OREGON SrfElrJSBJ WflmKLLmmmmmWifA ' , f aaBBBBBBBBBBnnl nacN'1PnnnnnnxnnnnnnnnKnnnnnnnT ' , V 'v. lnnnnnnnnnnl naK-nfPnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW, t.t,A WBLnananal iSr 1 r iMnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanC Inaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal L2alnaBBBBBBWBBBBBBBBBBBBBn nannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnntk. t. . MWftlmUftf aaW Jaw. 'i. '.. .'. ,!Uv ' A. r i " . i i isnw - "SBfCTAfOIi, ORritJON JlT THUIlSDAV, JUNG II, 1BA0. MBii.ii-Mfcijtnwmif.,if.j,yaaifyayuJUi-t-i' Arrival ('ike) imwr ciufUm. Tho I Llitil Hiatee Ma.il Steamer Cup- l!norrifed Portland on tha 31t uty, elx days .from Ben .Francisco, Wo kill 'this a a uew era iB.lhehU'pay.ofthlsler.' rllnry. We urn near only one week die. tint from Bar Praneeeved from thirty to foriv days front Nee Vera. TtoCaretl. 4m broughTa large am, IMtfatoMre this da td then, wo my eaMy ewwpaiea rapid Increase of trade and Intercourse with tho world, and a tfll more rapid fa., crease of population in Oregon. The newt by llila mall, though not of (real general fopwtanee, la varied and Interfiling. . , ' Hah liimC.CAUiwy.raeniWorjho U. 8. Senate fur many year, and the fjrmt cntfojlrg grnlae of southern poll. tic, dint at hie lodgings ip Washington oily on the.atst March. A great states, man has gone to'hla rrU ' '1 Mr. CNr;cLi., Clrtk of ihe Hruee of RfnrrscntatUrs, died oil the Hill of April, le-vlii: il.rt way open fur the reliowal of liintoni'i.i i riiiatniiponani once, bven hi Torn Mr. Campbell wa deed Intriguing for ilii oITicp.hus actively polrp on. The trial of Dr. WrWtr, for ttw mur. dcrufDr. Parkman, In II'mioii, terminated in a cm lei If n of Dr. UVUttr of murder in the fir it drgrrr, and) lila bring sentt no. ed to ho l.uiip The !drncc was alto, gulier circumstantial, hut o strong that the court and ju ry warned to have no doubt f hie guilt, .'i he llnw of tho execution had not bnen announced by the Onvernor, whoso duty It Ito fix tho lime, end active c.Tgrti were bcjng loade la i"J uAtJfj.-S; iNWfriMn commute the entei turnout. Thrpjpera are rife with m mora of a, I.V w.iip in ibe Cabinet of Gen. Taylor. 't'O ''pnjjei haJ nctunlty hern madr. but ill, if nun! Lr hniiicll.ing In tho wind. ' California U not yt admitted and 'the jirosprct nf her early admlulun hYbyno ircn Jlaitailng. Tin ro aro majorities in Ixith brsnchnt of Coheres In favor of admission, but iho opioIiJoti u ao great, and Ihe nutter c ntstiglrd with ao many 'collateral subjects, that It progreeece alow. iy. It In reported that another expedition againttCuba It bring fitted tmt, making Chegreelte bead.quartcra. Tho govern, meat of lha Island if (earful of something ,f ike hind, and is fortifying Itat a vat rxpetiae. President Taylor ia alto keep, lag a. sharp lookout in tho aamodircc. tlon, The Paclfio Rail Road Convention whloh met In Philadelphia on tho firat of April, remained in acition tnrea nays. ' The ti ' of emlgratinn to the Paclfio is rolling oo wiih an accelerated and nug. mctitcd power. Oieat at waa last ycar'a .Migration, llila proinI.ee to be vaatly greater. The prospect now la that the aeotaaion to the population of Oregon will tbJenoeeon greaily exceed thator.any other yrr. tyri Thurtoo, ourdelrgate, i conducting a vary uurdanaome correa pondenoa M tha.auliject of Oregon. We have ttcalved aomu hundred of the lettara written tu'Mr. Thuratoo, and we noiioa It aa a a'galQeant fact that a very largo aor. tloo of theao lettara were written la behalf of companies of ten, fifteen, twenty and avr n urty and tnny taaiiiiaa, who oantem. plate an early removal lo thla Territory. The oily of L guna do Termlnoa, In Vucatan, waa rcoently totally dealroyed by fire. The Chicago Demoorat learne that a bout the firat of March there were 60 or ),000 aereotwat tho varioua points along tha MlaaSurl river,' walilpg ftr tin open,. log of tba spring, (o atari' for the "Far- vi. .' ' "Vrhe tho ataame? Oregoa left.Pana m, aB''te.ltult., thcro wart twenty h ifnuxajaawaaaajea) aaaaj . VankaVLWVMVMalW, Llk '. llMjLtfMAeMVfraaMHMv i HMl Oregon CUy,.(0,T7) I'JU.. L-.. JL. JUL -L JJ live hundred arabaa iketr waiting for Hwmtlilin PratlaaA. ' - ' Mr. Thutatoa writea thatrjaltOaielJ have lha WllfoV he reinoval of tin fc( ana from'thU valley, paaafal ahorfly.' ' Wo notica in lookJog over tba aaptfa, that in Ihe prgrcibf tin wUrtnttWM aechlfylhg which ta going od eWjfceif tv?iJey. con(rvo to gat Up a' Niwfall tntW'.orory few days, ,-Tlw hvjow or uoiitenng up geniiemaa'a of lato yeartvkaJMawaajMMingi Jt ia iu thla wiaa. Mr. B. inaiitta M. B. Mr. U.cUhVflgal.I.r.lhe aW aaataBatfllalvnBA. JjaaafaaBBBBBBBBaMtf kanaowt nceMacily af enwf that: lajflLlMJt duel, Vo when Mr. C. InaiaaV parties arretted and bound over to keep the peace. Tl.ua wotindrd "heaor" ia healed, and to It enda' liiere. Truly, a modern duel ia an kaswraUa1' afair.J An unplcawnt tllWoo occirreJ between senators Beaton and Paaie, bat It proved tttmrttltt at tavaap nt aavinlai ...... v --.-.-. -.m- Col. Illaaell of Illinois, used aome ex. preaaloaa with reference tooecurmweaat tin battle of BuenaViaia, which were of. fimtlve to Cot. JWT. Davia of,' MUe., who oaaiicnued Col. II. The challenge Waa accepted and tho affair disposed of ealaapport of aald Agent andV. Two or three other fraeaaea of a aimilar kind hava occurred among membera of ConprrfS, in aome of which resort waa had to ilsii-culT, Lej partfcularuotlceaof which we omit for want of room. Honor bright! It la aald that prices of produce in the vicinity oft);. Joifpb, Mo., range but little below Oregon rates, in consequence of the concourse of people thorc. .'dellv :. MM aW.'aa); axawN-'' la vtaaVawyt an WHihli, tin Tin aaiaitay .waa ealM'toaaaar iy lnnaV4WMwH.' ! m yHtt.mitmVlmif' rMtr the readiag af tha annual raaajrta bf the aeoretaryjaeel traaanira1ik :njiaet' intaertant, aat jatairaatfak tsineae tnMa. acted waa tho'duwiiaalaa and aliarfiiaf law rwavwing raaoiiiiuxn : " A . Irnitti, That 'tin executive, aoeatnJl, tea be Instructed to make nn earaaat nn 'mmmi lUm B.ml UiUm CLw.1.1. Sa.VU porteuror agesl to,diatribu(e UUaa'tn inis lernwjr., ,'," BrmlH', That tha, fuoda af thla Be. clety bo forwarded to the Keaaurer of (tin -Paredt 8oeiey to be appropriattd . W.nae It waa further reaolved that if tin fore going agent eeuld not ha pracaradthe tufloa anouia oa aueject to. too of the executive committee raviiiMi The following ciRecra for (be enap year were duly elected: - "' Rov." Davis tnuu, Preaiieat, 11 Ccamaa Katta, Vioe PraalJint, 11 Wnaan llutx, Secretary, Hon. Gxnaot AatMXTr;Treaaurer. LTnaaaaaaaaanaaaaam 'anaaaaaaaaaaaanaal nlBI5Bani s Bl''Hana'nxnnEMXajnaniW'ajaaajnan!'- , 'nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnl w 'arwjawxt', - -. Cwiit .T' lii,V 'nannnnnnnnnnl BnanaaMiVa ' taaBBBBBBBBai WMBSPfflfei SS?-1. ' .Wana! ?aBjajrSjBaBIBM" PjB4JI - PJbbbb1 VH, nVPeJnaBBatKiantBBBWMBVjBB AlaaBBl tnaWnaWhCnaaananldhllB '-J xfinBBBBBnBBBBBnBaaAaBBnnBnk' " - J vaiK!lfaaaaaaaaBSBnSL'C,' . .. sJ"WV""""""""Blff"""""BaBmfr 5tfA- ,.VJBi1 t CilnBtnBaaaaaaaaaaaaaWflnBMO-'''1'7'1 S!a?nlWnnPTW !TTprv'"rtw'Pln .eHF fVrtj f p. ' ;"' 'S1 - AnlnwinlgiV: V!;-1 " T.. ySC - .fl TlnalMnRBnnnV aaWaxann'aV hVn fan. - l llaaw.anraanea; . .V aAMry,1nlnlMtB, ' ' , fiat'Cwwrnr;' t ftnjnaii' tlinf mm . . .-I , YaiHttavCariaiaffaB-iJaa. ' MaBrHte..g. : '.3 nuBMii Lanrrr, Jaaanainnaiww '' .' .v Vra aHfanariav. We are greatly indebted to Capt. Wood, of the steamer Carolina, and also to tha Editor oMke Alia CallMi aia, fef llntr kind aueatkna ia alaciua on our'tablo bWrimtiirpt oairn. , ,- Wa am much pleased to. observe that with thn opening spring, buaineaaia ravlv. ing at Baa Francisco, with every prospect an active and prosperous summer. New. acoeMdoaiofateanMra on the Paclao are constantly being wade, and yet enough have not yrtarrivrd to meet Ihe demt d Sacranb.tto. The city of Sacramento lias again been threatened with Inunda tion, but at latest dates. the waters were subsiding,' and no farther danger waa ap. prcheaded. From tri Mixta. Tho newa from the mines in all direction, ia of a fmiprabla character. 'Tho ndnea continue to reward the iajorloue ith fair returns; and new dipping ore constantly being disaovered. Trimdid. Tho new aettienients oo Trinity Day, and its confluent rivera, ap. pear lo bo highly prosperous. Thede posits of gold in that region aro found to bo aa rich and productive aa any hereto fore discovered. Bxpiorationi liavobien made from Trinity Bay up Trinity river and other streams aa far aa Rogue river, In Oregon j and gold has been found plen tifully in all that regiou. But what ia oven better, many beautiful and tortile, f though small, valleys have been eHiejevi cd, well auited for agricultural puraoaas. Much anxiety waa felt for four gentlenWn who fdl into the' hands of the Indiana, while out prospecting. They 'ware atrlpr pecpf ttyery thing, and it .waa net known wht therthey had oven eaeajied with their Uvea. They were, If .alive, In captivity among tha Indiana, wrioaro represented as uoufually uumoroua in that section of country. -. it ExeV.Coin. ii ii 5f Rev. U. H. ATKiaaon, " J. U. vyitaca, , " H.t.vMair, v .Hen. J. Q. TnoaxTon, Pnraa Hi Hatch, eaa. nw rceueat of the Society wa stale that ZZjm H ! .ljpiBtB? i;Wwi:aVa " " riereberahin to thjs Baeiety foraheeaau. wg year by contributing to Ita fiineat7 U MMtaM. Hon. George Aaamelhy, 15, " J. Q. Thornton,, 1" ANNDAI, IllaUatka. Rav. W Wain, . 80.' Geo. H.Atkintoa, 1 David Lealie, 1 J. II. Wilbur,, 1 " If. Lvman. . CuahWReHa, 5 Mrs.,Peter II. Hatch, MM, tSeo. H. Atkiaeaa, jr. 1 00 Mrs. Atkiaeaa.. INF Miaa Martha Wheeler, , I )t . Mr. JoaeimHerferJ," !&; Mrt.Aj.Lwh, " 1-M Miss Mary C.Leslie, 1 08 " Helen i. Leslie, - 1,00 K. A. Leslie, ' 1 M,. Mrs. L. A. Wllaur, x ' 8. C. Hatch, .lieW " AnneAberaethy. S Ow MisaVmn AUraathy.' 1 '00 Mr. Wtt. Abemetby, 1 00 Mra. MJf . EalU, ft 00 Edwin Belle, 1 00 Miaa MyranKl)a, 1 M Mra. N. M., Thornton, 1 00 tMr.Jas.R. BoCV A 00 , " Robert Moore,, 1 00 " Jaa.M. Moore,' IN Tract &ctt. The Oregon, Traet SooWly heldan adjourned meeting, fan- leiy alter the adjournment or tin BiUe Soolety.rEldar H. ,J(hnaen),pfe. aiding The following earrartafceit the Wm.Bln.vrVrnSinNraai Bel ' - Al 1 JSwZeT Be AIPBfffW 4Btann fffBJaVVfJfVe rriTiafrfi - t t-? as. Alaejinei sa Clacxakm , Ceaiin.r uaaMaena ajpanM, wnt. t. ?mmm, aadHeenrrajajlalK;, --- ranee Ha.,v BMiiiiiiliihJi Wl m. Wviti. just, iCx' , eTTaTftBnV ltri?mJ2mZi. U.J.MMan. y?'t - . f m -''VvVtf minutes of the society will give, the dor funeral innrmatWR witg reie ita doings. , t ,yi no iter, r.xra riaaer to i 141 rM MnayWjr MpvV Ww99mwjf lavflTVB) In CaJlAjrnia, and report tntttaayfam bad a veeyeaw.wktlerat tlnaneeiBaat''. Lake.r Tnalr, aaajbawiaaiglWnai flMalT levflaBjp PaWJBafWWaWnaiPWWelBwB edaeaadaringirin' aeaaaa aHiaa.er last ytirt awlg ration who wlatereal Wijiii were prepariagae'lnalaB anay,ijJhrayjpg.' ' ' ' -,' aV.''l '.Jl' We have tlnPetynahwMlaaaaVtril nthrinongh va W ne k, Uannt afa- cnlly waaaaiiag topregaat, Thane dwlC,; Tjjje wlatetftohaen ayea, ' aeoomaanlealnjr ralaayMMry gaW aaat 'raeeh damage ie the ahjpia'ag.' j!i Talawkle Paikllralleei. Wa reoclved by the last mail a copy of tho Mothera Magaxine. We hail it with joy aa an old friend. It la a beautiful monthly magaxine, replete with valuable and interesting Inat ruction for that clasa of persona I-" whose special benefit is nUbiUhcd No mother, and esaretally, no christian mother, ehould be without It. It'w only Bl'tar year. Aa weahall have a myonble paertunliy of remitting funds in a few day, it would afford iu great ------- . -.. ".r- ' ama.atavean tnteraetinar aoaraeaaon the Mlholtii eatrit of thla aoclety t Ita tan. dency to aecuro the final tunweoieue an ion of the cburehea of Christ, ana waive the world an elevated and earieUMMite. ralure. Tha Rev, W. Blatn preaented i letter lo the aouieiy, iroin inomaa J, naviaa, warroeponding aeoretary -ef tha Paeine iraci aociety, Ban Franeieee, reeuaetlnc that me Oregon tract aociety. Or the frienda of the' cauio hi the Territory, baeome auxiliary lo that aociety, which ,Haair would, be tin great auxiliary, to lha Amer. lean tract noclety. After aoma discussion and an exaree; afonofvlewa by dlffcreat geMlemiw, It waa resolved that it it Inexpedient to change bur relation to tha parent eaaiety, .Wa are arUd to karnlhnl'waan.net . onJy te he inrvewd InaeMer' with taeief. iMiafsjprajrTTieeafmBMn. rane-eta Hauler' iat team, iataaminiaia raav nine In a aaetrt then belweenBailPaaaela. co and Mat ColumhW The BteanntCel- wne4a, (now beiog built la New.York, by CChk,ef Portland,) UaxaeeteaLte eenjnnnooner angnlartrlfa inOenaeror Ban Franilaaa., -: .-Sut . Weahhenmiaewae.eia ooople of wiihB'miw- fcc the arrival of the BiMieTJLaa'waWi la iaw iiaiy beaif B3MMrMI6C H eaa9iMf MM MpM IO HM between .AmMittmt t? ?W Mr- t i.w, a a Y Tlnjr J aaaW -. tier learn tnattaaeaaa.aaenwr in BMeraaeef ceMtraeahm al Ka lo ply mine CdumUn.aii WlHaj ptatWwUlUstnWv.thafa Thmfrly UllbaC It Ml MG.MMtMMrw.MtPBMa ireuaaVnanK? W IW : X t- k'Jl '1 . m jT-I " ekaiiiinC ;, ' n orbit. ir"rt)Sn'-' ' . ' S?57Tr-SlT3Sil.2v ' i rnvBTatef iw,-wajy jar w wii. aeaa net Hatfcnf aome BaaWnMiaMM- oar t . The' thvn ti malt nt nINi, ainY Mav fc TI V " - - ! m laaaaeaMauewaaffiaM,anem mewta eannet aa maee, aa n.i areee'r tVcree ef ieeaveet Ml wr .," ' " k'k"M7.Tjri.' LMHlialWIHMIIIiajnH nOaaalaarm-eay.., '-fvVL ,!Ni, to our m i v vl a 1 A ! 'J J m S .t: a y. .S I f . .. : K .r'.1..'- ' . as . ?v, : .?y.: tef4Kw.ift.aA .'lAvMlli