Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, July 25, 1850, Image 1

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    r - jHMnHi -
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Till. OUt .iAUX SlMJVT.i'I'OMl
A ill.-- I.MIINTIII.V jbVuSAt,
lluvotiM f o the IMornl.Hot'lni nil
Liter mrt lutcrtnlt or IIhi
i' noi'i.r. or imkuon.
m Mixiii, ur Li-i (iii, muriT"
Oat ropy prMimltl W
" ll Ml lltimtllf ' W
3 J l.ittrri 6tiiirl mull fl P'"!.
,. II l.illll ISJ.TI
COUCH .v ('
wiiiii.i:ai.i:a itirrvii. Mr.itniANTH,
rttitl IM, "Mim'S TSSllTnar.
(I loUl I, IMI
till .!... ( X '" "
..... u nrawi. ( ISO H l will
MN II IN' !' ". U.IH'llll I
Mllliv Win x . tint I. , r- , IS Volk
X. W rlniKip A I'mb-I. "
I .. v l--r A Mrmll.
XX.I ir I ii I anl'.il
I'll I. I'll
tV lillKMIN
likMAMIN bllkki
I lil M i 'III MiNi
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I'rl I l-l-
i,w notk i-:.
J v INN I'.luIlN l'i,
lT10K.Si: I'll M.7K IT.llt,
'l I i lli'K IN ' llli I ll
Ofi.t m li r.itt il. "I WliU lirrf, f Hill
I.-. ir .S'Nlr
i' . m ('U, ' I I, Ixl I
. sur. sr.it.
'-diiM . fin wi.i.hh i; f ur
.1 I .. I - II I I I
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iiiiim:; i.iiihs.
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1 1 , i , I i . . r.-uli..Hl ! Imil
I , II l.lMlUII "I I l llli I'"-
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i 1 1 ii n r ' i'1)
. J t ' i llll! i .Mill! I
V ., i ii fir nl.t
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; W . . " "lmI.W ' ' H'.
f MA'I l.n'K
a riir.r.) '" ' riit r i.uv
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...Ii l,r Mil II Sin
! ! .
lilt MIX M .-'I l.tiKll.
uvirswrix vr.iiriiAsr ) uiknt
i h ir imi, mi i.i.hm.
r I rKS. M
i ti lit' I x , Cinr.irii.n
I.. ti r r x,n , i i.rni.
l,i i. x , N A I'm I'll IhI lll"
I' M Ti i ,N Xi-I
I. Mil . ir . i. mi r,.X4ti rrnt.o
J.,inidt M, I-..U II
ci:o. i:i:i:M:riiv .v n.
i, ,.,,is . ., .. I '..in .l.llMTnllY.
HUM in. WMM w.
. ui.lia
XlaiihVI.I. I'.'.ll l(
M fl ? s i.ii"i"i"''"
Jl ftOP "I" -lil"X)inruw tnlilnlilll,
I ur i.itp li
(.i;u aiii:iini:tiiv i. '
'""rrAI.ATIN I'l.AINS.
rnll kIIhIiviii il hiii imh mi, lli' rnlMiril'l
JB. Iia nliii in Inn il i full nwi'rt "I f
windmill l iliil-ViJ f l linlrii uwl fcUil
ltr4(0 Mil rMillir
HmUKI.I&lli-illllMIIR'IIWIll" f"f K"" lll'Ml
fiom Califuriim hmI III. Mii, I i.lrf ijrrol In
,l.i. . im nU In f irni'M mill i " I"")' 'I""1 1"'1'",
lly runiit nllniitinn I" III" mil" "f "'" rnl"
.iminty. Ii lii.nii mini a iiniiiiiiiiuiin nf f.nw.
JVI'u l"' fwl"
AllltAIIAM hlJMillll.
llilM...rminli, Muy Ifi, I.MI-I7-I)r
mm mst " iTm.
niX"!.SSf)N MI.ItWIANTrt.
- l.rtwri-liCtny Wnli1nstuiillrrU,
M ' I'llAM IS'"0, I'Af..
Jm ,V..1'.H-'.,III
r.unr a Ni simr. hTiiRK.
f 1 LNTSmtf in J niorKCO hofi ami boota.
1)1 l.til.m fmicy rallai, lotwl walking 1im
nil aliiMn, rliil.r n a ilii uf vailun c!i". kip
anil fowliidi ImiU anil ilne
Oitn C,i, rt:urrSI, I 111.
lfltjli . ' '-I
mm--- m MLJ.
, 'lill . . iiHffVuBi .. KiH .Liakrl,.
fjsM. btmbs.' m ) - - sstmsi
vtMPv'i '.J-im'v4-4-tii-n r--YilWn-' M-I-itinciwri-ii-i5r'riWA1lfrtrjixj u -in) . wf
Vol, 4, Oregon Vjty, (0, T,,f rimrsduy, July 25, 1850,
'HI" !.K - ' '. -'-- '-iil.l'" "i L'i,! tn ' .1 -'-'''IT - - .-- .1." II-1- - . -
Celtibratlon ul IU 1'anHh nl Mlh
MiMlkl '
Mr. litlitor: Tim relurn of our n.
llonil iNiiivanMry, In Urogun, umlnr clr
ouiiMtmiuca of o niilcli nituroal, and to
Kraut ini'inlw, wan, I (H'llrvn, lifillrj hy
ntir irholn pi'iijilri with rvltcoonunn ilrrnn
iifailrit mill I'litluialiiafl At Mllwnuklu,
mIuti1 mm uir f;o wcro mily llifun
il willing Iiuum'm nttil r.mr r.iiniliea, lluiilay
wa not only trltlrattil lull miflftd, by
IWiillnl.m v f aiiinr. luo liiimlri'il noil I h.
I'll-' pnnjjfioii li.iMiic fiiniK'il umlnr the
lirtiljH' uf llm l.ir .uii('lril li.'ilincr, lit
iiiiim I to tin nudum fi'in npirviri
alnl fur (In) im'i'usi hi, u lie r nil nliviilutit
nntl i nriiuii puij . f ,ti ullurnl liv llic
K. Mr. ICi lly , itfn r liiuli tin- follow,
mi; pntri'illi' mini tml ihIu j ung by
Mr H, Ii.C'iiii'iIh II,. i H-tnlM il... vuiiti
luliri, u itli in . ..ii nlal iiHiaitt In Miira
(t in Unfaili Hlinp i.nUpim
Nunc "" iin'll'ili an.1 fii)4iii wont
NX In rr llif tliMl vf X'alnnUil
.Xl"rw III !..)' Ir.l, .
Ilrn from lh) 1)111111 ftlijj
1 lifiitfpt thi p'oukIi fur hfillk lill'li.
llul) iimii I.I ijirf liKrprijrt'1,
rtiHj4iiutl)iB li J
f'i..n,' Jn.litt tii'.iiiti in c'.a.in -(lifPi.
Iim utiiinlirrfni In III" iiiili,
Kim" It4tli Ijtii Iter al jitum",
IMl lt rulittl ll4MI4,-
Wuilifnl ,Vli..n of lh" XX ri,
I!im ! iilili Uurr 1'irati.MM IJext ; t
llli'tl lilnJ limn rlii l" ml,
XValrh lliy hnijlit'iiill; fjtil'
1'injnr i f Uio I mi " ii.l lif'
( Mlr'i t lIlJT l'"ll I ! tl.
X hi, ti!l li.il ln"4 I- li.l II Miirr.
I.i i (iamV (lirurio '
S .(.in luigr. i ilniir. mniir tmlii
I il I III) kraCnil llil.
i, l llll.lllf tt lllU vt IU.II.
llul, Iii l.llil ali.if"
A I I'm" i'dii. 'iiii'.n ul" lite "!, lli '
lun.t. t ''f In It iimh!"iii i rii
ill mi
nn;rriie iiiit, Ii, Mr. II, Ciimplii'll,
... m full mpil bv Mr f hlnil IIisJr'C
i In ln' li.l'i.vl iu;',
V.'ii .' mi I I'rttov Citrr-xi
It f illi i'lri"iifl,iliHiilfTnt', ninl cv n
mil, rt i irix- nl' trrpiilnli'iti, I lint I Hm.
' ) .Tlllll JOJ I'U ll.'H IJCINIII'lll mi nc
ij-'.i I'r.iunlil "illi f.'rcAl .mil inlriri'k.
nnnivH i.itloni.lliil n.i lnj'.t.r lioi".ralilc
Ii 'nl. In tlin lirarl ..f nny trur Aiurli.nn,
f.uh to vlbralo witli llm lnlrnrt, ((rati,
in. lit ami juy, trluii In' ront;rn,i!atrt the
im,;lry ntviiM tlint L no it origin. '
AIit iniii):liii. ii ic moat of you, for
in ir v yira, illi tint x Mcocyan nrinutlr,
itnl biiiiOHS, mi'l bring,tlip,IJiiltril.SlatPi
uf Ainoiii'it, wli'wocompotn'iit and rratlp
Mavrinrcllnrty inillioiiinr human aoula,
-if. r floiliiii; tlierc, now iiknllio brim.
. n, I liMif auccral, nuw bitllin" uitli
. vwtvrrinf oiWrnily ami anon I'nj'iilful
hi lh" ilu'iiiiy xnrtrx nf nilif.irliiiii, I
li.uc nl kligtli bcoii naflnl by ihu xtimla
I an .Jnii nntl aiKintnrc, like n stray
Imp from tliat "COJIl Into t!iu "I Hint
rhult"ot tlm wi'sti'm "rlil, to fin. I my.
spit tnnillnp hrri, in llm ru'lonml liumlilr,
lliniiyli not ilialioiKirnhlr, (;nrb of linlustry
ami toll, flalloii'il ttiili your attention, ni
I fucbly mti'iiipt to ricnpitulata u fuiv of
lliomauy inutiei hi; Imvoto lio grntoful
to mi ovcrniliuc ocr for lilriilii(? l'lli
in ilrtritu and klml unknown in tlio worM'i
hiitnry i-xcrpt iii our n happy iniianco,
unci ilill iitv'iijovttil by tlic itnuirniu ami
iruwlne majority nf In inhabilaiita.
Wholly unqiialifiri) a I am for any tak
of tlu'a nalurr lotnlly uuprrpnriiJ aa I
am for tins promt unn ; yil, lni'!ltil by
tlm riiriutt ti'tlicitalionn of thoiu uhom I
lirlii'it I hnrit a rilil t I'atiom inv
frlcml', I throw myielf ni"ii tin Imluf.
(iiinr nf my nuilimn truslinn that tlm
trll nf charity may cou'r the intiltiliulii
of inipcrficliuim that I tliall exhibit ; ami
ri'ipiovt tht'in to aut'iiitipMiiy mo with their
lluiiichli onn joiiriioy of ri'iiiiiiitirnci',
nri'l 'iiitiLipatinn of review anil niifjnry
f mt'iii'iry and Iiojk', that I am nUuit
lo uiiiluitur.li, Aci'iniipaiiy mo, 1I1M I
aiy f No I would not that ou blionjil
fi'l'lcrymir fri,liiir!' down to th" faltrrlng
paco of mini), Uivo your linii((inatloin
ilii'lrirt't'iit wIiik tlirir idt raugi
their lofiii'.t llij(lit. Thuro is lilllv danger
of their orrritfiiiiiip tbo boundaries of
llii'nubjrtt, orof tlndr noarin' almvn Ita
aiikllinonlllluili'i xvlileli ban no limit na.
inncil It ; until, like tlio atari at tlm a p.
pronih or day, It it bit in tlio brij;litiiia
of liomcnl
Tlio aubjuct ia tlm world' Kililical aal
at!on tlio redumption uf mankind from
K)iticnl deuradatiou and alii: nod tlio
occasion ii tno nntilvoraary nf 1'rocdom'i
nativity tliu birthday of Liberty tlio
lawn of a rjlorioui morning, xvhicli la
Gradually prnftrrmlng Intnthn fullest day.
Tim wild of Oregon am already bright
ning with It beams, and warming w ith Its
ullulgsnco. And though many a dark
rind threatening cloud inter onos between
tlm oppressed nilllioni of tlio earth And
llm day .Mar nf their regeneration, those
olniid) nro moving turoty, II slowly, away,
and lo ilia desponding nation wo can
kay"llopo on," your liorlwm is scarcely
darker than that which preceded our
duwp. Hopo on, tlio sun orLHwrly may
appear lo liavo passed Its meridian, and
about to set In blood bat liojio on, and U
olieereil witb tbo rrcoilvotlou that though
nrkrarHi "sj
il'iiKll " !W
- mmvWm
''h .saw wsarass tssm r,-tm
Itlnavn-vrtiiBwhllnlnOilarkneas. It' Ml
shines wlilirenlth splendor uni'llierlsnJi,
Whence, In the iirocrsa of Its rpTolutlfii
it will return to reanlmatn and reiuutna
the winter of your ilenolation, lloirHWi,
though tlio oraah nf the deijiotN nrlltliTy
a hn lannches bis thumlnri agnltint tin
ahatterpil and bleeding ranks of tlm u.
fonder uf liilinnu riglita, mtilnli like A
funeral xnlley fired over lite nalie of tbe
Two of Liberty liopti on I'liir'nix 1ji
It ahall rle from It Bahe. Ami o
wbatnver clime thn wind nl Krwetithn
may liavu scattered n, nartlcla of Ita ditl,
it ahall fall to the earth onlv as I'm irm
of a fiiluro tree, under thu alnidnw nf
whni boughs, iii'n itmll In') 'heller.
Whiicsian Ihtlaneit In noun, A terrilifS
rii.ililiuntif tvrnnl sinniher the Hume f
liberty In I'olnnd, and ilisperMv il xnlit.
rie liki'Mi in.iny euilHTi ttiMiighout the
world. At tint iit'iini.nt l.'.al tin ernAin.il
lii-nil ttipm"i'd lli.U lhi lnt apirk lisj
Iweili'Xtlngitlaheil, (irriuauy biirt fnriK
into a blare, and the rrxilntlinirv rviiiv
llRgrntion ipn-mla throilgli llilnfiV an
Italy. lull linpc on. JNoni'n.-i i an llm
pirilol froi-d'jin bo (."iiiliutid within cir.
nuini rlbril limits. Chnrle I. nf Kit,,
laud tried till etpt llriient !n hi eo-t'
I'lii! irri'iiatnbbi Inllti'-m " Ittirat furlli, nnd
auiidtliuiiiiskiiijriiflbe souiiil labriu, an '
tlm wrciA nl uitl niMiiinna, Ina tlirniin
criiiiihlrd into inlti. hi acep'i r hicaim
n pinerli, wand, but diuiluu di gem lit
t-d into a tu, u I hi l.in,;ly li-iid rolled
ill lint ililvl. Ikik-.iIIi tl.n at of the ex.
t illloiier. Thru hopo un, mid li"".' fur.
Turn ui to llul op' imi;; etne of 'iuf'
lreat rt intiitiitiiiiri ilrmua. I'u tire u
X'Oiirsi-lv n ijiiiel tillage, emtio 'm I !j
nifty be, in imtj- lull nnd ciilit '-il of tllk
liiiuilile vtt iniiir.jrlal.I" li'iiin- ol nn iu.
inluii.u mi I fiiigal H)iniliili..ii. If iMor.-f
u no i ir'ii mi ,i inn i.ir 1 1 a. i. Ir -t.
dun, tiny ilmlt'luta find It her.' Thn
lery iinmnnf tluapnt lCnnonr.l. Ilef5
tltn Inulianilinaniwmitilntln; a.vil I u -nil,
in i.itifi.lniit.. t'nil whutiiver inline, with
inu hlc f'ug nl piiiviilnuus, may yield nr
a reward in hi toil, Is bis own, iimii nut.
bxri'lliv tbo mpacloui uVmanda of the
Isx gntl'orrr, nr ihn "till inoru burden vuim
tithes cxacu-d bv the lisnd of KA.-r, lo
aupirt mi I'll" mid diatolute jinealhood
Tie machinery required for hi g.uoni
nirnt it imp2o, and ,he, wilin?l routri
'... ..,', ! '..j . v -l.,,. wit. W1I nVfVI.Hll.il, WQ IllWIIlCllt
buleshWshamloknepltlniii'.tlgri. T'ntitttlrf Volncof.tat pincitt apmp r, aa
literal d,nalloii with wltioli hs VMIevtsaTiii IWs of Inumlcr, ho rxrlaims, "l.lvo
thu temporal wants of Ids minister, the
lirralil or lh cinpal, Is a fricwlll oiiuring
lo his (Jod. Vcs Ilia ia liln-ity in it truest
noil-to , but dear!) n it litis been earned
with pbj ajcal nnd incnt.il struggles rfnil
sulterinif, In order to Imi loncrr enjoved, il
mint now be defended, 'Iliefo holds nro
linen with thu lint fresh veiduro of early
prlne ; but t-ru long thoy must be.
Willi hlnoil
Hun here, the vrn-inni; hninl
ofiMiirp.Hlon nn f mud a'lmnthiiig to i e
upon -a ernvtiii;; rtreligth In i heck a
limn;' apirit to miIhIiic.
And what, lei tin paitMi to inriiire, was
llm iiruteat fur agunanoii ; and what thu
iiiiguty and piicucs cotiiidoraiinu that
ariiKil the fi vbla and scattered inhabitant
of this rural dlitriel, nnd ernlml leni.l
them to defy the numrmua and diciplined
armies of the proudest nation umlsr
heal in? Thaauperfiui.il obacrter will
tell you, the nn text mid tho onnsidcra.
tion a n pitiful incidental tax, which
tlic colonial might ir might not pay, nilm
fell disposi d to llsu the taxrd articles, or
not a tax which when ld by the llilr.
t ten colonics, as It actually wan iu Ii7.1,
cr liil, allonleii tne llntlsli trnn.iry Mil
the im riiisiderame mill of tlirm liuiidrcd
nnd soienty-llxu dnila.'s. Hut I tell oii,
no. Il i nut I nil' tliat the I-'albera nf lh
lluwiliilinii, s'j jirufusu of liUihlaiiiltrcon.
uru when iiiuircd fur dnfiiici' jgaitiat n
foreign m my , or to miat.iin the huiior of
the fntlicr.Witl, gr'nilgf d the pnllry pencn
that worn ilemandiid. It was in aunpnrl
of llm principle of "taxation without re
presentation, that tlm Hritiah gem ml,
(ingr, sent lorlli tils olghl li.imlrcil ini.l.
night tnnraudnrs, to destroy the mllitnry
stores collected at Concord ; and II xvas
opKiltlon lo that principle, thut iirmoil
llm prncr.lovlng population of tlm neigh
borhood for resistance.
O, thnt was n momentous hour) It
was llm one small oinl of time on which
wuro NUscndud tbo destinies of tho three
millions of Houlslhnt nro now thir'y mil.
IIonsr and which it Ii not iinpoilhlo that
soino In till presence may HvotiiM'snum.
bering thrco hundred millions. Had our
fathom fallcriUlien, llioir children inlulil
now bo groaning undor thn incalculable
evils of accumulated taxation, with which
tho whole llrillsh nation arp bowed down
at present, as with a political nightmare.
Roused from their slumbers bv the ap
proach of arniod bands, tho militia of
Ucxiugloii collected, and prepared iu do
fend the inviolability of Iholr homes and
their property. I need not recapitulate
tlm history of that day. It would ba un
reasonablo to suppose that anionic Amor.
ican capaWu of appreciating tho Y.ilun of
words, is ignorant ol nno luijiorluiit, Intl.
dent that followed. It will suffico to say.
that New Knglaml Is proud when Lex
ington' Is named. And why T Not on
account nfa nrtat.victory nchioved i but
on account of a great princiflo aneitsU
Mft ""' flBHW H iwM BsIbIbIbIbIbIbH 'ssfatalm. kT
" iW H ' ' , . . . ..Hi Hal
r t.l. I A 111 IK
sTsst!dV.laTL. iU - .JCM. .a. 'ssidV .M-saL.
,"? "w " w "
theret ami her sons look upon that Held,
and the ii.mnrlni and association whloh
It awakens' and keep alive, a a rich
legacy of palrlnllin to them anil to their
prwtsrlly, whlelt can never bu alienatad
nf which no power ran illposses them.
Komtrn In the p-ix-es f agf, and
nidi tlm inulnilon uf limn, and tlm
rhaiige to whlnh all siililiinnry ihlug nrn
liable, nhmilil American llliertv ever bn
driven forth nil rlla from llm bind uf her
tdrth anil the dear hill of her nativity,
Lexington nuhl coiilluim to be it ronw.
nraied ajiot shrinoln which l(. rnia.
rli nf freedniu might turn, and worship,
nntl wnlt for tlm hour of thlf illlnlbral
mutt' and when the lira' nuiiril ahnuld hn
-Vtlilienthi-d, tin) lira! bloiv struck, nud the
first hnlllctry ami Initb that spot uould
U a raiding pldiit round wliitjitlm brvn
inliitil italbcf mid tako In an ; mid it
nnii wmil'l If a nmgla word, vihinh, If
It Uitl not "cnll up spirits iinm the vnmy
deep,' would marali.il otlnir, nnd yit
other, h'Xlt under the bamieis of liberty,
urrve (bu arm nf tbo frremsti l give thn
batlle.blow, and if he ah-nild lall In tlm
lonlllul, would tnivilli his gory lll"w for
llm lon iviom nr dnnlli,
Lot ii noiv cIiiiilm! the scene : nnd
contcmplnlu an iinprolnndin", and, at
Iprsicnl, in cimparisou witli rdiliee
tiroiiipi it, it i-rv plain, lirielc Imiluiug,
Willi u iiiilet ajilrtt, nnd two long, low
w.nc .Then- ure itroup of nlninlv
dreMi men gathered s'iouI the ikmr, in I
iliupioiiiersallou; but wn esniint rati Ii
lllirsiibject until r 'lion'i on : fir th.-.r
tulitii lire sunk almoiit In u whisper in i
llm inli mil- ol t heir-cm .iii'iiiv Hut fr-ir,
tin nn ; lice in th-ir hftrti. I'ln-n i a i
LClipti -ute u i i I , a I in'iiiig die
brow, and i rewilui lirinuesi iu their,
en-n flani'ii, tliittaeeinHtnsav "tbniigli ,
an. nrn nuaiiare .f Hit miifhtv ron
coiienr' inti'lvcd 111 tlic alcn that (
ntMit to In) taken, wo am prepared c
(lbldn ihoait io:ueiitiene lo abide them
innufullv, and wild lie. Inlp of bent en,
suepi'ssfiillv. Arid nllhiii the wall of
that building, litem are intluriicasat work
thai shall ui.luud tho shackles of tyranny
frvni tlio limbs of inllliooa. There, the
m.it'er ariiits of the Now World, are
r-nrk'tiif thnt wondrous spall that I, to un.
dennlnc "-i blood-eementpd thrones of
deoiism that agss liavo cbnaolklaleil In
i im oiu. a wn pmaiii, wo distinctly
or die sink or swim iurv!va ur perish,
I m for the declaration." Thai sneaker
is John Adams, the political Colossus of
tno devolution, who with ouo loot firmly
fixed uu bis gloricui hope of his countr) '
future grcatue'1, planted the other uten
the neck of klnglv uurpatlon, and br
striding tli" tilorm nf wsr and the waros
ol I'.ipiilart.ominotiot winilcil tho friends
of lihcrly to the uncliunign of tafity, iu
the li.'iM-n uf peace. Ill rjanitnliir; i
uivi., and th delegates of tlm Tblr-
teen I'nilcd Colonln, sukliitt there all up.
t.ji thu cast uf thu die, siguod llto celebra
ted ducumi ut of w Inch the gentlemen has
jnt reajl you n copy.
Thus was signed tbc'ibvlaration of ll.e
Independence of UieJJiu'ud Slate of
America, Iu Indeprndfiico Hall, I'ldla
dolphin, on tin? Ith dry of July, 177(1.
seventy. four years ago 'lids' day: but II
yet remained In be sealed, iu senlcd it
war, with the bean' blood of thousands,
at llro.Uyn Height, ut Trenton, at
l'rinceiiMi,"t Saratoga, at Hrandjwinc,
at Monmouth, nt (ItilldrVril, at Camden,
at Kula-.v .Spring, nnd nt Yorktoivn. It
ha a ininy "alj a tlm b(k mentioned
In II' relation, nnd e cry sea! ttn thousand
liiiui-in Im ar listii ccused tuent, and
ten thmiMind human sntil haV been
inheml Into tin- vMblu lreellceorMo;l.
Had our falhur fnllid to iiiake this iter
I .-nation, or having made it, lind they full,
nl In maintain It, though po-lU not titer,
'thclineil with thn burden of taxation thnt
oppresses thu Hritiah people, wo might
now behold ourselves in the degraded
condition of a colonial dependrncy on a
kingly government fixe thnmand mile
n way, whow only policy It would bo to
u.ako us ttibscrxicut In its own intcri-sts.
Hut the doctriiu-s asserted in this instru
ment liavo stood llm grand test of cxpe.
rirnce, ami have tatsvcl unscathed thruugh
the ordeal of thn a wars, and Ilia contin
ued clash uf party politics, They are
proved true and valid. While scarcely
nrivlllseil nation has escaped being torn
by Intestine dlvenlious, or oubjugsted by
tho sword of conquest, saur career of pros
perity, without interruption, and almost
Ithoiit check, lias been ranld, not only
beyond example, but beyond hope, I have
stood within the old hall whero the dele
gates of tho thirteen colonics pledged
'their lives, their fortuneM, and their ott
ered honor" to maintain, at every sacra,
fioo nnd at ovary hazard, their country's
Independence, and clasped in mine ilio
linuil that closed forever lliosic) is whose
Slauco was once doom lo many, and den.
ny to ailllloiis. I rrfur to Count Her
trand, marshal of tho French einplro un
dor Napoleon, He had nucu tho French
monarchy, ono of the oldest In Europe,
trampled to llm earth before the onward
marah of revolution i ho had aetn the dl-
reolorv auoceod tbo convention, and the
consulate auuctfd the directory; in the
rrt..-i r 'jcf rjipwi m.l.-rfiwi
No, 22," '
, lHT-rgr. LIIU.Ul.
government of France: and ha hadaeeu
tho Imperial crown sotllo on the head ol
the ores! rjoiuiiidrut. Wo Lad followed
the wonderful fortunes of that wonder
ful man, in Kuropn, In Asiaand In Af
rica, from Paris to Uome, from Home to
Vienna, from Vienna to Horlln, from Uer.
llu In Madrid, from Madrid to Moscow,
und from all tlm scenes nf nil his glories,
to thu place of his lail lonely exile, the
rock of Ut, Helena. ,Ho had seen suvc.
ral of tho moat powerful kingdoms nf lira
earth roduoi-d to depend lor a dltical
nxistrncu iimn iho plrasuro uf ono man,
ami that existence preserve) only as a
matter of ulioy. Vet, amid all these
commotion, that shook the foundations uf
society In Kuropc, our country had stood
linn upon thu imoiulable bansof iho doa
irinn laid down in this declaration, mndo
in thnt vary rcuiu, sovuuty-fivo year be
forr, by a lew plain men, possessed uf uu
tilled names and no extraneous dignities,
it was a scene calculated to awaken th
livi livil and most plrasurabln feelings in
the breast nf an American ; what were
llm nib etiont of Marshal llertrand, may
hardly bo Imagine.
'J'liu havti wu Ltjiic on, iiroiiicrliiir and
i i.ritH.i ; and every year opnnnig lo
our people new fields of t-nterprUe, and
ntiv resources of ' wealth and power. I
had contemplated, alter Indulging in this,
retrospect, to glance at tlm probable pilch
of griutiiess tu which tin republic seems
likely to attain, iu the courao of years ;
hut iu this silcmpt, imagination turns
Uc', blinded by the briuhtnes of tho
tii.mii whluliherowu magio has conjured
up. With a i-cuntry second to nono in
i tleni uf pi Jin,tlte oil, and destined to
r n-iti- the adiblioii of Canada, and Mex.
leu, and Central America, a the vine
i mhraci's iho oak, and t surely i tho
rivers dciccud to the sea, what thsjt in na
tioiml prig rest it desirable, may we not
reasonably liopc lor ? I know an antl.au.
nexatkin fe-ling la popular in places ; but
it is a selfish feeling that would confine
thu blcuuigs of free institutions lo a par.
ticular country, or within curtain boun-
dar if . I have heard men say, "wo do
not want th tnlxod races of Mexico un.
derourrUtf." Uut theso forget that e
qe Ibaadbrifineaof America fur all the
land of our broad eiact'le, ud that we
re iostuly betMd las ssass)een aowc re.
turn. Let.MirijstiOaal-JBilhatioM,
tl.cn.wKerevsw jawtiest atW esssttr
may dictate ; and tne disaf rsjessUe oon.
neipiencas feared frem stick eosvjsetieii
hall no more accrue than the mud and
slime" of some half stagnant river can
statu lite immaculate axure or tbo ocsan
Buch is our country I In view nf lier
progress and her prospects, wall may ivu
exclaim with the poet,
"Thy prataradlawus upon lli,Lk the men
Upon m slny can! ! fnen Ilia hmuJ
Ol Miaf-n ni'ia lh) Irrntinf realm are Imra.
D fU ttllli lite r Man with eltira i iimu! !
Tlioit t iijUi Uitl cf 'rim, lh hvf nnjowr J
I lir mrinury.idiiawnl aikl lb ilctyroirrH'.l I
IVsiii furth lliy tn(lilaMUitoufli envriNaM clouj.
Till ky ami ec-ran aliall (ton be fistiid
)aar Klfi-dum'a lar Iron tier, ,r Mm and kcaaJlcM
iuiid r (
As patriots wo liavo nothing to fear
from outward Invasion, and I sincerely
be)ievr, very little from intestine disten
tion ; though, of late, it has become moro
than ever fashlonablo lo talk of tho die.
solution of tho Union. Superhuman,
indent, would bo tho decree of malice
and malevolence that should actuate a
stale or an individual to sovcr the bond,
and superhuman, and only Within tho
nowpr uf Omnipotence to inflict, would
lie tho corresponding penally. When
picturing lo myself the miseries that must
inevitably flow from aueh a catastrophe,
I could almost adopt the Indignant Ian
guageof tho patriotic bard when he ut
tered his vcliemt-nt and overwhelming
curse on such innovation and such inno
vators, and say
"All Itof' plsi eoacenlrstrd Into eee,
0 th ft II portion of that rocmanl sUU
I nsi usm 10 blast uw nprt Uits btftta.
Orinir lb labor of lb (oe sad Ersalr
nay rrrystnwiK in ut book of f su
lie l.tsek with cum, en thai tnUtor-land
Ut iamos diaeonl on bar eoassUs wall.
lli-r ciUea aink hraetlh the ktsdo tad Wtad
I'cnah lit r very sod by llsavtu's avasgusg ksad 1
And, oh ! a lull of Uglilalnf for th ktwts
XVhoM serpaal tou sur saersd bond lavsdts ;
He sit tha woes aa sniry Mod s'sr fr,
Uttp, daik, and drssdfal. Ua lam' all lis psdas t
HaapaallMTaullaof UU, daiksaiUabadta,
And draadful ss Its loraMnsi, 1st thani b '.
I!aeh ftasli of tortnr kladlinf , era It fd,
Ten Ibouwnd other, flaretrln dafntt
Ten thousand Ihousaad fold of dire Intensity !
lint happily for tuand for our country,
for poslorily and for mankind, there is
too much discretion, too muoh wisdom,
loo much sound and conservative princi
ple, In tho breasts of tho American peo
ple, to admit tho possibility of such a con
summation, such a calamity. Lei us go
on, then, in the faithful dtschargo of our
olvio duties, and relying upon the pro
tection of Providence, leave publio' opin
ion to look down tho trskscWulo attempts
of Interested and fauatioil demagogues!
Thus, my friends, Mi itjr, to , the best
of.my feeblo abilities, Aaohafra tlio of.
flee which was very uMxptw&dty urged
upon me, allow tivx olmafcririgln.
luiiiiau;. ,ur juua vwassvanisssissio IOI10W.
Irtit unllmenla ' ' ""
UUrtf and iiAHtS, MankU ,
thtityonf 8uSt aZi m-
fj 1i
nntimi. w n t
I l ' A it A
UMt(Mtl,U)IS4WSW.rsasjSSS.ISJI i,,.
Fm every saXasttaMi IsaajSttl....!!..... I M
Ysriyadilsf,wsi..r.v..,!);9e N
Tb aiitnW-ef tasertiswW' be sMoks)
RMifaH4 mi IIm IwuMsIi cts9WWIm W4f vff'M
cwliaiiadtllllssAMaealsblsgiliihaily. ,
. f
bWl( kiM. jra4'WtoUsg ,;
BXICtmtO WITH VUTiiaaa AMP HsfAItll,,
AT TWji'oniQM. ,"i.'I
Omct r tw asaa erttai Bateti svae. '
rmally and fowvef aterwawJ, dlasitillsts
and aeparatioa, ' ;,
Next were extemporaneous sesseksi
frotn Rev. Mr. Kelly, ft. Campbell, and
Judge Mitchell. . -
The eomoanr then Uioursstd M thn
dining room, where after- partakHtg oT'si
well got up repast (onnsleting'of ssteh're
frcshmcnU as would do boaor to any table i
the following regular toasts were retvi
from the chair, by Mr. IL Campbell, and
enthusiastically received!
? v A ." .A 4
1. iMUrtleref inftf May ho urn
lo see his children's children celebrate
Iho anniversary nf thi day. . -
J, TU dajfin ttlelniteTUa first In
Miltvntikie, may ll'nol be the last, .
D. Ortrmour tovntiy, In a rutritltd
itmt As she le now, on all Important
mu, a united territory, may w soon
one oi i no unueu oiates, in eveseoso
of the term.
4. Qut country at Air It is largo
enough for our own use, and small enough'
to tc-rvo ki an asylum for tho opprrastd
of other nations.
5. Tht icoril As in its uatura. revo
lution winter succcod to summer' arid '
nlirht today, so, in It political revolution
despair has succeeded hupe j but the I'm?
pcetuoq march of tyranny, and tbe'deep
darkness of despotism, portends the op.
ing of the spring of hope, and the dawn
ing or iho day or irecdom. ,,
0. 7 ht future protetdt of our comSff
l.ise mo sun ai noon, iney arc aimes .
too briuht lo be looked upon.
7. ThtratiftCcrrilariuUiatitui
!. . . .'. a ..-
t: Pacikc Slnlci mav thov Im naeifto iaM
every honorable tenso of Iho word ; 'M
tiroadami exp:nuel in their views anal
principles at the ocean on wWeb Ihsij;
border, and as firm in supportmg tbostl j
priuciplcs and views, as the walla or h
ruck-liound coasts,
a. The cltkent 'of Mtimuiitli
lliev use their tongues In dcieaeeor t
rifits as elfeelually 'as their rather
tho revolution used their aworeltv-i vi
Volunteer eenlimcnts being oalle
Mr. witchen oncrco tne ioiiowing
may a ensin ne lormm im tne
nf Mslnn anil Niiw rfnrtttilr-.1
v. .-. -.u --. . --.-,
iron of I'cnosyltaaia, thn cot
south and the gold ef CalifoBtia'l
eon . to. bind the ooetinont of Norll
ica. in one creat and Inditwlsittt,' I
iv'-Tng were r-roioeia a
".T'xi 9 "rt -wfixtt
, JUST M LHtft, md Pm
SBBsssUlltJFover Im oxtinett
altars of. our couatrv. tbcv i
lighted at the bright eyes and x
of the Aiatttiatu TFafr.
TAs smtw aa)aW AnmioM J
only stars thvt.KaVine ariserf Ul
we will never SasasV.to satin thai
The lall trti& aV-T". 04
of irraM lo our clUttUt' As fast 1
aro cut down may the me of IM
pisnieu in ineir sieau. .-.swi
7'Ae reams of Oregon CMtdfeW J
Should Ihey flourish aw.lflaiicla
there will probably be aft
The Old Thirteen
bakor'a dozen, piplnc hot,
of rcpublicanismUreatJ
her.flngors in trying
pieces. v J,jt'1
. tatia-JxJ
T? assisnvs, nf.
nr. aviiior i tun i
throueh the Seeotator,
Mitobell 6t Co.. of Bridjrefwri.
uo.,uhto," win rurnisa to pen
eson deeirous of purijltassBsi
steam engines, inaehlMry lor an l
' 1 . as(ai a
mills, shingle machines,
d., and will ship the't
derand nut them In open
them lo work well la ail I
hove Arm It KspojulbleateKIdbe glad
to open business transactions in their line,
with the people or Oregon.
lours truly,
Woot.. From a document just sent to
Congress, it appears that tho production'
or wool in this country, uunng the last
year, was 70,000,000 pounds, valued at
Or.r.AT Dcctmc in Corrn. Il will w
beaten by our, commercial article, aays
theN. O. Crescent, of May 9, that aw.
8,000. bagt of Rio coffee have been atld
within a day or two at eight cents per
pound. Early In February the current
rate was 1 4 i cents, so that the fall In prices
since that time it about six and a half
cents iter pound, or moro than 910 per
nVr-.lit.lr.fi Wm. P ' Rrsrant nf Oreeon
passed through thlsjilaee Thursday eve
ning en routo for Bvantville. lie will'
return to Uockvillo, la'., in a few 'day
and then visit .Washington City previous,
' Pt'."0, X- V V.VgV-- - - ".". .
will lay before our rendors an lnteitwisXr
letter from Judgo Bryant desorlpllve of
the new country beyond tne necay wj
tains. I V cateru Bun. , v
ClbFoam. A line of sieaBrtra"
aa n-- tnr-iiifrtrnia. a tbib
is about to be established, anoii w
taiad that DasteiMrersean be faktsi II
. viihui ,w-,.,v. - i - , -r-
in twenty, usy.e kc-
. ,- i-T -. i -
i. 0
f y&
lr V'
? J
'" va
tu x-i j2iiiiiiii
-rMj Ltj