j tMiilai IiIm In In Till niinti 'MWa7Kkr' my fcMi aad taaa what yoa afaaax ot that." . da awV TaMarH aWsHHalaBM vrarMV BrawRavHaVl aad gave m. my rmmti wkiak I did not leak at, I waa htSWN, Ml I'd mum myaMrMmy room ataaaM.' Would yen believe It Wheal an. fcldad tha paaeport, I aw withta nry dee, eriatleaj ' r f-rV. ftAaaa whkh fa tha Viwaah fcr ''Age!" - '' al aoMr, Pach, not araa to you will I ravoaltha iaaull tnatia baaa put upon No, rieavalt for my fellow-iieU tiatai guiHi tw wUh it, this wanting not ot WfWl -9-SBHM have a paaeport port fcr IMnwalfie, My nothlni about y do go abroad, to go ot i, kot fer inan iney yea ra but wiK-n they do n on Ih Mm sheet with UieTr huakande, Your,' insulted, Amu Movsia. ' The Honeysuokle. Rsstoiixo and raiMavmo mi Starr. A friend who had read ih fcilowfaif valuable ilamofloforr.iatlao.bul who had lorgoiien waion way lo ton hi tymf' for low or eight by age, requested aa yetter.' day lo republlab tha process. It k aa M Iowa -.1 For Mar-etgbtedn, cloM tha Pmm tha'faaiere awotl' Ikaari ntwrd, acrose Ik eyes. Tftfe the pupil, aad ihua'langtheas or' the angle of vision. TMe abould aevoral times a day, till short 1 overcome. For lose of eight by age, suofa a repair magni.vlng glaaaae, paat tha ringer aad lowel from the outar corner el tha eyee inwardly, above and below the eye-ball, preeaing gently against them. ThUiuanst them up, and preMrvM or reetorMfha sight. , It has been already said thai Iblafl nothing new. The venerable John QoW oy Adam preeerred biadghtin rtWway, in full vigor loth day of hi death. Ha told Lawyer Ford, of LancaeM', waa wore gteates, that if he would rnaaalala us eyes wim nu nngers, ireniar ye lernal angles Inwardly, ho woald aa y, aa woMaaaaaaa (laaee.' Ford triad able lo dispsnae with all It, and won restored Ms eight perfectly, and Iim since preserved It br the eontlna atlon of this pracllce. f Faaatsfrwalsa. We publish the foregeuig, becauM, If true, ii mem an in mmierty that aaa be given (I. Bat wWet publkdilaf, we have doubts as. to IbahbllibHiiy oftha recipe, ii is new tone that wr. Adam " proMrved hi dgbt in tbla way in fall vigor to tbe day cf hk death ;" bat It ia not new, mat many peraoaa have retained their visual fccukiee Utile or aoaa imaaar. ed, to the age, or beyond k, lo wbfeh M?. Adama attaiaod without airy of tbie lav nriac aad maniaulatlon. Wo are afraid ibat tna ramady fa rather to ia)o hi ha Btaaaal, or if k fa, why ha (I aaa baaa INoaaaaV pWMlO WBk aMMV laaaT UM ' mm m iaa i Whyaau ia torm,wj remody. aad that Ha would bo haifad aa.ft i tor by all iho nMraiahtri inaunaarabla. f we ara of uVsm'1 but light aad sight, Mr. Faff, aaaJ t Iho agfictod) will oront to yoar M monument made of th (raaMaf 4 ed spectacle. QhU. Ltji UroaTiirr Ciaa. YeMerdar. TaH Court of Common Plea, aa lajunellai i a curious nature waa beard by Jada raraons. it aapear inai mraai ws oi new.i ora eaierea law aa. as with etsht or tea oeraoaa to m to i In California, under tho tklaaf thtl Minlnir Company. i&jV'y. Waring was to pay aaab i and all tbe exoeneta to Baa 1 wm to 'receive In return MJ dust collected by th One or Uw eompaay anddepoiltedlnthell dust, ywarlner aafca : rratraln the depoakor l iaa i.i. h.- . On tha MhwlMtaVi company m bam taakl Z?& fmvi ! twovaani: it what eourM itkMiuM wjfal wm oblalaad with ftr twoyaara, lagaly entitled to oao-halt'Tkajla j anraao ana aaia unor aavi court. irmi. wfatrtr, tit J A MoMma Taaa A CaWbaaJa iwMBadenl of tho Salna Omm (. WOJMk My IBM UN. 1MBBM loraMnroi iewunowa .rum. irM of tha Radwoad aaaehav wMoa mi two faaaraa aaa aaryti Ml u mmmmm-iwm waa bm iBaaAar aaM:laaMMal iaald bvMri wa aajt, wieMj m $$ SUlSSttXtl tweMy4wolMiaYraMBMfaa arm Bveaarata oakalfaakfrajB MaUktyaardtofwaad. Tbaal Wflv awHJ aT r" 1 waoWJTWf I glo fcr Mo par tawuaad, the tow mt sbaMad.aad tha reaaii of tha wMwaaid TMaWyiaUlaAfai fcrwed. M fcM par earl r tkaa, J MraaaaaioaH TCHI WQn"jB lwaw ' wMaftMwavWaM Lw'w " i priaarfal larail the neat little ai t,ao. t,iT. v, 4if, ThtRNkM Naairi, ' About fhrty year tlnce, yoimg man la the neighborhood of Drogheda, Inland, pw " aaorcaaes 10 a young woman to a vi Hrmer'a daughter: and alihouib lilt au IMUfon were not approved by her friends, yet h encouraged him to hoe, and even- lawiypromieea 10 marry him. Ilia clr. eamatancea not beina tha hi ami k.tl.. lag he might Iruat I? her fldelrfy, ha wm faollaed to defer lb ceremony until bo eeeM get a oMnpetence or raffcienl to make her oomfortaUe. bm !(. lu. aeaakl after by many, pressed bar aareau M decide, and bellevfiiaT hie delay ansa I R . a . .a a a,. I would marry lbs Ant man who I aek ber. He.'ihlnkrna her decla. rarOM from k Sudden canrice. eara. faaely loM her lodo eo, and the parted In ine muier or Muuroot waa a i, wann. nuuuir.uou naoneior. Muni in M appearano and Scottish In his man. MR, witnai uaviog ine name of mo- ney aad a eomlorlaHa situation In the mill, ha wm far from Uios an object of indif- to in parent or unmarried re. wfawarmwihIfidlgnatlonagaiBaiJamM fcr what aba eonaUtrad hi falMbood. coo eeased to marry Nan t and rtnaaMwd that ii might b dona aa soon aa poaalbl, no Ikaa wm loot everything wm prepared for the wadding and Wore tb expiration of iweety-fcur hour aba was bis wife. , A incog tbe guests invited, James waa not fcrjettea ; perhaps she wanted to an Joy a'aW of triumph ovar blm, aad prove aha eeald marry without him. lie ailaad. af, hat wm downcast aad MrrewfuL la. king no part la lb beistorM"BMrriaMal Mgeaeral at country weddings, eiad af aaariag to pay no attention to what wm oeiaag arouaa mm. Aiur u erte aaa retieed; her husband, the Millar, haviag iaMgod rather freely, wa aarrfadiaa BMa-af faMaeibfllty, aad bid beanie her. aad the Ifcht ktagiMaoved, aha had fall labmraJa rii(l on her batty ai'ainl lad raaVt laiajtt of JaaMe,.who ah new her baait..aliaaaMB he -TfJJf'v ftii S,i t i w li-iifii' a.l ft tilkiaai sMlea. Having leag regarded Mary with a wMfut eye, and been often proposed for bar acceptance by her friaade. ah ow. JmMwmmmK i you hare, it .will kk'wea mum lMvo,or 1 willoall , Mary, for my heart b, break l 4- UM Inaleted be should Imv ber, IBMlTtJ no ot ber answer inan I eant, my heart fa bnakiag V h ha rank exbauoted on tbe bed. Mt alarmed, called aloud, aad y coming in louna aim oeaa at loot hi oMtt having really All was now coafaaloa. lib) conveyed to his residence, a few ant, and his mends having In to restore blm, be waa laid out faVaractice then was lo putt lie body Mi beard' that Is, on plank laid on uaVr frame of a large table, over a anon wne piaceu wnion, railing aivar the end and sHea, entirety eon. I lha eerpaa on the Ubfa'tbey eia- awe, wmooo, mmo. aw. hih fcr two day, aad all the neighbor. i aoor Mary the object of ibelr 8b never talk tbe apartment. tat aMMlngly uaceaeoioaje of every. aad bewildered with angnlsh. r, on the aeeend nltht. the wm Mt the bad len her home unperoelv aad had gone no on kaew whither: rah could not be .found after the ; ararch, It wm supposed she had fhemalf' In the river. maralpg prepamiMeM were made jam, out on proceeding to put l-MBa, tkey found the rr. dsad)jtda-hla latolaa, anperoalved, aador lha ta. i aavMg manaaiea Mr arm enoer L aad Braeod hi arm amnnd bar Sal, la that position, id adieu to arrow. , How remains to be told. They Itaried In on gravo In Milllfont Ab. aad although tbeywero In lifo aepa- i la dMth they were not divided. M Oimkait Licattnt A neat little , apparently about nineteen, mvs the ick Herald, a fcwdaya ago entered inni towi im lamoTing nor Don. 'iaaaJred if Dr. Bradley Taylor wa !. .al. .., u . L FTba Dowor, who wm present, prompt. ipoUUiy'lMpoadedin Iho affima- i you. My the lady, the eentlemin tr to have fcr. Governor t aaadaai, eava the doctor, with' t oonfUsloo.there hM been some coo. i on that subject. , n you are tb vary aeatleman I ., liar yea any Licmuu It iim am i will you have a rttallm tliettutl I will do, Doctor; lament I WW imiciMitan. dratHiiailB Wherraa lb pasfleof CalMsrnaa have prMatd aconetkatfaa aad aaked adauo aion late the Unfaa, whkh beaetketfaa wm eubtaUadtoCMraaa bv UkaraaL deal oftWDaiied tkaMe; by msii.dal led February IS. 1M0; aad wieofe. ml aaoae amiaauM, w lawaa m pe raHta la J . . r a ai m " i f . . T it Bay orgavsramtat t gHaaMiby th 01 B)BBfOBBBBBBJ0eOr AMerieaMCoagtwja ai iafawna, a larraeiarwJa eMM Amrfaa, ... ... ..v . 9.OTlfM mmSt mt 7at .CL-1 ;CJI aaVaaCLM. wVSHXOSlaaliS li-homqi Sm. t. Aad bo ft rurrber "' "lift ll l rrr i iiinltlli ii Is ballWBpaoftionedaewrdfagtoaaaalaV al Maraeratioa of im iakibfcMijalf tto Dnkd ftalM, fMMaMofH'latt, " " w laimwBiBiiiaaai van- grr. ! ec. I. Aad be k ranker eaa-todr- iobi ine sbm bom ov vuuaraia m aaaa led lato tbe Unioa eird iba eaaeaas'aaa.' ttrztrzt WmlmJJSSm nofawaaddoaoaMwhaltMMr ike UaHH Btatae to, aM lWfM,l vi, laBMiaBaaaii Boiaiaa)iraaea;qeBBjita ed, and they aUII ker lay aayTSaTi aananenoi any oaagTUUea upoaUmpiiHIodamahofthotfj aad la no ou ahall aoa-iaakl it aaa'aili JPIH;. 4a5kM, ton, who ara citlaeaa of (be Uakcdlhatea, be taxed hlgfiertMaiwaUeM; aaa). that an tbenavLiabl WMarawltafa lha rata ahall be 'eewaaeei hfahwara. aad ever free. aa'waU to )M laaabfeaaai af aid alau m w the ctUaaai oTJb UaHed SUfaa, vwMmm aay bis, iMer'dwly Iberefor-iProvMed; TbMBMhblMM6 oeataiaed shaU'U.oonetnied M.reoogat-iai- iTTrrlirHlaa lbs nriiaiBaiiiaiiiasiii?! by the aeopU of.OaHfcraU aaaniefaa'af UWorntaiBM alistil by th watea aaraaaa aaa rWeeeaUtetfaa nfthatiiata" ' $- ' i" l" jui jli . ' I'm 1.7- OAt areaeM.iaBaa BaaaaJeef tba BBwIaaMM Miif aaMMO1 aja.t- "" - r?''iv"',rw,T "BaTmT -BBaaaWaaM IkW 'IbaaVeaaaTAkaTafaaaaalaaaaWaTinBTafJM aaaWaatoaa r . u&aaal zWffts, fagjIroM the prfae! non.intervoBtion i to Oen. Lewi Cat. Mmmi. DioUaeoa. and Brkbu a-d all Nonbem.ajaiWara.BMeiberaoJ Cba giM who agree with them; for the bold aad atateataasllka maanw La wklab thev hava opposed the Wflmot provfao,,aad that we tender them our bumble. aed of j praise tor lb warm regard they have maaueaiea nrine perpetuauonoi tMUnna oftbeM aute. by aarryiagot the eoaoti. tutioo Mil nowslaada. The reealutioM or the commltiM were adopted Mparately auu "j irg9 majonira. A Miaacta in Mixico. A letter writ lea from Colotlan. In Mexico, on tba9flrd June Imi, autea, that whilst theeaoiera waa raging at that ptaoe, aa faBge of It NfohWM ToknMoo had baaa hhatiiilin abed tear, which were very aarefuHy wtpaa away whb eetaaa j aad thla larfar WMdistribaled u anriofaMi roMe.rto la. dfaaaadotheta. The neoola Mid thM af. let th Saint had abed (Mrs, tha detog of wMcKevideMlv aa aM -' ' tba onoiani aogan io ojauaM ta vieieaea, and in a tew days had almost entirely dfatp pMred. Itkadded.tbatafullaadfcnn account wMtraaemkted of thla mirael lo tbe Bishop of "nr-'alnisra ' arrrnnMaUit by all tbe proofa aad atjaatatloaa? aM to give I)m nlatfaa lae dajtof an bftclal aew mm am u en oawinwroica or quesuon diwreafter. . ' Thedfaappoaraaee of the cholera may be believed without reeeana to the ravir- vewtloo of a Mint. A lrbe mlracleTev. ery oaa can think aa bepleaaea, u folks do about the Bohir Oboat Mary. ww mwRtQfltm ViVwTa Movnjurra or DatTmevmaan Paoru. Among tbe peaMagara ia tba ateaawhlp Georgia, ealled oaTVaeday, for New Or- leaoa aaa uaaarraa, mm, a. saruen, Esq., Chief of Boundary OMMalealoaan ' LUbi. A. W. Whipple, Col. N. T. W. Chandler ana peny, en rowe mr t?i nun. Among thoM In' the Cherokee, i Mr. Anson Dart, of Wfaeeaehj, the aawly an. pointed Bupsrlataadeel of ladfaa Alklm, for the Territory ofOrMoa. Mr. Dart fa charged by the geveraeteat, wkh lha eol- leoiioa ot iBjoratauoa reeaietuas the re. ourcee and eapabilltfaa of the new Ter. rttory. jr. x.nmrn., The PUmmik Qmmt. aa data furnUb- ed by the eeaeaa tahere, Mthaelss tha populalfaa of Piileburgh aad rarranaivlag lowaa at btjqw pstma. aaa ot ae tv 1I8.TMP Thla fa aa iaireaM of 80.0M ia tea yean fcr the whole eouaty. It mv ft wBl no daabtbe ma, when the reUkenaallyakWd,iaattMtaaraaM ortho euy aaa aatieaa wbji aa at ieaM one hundred per oeat ia tea yr or, ia other word, tbe population bM doubled since th ctniusonsio. .v . .' mmmmm m mmmwrn, m mmmammmmmm f. ariaalali far eaaaw tha iamb mimWF&MfSmmm aaMMaaaakaBaMaatoaiaaaaa rVB?.BSBT "f Jgggrf g mLmHZmmmmmm7Zm, rr.- r 1L' IJB) " BMH1 WMIia. -raBtt MHI ind returalM ibaaha rjSmTT1 l'm"mmVm9m Daafal Wabatar. &J,V1mfmWmm iW;laWWIBf UlaMWUaaHaMMtaaaaaMt &lULa I mmvwgmf'WmMfWm Wttmmt TmlHtmil ttai kl aadtheCaMfcrnfa: $?' b7 " f4Lw -r win cireaiaw aaea aaaan. weekly b,bbw oeaia, wtafa gateaaaaal elroaVufaai efTba Trlbaae wlM be l,NMgjl AttbanroMMtfaMtheaaM atua and a halfef .type. ad aa weekly Mvea aad a half laaaaf and ISO lb, offal, hiald Mhw ad riM la proportfaa. The done oaoMef HMeFwar. et, the coat of whfah wa which fa driven b a Ma4 gfae of the omm aather. weekly etneadkaiMaf tha 3,wew, (ai tae rawar waa pan HMPel HM WBMav'klftHBMB aHHIK ftHHr BinoeTaeJfaH1aaswai and iu form obsagtd to ikatefll bonoon jw raaa, a aieaeare wi involviac a atsillauiMMofi proved allctlNWaaadaaaavWto'j'ajgaa alary wnae ft haaea M,aBBBMaxfamry ler. by wktehweamaaaaaakBfaaaeraawe . exclusive of aeerikeeaM. TteZaadba alaaw eoatalaa daily, lariatled'of aaVer; ' 'aWMBBf aaaa IvflUS aW 'WaHft MH 1 K BTAeaarWBTevaMaTajFHIHVBV vaseafsBVVlVVkaaTeVa'' lar wiiiaatraaM Mlaiaatowaaaaaafai , all, ooMalMaMemf. .TbkaMaMf1 that T If tmtmiHSm, fcr ayeM.'. oron caiiaga week toOtyMnaMrl. ben, or two oeat a, taenia paper, fceafabv J m nearly m Mh rMMae BMHeraeak endea 7anM fcr Mt, or bto 'aaaH. ft aie le paper, aad net eajy gitee Ito aejaiVii Ira mora valMble iwaeaaaTthaaraMf !.' er paper, Moept the fcaraeeatjaw.aleaf London, but ia la fact Ik CUmt Jmnml. x faaWwerW. .. ITfaJwttf ItOaai Imb regalaily sbtee ditloae oa in tha aMratog, whaVh la thM Mrved le Cky aabaaribani Mwial lb o'clock, P. Maad aaa aHtFjHf Taovau Dt PirraaeaaaTee laafW t t or ntisburga aaviag m rnmj.mm mm mltted a namWr oT vegiaato to jeJjs ka aauiriaT ragtMd ia aaaarBj ttaajLtHH aaa Mayer arteatedaad aWailaMbiTdB) aamof my Miwwi tfabiiw T olBWesweaMeaTwW eawp wvBtaawpPfg b'PJUawwBTP Bfirwa JBwlB aBB BftW wdW V"VHMPwV i aald their miptlia treaid ; jaaaBaaaBi toihahMliherbMtoa w ., ' . z. aag V I'lL'rgTBr'aTMBfaTBTBTBTBTBTBTBaaWr' Mr.MJBreibajaiaMaafJBMjiBgVQP'.:iiV m 'agMadlMaM gBatl SaTaVaTakaWaaT waaaiilKlBm " t1 M Jfl asTaTsTaTalfJay.iejBra'aTa BmWJ-mfQIMImmmmwIMmmmmmmmm. . wflr" ewiMgiiiii, wlbMaKt v, -"1 iishltj iiiaIi.laa).MhBjjitlijiaJi f&' '1 of omarai leaar--aai Mlaslai IkaaaTal'' ;-"- VMOBI IBinMBB, ffajJBMBBBBmaaa, bbbbt ,w , j aal a 1 1 lm7M&mWmmmM ,", r , -:4 mZmTlmWmmjSX aaUl aow k gieoiil lffilr--lW laylwattj aad m?igmJ ??&"M Wlkltlt&tW6 Wlt&lmmlmmmmmmmmi - vi'.:ii.'c -- - - -- .a-afal--JfL Tm3 mm la omml,Amwrmfivl0 Jm&m&th h v';l Wi)wfaVfi to pMlMwlliAHiHAMb M wMkOag WWaftf ynUMfmW QaaaiJ Ma Hf Cjpl laaaaastat BaSafaTaaaatlUaByaBfaTaW-i iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaaaaaKaaaaaaaaaaawl ' 3 m4Mmmm i i 1 1 jTiMlall r p Trjjyafalaaajafaweatr M aJeato Bafc;jSBa hj r""" fUBatfjaaaaaftfaaktaadPlf ' ''' iJtaMtai WBIWI BBBBBB waaaBiBBal w olrialailiB at mmmm MMatiBMikaWaaUTlS tmmm '.kV.'.'I t aam'aie ' i n i ' iu ir ftTaaCarkiva Hatold lawtltolee fi ii!!8rr.wiL,?aeJ M inan aa nu tpyn vva HaaaaaaataMijw i' Bullion, wne My no 5'fi?'.'-i ' ;? J lemwrai an uw ilia. -aa waaaaw. - m r a ";Kv- -;J . feb 7; i Al M m "3J &&"14 fWs ,-i ...j-, T . T"., ;w L'tiffS &&f Skdi ..;' i