'$Q tf li KOAPS AND HIGHWAYS Law.s'of the Territory of Orcson. f-V tio. I. lieu enatleil cytSe Council a'mt HotiteeJ KtyrtienMteei fj the Territory i;l Oregon, That nil I ounly anil Territorial losus wntcii base been or mil) hen-alter bo Iitfil out nml ctobllsl.ctl ayrecani) 10 law, hi thiii Termors , shall be opcnrd and 'acpt in repair In the manner hereinafter pro idoif , niul nil county reads shall licit albrr I l.ul mil ami catablla hod nirn-eabls l tlit tiros laions nf lid art. ami nil enmity and forfeitures lurd for and iccosertd under llie prmiaiuiis of this act . mada slutl! bo sixty feet ldc. hiiIcm the conmibsioncra of the county, by any other pcrscli than snpe-rxi.iir shall le raidtscr slthiiiliiculy upon rlilun, sl.'uld determine nn n If ss number f ft rl in imu of dava 6vlhc iustlceof tlie peace or constable' lollcctiniMl.i aan.o to the' tihlih. mi nnv ria.l so I'rlilinncd for lossnthln treasurer, if toxinshlns are orcauirrd, II" not, t.i tlio ronnt Si,- Tint nil .-ie.nlu-isii.'in fr lasine? oul or .ilte. ne ans eituitv 'lie hlehway. treasurer, taklui; n ii-cclpl thitcjor, niul the uustiis iftosin.hip-. or road ,.r fir the n'lt r.ili-Mi ol ans Territorial mid, ahall Iv hs pi tin mi to frc.l. That if anv porin or persons, thr.iugl " Icil.NOLIiVLH.1 e'ay of April anuuully, taking the treasurer's roooipt I'oi the same, sshiili receipt thall be- tlie proper toucher (or tlio supers isor In settle Uli the trustees or county corninlisloiirrs for llir nnrmit tlirrrof, nml all lines Sic, d. 'flint when llio place nf U'giuuing or iruo course ol 'I't rn ! rial or county roads ahall lio iinocrtaln, by reason of llm mums al of nnv 1 monuments or marked trro, ly which said road was draiirnntrd or fnmi l n any otlior cause ilia boaril of commissioners of tlio proper count) . ma) I Hull Anl.ii.-i.i i, ist or i,r.TTi:nx, MM.MMNli in tin IV i I'lhrr in Ui I'll), tin llio nuili ,iriltinlHl, l 1 l.aitl John nppulul threw disinterested poisons, citizens ofllini-uuniy, 10 nslesv ami linnhsii i II 1 straighten aaid road if thny ahall deem It necessary, ami llir iriinii'ii i!"rLi " ')!,!, Khali caiiav aald rissd to lie correctly inarkrd throughout, nn in onto ol Hal'i,f"i i'i'l now roads, and a correct siirovlo be inndool'tho an , ami shall malio ii.bi.a-k Aii.im J ri (urn of sal.l sursry and plat of laid road, to llio board of couiiiiimiiiii. luiis W N I'1-1 or. ho ahall rauao llio same to bo recorded as in otlior oases, and Horn '"m" ' '" ' " llicncclbrtli Mid road, surveyed as aforesaid, shall bo c-cutdeiiil n mib. !",'"' .''!' 1 1 II., ! ll.url IOSII l.lllll llll I IT- ' llalttuu I ilm "'I ..... . , .. -.- , p ,,,.,...,, a , - ,,.,-. ,.n . , Mi) 111 U-nil . nUHul ur cuiiulj lond ii or inn) Ik rlulilnlied, shall Ui di'inonn ,." I' ii.n.tn J.-I,i o lln ln li-liii Din lv.ird n 1 iimiuMoiiri of llio iroir muuly, ipiu-t! h ul lciil ( iilonal or 001111I) 10ml ii or inn) N oIUilihed, shall Ui ili-nniiii n , llii"iin J"l" inr(tlii'iulk lirtelio hi'iinliolilerai'l'thf iiiuniy. Ihiii); III llio m'ciiiiI) 1u re sai.litwd)iiiniii(iMiid hud lliniiiili an) oilier partot hu or hnrlnnd, mull prrwin "Vr"lV' ilino aeeruitl. I m to ln Inid oul or altered, mid ald petition -liall p-eiH the pUte of or pervin limy, by prttlion, (ri'fiiLly In I lie aeeoiid and llnnl noiiionil (.'""j j'"(" iv actor tiling 1 liruniiiiiy. tin iiiteriredlate vinlt, il'nny, and the plnie of It iiiiimtion of tlm net, apply to the 1 oiiiiiuioiiet. of, llm 101111I), while 111 mkhIiii, , luini,,,. II county rcnunistioneia, Miall 1 nine all trcnev o 1 aid into the ton iilup tho Iv.inl cr county trcanury to iv iminruiaieiy appn'priiitui 10 rr aiiir! llie pui lio roaiit in men roan unmci wneiein sucn tme or Ijrluti and If aorwraon hallle 'tied for doiitrr pet forininc nnv rwulrcd or authorirrd bv this act. anch person mav ldead the ceiier.il , of smd load. ,l M''''11"1 binmr lliem loliuiuiny loud Ihrouuh uu older niul.or oil" ol llrll II..1.1 iuc, and'piitj litis net and the tpceialmutlrr in tub tier, ai.d no iut fcV. II. 'I I1.1t preiou 10 any petition I emu piemen 1 ' 1 .if 111U , lui, her or then landwi niwl i round, uilhout mi 1, nini: the diMam or action thall l brought or maintained" imlc ll bnll hne leii coin, j road, or for llieuln ration ol'.i ooiint) or 'IVrriloniil M.oi. i m ,lieieoltci llio injury of the publi. , nml 011 llm teteipi nf mi, h pet1111.11, 1L1 incnocd wiihln fix luonlhi after the cause of M'iIi 111 lion nbnll have tliall le pn. 11 h) .nlierlitniiiiit ii't up nt the place el hu!'i 1' mill bard of toiiiinnioneii M1.1II npoliil a Mine) or, and lhiiodimleieii .1 arisen! 'rorMrij'.That nothing in tliia tetien hnll be i. eentrurd as ! wniiuiMoiier-i ivurK. nndthrie public plnoca in e,n h tin!i p 1 irougli hfiijeliolilein of the count), m neweri, ttho, or any tun ol lliem, hull to prevent the lrule of ton nahipi or count) ceio'.uoloiu n Iroiti tol. j which an) art f ucli road ! doinul to be laid mil . r nlli red, nt 1 pi ectetl to iew llio ground our 11 Inch the aid loud n pioHiM,l lulu, Iccllne or rtccierincnnv inonrv in the lmnl of I In t nlupoi e null , l.a.t llnrii d'isnri 1. mi to the ineeimi-iil'ili,- hoard l'n nun eoiiuiut. I turned, mid aoeeilatu llio divunee it Inch said road will lie ineiiaM'd In treasurer, or supenlsor of roadi and highways. Mier, nt nhutt the pent ion nIiu'.I he pr- M-nted, and on the e!ilion be jam h proioMetl alteration, and make out n report 111 ntiii Mnlioi; the , ',,,711 I,,,, oie.U. 1 lilt it thai) re III" tiuty o,l cuc.'i nml tier,. iitfuvr Uunpr - 1 1 I mul the 1 'hiiiiixioi.i rt ..UHlieil tint -m ti -i tiiee lint iieen nieral itiManrps so liiuini, tn;plier Willi tin Ir opinion n to tin' in lily t i,. J,.., j optu or cauie tn I a opened nil public riuW and hnshnaw uh.i I h i" 1, u .. alUrisJid ilu 'utll appoint three disiiilereitlttl li -iieb lder 'or Inutiliiy of luakiiij; nid alleralion, nml if aaid roicnou shnll ieMil Iimmih H I Ixx'n or may ll rrnftir be liul u: nml n!ublil.ed thi"ili;h n".y i-t '" "il , ,. 1 my at imu r ol !.aui t .i., uml n kilful ureii r 1 ur t t the board of coniiniMoiicr that the prayer of the elilioiiei or pt u ' 'i'1'' '" ihc district ajjigncd m such tiperii r, and Ktcp lilt ume ill rrpaii, toe irie, and idiuil uvie nil order din etin nnd iewer 111 I tti'veNor ' ll 'in ri i' reninnhle, mrl that the iillerulloii will nut place llie mad mi J j,",,,', 'i ,",",! ror wuicn purpoie me ujcri.i rs arc m rent qui no: wo 10 enu-r uj-vo 1 ui precei o. 11 nmi 10 oe naimn in nni orii r, tr i n tim ir '1,1 1 im 1 oiho i;r iuiih, or incrrn-e uie uimiiiici1 10 me injur) ni uie mihiii , mrj ( , , 4 (lt I'nl.lnrll I I lil 111 s I miluM 1 1 if I !' W in 1 .in i.mi: li-1 I'ntltl I, I I irii tn lil.il, y llrhi) ,M Mi hiltlllitll lll- Mm. 11 llion r " Mi-iili;i'iiii-i) ?vkiiiiii .' ,M inn nt MiHii,. lih ml M. William. Mi. 1 Mmi. Mfi.il MiivhI r,.ii..i, M.l'jll J.l.n M I Mini i:ii Mi-ioin r. n M..iitn Mill, i Mn.i.ii II J 1, .Mi M Inn N M Mil I Win M..l. I.l.nll .', M.111II.I..I111 Mull. ii Id . . ., k l.ilm . Malmll mum, I U Minimi .NfflMii ll tiu.ii lln liar- II nn. II I ,-1 N'o! mm " uny utiimprovtd land-t.nrar r a. jiinui the ptib'ie nada, to eu carry auny any timber, die ' r ni-nte m he tluaial-'arri'd away ai graxel, sail l, or stone, or pathtr an) lorn ss-ne whuh u.ay l, i., ,. mrv 10 Improve ir repair the read?, and lo enter -n any lanJ. n.No.u. i tr lybijMajr the roadi, to make inch drains er dithm ihrouh 1 J 1 . -same, is tBey ilefiii necrsiary for the benefit of tln-j 1 a.l, tleinj! m littU Injnry as may1 Ui to ald lamN, nn I lb" drama orhli In f made shall not be stopped or cbttructrd by the mu-ci or miupier of unh lainU or anv other person or person, under il . pennll of foriemnij 1 ium not cxcccdini: tentv tlollara for each mlcnc . to U reiou, Mppmprlatcii ai proidcl in the preeeditij; tction ill1.,- at. jSc. 10. That if any ren o- peroin shall loci .i;i;r.cud by an-. suratnisor'a ciittlncor carrxin nuavanx liniler or :one a af.,i a.-i dii),i tbcreiilU'r, 1 1 ieii, uri") , ins out r -hall, upon reci isiiij; sallafaelory esideiice that llio pnsid new mn I 1 ..... Im Iffll openeo a lenl wnltli, arul, ill all reipeclt, liiaili- eipial lo llie I d.l nml for the ivnsrnituce ol trnsebia, the cnniiiiiMiuiicrs ulurt . I I . ml , I iv, itithiu III '. 1 r .1 road. I 'lli..l. ill S' llie .Ill's ftl'i s.ewira nml ciiisor atiiwin .-J n. .1' iri'.jiJ. .n,r r,tpiinit at li-.tai ai,l.is. . f .. la ooih-i esM may ucclaro laid new rouil a nubile lii'Miitit i . unit Minkr. im oril ila ti . -i-. f the . tiliotiera to meet at tlio lint., and p!.n ape- fi .1 in the order ' and at the tamo lime t urate so much ol the old joail in i t nihraee.l lis i, I II 1 - iin'f. ..it ra n I, in said, or wiihin tin" .las a S turn r, and nfier 1 the iio,anilllmieraon oreronaileirini; tho Iteration nroreaniil, almll t."i! .111 oath or nllinn.il-'oii. faitlifully and 1n1parl1.11 s "n ihai hari"elheipiy all the owtaof the siew, sitrsey, and return of mini nlieintinn iiutua 1 1 tin ir appouiliiii ill npet lulls, hi.ll lake t tlieir naai.ianer. I $rr III That If any poroi who ahull lH"npoiuleil dy tin l-i.tnl ol tuti aiiliahle piiiini . .'1.1111 cirner mil ,me mtrl.cr.niii ir.-ite.l la e ininluioiirra at n siener, resiewnr, or aiirsesor of nnv road, ulinll 1 and 1 s esv f lines at-.l !.r. nil or alter aai.l r. 1 1 aa orisi I f. r 111 lb" '"'.t u refu.e or ueBleet l' Imrforui the ilutna tetiuirnl bv lln-. m t. ul 1 r lb' s.i'iii" aa in tn, ir 1 pinion, a uoml nvnl t .111 I 1 idi ila -lakliii: aalnlaelorvexciiae lor alien relnni or neelevi, lie liall I. I 1 J. ! rraa 'iiaL't 1 p na, , 'akin.: 11.! ma1 lorntiou the utiliu and incoini nb nee, audi spep.e iihi. h mil n anil tin '111 !i thev mav make c6nip!aint thereof to the renins eoinini.-ioiu ra ol the it. the n.i .'.e il'-m '1 nud aba'l le iM'ni.'i.hi-d -ind -iiiimI .r a't. 'nl. proper countv, at a regular mcctitiR ss.iluu st intu:li ufer the came 1 and the urt. s r shn'l -.ors. y am h rnd 1111 ler tlixO" ti .1! ll,. sen of audi complain: shall exul, and Ihc comtiiiaaioueri spa" a p- nit tli'ee era an I er.u.. tie vime to la- et napi -1 1 . u I v imrkf I 11 . 1 .el on', m .tine disinterested landholder, of the eoutity '.shoa- i.utv it f'. i'i l afier tak- -ho iisurai a ami li.tnnci'-.. 1111 1 ill lln' ind ol i-acn noli shall ei 11- tin ins an oath or affirmation to riitcharrc their dots l'"il -'ull and inpar , 111110U r ..:' I'i. sau e, ami n'. the i-omnicm 1 it.eut nnd tern, uati 11 - . tiallv, to proceed and raainind tlio milter tvuiplu ned of I y "i 1 01, 1. 1 aa,d ivnd o. aursny I he nvn ri.nl or a trie ur tnniin en' 1 ruled lor idainsr.t. and assess uid determine tht dainasea. 11 anv, and thev lnll ' tint puri-oae, he alioll nl-o make out an I delis -r t.. .. v th." lew era, report thoaame In writing to the oniniivtiouers at tlioir iu-t meeting ssi'h.iut delay, a c thcrnafirr, and If thu coimtiiioncrs shall l? satlalied that the amount ! a il it of the Mine o ttsessed and determined l? lut and eoJitable. thev r I ill iaua.i tin u r :iii" -'.i'iii th- same to bo paid lo the complainant o.it of the cmtv trtaaurv, but it imon viesr the said Undholden sl.ou! I !. .it opinion that the re i n.' frrlcvance or just causc.of complain', the ja-rvm a 1 c. 11 p!aii ui0" ahall jiay the cosU of aupli sieiv. i-'re. 11. Titat esili iiptnir within Im diatrict sl.a -r : an I keep up, at the expense of the counts, at tha forki ol'ews I". rntarul is , nn 1 lu 1 ill an) sum Iwt eaureOIHK ten ilollnra, to lie nitiiereil In neli..ii ! ;. I. aa in !! '.s ans pera.'ii alllllL" for thosuiiie, la fori aav niitiie ol'lh- pi 1. l.ul. juriadiilniii ut llio same, ami hall he panl on r, without .1 l.n , 1 1 1 1 louutv treasurer, by tlio justice of the iieaieor constable m'li - i.hj s I same, laHmr; his receipt therefor, and the hoard of lOinni at ft n., , cause alt linen sshich lhall be vnnl into the ivniiiiy In- taurs ... piosisiotia of llita net, to be 1 vnendi"d en roadt and bn.b"i a iiitliui Hi 1 count) . iaxc. II. I hat the iH-rama n inured lo remler ors- iinl.r Una a. 1, .rreit tettilied n turn oflhe aiiri- ot .aid r'ad. nnd I shall iceeive t-..nia iimiiioii fir each dn) the) shall la. 111 1 . aainli 1 111 ; .inl the sienets hall make ami ij;ii 11 rf"il in ptovnl, as follows, to wit tin wen nnd reiewer, ilino 'I- llara 1 .. , - ir tpinun 111 laior sr aeauikl tl i' ts'.i'. ialiui..r a. te-icliaiu carriers ami mnrHi.ra, two itoiinra t.i li; iinlsuitisoi 1 hi 0 1 rat .011 of aui-'i inatl. nud st torlli III' rca ma . t l! sail e, l.i. h rcairt, lars encli, lo Ihi cliareJ asenaMiiinl i-xpiiiat .m I punlout I lln 1 mi ti.'Ltl ir wi'h llir tnat r.i d jurtev of aa d r. .. 1 "i .-t'lcrnt on, sliull la , ty treasurv, on llw order of tin taiard ol t inniis.i 'lit ia ol ill p . 1 di .le't ! t tin c .ijuly c'onuuia.iont ra' 1 lerk, bv one ot ll t-sit wera,nn county 1 r In :, tin" lirt da) ol h" st'sMoti nf th" em. nis vim ia- in 'a' tnurl Hre. I'd. That when It al.all beiMiiiL' lit 1 cxaary tn ctuhliali a r a I -n 'li 11 1. st ensL o.', .i'i I it 'hill Iv the , litis ol tin 1 mu , -...nrra u 1 count) line, the lnhnliilai-.il nl.iumcli line inn) uli 11 ilu ' anl t I rcciiin, the r.n rt .1 fie si lit ra at irrau. . t ' can-' th same 1 1 U" loiuniissioncr ul their resiHictne coiiiitica, 1 'r a in-a ol micli ma I m or county road, a post and guide h".ird or lieu r hoard . c..:.;j - m." nil , pul.licli rtad .11 tsio diiiercn'. dasa jf tin n.iiu. in il.i ,-, ami it no heal 1 tlio manner jiutrd out in the pn ceding at 1 lion 1,1 ih at t nn I 11 s.i 1,, in'criplion in legible I ttten, directing the way uml dirts: t.ie n't npplieniion lmll he mad? to them lor a it-1n.1t o! aul r Mil or alleintinn, Im the duly of such lanl of i .iiiiimtivinur, for imh nl ll. 1 mi in 11 town or towns, or public place or place, situated in each roid r-arii ct- ' r ttition for daunc-. Utwecn lln- first dnv ol ihrira.-a.iiin, ) who li terrated, to appoint two discri-el eituensas s a a era, ul,... or a 1 uij.n.i) iscly; said put tobc at least ix mcluaiu iliaiir',i-r. an! n it 1oj ..'uii :v rijwrt and sum are made, and the ar,,im dnynf their next statid of tl.em, shall meet at the timo an! pUcu iiaiui-d 111 tin nrtit 1 i l' twtlvc ftrt lilh, nnd suit set In the ground. uu, they shall c.itiv said report, sunt s and plul lJ.i recorded, and oniiiusaioncrsoftlie oldest umiitty interosud, who .liuil j.i n' a aur Src.lt!. That auy tmv during ll-e s.ar stii.-u any j -jl ' .-t alalia!! tmm theneefortb said riad shall bo eonai-i ni a puiiln- b lriiix, mil seyor, ami llm viewers and sursuyor, apiuiulil a al-Jiia I. .lull I obalructetl by tlio fall of tlnilx r or any rther cause, or any hn le t t..."eominiasnners aha'1 iiaiiellfirorderir. .tintf sail raidt) bf opened. 1 make their report in writing, for or eaint am h ri !, to -tlm ij.nl I shall ho Impaired to that the passage ol' lean. a or iiisilera "n said r nd. Hut if the rej'iri oflhe s t is era l- injnim" am h pro; . I r-.vl or aliera 'n nutiUsloners of the coitutua cuicurued, nnd the said 11 uuniaaiom 1 , or bridgu shall be danerpri', and the 'urvrs aor "i t..e. istrn.1 nwl,.h u n, tin n 1 (utlhi r precedinfi shnll 1c hud thereon, a.M 'hi (ddigor J Uio:t rccriviii such rewrt, shall, in al! respetts, Le goserncd I.) "i.e such obitmct'isn cr iinwlrcd fcri Ice may exist, ' j,1 b nolif.e.l if tl.ilor uhtiijera in tho laiml nceisitiu thu pasimnt ol ui nn I exi ns-a, prnviaions of ihisncf. same, it slisil ls nn unty lu eau;i j-ji 1 clinrucltou to bo remost.ii or slixll botiaLle nr tin lull amount ul audi t--.t an lexis naea- 'rvi-mni.' .1:1. 1 hat 11. on tfi'cliu.L" sin li ri-i.nt, ti .inmi m in ia iliat tiialli'ae when anvoathor aturiniti mta rt,auireil ti, iM-lsken livlthe isimules mfrr 'nl. shall he ul opinion Unit kiii It nwil.it tp m any person under tho praviticns of this act, the sain, 'liny 1- aui i.in , would be of puhln- utilitv. thfy ahall order llie stme to hn ni ein . 1 tcred by the suivcyor, or oy onooftrio viewer v r'Mgmn h.. Inn ,llie rianinor pmntnl mu l,v lua uet. 1 I tin -01 S i.t iifin.i 11. ... i" ii,,., ..1. i,.j . n si , 1 i-s. m 1 n. ,kj,. k.. II....I- ,il. II I IMl.i.1,,. 111... I . !., S II.. ..l tl I l . 1- .u I I . I -sar ,M I't" Vmt Mwa r 1 ii n it i.. 1 ti 1 I. j is ll It I'i.. Hand r.t.kinifi 1 v IV it,, " P. i.in I Int., I . .. I". .1.- tra 'I I'. ." .SI, 1 I IVVtnnj -I'aik. J.. I it 'J in J t'.Jk IS 11 It I'lul 1- 1 1 ,S S l'uk"l. It .l.anl I' 'k. lln It It ' It.., It.il,,, l..i, J , I" J. .l.n I l t I, an, ,, - J ,11 , I.' - M I. I nl 'n. ' I.-., t w . II..I..I...) II 1 ItuMftl Ja.,it X Itie.rs S, in It.CliinU. 11 MiSba I Ita. . S.l.lpli,,. I I' 1 1. ) bridge repaired forthwith, far tsluch tiirinsc kstdsali immediately oruer oul audi number of tJis- inhabitants of lindlstrtMaabe may deem ncccs. vary to rrmoro aanl obatruetiens or repair mU brisc, ! tho pcrxini .t nl' ti it . 11 Is . I 1" I I I Mi, S". so onlereiioiit suaii, alter liii.ugnaj oiecay a uoticato auenu aaai.tre.tprarioa.iy l-een 11 or 11 ur ntiirnieo iliirulsa. . Mru. 11 tnnt 11 inn u.iy r..,..i is tneauti un.l't tii- prns.ainiia said, be suhject.W tlie Biiiiie restrlolistn anil llaW totlio rtinicpenaillca ; t'. r 1 list alter I'.e view trsol any county or le. r ..-ul rnail sliall 'tweiitii nnd tnincen'ii set lions ot tins act, 11 al. ill I. board of commissioners nf the county, or trust, ei .ft wnin- u.lj SJCh tMil, lo select orm I rum III ir nuiiilior svlioao ilulx it .hall inert at miH' convenient place near the lino of llie sain-, thu tun place lo bo apaiiute, ley the coiiiiuissioners or Ir listens nl lln- o! 1' 1 I . .i.niB le n. a I..' ind 1 . if ordered, out under the imtsicns ol tho steend and fmr'li . .-tious: hase ma le rriurti in fas or of the same nsri-raMs t" ti e t.roeeduiii sec of this act. 1 lion, nnd beforo a.iid return shall lie ree .nb d, and the record i ttabliilied, .--'rx. 1U. That in til cases when any person shall, on le tho dirccliou I it a'i-xll be Inwful for any laudlidderofilit- cmiuts, to apply to the torn of hiasuecriiror, p'-rfornt more labor on tho public reads than mav be ! t.us.iurers fur n resietv of said road bv petition, si'md I.V nt bast duo front hiiu, the supervisor shall civc such person a certiucato tpcci. tweltc Iimiscbold-rs restdins! in that piit of 'he euiinlv t'miush which Iconntv or Innmhip inorested, prruoiit to tho tun. ap;.iiil. I hs law fsing tho ummipi of extra labor so performed, xsldcli tcrlil'.iate shall be mid ruad la irt.os , to lie est-ibliahxtl : anil tin 1 immi-i.m rt a' all 1 11 j f;r apportioning Ia!ir In tlieir rescilie mad districts, ami shall aigu assignable and receistal for tho mount specified In such eirtilWto in , cuch peli'iou being prea.-nt..l. innl i'i. . -.r a- I n h ju.t un I n-at mal.U a sut.t,ient iiuiulter of H-raina, if practical.!. , to o en uch mad ami tlischargo of any UbotVitbin tlie same toad dislric, which may be dip' ajpoint fivo tlu.ntcreated eiu!ifi-l s or- of tin c uutl, tn iw sat.l keep I he ruiuiu in n-patr. divnling the mad in suih 111 inner 1h.1t lln rtr from the holder of such certificate in any succeeding year i.u.lrr tlu 1 road, nnd issue their o.-Jor t sail si'-sn.-.' , ' r..- na,. iln m 1 1 oit-'t at n ma so assigned may work under the nrdi rs ol the supers i. .rs 11. ih prosision of this act: l'roeiiei. That the arcceding section shall nit ' time specified in such order, or within nn ,ln. th- r. after, mi !.;.;! cauntv or township lo which iln-s l.dni'.", and lb" aiiin rsia.na ant 1 r uuthorize spy supers iior tn reo,iiirc any terson to perform msro than ( xiewen shall inert after hastng reccm.d - x das a' rn n.m. m lie .111 v nsiinnl shall Im e,,u rued hs llm prnsui'ius of tin- na entiil.il I two ilaya xvmn in ajiy 0110 year, osrr cuil aiovo ll.c umcuni 01 labor one 01 :nc pciiimiiur,, mil alter taking tint t.attior nlurniaii-i'i r. .pnre.l an act iiciiiiuit; lliotiulieaoi surx-rvis'tra ot romls ami rvghwasa 1 J 1 I 11 1 ti. I 1 I ... I,.. I .. i' . i' -s . I 0 . 1 ll . SI , . SS due from such peraen agreeably tuthc prosisictn of the first section of by tho preceding section, shall proenal "o exn-rn.i ! r rmp. this act Sr.c. 14. Tliat where Jonnships ajc organi7etl the trustees ahull meet or against the establishment o'"ti. r.id, and their re usom :. rth nt the place of holding township elections, on the firtt Monday of Mareh . and ifth" rccrt of the viewers bo 111 fisor ! aid r a.i. il sa nunually, at which time and place th several sugie-rvlsors 01 tin- town. bhip shall attend, and each prod ico Ids lists and accounts, t'ttht-r with lhc township treasurer' receipt for all fine, penalties, and forfelturta by him collectcc;, and the trustetti nro hereby authorized 'nml required to adjust and settle all accounts so produced lo them, and allow sue li awuut for delir.iUcnc!ei aa they shall deem just and tcasenaUc ; and, if Vpon a fair and accurate settlement there shall appear to be a balance vc I .are IR. That no applies' .11, 1 ,a! nii-lir lln lor Janl roa'l by the loru-er coniimsTinr.era, sta'.-iti; their opini'm in .as ,r tl. I.nr.l .' inininiaai inert 1 1 ih.. pr..n-r 1 ..iinti. it shall, l,e n g'tintiup inn. : ans or.lor there mi, mpiire ol the pervm nr pr.i.e.a luidiiir am h upji . e., ill euti. 11, a bond, With one or mole siiineienl sieuniim, Hind.. 1 .snldel. je t stalilis.'ieu, r.'curue-il, ami opmc.l, ir-"n,Hils niitie pi s 1 n ,4 Ui.t t tin e-iunl) treasi.it r, un.l aj.pruseil h) the iManl ol loiiiu. .i hi r .. act; and the loranu or persons bound Jhr th" same, adult pa) into tha tin ibtjiit), for llio 11m nftho county. col its tfenwry the amount of theeoat nf ucii re-si -it, hut it ihc re".irt , -Sic. Ill, That mi ehang'i shall he made in tin. din el ion 1 1 '1 1 ir Isiigaiust tho eatal.lishii.eut tif such n ad no further j 1 i.t.luiga shall torial road, where it mixes tin) lui" Ik litcrn iwo I'lUiitus, uideaali lo had thereon U-furn the e-oinmiuioiiera, and llm ptrsona exiciitui 'tin- 'mutuil agreement in llm rcpoit nf tho sinters Hprninlcd hs tin- h.jnnl 1 I. t",t . I I expenstn of the firs', sicu and Mines, uud n sit si nt said ru I cairatn anv sonervisor for hia sersie-e.a under this net. the tTtlatees shall pi-cbini an order on the township treasurer for the omutiut due: W' Sec. ti. Il.at il any person or p-ran, a hrnugli ithoan !ai. 1 an) I r wf(. That the supervlsorsliall, mull cases, be heldaecountablo for the t nlorial ir counts- rond auny he laid nut, shall ft I inpi'td il 1 hx, -m 1. full roiint of labor due in l.h district, Utiles for goad aus l.own. tho person nrpernoin may i .al.e eomplaint tin nnf lo the l aril i . .-mis iruitOH shall deem it just to remit the same. Ami jiroii'lulfurl'i'r, That .ninuaaioner', nt mis tini'- btlwetu the m aamiitn the cimiih.s.i ., r, ,i incounie, 11 hero losvnshlps arc not orgnmcd tho counts coiniiiissiouera. wh'ch Ihc rcp.rt of sanl road i. made, uml th. s..ia.nd dns of tl ir n first bond shall pay in'. the count) treasury, the- amount ..ft oat umi "f luininiasinneraiu llie i-nimtii . interiainl, in whim last euso tint plat i I im i i n. t I.H i i. and sunny of tho sanation (" in the ln'Ji COIIIlliea. orijMiiul rialaliull la. rii-inl. .I in . .. h .1. .. I I. '.l Ml I ...( ."., I - '0 t,....llf alt. I .il.'al .... 1 i:. tl.. 1 .'( .', ,.l ' I- illii 2. I ?o c " n r f. i 2SllfcPT shall anmally on Ihc first Monday in April, settle tl.e accounts ol super. Hu'ed session; nml the coimimsmncrt. shall iij iioli.t tltr t duinter-ttil 'j g -. t , jj ri m - rllSt " Sali' V x'aora wihin tlieir wpectise counlics ngreenblv U tlm proii.i.ms of, hmiselioldcn of llio county, whose duly it shall i. after axitig In 11 ' C 2i-3-5j 2 s-J 5 a.1325 jJS - JXlE -i this act; ird llie simcrsisorj of sued counti'S shall attend tijon said duly sworn or nlTnmiiltoili.hurgu the'rduts ".. tl.iu'l) and uujSri.al. , j 4 ' $ & I a-3 S jja J Jl tSX i C 'g'3a- " tr corniniasiomn on said day, - ' l. I" proetrdund siew said r ml the sslulo di.'.auco the unntiniy riw I a-9 S tf j i J-g fr iX I 5 1 sii & J? I yfjfj. .? "1 Hr.c, 13. 'Ihat each and escrv supervisor who -.!..! 1.' lect or refuse been 1 Hahllahed through the promiso nl the 1 .inpUm-nt, nnd imosai -i5,1.72rrj j ? t a-uiH "i? "ijvX" v to perforin thoiu-seral duties ei'ijoiucd 011 bun by this aei. or who shall, j'i'idd' lernilne how ui'ithb-sa aluuhl- tlm Intnl or prunntsor i cm. J '" '" " """ ."."''''. a. .- ffl t f- under any tmciin vhateser. give or sign any receipt nr certificate- pur. plaiiianl has lin or will lai 1 idcred b) tlie cpeiung of tid toad, nml i 5 X Xr a -2 - ymning 10 bo teeeipt or certificatt." for labor' performed e r iii'ju'jy paid, tl") shall re.n tlm sniii" in writing lo llm t-immisairnera at tl,. ir pe xt 5 V 2 st r "S S S I u' -"iS 'a 5e'' unless tho la,bor shnll haxo Uen.p'-rfomind or inejiey raid prior lo tin; mteling tl.creaflt r, ami if tlm rniiiinisalr.iii-rs skill U sn'i'li. .1 that the ". i "-it? jl1" "X " ac'- e. "' ' adiiceiifi urjOnllicai 1 .-vry sopi-.s-sor ataaalliui. ;aintiuiii so a...-td and dt tcriiilm tl be ji.sl ai.de ii.iah!e-, 1.1 d that aald I jjg J-J 8 "g.P .. 5 lizk L a f " ;. ! 3 sj JJ i ? -stiirgTsliall forfeit for e-s,rs iMi ritli nee, nut Icsj than rn- n'-iHirs m.r "road vi I J, f ide-lr upinmii, ho of siifiiu.eiil imptirlauee f tin- ;, iblie to, -"5 .t, j $ gi-i-H'S i j rjlpfi'a 9 " more than twenty.lii ibdm i, to Is- noscr.il hs ml.-' i- nt ,-i il.j dia. Jraiiao Ih" liumnvv In Ihi paid lis- llio e-ouniv. thev shall orb r the win. y- 8 8 . fe"S 9" ! 1! ii-1 "-51-I-J sJ s PLhr "3 .'.. ....... - . . . . sa i k p.t. a a j'j rrri ts-s.. p. u t -j-f- 4 in.i'v iixmir ti'" mnii'iii.e iitiinmer iromlho i-'iiiotx treasiirv, 1 ut it in tl. ir i,m. -" afl X a a J fi-9 rft-9 trl& B V o J r a- V. Ih 1 1 -- .1. ' "lN Ll. . ....'I ! I.t.n.'. .1,,. 1 it.li I" k,". .ii.rit.is, J" I.., - ...k,,, 1 1,. 1 n..l .1.. I.. L . 1 t l.n. Im I. i,"..e..-., ai'tri., i'imi.iI., I.IUiilliei". e.mli ult 11 ... Itslng-pi l,i,il I I ilu lti;lia 11. , -"-'l 1 h it pt 1 1 1 in. . I l nil. -in "---ll, ., o . ., ...I mm., Ill la.lralni k. .Vl av;. tllnll It A,. I t iKiir. "ir Ipllltll. I tl I heil airta, " , -Ita itnittjt,l i.sil. Iit.'ka nl ,1 al.ip'r, kit Ira jiii.1 I ilks, .tuti liM-f, I'lin-, .Ijlr .nn! l-.ni il. tllripin ll 1. Tn MICI.'M.TIIY A mix J, l".ai-liii iriit court, or by anion ol debt before nny jiMjce .,f tl. 1 juilsnictionoi 1110 same; nml it Is hereby ir 1- ih '.!, .' nl tho township lu e."0iu,tie-s wher.- the ai-m are ar'.auit 1 appeai t 1 . .'iMiusct I, ' I'nirule 1 I bv tlm judgment 1 Jistn-t 1 -irt a ,i if th ' ther ' I'timinissioiicrK where towii'l; denecx ngolns tho pmvisi'. supers isor slmll conecis-e hit ijstlee of tho peace, In. may rue. Snc. lfl. That each auperiimr th.ill r ist f rl.i-nrsi- . lor cell day employed under the ppixiiicnsi.f th's t , mir mal u'-ii-'lir 1 da-. -, Ih6 sum of one dollar, to bo pn', out -,f the tiss.fliip ti'.ianty rn lln nnlerof the truateca where luisnahips are nrgam. '. but ui ennn'u . where ownlilps aro not organized llm MijersUr h.1'1 Is tuid 1 .' of the countv treasury on the eirdf r of the esiun'y i cn.i .... 1 ., Sr.c. 17. Tliat the tics whom tmi aetxion, appoint as aro pot provl when they ntty occur, and shall causo the supers i.nrh, by lliem appoint, sieu- . ed.t'jbo notified thereof in writing. That mis nerstei ttho shall ihtniv, Ind hs nr 111 nriyivnaj uciuco or nt.iiterntu i.uy guiuc.boaril nt inile.iost si t up Hccordili0't!thcpros!..!oni(ift!iis act, shall liopiiil'y of a uii.ibiu-.iiiiir, anil upe i( conviction thereof, shall be fined the tuin of pot less tl un ti u dor mora than fifiy dollars, ut.d be. iuiprisoni-d not ea than out month liormorv iban three Inonihi, a', thodiscroticn of the court. ticci IP. 1 hat brlUgca on I criitorml and counts roads slnl not l.t imii;.' fi'" paiUHiiLe iitliiormr irom the i-nuot) tn-asiiry, 1 ut it in tl.ir pin. 11. ".i.t. -' 11 llio 1.111I r.a.; is not ol siilhcicnt iiupnrl.T rn-In the ji l.c I (aim an i 1 inn's " aa 1.0 mm- rimu nv 1110 eouiii), mi y 11 av retusii incsi.iiiii-.li Inn mm: J'j 1 M w "3 a n H si Iflar. of counts- ii. I n.aee "(j h'! puiilic" li.eiii", ay, linleiss tiiv elainagi a nml 1 sj.rusia nro fil 1;- tli 'l'i...t .t .... . -lu.',.,-r. r. 1. That iihinibs 1 unity ruid shill la otpidet limbs , "iny tivlse limise1 nidi ri rciiliii!' 111 that pnrt nflho 1 01 n'y nl,. re such rou.l a Htallisliid. 1 lay in ike iipplieati'.u by ll," ; . til ..11 t . I'm hoard of tuuu. 1 11 issiniii ra 1,1 tlm county lo s.u-U- the suii.e si uiui' forth in :.. peiipoo ' .Im rcon-wis why said inn. I ought In Im saiatml, xshii'h petition sliull h ' pn si nud nnd publicly n ml at n regular k a-itnuftlm l-iirdnf ciuiiiiiu. ' t siomiw, nnd ti'iithi-r pr. Hidings 1I1.1II be bud thereon, until th-next tatid Mision of said la,anl of eoiiinussioiii.i, when 11 shall he ng.i'n ' I r 1 1 an nlnri-snid, t. ml if mi nljeclinn In made, tho ceinii.issii.iii rs mn) - 11 tlm lust das of thnt session ikelure said road varited. or in v narl .c lriil..r. I 11- 1,' .1 larj,, mi I J I "-I'I '. I ItlKT.IVI'.li Inn, hat the tnicrnl l-oapt-- or countv 1 mi. ,r , ,-, ,-, ,. , .,rr,.0r, ss.i, , ihey may deem uniitui arary to ki 1 pots-n for public urn. 1 , iialilPb- nro not organise d, shall, nnniuiliy a' their April sh inpee, hut if ohjictinu bo mndi In w riling, signed -t bait bv itself..1 w Uauitablo number of atipcni'or-'or tuHi i-ad di-tr!ci'le.u-el,,,hera n siding in lln nilghla,i,al nf tlm real prop . id to l ' Lj o Idcd lor by law, rnid thev inuy Id. sucuiu it a i any time ' s-ncated, tin-1 ininissie.uer. ahull npp'.int linen diaintereHed persons loi C,'I aid road, wl.n si.all tukn llm anion nath or nllirni.illon as is rnpil. tho f.urlh scetio.i bflhiinet. and iiroceed to sint-tho road afore. said nud make u report of tholr npiiiiou ihercmi and their nuM.ns lor llm same, n llw Ifiurtl of C'luiiiiiaioners, and if said vitsitis shall riort in fiiieir of sneating mi id road or any pnrt tl.oreof, lint commla. sionera may if they r.hall deem It iust nnd rcav.nable. declaro snld road I sneated ngreiably lo tlio ri'rt oflhe slower, but i.i caso said slower ill Til I Tt rjirt nrtilii(.t laiuilinn afi!. rmiil !, siss.t I. il..i ..-.. .... t.. !... .1 k. I I f a. ' f J I. I III 1 I V 1 - . I """' -l "r)H,,N) sj.va.MIIK fIW l"tU III' II Mll't ( 1J iUftlJ U IUIUII.T Jw ltahlxU'eit feet wide. It shall l the duty of llm judgei or the ! proceeding lhall Lo had hereon : Vor.r., That prrsionn lo any poll. rIclQOiill'.iVfltiior,.reB.,iiSa.liioi;r,. thisr 1 bui ,, the i n bt.ing preseti'r'l t,mb r llm pn Nis .fib s"'io. the sane 110th - ., liHI.s .,- ., , .1 ..,.--,. .,- mills BITIi (v.. .t. I hs 11 i 11 . 11 ,,, -2 1 . f I. c-8 jii.il e i' A 1 i-1 .lll. J1J5H zsi'c jjc-isne ? - 1 1 3s 1 : Wm ' !?SJt 4 Timlin : XnX?. ti u. 1 Z -A .'jj?!j UP m sfil 3tS His ii1 (ltnnr I'lllNssI .ll I I KM I (Mil ttt'll ' , tt i-h Ulmi li lln) h i) ui iir it' t 111 IH I, ii' f ll s"iMtl1lt l.t,,. f !. lll Ills.'!" . km 1.1I.1. win r j.' id 1 I'llll r.. IIM f I 111 I1" ' HI' li li" I'd,' in, alt' ft !. Hs -, I l,itsj, A , . HMl, lllilss, ll1tjA yf l, . 1 .111.1 If Is. A k m i'i niHir ( t ii'l t .tr-l dt hltff rJ-sTrl ss, ftl ll'i ! 1 r 11 It . IMM' -I'lll' null l.llri, tr 11 1 1 tut ii, I' MHI r , Willi I '-l-s A .J f l.ll.tu.'P ZimMl h , s P- .4M JOB FlllJVTIlVii, Neatly and Expeditiously Executed at the OREOOH SPEOTATOIt MirPlOE. .. . iti 1 .. . , a nl , 1 t I I .. .!.,!,. I. I I. It'll- . Alloll. i.i.i. mil be sr.1.1, I-jollier uilhtlitir lorsaaff a'lta H ul wacla, nuoli lbs ni-isl fstrersl, n Urns, ay LlKIHItV A. H.MITII PortUrsJ, ijifti li), li-.'.ll Iter i'vsi'mu; niMi'wv. wiini.r.sM.i. a.d iir.T.tii. Bill' Vl.l.lth 1.1 lit Jill Mule I 'lolling, Hint y tu.n I'naSt-ir, 1,'riatliii. l'rr.Tl.l.il.a, nml .a ' J 1 1 , t ili.lea n.uallv eal'iUler I.) lib.n'a sill lll'l.tlli 1. 1.(1 I. .IIIII.V.'.D.S, I V CllliNlMW'TII, 1 ii.i'ii;ni', iil( v .Inns- ns iM I 1 of olio -Xa fifie t ..V vi , J