Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, October 10, 1850, Image 1

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M Bt. -rBniftHlf t .til 1 jTa oBLiltitt
,n"Vi f I : . ' -' c .11
" i
M mai'll
.tlfrilfl'. ) rttti lVl
'. ft' ' , ma nicl
Kdll.rt) i ( Jl,
' -HI' 1 1 PSWflttll
i ! rvtnjj Tf'fl
t. '- ,nvuvu'-,xITir-)
" WcAwi&- ImV
i ' . M -i
riiwrTHr'p-rtrif-' wy
a. MMaaVja. (.jMafi IB
!siSf!UlilwWill'fD if '.
.VBHriiirMi h !) Mi jf All I
i o ) .1 ' ' -
1 t
ill 'I re-a. ,,' "iiwr
t wnyqT',wnf'p'TTnTt yri4'0ff
SMHre 'taker.. wr."
) I .
. Hi II' W"
u aNM.eAMVSI. TNUttTOK, TO till I OMtlturllT"
w I oaeoo tsssitnar.
ill a mii ilwy'notuHr wluaivelyfoieirral
w MUfHjr Mm calm up) w that are Hading,
aa SWl w bin marel rtgbt to '''n'!'
Thtr JssnSMa1 al urhaadito toaanlh oUim
HliMiil whab wir frhW Ua us, and lhy
rfMwwt M wWa tototol, wltb lowr! ll aliouw . u
alwM MB UllHl
Jirt to : BM, w ewe It to them la Iroprors III
.4 to them aaeonttMlr.Ml only m(
m AmmnAI) Vul Ibc rUGf t ul cUl Iib
1 U udkk M lha fewateli ul eoavtiiwMM
J ' . T I ' ! ' ' ' ". . I.. .''.-
of;. MUMftL MMM a pJu. . U'nLldMIMMHHM4MW M
mini r - " MbfUknTia
H wbpil iiimi Ihin
faaian Bu IL
will rrntalMl'WwU rwW itquin, mi ouijr ria
14m MiJatyto lilatwlf. bul roUlim chiUrm of
what IMf un UM mm w f ipnci. n uui
"OregoWfcllyf (0. MtW&rpim '
m ;.: , , j jlXjj Ki i if 1 1 i gg!
No. 5.
ii will hml llitmauKoo dlMIMM' &4 fa U tal i Jf-JT aMMttaM Ikb fctjr, aad
nMh mmw. Ilgty (mt. -4' UfnfMjrMlTtfMtlbnHUnt.? JUI m
trior, CMM4, willW rUM toy wk:M H t'iMrMM Mr Bd'etmh
in wim mn huhii hub w
u I
nririnr. CallloraWi w!
kiui urn & win u ttltiwuti! if ,rM
ioorrMf i nia wm 99 imtiiwn u bvi iotimb
oul. If htr unm .cwM In lnratd la W
llnnbwouM(Uort. If ktt MhMM M
nd MwatftaL H k I MM
Klt4 pfMMRj Mfftf J"
am wtnr 4iy wwwri TVs
faraluu. and andJ imUW UnoI
wouM Imcmim pcUindirMMfKIB(al'
KuUM or r roonf r, im
iIh Mtla ncm la nlum.
whil (lit Mtolf baeooMi tirjr mt pwnrj lira
tMi OnUftttlQnc, airMf at', lb MM
1 n nwm.Hnw
wtr. WkM wtaUeillc u U I
WtWH 1 Mf Mf 1MHPB
tifhl Mwellkrii
wt MMkl-ti -I. JpjMb-nT 4 WMl r.r,
wh I lkjr MMMpa aad wrt ul nuVa
WMain'AMlMirf DI'itr 'If . make
tlaa owlil)HrMMWff Uw would IM art.
tmher. Wkr Mt M wail fay oar rlghbon tm
IhiMHatrytoay wmU fam ia V ftaalnr, a lo nr il (o aa eartatn
In innif la mrftall m aartirtaarMtiiraha-irarT IatkaaMeaaa
ttlwriirfiiiiiMMi Btwjaaata4aaiir-M im ati
MorviaarilByiHB, trMaMaf wmrt fMraMantbaboou
iy waaaa.
gaa Ihilr lioma miklaf all .Ilia
and managinc 10 atcp 11 Irotn Mat
An antwrr in detail U dnliaUa.
moner when comUuod with labor. u4 tbo
met brtwlil making oaf imaor aieamlaoa pro.
May baarai
would farofoUla lawa, Mtlrlctiui on litxity .ti.ro in tho country whit wo waal.aad Matte It
uyar ha owa prirti bul I wonkl liieuloila a ( buraad to brinj Iboaa ticetawHca, .wbich maylw
moral duly wUtb. if obyd would ouvlatn f tcu iirUltbly iwoiliien nnj im, may M iBiMralad
Ik' anlrnoa for wh law. 1 would lnculct ,j the utory of killing lha hm for hr off. tn
IMpiliialolMoriha moral law, in wlicli llicioU balli ckm )uu dntroy tho jewraUn aiuav-
fouad no right" lo aiandr. 11 llial Uw, w an . n lny Judgmout, tlitrafor, w ahotihT turn our
boaad lo aroykla for ounclfM and fatniliw, at prn. j tulnH alUntlun to lha produclioa at homo of all
ont, andaaMt for lb lalrraaU af our (mart lly in ihu articl w of coiuumptlou uwded inunfia, which
futar. aoa peraon,lin inry uata growaoui, 1 our country can prurltaMy premie, r.rery oa
ifaMloott outorobaru., planl aliao utr. or 10 lart worth wi-produce alhaoia iakacWBMaineh
do any thing, of which Ihoy will not nbiUy eu. mm,y In tin country. Hapnoa lea llioaaaad dot
y iIm Iwiwltl J I bad to luok out tor inpeii, Utj won paid for a cargo layortad lata
I my ebttdron do lha Mm," I" a ovmmnn ) , Orrzou. l'lm amount of moooy would laatr lao
mad am btmt
n w.lh Ikam. No Button u mora crrouroua. countrr. th amount' of clrculatlna
.... ..- - . , . . ., -- . - ., - e
alany af ua wouu nar won (lao, m our ,i . uim n,.nrj 10 inai Uf jrw, aaa m tooa aa in aaa
In Ilia wmM, to have rtccitrd iuuilbuig Ij Iran ' M rcrn'iwd, In a aliap not lo rrprodaco moaty,
iiu. Thl .may Ii trap of mir children. WUH t,n amount of capital would brcom extlaol. a
wr tltouglit, Ikry will b Urly lo think. Hotn f4r al Dregron b eoncrrnwi. Out aappoM Iba loa
ray proprrly Ml to rhildmi will b an Injury to tl.oiiiinJ.liad lcil iutoitcd In working our Mk
llictn. Not urcr wnly. Would U not bs Iwpt lo tn'nn, andlmtcaJ of the cargo, w bad boaght
o rducala our clicUr.u that lhr Imjurft w.ll Ik the !! at o.ir mi net In IhU caM lha tea Iboa
nUnaii lo thrill Olhen u), they will quarrel .jnil would harn changed hands yrt it would r
bboullt. Irepty, nolillliey undcretaud and tmic- man in lha country and bo a pari of til aroduoiag
lice thoiUlf.of life. Irfarallieni wllli iiimd und pjwrr of tliialalc, andiu Ihlacav.aftrr th wrthi
iiiirab,aud money nuy bo intruited tu them Willi rnuiuimd iro lure the money rtlll Tlilaaupnoaiiaa
I.ayini a!d our duty to our cluldieii, au rarly
Iireparutiau fur III CMturt of lifo aro dtininded
lylhratroagiulcou'iderationaiiferlfinterrjl A
brlaga dorpilod. 'I'he.i It i. that tlie runiforta
li'e Br, tMomnt rwldrwe, and all tin cjrn'orti at
liadaat on oaay ciKuiilauei In life, aia inlnarr
log aagak , They am bedi of raw v. which we
UM awtafg tolho grate. All Klin feel old a
with la kouylrulnl Iw.uiuj aromd them realize
Iimt aaatoaaut It kt lo bat lo toil on Incartaally.
4B mo that aid gulmii of eialy, pontlyclod,
paoaiy Pad, au y ounarn, nu imiiu uiaaing,
i haird on III fact thai the mine cuuM bo profltahly
orkrd All of m la Orrgon nra partmr in Km
concrrn. and our Indirtdaal nrooorty makoa ua ih
jxut tr:k of iho ewnpany. when on of a part
with our money lo a Daitoer for anaauiraJrat from
hU InJi tldnal uroperty.th nuuey paid, tlioogk wio
ngfrb.ii lh liandf of one partner 10 aaotarr. mM
teniilnia pirt of iba Joint atoek, andlMaroaa
mad by lit producer of tho articM) aaaaaaaM, (a
to tweuil amount. ol o wo a wo My or oao
uot a member of Ih firm. Thl ruloVw apply.
only when a member of Iba firm can puidaai and
k'I to anothrr member aa cheap aa bo aaa ba
iB.a Iii.Iiiiii aaraaTjawaawojaaaa3ai
he In fator of Uw partner. I Ihamror naiat.
Inr her mUo reallon earth, fatlgunl, weary, I whenever we can profitably prodaeo Ih nOaio at
aihauMad. with falteiini tread wrudmg hi nay J home, we .liould do M, la order to rtlala oar
i I.U knaVa cabia. Ha arrirra Iber aud n
ten llaalUdawilupm a otoul peihapa, hUimU
eliake, and owraw hi de'clrj 011I1U riunlenaace.
Ilou'l you pllylhegiud old gentleman f Imagia
him now, at tb Mine ag, .urrounJ.-d with all tho
Kombrt of life, mow walking In liu garden, htnlng
m hUataiT, with Ilia graud chiM and bttU dog
li) log by hU aid, and now walking Into hU field
to ll hW aoti al labor, and Impart lu him tho win.
doiitof yrarai now ha rrliirru to hw bouw, with
hl-pine Minbng from thn furrowa of hi agrd
uboek, and, Mated, aenvudy but wrencty Iraera
through hiagtaxea tho .acred line of tho Hook of
Life, and aiediUtce drrpt) on hu araaoachlng en.1,
'aud lha waya of the juet. Which condition would
ou prefer I Many a mau hu foaad lilmteir at
thai ago In tho flrel comlilUi, who, If b had hi
lifatoby oyer again, and th aid of hi ciperl.
cue ouU ba ure I find liliowlf in Ihe eecoml.
Youeer my point Duee II Hot idmonbh lu lo
labjf dillgeutly In Ihe copl of Ih day, In Ih morn
lag of life, o that" when Ih arerchlng eun of now
drantiid etpuu w, and th aeorineaeof crrniug
ahall weigh IK down, wo may enter into Ih ehido
of our own making and ba happy In the enjoyment
of what our dillgral hand hay gathered together t
, I hay now Wlelly touched unoil rligion and
morab, aduealiou, temperance, Induatry, and rco.
, oiny, m rabject woilhy of our coiuddrratiou while
atriylng tejmlld up a Mate. Iarlrg fhew, lei
ua oon.kler a few nthtr Mikjrcl which at worth)
of our atiantion.
II H IroporUat for an. In Drrgon to eu uirr, not
outyhow we canmak money, but how we can
keepll. ,'Hluc I hare been lu tlio Hlote, I hatfe
carefully walchodtlie moytmonl toward th I'a
clM ooaot, tad hy atudied lk moUyre of mil.
graat. Tb MBH of my obyeryatlorM enaMo me
I My, that, M ajoaerat thing, IhU molly la any.
'thing bat a deolr U Imaroya 0? benefit our ooaot.
A wia oMcaiaiiM " iraianoring i auu me
aMdykv act aW iCaUlariiU aiaf Oregon can be
haw up, M bow lb 040 ba moot aucccadUly rl-
m rrt.lH,MliMtRl It. trmmM. l -L
Turning IhU Una of ptlky, what will b Mr do.
I y a la Ih timber of Oman. Thlt llmbor u aa
of our grcaleet rraotircra. We ahould hnebaad U
with great carr. It may appear Imibaoatable
now, but iueh I far from bring tb cm. It wilt
melt away before time and potlWmeat, Mtrot la
return, lu actual yalua kao mask waakh ia
Uiegtui. Juet m faat a Ibla limbtr Itana tb
couutrj in nunafaclutril lumber, not la rtm
lo Ih country again lu caali or properly for layrot
ment.JuetM faat Mth actual wtalth 0 Oregon
duniuUilng. II atanda In the tame relaMa ta ua
that th mince do lo California. It ia h Mfr
Iy of Oregon, eubjert lo the grouud uawwy af tho
goTrmniejil, and with thl qualification," It nay be
M to be Ih joint properly of u and our porferlty.
Illmale It la iWlarei and then My with wfcat r.
replion on would meet, who cam aaaaag a to
rob tin of a portion of IhU monoy for' lb farpoM
of removing it from III bualnca of tbcoaalry 0y.
et lo return. Dut what belter doe la do, who
conm to cut and manufacture our limber whaoat
an eqiutalenl, and removing Die plot 1 da foraru
from lla country. Were Ihii eoune puraaed
cienlly long and extruai rely , tb lima would can
round nhin wcehoulilliayentTtimbeer anything
for an rutilratrnl. To Ihi Patent our country
would be iinpuYetialird. To guard ugalrut h a
duautrr to tho proptrty of Oregon, f ma urg it
upm you 1 1 tnru your attention to th aubiect
You hoodguan llieM foreaU m carefully aa a
farmer ba orchard, aa ha gather from lb Utter
hi annul crop of 'luxuriant fruit, ro we, aad our
pMteHly after w may gather from IbeM tanata
baryt of gold. I will do what I cm to proyoat
Ibcea limber laud from being brought lata marktt
eicrpt I actual Miller, and to them la rkoetod
niunlillt. No man ahould bo allowed to wwaaa
lite thl timber, or tho land of our Territory
How much of Ihi Umber ia auoually doatroyed by
lira r Againat ltiM)ouaniiki(wrd by yowiawe.
franwd by your wUdau lo meet Ihe cw And I
may add, mat no on imereet ia uregoa
Itntaabebtreaatir. I aav (enerally. There M
atoady emlrraika toward Oregoa, by a claa of gently demand the attention of the tagatatlra
. peroMawko ooataenplaa 'making It the lioni of Aowmbly. .To nam It, in, I am quit ure, auffi.
lbinMyaaudchiU;en. Thla la not m generally clenl lo aeeure your nctioii. I hay no doubt it
Iba eM of the eaugranla loualtrornia. 1 Hon 1 ue. win meet witn uu inai cnnw.icrauon comrMMaM
lieyo oao In a Ihouaand go there with arlew (o lu the founder of 0 atate. '
pannanrcl retdn. But whll alio la yiaited uu ai It wotilj be Tor in to depend on tho
omy wawin win a ii. naiea tor our nniwe aua oailie. lltw raMltwoukl
. coroo to wck h- blood, and la UT again, we, in ild Orrcon of Mf.aaatr. Andaliyldkl lie
Oregon, an not free from IhU evil. .Many will Cau) w can produce air own Hock, and keep
com to ua, oren under tho prolenco of rrmalnllig, r money fur 1iteMmf lit lu the etate. Ilul 1 it
but wbn ll.ey liar nicked our Wool, n lien they ,lol rtuially Idle lo buy our Mocking, air boot and
have boarded ourHlKiney, and ar bloated wltli ,hoe, our coair clothe', and fanning tnoH, our
Ilia profll Uiey have mad erTrl if, lhy will tuir. ur furnNnre, and many otlirr Ihlnga, which w
their back upon a, laucliflret they hato awiiidled 1 c.,t nruduca aa raalv a our .look t Unoueauoaa.
.. im . r .". 1..,-.. r. ..7. ..... ... T - -.r.
11a, ana aauaer a ana our rnuniry 111 rciuni. ,,1 i,:y, tVliocnnralM
am told, that a merchant 111 yonrmnui, wnnu
aow reaping arotll front your trade, and, arbo in.
Und to reap mora of it, baa even diacouraged eml.
gntaa to air eouatry, and bi the language of my
oonaaMBdaat, TQ a dUconraglng tory about
Irymg Uwr." And who do you.uppoM It Ut
What ylperMyyou hay w bean warming In our
(borne) to ,Mto avin return! I leave ) 011 in Ilia
dark at proatnt. ,,It may caaw you to examlu Ihe
animal before yon embrace him. Hut )ou haia
eobjor blood than I bar, If it don't grow warm at
th ajwauatonwat. Much ajwoulateni wo have,
and w aaiHbaya ruor of Ihem, ami I hop you
Will atteadta,lUalj ae, I haye In all cam die.
1 qoaraged any ooo tMn going to Oregoriiio would
no( go to make fte. country Ma home. I I haye
done thl, not by aianderlng oar countryVtnrtJiy
loUlag Iba" Plkbily, Uitt we did not went Ihtm
aawaf aa.i Wo want actual and permanent Mt.
1110, and not temporary peculator) and If ou
nenaiig Ih Inttrrtlanf Oregon, or of )ouiaeltrn,
areawao. aad m i tb aay. And why not car
tf aa) tai atlaclpa af a bom idprcity la an
aaw wa aaa pan any arr too ua emeu
IT I witt etay thai palat, fellow clliian., to
year' waajom. It a ertamly Wtrtbyt or )-our
ibMfbk aad I Lave ao doubt U wlllWir.llw.
Vour owa lalareal demand it. and I diatraat lb
caaM of your aclnw, would be'to pjbretion your
'Jut,lhr i anotlar direction in which )ou
aaat turn v-.'r attalia Omna i lo become a
caamwrclal otat, tad Ibe ame rale will apply la
lha) branch of ladaotry a apply la the I hay
jaat bom treating of. W eaaat atcomo our own
eamra, or pay euwri rer in rerric. x l au m
mooay wapy aaa rrabkat fc fraigbt paana from
tb ooaatry, Our alajaallag aadiaa w duwakdi
od la aroportlou, and lo I11M tat U Iba produe
Uy fjwr of lb ctanrry wtakeaod.1 Th reytrea
I Ira. If w ar wr owa carrwre. The freight
rnoaoy merely cbangM band It rtlll remain a
fart of the common atoek. Aad thl ia not alb
f wo owa oar own vtanl. w repair lltrm al
home, and w would b. BkrlytobulM them at
bom. Ilaac w not only mt our freiriit mon
ey, but we general another branch of buaiurw;
oar auoTM and dock-yard would reaound with the
at aaN lunaaiiafth Mp baBaWr, all tb minor
occopatlwa aeXadaat o thl trada would fotaw la
yy aaa mi oaar owa oar aauag yta.
Mbubul w riaaalbow wtth tb time w mrat
bar aam vaffJa, tracking lha ocean to Saa
Fnaeawo, tho Baadwieh baud, and to our
nalgkka aorta. Th Miatfa af lbM braaebca
of baaaM aaaat aar owa tiiliiia, their owa do
aire ar popularity aiaiin fBcooa, and their
poraoaat laicreou m ia taaairy wiu praapi ueem
to araanaaalataaa aad aaaarjoa to war waatav
WktliTifHa fratto, k all pa to owol Ih
raawltf Oiagaa. atykaaalag a naMitiltl
paorU, !a ataaBB ready al al liaaa, tb mat.
rial acwaBaaaagaaawaaanof iwanauny
MMlNM.mrafiMa,MkM. Tha, aaa tara.
ana fn a graaa mama aw en laimare 1 ara
beuagaktoto ba aaakd la oyary particular ia oar
aat1Oaaaaa fval aoaoaji Im MeMaaca of tao
eiatahaMdowaeM1 af waalai, aadiatbkway
tMiaanaaaj'iMMMI afrapitaJ aow lay at ad la
lha wlaa-Mary oa tb AiUallo aid win auk
BboMUOrMtryr. I Uay you to follow
oat tao ceMiellMfatar reartu. llkaDreaaooa
U. yet H a magllalry graad to coatoaplat
Aad 1 eaaaat War lb point wllhoat moot nrgtnl
Iy raaaaMlla(yoat roaaTyaur nt rgie lo the
ac c larnabaill i Iba object
UirAmAitk' or Sorrtto. Captain
Waldo will Vakve thla city for Johnron'
KMrrs on Baar river, this morning at
nirnWo'cloekj en route to moat Ibe immi-
grtnlawith apeliea. Ha takes with him
large train, or ueei cattre and mule.
Shout) any peraan now v, tho city bo
willing to voluhaaer their aervicca with.
oul oompanaatwii i ia tho laudablo elTort
to relieve tMaMaMug immigration, they
will be auppliaalamr) males and provisions
until they returu..l r
Should any pereee be willing lo olTer
hi sorvioes. he will alaaso report at the
otBoo of Johnson es Pormaa before tho
time above stated. Sao. Trariscrlpt.
1 better wool than we! Who
lint better leather r ino male oeiter boot and
elioee? And nho more cuhalanllal farming tool
and furniture 1 Nobody. Yrt for all then uing,
and injny mom which w can produe In ii
greate.l abundance, w aro daily paying away
ourcailtlolhe iinnrter who take It away never
to return. Thu, there la a continual draw on ear
reaourcee, and If it I coulluued, all IImm which
nro limited, aa our timber, will Iravo an end, and
then where ahall we bo! Fomkeu aad penny.
jeM. It U taaily perceived, Ihat juet )u proportion
a our canorta of caji, oneced our export of caali
producing article, jiwl in Ihat rooportlon I our
clroidatlng -tmdluin dlmluUhed, aad Ibis aroeaa
followed up will find our coffer empty, aad then
follow one of than " bard lime " wlien "atouey
U light," and then alep lu tho capilalWU to ahaya
jou uf) our remaining lock. ArMoorsoy follow
in ronnie, Hi industrial portion of eommaaUy U
rtlnnteil mid on their riiiiw ai'uca Ihe order of claa-
e, and Hit inawee heroin" elate". Nf rd I ntteat
litiit Wit. Atpoor Rlrl drove a don
key laden with turiinto Rnniskillen, a few
days ago, and having disposed of them,
she went Into a shop lo purehaso some ar.
Holes, leaving the as at the door. n A'gsl.
lant officer of the 57th lUgiment, who
happened to be pasting shortly rf)tfr; ball,
ed out indignantly for the' removal' wflho
obetrucllon " I aay, girl, what makes
you keep your ass on tho sidewalk. R.
move it immediately." "Well, sir, said
the girl in apparent good humor, ' if you
had staid at homo vpu would not have
foun' ralson lo fall .put with your broth
er." JL
Australian Floub. We have had ox.
hlblted to us, by Messrs. Ilort Brother,
Front street, a sample of Australian Hour,
which, as far as we are able forjudge, Is
a verysuierlor artlole. It Is sweet, very
line and white. Tho trada between Call.
bruit and Australia, is becoming qulto
brisk, and, In many kinds or produce, it
w(ll rival the trade with Chill or Oregon.
Labor Is so rauoh cheaper in the Aualrn
lian colonies than in our own country, that
Ilia ravenue law win not bo much on.
couragemenl for Oregon to culttvnlo grain
for export. In Van Dientan' Land, a good
laborer on a farm gets only 99 a month;
Sad. thnucrift, ' f
... .,,.ii,; . i . '
Th f saoiaors of Ban Frauoioo havo
reported) the valuonfthnTaxablo Prop
crly of teat city, at Ihrft hunrlrtti jnUtiont
r ttnllnrfi i
Uuanmllclea Dlxotory.
Oolo t.i'Tf.i LuMrs. The Pacli
Nevt publishes the following tremendous
atatetiient, which wc ropy In order lo ahow
how .much bigscr gold stories they have
in California titan wo havo here, Tito
NtKi itself Is evidently Inken in. We
may look' for Slnbad's Diamond Valley
as lha next diseov ry.
'' A psrty ofeinl(ratilii hy way of Ihr
Salt Lake arriving ut I. en Angela, gavr
an account of the ciiilcncc ofcold on thai
route, cast oT tlio principal mountain
range, when a company then filling out
fcr a spot 'about nitty miles from the I'u
eblo, shattged its ilcterminatlon and pro.
ceedcl in search of lhi other. Tho roulo
lay in a northeast direction from I la- place
of departure, und full of tlilTictillier.
Striking tho Manahttc river, lltcy follotv
ed its courso some distance, rrouin ami
reorossittg as necessity compelled, Kinin
daiysas often as fifteen limes, kminj; it
where it ii)akcs a bend to mo Kottthea&t,
towards the Colorado, into tthich it emp
tic. Obstacles wcro encountered at vn.
rious points of the journey almost insur
mountable in the shape of mountains of
rock, which the) had lo climb, and uioun
tains of snow which they could not n
told; narrow ijorcoiLthrougli which ihoy
had lo pass, an I WilfrWronerclini alone
whose crests nothing but a mule could
pass ith a prospect of tafctv, and where
tho slightest misstep woulil Und rider
ami all, hundreds of feet below ; bul they
pushed on about tun hundred and thirty
miles from thrrl'ucblo, the point for which
they started. Horo among tho eastern
spurs of the Sierra Nevada, they fourld
tho object of their scorch p.old snd sil
ver too; and in such quantities as ihcy
had not dreamed of a perfect mountain
of rocks with silver and gold mingled and
commingled in solid masses weighing from
one to many tuns. Tho quartz proved
to be exceedingly hard, to such a degree
that, during their short stay, all the im
plements mado'fo'r this particular purpov
before Martini:, wcro completely wriirn out
Th strangest part of thn whole discov
ery is .jet to bo toldi These large hold
ers of gold, silier and quart We thegoll
in the toulh and Ihe tlfaer in the north end.
No exceptions were found in their exam
inations, the silver being tho most sbun
dsntof thotwo Inllie wordsof tho per
son n ho was on the spot, " there is enough
silver there to sink every ship in litis har
bor." Wo publish tho abtl'ojp statement, tint
with the view of having our renders be
Here It, but to show them the policy pur
sued by the press, to fool the green onr
We would much rather seo such a story
as tho one alluded to published, than thosr
containing lesser truths, as it is so out of
tlie wholo nature of things, no person o'f
any intelligence, ill bollove it. A slmi.
lar game to this has liecn practised ever
since tho first establishment of n ncunpa.
per in California. The consequence ha
becrTthat a great rush, attracted hy like
storiss, lo tho land abounding "illi gold
has been made ; much to tho injury ofthe.
Atlantic states and to tho great discomfit
ure of n large number ef hardy, scn'ible
and Intelligent adventurers. Wo are
pleased to sec '.he San Francisco Courier
pursuing an honorable course in this mat
ter ; and that at their hands the public
aro more likely to receUe reliable stale
SuoscmrTio rou Pkoimsor Wliistlr'o
Faiilt. It is stated that the recent ca
lamity that has occurred to this interest
ing family, has incited their old friends in
Boston to raise for Ihem a liandsomo dn
nation, as a testimonial of continued
friendship. Tho widow of the lalo Dr
I'arkman heads the list uith 9500, ulilch
has already reached above 820.Q00.
",And daro sav you have scolded jour
wife very often, Iovmsn," said 1 to Imrt
Old Nowman looked do n, and Ins ifc
took up tho reply.
"-Never to signify ; and if ho has, 1 do
served it."
' And I dare say, if tho truth h cro told,
you havo scolded him as often."
" Way, ' satil ma otu woman, iui
beauty of kindness which all tho pootri
of tho world cannot excel, " how can u
wlfo soold "Iter good man who has boen
working for her and hor llitlo ones all tho
day t It may dn for a man to bo peevish
for it is ho a bears tho crosses of the
world ; but who should mako hlin forget
Ihem -mil Ms own wifof. And . "he had
best for -her on sake for nolvI can
neold w hen the scnl.lin; is all "n one std..
-. i