Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, May 30, 1850, Image 1

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Wfl tl XTTU? UVWi'Mini lb-
Vol. 4.
w f -rr j tarrc"
" Wttiircl tin Ntiir of i:mplni Hike IU wiiy,"
Oregon City, (0. T,,) Thursday, May 80, 1850.
-No. 18.
aavL.!, rCE3sV "U KT-
Mltor and PnklUher. J
t non. MOOM,
J Of Lima City, TnprUtot.
rriri nii, oaiuo Ttaaiioir
U lobir I, fM'i
lllT.a, ) JHO
a u imam, ( ( tno
. IIIIMil,
II. I HI (.11
Mill to Win. S utiuorr, m . Now . uik
M,-i Weliinur ('r)uVt, "
" Ts)lot A. Meruit.
Welinure A Co Canton
O.t. 4. JM!.
mki.1, arwiai inkk
Lftv'n a. nirams.
M.W .OKK cm
D.I. i, 11$
J UllINN TlloltNToN,
ATTottSKY . rnr.si:i.nn IT Mir.
AMI SlIl.llllUK I.'. I IIA.SlH. V.
UJI f IA Jir llJt .W.IIM ttrnl. npftolllt
Mf llnrk Slut
OitfiHi I'll), till I, IHCV
.1 n nn n ;:v j c'ii".v.v:.o .1 ; ..1 w
1M1 ! II IT ill It lllt.Nrl.Mr.
CI.Iim ll'nl i' ' It'jlcr Mull,
bRul .III
Oil I- ItVJ
1. U.Al W C IIOl.MAN
OAVr ionn.Ur niii'ili p. nJ mil "!
.11 'ij'nt .1 m 1 f Dly l.cuJ. aikl Clio,
r.at. 'II."! wMuitii mill r"rti'n uf cut
On 4. 1-lJ
.1.KcM7 .t niMtru
I 1 1
Jcan VI. I -..' If
i;i.M.r .v ?lu.j:.
jiTrii:i.s ) cor..v:i.o.v,
ant ro -
Cuicii U r.-iiUi il. iiinwTtMilM;
J, .u li l.ii 1.1111 I In jii lit;
rule i- I '!" I '1' ,,r '
Janjt" !.l. I ''- It
lil.lir.llt. I.IIIII.S.
(irni'i ciii ni imrUL auint,
C'm.Vi Ih-utr lluililinft,
ti. iro.
L II. I. iilr-il IJ l lniit ir-nfi.!. ! to l.nli
JV 111 Hi' .i.ilt.il. itl'cal ptra. tlif
tilu alii ilrrliilgr .if tr.'l, Iteming coll.
tijnrtitilul '' 1 iiajr, Ac
C.wffiii .uiii llirginlily
Col II h H I.iimi, "
1.1 D M rc.ar.llri;rm M. '
Ilia Ji.ns titi. Art.l a
January lit, l5'i- If
aonr.irr cmtii'.i.d,
WIJ r.lK'IIAN'I an) gn 'til il'ilri in III)
lln. C.ou.1. I.r'li' lli'l I'liillirr, 1 11
.Vflll 'itltll uttil tht Itidt.
o.i 4, l-rj
I (I
V U fllAI'MN,
ATTOItSr.Y ! t Ol .VV.'.OH AT I.
rilH.IA.MI, liMl.nl.
fMltiml. Mud.:. I-WI If
UTransr.Y j rrr..s.7eO.iT..iu
Iflir mi M4I11 ' fjwwl lh Mi.ui Mm
Oregon City !
ooumasioy NF.uciiAxr $ agf.st
Oa ktad IJf 0 poi.nda lolnrco,
7b0 do lad iioimi,
I enk itougliloa l ttrn,
I cuk turner prpprrminl
C. ITilct, U. ti. A , California
Cra I'. F. Hmitii, " Oirgon
DaVlb 8. Diown A Co I'hdidrlphu
P. II. Titui. Niw York.
Kkdicott A fiatthC,Hon FiineiMa
oifuorc citt, nacnoN tebritoiit.
Mirth 31.1, IBSO-lf
bieki Utrirpoul .ill,
3U laekiHyracuM libli nit,
Fur iilo by
fWV HACKS eoarar Mrrrpool rail, aim
eff SI ricki flnn lablr aill, for al by
PtKlan4. Miirh SI. '.W-i
Tiwusnw, ma. :iu. ir.o.
At n DmiHicrnliu Meeting, ln-Itl ill llir
(Joint Room, in Oregon City, nirtiiiitit l'i
niljiiiiriuiU'iit, on lliu vti'iiiiig of llir I tt It
lilut nr.Mnv, . I), IHOO, II011..S Parker
tui ullril in llir Cliulr, mill A. I, Unit
jnihlC. M Walker, ri.jrs
Si en turn .
tturo tlmnii
'i'lia tun linu la'inu ii'inlv for buitiici,
.mi motion ofllnn V. Kurd, llm committee,
n.,x,lnrd at .. former ...enlng to tlriA n
ibi irt.AH lu "itf tlfmoentttc atitrnt of (If.
rjjcii iVrriUiry iimI rriort llio tiunu at
linn iiik iiiiu, unio ri'iiiii'ttcil note lu ro
irl W lit. rciiioii, llii' coiniiilltii' iciHjr.
lulllir fulliinini; circular, ttliuli win ilnly
ncut'lili il 11111I nilojili il.
iiui 1, An
lo TDK HI Mix IIAlli'l IIUI .NX Ol nHrilll.N
nrtilm -
Kar rrmotril, o. )im nuu nir, fiwui lt,u fumlly
l'MKtlilMril l.iiinra Wfli'li a utr (Milly xlll
, Hunt lo waiiu uml annuila uui hraila, i.u iluiibl
)...! Iiav fir..ifi,ll) llLHighl ami frll. Ih.l lh' .lj
...IH.IM..I..I.I.I l...i it ..ul.l Urj.,,,. ym
. imtll'gr amliliil) In Imclila n tuuf ulilical at.'
I L.,.1, .ml .ijauijiu luuir m lh. 1 L.1Uf..l"r.
. n.f IWnitK-iirVy '
In llii ipiiiH'iinf tin. ii"lin. lit ilay for hi.
gam ...mil, ruinry i,. .ucn arum.., i. .1
lilliii' It ttrll klUMHI, llldl lllf C , hum (if
I ilt t ilitrit) nl i tirgtin tit r ilnn.trutir m iturH n
niiil 'f licijil ( l.til ( It pMmi) Mru, lha.1 iiu itn
br riiHMl.rnl will Im Itll iiiililail In Hicnjili'n
ii..i,i.i.. ii,n,. !! .uul. ,r llm frw wi,,..
lmir.i.!c iiitom i.n.l.it V,ii.i'fir.ntri,.
lK.ltr..l ... I ncr... i....r p.. ..H-r-.i... t.l.1. u.
...., ........-. .-. .... . ...- .-- ...-.
' .. I .. .
ll.i llioroii.li ahl rllii.i'iu irjallt.alim nl u
lrui.iir iuii) tin iig.,ut ilihUrminr yen uml w Mill, lirrcrr ttc may lir, Ima
burr, thai Hi- r...r. ,!-),,, ,., arnlir ,.), r lo prolrrt 111 from tlm ill atuitnui of
.,lHy jli.l.ll.ir.lc. l,..l. wlii.ll e.ilrll,HKlilrli. ' !.
U l,....l,an. )..u IVimb a!-.. .I,.t h..i.i. ' l,"!lM "' l,r ,)"' ... ....
lli.u an) vll.'i..n ...w. nur ..,i.,..n r.Snti) At n party In tlm constitution, hentllcky,
ilaiinruiiiiitrit irtuv. 1I1 nixl iu mult lu.llir
it,'' allaililii'lit nnl aillirrriirr of llir 1,1a
J"''y "' " n ""'" "" l"',"I0" l''1"- t:nt roiKtituiiiiii ami llio Union which it
r:i:,1"..:r:!'c.Jr '",r:VT"r.r.lbl.,l,,.d. r....t ..l.-lKa cm her
II i.t- nint aia iiho'i . iut oiii"! ) iv iui
b.inir.lOirei.ilt ' iMiwiiiwiiilain brtlh.
linuf tl,- grrat Jrinocialir lannl), w l,o.i'J all
-euituiiiiemru.ir nr.i.ialiili.1 mil. lli'in It
-,,11 U. your I.....!. 10 mii ll.it ac ,.ml.nr-
" : ' - i
pt.ncip ra air liivincili'r
' Oruuntit and Atr!
.. I. I.OVI'JOY.
SWI'l. I'AltKI'.ll
On motion of Col. Jut. Taylor, n com
mittrr of thrcf waaapjuilnleil Indraft rr.
oliiiimn ciprcMiw of 0io enio of the
' merlin;;.
f Col. Ta lor, (Jin. Palmer, and lion
. W. V Ki'iif tt.-rn appoint? I -mi.! com
Thcfullottiiiijrrs liltinnwaaiiilrnJuriil
iv linn A. I., .u.i-iiiv. nn, n, niiK,
r.r,l, ll.-tll.r wl.ii ru. ul.tr ..fll.r I',,,,
ir I iir.. ill m-ii.Iiii j a rm irr iuln Cull,
fooua. in Ihr iH-rxni f T llullrr King, n.idrr III"
I nrrlriitn i( aMiinlinc .1. tl.a fn.liul.o.1 of a rit.l
iilrrni.trnl. lull III lll.tl. In nrl ..m .... ril.i4.aiy In
'"rill) mil Il.r .!,l,rul pni.t p'r of Il.r MaMrr.
, 1. a Kit mi'l u lli,!Niit ii.tiipiliiiii an, I al.utr ,.f
'.. ri.lur pmrr
1 . It. .ii'.iilnMi 1. II .n I. I. f'urrv
.) Mm
I Krtaliril, I h1 u ilrinrfal v knuw n 1 1;
tilrlmii if l.itlli; alui lliut a n . f l li
llVt III riRlitu f "if nlurnliirJi iIijtii" 'IiwiiM
ivIlaLrlfiJ ninl tiinlf-rlrj
Tl.al .14 .IriiKM-rnU we
know .1 1 .In
ijk.cI.-u n.iilpl.ili
Tlfl. 1 niiimiltiii. nlitw.ll.t, ,1 11. ilrnM lr,M.
Ititloii", riportnl IlirfoUouiij:
Wiunin, Wr arr rinlibly ii.riinrl, ll.at Ilia
lili.riit rirriillt. nf llm I'lnlrd Htalta liu rr- .
...nt.,1 f.ii.,1 ..llh r thr pi..rl,l (...trll.or of II... I
Irllinr), Hlllmut ally JII.I cnuo UM.gl.ril . .
Rnoltttl. Tli it ! iriirubalti Ilia act of ll.i rn
I mot a I of (tot. I.niio I.) lh I'lriidrnUfor llio rrai
on (among man) ullirn.) ll.at iucIi act a. i.rs-.li-rrct
rontrat rnlioii nf .'na pr..frwmij brforr flit, rlrr
I lion, Mil dial l.n IijiI "nn friend, tu reW4id, nur
rii'ni"i I., jiuni'li."
Rtin.'iii. Wr litltrre tl.iK.'ut. LmivliaaUiili.
fullv, tilt I'lill), and limmnibly ,1.x Imrrd nil Il.r
diitira in. ti.i.bri.t i.miii I.iiii uh lintrrnor unit ruip
rinlriiilc.it of luduii Alicia in niulfor Una Trr
nloi) ; Kr inoir tl.nt l.n I111 rn.l'ari.t liun-rlf tu
. UiiNp.1 plr b) I1ia111.1f.il in kind, griirrmn., and man
ly brarit. n. u iir.gl.boi, Irirtid, und ritixru, and
Wl drrp'y nvrrt Ina rtlimval.
, RmlttJ, Tliattte fultt ami auiiiiinoiialy rnn
, euiirillio ri.lliiirnla ami rr niiiiiiMidaliuna 01.
prrawil in llir (Jocular auoptrd by Hill mrrllng)
Ilial wo brailily and rntn. rlly irmiiiiurnd lo our
democralic birlbrni throughout llio 'l'i rntory, a
prompt and efficient orgaiiiiullou la cvciy roiiul),
Tho rraoliitinn and circular with ro.
apondrd toby not rriil ((fnllenn'ii nrrtrul
in aliorl, appropriate, iiblo, mid clorjucnt
Rfolttil, That a central rniiumllrn of Hirer
br npinlrd by Una Hireling, ttlinui dulira II iliull
be lo currr.ioiid Willi It.c 1 rutial ci ini'lntler. of Il.r
event couotici, aad fit llm time of holding Ter
ritorial contention.
Tho central committeo consist of (Jen.
A I. LnvejoT, Col. Jam's Tavlor, and
A H. Wail. '
null, lom arJ. Mill, Purr I'll aUU lOtUlia ll'atU. m, Il llm I iniu.n, ..Inrl.ma rAnnll-filii..i
m 11,. anpMii, fuiihr-Mne, aihi Mimiiilou oi-.:,u,.,i i. 1,. ,.ri..i,i. ,.,.?.,. w III ttftve on Djc. lei. via Cape
tit-uiii-iulicirJ prmc 4r uf ism -n.cy , ., ..r!?..i ,i. will ho ticrmancntly itationed
II U uuiirerai.iyh.i-. lo .Irlin. il.r pnac.,.!,. of . ' " " "" -' - " K'- M.lnr.p.: .nll,mrl ...J San V
liainu ricy, I dry air ii.Kiattu uimii.tnur uraili nor noiir 11 now llltpirf, III
Ilmohnl, That III" irrwrrtlian of Dili merl.
li'i' Ihi algurd by Hit chairman and Mcritsilii, ml
n,bli.lird In Hi Oirgun rlprctalor.
A. I',. Wait, ) ..
C. M. Wai
Tln Union.
If any of m.r tumlrr ililnk Mr. Thurtf"
Ion, in llm letter publUlied In our loit
ini'iibc r, has taken high ground agalnil
"iilhorn illsunloiilkt, Irl tlioni rcod the
I l.llnl. I.im .i.l.iiill f..im lltn ,.... M nf
' """" " " " b
iiiv. Crilk'tnli'ti, of hci'iucky, ami limy
tt ill see that ainonir nlavrliulilors tfirni.
i .Mv.viJlir. tamr rutxlnllo o-itlmont-. .are
j ,,,, ,,, ,,
' '
i llin.recca.iiK rriimrM Imvobcen con
iHtiftil In tlm ilmtii.tln nlliilrs it nur nivti
Wtnln. ltiil tia lutllitiif. llnil rittHetm I tin
I'liion can Ihi iillrn to in, 1 ant unwilling
IdlIoio Ihii coiiiiniiiilcatioii ttlllioul aoinu
ri'Trrc'ticii In our rrlntlona and duties to
ilin roiiaiiliillnn ami (ijvcriiuieiit of the
Cnllnl Slalcn.
'Dili an 1111 lo lo tnadu muro Impcra.
liti.ly my dutv, l llm dcjiloralla auita.
limn and xluioal cxoilcuiFiiti w liicti havo
rrVuiltlv lx ell lilll 0) I nun i Text III tlio tiro.
cmiB u( , ,n,t, of Cniisrctl, Olid
,, , if , , ,ir,.n,0 and en.
" ' .,., i i . i. t
.'.incrrtlir lraniiillllly mid Intr-Rrity of
llm IJiilnil, lian rxcjti.il fcollciltulo fur ita
I), r . K, ntlltk V . to III, kill- i. tint
our uliiilc rniiiiirv. I lin 1 111 in, tli.
"" '"'"i ""
r) ; mill pmud
li'ii' 11111111, 11 our count
ihltr tiiatlv tin- of tin" liailic of hrntiitk
.i. ,r. 1 -!.. ,
inn. 111, iin.n ntiLirr mil, in 11,1 ini.inin, u
.,.,' ,, " , , ,
"lo-that of Amenta,, rirrll-a lia.i.n
Lliiilll, iiiii f, alui, hu lirlill,, ll llm . ,
"i.""im -"' 1.1 ,mt nui 1111 u
ttc may l Ima
I llilrruliaiiiji alilv, uilli lliu other Stalci,
, nli'ilifl ll Ifrscll lo lilildc liV Bllll Slllilwirt
i , ill t t t I '111
"'y olilli'Blloii, It OURM to bo hltlolablo
' Hut tllr) mat of VaiiiliitOII llailllicd Up
nn, uay Hi
' d.v. Incrroaeil nur atluchiiielil. until llm
,;, ,, of .,lf,,wt rlllt, Bn.tflrL.anr.t
.1 .!....
I it. lion
, . is,
I can cntorlain no apprch.-mion for thr
fair of .ucli a t in m.
Tho approach of iiuvdali!!rr lo it would
r'"' ic ii;iiiil for r.i!lui' to Hi ilciciiic
thrlirMiiioiiirnt.il il prril'ttoulil lie llir
mnmriit iifiii revmr. I mtiii4.Io myailf
, lliat tlirrn will lir ,miii, in I onprrm, rn
, tl tiiiiinii hiil.jtc t winch Iiuh f.irn nr
' m lln-lain ut;iliiiion mid alurm, n iruriir-
' 1'iiiriuf, mid u rue patitntr, that will w
cur. in Irnm danger ; ami that lliu cr
inrn "on, 111, 111c Him nun c-.i.iu iiuiiii 111
,l'l, hntr .r,l.rn 1.10M U.l.Ili tlm Ian-
tllliip' "f .l"liillu o lilld III. IHH'o lii llir I 11
.nn, tl ill 111 t lin lilinlliiu't III nuikiii'' '..u r.
lies 'inr iti prrM'rinlioii
Tli. I iiioii liai fut t Iut KrriintV, in llic
pirriil.il curr iiii'litiiiinlians1 ii ofits pre.
Mill lilintrioiiiChlul Mni:iilriilii; nnil, far
nlr. to nil ull.rr i.rc.iiril(is, II Iibi the nil ati amsliipt mul sailini; rsscU which are
pntrrful public ojiiuioii mid allcclioii iiflmrdeil foritn uir, mid wliru wo coniidcr,
llir praiiht. j too, that rmii;ratioii promlaca to bo on a
To Ki'iituc.1.) mid I'm other wotlrrn ' ntill larcrr tcalr foro number nl yeara to
.Slntriin ihr vallry of the Mniissippi, iIip.coiiip. the mind li bewildered and lo.t in
.nl,.n t i.i,lnB..A.i-,,l.l. ,n ilw.i- , 1, ,.,, r
(il i.itcrtM. The) occupy the mot fur-
lliu rriiliill of llm woild, cloUrnlly ill
,.ril,,l 'bu 11 ..ti.tiriilnl fiiroiinmr n Oil,,
, l,r,,.fic,.n, ,,H),lf, ,ial ,10 Almit-hty
" . 1 il! I r
cut prrnarril ai n iIhi-IIiii plncr for
Thorn mates, mreauy fiopuinui
and productive, arc rapidly incrcaiiuu
ar.d in no loin: timn limit heroine llio moat
fnptilout and prndiictito portion nl the
lulled .Statei. They are remote from tho
mid tneunhle tlii'iu, willmuv
Ille, (i iiMi.criii ini'ir iiu.iiiii.ua. hihiiii-
IIOIIHIipill l.irc'IIHSU l.Hi.l U...li:n, ll.ujr ...
rr, inlro nil tlm cliunncli und uvomui of
Lommorce, and of nil tho iiiurki In. ports
and harbors, from llniinn lo Now Orleant.
Under our present I'uiun wn rnjoy all
tin so facilitiui, with llm further ndtnntni;n
of u maritime forcocnpalilo to protect, and
actually nroteelini; our coiiuficrco in evet
ry partol llm world.
lliiunioii would deprive us, certainly,
to Homo nxtcut, niid most probably to a
Cri'Ut rxtriit, of llioso nilvautoi'rs and of
lliat piutcctinn. I cannot rnlnri;o on tho
Riilijrot. A moment's reflection will aliow
tho ruinous cnunrqiiencca of disunion to
tlio commrreo of Kentucky and tho other
wcitorn Siaici. Tho most obvious con
aidnratinua of interests combine, therefore,
wiili all that are nobler and moro gencr
out, lo make the Union not only an object
,of aitaehmanl, but of naeaatity to ua.
Kontucky la not InicmlMo to llio caui
r whlolt liavo produced ao much aonilbll.
ity and Irritation wlih hnr broilirfn of the
ouihtrn Slaloa, nor la alio without liar
yuiialliy with them. Uul the iloei not
irnnlt hornrlf lo harbor ono thought a.
ualntt llio Union. ISI10 drprccatca dliun
ion ai llio nreatcjl calamity : tho oan
no rtmtdy In Itnone, corlalnly, for any
criuvranco aa vol coinnlaiiitd of or to 1m
I ajiiirehoiiclcd.
tvi iituony will atand by and abide by
tlm Union to the last, and the will hop.
that tlm namo kind I'rovldenco that ena
bled our father to mako It will enable ua
lo pronorvo il. Our whole hiatory hat
tauyhtuaa conaolinir confldenca; In t.ktt
rrovidonco. - ---'
Trade ataHl Trawl tartko Pnclllc.
Tho cxtraunlinary InoreaM of trade and
travel between the Allantlo eoaat and the
I'aclfiu, alnco the accowlon of California
and Now Mexico to tho United Statea, and
tho wonderful gold diicoverlea in lh flrtt
Named country, aa a rtyn of the timet ol
great iinport. Three yeara ago there wai
not an American atcamahlp on the Pad
fio ; now thcro are aovcutcrn, and the
nuuilirr la increasing every day, lo supply
the wantinfthe trnffiothat haa aprung up,
aa If lv mottle, between the two ahorea of
our roniiiiont.
Thrro arc notv rceularly employed In
t hit trade, on Uih aide of our continent,
1 in tlic com cynnco or the moil", patten.
1 i:or, and rool to California, tho follow.
inirnainid ttcamjliips:
;?'"'""' yfpfini
Sltamtkln. CatUlm
1 I'linraM-e, f4I'a,
riillattelphlt, Oall.ihit,
,, ... a...
i.miara 1 try. uwn, intMn,
, C , wi c'.ly, rllctdard. I'.n.mt,
I , 1,1.1 Nli.H.b Mn,
;'". .-....v-, ....,v.,
'",;,'n' ,:.,.." ,' ..
JtwilMBi. Wr.jl.l, UMlalat, Hunt,
'.,"""'" , l"mi.
li'rukfr. I.)ori. Uaicurii.
C.hfuTiiIa, IM.I, HraliH.nJ,Thool
Uartttalu. Ilanford.
1 Hand. ThomptiB.
-thr ttto tail named taillni; under the
l.iiKliali fln'.
Somo of thciio tteamiliini are without an
equal in any couniiy. l-'ito ol thorn will
leave tliii port between lliii tlmo and the
thirteenth of December. Tho Tennettea
Horn, and
on the Una
1 ,; .7 ., p. , A.
' "i."Biwi aieainaiiip 1 .m ro uuy
i "' '";"VO "" " ,,me .i,,?, !
t non a 1111,1 ii'r vrif.ua, ai .tiiicii i.ugr
1 . I r-k-1 .. .1 :l. I...
I"1" Mu " conneci nun uic raicon,
w ,,,,.,, ,n, bc0 n, ,, for ,0)n tiie .
I ,uurnl .(.. . )r1caiN mid Chapret; the
Crr-.Lir.it Cit till alt,) li arc on llio 19lh.
, IMI, w, ,1 i. Chrrokco; the ateamthlp
I'lulmlrliihia will Irate that city on ilia
l.'nh of Kccrnilicr. It nppcara, then, that
,rm of llicvi Mcaniihipi will Uac New
i i,,.,!, ,10 :),, 0rint iiionlli. nnd on,
rm llm l.'ith, fiom Philadelphia. In addi-
j(), , n,,,,, rvnlonira nl tho increase of
tradf and traicl with the Pacific, tailing
v .., 1 vi ill. In r.if. tin 1 ill, nr T hnupniiiir.
1 " : -k ---- 1 -r,-
and irt nl c .iro,"., uro i Iranui: nearly ev.
cry'hiy Hir tlm iiiuir ilr-.linaliou,fromcv.
try 1.1111 on in Miniiur.
1 1 c 1 1 in. inl.r iuln consiitcration the
iminruir ira.li wl.uh hut thin fpriinp up
lictu.rn lhou two iHiinli. ttitluu alich a
ahnrt time, mid thr immrnsr iiumlicr of
miinemrut nt the prospect lie foro uv
'J'hcro promltca to bo nn limit to llio trade,
or In the emigration that will How thither,
iiotlioiu tho Allantlo count of ihc United
S'tntca alono, butafrom every nation in
Europe, as well at from China and tho
Eaat. All wo can say it, that n vast em
pire will bo calabliilird on that dlttant
part of our territory, peopled by allna
liont, yet with a preponderance of Ameri-
cnni. Hut tho mind is lost when it at-
ailvun-lirninl. In.llx n llnilr in lla crcatneta and
I inaifUltlldC.
II mo TaiiqiTina. Tlm patsengora on
Uinrd llio hriir Turquina.on her pasiags
from .San Francisco to Portland, tender lo
captain Moll In op our Ihauks lor hit very
kind ami gentlemanly deportment, and
tako great ideasiiroin recommending hi
pry auprtrior rind good accommodations,
together with hit urliano and pleating de
meanor towards lilt patsengora to tho trav
eling coinmunlty generally.
M. M. McCarvtcr, Alfred Jobo,
Jno. V. McCoy, Titos. Brown,
E. T. Jennings, J. B. Stephen! k lady
Jat. TurwilllMT, W. 8. Copter "
Jno. James Burton, II. D. C. Bryant,
William Stephens, Andrew Wise,
Henry Brown, Zadoclc N. Harding.
B. Welch, a M. Shelden, Quinoy III.
Columbia Riv'ar, May 5th, 160,