Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, October 17, 1850, Image 2

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t"."J. MUNMLV, IflTO.
We have pretty good ctidcnrc that the
11 raluy season " hie commenced ; for the
past week there hao been frequent anil
copious show era of raiq. This, it ii said,
it about ooo month earlier than usual.
The lint showers begun, about the first or
October, though Tor the beginning ten
da) , they had no perccptiblo edict upon
the streams; but answered a good purpose
by laying the dust. Hut the rain that has
fillrn sinco last Thursday, has made con
siderable Impression upon the titer at this
'place. The water has been craduallv
J j av rising 'since that time, and thero is no
longer lacking for the running r lite
'inins. The out-door biismrss Is on the
decline we may expect soon, tobe-rfiui
e up foj a Ix months spell. Xi ood, po-
tatoca, etc., aliouM to .'aid in in aaason.
When the roads gv bad all hinds of sup.
plica, by laml, win be necessarily cut on.
;i wore uiuicih-,c,
The early appearance of the rains will
elTeot maiertally the completion of the
CIaokamaixpidslmprcrett'cnt. Although
the water hatNieen turneo into the new
channel, yet the dam is uot high enough
nor sufficiently permanent, to be of much
,.,..-, . .
l.a,i.v. """. "" ""' -h "'"iThctnost of our farmcru rch upon their
recedes. The work must necessarily be
,i ., ... -
stopped for this season. We regret crv
. . 7
much the circumstances arc such the ev.
neriment cannot be fullv tested If ll le
j. " . . .
foundation ol tho dam is good, it can be
bullf up another season. ""
N. B. Since the above was written, wc
hare been informed that the superinten
dents of the work. arc busily employed in
, . , - , I
Keeping U auorc ine aier; iney wi
working all the hands they can get. and
rtill have room for more. They appear
to bo aetermined to keep it going, despite
winandweather; tl-llh,ynusy succeed,
is our roost earne
M wisn. i ne continued
raiaa are swelling the river ery rapidly.
At our present writing, the rise is as much
as three or lour feel.
Then is still Quite a rtftnber ol imnil
-. -JJ ... r -1 . .J. .
JX'!Ztirl . " v",:"UD . ""
... ..a-... ..... .... -..a .m...
air uiuaiivu. ,u um ilium iu
be envied, this late in the season. Utcry
day or two we see fresh arrivals of com
panies, tha most of which are not very
large. Expediency wrought many divis
ion, in the targe companies ; it was found
impossible to get along with any thing
like convenience where companies consist
ed of a dozen teams and upwards. The
c, great numbers on the roads and the ex
ceeding sparsenesa of the grass caused
them to split up and divide out into .mail
companies; no larger than was deemed
necessary lor protection against the sava
gei Tho government at the Dalles post
hu been quite active in furnishing sup.
' plies to tho suffering immigrants ; those
who aro still in tho mountains must suffer
immensely, particularly the families, from
tho falling snows.
Oxloo.n, though in its infancy, is not
without amusements, ffco fun-loving por
lion of this community had an agreeable
entertainment in the shapoof a Cotillion
J'any, at tho Oregon House, on Thursday
evening last. It was participated hi, wc
aro told, by an unusually largo number.
Tho turn out of young ladies was far bo.
joodour most extravagant expectations;
where tbey all came from wax mora than
we caijuj.iaaijecy.ro- i here wa coljcot
ed, though somewhat in miniature, the
tmdilig beauty ol the city and country
aroud. In ear attendance at parties of a
'atuillar kind In the stales, wo net or saw
Iwit-sf oraar maintained than prevailed du.
' ring tht entire evening. It is not an un.
UssmU thing, where the parly is large, such
a mi. the ono under consideration, to
'hajYf sjaore or lesa confusion. The liust,
-." rflMa occasion, outdone himself in prepa
i Vf,jpreJo i
lr.Jr uslfikaAU
r- " 1... .
"Solomon Moses Skller" I. a new cor.
rospcjodeot ; we bava not had the pleasure
of aealng any of his lucubrations before.
,:Wa'lsM la hear from him soon asaraAa
iW5:Aa aHln at ho acolhoae," wo mif
Lyrisisioluaatbat tba lima and oxpenae will
Hit.'.'j4L..' ... -
a xpvpa vfnao sppearsuce 01 me spec.
L -Vr j. TlMsjr,- (jl rla f resent dimeiriloeu. It .
iW Vlotler lb arc come in
iafaMorhan'a frqay.
nail, fcr (Jrq Mates, will Uaic
tAaJiaWiM.. 'rereoim wsffifaj?"1' , W wd
0rgMe Its Keeaurrcs.
Trie ataple product, of any rountr) arc
regulated in price by what those articles
will command abroad,leaa the freights and
commissions. This rule w ill apply to all
countries where the homo consumption in
leas than the supply of these producV
Hence, all excess of products must neces
sarily be regulated by a foreign demand ;
that is, by thatof non.proiliieing countries.
Thus, when Hour is 850 per barrel licit,
and tho price in other producing countries
bnly half that amount, the llour of other
countries will seek tliismnrkct ; or should
the price of potatoes range at 9(1 per bus!
el and upwards, potatoes from abroad will
find this market, notwithstanding the en. '
parity of this territory to raise enough of'
potatoes for home consumption, and to
supply the whole of California. Tho.aine
may be said ef butter; if it continues to
bring 91 per pound hero, th- otcrplus at
California, it being onl w orlh.iP els there,
will be shipped and sold lun. Njw any
person acquainted with the ngrioiilti.r.I
resources of this territory, will readily sa
that, including tho ncrnt immigrlion, . such course is adopted, emigration jyhe
theretftfotatoes and butWr siitl'icicnt forlgrave.vard of America, will Joiititlrsl )
home consumption. 1 no iiipi.n ol nlieat
is by ro mcansTarge ; with un iiniiiigrj.
(lj0I1 onr,000. wo should poss.Mt be im
jc ,0 necessity of importing llmr
t What we wUh to get at u this next
Jfar tmc W. doubtltss, le a larg.1 un
i migration : our tanners shoillil
'for this the) should tow wheat, rai-e
potatoss and onions ; the latter has loin-
manded, all this season from to 9i er
bushel. What better business could a
..It.. r ,l.- ..I I ,.i til...... ci
tiller ol the soil ilisnr heat at 83
, . , , ..
iwf lmlw.l. ntrfafn... .1 A I .ml nionii. a.t
, . . ... t i. ,..., .... .,
"! jMit is is ii iis.i hi ", tss .
1 it. m...i 1.1.. ... . .1 t ii
iiimniuuai mwr iu sunojii inrir ibiiiiiicv iniun; uat c ii in one ininnit en idriim, w an
..,..,,.....' f,.. .,..., , , , ... . ... .
'anil to incit thcocmands ofilie market. yigooii loiiifor able dwell njs, and conteni.
n., . . , . i , , i
! r '" "'nC-V '""''y cM barns ,n f''" ''"'" t"u, ,,,'l,
tcrs, is merely temporary et it) thing, and hogs Any kind of stock will cm.
in consequence, has cot bcxon.l warranla.
blc bounds. There mint be a reaction,
and when tha, tunc come. w, fin;,
many of our farmers in a ' tight place,
I TtiA U ill nrtt Imv llinir fnrm itnnrstVisrf
----- --.....-. . ,. , .,..,....... , ,.... . . . p
...... ...
i u ,ctlencJ abou, 300 ccn Tilgt
M h now ,,, afc (n 1( UIlhM,1rt
atctthcn , mt ,,, ,mol(. ,, '
i l, .,,,, ,w. w. wlH U.' enabled to
. ,,
sec things as they nrr.
-i-i l.i .-i t c i I i
I ho cultitation of truit lias been cr
i.i ti. . .
muiJi neoUctod. I here is lin! a liner
country ou the globe for fruit; where
there are apples, we are told, the trees are
I fUsTnll lli.lSliA linihs halt, to l,r nronnil. :
! 7 '...." ""..: . Z ...i. " .'"r. "J
i ri --
jiuuilsuui, luiniiiuiiu. in inn iiui.fi. iium
89 to tlO per bushel, and the) are little
sour things at that, .'caches will grow
and tar in three years from the seed.
We havo seen them sell hero at the rato
of SI per dozen. Tho fact is, choice fruit ,
would bring almost any price that might
be asked ; but there is no business that
the peoplo arc so backward in as tho glow,
ing of fruit of all kinds. Tin re n nothing
that a perron could engage in that would
yield a greater profit than fruit growing.)
The few experiments that have been tried,
have proven, beyond all contradiction, the
capacity of this soil to produce fruit, in
quality and quantity equal to that of any
of "the states. "TVesay, in conclusion, get
ready your orcha.'Js plant applo and
peach tries our word for it, fipihing will
pay better for ten years to come. '
We, this wceK, present to our rcad.cn
tho last chapScr ol the laws. Wo hopo
our friends hate all read them that our
disposition to oblige them, in this matter.
will be fully apprcciaud. Those who
have filed their papers, will Imd ll.cn tery
convenient for refcrcntc. Thie w ho file
their papers will find them a viuiceof
TH. "TJ .!!". 1 :!CJ
will be ablo to sic there depict, d tho Mrug-
gle ciVnr lufar.'. ea!;n v. The greatucai
of our country will notcrUcoinnsogrcat,
rlvcs, wo shall not, like California, I nock
iu iijiir ill vain. I' n.ni rjnr rri-nf rniiiiirni
- jii,:. .' .7.i" : .. ...I
slavery (juration that bine of tho mure
' . .
southern territories
The Immiuiiakt!.' Fhilm. Mr. Philip
Kuster, at tho foot of tho Cascade iiioun-
& M I,IWC'' ll",olf fri'
to tlet, Immigrants In need. Tli
..ll. ..L 1,1. n,.l.. Il' I..
ns, has proved himsolf a frit ud, iidced,
icy univcr.
tally apeak his pralio. When potatso
wero wertli four mid fitc dollars hi re, Mr.
uutwna, plcaiu.o may ho .ler.tcd from ; Cnl. . hc..l for taking the ' ,,. by a couiHry iwW '" !''- '- , Tng . o..ent, if sho did not it ii an ex. "Z' " 'Z&l,Zn
TZnU I;",w,,;tet"" census. At llm. r.lo ,.,e mar-haU ttill bu.ld,... enure... T following reply ,,rL tlola.io, ol lav,, ,0 ,K.e. any ' Xn ttlRZl
dcrstoodhytliuthxttlierc.snotanout , , , 0 ttassot: .nloxic.l.ng liquor under any preto....-l'dl wne , , Wlln ,,, s.,rnl
tomo in this country. og.tu It a, our w , , , ,J f uJ,ic)l ,, ' ?' "'" ' ') Uellmgtoii, pre. I am aware lha somo of our learned ones , , Un,1CP1, ri , ,, ,,, ,ru ,
deeded i.p in mi, that in less than two , U ' ' "'" "'"' ' " ,cr,i his compliments to Mr As ssy this is a mixed state ol society, am , f , , k . , . . ' -
years' time, Orego II . k,wk InJ. nW,BBTrW V'"' ..".T " M
'. . I 7 1 ,1 n tho part nf our farmers that they en. gy, the DilKowitl say no more on that nub. ns tho Indians, grant all this, but have re , .'...n,, 'in, ,
the door for admission into tin, Union. ' ,, , , . ,, , , hl ro ,, ol , , , , ,, wfa, (: ,t ,a, wn n t"" Inllueuce-
We hone, however, when thai .......i ..""" anno wwcsi possmiu raits, j 1 ii ir.,.1,... ii ..,i,u,. koiniiieiieed ilirniiig o part of llm
g- - r -. . ,-..., . .., swiiii 1 Will VIIHi'VI Ult iU lixisnsja aviiuvii 111 i Mil I I "V iib . iue bs.ihi.ii''-"-
f , .iiiucn 'ri,,,,, fl,M ill. King iia iiuai np
l-ostr matlcSlt n tul tochargr tho worn.) when th' accident ocourrod. Now loco
out and halfttaied immigrant but 91 per'Hwilfi till supply the iilaccs of these
bushel, ouch nexsoiu cannot li toiliinli.
ul mi Immediate
LutcNir tonipany
California UnsMMeketf.
The Si. JottfS (unttlt of Juno 83, pub.
lisheathe folio lug I
Tli "lln.n.wlckft" (tm ths names of fvat per
mm whs recently retRmed from California, briiif
inn upwards of S)M,0Oll. which Ihey mad lu lbs
iitine. They wtnl out latf )"( r-eversl pet
eon relumed with them from California but Ib.y
u) . Ihst s peal minjr thinl of ths raiit.nl.
at leart will ley down in ths gulden end or l'l.
ifornia "n Ihst sleep which knows iw waking."
and neter more ere wife, duUlrrn or mend.
Would it no! hac been well for tlie
" llrunswlchcr " to bate reported tho
number from its neighborhood, wIm hate
returned mill empty purses and broken
constitutions. Tliv pnss east is (Wiltv
for not publishing counter reports. Hut
iliia system hat bom extcnsitcly practised
by our cotemporarics tint, much to the
injurs of their rredtiloui rcnd"rs. Wc mo
I, the. latest ilxto from die states, that
H.n,c of the papers nro laboring In place
then' things in their proper light. If
' ili,.y could but take a peep nt mntters and
'things as the are nos in California, (hex
would sd alwtu it pereermgl), and urge
' n without irtsiiig; until public opinion
I would again Ii righted. Hut until some
kept up. e are endeaioring to ilo cur
lull tluxi' more imnicdiati Iv inter
ist. .1 .lothirs I
Ore "i has still". ml I 'tli tuui ofssiiu
:)00ati.l upwards other 'pars.' population
,.),., i tl,. mom, u,,n f'ir.i .!., , ..r. .1
s... ....... . -..,. ...-. ...vv.
i i ,i . c . in
repaired hither to urn iss fortun.s. Ml or
nearly all who lit id to n turn, made out
will. Hut tln-y negleitnl their farmland
business at home. .Mans of them, had
thev staid at hyjne and mmrowd ,lUr,
r mi i ii ,r . ,l- mi ol our riclits UUiregoil, Inn enougli,
farms, would hate Uin as we I oral ths. r . n u.i i'
, " ' i(a(l-niiim.latniiuriii.ighlrs,audl llnnk
.! . ,!.., ,w mr I, u. ml. I Kiln lw-i, . . .. .....
' " ' .,..".,. ." .
hi n an tin i lit uaj's.- v attit iinna i ui
niva in iMiinra iml dmiMuoiis, tl
. 1.1 .v. 1 r-- .e
maud hfc-h prices, and all of ll.im could
' now be r.adily turned into gold, l gingle dalo will take tare to have all mail mat
. ,,, .heir ke. There n,SlJtSA
these things now, but let us profit I.) It in .7,n0 . ,illl0 II0,ifvlllI, ,il0 IWmaster
CittuFA am, I Lrmi tlA nTfia uninn fnr in llial.i tl. f. .-.. ...! tl.A a a.11..M .11
iimiiii) -mi ns'iiii -.-.-. s,"i"a i
, .,f!i,irniipninll.. .in.lvhrri11i..
, aro (-,,;,. ,llMcn lrc,,llrp.
S ,w,v fwn , luilllrt icm
u ' '
The Clold Tlountnln.
it-. it!.i...i i... i . ..
I ' n I'uuiisiiuu mil wcch an utiuuir, us
I , ,',... . , , ,
. citen by tho racino rsews, of a cold and
1 1 ' '
silver mountain in California. The fol.
flowing, which wc take from a San Dk'go
letter in the Charleston Couriir, approxi-
mates probably more nearl) tho truo state
of the case. This. La it remembered, is
from an impartial hand, who has been on
the ground and is doubtless personally
conversant with the facts. The stmy al.
luded to has been cxtcniitclt mpied in
the states ; wo think it would le nothing
more than right and proper that a correc
tion of tho sains be mado through the
channels that first gave It currencx
Hut to the extract
In th" Ultrr part of Febniart quit au r icit
nwni wa. crtatra iirrr by a rriwti mat nen ra
riuoer i had keen dueotrred not far from lha erty of
.V? .'?& TS'iCtTr. dlliiSid
(he ticw diffffiDiT"! but Ihry wrr tUHpffMnUo
Grid, ilwlrw. had oe.ndieorrd, but oo water
i nolfar fnsnlhacrly
could l famd n.are r than fiftrm miles; brMd'.,
th eo!d is combined w,ih ske rock, which la loo
inaao. at Iks com.nanl of Ilia rnlMis here ss hen i
t Lui AngelMmielimerK:e, I wa. Jiownni
kr.iilir,il.uriinn. I.V.n from Ilia nw ilu-osliri.
and I data no d'.ubi, ahould lha place . or deptMi I lost no timo in protesting against any thing
iuiik. aver pew. less produclivs lhan al preaenl,,0f ,h0 LImJ. and I waul tho Post office
rno It, produclivs than aipreKnil0r ,ho uM1i ,,) uam ,10 yMl o
ZtX?E;tuZV- ,1"'0 Ipl- r Oregon, o ,
uv.arich fieU for Hie iiireitm .itof,'n to mo a rcmonstranco against It.
winch in the . rry nature of thinnmuK be tha eaw,,
,1. m....l....l,.Mll,.,H.. J,.... ...I....
ss.q iii'sifatas ssv wilt iv sai.ra nun ad.arvvasyf a.w n. h
made, will prove a rich Hsld for the uivtJtni .it of
V lifts, .un iln nrffiMin niilttsl fill si IV I i L
... ... .,. , " ,., ,, .
a, . ,., 5Uc Sni bM lfl ,., '
ncccJj. mu( lJvo C411,C, ,(
I urgent necessity 1
Iw reduced during the last three issue 1.
three Issue 1.
n render gen.
It will bo our constant aim t
l -I full satisfaction, ,0 thcrebdc
serve n liberal patronage.
Ii... nlT ., Vnhllrnl ll,lro,l . 'I'r,,.
r t f , , , . ., , ,
:. v.t ". . -" - - -
"V '.'""' 7."" ".""" .," T " '"
' passengers 011 ono or two political rail
'. ' "; ' ...... . I
reads in that statu, and sai
A not In r accident hat occurrci 111 iiis.
soiiri. A locomotive named Thomas II.
Ilunlun, without any engineer, and a'lrain
oftars almost iimnlv. havinua few hold.
crs of California laud titles in tho tender,
started olf on it. own hook, ran oft" the
track Into a travas.se, and broke entirely
un. It is not much of a Ion. It was
i much worn, and was making its final trip
"1', .
mplotcly ruined.
..... . . ..1.- '
ii. .Mr. lisle, oflh. ih H. Seuite
1 i 1 t. as ."'., J.
, , ,1 i-oiiHi.Lii.il iNp.Ta ur iii'ibE,...,-, wucii suo italic., too nrcaii. o sr;i ... isu-i
l.u .,. ,.- ..f r"Vt,.-,.. iIim (itarsh.itv nrr 1 . n..i .. ., iin L. 1.... 1.. .. -. I .. .....' ,,.i. ,, .l... .. . . . 1
a . w u,a u. i. ivi, l' ,,.a,,.' ...........-,. a,,,, ,,,.,. n, ,, nui,ii,iini kdi. ibioiv h, i. i i,i, ihim ,,n.,,i.in,i, HMnr., bii.i.. . ., ..
Wasuiniiton, Avo. l'J, 1M0.
Kdicr Speetoror Sir t You must allow
mo to trouble you again.
I did not receive a tatter, savonnofrom
Astoria, by the last mail. I liad been
watching, with pleasant anticipations, the
arrival nlthu last mail which (oft Oregon
In the Carolina, on ho r first downward trip,
but noun came. I was much surprised, aa
the papers announced tho arrival of tho
Carolina at Han Francisco, mi tho day the
steamer loll for Panama, viai lha first day
of Jul). Last night, Mr. Abrams, from
Cortland, who cauui down on the Caroli
na, called to see me, nud Informed me,
that III.' steamer that left San l-'ranciacit
on tho lit of July for Panama, did no stop
to take tho Orsgou mall, but 'left it, lind.
mg its detinue way through tho San I'ran.
cism 1'iwt office, from whenoe, judging by
llio pant, it inn) lw months before it emer.
lit 1 1 lit gross abuse and iiegligeuie, our
merchant in iircgi.ii, nav me wnole ihmi
. plo, must I, delayed a whole month, at
i least, in im lltng advices from their corres
poiiili'iils in tno states. 1 1 you arc men ol
pint in Oregon, as I suppose you to be,
yim will speak out on this transaction.
Such a inurm', on tin part of lint mail
it. aturrs, and tho Pott mastor at San Fran
cico, will work utter rum to our business
men, as well as to the interests of Oreiron.
I supo$o we, in Oregon, are beginning
to le w ort liy of ii lilllc attention, anil t
'trust our Post oilien agent, and all our hu
sii em men, mil enter a formal complaint
toil..' I' ii oiliei) uu I Naty department, of
tins total iin.r.gai.1 ol tneir iiitret. t
is. a t .
in I lake the respnnsibilil) nf iloine it
....,.,,,.,. J ., .'
.,f. i, !, i ,i.. i i i :, 's',,,.1.
rourae I am aure, would not be sanction
id by Mr. Aspmwall towbonn notlrr I
shall bring the lai I. Wc hao Sajeii mb-
" ' '"" ' ' "" ' "" "" " l"'" -
uri ( Oil K'UftTs
I hc lu'lurr notilicil ou,if mm order I
hate not fmni 'Im I'nt flilii t Denarliniil. '
"--F. -- .V-.l. V.
n ante to having the mail from Hie Stan a.
. ... ... nif ,.n..L.,.,i. u...
'" Oregon, ami from Oregon to tho Stales,
nt into nepsrato bag t to pass Into that
Ivurnr (tho California Host ollice) wbeie
nothing r'eturgs.at all. I trust Mr. I.ans
m miii i lanvtivt't anil nm atsaevataift fit sail
arcnii wliocoon the ntcamcra. that iuch
bngs afc not to enter the San I'rancisto
office at all. I bono lie will also notify
me and the Department here, whether the
' mail from the states to Oregon, is bagged
ii tho states, according to order, and
whether such bags aro meddled with at
Kan francisco nt all.
I must advert to one other fact. I saw
In the Spectator, extraits Iroin a letter of
Mr. Allen, of California, the Tost office
sirVit there, whureif) he ejfeused himself
for not coining In Oregon, to organize our
mail s)stem. on the ground that he had to
come to the states, In Washington, to net
extra powers, so mat no couiu ancnu io
our interests. Well he was here, while I
was at Now York, about tho steam boat
business, and what do you supposn ho did
for the benefit of Oregon ? lie col a bill
drawn up under the recommendation of
the I'nstmastor (Scneral, introduced into
the Senate, creating the office of Deputy
Postmaster (leneral for California and
Oregon, who should, reside and hate hi
ollice in .tan rrannico; aim creanng a
Test ollice Auditor, who should reside and
nato litsniucc flJ .iM rruncuco; aianma.
nfiLimr llm I'n.i ofTirn al al -Van ieiien llm
, (,, ,(, .n o(t-C(, , ,, franci,n the
,lrad 'r "fiff1"- 0rf!"t '"' California,
I ,. , . , t. ... . .
' ''IS was how this Mr. Mien consulted
our inlcrrsti. A dead letter "-ffice at San
Francisco! Who does not know that it
$now ,l0 on4 0fm ,lCi,e ,nauor that
cll'c'-1 " '
I IIUIV IBVO lllflirnied VOU before, that I
, .rtj ,i. ....!. .r x..-n . ...,i I
"r,1-'"' " rU'.'" X-IWKWH W ..-HI,
u to mo a rcmonslranco against it. Wn
aro no provinconf California, and we will
,, rtmet, at Wail.li.Blon, than a anccu.
iuiing o lico holden at San rancisco-1
mi a a ale f . I 1 . I.l I
I Ins is my cm: and I shall rely mi the cili ,s logo intolhe Indian country, with
j.r,.ri),i pcoplu of Oregon 10 si
'win!.. J battle for their rights.
I I-l ,
V;.uri trul
unci, al.
'" a l'K'". "." ' '"""" " '
...... m. ....... ..I.. I.i.tl ", el. n.plL InlL.
ufiiiii. iiw. or w it .11. the uiinnst Inn Is ol
til" 'arlh, to ttl.ich ho (the Duko of Wei
liiiiTt'ini la not called uuou to toutnhutn.
the Puii'i is surprisnd that Mr. , hay.
111 already raised 7,300 towards tho
restoration ufhis church, should make ap
plication to the Duke, who has nothing to
say either to , or Io shire."
limn, (lintel y Ulion I ho receipt of tho
epistle kho Hex . gentleman was offered
five guinuas for the autograph, which was
readily aecepicu, entering 1110 amount 1.1
his subscription list aa the Duka of Wei.
Ilngtoii's tonlributlono thejfund.J
""Yiiiiiig brocket, a grandson of tho 110.
blo old patriot, Davy, who fell at the Ala.
an. wan tfcaina.il ill 1 no iuua un anion.
Ha is a Joii of ono ol the editors of the
For Iks It per titer.
Mil. Mnixoa : With your permission
I will venture to trespass upon ) our time,
and perhaps ill" patience of somo of your
readers. I havo perused the columns of
the Spectator faithfully, hoping to find an
expression of opinion in relation to tho pe.
culiar state of things as they now eslst In
this Territory. 'I hat this Is a law ahi
ding and peace loving colony, lhe.ro i in
be uoiuestlon. That Congress, aflergiv.
Ing us a political existence, has left us to
manage our own aiTalrs aa liesl we could,
is equally true, Hut the point that I am
particularly interested about, Is contained
In tho first suction of the organic act. Af
tor describing thn boundaries and naming
tho Territory, it says- "Provided, that
nothing in mis aci coiiiaincu necnnsirueu
to Impair the rights nf persnusnr property
liow iiertainini! to tho Indians in said
Territory, sn long as audi rights shall re
main unextinguished by treaty letweui
the United Slates and such Indians, or In
aftel the imWiv of the (internment n
the United States to make any rrgitiiiii"t
respecting such Indians, their lands, prop
ertyor oilier rights b tnaly, law.orolli
erwiae, which it would harr bern compe
tent to make If thlsael had never pas,. .1.
isow nir. a-.il or, .n -,i ,,-.,
opinion upon this I roviso. still prrhsps il
I knnl.l annta nun I list f la IsMffjar Hrsattlsllltf
a , t ----- e
edwith legal maltera thsu I am, will Ih
Mud enough to . -nrnct any errors that I.
n comuiou with many nf my nelghUm,
hate fallen int.. In this .natter.
Anterior to the passe ..flh.s ..rgaim'
act b Congn , Oregon bad a defaetu
..nvuHlreviiv,,,,. ..,.,.-vr:T
. ' stia . . i.
liowrnmuil whii Ii bv runsent, ennttrslnt,
. ,,.. .i.i r,ri,f ,i,
,i ,;. .rn.ln. ... ,.i,. fi..l
erfi cling itsexiitenee, praying lor ussisl I
anee and proteition frnm its ackii'iitle.lg I
e.1 parent. A majority nf.he riliens. al I
I no lime congress paaseu ine ail in nrgnn ,,, , ir,' i ., ,. , .i,i ., , i ,..i
-i . . ..... .. . . V. ,.i iwsi i nn m 't i i Mel ;it uu Ir.l ..lit ol
un thisintoatrm rary gotvrumuiit with ,. . ,,uri, n,,,. i,, r.l w,
.. , ,.'.,, i . . .ill Kollst llallull ill irillli; 111 nile It now i
""''"'.,' . '," . . LT:"' J." ."' .::.." '
HI III Ml ill I nirn nit' I inniunit.ni iimii
.m r ihririliMniiMMi In pMlulm Urn altipr
ititnxlne'.inii of inliixicalini Honors tut
- u - 1
ths toiintrt.
i ....'....,.. l.. ,r,i,. ...,r ..,.
I am anxious to know ililie aetol I on
'gress in nppmtuig all our regulation., ex
rept the land law, duapproveil "four ox
In. line or iirnhibiiim: the introduction or
.ale of inlcmcallng liquors in this c.iintrv I
Ih.es the act if organisation P., ml I.)
ingress iieciareim. im an mi. arrriuii
ordoeslt ti"tf I understand Ihppni.
VIM contain, in uir uni ecnn i umi
. .- .. ..... . r .1...
mi iw mm j tu ,"-' ' v ' '"
, , , " .1 . I 1 .1
all right. irspeeliiiRllielaiidalnlhis ler
ritory. and this is, or will be. reserved till
the Indian title is iMinguished lly ,r
mission she allow, w.ih' twenty ihousa..'!
of her citizens to remain here. pn.v. ,.d,
they do nothing contrary to the siipula
inns oi me i.rgan c art anu inn law
xx.ngnrs.s- i wi.u... iim. ii. ..u -ii-
any citizen m this Territor) gets n rV..l
to inlrcsluce any liquors int.. It. .xc.-pt f .r
the hwonii. arm), when it seems n'.v.
lulel)necerytom.- s
I).d Congress, in nrgai.'ing this t...v
erniniit.repealiin)ofher.atiitor) laws?
ernimnl. repeal nn) or her ..atutorx l"n
Did she in her custom house arra.igmmi. ,
order her collectorto n teitcilc'.rs nu nn
..,1.1 ll.., l.u l.u- .1.. n...l-,l..l, .1 iiti.l.tr
heavy penalties? Orshas Congress ei
her collector In decide this matti r for him
self, and allow the count n tn beennv full
of groggerles, and of course driiukiii In I
MlU.v, ll(, w. I. n,,u I',-',,, ,,,,, ..,,'.. ,
I roufi ss, Mr. Ildilor, that I do u"t un
' dcrstand, and i aunot roemit lie tin w innt
irrs io inaap inein nppnnr eten len-riem
with iiimmon sense, laying aside iimuii m
I cannot beliete thai Coneress iiilend il
I pi
in lha
. , ,
, ."
that aet to throw o,ii the cuui.trt l
Irodiii lion of honors under lin i he ks
but custom house duties. Tins is alnunl,
it.inncr.iri... o ...a ,.., .iin.ai.
country to the iiitrudiielioii of l.q.iir fioiii
this post, if no other, ll s a x ...l.t.oii ol
leaslu ait Iisiil atinna In 1 1 Man lis V ltifli.aii a. Ill '
, , ,
common with Mnglaml In prevent its intr.
...... .,,.M.... '..., .... .- ..-. - .
duction among the Indian tribes on this
-i,.Mltn-,.,, I,, mu -till, .Inn if i. fnil willful
to requiring etory officer now in i hi
-v.,,,,.wi,.. -', -..,....-,
territory to perjure liims.'.. ..r resign m
office, from the t.otornordow.,. Ungress
uiiiiiis mo ngni ...rr-Kii..... a.... s ,
Indian countries, so I0112 as the Indian li.
tlet to tho land is not extinguished. Sho
, , , "...,'
re and has granted permission to her
ll .s toco Intolhe Indian country, with'
'I.l ... . .1. .... .1 ....... .I.I..H ....I
. I.ur-rir ll. 110 liu llirnil s.rir IIMK "".
to intralucn every thing except Int.xic.
ting linuors-except lor tin use o.lhoar.
!,.rVr,,L"1 n' .T'T'r all1! a 1 ii n
ilOlb, I83M, nor thatof April 3,d II7,
solves our titles In our lands. Thiiwill
be an actual benefit to every cili.er, mid
no injury to the Indians. I am aioro ol
the fact Ihut Under pretence of tuplying
tho army, liquor has been Introdutod, ami
w hen oiico in, it has found its wtxrlntn a
thousand corners and places, aH tTiat tho
Indians find all these places astadily as
anv one else. I am also full' aware nf
llm astonishing fact, that our i' Assem.
My of Representatives that ! under tho
organic act nf Congress, pcd law ro
quiring tho offices of I ho pptetn courts to
grant grocery license toall Liquors.
Theer names will no U bf handed
dowfi tu future neneraiwas aa .wise and
generous patroiiiMnofManayJordruiik.
arila. anil anmn 01 samara noi hi.s.icu
to lei others bocome til aommlioneriJn
siinnlvlnrrlliis noble ffrtlV, but
less arti fearful tlml ntliftis nrntiol ns ' tlrhl
laic ablJiUft "ii.iuini,i'ii'i ns tiny wish
for lirm e, as u matter "I hi ni'inli in " uti'l
patriotism, the) niustiiilir llm sirsne,
and dial nut tin' rations to Ibis arm) that
eats up the Minis ol any luiinln.
An Oi.nOiiiiHi.Ni in
Astoria, Sept. till, IMM),
1 ,4 lln Hm.i I tlvr,
Hll.M, Oct. 7, Kill,
ilfr I'nntrr I'm prnkivnki'd In pill it
hio hi thnpuwr,aiidil yu'l prim ilinloi
tin', I'lo not ax ii til print in emit in ire I u
til", III some ah li like thing pinkitokes mo
tu agin, I'u' nil in orim.or foks urns.
flit rite mucli, kaso yu kktit git in 'u tin'
paper i ahold think Ml cording lu the sin
of it lally, hut i wiiwi tlnir gtsid ri-Miiis
for It aa who sul I i ilmii wnul lu east
lmy ,jlpn,
' ,, ,,,r, This'l
I. Ill I wish tin' rnner i
ger. I his Isvni uIhii i iruu gninu in
rile ii Imt ; ivn gdl a ill In lu u, ami it u
1 1 lint git nl lilt 11 nun pnpi I, Ml i nil 'lll'l'
! rest in Inther No Tie kom lu the pmi
rile of, nflsr saing i nn.ir nt unit thing
tu put in ii I'upi r in nil III'. , kas. i u.i i
knot I sir) gissl, and haul lariini
Bind Ml makii it pi-re silk and mollit' like
tln-c knlage gmiMit ide fillers, hut i Imv
, kullisali. m w ,' Xmii In the
uli ns l as lariHl inks, iin.l I wnnt
, .,-,, foK, ., ,,, ft,, , ,, ()(
rr . lb ,,, ., rii Ulr
a a . Va
- lltlVlllO tl Mil III' Mlmtm H Jl
llim I1IMV1HIU lid M III If It' V.IITB njl
,,, , . u ,,fr,r k.u ,.
, , ,ow ,,, ,, ,, u,ri, n, , n';,
,,, fk, , ( f Rri, 1e ( ,( M n
,,, ,' ,,( ,, ,,,; . , u,k ,
.,' ' ,,, , , ,,,,, R ,
. .,.. . i . "..r ,i '
n mil eini ini nnrt i i i inr nit run ir ill
, i ,,...,,,, ,.,!, ,i ....
' u,n "." r I liiiil lukoi.iepai
"r B '':'. k""1,"'1,' !""' '' " a giiui
BIIPj ", a'omes'hi 'li'iks'n're al ii'o'umi'
,,, M u, , (,lr llHP(lm mu, , r,, k'j
. ,,l( ., r, ,l In Intnl. an lil,..
k" ''
I di le nl kontl irt of six lin--
ml I In- i, 'tin, a ml il Imiis im tu hn I, .in. I
itn linn In think uvi i llm irils, nii! knu
an. r n "Inlo uiiiliiislninl urn , Imt knnli i
HI the In. i nil r mgl lin Ills I .' I la a
pn k nit u h Hi r that is ii g 41.1 ml, r in
rede tin- pnper tu the l..ks, an I it is Ii n
limners in one it hr is n .1 II liter. .1 In
tin .llstlltkhllli and In Mil 'nle with "
MV M(m .,,,,,,
, , kai, m)
I I'll i i II I l"
ritillnl In. ii Hi I , i
,...,,.,... 1..... .... . . ....,, ,
l.tv lilies
i IIM'I. Mil UAW tU IV U1
lilt I V int lltl KJIIII
I '
( . t j
'""I'l'll .Mill ll"M , I.I I Mill' III 1 11"
jcnlpf flii( k lnmi ,, ( lillllla .
. , ,,. , , (( (( ,.,.
1( ,. .,, .., Ultlll..ml halllf
, ,n ,,,, ,,., all( , , , , ,,,. ( ,
,., . .,,, ' , BJ, ,,..,
11B, ,' ( ( . W , 'n , )f
..... ..!-. ..I a .
, M , ( ,,, (( (!) (n(lil (Um , (
, ,-,;. , , ,,,,. ,, M1 , ,.,,,,.
s, ,, MJ , , , U(in
,,, r , .,- , , ,,,.,.,.. ,
ir , f , ,1 w
', , pU- , ., ,,,,1..
. . , . '
I ,.,,. .,.' , .... " , ,
,. Ul,; ., ,
f , (m m ,
ii ! .. i in Hi
. . .,.,....;
' '
: rs h ii '. 'i lu ii.it.
in k nl li . k in In i i I. ' i l I. .in l
ih i p- lit l'i inni . ting m. i ,v, , , ,
. I.ltslll I ll.l lilltll il s I li ,ltl not II i I
In x
sain In
llm I-.
ll l.lfr
what i.
n in ik ph kusi IxiimI il ,i r .kl d,
is If i uli r. ii il i don, i . It ,
In in i In , imi.ii r nit. i ; i I,., i
ul ' ii i si lin k ii in -. im I In i
s, d ri -.s t. tin v If , 1 1 icst m .
,,(, ,i j,,,.. ,,,!, ,.,,
, ., '
is .print, "I.
I Igt Wis n
i.l 'it'
i ,,, ,
. ., ,.,. , '
I I lin' in I" Ol I rrr - i ( .
, kuM ,, ,, ,, ,; ,
in'i r it.
kniilrt , Ih id nil tl'uk tl.it im uni'. ui
...... ..I.... . ,i... i,...,.. i.. i.. ..
l"ll- II,",' I ',1V Rlllll ' ,, ll'll.lll
,,,,1,,.,, and . m till tin I, it unit llur
, ,, ,., Un, u , ,,.,.
( lm, N((); .,, a , ( M , ,
.... '
,,, ,;., , UH, , . . ,
mis. pepli ir on tu be the ni t-l ji Im-of it ol
i u.i) , .low I tak.i it, mist, r printer, (hurn
,,.,,!., L. llfl l.,l.. .-., , I .....
. n Ul, i.,,,,,,,. .. .. - ,
gelisis mu. i"i. mil uiuicrvtaii.l lliciu
,;,,, ,,,, c, , , -,,, , , , ,., ,.
(( (imi ,; f , yoi vu f
h,mlt. ,, ,,,,,, ... ,. ...ll.., .,..,..,.,1
milfciitrri'steil imiii In I in re tu sttullaw
l l"ll-l -,,-,, r. Ml,,- Hll.l.lllf ill ', "III "l
,,, ,,,, ,imc ,, ,.,,,, M , t,
...... ,. . " r u.i 1,
I id Inner in in lino adtaulegei, hut at
" nsii'- snnv n-j a t , -s siiiis u miliv I
f aivnll,,(1, r jJaium 11
' ' O . . " ' "
en L,, I, , I.l.,,. ...!.,,..,(
, ,-", k . , .
f du.yutt'il htlpm.
iWc'kul ...a gly ; a. I. a, I t r-Ulg.
obnl, s.ifo,,,. 1 doi.t ttnnt lu ,a a word
nt'iut it ill ilun wil inuf 11 ilurn fixed
san, la. am iiitu our mil l.rek ; nlmut an
inch of the naulaam water would maku 111
a duiirahlo mil provelegu thn holo year
round, hut thn ayrai'iiseyaus raised a mob
nud drove llm wnrkemeii nf tho tarnal
fools I ahold think lha wold Im a shamed; the
(lov. wll hav tu attend In it ; i sposo our
(iuv. wil think wo uot kurus foks lioru ;
tha arc plagy karnful nf the santaam wa.
ter; I wuinlor if tha wnnt want tu let aa.
lem hav a little of It next winter; I rcc
con tha kuld spard aomo last winter.
N. II. mister printer I driithor du tuo
rlto thing, than ono rong one ; you got mi
idero, jirliitera save Iron Jla.
Milter printer yu and tho publik wil'
haftu labor, as tha aa tho bee can suck
hunny from , I lkc tu sed ll, I didciit
iiuna, iHiwaomcr me primer lines 1 mean 1
;l Hie nunuy out ol my sentiments II
. t 10 rciinqtu.il nis pst, tntri
New Orlijam Crcweii
take the offices thewltr.. TJ
lu Jfeu. 1 want lie n souw;
aw mine isure 1 tfr uax