y.f'tl'"',f tV-M U-f Vol, 4, WILSON BLAJIf , Editor and Publisher. BUSIlfBSB 0ARD8. . ii. whin. rij.ri COI'l'll A: CO. wiioixmai.i: HiJTAii. miikciianth. I-uaTl.aSIl, lianHIS 1IClloI O lol.T I, IHI'J aim. ,! J"" aiiraMA, l.n'n eiiMiMts, ( ) ) II met li. MTAUK .V 't). av.i iiia'imi, iMLirnrNMl aeraa ru -Win H WiIiiioip, rv. New Vnik. Mroii Willi. "li- A Cniln, " " T)lf A Mrinll, " , " W'diiima A '. I'aiilwi. or i a, iri IIIIV. ri.iv n MMllHHI f' anr-Ma SIII'.UMNSV HTAIth, VI t M MISS lOS M KHI'IIA N TS, Ni:V VOItK CITV. Oct I. IrU-r I.WV NOTICK. J.cjl'INN' TIHIUNTO.N', ATTnitsiY.r rtwssi:i.oit ir.ur. ami Mii.n mm i" ihm'i.hv. CSn in tU fl fiJf "' ""l" '' uffilt l' Hurl .Vim ' riifjon (My. ii'i i. i-i'1 A. A. SKINNKIt, .ivjy'KM.'v .j rnr.ssr.i.nii at i..r .mi jiiuit'iii r. i ii n i:iiv . (15 i iWii (.f vt r.ifff .ifii, parous 1111 I)! !- IM.I .1 A IV. r Ifi II.M N 01 , I' f.i.inf.l s .11 jjlii'l-li''. "Mil will krrp 111 li.m. I 11 iioi'li i'l ll l.iil l.ll il Tlii) HJ.ilJ lull ' am'! I""" fnw ecrica I. in. dil 1 il I.MMI.T A IIMMS. aticuskys .1 t .v;:.ok.v. l I UA ,N. 'I. urn to I'.iirii A I'.i I'mlluiil llif.jMiiTfllili'lX .Ii.hs "I l.m.illis. Ill' fill I'll) 1.IIU 1 I'n Jli I'ijIki.c . .It. 1111. VI. I'.'1 I) i.r.oitc.-. cuius, CUUM.Slil.IHI AT i. n. . (tmrliN'i AlioM.MKiirui. 4riK.1T, CitiMm liwic ui'Ai;:'i Atrnnii, WJI.I. itlrn.l In nil li.l-lllf" 1 "lift Ii ! In llilil III III' iiirulnill nf Ifjll wr, Ui luuluigtliilillllmiCr f irli-HH'B "" ln.f Lli ful Hilrlii. InMI.'fi Af. nrrruM'ti Ctiirmn iMiiliii Offjty,-'il). C.l W Iiukh. " 1.1. II. .M r.r. llfSl'IQ. M V lini. J.m Amu, Ailunj. Jkiumi) III, lfci If uoiiiniT cAi;i-ii:i.i, r.UCIIA.S'r mill Kriirnl ilfnl'i in Ill) IT l. I i ux f rlf ami rrmliifi " .Wrtln Sltfrt.Htai ikelriHitt. I, HI!. Od V. W. (UIATMXN. ATTOKNI'.Y COI'SSVI.OIl AT LAW, riiliriMNH, nlll.iin.l. I'oilliinil. Mmi'li 7. f.'ill-lf w .,. M.vn.oi:K. .irrK.vi:v .j catunxEWR at law AM) MlllllTllll IN CIIA.NCI'.IIV, (llTire 1.11 Mum Mini, i..imito tin MuinHliff Him-. Ilirgiiu Cily, IV Ii !l, "0 If AIIUAIIAM Sl'l. (il'.lt. COMS1 1.SSloy MI'.KCIIAM' 4 A'll'.NT ror.Ti.A.ND, iiiii:iiiin. ni.rmrii i. Gh tin r.. II. S. A.. Ciilifuiiiia Urn. P. I' Smith, " llrrcun )aiii W. Huohs .V ('. I1iilnlrllna P. Il.Tlii'iNour V111V. K.ninciirT A (Jm r.st.i-nn 1'ianciito. hmrnttf HI, Uil If aco. AiiUKNivruv & co. SKKHIIASTS, j URtllO.I rirr, OHKlillN TEllltllnllV. M. AllltHT Until 1'I.AHI. jai. t. miu. Mich3lrt. ICM-ir SALT- Kicki IirpoalMll, 30 Mcki MywcuM tbl ll, Fur mI by UF.O.AnERNRTIIY&W. 148 TUALATIN PLAINS. T O U whom it roy concern, lha ouliwribor hM IWiVi Ml lUIUl HIM OHDnnirni ui H ft4 u-eVtMi (IK0CISKIKH Anil Hill l.wwi.r., whloh will be Hifmi of at wholtwlo and r.Ull aUUulli(ni. . lltrlofofboUaamnnnunU for jooda dirocl from California and IbeRlalM, I offer grtat In. ducf menu to famwrt and connlry alow kfpn. Ily nrouililaUonllou lo llm want" of llw omii. muwly. Ii Iioum to nwril a eonlluuanco of favon JTToWW loin for ulr. 1X1 AIIKAIIAM HI'liUUR. llilUboroMnli. My li IH50.-I7-Iy OREGON "Weal ,t .. Oregon THE SPECTATOR. IIIIKCIIN CUV 1 tiii'ushav, m.v n, i-.'o. . COMiUliSSlONAL. I'l.riniMiir 'Jv!. I I'iiihi1 ill rritiiiiiltlrr of wlmli', 11 lill to irnviilii for cli-ficifiioien In lust )i'ur' iiiiiiiiiialioiin lxiiii( unilur I'oiniili'riiliuM. Mr.THUHSTN mmcil iliu following'! HIIrll!lICIll ! ' " l:uJ- llm iimnnfiiifnt of llio Imllan nllulryiii Oregon lurrilory, to I i'iiifin. jjliiiiiliT llio ilircvlion wf ilin. Prtmlilcni, 810.0(10. to Mi111.lv lUn iliflciciiuy In llm niiroirlutlon muilu dy the act of 1 llli of Aiiii.I, 1HI " Tin. CIIAIIt 1I11I1I11I that llio anifml. 111C11I wus out of outer, on llm rniinil llint il protnl il h lieu olijeet ofrii;lluilur(i llio liillimi 1 of the lau of IfetH lminj l en fulfill, il. Mr. Till I'.STdN iiiinleil from the iliciiioii of llm Clinir. The iiiiMiuii iimr U'inu, "Khull Iht ileiUioii of ihu (Jluiir finiiil ui llio judg. meiit of the ciiiiiiiiltUn V Trlli 11 iii ill ninii'lcil, imil onlernl. The iiieiioti win iheii taken, (Mvum. lli.M 1.1. mill Di.'i.u ucting ni lellem,) Bin! ili'ciili il in Ihe iii'jiilir uyt'ri OH, lux-n (11). So tie.' ilreiklu:i uf lliu Chair uui re erei. Mr. HAKIMS, of 'lYnni-wr, nnicil 1l1.1t lie uoiiiiiiiltrn riw.-. i Tli n'ti tinii hi put, nnil ihxiilcil in the nei'iilMi , Tin iiiitmii reciiriiiic 011 the nmunU nifi.l, Mi. TIIIJHSTciN iiiio aii'l nihlipssc. the (.'i iiiliillliR Hi fulluu : '' aiil, Mr. fliairiiian, if I can rnlinl I ho mi of llm ronmilllee for a frw 1110. infills. I will Mute, nn concisely flu I en II, the leiiMiui fiimO'crinf; Ihia aiiieniliiient to ihe Lilly Tliu uiikiiiIiiiciiI prcioses on iipp-ofinlion of ihu miiall stint of irn thorfaml dollurx, to he expcwlccl, under tlrf- ilireetion of the I'rdililent, for the innnnriuviil of Imlinn nlFaln in Urcgori Territory, lo aupply ilfficiriicica arjaing niiilcr llio lliiitcciitli arctlqn of llic. act or. gniilrlng lha Territory of Oregon. Anil tills auin, however small it may U; I Ointihl not expect to pit, unlrin I could pn sent to the committee a good rcaaon why it ahouhl ho granted; ami wlntii the reawin, xir ? I ih the committee to unJcrntnud, tlint nllhongh tho whito jiopulation in Oregon reaches nlmut liftecu thousand, np to tlii time tho Indian title to a foot nl himl in lh.it territory iinvnr has been cxtiiigiiiiiucd. Coiisviticntly no man onus n f "l of l.ind in Oregon ; hut all of us arc cnmpnrntitrly trrapuvicn iimn the Mil. The a of tho I'nlted Sjntcs, so fur i the mum are applicable, were ox. ti mini oor tho tortitory by tho organic net, apprised Aucusl II, 118. Since that time the whole, territory, if not aclu. nlly; to all inti iliu mid purposes, an In. l'nii c.-.uniiy, l goiernt.t ly ho law regulating inltrcoursf with tho Indians. The governor, as aiipcriutcndclit of Indian nll'ilrs, fceU liimie If hound to protect the Indians In llieir rlghti, yd it it itunoxjublc for him to do so, without disregarding the lights of flio while. The cnnifUenco is, that hu in placed beliiein two lires, ono of which h" in sure to reelixe. Tc en. furce the liglitu of tho Indian M nelly, would oiiemte ruin to th" whites; while to proloet Ihe interest of the whllex, as thuy ought to he protected, would bo add ing nii'ory 10 ihe prenent wru'.chcdnessof the Indians. I lie whites nro pushing llieir inti rests, and lln Iiiuiiiiu urc imp'ir tuning hi in Torn redress of their prie.in ei's. I ho llidinns eoulil lie piilieil Hir a while, mid would willingly gio way to tho whites, if they could receive tho least cudenioof the nation's regard lor them. Hut lo iiinnllV.-t lonnnl lliem this regard, mid to inauagii thei,i properly, the gov. crmir nl' tho lurrilory must 'have some means nt liin louminud, by way uf pros, nits, to gel them to iold peaciuhly be. fore the Koitlciuculs of tho w hito, and la punish lliem In en so ihoy coininil ileprc. dations on tho whiteN. 1 ho net organizing tho lerntorv, was npiirovcil August I llh, IHttj. That act madu an appropriation of 910,000, out of winch, ihu agents sent horo Ironi Oregon were to ho mud, and tho balanco e.xiioiid. ed, under Ihu direction of tho President, for. purchasing presents for the Indians. Tile payment ol.tjie agouti exhausted tho major pari ofjlionnnropriulion. Wo ro now on the last hall of tho second year, since that appropriation was inndo, and yet this nation has hnd tho magnanimity toepecttlio lioveruor of Oregon territory lo manage swninis of ignorant, diisatis. fitil, ainf in many inei, hoslile Indinn-s C D V P T A TWIT) 1)1 1IU 1 XI 1VU. taff WJ jlth -w-g- . Taya -i - - . . - .. . . .....-M. 'jiTi'-i--t','iJ:ij j- z sztszrrm want th War of Kinplra take II wr,M ...4 t tr .- c - -- wwruaw City, (0. T.,) Thursday, July 011 principles of peace, with about jSil.OOO at his Miniinanit. I will vnrjturo 'to aay. Mr, Chairman, ilml tho history of ihls (Jovornmont iloeanol rurnislr ind I liope in (toil never 'vill again fnrnUh sucli cold nud licartloss neglect, eithor of ll own citlrens, or of llio Indians, as is to he found In its conduct toward Oregon. Twelve long years have eldpsrd, air, since, at tho Instoneoof ihisOovernmenl, American citizens began lo emigrate lo, and selllo in, Oregon, yet up to this timo, that number of thousands of dollars ncv. er liavn been extended there, cither for whites or Indians. Hut, to show you the embarrassment In wlilih liin Rovnriior nl thai wrrnory must bo Mibjout, I hold in my hands an oitiinato, taken from his reort to tho de pnrtment, by which il will ho seen that llm number of Indians weal of the Cascado mountain, scattered all round nfnmig us n part of them located in our streets mid living in our midst, lo the great un lioyanco of the pumlu. umoiint to H, 119. Here, sir, urc tho dutnils : (.'r Klnllfry InilmnA 1100 SltOWglS4Mllll ll.lliail. 00 Tnlrfi along Ihf iirnlriiitli'irnof Pbgrl'ouund 00 Trilira aloiij llio tliori of HimI' ran.it... . U00 'I'liu"! nrounJ.S'i-(fltl)', I'uialtrp, ami Mnua niwlirivm. ' !V) TIiom Tiviiiff on III muthfin filirmity of Wliilby's WnJ, callrd llir MinaliamUli. .130 Tli Hnoiialicka Th Kk(W0imli ludiani Th8kanl Q 'I'ho Nooaliitutnia Indians 'Ilia CuwIiK Ilidlanj TI10 Chtnooki 'I'll Quanoti ami Clialialia v (Illifia living on lli (otumlna, not nanifd Tliwr li in (! 011 llm Kallaof lh('olunilna. .Molillan Claclnmna IiiJuiii MoIallUu KlickataU ('lapoalai Tualiliiw 'I'll Yam Hill Iniliaiia I.iickaiiiiiik liidiaiu linipualndiaiM The Kilainukri Tlic Ctal-aa Cauuiiia Clal. iMllaiii Catalamd Indiana Tli I'akqita Tlia NaniotU Kogw KWrr ludiaiu Ya'kana Indiana .1J0 ISO &00 330 130 l0 300 IM 130 100 .. CO 30 .. teo .. Ml . CO .. 90 ,. IS ,. SOU ,. 300 .300 . so ,. is .. 300 .. SO .. MX) .. 300 8-118 I have no doubt it is short of tho actual number. This include none of those herds and swarms stretching from the Cascade mountains to the ItocKy moun tains, a distanco of conio 800 miles in longitudo by 46(1 In latitude. Yet you tend a governor there, to rule tlioio sav. ol'o men for two Ioiil' years, with tho sceptre of pence, ami Inveat him wild tho enormous sum 01 a,wiu.ior an contm guiicies. And vvhnt arc llio contingencies? For tho lust ten years, the "white popu. latioti hi that territory have been promij. ing tho Indians that tho Was llotlen Tyte (the President) would come and pay them for their lands, and this was the dory told thcinVycnr after year, for tho sake of pt'ace. No sooner was it rumored abroad that this Tyre, in the pc'son of the oov- emor, had come, than tliu nuvva was car ried on tho wings of the wind to ull parts ot llio territory, mat tho duy or deliver ance nnd doing justice had come. Dele gations from tribes, and in somo cases, whole tribes, ueUeckxl in all' llio para phcrnalin of savage grandeur, rushed from all parts of the lenitory to the scut of government, lo see the great chiof, this if? .rf"Tl.... .. ?........ r a ..1 i mm J arnciiwi 1 iiirum,ui:iiiiir uauu. llil w lint 1II1I they come lor I Why, sir, lliey came to receive pay for their lauds lliey enme In receivo pieseuts they come to icamraw with this lioilen Tyte, and see if ho had a Mas close turn-turn (a very good lie,irt) toward them; and no such con, vlneiug evidence of this could lie given iiiom, assume snowy present, buch dele gations as these have been visiting tho governor ovor since, nut when these dis. tlnsuished chiefs conieUu visit our uov emor, they e.ct, as it their custom, to have somo rfuir inuekoinuck (some good food.) This the governor must furnish. To do all theso things, for two whole years, thrft thousand dollars aro dolled out to him from llio overflowing coders of this rich and mighty nation. And this is not nl tho governor must do. lie must not only reward and conciliate tho do. serving, but ho must punish tho ollendcrs; nnd hero is an Instance in point : In tho mouth of May last, ono of our citizens, by tho name of Wallace, was muidercd by Indians from tho Sno.guali. iiitolc and tho &kcy".whamlsli tribes, near fori Nesouillyj nnd others, 1 bollove, were wounded. The murderers escaped, and could not bo reached. Soon after this, J. Quinn Thornton, acting as sub. Imlinn agent, repaired to Fort Nesqually on butl. ucM connected with tho Indian Depart, luent. Ho nflbrctl a reward of eighty blankets lo any Indian: who would sur. 1 11, 1850, render the inurdorom. The reward Jiad. ill desired rficc't the Indiana wore bro't In, and surrendered to Caiilsln Hill, of the Unilfd Htatei army. Judge lhorn ton had resigned his. oflieo, because the pay allowed him would not pay his. tra veling expensos, consequently iho (Jot. ernor had to aptoitit some ono to prose cute tliene Indians, Hut these murderers were under arrest thoy must be tried, and as n means of awing llw; surrounding tribes, it was thought proper by Uovomor lane very properly, ivi, in nir juujj. incut that they) Indians should bo tried and cxeouted, if guilty, in Iho sight of their own unu othor tribes. Application was made to tho Lenlslaturo, then in . iiion. to nrovido for the holdinz a court at I'ort utilaoooin lor the purpose, which was ilono. "I o vindicate tho law, a prosecu llmr attornov had filie appointed pro hit: vice ; and to secure justico to ihe Indians, another attorney appolnlod to defend them. I ho jurors had to Ira transported two nun Ircd miles, and judec, lawyers, mar ulinls, jurors, and all, had to bo transport ed to Iho spot rowing their boats by ilny, and sleeping by the foot ol a tree at night. Hut it was done tho murderers were tried, and two woro convicted and TxecTrrrM-vitliin the gaze of their lawny brethren. Andtoshowyoutliocxpcnsc, I 'unto from the report of Governor Lano : " The total expense of holding the court ntStil-coom fci the trial of these Indiana, umounls to 81,600 51, reward of eighty blankets, 9 190 ; making llio sum Iotal of 8S.37U ill." iiiis sum lias lcn ex pended to nunUh an atrocious murder. Nono will doubt the wisdom of tho course, for it accomplished an end that it might have cot the Government a hundred thousand dollars to accomplish by war- Governor Lano did right in adopting thin o course ; and who, sir, will say this G01V 1 crnment ojghl.nnt promptly lo make tho appropriation asked, for tho purpose, among other things, op paying this ex pense 1 I know, air, the magnanimity of this tlouso too nail, and its good reeling toward Oregon, to doubt its decisbn. Let this simple act of justice bo done us, and I will troubto llio committee no longer For Uie SpecUtor. PAlrlollam la Orga. Mr. F.iifr: Ilf y'd Sir Doing one of Ihoso jam up, old faaliionrd poliliciana, anj btUg bewer of wood aad a drawer of water, emphatically "oat lie pttplt," I beg your reverence to coudaecead to Afar u oner; fir if a aro nothing else, we.are American patriots; and I would rattier be a pa. nolle Amtritan titittm of the United States, and dig potatora for a livelihood, than to be Jons Dull hixislt. Hut I am gettinj ahead of my- elf, and inuat therefore turn back to IboXplaco of beginning. 1 preuime it It universally adntlUed that early culture and early aaaoclationa are la Die general very Influential, and produce iinprrau'ont uever lo bo eradicated. That there is much lo be dreaded, and much to be hoped for, from thcae influcncea will not be f onlrarerted by auy gentleman of sane mind and eruraapecl. Hence Ihe atwolute ntermtf and preprVdy of giving ucb patriotic InatrucUons, lo aucceeunig generations aa ahall qualify them to etieruh and maintain charitably, InlelliganUy, mngiutnimtutta nnd glajlly,llie biglirot earthly boon which propitious heaven had In rcaervallon furmsn-LIUKitTY. I'aUHotUm la no novelty. No, il teller than lha flood, and haa been taught and nrarticed with Ihe highest coiiiiiie iiJatioiu from the Utteratll in all ageaand 111 all cinlUed nations. And wha we dmccii'l to aavage nalions we find Ihe eanie prin rlptra inctilcaled by patriarchal chlrfa to Ihetr tribef, and rewarded by (lis fair one's encouraging amilea and plaudatory adulallnni : thiia pieparlng Ihe public mind for deed, of military daring, In de fence of lha nstional houor and national inlf rat. II11I iiuil-r a government, and in a country like ouw, Ihrap deeirable and praiseworthy aeutiineuts are not to be produced by a magical jingle of tounda, nor by a forluillout concourw of lucky incident!, but by the acquuilion of aolid and Ungibla facta the greater portion of Inch are to b drawn from hlatory the hlaloiy of the rcvolulloD, and other parte of the hlatory of our own country, ttmpartd with that of other. Khali lto lotd that il ia wrong to teach children patriotism! (lecauae, aay they, Il ia Inculcating prejudice. I deny hi the inual uneiuirocat trrnu Imlh the one aud the othrr. And such objeclloua only show the niUunderatandlng on Ihe part of Hi objector. Nevertheless, If It were Irua thai pirf oti culture was fra'ught with Iho eonaeq'jence above elated, (prejudice I ahould (till regrjvl it aa an Incidental and a neceeaary evil, and ahould con sider lis inculcation aa bring a auperlalive.'y vir tuash and commendable practice. Dut wo ahould fixjuire fint whether It la Irua 1 Aa wo do not wiah to carry unnecessary weight In this race of Inrcetigatlon, or to anoonnUr mora argument than truth and justico require ; aad w do not aak Iraa. Patsiothk U propeily df fined, "llie love of our ceunlry." W'hereaa fr;Mltc la "(.pjH'iilloii to 'naaiH i ) ( :.: V J V r;r-'aJL1 wV rrl'-'ayMTii. , V '.'''" f , m. -mi'M I.. .." nh-umfitfty tv".rrfTi: ii7: i I0H, MtTwlM totutmt Or-k.'. 11. 11 1 mm4esmmmmm'M;, . -... I l..7niMtffif i.f.A'KtsO .ji.n JAit. AlU'UUi.-Jnt CaaaY-Ma'-; iw Uilnars or lautluwai, sflMHi. Mk Wato'ttktV "'l v"-"" " " "" --""- ----y -w baaajjre ; . nay, Ifcaf, a4 tbif. safMsaM eaaaaw. othtr. Aadauatr H .Am.wU&t.Mtmt-J 'J '"0-r .-'i.Mj" tjmjjffpifsfgt ail ouiart, aaa nsB 10 Mian ua-ai 11 t -.h And how It trsr easts' U W . . 'k " k ' i' "41 Ban SM iMitlcation of ,.( aajr lUaf, b 'ihiih tiomtt rn)mdlc,lm whsBy -friaatjil f. ciae. 11 swnmuuj mvmm. vi-f-as taaa. ava-a- .fs-arr v. found and diseitaiaaliatf eiaakaaa yst. kftt'yrf- bar to b ao sMrf mgkttt mum mmttifg 'i,v when lUrs aras milking. Ba4 aaaa isaaa,' ;v; prlacisaa at) aatern to jblatai mj, liaafci ; a poena m in watr nrs mail la-aaaaaajas,---. doaa taat notata tnatdi alana ia atsafeaaa a latksnfea Da of awful ". . . i"' -'-" m ' M" "" rMioatataiwuatllataoftatitMavIa 1 ratal UiMbwaatlasj la ptW af aty. aatiaa, tf 21 Sirr tasm aa aa axloaaauo priadpta, ssht STMatat j if .- " ISA" . ,t. n"j. Tho fikianca. Uatrafim. of Ilia aalataala lata. Jfi; .. -.- , ---- - -'v;. vt' iriounn, or luo nto cs aw convnfy, aasaan ia- jury on say person or natioa. Il da pat kaak'. (noceatanly) lata llw conetras aad aaWn af tskwai J j butleaTealhtia wbare it fooad Ihtm, la Uw asUi and iKacoabb paawatiao of ibtir owa tkjkas asJ 4O.I priviUfta. But it sllrmdates bquiry btolfcrla.v.,J piaesa and piwptrily af oar owa as 17, aH3 .1 u .J l'Jj. Ik- Imm'm1m fl-aMlaa tTJ Ita to rrdrcas lha Injuries la a rigbteeos and Jaw. aa r( and to remedy cletoeatki ovOa. Il aoeaa m aubihly and perpatafly of artty .tUaf faatl Mi awful ia our owa gortnuneat aad rnmtty I aaat would fain learn from other gwsraaala, aad . liai-aw - m-hm. w m.. .-.ij,-.T ii wv. T.'-Ji ercouatrics, any Iblnj wbleh mlfbl.ba pia'iaWy Introduced at horoe for lb general (oadauid, araaJ jjgA twritjr of alL PntrMltm ia tho 1 fcUejtstja. aUt'atiie. trie, and under all forma of gorenffleal ; not ftrullnr to aay. flow would tM atfliasl k. A dependence of oar eai, er aay other eaxaatrjr " " ... IM .- . t . -1 . mainiaiaea, u man were aa inniieawi aaiaa, waajf m owivcouEu-y aa they an of forelgB eouatrisat. , HV but aa exteruien of the prluelplo rffaaaiy aai ' neighborhood atuchmenu, aad the earn aa re ciprocal aympathlaa thenca ariaiag. Aaa fast Ml ' loramy wife and cluJdiaatnDnllauasaVawaV-aaa , . .I... L-l. -l.l-.i. M.. A!JMliM a ta awl 1111 ywwi wwi wihpwh ji-a, ,ppi r f ay palheueally, leacn aaen "PiMl VeW jarsaassi j thalrownfleah-lnorderUa fofte cVafaMa fm ' . . . ,. -Ltii .a.. - 'mM arA ' ireaunaai, inair cqhoitbi uaj aawaw, aaa "am oeithboc'' eJaot Thalsrhteb, n oW eiraaraaal nalan af Inlaw, ia wader oar lasiillia." lion, a&dctTel,esafarriaf Iba aaaat aiakeaf von, and pratacta aad dafaads aa, aaooly, M merits our warmest altaebjneali-rolaetloB aad.da . rcace. I Hie le our couniry, aaa una rATUoraaw, J Jl .Injdlstbt nr all Nations. Thia dx ' i hibition under the direction of Priiicia Al- .. ! bort. will be onened in London on Uti I'm a of May, 1831. A Cre.proof bulldihgrtiy ' cover a space of IS or SO aerea, 1 will 1 bay erected for the purpose on Iba otitb.aU. of Hydo Park. The production of, all nations will be claxslficd and exhibited low gethcr. They will be receirod' lksrff the first or January and March Mil'')' vious to the exhibition, and keat stored at' the cxpcnie of tho Royal CwtiaitsaUsx but at tho risk of the exhibitors. .At tv meeting in Westminster, attended by for. v, j sign ambassadors and numbers of'tM Urilish oristocraoy, tho American' Minis. -1 tcr welcomed this great world's praotitasci Peaco Convention as a means wbsrfW, tho peoplo or all nations shall see eacV other lace to lace. i Sin John Fxaxxum Ritobt or His. OArBTi. "o aro iiiuouitu iu mr,fdQmm t Randall, rur merchant In Waler ,rsjLy for the following inforrrktion forwardjp-j by his agent or corrcsponilcnt at 8.'Kaji;( . .Minnesoia lerniory. - Ji4u(..;a H ..., tfi.anA, M.mV l, I'M mi. a avnmf.isu,a ...wayva fi jii . a dog train arrived ncre yeateraeajr,.'', Iroin some distanco abovo lsko HUrrTa -j bringing news mat an American tm liail.Lfjpn aaen liv soma oflho Indiana, i I.'..! ..nl lll .avlni, lliait Rl TZEaV':' Franklin was found.'' The parlioulmt cannot learn. However, Ihoy say lWilffi safe. I New York Commercial. ' ?3S.si - . 1 . . 'Jif. New Yoiik Cur. Tho city csf-i York has a larger population man of the States of New Hampshire, ilcut. Vermont or Mlchinan tho population of New Jersey. la 1.V ' more than the three States of A: i"re 1 "fvmm Florida and Texas put together. If j uiso more population man ine otaia Ua.Tf . lul-iaai Khode wamviowa ana veiaware, with that of Oregon Territory. 1..1A.LII uj .,( .'.! Ohio Uoaed or Educatioi. Traa-UH?!.' nlithllahlno- n StatnJlnanl nf P..MU ' tTt ft V. ... .l,nllnn naJ Iwilk k-.a.. i-Mt&ZH ..'! Legislature of Ohio and Is now a law, .IivT V. provides for the election by1 ,W CiifM-) ". Im nf d n-Jn. m. a 1. 1a 4TaT Iai 14 im,v v. itTB.n?ivii vuai iw aaaajiiaar. iiceeacn year,. to oonstllUieA of Education. School lead pay ono dollar each for their' nnd this is to constitute if payment of the members ef'tl their services. , r tli 1 1 i khiir -.VJ IU .. ryq iiwm ir. . ts !ffa ra UA i?w' L.r t '2 i. fl vft ma - rSs 4