Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, July 11, 1850, Image 2

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    'V WW P I? r T A T n I) '
nu'i 01 cjIi;i urn,
Till KSIUY, JULY 11. 1SW.
OrcKou Jttillcliiry.
o notice a communication m the AIM
Californii of June Mb, piut marked Oic
Kin , and signed ' illameltc, niMlndn ,,0l majcril ,, iieh inquiry
winch wo find an express,,.,, to xxhi, I. wc j tt, ,;, lf h ,,, r omi.latiit
are tvnstraiucd to lake exception. We , c,mtiimt.Si A, ,,,, at ,n , ,,,, .
usually ulTer rrllectioni ou our editorial I .,. BM ,.,,, ,lllnJi f .... ..ul.r
laU.M U I unnoticed, . we are loatli
to rare our limited space for .witters
xxbith an, not of general ...Iciest; but .n
tint wnter iieiiinaifi that wo have not ' ' paper Tor a iiuinl-cr of .bx. Supsing
the preuusr-., l-wn attuutnl tiv prrp.M (,,,, of lfll., irnntmitu-. might have
regard for truth, ue ,.m n..t let it paj r,.,.,j,,.j f,nl al 0r iMfjmialwn in 10-
uniiolti' d The follow 1115 is the reinarl;. 1;)ri, u, ,K, ,,,,) mUiirs of this Territorx
t.wlueh we e.xcipf uldr.oda note to the pjt office I
S .1 t .1 I ' i
xii nrtioie r ociu.x a pp. a ten mi 1. ,
mm u.ti t ii.uiiiiu'f Mm '..it in 1 1, .
hut not uitenti'ially, W proiud.iu Jud,:- I
I', ii' lestlian hi'nH-y 1: -. I' ai'.edj '
W.t.l. tin. nils nlnls.l n .rvttl Tr.il.1 ip?o '
1 .11 ' . rean 1 1 1 10 iihsoiice of th1
... 1 . . ..... .. 1.-.1 .--ii .. .1 - .....1.
1U.I-' uie e-ui.s uau i.i.iiu u i "ieii.
! Ins i' not Hue as I,, the one I am direct-
1 , hi r ailiiilien li
ins louris inu
of h.s a iv ne
mi'M r 'id' d L ii-is.iii
:V .111 the c. untrv . '
The article in llie S vctiior t ul
r fi r. nee is nn.le is in the uapei
Miroli 7 a thert T . "Tiii.Ia last
(.'.Ih ...st was th-ihj -i f". the'. ..,1 '
tienceiii'iit jf l'i" spriti,; vim .1 "r I
. 1 ... .1. 1 .
rotirts, hut t!.i ri he.iij; no judge .11 tl o
lorritiry, th re was of course nu conn.'
Acnui c a "Tlicre is no posM" It
gal pruc bx which justice can lal.e its '
' , : , ., ,
-jurs", for the siiiiile r-a n that the,
Julgrmrt! and hac hien lor .erne I11110
just, ahstiiit from the territory." This!
was the true slntc of the case at the time '
of the nuhlKal.on of that numh.r of tl e I
. ' , .
Relator, as crerx vn.ii 11. Oregon,
knows. 1'he ourts up to that date hud 1
failed, nt.d at that dale there was not, ti r
had there been a Judge 111 the territory
I 1 some time pit This then is 'lu sin,.
. ' , ., ,
, le tru'h, "prejililn. whom it may.
In tlic r next uuiul"r of the Sp. eta ,
.... .l I...1... !.....'.... .
, .1 ...- .Hiiiuuiivr,.J.,..);i. . Iulis ,V,UIII ..
the tcrr.'ory, at:d tint his tuurts would
tie itu,i
11 nt the proper timts and (lain,
Vx! lot anyojx. might imsi 'iistrue
-e hid bnxK't.sIx said, us Willauutt
has dine, we s;ato tlmt the failure of the
fiittim the fir-tdistriit was not in cjif,
iniftic I anv 'lerclicti'.n "I .lulx on
the part jf J.n'g. l'.atl. Tht.c then tir.
the facts-the whole trulti tn ihl- i,i..ttort
and the candid u id. r can judge xslictl.t'r '
wo hac made any untrue statements, I
even unintentional!,, " lo prejudice or!
injure any person. If we haxo injured
. l 1 1 ii-..
any perv-n, it has been by declar.ng the
fads just as they were r! the lime. Wc
havobcen promjitcd to say this much in
defenco of our own eraciiy, and as wc
loe to stand right before the puhlii as
(ucli as any oilier --mi. wo ho;
n igl.br r the lti California will mc
.1, .1 l."iring as well as ' .llamilte.
As it regards Judge Trail w... hau on
evf.X pr..H.r occasion mi.iii of him in
' ' '
sincere respect, us our. oliiuins
I. " And if we haie kept batk
.. w .i j c unpin ..(.it winch ouoiit ioi.nvir.rj')SL'. 1 noso o.uces icmpo.
1VII W.IqII. ,
iue wo. feat. !
,ng llntiery,
0 "
Jtu dtlicacy
I. tie lie li uttere I ; was Ucaue
d'liat ii.logn nppitii..iaitn
uuul.i 1,l olllnsnc to that ina
of fic'.iu fjf which Judge I'ratt is ro-,
tuarUUe. We l.n-jw that rvrrx- eiiicn
f Oregon '..ill toucur with " Willamette " '
r ,.
Ill Sayillg tla.
"II has all tunc iner Ih'. orgau.
iaiMi..ftliHt,rriiorx,h.cnl,cre loU.M
his . nits al tho times and placet fixed
by 1 .w. The public business lias at nn ,
".-' ,. ;" IV -"""" -""" "'""
he un 'he lir-t L h otlic. win. r ach-.J,
Or..1. ... 1-vH nit 1 iM jvanuiti ,ii, 11
isiluo to him lo uata' h his Muck 10 1
us xx h le te.rpt.'tinni tiKax. ami -. tn
Calif r,,i., f .r tapidly made fame an I f jr.
!r,r.. irStS.!'' '! u'.'i" '
Dis 1 1.1 11 iientt tin I iiipieiix lu' 1,,
-til' w .. 1.-, ami tho pe-q'" a..- j,rai..fu;
to li ii r
idIiiy i . I i x' . ' i ,"
i 1 w.
May fort!, r say that n n,
HIV., ll I HIS ill!' Iltl"!) I ' K'Slgll Ills l.lll.'.i
iis in ) our Judges, which Jtulg. I'. i .
crnilv "aVe ,i recixed by i.'l ui'1.
ileepand lii'irt.felt r'gret.
- .
&V7"Wi r eeixed a coiiiiniiiiiu.t.uii .ii.u
tini" .inie which" no declined publishing.
mid xvc haxe u icqucM fr"in ,'1'- author to
. . . ,.u .. i.
return it to him. ll.lt d-cl.ne av.,
aswu liaxe not lini'i lu npy such svr.l
nercrnui. We ii-uiii nil i. h f"r our
, .mi rcnix
Postal Attain ul Oregon.
Wo htlB ,lt.arj lMtcrly lnore ,.,,
plaint tlmn usual In regard lo the delivery
,ol' our papers lo subscribers. Wo had
supposed llint with the establishment of
i mail routes ami post offices regularly ron
dueled v would hear no further coin.
plauil, lint llii reverse serins In bo tin'
I inct Serious charges am ni.tilc nguin.it
j WM carrci, pas, ,,1(J -,,. , w llc)l j
i, w)s ,ltrto:e.,( ll,.r,,,v preventing -url
, ,,!,., i,i , dace from ucttu.i! llieir
a, m ,;,. il,u 'IVrntorv, askini! mi" rma. ' nWo ind mleniiiijj discourse. 'I'lie ml.
':-'- er,.,rr.: n tv of e lucatmg eur
1 IV I '' J IHIKlM IC 10 OWM!! Cl Tttl I .
--- .-- n- --..j. , ,, !
.. s,.ill he i-la.l tle he list uf the ' "nstililtiou., mid the diseussioii "I I! 111.I1
p..,t imu'msjiI prekent 'in i.perati.m. u-in. ! calril proCun I nn.l s..noiis iii..nHln '"l
porar l unlil tiirihui orders truni llie lie.
partMuut, and thoo.in wiiirh conli.n.tnr
nart'in lit. anil I1IH.V1111
,,fl, cnrrjin(t thc quails, with such
1 ,,til0r mlormatioii us miyht, seem ti me
.,.o, ar.
msT infTi:.
' I'r in IVrtlaud (tliiss lrtts the deiiiuiii.n aller some lurllicr oxer. ie, a pic .,n
1 1 ef th.' nresciil line from .''an l'runei.sr ilnlnuur was 'dread with mn in.ult ..1
t . OnpouCity, Clackamas count), mid 1 las(0 lllvi nhu'nhinci', mid partiil.'i. '
J" s-"-TsL- l,il,,:l"" lomU.v,,wil'vlwilli pleasure l.y all pr I ll was I
rru?M Oretoii Ctv t. S.1L111 Marion ,'","", ,,",, ,l"'r'' ,,,'r,' "ei nt ITnl Sah
o . .. ' ' -.' ' I .. , . .
,,. .....I 54.. .".... i.,. I.i, .m ..,....,. ,..
,i..t.s. , Ml... .Hl'..v, ,. .V.. ...J, IH
L'nl.ipouyu, m Spaiilding's. I.tnn conn. 1
IX, once cacll week ; I
' 'l" I'ortlainl, x.a Hillsborough, Wash,
ingi'.ii cnuuix, l.al'oxilto, luin Hill
tontv niI Nesmith's nulls, 1'idl,
county,' to Marxsvillo, once each wick J
I'loui Oregon City, xla Linn Cil), to I.a
rnyetlo, am Mill county ;
l'" Syracuse, I.in.iiv.unty.xitt Albany,
I.iiu.toimtv, Mary s tile, lleuton cmin.
u. sL,,rV lleniou connlv. I'l-asanl
',n r lrisiuf'', Hflilon'cmiiiiv, to
I,iu Scotl's, in I'lii'iua xalley ;
'From I', rtland l 1't. Vaiicouxer, twice
,.'',?,' ,,. .
I nun l-l. ancoimr, via rlmiioudocs,
' , ,..,,.1: V....lllu ... I.ui
ciuntv, once in two weeks'. '
" .
T.,0 aru t. ,rL.s,-iU temporary unites, j ""' " ' oraiimi. which rreiiren 1 ir 11
siibjeit to tho orders of the Iit O.Tiee'not only the fixed nltcnlion of, hul Ire.
l'liiartm - iit.
Iin-iit. 1 tic routes irom rnruanu
to Marys
juxillcniul irom uregon wiv n
1 1... ....Us ,..., r.tt tt t.i.( 1
( alajK
llllM'IIl''lll'IISJ IM tl Mil "I'lVIII
1 contracts h.uc been xe! coniluhd
. i . w-, - -
, .,.. ..on,:npj , s'rM, i10 mails on the !
two lines frnni Poiilaml ! Oregon City,
ami rt. x ancouver twice eacn v-er uv
'"' regularly ply lug to and from these
P,1,' nwin whssn it li llsTriono
0II rcas mnMc turm-.', on any of tlu routes j
necessary, until contracts can rx had for
their regular transportation 'taking care
i"1"""- uoue smi. i n -
ingto aw. 0 hoix; soon lo be in pos.
. v ion of or(lcrs ror' nancnt arrange
1 ,.. frn, t,c p0,t Master (Sencral ; hut
should I, in the mean tdno, ses any mil.
' dituiia! arraiigemctits (in llio ahs-nco of
oroersj mccssary, , si.au t..ula.u. ...,
make icin s,i isiactoruv.
'i'i n,n. r,f fl. nr,.inl nr.
raugemcuts nro owing to tho want of pro
A t.l lttV"ll,"S.V . -.-. ". . I
ccedes ul the oll.ces, anJ prouaoio altera
lions which might bo mado hy the Depart
iiii'til, in ulisencc ol a more specuy com
"""'" '" ."." " .' 'f"'...
muuicat.on with it than those former hail ;
,,;,,,, , j,,,. wiu )C a,isfaetori!y ar ,
rangt., nt the session e.T (.'ougrosa now
JH?n, I at ..SiiVs . ,i'"v u...w. -m u.... --
rarily? filled, by"spsh appointments, by
mo. subject to tho an,)roialof tl,ol)eparl;
meiit l.aie l-en on!y.n case-fc actuitlly '
,..,etou,j.f uJhto removal or ilualli was
iic cause, with 0110 cxcciiliou, mid that 011
petiliou from tin- citir-etis. I
Vour ob'l srrv't,
I). II. LotX7tsiJ.il it, ,
lj,IAll.fcl." 1
... , . I'
"l semi our pipe.r to son,- pin.es i-sx
which lb tc is no mail carried, ami J'H
i,cc cases we scud them to ths nenrect
mcc cases wcscn. h.h . ...s.j
in,,,U, dir'C,i0,,, ","1 t0Vl"i
' , j ei
ilnHlh" poi' 1 tiaslor., ... sutl c oenj)
llii'iu on by the best opportunities, ui
this i.l iss nr" several packages mr 11."
.,., r .,, r l,e vall-y, and tho Cowlitz
"'"' ',ur, iiwA rakw-
' ,,,,,. i. 1 ,1
W !." done and Mill Intend lo .lo llie
,, woeaii.'iud xtitlitlielciiiualdul llioso
,ax m clmr".' of the post offices llio read.
In" (
iii.i.iiuiiity may i.e aucuinuioioici
To lliu Public.
u '"'ild siy, for the information of
tin. mi ci.incriiril, that goods inlcilded to
h' ciind oxer lliu mrtge e.n the Linn
City n ad, should lie landed iibov.i llio up-
pe-r f. rry l.ui'liii;;, its the cost ufcariiuga
r .11 r lit f "'U "milIH"lliO "1 "I" lUJiir""'! . mum mm - -
fPJ, the lower titty landing is ncocssnrl. I and hfr (i,,;,y . .,.,, ,j(( ,... ur(,(U
y muih ;reat(.r. Teams arc always m,Uff n leading subject in c.'iii. num. n ..iq "o i" ,L ii, Mtt
readluc in I. inn Cilv to convex liter lusting peace with our iiioilu r inuuiry, ' ' '"" r"''1 ' ' '
.handiv oxer ll.is road. ' '.indnuix Ih" happy lol ol the I.Kk. be mo.nn.d nt I'mlland mi Ihe'-il. in-
IFoiirlh of Jul)' Cclolmillmt. j
The leleiirstlon of inn rcnt national
Blinlversarv passed oil' in litis oily most
pleasantly.' A more dclighlf.il seas.... of!
intellectual and social enjoyment, wo veil 1
lure lo say. Is ra.ely cxpr.i. ueid ()(.
ilur, harmony ami gi ml feeling, prevailed,
itiroiighont the day, and no accident o,
ciirnd tuinar llio pleasure uf iho "ecu ,
ion. Tho etrouded condition of our eul
minis rt quire tlmt we give hut a uie.ig.e
and condens-d account of the nrnii per.
fornmnee which ronlriliulrd, lach in
,.J, turn, to 1I10 pleasure ol t!.e day
AlrtolotV.A M llwHahl.all.ls.'h.wls
f tho eilv assembled 111 llie Hii.iK
church, and forin.d into proe. si"ii und-r
appropn.Ho Limners. Tliey then mureli. I
l llio Methodut I'.pi-enpnl fliureh j
wliero, in llio jinweuee of a tr.mi.,l as
seinhh, I'.lder I".m IVdm d-'vi.d 111
'"'! in llir urn HIM UVIIMI. mir I'V
would I- p,lad insee lliisdisoniirs- Jino 1
cd, llint nil urn peeple n ii;ht eatjh its
spinl mid infuse it intu nil our schools
Tin." prts'essien rc-liiiuird hiiiI nmrehnl '. 1
the new CViiriiitiuiul CI1111J1, wh'r'.
I..11I1 scl.uhirs ami I. .11 tiers.
...... .- .- ...... ............ j
The cxerVnox lonnected with 'lm gen
oral celehralion. coiiiiik need iininediiite.
j , n)t(,r k, ,, mmU f , SMulU I pl,l) return the , v. ninh.gh! gral. ,
' , ' . ... . .. ,, . ;
"'""' ,''", : "l "vre condiicled Hied with tin Ir exi ursi 1 1 ,
under the matngeiiicnt of (.on. A I. 1 Went. . irp. Hot to .! rer 1 1 "or in xl (
Lotojoy, as uinrshal, mid lln. W V,
Kui'k, as president "flh" dav The p,.i
cession was lorine.i at tne 1 it noiei, 1111,1 1
nnrchrd I" the Methods! Kpiseopal I
Church, fler pray.r and nading the 1
1 )f tin rat ion. the lion. I. I'r.ehett, nitiii
g, rnnr if the territory, deliiernl on in
terestini; nrnlii'ii There was a sinooih
and rusy (low of thought, mid ocutmual
Hashes of eloquent and lieaut.ful sum I
.....1 , !-. . e .. !
qttont expression o applause from tlir
r.c a,li, C(. before whmn 11 was pro
The procejtsimt was then co'iducird n
the dining ssln.ni, (irepared for the oeea
smn, wuern .nessrs. r.iuns aim innsnaw
j cnnjimction w ill. the coimu.lt f nr f(.c(. , v,. w, Ups. d th .1 its r. pu. ,
r,"?""",n,s' ,m'1 ""1 ul' a r,cl' "'' talimi as a afe and ...iiu-m. nt am borage j
"Uinpluous dinner. Wc were pleased i"La, ,ffie .'i.tlv well established without
obsrrte that the tables wera will filled, muUm a ii.ort.il thrust at the dniraitcr
and that many of th" most influential ,. f ,K, (v;,,,,,!,,,, nr N .,.Ul. ilt.(' I
.(iiimnau 01 the lerrilory were present 011
,1,;, ,,,:., '
l,M ""V'011, , , , ,
I ' 1,e l"llowiiig toasts nrc selected from
J tho many which were warmly rcceited !
by all present. I
me memory ol nsl.iiigloii ami ol l,a (
I-ax cite, Independence day and four
country,' were all duly renumbered.
Then were oil! rid the following
KKiirf.Alt TOAST.S:
. 11.1 11.. ""-""""
world the brighlist cxainptn nf stlf gov-
. riimem ; i.ny her garb of pup.lugo be 1
Hpoeddy exchanged for that of slate miv
Sur'h nnl Hie South, the Rutr ami the '
r-lhough ,U oppito poinis, may
thov alwaxs me. t nt tho cnlri'. 1
i'oht ea'l itn'l llrligmui Ltherlij Now, .
and trover.
Tlu. Daufhten of t)rrgon)U they
ever remain as now, like her own fcrtilo
prairies, rich in beaiitviuid worth.
'' Snn. nf nn'mv il,nv l. I, L..
i(m fir trets of her forest's ; hmh ... ihmr
, , ,. , ,. ..'"., .......
L, ih-ir ana. bin. nt lo the oil.
oiMi.uvrm h.i.ti.
"'V'- "''''n-"1 rw''""
nrv struggle Jl won a homo lor frie. Ion.
-. n(J 1(,,.t.,lWH(lf its arfiirt
rutiiMe; ubout llie ntte nnirehi".
vu.un ri:i:u toasts
0, '-iror,o.
Hy l)r. Jn Vel.;uKhl,a t Oregon, fro... ' ' , (,lllll,(.ll'.l ,,. ,., ,,r(1iri(..
"'f, ,fl'r,lli,iv "'' r '"'i, "? J.'"y "' m, r.,.. j ... .....ti, L -,.iv w i,ivL
mildness 'j! itjulimntu ; thu luiest place '"''" "'" . ),
jn iNV.t)i Amur)LIl rr ,H- ,,..6,, ,,r,lho int. usts of ll" ir own town, hul 'i.lso
(.ivjii..,! ,lia,..
Ily W. W Urk : Oregon C'ly, lll'lum
Iiiiicleuiof Iheterriioiy.
hl Win. n. hi born: on. O. I'. I'm
:i r ,i. m 1...1.. .,..
a v . ...... . ... .it'. w,.i:vil .i'ii ', l(
' ,, .;. n
xvi.icii tuu uii.pjxvcriui iniiuiiiL'u ul gnu
cannot tempt to desert his pT.l. '
jo tins Jiiugo rrull rrspouilml in mi
apr.rot.rh.lo address, which was well in. I
cedved Biidwurn.ly applauded : and el
oil! red llw mllow ig loaVt, v . I, .'.ul,.d.,s I
.i .t -i i.:- .i.i
establish, upon 11 lirm ImiiU, tlir u. -h 'I
llio discussions of territorial . ivery
uosllons, .1 proper understand! 1 Hi
nW 0I"' r't"l "''", ' ' ' l'"1
Mcnnicr t'cilitnillii.Xt Urn
''" " strainer, just completed li
'" ciitcrpiis in; 1 mnpnny of gcnili umii at
At,nin, armed in 1I111 uttv on Saturday
ln4' Vaiioii. ,wi.io the de nsliutnius
of llir satisfaction of our 1 itii'ti 1 mi 'Inn
ni' mid iuti resting annul. 'I'lni n. 1
lliu Tint Mi'JIII xrsiel lli.it hs.sappmirol III I
tint pl.it 1 , .Hid ui 11 11 tin am hinhuigir
of h-tlrr lull," I' Was liilllid null jiij liy
Ml"X I IllI'll "'ll 'M I iivll 1111 light 1
draught in irn. r .11. 1 .niln l mpaMoof
'" M'iiio lie tr.n.lini; mid 1 1
m. tvml puldie m.i in and supeimi iljle j
H'" ioind in npp ai.inie s-. the coin ,
'" 1 'v"i "' ' ' rn in the nude "I
...lilt.! Ittl '
lullllll I .III I
U ilhiini ti
Tin wenr
llcr-i" ii'
' ir .!.. 1 , T u.
l.i.,;. 1 I"
rntiii.d to
ilM til lll.ll.l l IIIS.II"!'
upihe .'uinhia. hut haunt:
' "' " ' r,,lr ,"'"''
luiwiin, nrriMil 11I
r"' ' n smioi " n rm r -iiun wiin
ih s' e 1! I ind Ij-"iii''i, se 111 y.wdl
I''" linn II til '.
( hi Mrn.l u Ins' th 1 In 1 in ih ,
Inp 1 I. n'st.l I 1 tie pti'p s- ,f i;iuii;;
Olll III.' Ill 111 p' tllllll l Wllll'stlllJ'
le r ci'iahii.t s . 1 Ktiu'iih t! it,
tin mh waul f ml .ruin hi "i the suh.
j" '. H" 1. del '. -I r. .1 ...ir .... lis
nxnil lliem.. In s f llie pp 'iitiuitj f'l n
. t . . .... 'I "i. ........... I.....
iileaMin'. 1 eiirsion. I hi re were, Imw
eir, noine tl.irlj iglil pprsii mi lard (
anil the dv ..usnl pleiissii'ly, ami III
a noli. 1 "I ntlier iii.i'li rt 1 i.inrei.ii (,in
the stesiiier and "iir imI t l' Tll.i nl
,nrlri .liiolmriiK'1
Wo ho hid .uir alii 11ln.11 ullid l-11
n.unerai'h in th" I'.nli. N.w,, ..1 Su
I'rain isi.i, whuli n pn s'u'i, ih anchor
nge nt Ks'
r.u ni itieiiiil limit, il iiiul
It i. marh s lint it is imI en ,
ahhi.if 111 miini'i 1 ituig iii'ir. lli.in iwi l.
.,r lilt, m ess. N , mi that llie h 'Mings
11.l th. 11 it 1
nihl"d that 'i'i n the rritou vSy ) tinny
resell hiivr bent tern Knl thtrf The fore '
gMng Is a c ndi ns.'il ( 1 1111 nt "f ih. i.r '
tiel" n frr. d t". Th" ril. r's.ihjret was
to h d I up Hul.. r" liny a tl g -l
nm borage at the uinuth uf the ('luuibia. !
lint does llaker's II i ned sudi a de.
ni,,a. t lV lute to miiiv shui
, , , .'
w r. ck, . ... u. r. ,Ut ...;. ... 1 Why , ll.e
fiic, lf t( r ,., r ) . 1, . n x. s , ul,
rr ,t r ,.,, 'v injure 1 11 1 or near
..,,.,,. -jq,,. Siher d. Cras, ami tin.
Allroril ,.. ,W(1i., llt ,m disiiince
,,,. Aslmia . and r two ml,, rs
,.r,. jt ,lt t,r bar at tin mmiih of tin '
' Columbia I. do ,1. putting all
L,,s kl un ,(U c,,;,,,,,!,,,, Ul(!,
would sc.inelv justify ll.e usn
J'' "' '"'""V- " '' "''J"-' "' '" ll"
il"vV staleiu'iil as untrue I..-..I 'jmli
nm 1.1 tin imr lame 01 our iionie ruei
.IU. ,' ,.l, ..III imimvvi .',., llui'ir I.1...1
(.,.. (.y is hrnlifullv 1t11.1t. d mi lla. I
fc , , , . , , f I
' . ' 1
'","'10 Ul"1 'xc lb nl n.unliy , mid .is y
llio coiiitni rei ol Or. gmi in. r. uses, and 1
the ugriculturiil r nmiii . s ul the country
lro deiehipnl, it will .'"imiiund a full
sbnrv of flic utltauliigt s .11 (.ruing Irmn .
our pr.gr. ss in :ti.p-n.'inriit. We.how.
,.. ,.. , . .ll .1 tl . ..enthmauU
, w.irthv pioprieinr, ol IV.!ii' t'nv 'lo .
... In m that tin x umilil, lm P'-rnma! ml 1
v.-.,...,.',nu.hm;. .. ...... s .just'
, ., , , , I
Uo .'X.d.nlly u.it.i.e u- tl., nhme. '
Astorm is mi" oflln-nldi-t tuwns in ilu-,
n,,i,i. I. ...inxsn l-..inr..l,l" r,.,n,i.
.iiiierie I our nvi". Let them
ur i.l.i x .
v.. , tmi wM, i
if d 'iiir-elies
,s, but wu fill
, , ,r . r
il' I'"' "Jrnri ..fr.i in
, .. .,
!.... l..l. (.,. it filtnoor mill l"(il.
u . j i
liiinhii and llie con.ui' n of Ongon, to
sl t jMH nutter right. Ami wo repeal
, ft M t)ltlt llls ,i. said ubmit
, '. ... ., , ,..., ,.. ,,,
"'" 'K"" !" ''" ,,"",ll, oi Uv ' " ,m"
i.A. I.ii. m.t In i ii sii initi bliin.
. llUM'tlS i
I '
'Uf lMprovmnis. ,
We arn pleased (o iioliuti the growing
Indications uf Improvement lu ll.is city.
It is n fact worthy of not Ire aim, thai llio
btilhlingi being erected aru uf tho best
quality. And when hn houses now un
der cent mil are completed, thrty will add
greatly In tho appearance of llio plaoo.
The I Villain Seminary buildings, th" con
trail for which has b.irn let for i level,
tbousnnd dollars, will nlot.o he both an
honoi rod ornament to ll.e oily.
As the Mine for lb construction oful
tnulial and permsnrul edifices has now
arriv.l, wo would suggest that it is high
time that the sireelj wern regularly gra
did, or, al leal, the scale nf giadation
uuide mil, so that buildings ran It tnsdo
lo i iirresnnl w ith the gra.h.tloli. If this
is not done, the town will vniu tssunin a
very tiiitasti'fiil apprarau. e. Wlal about
the i itx ( hnrti I I
I loi n Miii.s Tho giiitle.mil who hate
he. u i.hsent for some weeks past exploring
ll.e Yi.l.uum and Spolinn in search of
gold, haxe ull ui. mm). Tlir) ri-po.t
l.nvlug found some gild a tery small
qu.iu'.ty Imw tier. The sttian.s xu're all
s hifh 'bit n sitinfii. lory esumiuat.oii
ulld not be luad" ll is ihuilght, how
ei. r, that wh I. th" wnlirs subside, so as
to ndmit of it, n more thorough . xamina
iiouw.ll bring in light ht'l'lr.i tomes nf
'he pr . "..is ...-I..I
4'rlebrutloHs mi the I'onrlli.
We have been tuf.iiii.-d thai my J'ort.
Ian I n"ighhor, got up a fine clehrstinn
on till' sVonrtli. Tliey w,ie enti rt il.i" I
w ith mi ah!" an I inle.ei.tiug oral on fe mi
the lion. Win. M. King. Alt th ord.
nii.y exercises of thedsy weir 'burxed,
and thi'.l.x p.ss.-d nil' pUnssntlx
We will pax our .ompleu.' Ills to uiir
Milwuukic A N urn Hill friends u. xt wok.
Norii'i. to new I'sraoss. Those who
know tin n.s. lie. to I." i. nl. 'I.i, .1 to tin of
Ih on ul"ori lion or for mix. rtx. ui. u'r,
are reqin slid i fAxor ui w th th" fundi
al tin ir rnrliesl . mnenienre
C'tHk'rius lr Mt'Rn.l' i-qi.e'l.ns
to imil.t n on. (linn, txhi.li we do with
ill" iltm.it cl retfulnrss. In h.s last ar
il, lc on ediii .Hon, he is made lu say lliu!
the t'ailhi.s;eniaus and (! recks sii"
one" ii usidi ri d the iporl r.wefiil nuin i .
..ii wiili, Iii'jiiu' tliey wernthc rKfil.l.
eit d." It o'lght to lie the be ) educated.
(i'f Tl." Trader will nl'strxo that w..
luxe grown a tittle since our last, an I
we are exi'-edingly happy in Iripgahlo
to assure them that, with our lirxt p.ip i,
we will h.ixe ..itmi.ed our full sire again.
Indian IHtlleullIrs hi 4'nlllurniit.
We eoinineud the fillowjng srllile f.oln
ll.e Wuti l.n.uii, a religious periodical pub.
tishrd nt San l'r..ueisi-o, Cal,, lo the con
sideration of ll.e people. The scene of
horror and bloodshed there de-scribed is
liable to frequent ! petition not only mi
tin h'irih'rj ofCul.forniabut also of On.
gou. Tbi i losing MiggiMi"ii will ihimi'
liriiiuiuly with every right feeling of
lumiuity and be ur.xolct.ee. Wo would
rejoiie t. fee It applied In the Indians til
ll.e x tliey of llio Willamette.
Wum liiffiiutlici. Viider the wist
ptnililv jusliliuhlu I'ir. uinstiincrs, surh
fearful destrucli''li of tinman life as llint
wlni h net utly oicurrrd in tho ease of tin
Clear Lake ..ml Itussiun lliier Indi'.ns,
miiiiit I n thought of without n shudder of
horror. If.i ih tencd rrlrihuiiou, surely
tl caiiiint I ul be ii ga r.li il ut. u most tie.
plori.bte r tiilniliou. flcr a confiicl, tie.
inetn power and xrenkuess, of some
hours' continuance on an Island, nl llm
head of Clear l.ske, no less thou ono bun
dr.d lain IhkIii's of tho Indians, out of
al.oui Hi roc liundreil ounlois, were counir
ed ; iiitiny more were wounded mortally,
a lid nut it few xvouuit and children, as
well as warrior.", xvc re drowned in their
title nipt to es. as from lliu entire ruin
which llireii'iiiid them. In the engage,
mcnl the work of death was quilo con.
lined to into side, tho Americans suffering
onlv hi tho woiinilingrftwoof llieir men.
'I'l.e order to exterminate the tribe nn.
pears lo haxo been given lo the expedi
tion : und, in pui suing further this object,
n parly of ludiaiiK was oxorlakcu in Ihu
x alley of HiisNlnn Kivcr, which, however,
piuxe'd lo ho a distinct Iriboof that region,
yol, as was nwrtulucd, concerned wilh
others in coinmitliug olTences against tho
whites. These indijtna raised tho yell of
defiance, n signal ft fighting, and ln en.
gagrineiil comi.ii need, which, like th for.
mer, proved most Uostrucllvo. In this
battle) uhout ono huildrod of the red men
wero kill.. I. ,
In lellectlni!, with sinful emotions, up.
ou llicso tc.'u.'s, wo do not overlook the
nru'islty of securing to our people pro
lertimi aoslnst (ho prci!nt"ry and murder