Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, May 30, 1850, Image 2

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II. II. NpnnltHnr. and nil. C',ugra.o.ii.,.
slOHttrlr. . Our latest ndtlces from llm NiM-.. I,...
I Whlto e am hippy In Mng able to ,., ofMnnli 10, and up to Unit m-rlod
report that the trial ol he U.) use imir. nn,lillK r ,,, ,,,., )(ld l(f,e (()10
dercn. passed ofl -moot My In Lourt. vol , C(1Krr. (, far a wo Ii.vo Ihoii able
at lcn.l mia out-il.r ineldc.it occurred , ui.nn.cr, nothing bearing Oregon
Which P I'WI llOt let pa UimoticOll. .nlftim hml been .Ion... rnr .1 .,.
uur nregi.ii cll rcnjiws win al once per. .,n r()l Collector from tho urdlnarv
(fold In Oregon!
While our citizens hate been quietly
'.pre paring lo go to Rogue Ulvcr to dig for
gold this simimcr,thoy ha e been aroused to
unusual cxcitcmoiil by thedlcotcry of a
rich mine in another direction. The opin
ion ii gaining strength daily, that one of
the richest mines on the shore of tho l'a.
eifie, has been discovered In tho Spokau
country, some 400 miles from this city,
nml up tho Columbia. Wo are assured bt
Capt. N. Crosby, who saw it, that the sand
which was brought from tho Spnkan, was
in its bulk, about ono quarter gold. Wc
hae always felt confident that there was
gold on Ponder and Uurnt rivers, and this
discovery on tho Spokan, will still more
fully confirm tho fact that the middle re.
gion of Oregon is to become the grand HI
Dorado of-thc dav
Trlitl of I'liinsr mirtlowr.
Kinmlng Hint llip public mind la deafly and iinl
vtrtslly Inlcrr.lfd In tin'. trial ir gl irlow, ml
nut alid.mrful It poll, wl.lcli W prepared wilaplf.
iptMr-ly for lb Hpuctalor. If wt do not alwu)
rijirr curwlf with l gl prrrialon, our If gsl (ntnd
will kindly krrp In mind ihl w sit wholly inn
nl lu legal vnictf dlng. Our rrpott, u lu Hit facia
uf il, limy In irllrd uii a mtnul and faithful. And
wo hrro If lulrr our mnrctnil acknowlfdirtiiiriita
"I -i... ., ... .. .. . . . .; . -
', ituiiiM'i tor im lu- i ,r..l.i. ..nnl.ll.i,. il, rn c. .i . i "' "'" "" i' aiuuiww. in iwrmllllac n. iu
liina.on tho(l.ov. nrll. Sptiiitiline and r I i . L l ""IV wHInn Hi. Ur, forth imrpow oV
i t ' ii'iui h. ' niLiiii' n iniirii ! nun til
eeltc that c rcfeto tin nttaU made l.y lt.rn,oll f t,0 M regulating
Capt. T. Clalboriic,Vuuscl for tho In- tla.r,.by enabling tho Collector fo
tlie Missionaries ami .Minister ul Oregon. ,,!,. compensation for his services.
Mr. Spaulding wushcreiufv-ourscadccp- Thu question of tho admission of Cnli.
ly interested spectator of the trinl which foriiia into llic I'nlnn was the subied of
tins in progress, ami used his liberty l wnrni.nud protruded discussion. Then-
well as with the. iluens. dipt. C. di
taking down llir piucrrdlng of I'uurt.
Uialtlil t'iMlll uf Hi I) N
I liukailli.l (.u, Ofrgoii 'I'
', I Ilia Honor, Judgf
f. l'TT, praidiMj.
Msy 81, IIMi
I Im liratul Jin r rami, lulu rmiil will, an imli. I
talk with the free Coymcs nbout lonn n ,, .I,,,,!,, r i1P ..l,,,!..! ,rr-l.fi,ri I '""" fi.""1 ''"'.'. 'I'-x.m... (ur Ti. Mim.
- ' " ,"'.' liiMa, lal.tanrUlKta, allil Kl.Mf
hut iho ultra iiro-shiverv nnrtv nf th.. hiisi
puedh1srh,li..oconvc..w,h.he7rriS,,liniHill,,,1K)M)illolHll-. McrJ.-yZX.XV:"
Imlians, and meeting Mr. .Spatildmg on ndmisHimi iifCalifonilo, Iho Mi.rin on tho '"K! ' ' ' ""'V,, '""I- "' "" 'l"' h i"
mo street, nuurew.cu mm in iniicuio nl . ..,.,.. ,,i,,..i;,,,, uin .i..i.i,. i.,n ..... "i,,r,""i"ri""niin'r iin.imiNi. -ii.t i rani
. r. i I. ....' ' ' ."."." "," !-.'"''.. '"""" ".'51. " '
...,vv ....... ,......., ...u ,..,,...,-,. . ,, ( npr,. ,) ,r, alH, (I,,, IjujIih.,, (,r , p
not only so, hut ho went Mill further nud ,,nilim j ,,om) ,.,,,.
soito ot .tiiasionariri nml Liergynirn
generally, in exceedingly disreputable
llmlRrnllon lu Orriioii.
Imi, niid Tltuma t'l
fur til. llldi.llia
I, III). I II llMM.I i.
i"r, i;, u I'uunnl
Avimi llmaai'iiK, i:,li.li,i lluiiipt ufllm
I' N IH-I.alfuflhp i-,..l,.
ri... rn.i.. .i... ri.i il.M i 'l.l i. -i. .. ...
V.. I... I...I !....-- . ".. .".'.. "'-.
Inrnia II l.lilu. llml IVl.1 ( m.,U.;.,ul inniui nuiwiimi iruom ill in, llil.iii.i lliail l.nilwf I, Willi riuiy ul I if III
term. It is I no l.ut L npl ( aHogUi ( Tlmr.l..ii, from which ",;. "'"' ' '!'-; 7"'" "- ;'
for lu conduct, but he oiiyht to know, il . .... i .ii, lugrthrr Willi Ii.t uf tl. IVlu Jint AImi.
., ,,,.,, ,. j, ,ml ..1,"1.1.' onr cncoiirngeil to hupo l.ir n wry n, ("uuu uidfifd H...I il.r, ,Mf .aid ...i,If. i...
no tins not yet Ii urneu it, Hint an outrage , , ., . ., , , . .. ...,. ir.,,. ..., i ., ,.i.,j..,i
, , ., , , , T InrKO eii.lgrntiiui to tlii-t Territory this lU" ''''"' " '", ii'i'i"l 'Jd
orsuch a llagrnut clinmcter on the chris' .. .... , , , . lr ( unit adjumnrd (ill '. urlik,ioinuruw muni-
tian pulilic, cannot iMMitiuieil fur by n sun. .... , ., , ,
, . . , ... , . . ol Oregon, nml in ltirriui; up the p oiile
pic private apology. c wih it to be . . . , ... . , .. , ' '. I UFdurxlat.Mav ili
;,nders,oc,lb;-IUh..irn,lesf,f,,ling " "T '"' !" V l''"'" ,"'r' " " ? " '.7 V T '. ,'' ' V-'T'
' D I ill u il.illal lit I 1 1 at I lial li.ill .1, ........ I tl I . I. 1. 1 1 .1 I I. .. ...I. - ..-.-.I ., .1 llL.i . II..I..
. ... 1 j t , inn "I'm- nit- nil iiun-iimiM llirVI I'liimi "i iih- i . i'1-rnirui flllil llirtl "t - istrsi
One party is on Us w ay to the region ofl 'ar'" "lj''' ' c"" , , ,. sll( H rtnil( ,..,,., "i-iyf '1'" '' " ""' " '
thisnew discocry. if not already there, ' n,uI wprclally ntirinpis to enM a .j,,,,,,,,,,,,,!,.,,;,,,,. y ,,,. n,,,, vrM ' ',' i,i"r"'Zi.;,n ,.,i,i.,f,.,o..;Uii..
and others are nrenarinr? to follow. On shade over tho memory of the dcn.l, shall ,.,., ,,.... , ', ' ..ire..,: i . m twin.
., r ..., !, i. ..w.i. not piiHsuniiot..'cd. ,. :, ....b " , ., ., ,i 'li.r .uW..F..f iI,..,.If ..ti,.
...v liiuni v,.bv, -... .- .-rfc.- . ' ,r iiii"ii s tiuigi 'nrr aim imriu in ntl ,
id here lu a week or two, if he confirm Dranorrnlii- ComviiiIIoii. , ocntiug the clniuis ufOrigou.
the report, there will be a genoralruh( regard to the proceeding ol thii Con. ' As to the emigrant, h.. tnlk nf Ore.
for that country. In view of this fact, n entionwc hate only to say that we hnti gmi. let them come on. Here . hate
Sub Indian Agent has gono up thoColum-l published il as nn advertisement, for which the grenet plenty nf the to piiine am
bia to prepare tho Indians for a now state, wo ,,Vo receitcd pay. And alo we re. i-le. heiilth nml inoiu-y. With theso uml
of things, which will immediately com-, n,nrk that the Extra which wr struck otr nn abumlniire of protiion, tu Imlil mil
nienco in their country. I last week was nierelt a job, done just as great indue, incuts to emigration to this
",lu,m: "HRiiiMiss-wm imsuvirii wc uo other job work. roiiiiwv. .
I Iflf tllll
rilir ttiwu r Hi tiMpif Ii.t t'niliil SllrliJs
hut nru ritrmltil i.trr tli 'IVmli I) nf On gun
rl h rrbrBlMUi l'i llir tri (mill UmI ii Hid
l4rnloi) Wttifllir MtMi(.N(Hu hy llf rl i(
III I. rnilrirri withtii oinl ittrUixl lu r itlin
'IVlili'f) , uml it lii Ii, iulM il In lit Umh trr
Utirw inlrrtuiifstr hiIIi lie IimIiiis aiiil tlit
i( Ii rrnlmi; a Trfiilmiiil ftnirtmitriil fur Ur
eguii, C'r Jiifiliclinii u ll.i Ct'iifl lu lkt? nin
Mlts r of llir (.Iti m f
Ilia lluti lli Jnilc, K'. t UUmiI aii'I trry
luriil tilnlMuil nit tlif H liulv Inallrr , niij itiiJt in) tli
..p i.. i ... ......t..t '
Ira tit is- uiri'iimu
roilllU IS OtlC Ol the llCaltlllCftt in tllC norltl U ,.iv ll.U ..vhlnnnhun l,.l u ......1,1 . . - . ." ' Mii Hiftr forllir lm! ..luri.ti-lr. Ilir.r
and ifthe mine shall be fouiul to cMcncf be ihousht to faor ilicnc nrocccl.nL r .1 r "nor ,M Or,,0,.,l i'
. , uc iin'iigiii iu ii ur hum: pricceiiiugM. f 1-nr the lllfiirinntlon of liersolls wishing ' llw (iiuil .Iniiaidrd .f II .1. fnn' Li. n'.jt
oteralarge region of that country, ', We hate already ex,,res,l our regret l0 rllllrntP , 0rr,.0li ttr , MV lM , fH. "-y lJ ; l'J ''- '; '"'"
w.ll soon be teeming ttuh an overflowmg iat ,lepi arL. Mng lakr ,0 r01lsc . ,ilK,r,.r, o( ,, nip .,, ;.,, iZiJltuXx ......
population, attracted thither by the double 1(.M of partv spirit in this Teriilorv. , .rt. Carpenters nre rtceiiii." from in! ' r,""'" "r """ '' "
allurement ol gold and health. A..d tho mo're maturely we reflect on" the ,' .... ,,,, p'rr ,,.y. Common dny UUir.' ' Pr.1.'-iT"T:."JtV,an.i,I; 7. '.-" "'t': . t'
He suppose that thcro will also he a 'subject, tho more firmly arc wc persuail. ' rr, nr.'idollnrs prnlnv. Tmlurscllnrgo """" l't- t'nrt im'..iIif jji ....
considerable. mining business done Ibis ed thnt tho orgnnizn'.ion ollhc parties in S) ror mnkni" a .In-s cat nml fnm. '""!.. . , ,
, . , , , to ,d" ,ur iusiiin n uii"? c.ni, nnn irom iiimirw mdn IniriiU .if hn li.n.l. , ..a h.
season on tha rivers along the southern this Territory will tend onlt toctil. U tu 810 for tests mid pantaloons. School ' e" u.-.n..- i-r-n. ....f f,., it,, ,..i.,..r tt,.
border of Orecon, as inanv porsons who '. . . . .. . , , , ttli.tuiau, and ii.f ,.u,n u , n,r im.ni. i ..i tin
i . i. . f. iif.t. i".... .:i Anulvcrtarlc. ", mhers nre in tery great ilemnnd nnd nt ' s.u,,( ,i,iir ,.,.,.,,.!,.,, r,,1Mlj,,
hat o been to California hate convinced. .,,.hV i r, .. their own price. ' d.r. ...,!.,, u , ' f u,, uTi.., kit
iheimclvn that Rogue ritcr andothcr' The Annual Meeting of the Oregon II, nr ownjuice,. iwi l.-.,urjni' .v.,i.i-,.. ,..,.
streams iu that vicinity will offiml profit- Wc Soci bo ,1,ltl 'n the Methodist ' rM .ST.yJosr.ru, M.. We aer it ' "-'
oblc "dineincs." Church in this city, on We.lnes.lny the' ?nled hy a litter writer from St. Joseph, ' " T..nrJji ..!
J ni IWk, 4 II iMIlt I milrnri, I'f -silM-r Al
This bodv adjourned on tho Saturday r' " . , . , ? ' . I m'1 "" ' "'"' "'", ""rC "a " ""'"" "'""- - "'- -.! t.
. , , . . ' 01 the llil.le to civil society, may li e. prospect nl an early and fnvorahlo stirini; l-ni. dumt.l iwuiti. rut. it no. .1.11..1 1,, u,r
suUequcnt to the .sue of our last paper. ,. Am) ,,w , jntere.th cxcr. ' of , ,p ,, lh f ,,, ,.acilU, ' W. '
Tho most important items of business .... ... . , . . . ' "' Jl") "" "'"' iaa.t.. t. .t and .i ;
, .1 1 . r .1 1 CISOS Will DC Had. , .ii..i ..j ... tnilj T.ii. Iiatintfl.n i-irmftntili, rtalrni;
transacteil was the adoption of the law A , afternoon of the same duv .?, , ",? " .' , ' ?' . "' "" ' ""''l ,""1" '" '' ') '!'
callina the session of the District Court. ' . . " ", ' " 5nl"f"u' The ship California Packet, with the IUir,ft .Vti.,,,,.,.
.,,.,?. a..fm.f1 1 r. . 1n"ndJourncil,ncc",,Bnf'''P Oregon I rod colonv now nuinherhig al out 300 families Tl- H..ti..i Mi.-ihf, u .,,rd H.f ,.,.., r..
Additional Acts were paasccl. I. uitinc . :.. ... 1.1.1 i..ji .. .. . .. f .. . .. ,n. . .....t ...... ..1 ... '.i
1 iiih:ii-i . 1 1 1 1 ur 111 . j 11 sariir riatiti ni 1111 111 nil s id sni rnm iiinirni iri.iiw.rriviv .---.--..,-..-,-......,. ... iii Mia . u. tim- an
. - ---.-..-..-.. . .hiviub tot- 1 11 1 1 nun iiini"!! IU'111"! un t
the governor power 10 till tacancies in ,., . be rxnpr,, from ,,,,. Tho Truteler mvs :
: 1. .1.. u fpt Mi rn 1. r ' b "v
iut;urnjiaiu iiiv is ouiyiavwii vuuun n innilo
Oregon city; and, .1. Making some addi. j A Mrn(latlcf. 0 ,,, ,hrw .
lionni rciiuiuiiuna it'iaiitc .u sicin ui uir
Probate Court
A joint resolution was adopted to pro. I
tide for tho printing of a portion of the1
Laws of lio Territory immediately
1 meetings, is requested of the public.
certain office, by oppointment. 'i. To ,...-.. Bn,.' :...,: .,.,. ... ... . The ship will be w, prmision-d, nml .11(lt.i. v, umVIX Jyl.VLV
nil the "fixins put iu order, for the com tiitFiu-iit ..1 ii.f uvm iimi.ii .i ..i.t. i.mimiiit
foil and health of tlie passengers. Onthe nF"jaiF,tit.l)
nrrital al Km I'ranrisco the ship will re. W"' v'"" Jil"'"' "" " ,,"lr'1 ""' ,l"'
. .1 . f .. wa. rrsi.Jiu ut III tt luliiMlia al llir Iiiiif of ,f
main during the business part of the pros. IBlfcllIri ks .j; ,,; , ';,.. ";,',, ,J "'u
; I'm season, tor n nouio, ivr. ; njlerHurits ..fm.nj eiii, l- Hiiitiiiil. .l.... il.r .M.miiu
CajUC liaic ConfOM-d. thn lolnuy will h-atc for Orison, where Iwuff, uihI .... 'IVIukiir atnl. lir. HImiimhi iln.r
Wc are informed that Telokitenou ml thev intend to m lib near the ohorc nftho "' nli J.uirl.ri- il,. l.kwa faiim.. ,,i
nil. that ho did strike Dr. Whitman i,l, I'oflfic. . Mr. nmrst-.n. u .1, legate now -'"I J:" , i;l
TheLe"istalite Vsscmbv did not refer' l' Iiatchel, as testified by Mrs II.mII "' asiuiigini, ir..m uregon, liass.nt .u,,,, ,. ,Mwlrri, .,,, ,f .,
n - . . j uoiminiiy n iiiiuruiiiii reiKiri 01 xirruoii, ami rrFofiiiirFO IrluailF .li.tuiill. II nl ir..l. .1
thn question of a State Constitution to the Tomalms, or I he Murdcror, ndnnls tlitu Ms,n(. ,m, guvernuient will present all """ """ """"'
peoploal the next election, simply for the' " s,l0 "f. Whitman. Islaushelutkas fmnilies who 'si tile iherta iiumbcr of n. .. '!' '''" 'v"" t"v ''. tf.t.r.F.t
reason that the election was so near ar' confoMM to have shot Mr. Whitman.- cresoflnnd. Mr. Thurston isterynnx. nusT.lJTl&"l?
hand that the uucs'ion could not In so andClokamas, the smallest one of the fie, ' ""," '" "" "'is company make Oregon ..f.,k... .s..w n,. m ii,,m n,.i 1,.. .,.( .
short a lime be fairly laid before tho pco. adniit. that he a.sistcd in dispatching J ,",r ": , l?; W
pie. The mcasuro is decidedly popular ' young Sagcr. Hut Kiantautnkin sayshc, f 'm Lucroa'a onr, I hfi iiiwniiis.ikoii Hw liau.itlu.k.u u'
and will be acted on without doubt a, the 'a, present but did no. par.lUlPa,e l the, ,)rifS( uJMJ to 7$ t7 XtZ 'fit
nCXt session. massacre. i this ifiM dunnj lh uuu' inuullia rndnij wlllille. kanina ntil diy rilli a i;iiii nhlrh In-.nlfd al
. a ti . 1 .111,1 f ,' " ttmliFr 3l.t, IM'lj nml 111 aFisrlr UM rlii1 lifi ai'lT, ili j'u.f I) llnd Iiif.I ul Ur tt'V
llie Assembly ailjOUrnCU till ItIO lirs.1 1 real Fire nl Sail rrnnrlM-o. Iuf ,"'l"m ' rndmjr, wild .Mafrli.ll.l. iatnK fi trans 'I'lui n. mmiiv auk uud.Kiiig -
MondaV of December next. U' l.... ,l,., ... . :. 1 . 1 nolfd lliat lime uuilam only Iheartliles rntrml l)r tv Mte inrdi.iiiF 10 t ! Iiidun.
' " 'farn ,lm, Sb l-nciseo ha been ln mMllt w , ,lf 1,, ct j yi. I,,,,,,),, cA,1,Mif.iy a.,r,.. iF.Mlr.l
To Coesfo.ndekt. .We have somo again visited by a terrible lonflnenition. StArsMtsT or llirosn nan Tiir roar ur Aa. """ lw "I !' Wl.ilini.n'. on il,. '.'tih ,SV..
- . i rfl t I,. . 11 (. IM la . klifl aaaAa a.. Ilf.. .,,.1, .. ul. - .a .,. II. ...II I
we have not seen any papers Trout tint. "" " ' nr"L '" '" ""'" J'". . ,iii : Z ,1 , '
' r I ImI'I, ImI aniril IftlhMl? 111 tlif klUnru mid rFrn..iujFil
city giving an account of the fire, but the
verbal report is that nearly two.entire
interesting letters from Mr. Thurston and
also an, interesting communication Irom
Lieut. W. A.narllelt, U.S. Navy, which
we nre obliged to defer to our'next num. ' squares Jibvc been burned. Ofcourso
if W. h.vF. rFF!lvrl inn ar ilin.fl the destruction of property uus very
rather ill-natured articles which wo do- " , Hir',7iiU ."'
dine publishing. We agree lo do all the '1'" I-eghlature ofCalifornio adjourn. JlrFf,
scolding, and grumbling grajultously and j cu on urn sain uit., aner passing m.i acih , uil,;,j.,
1 Tl
Sawrd l.iiinVr, Tffi,
llFHit'l'iiidiFr, "
ItiMiud ls, lu iiumlifr,
ll'imw Frailt.a, couijdFlr,
wc do not particularly need help
Tm Voice of KNn;cir. Kentucky
has placed tho seal of her condemnation
on tho proposed Southern Convention at
Nashville, Tcnn. In iho Legislature, on
Feb. 10, a resolution to appoint delegates
was voted down by a vote of SO to 0.
(Jov. IIhow.nk, of Florida, di nouncci tho
proposed Convention a "rlvolulitnary in
ill tewltncy, unit directly against the tpiril,
if lot the lelttr, nf the Constitution of Ike
United States.
and 18 Joint Kckolutions.
Ilrrml, '
Apple. Iibla,
f'ranbfrnca, blU,
Unions, aaeka,
" liaui-r,
" bunllfla,
.'.I 'J
1 in
Senator Fooit, himself, in bomewhal in
tho predicament of the Witch of F.ndor,
when she conjured up the (jhoit of Sam.
Got. Lano and Rogue Itlser Uolcl.
Gov. Lano has gono to tho Rogue river
country to negocialc, if possible, a treaty
with the Indians in that region, prcparato.
ry lo working tho gold mines thcro. It is SuToirsr
thf. finvmnr'k Inlenllon lo rmilorn ll.nt AN '
. .... . . ... I N
kuiiuii u. wiujjvi. j'.ti.j ...".""jj". "iiiij iiiarF.rruiiliFr,
reforonce to its mineral resources. , MiiukIf'.
1 lour, uuu., .1,7.11
llnllrr, IdiU ,
" kfi.
" -lirkius,
" II-,
(,VF, '
" lioifa,
Kgja, '
" .loiFii,
llacon, IIm ,
IVtaloc, kiiflirla,
hid. ,
" nick",
. lb aprakn's vmrr d..'inill) na that of TfIoCiIf
Kiifh liia vic fntin lifarms I1I111 ralifula fur III
Whitman. Ilrutd cuna and mif naiou and wrut
J1l.m11 atalm, and Oific. a.iw l- W. nnuiidr.l h
I a cut ui'Iim iIif facF NluMc,, In ranih.'uy Hill.
. Mr. Ilnsr I" and .Mia. tVliiliimii. lo ro lo llm Man.
- (lit. IIuim and ul llir kilrlim dunr .Mr. It, and Mm
'."j W. hup kill. 1! Cuiild ll'.UIir with alurm tVlul
u nni. landing lln-rc, aaiv IIif f..ur iin.onr rs al iIif Hal.
'. mn T ' ' i-."." .... i" W.11HU11 1 .11.1 no, ap
.fUU ,..i.l... Ik. II'..! ,'.. . . .
I' Ii.kilf. Dr. tVliitmuii Miia alivp Hhrn h kit
uw Uin Indiana iuIIiiij; lua. Iiad hu.lv about nru
liuilllllii;, Tl.rio Hricmali) aick sluf Dr. W,g
Mr. Jotinh Oilimii Ih-iiiu aHum. Ir.lifir.lll.il
Iif was nl tVniilalim sill Nov, !ii, IK-IT, Ha aick In
Dr. W.'a lioiirr. Heard cull ami rul lu llir duui
, . Irrnlid iUFidonmt liiroui.h Hi ui
-.."L . iVlH'r A""""' r""Mil'...ur.lnKMrS,.J;r WI.
, Ti. siiseii si, iho, nM;Um fnllyirr( ,n
fd l.unikr, fri-l, lP13S,4H imm iatF Hip aanip nirdirlim 4
I lata, kiga,
Oakurn Skds. We liavo reciitcdn.,,'
lolorilowcr seeds Irom tho Hon, a. K
Thurston, which wo will be happy to dis
tribute among our neighbors, and ns the
and auiv Mr. Kiiubl ruiinini! and Houudpd. if.
Iirnlid iiiFidsnml lliruiii'li IIif u iihIu w miy Toina
udpras tt l.ilo nudf r lb floor
iiRim. Dr. tViui-
Calf Hip aaniF ntrdiriiiF lu both lndiaiLBBB.1
tVbllca. Know Dr. W. nus a wli.le Ainrriran
1 ilm 11 MuiiMnu llnua .lour wa llirra feel high
from Dip ground. 'I'lio Indiun kurw that llm
ii'..... ...... ... .. ... ... . ... ...
. .. 11 ini ii.r.i .in nil. .1. uiniMaiirL air. v . w.i
Fir.ond, enrda, P unilnua na In Ida aaffly, ami dp nf It pailieulat
i.l.iiur.tir., um.., , y ) p ,', lnr. lull tlHIW Hllfllirr III Ur. l.
Nalnioii. bbl. 6IA
.Hauisr Kiaiil, bl.l. , 10
An account of the imports, would furnish no ' Hciimlrd immfdiat ilaui'pr
aatlafaclnry rraulla, aa Hi career of vraMbrnlrr I Th Dwtllcl AltuiUF) her aajil that lir tvmdd
Inir llin Columbia, mp luontlv of auull aoiid lula. rull 110 murn Hilurwa im.t. In irliul Icatlinuiiv 111
... . . ......... . .... ., .1 r
season is pretty Well auvarccu tvn hope ana biiiioiikii iu iiip aggregate, ur in couaiiiftai.IP nir .irirucp.
those, who desire unt of the-c teed," will tslnp.Hill ennnol l-nM-Prlalnail in ijplail 'IV.ii,,,,.,,) fur tl.p .Iffcm-. Ik-iii; rallnl.
tlioso who ucMrc ant 01 tlu-c tceui win , ,. ,lf ,llfllI,., .-,. )( .4',w,..-A.i.-l-liig .Hum, ii.tdiF.i
uall csily. li;itllli; ilinil- i,,i I.p- I, ,. ...nvd Dr ttlmniau l ..aiijr ii