Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, October 24, 1850, Image 2

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, TIi
AY, OCT. 94, lM.
cotiksaaateetton of C. S. h
m). TtWt are three reason
Ik In the first pita
i . thai wc. did not nnbliah
of Mr. Thsreton with th view
typrarsfe m endless discussion; but
jcly:' because
'mmum II tts.fl hmriwn m nllhllA
lb production of a pub-
lie oftotr, tati tu a mallet of publio coo.
eaea Im balan lb delegate in Congress.
to NMMt IM Interest or the territory
( th atoead placs it U clothed in too
I" it l written in tn un.
I employe throughout too
o&eolorsxrtt either
1 tk awbar or the I
r or the Spectator.
la th tain) place we have not the time
ssr.writkendpulit in a shape suitable,
far UN press. The author widely mis-
th object of a newspaper, if he
mi h to is a mere machine, eotten
f htfktjmtfomly spreading abuse, or a
aalB),Mtagh sMch the members of a
7.r I. "
if be privileged to villily
on hand, ind at ilie
sriat is
J-. J VS.S.T .' "-.'
jJrJVWrm.mmtmM to hear from
H Im and
i upon
ia the
rBTjl wU69 Mt
sm akaxtistv aaaVU
rabtve, wttptit
I laa s xpMttira
RaMatta"vif yea
i Mad lajwtter than
ts)asVr? io.Mr.v,LowBdlt thought
that k was better to acceri the Vd to car
ry it aoaa way, in ts much it it was the
only proposition made to carry it any way
W hope this will be deemed sufficient to
exculpate the special agent from all blam
in the matter. He says thai he done the
best he could do under the circumstances.
Fin Esgliu. Mr. Thurston wishes
us to sttte to the people of Oregon and I.inn
cities, that a first rate fire engine, hose
and all can bo purchased ind landed at
Oregon .city, for not exceeding $700, in
eluding ireighls, insurance, c. Me says
if the property holders, hero ind in
city, will raise the money for onefr two
engines, and foiwird it, he will-fie at the
trouble of purchasing and sending the
tame direct, toe first opportunity. There
have not, it is true, been any Ares
here, but there is no securitity sgiinst
such visitations. A little timely preps.
ration for tbeurpote of greater terurit;
might be
d'tnttgeously considered it
We do not wish, however, to
this time.
dictate totbe people here ; hut i fire, were
v ... . . ,,
it to occur, would find our city illy pre.
psred lo fight igiinsl il.
ArrinrilATinNs rou OiI'.om. The
present Congress bis ippropristcd for In.
dUn matters, Publio Buildings and Ter.
t.i fik auiuui iv. .
ItVIMll UWIRI, w.,V",..
thai prejon Is deemed worthy of such no.
It U distributed as lotion t ; '.ilililioual
apprapriatiaailor lidlsnmstlon 14,000;
wh,.h added to, he .80,000, previously
ppropriiled. makes 50,000. For pub.
lie buildings, W. nsJ i,)0 Tor the
tiiorarymsaing in an sn,uw.
i iTh brig Desdcmont, belogmg to
Mvitrs. Abernethy, Clark as Co., made
the quickest trip, but oae, ever made from
Nrw York lo Astoria. She left New
Yn'k la lOth dsy of May, and arrived
at :oria the 20th day of October. Slse
is on her way up lo this city. She con
freighted with goods principally for Ihe
firm, and will land wjtbtn four miles of
ter Since the rain, hive subsided, ths
river ha. receded here several feet. It is
predicted, by those, who know, lhe prog, j
nestioaMra of course, that Ihore will be I
fin weather for a month to come. If we
had had fiie management of lha weather,
wa could pat havo made it more pletsant,
than lha Dispenser of all events, has seen
At tofcvor ua with, during lb pail fiurnr
(ire days
Ssro!rSl-""Ti'--' '
3&k .y&Mrwr-'T' . :
? ,r vvy (jfr lju,- rr
"' VV -VaaataaaaaaV-aaBam
aafVlnt' " 'aaaasaaaswwse.asjisj
W8. -'P?,W,
E -.4P' MtN90W&7B&T1J
LaaK -. nJA WaaaaasWPtealamTTfWPPI
W-f f Ji ' t.J aaaVMHIfiwfflx
KYru?; -immmMr
P jAJt ! esaamaBBBBBBBtaaaastn
fer 'JiiSWaaiWWia
' asaW'aMM
law la tala bay bad quite a bensti-
ylll ! upoa "Vsgsttliaa ; the wbeUsur.
m earth begins to wear the ep.
dtmft all Mture.aari were,
it Manioc up afresh. This i rather a
novel ighlULone whohas tiTeil all hii lire
in a latitude law north, by several degrees
, but more frigid and destructive ; where,
at thit season of the year, we were accus
tomed to tee vegetation and the foliage in
the "tear and yellow leaf." " It is now
the tMih day of October, and there has not
been a frost sufficiently severe to kill the
green leave of the trees, or even the most
leader pleats. This will give the Mks
at a distance tome idea of the delightful
climate we enjoy, on the Pacific. It li
true we are shut out, in a great measure
from the teeraf; but nothing daunted or
weighed down by this, our people are
cheered with the hope, thtt wc wilt hav
a teerM of our own, or that the country
will be t world unto itself.
Wedo not mean, however, in the Stmtk
Carolina ncceMtlion of the term Orecon
I j. destined to be the great germ of the Pa.
eMo, wbere, aTno distant day the greet
, interests of the Pscific must concentrate.
California has led off in this matter ; the
excitement was kept up by misreprcscn.
ution ; a reaction has taken plscc and
the tottering fabric ia fist sinking into in
significance. Oregon requires no such
meant to keen her afloat. The noble riv.
ersof limnid waterthat course the mien,
' or the rich vtllies that lie on either side
the heavy forests of timber of the finest
growth and the mild and healthy itmos
phcre that ever prevails, ill conspire to
render it one of the nwt delightful coun.
tries on the globe, It only requires to be
seen to he appreciated. The icorn, and
grass covered hills of the country above,
and the thick 'matted growth of bottom
grm below, relieves the fsrmers of ill nc.
ceuity in prepiring provender for their
stock during winter.
Tboippcarinco of the country at this
time, rcmiSsU us more of the approach of
spring, thin the idveot of winter. Sua
is the nature of the climate, we ire told,
thtt grass continues to grow all winter.
In in agricultural point of view, (we
were raised on a farm ourtelf ) Oregon has
not, we verily believe, its equal in North
America. Not oaly are the prices of stock
aad produoe immensely high, but the
st ywav tor the smallest imount or
as hart, awarded to the laborer, of
hav ever lived in. We
do not wish to be understood aa favoring,
in the least, a diminution of labor on the
part of our producers ; that seems too well
impressed already but there Is no coun.
try where libor is so much respected.
Aristocracy has no abiding place in the
territory. From the highest to tho lowest,
tho most exalted and the humble, all have
tkeir influence. In other words, tl,o great
democratic principle governs our every
wslkand conversation.
A sensitive lady, residing In the upper
, whose nimo we forbetr to men
tion, his been giving us "flu" about that
"ThnlhKg Tale, wo published a few j
weeks since. She believes we are nolh.
ing more nor less than a crusty old bach. '
elor She does not believe a word of the
tale. She Ihrestens to slop her paper, if
we dont quit publishing such "tluf about
,. . ,. tr l it l -. . .
Ihe lid.es. We shall mike it point lo ,
piyher lidyshipi special visit some fu.
ture diy; ind endetvor to mike her think
better of us. ''Hooe she is not married."
Asa selofTw the other wcpublish the sub.
I . , . ,, .. . , .
joined, probacy the reasoning is stronger :,,
Important lotkr Uditt. Lidies should f
be particular to nave their shoes hiir t
sizesmallor than their feet, and bo also
.very careful, in case any questions ire
r'JJf,.tt ,0 " M,"8 ,0 "M "l;
"Uiiaeir, no: iney re muciuooiirge.
they're much too lire
dy WM cr known yet to wear a tight !
far if M m iriMI ritfllf kafhl larl lha, nn la. .
'shoe. Tlie aoles of ladies' shoes shoald
t do mane as imn a possioie, lor it stands ,
"'soh mey .... BOo apw, iron me ,
,0 w,.r xhem OT ipog ,h, ,.
, to her bed, or In doZl
ter An acquaintance at our elbow, up
on being interogated as to what was his
occupation it present, replied "wWai'bj"
after being further interrogated whether
he aside il profitable, answered in Ihe neg.
alive that " there were too many en.
gaged in lhe business."
Varjkiv Stow. Ollendorff, Wolf 6V.
Co., say that they have a variety of srti
I clui not ususlly kepi in country towns.
And this viriety will
bo increased from !
lne t0 ,iino 0 , t0 m,cl ,ho dcm,nd, of
I lh .,lc. Their advertisement ma v be I
I i
fol)nr n another column
ter According lo.a table in the Boston
Courier, it appeirs lint lha recent wir
with Mexico cost the United Slates moM
in round numbers thin the list war- will
Great Britain. Thn Utter is slid to hate
cost hut MM5,00n, while lhe former
caused an expenditure "f M,1l)lP0O.
IsstaMf rsitits ia tsso NaMtalai.
From some of the Immigrants who have
just arrived, w lei m that then were some
fifty wagons and teams ia the mountains.
We regret, very nmcii.tnai during th
snow storm of last week, that Urge
number of the rattle, belonging to the
teams, perished. The situ fell tn the
depth of 10 inches, which so completely
covered up the little grass thrro wis, ind
which, together with the fatigue incident
to traveling, proved too much far the weik
condition of tho stock ; many of them tank
town, never more to rise to the bidding
smsck of the well spplied thong of the hsr
ilv end way.worn traveler
ii.r. k-u .. S.....J...
...... ......... - ......,
list, ami some thirty horses, loaded with
provision, fte., were despatched the next
day to relieve tho suffering. On Tuesday
morning in additional number were sent
out. It is to be hoped they will retch them
in lime to prevent much suffering (mm
want of food. The broken down cosdl
lion of tho remaining stock, renders it im
possible for aomo of them to proceed on
their journty. They will uad-rj!,,
nwvvMiy oi rriiMinwg wnsre iny air,
until I hey cm receive such lid from heia.
s our good citixeiu miy be prompted to
give. We ire hippv to Mr that the right
, , . . " , h
kind of spirit prevails her.-. No sooner
hid the informition rrarhr.l here, thin
immediate steps were taken tn rescuo them
from want. Hood ou.l efficient men hive
volunteered lo pciform the task, who have,
in sll probability, ere thn, rampleied this
praiseworthy undertaking.
We hive been informed that the cmen
ol rortland hive estiblished lino or hotts
, from thtt plico to the Dalles for the ex.
I press iccommodalion of tho immigrants,
The far better plan is to rid the wigoas of
I all extra liggige and passengers toe.
I The teams, be they nrtcr so stout, will
find it load enough lo draw over the moun
I tains the empty wigons, cirrying nothing
mora thin the liltle provision thtt may be
needed for the trip. If ihe line of boat is
established Is an let of huminity, the
good people of Portland deserve our high,
est esteem. Hut we have not been adti.
ed as to holhcr it is in set of humility
or a plan ot speculation
People from other ptrta ol the territory,
tre on the lookout for Iheir relatives and
friends. Now, that the immigrants have
got within reaab of Iheir assistance, It be
hooves our people, generally, to avail
themselves of this chinco to do good to
wards their fellow.mtn. The trials,
difficulties of such a journey, are
to you all ; although you may not have
had many favors of this kind shown you,
whensimilatlvcircumstancrd. You bad,
probably, the best the country could anord
i at the lime. It is your duty lo do the beat
you cm now. The people of Oregon City
have done nobly may we not' reasonably
expert liko good deeds from other qaar.
ters f
The editor of the Alia California will
,e fan at somebody's expense. The
cruel fellows in tho lollowing extract adds
insult lo injury.. We would like lo see
t atrinr 0f tins In soma places wa hare
Flea-.. The Pic. of last evening, in a
pleasant article on an unpleasant subject,
suggests a a remedy for the annoyance or
fle" ,h,,1 J'" nd horn for their
w i and daughters to kill Ihem. W
h0 0tct l0 lhe wirei tnd j,,,.
ters. but our Teir is tint they would U the
victims ralher thin Ihe flea. And Ihe
idea nfa speckled wife and spoiled daugh.
"' n" altogether agreeable-.
Almost the only consideration of com-
- , , n(i.n,B .,. i... ... !, .1...
1WI infernal pests, where il swept, got
cpt, sot
such a tieiutllul scorching, we teir
there is nothing short or in entire confli.
gralion that can completely demolish their
reign nnd our silvery.
rr Om Hpsctaiw
Balbk.Oct. 17,1830.
jytr gfagf.
, j, woodored here who is lb author of
,he M,,riignoa Plume," In tb Saeota.
" 'iUllJSTk. u.ufZ
IMllX ' .'hi'. S
tentive readers of the paper. Th question
Is, what is tho Object of tdopting such
signature? Cm you not throw some
light upon the subjeot, and by that means
gratify the curiosity of
The author ol th above lias taken loo
much for granted. It is an invariable rule
with editors to 'observe secrecy in juch
millers. Editor.
'"' 'ul 'ron "'"" brought into th air,
IJer I II hkd been for miny yeirs under
.. ""ii. '". T, 'TIa ell .Z i
I Miry Rose, which sunk in a nivil en.
asifiiiu (rfsatisiwii vans wvio laiH'i iiviii ansv
J gigrinent neir the Isle of Wight In July,
lain, neiriv :hhi years belore. llio
hills til became hot on exposure lo lhe ti.'
md fell to pieces Tho east iron gratings,
after being long immersed in lhe porter
vils in lha Urge breweries of London,
grovt hot when iho porier is drawn o(T,
from a similar Mine
Frew Wasalagtaa.
WismxaroM, Aug. 0, IBM.
Kiitor SpeUttr :
PisThe steamer Willamette sailed list
Monday, from Wilmington, Delaware, di.
reel for the Columbia river, where she Is
expected to arrive In January next, to en.
ter upon her regular trips from Astoria via
Vancouver, Portland, Milwaiikie and Ore.
gun City, hrn the water will allow it.
Tie long-looked for election of Missouri
hss ixme on". As far ts heart! from, threo
whigt hive been elected to Congress, ami
the ahlgs have carried lha legislature ;
-tuiieuently, Benton's re-election is out
of the question. The inti-llcntonista hive
taken nothing by their motion, it these
tthlos am ohiHurd, is is llenlon, to the
"":"' "ulllfi-- !t i' supposed Hall
1)(y i, rt..,jrc.(.,t though tho opinion
wl-,nK ,I14nv t ,, ,(, w,i(,, mrp ino
entire Delegation in Cungrcu. This Is
, considered a very important fact, becmsn
it is supposed the next Presidential elec
lion may be a scrub race, end, consentient
ly, they, the electors, may go into the
House, in which event lht Missouri eteo.
tion, just passed, may determine thn result
in favor of the whigs.
However, the northern democrats, had
rather things hero should hive resulted as
KaY,,1hMI ,h &, ,Mon doc
rtM. on exception, deserve the high
cemmendilion of Oregon. They ire her
' warm friends. To Willi rd P. Hall our
mlorv u,i ,nwh ,vutm. He Is
I a wlmle'.souled fellow, nnd goes the whole
figure fr Oregon The same may l said
I'1" balance, ns ahme IMh sintr
re our rnrnds.
V bill passed llii- M-nuic to dav 'ttling
thr Texas houndar) dispute, and It is now
nmte sure thai the bill to admit Cili.
forma will pass the senile the first of next
week A bill passed tho senile three or
four day s ago to sdmit Utah as a territory.
The prospects of a general adjustment of
alj the disputes is flattering, and scarcely
any doubt remains that it will be done,
t'lah and New Mexico will he organized
into territories, ami the people of each
( "' ,,;,"", or,ay,,ry
wj cxclui it by lai
HI lie allowed Ihe richt to legislate on
llolh territories
aw. Hence, all Ilie
acquisitions of ihe Mexieiu war will con.
tinue as it waa when conquered, free soil.
The old veteran Clay, is now about to
recruit his health. No one cm help ad
miring the patriotism of the old man ind
his lowering genius, he he democrat or
whig. He is a great man, and for his
high ground against southern nullification
ho being a southern man In deserves
well of the country, t.ct us be politicians,
but let us ill lote Ihe nation mora than
our own party. This may bo said of Clay
If Bcutun is defciled, he deserves a statue
of msrble. Tho nation Is Indebted in lum
for sacrificins himself tu defend the ns.
tion against Ihe reckless uourwi of the
m nullifiers. All sdniil tblt be la
most leirned politician living, and
when the nition wis in dinger, like Cur
lius of Rome, he threw hiinsell into tho
chasm to save his country, lienlun may
havo faults, but in this fight, he deserves
the highest praise of llio country.
Thn indications are, that ue may have
a llttlo brush with Portugal. Wo had a
demand against her, which she has, for a
lone lime, rchiscd to satisfy. Hence, somo
time ago, our Charge was instructed to
make an explicit demand, md in case of
rolusil, to demand his passport, ami leave
the country. Our fleet in the Medilerra.
nein wis ordered ii.tothc river Tigus, to
transport our minister lo tho United Slates
in case or refusal. The Kuropem gov.
ernments, supposing we Intended war,
wero thrown into sjiasms, and ill Ivurojio
was taken with I ho aaue shaken. Tims
you tee that squalling child, spoken uf by
Pitt previous to the revolution, has grown,
as liei predicted, to ihe stature ol suoti a
man as lo spread terror around him when
he brandishes his weapons or war. F.ven
the British Parliament look the matter in
to sorious consideration. They did not
aeem to know that the war power was
lodged in Congress by the Constitution.
Uut It is said that the demand has been
mad and refused, and that our minister
will soon return home. IT this bn true, it
remains with Congress to say what shall
be done.
1 suppose you may havo learned that a
very spirited strife, has been going on Im.
Iween John Bull tnd Brother Jonithm, is
to which nation oouid get up the iistcat
ocetnsteimcr. I he trial lias been made,
and Brother Jonathan has heat hla High,
ness, several hours, in a trip across the
Atlantic, li Is of no use for John Dull to
contend. She must become a second rate
power, and Unele Sain is soon lo beconii
boss of the concern.
A remarkable discovery has recently
been made by Professor Page, which, it is
supposed, will superscdo tho us or steam.
This ia done by the aid of electro magnet,
ism. Not having seen th experiment, I
m not iblo to explsln to you the particu
lars. But il is said Ihe power is capable
or being augmented to any extent, ind
when lhe invention is onco parfected, it
will bo t muoh mom powerful engine
thin thtt of stcim.
The cholera ippcirs to bu timing in
the west. The nights are now growing
cooler in Ihia city, and il ia hoped the
cholera will not reach here, illhnugh it is
on Ihe Increase it lltrper'a Ferry, but t
Tew hours' ride from this plica.
A Mammoth I'bihtimj I'm ss. Mcmm.
Hoe eV Co., or New York city, nro con
structing n printing machine for Ihe 'Sim'
newspaper of lint cily, capable of throw,
ing out from fifteen lo twenty thousand
copies per hour. Il will lie ihirty-thrcc
feci long, willi eight printing cylinders,
lid ils coil will no he fail slmrl nf '!,
Cars' sMaaWac).
vmvwxwnattm u.u AmsuitumMtjui weir
Uditoi Orioon frrtcTATOR i
Dr. Sir Now and than a copy of your
latere)! ioamil. fallabit'p my hjdV
and it Is with no Ainill ilegrc of pleasure
that I peruse its columns ! aad Irom Ihe
ability in which it Is conducted, etc., I
hato thought that its editor would be jusl
the imn for me to ouke a few Inquiries
concerning Oregon, lis products, elc.
Now, sir, hut little, comparillvely, ia
known of Oregon In this oily. California
is all Ihe talk, but these writers ind his
torians ippeir to slop, leiving us In thn
dirk respecting Oregon, There tro many
persons and families In this city ind vl
cinity who hive thought of emigrating to
Oregon, but for want of a proper know.
edge of its I'llinale, cut., Into desisted
f;olng, and by their so doing, Oregon his
lecndeprivsdofmany worthy Inhabitants.
Mr. hilifir, if the people nl'Oreeon want
j to hive iheir lands become tiluilde, their
, country thickly ind respeclihly settled
lor, in other words, if they want lo invito
emigration from tho middln Slates, they
must, through the press or otherwise, give
us some Idea of their country and the in
ducements it oilers for Immigration. Cm
)ou not, through the medium nf your
widely circullled journal, givn us ami our
prase htm of this saulb ssssirid informs,
tion 1 My doing which, you will oblige
many in New York, md throughout thus
Slate, and especially
Your friend, M D
New Yoikfily. Jul) J7, IM.VI
('Irralar AastrcM.
t.lsrtKMKN-Ill dn hsrging the dunes (.MVpr ,-, wlUim ',1,, lr ..,o l,s tl.e
nf my station, I havo chosen loHd.lressi i. l.i..l. K.. I ,.. ...!
, )ou by n conimoi. circular, dieil.nB vur
(po.Pwrrilon in selling the M-hnol -y.lim
tuny imuer wav
'...- r' .. ....i I
nation in most ef the .-..uiilry, and of a
A iii wnni .,, i. vt'iii-i"ir' juiiiuini ,.(ii
'""""" " ""."""""" "K
in an awkward altitude, relative to the ae
tion of the i-nnmiuii school law
Hut the nlfn era elected tn wateli Ihe in
terests attend to the hutim-as. and give
healthy font lo ihr tyilrn, have onlv a
mor" ample Mitpe fiir the exen-is nf vii
lance am. a prnmnting ins i-nnmon
!,,. ... . .-.. i i , t ""w Imiimih-s etery frtctimi to preps rr
I IheWlhse. mn nl the.. Imol liw mike. ' im,..r , .a,taiu south, rn njli... to
it Ihe duty nf the .vHiimiasion, rs to lay ir, ,t(pllrc ,lf . ,,,, .. ,", ,
their respetuY,. .unties into con '" .bar.nl. and loihe last ,.,,,,-nuiy " "T...
district, .fore he rtr.t day of Januar, , , , ,,,, , , , ',
IM. I he Kill, pn;vuiaJorlhe e leetiou , ,, u , ,, ,,,Wl , ,,,,
of threr -hrr. Ii.r.. ' r ' i t..lt.f, , , .., ',., ,,
transact he g.-nnal VflT'-f H- ! , ,' ,. ,,.. . ,. ,, J, m
triu. nnd r.-..rt the s"ih,.,-.ii,ly.f(f1.v ,,;, ,,, Un ,,,, u
i.ommiM.ners And inT1..tii.l fsding , ri, ,.,.,,., , ,, ,, , , ,
, to make the r.-rt. through lb. pn.p-r ..I ,(',,, ,, ' ,r,, ,,, .,, , .,'
hcers ofV. lis app.r.ionimnt ol the r.,.,t-B.l4.tii.e'l, IV.r Minsnli.
school funds for Ihe ... ensuing .r. ,, rv .j,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,., , , , , u
llfi.ethe,u.p.rlamc..f lmg nrgaiiircd ,.,,,-,.,, '7, f'u.n ...ust fall, or th
I in ,1.1, l.me.aud .kamg the business legally ',, , fi
Notwitlistamlnip, il may lt left to ill. )
"disrel"illhcsu(riiiliiiderllrr.l Till. Pi srnA Nr lnii.i,-o.
I Ihe counties this veir, yet. I feel ,cii T,Mm,., t hl, ,.,r, , ir N,
on. lor ihr adtanrement of edmnlion m fn, knale l.n i. il, ,st . p,,c,,l
,our lielo.ed OrrgM., that I ms.l.- n sirlf, nll)s ,1,, .,., , ,lKn,' , ,
on a general lour throughout il- i.r..... ., .-T,r V .xmt ,) Cilifomu
early in the .ununer hut finding v.giini.. , . ! $a,03li;3U:. in the e .
a want of iinl oflici rs ti arrt out tin N- ,,, -. ., ,. .., K
machinery of lhe territorial govcrnim nt.
(tlKiugh Im.I gone es far a lhe third
couniv.) I lcam- distiiraged. Mioving
m trip wou d I uiia.iiluig ul thai tii.i...
md returned. Henon his., ,!r.s, I .
(ssrial nalasttlistlaaa (T I'riti i.lim nm si Ml
'" ' ; " is... .
in visit moil, or an m iup
lOlllllll's, If
Iween this and winter
.1.1 I I.OIM- III
enjoy the pleasure of a personal acquaint
ance r and Interview
, lisirr ...jar.., Br in. .,, ...a, ,,, -r
a deep Interest in this common ,iuse, and
thai you will, Iheref ire, spare no pains in
eeing your counties duly ir;(anired, and
If passible, the number of children (em
braced in thn school law) n ported,
A prompt and faithful discharge ol jour
official duties, will doubtless seiuro for
you, both Ihe esteem and gratitude of your
county ciliuns ; md also, the high esteem
and lommeiiditioiiof tho literal! through.
out the tirriiory ; md list, though not
leist, your men apflauit am ul.rttft(i.
lou ma) expect, occasionally
expect, occasionally, lo en
counter thote who are willing tn reproach
the common school system, its being un-1
just or unequil, or oppressive, or useless ; I wn,, ,, ic, of carrying idl' two negro
fnv??rnXn7un0?M.,rr!7"rk'nlfn "'"". lwl'iK'J! '" H". -McsVrs
u. .n i.-sr. ..,".-.... ...; mi 1 1.
aole myseir with the conviction, lint ) oil
are not to he paralysed nor litimidstud
by n little missnthropiu selfishness or slu
pid calumny. But that such opposition
will only tend lo route your latpit nurglei
and cause you to asxt your anouldera lo
the wheel with redoubled resolution, tie.
lermined In facilitate the Divine md glo.
rinua causo of education confided to your
zeal and able management. I sliould be
pleated In correapond with the commis
sioners nt my time. I can he addrrsaed
tt l.ifaycltfj, O. T.
Suif rinlcndenl nf Common School,
Sept. 3, !"&0.
f JkLAT I NVk.iTioit Frtih liuilrr. Tlni
St. Louis Republican of the lath June,
gitcs in account of a machine Invented
md patented by a Mr. E. II. Merrymm, or
Ipringfield, in this sttte, by which, com-
incd. Willi a chemical process, lie is en.
tbled lo like the most ranold butler, tnd
convert il into Its original freshness. The
midline Is vary simple, ind Is tdmitibly
cilculiled to express from Ihn butler ill
lhe milk, md lette il pure tnd in lhe best
possible condition for sailing mil preserv
ing, Tho editor of tho Republlein siyi
lin siw butler In the worst conceivthlo
rancid aisle, pasted through iho inichine
which cimo out fresh, ind is completely
divested of ill rancid taste nr smell, as
lhe day it was packed. The machine af
fords llio opportunity of giving the butter
my desired color, or sailing il to inv ex.
HTk Crisis" sac sier.
u...ikrs.n.lln Aui.tnrH fait AMinMcA
int a crisis Ilie delusive inirigoMhil for1
so many years hss Dcfoplnl her prop lituV
kolHIelins. A "liter in tho Charhilm
M$TWf cliroiileles tin- defeat of Mr,
Snnle'a imendment to the idjiistincnt bill
In the iknale mil cills dlrcclly to alms
s follows ,
lime Is a fad. which, like ilie sound of
the list trump, should wake us, one and
all, rrom thn Jeathdlhe trance or imbeclll
ly no long indulged in redeem our moid
during liberties. Hero Is a feet that sliould
plesd trumpet. longued, lo our common
sense. It tells us In tones wlnth none em
mistake, lint hope of reconciliation Is vale.
It sounds Ihe knell lo sll cxpeouUon
or a " satisfactory adiiltlmrnl" m ex.
peclillon long ami ardently cherished by
many honest men in ihe smilh, who, lu
spile or uvery iudicntiun, ha iKsitiniird to
hope agaiiul Inipe. Ih-i it be known loom
people; let It sink Into their hcitl of hearH,
let them turn il over and over in Ih'ir
minds j lei the peoptu ee what iepM I is
paid lo Iheir voii-e lo lha voice nf all lh'
southern stitei, 11 them frrl lo what a
depth of humiliation their hliud awl mfal
uatcd for lies rsneo his lowered ihem
IHig, long hss Ihe aulh been suflering
under progressive cocrse of wrong. In
jury upon Injure his been besurd iipun
her. She hss remonstrated, wirnrd,lhveit
enul, pleaded In msner, the cry t in
itigliatinnhls been railed " Wlii si trait
nmus as tn wisli lu unsettle this beiurind
s) stem of tilings, li) with we (ihe mrlli)
ire lighted ipriisH-rii i (and)ii"Wliv
you islde) nnd the world at large behohts
the special-Ill nf the most U-mfii ill, fite
.H.I I.I ...I ..-.. ...1. " 'II...
iajt,ii. ,,. m. n ome don to prop.se to
rm.,,n h, U, hllll , their due. fn.i Ihe
w-oiile of thn north "Judee, Oh you
trkl l.tk .! ,1. U I.B.a l..b.l lliMO. ' A
,ltjll, ,.,;. rr, 1C fc.M)tll. ,
j nr'ir ,,,i,iiiimi; IIIKII ,Mir Cliriliriijii
i rssimi.' has U-en nnnuiin.iiisU reji It, I
In ihe nnrlh
" lliu frH,Wt, iHii hml In f
I. tlsl ,lrMif ,'
Il mm hoinet rirrv s-iulliein msn,
! innr rnnn
...A. i . . .
hating but ,i -mall slum o'rrm.o.li.t nlnne
, ( ,, , ,,, ,., (0n ,,
f,r ieTTlTv sequin d n-sldra ahu-li
,. ,.t.-th" folloivnig M.tli.l.e, of the Im-
n,nn ift. in . Jnr -VUr nu,)x,r ,
,,,. riltllP, ,y ,.,,m,uraof thearmv
Iv.--;h; W.TJfl ssrrc.l..J.1,,r, ,t f.,r ,lu.
. . . ...T
nlilllli.nl vthom si least li.i n.vo ilinl
" ," ' ""'"si " fsii titles sit(-s
u.v I 7I . 7-1 "(111 -. I...
.,1,r,1.,.1I,.. l-.i-.-n
.r , . tl.e residue, ' 'iiulin
' .i(ls7 w., wrrc rr)nin ,,,
, Alhchltrm , ,wf,c, nni ihl. ,1,,,,,.
,(ll.", arc supposed lo be dead : of thrw,
muslrred out of service it is rntimaicd that
ID per cent, or -MM, havo since died
thus making, in lhe aggregate, a bus ol
i'l.lHI lives through this war. Mr. Smith
rightly asks whelher, wild tlw expenditure
nf tire ind treasure, llio United Stales have
imt purchased New Mexico, md whether
we am lo be obliged to purchase it n ,rc
nnd lime. ,
fitm l WaikimfltD Olttr Aug 1(1
Much excitement i-AiMed ill this ntt
v,,irrtl.v. i-aiuml bv ih,-
urriktofu while
m-n. ,,.,,,,.,1 uhanll,.. fro
om IVniisvlvaiim,
Mi-pi,,.,,, md Toomlis, ortiwrgia.
I vVo imdersland tint llio facts ire about
,w TCW, H(, wrvulll, ,.(, ,, ....
dencenf their misters sovoral diva since,
md circumstances leading lo llio belie I
Ihil some igenl wss employed liicflcit
their escape, a diligent watch was kept up
until Thursday night, when about twelve
o'clock, Ihe whole parly were arrested in
a hack just hoyoud thn District lino. As
soon as the horses wero seized, tho driver
(Chaplin) fired at the ierson m ho look hold
of the horses, md repeated il ; but lie wis
instantly dragged fioin hi sen, when a
deaierito encounter ensued. The twoue
grocs In Iho vehicle fired through the hark
windows upon those engaged in lho,ar
real, who in turn fired in upon them. Some
ten rounds were fired by Chaplin mid lhe
negroes, with no other effect loan alight
flesh wound in lha inn of two or lhe oftl.
enrs. llolh Ihe negroes were wounded
one slightly ; hut as thn other rneeled his
escape, Il Is nol known whil the extent nf
his injury Is. His coat wss round, with
blood upon il. Tho party vtcro brought in
this city about one o'clock on Thursdtv
morning, and yesterday tho white man
Wis committed lo twill his trill,
v We further understand thai a black man,
residing its. lhe First Ward, has also been
arreatod, chargod with being concerned in
Iho business.
OtrThe weight of platinum, lhe hetvl.
est known body in nature, is 43I),000
limes greater, bulk for bulk, thin I hit of
hydrogen gas, the lightest known body in
" .i