Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, May 16, 1850, Image 2

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7fu( tt
T$sa '
ItttoramMmt Wauita.
The fathar ofTalmadge B. Wood wlih.
tt Information concerning lili ion. T. R.
Wood uai formerly engaged In buiiuott
at IIuiii'a mill on (he Columbia, but was
some time since killed liy tho Indians In
California. His father now wishes In for.
tnation, "as lit hixcirctimstnnees while in
Prom .Linn city to L Faratte;no
each week ; L'.
From i Inn city to Hillsborough, hi
Tuilltiii Plains once each wrok j logvth
er with tho additional alteration hi tin
former iriKial of
From Sulem to SUnncrV vie Albany
anil Mtuvsvllle, In Skinner's; ulart,
Fiom SViniM-r'a to Lo Sootl'a, In
I ni"ua vullrv.
a !...... a I... !... -i l.l l..&k 1.... . I I. i
, m . J . . . Il lfl ' Bld 't ""tain con
ilcrt In- nflnlr ami with whom ho engng- ,,,,, ai)ff i,,.n..igiulloitof ihcgold.dlg
fed in business, und also whom ho may ml- gers, in llegee's river,
dress tor fnrtln-r infttrmnlKtii.'' Anyone 1'. il. LOW s SHALE. l. A.
i who eon ilo It. would conl-r n ureal luvoi ' I'ortliunl, Muv llh. I15OI).
I.rgttlntlru Awmtily.
Vi'iiuy, 10. ImmedinK ly ullcr the as- by conveying the desiied information to
ambling of Ilia Ivvo Houses, it was on-1 ..jcsvu Wood, llutUtou Spa.Sarotr-ga Co ,
bounced that llto Hen. Dux iJ Hilt had s$ y.
aeceascu i"i (lie preoeumg uuy, unu uuer
the aJcptloti of llio usual tcsulutions, both
Houses adjourned till Monday at 10 o'.
Information It nlo w.inli'd v iili refer
cure to Mnthew Nenlly, ho wlniiu
, bouts is unl.noHit to his fiier.dj. Am
bSnTlKtlmTw m ttffntt. This
wlll'tiot apfwar etlrdtdlnerv when i
art. InfnrmeU thai ImiwhiWy alln i.i
arrival belts' tlio'rtlaAiil'biwrn I ,,,,
ndu tWilire fnrnijvtJiiis)'.Xikiiii.ii,
became clone and liiliumic. A ilimil.t n
rx.tdilor, (hum e mender ft" hm ii..( r.
rings) wax aboou'd tu.snf liiil.i.rtr H.
him. In short, tl i H'diili,. of 1,1 ,
ci llcncy uih mi d in I. ', , i, ,. (,,
lliC i ,XCI Hint n lb" in rill, lilt finin lln
nhodrniik wry much vthUkiv that ui,
hoi nnoilltnti and who had i,ui le'ithi
iu"M ixoullent ripiiiaiiuiilii llicSiai, v
I do tint uMi II In In lnftiiid linni ilu'M
rviimika tlit I Iiiim. i vi r nn iiu'r iipv.
cum-ilmtik. ndr Ihal I llnl fmill uiih
lilni lir n'liciiiip liU on aiiioi'laira. I
think lie limln iM'ifirl nulit tmlii h. All
I mi en to klftrin i, ll mi n rciv Urpr mi
.lull llouicK, &e,
Mr 'I'lunrldii H)r mid ii iiMil.nl i
Mr. tsfi'iiker : I lime a mutter, oir,
ulmli I mli in ucl I vl'ire the oaniniillcr
in tin. I'o-l Ulliveuiid l'u Itoadi-, rrlntivi' j-i'iiy ul oor tllirrn ilnn'il approve hf llm
In ln iiiL.ur miti roLtiM '.
I enOoiv, mi I rllicr niuUi r.
'si Ofejion HM.itvlrtTil by Inn in titling hl n-o.
I li'l.o the i uif. 'I IK riiiuli I l mv. Imwuir,
:..(".. .....,:. I ... I.;- r..i... ..i2 v: iiLi..iiuii In sjv. sir. ilut lite filniltni.in ul ' tliil ulitiitiiuli I uni n Lnrri 1'i.n . ..,.
.V.3- CmwtL.-Ihe 'yNrBllv ,,,,,,,.,,; ,0ttB..W01,jbc-ra,c. ll.uU-o,ii....ilr..,ai.M .., -Iiut the ,,.a.le, l...,. U I H.Ailil lo U.,.y In Iran. tUl
occupied unit llif bill u Inch canio tip in' ... umluiueil in the n koIiiiioh. IkiiiIiI ioiiii i ho hud Uin rtiMitnl.
order, providing (or lheliceniii: mid tax- u't't'lu'''' lufmp hiciiiiiiiitie f.ir iiitilcruiicii. I louif, iVc
Inp merchant, and ul. to provide forthe ,, ,olllrtl' " ' ' u' ",? ,,ul'u; ihv" f' ,r- l1'0 M",1"" ' , 0 i"Mf DAV"
,p . . . ' . ., ' ,i .'in 1 1 iiinno.. uIIhw ihu ttwiluiiiini lo lu lead mid u- OWVt Tlii'
cherleniiB of a brulKe lon.pnny at La W.. have ru-riml. and imw n before Hr,,ilto. Uprn moll-n of Clyi-m Ul. hni.l.en M.
Payette in Yam Hill county. Ucth these our renden the follow iim amiuhle nd lu. The resolution verc then read ai fol I'. Diedy, Dr. J. Millruhr pint A. Khn.
billawcro warmly opposed and will under- m expose of pot oflice nlVnirii. fiom the l,n. ' ''. wcic appointed coininllli-e in i p.irt
go tome ImporUtit incndments before Aicnt.rt We rnird mi feu object ioiih.hhi ltf'"!' '' 1l.i ilir comiiiiilno on llie ' uolutinni i.pre.atve nl the i ni i.' In
their final nniL.,,.. i i Pom Olliio ami l'.t llo.idn bo iiiilrucltd , iiircluiR upun the ill Hues iTiniuli cd in t1 o
tntir final pa.ge. became there ro not ,ery ...any. but to ,, . , MlM,it.lloy , t.lllb. I , ou. ."..i,. ,) 1P .;,,,.
Hoisc Mr. tarry presente.1 a pett bccaue a bare mple was tulhcient for ,t11K ,.P fol0.e 'i.uHro.nc, in Oic ' '1 he conimil.ee. uber a fo ii.e.-e , s,
lion from citizens of Clackamas county, our purpose. For the furtliei iiilurmalion pen Terrrory, lo ii ; al' no-. leliirtnii end rc((iilu! i" e " s.
atiking for the location of the Conntv Sent nfuur riuders, und the ngent, mc publili A inil.iciiie liu,n on, by the mouth mi; 'ieui.ible nml ir',ilnoi, ss hi li -
ofthecountv. AIm a petition asking for in ibh paper llm il.edulo of moil rotiti.s "' '''" '"u,,l" " r. I'lii.nuih, I'ortlai.d, , uitopuil without dineotlny n I
road froin'Oregon city to Mohiln. , iri,,MH.d bv Mr. Th.ir.tnn. In C.,Brr., Ul"': M.lk;-. m Or.o., c.y. t"P .,,., , ,
c iri : ..i.. i . . i . .. . . J . . . . h Ali'. iini.telHiiiiOnun.ioiiv.ilirousli H hfrtat, A certain lit er I ns t' i' v
Col. King tiitrcdueed a joint reiolut.on l.ich i oiiwilirr the Um un.lmo.iju. ..M1I , .,, Tnul d-.m.l.v -, M W. Inn nad iiiil.Umriii.e. fni. Uh- V
to enquire tnlo "the propriety of calling n dicioua we lme .mimmii. We nre hi a pui. n luke am II II lulls, iVNeulaindU, Yrk W',tUy Trilunr," nf J-- ..." li- .
Convention for tho purpmo of framing a lo to kuo w heller the fo!!,,ni..g wa- J. C. Ai ', Jnlui L'ojds. li. F. Skin-. 1 '(. dimd '& pt. Hth. l"IO. t r lli I, .
State Comlltution preparatory lo admit- intuidid u nn adu itisemeui. nr r".oiii '. nml I. Iituh Urstuu'., in IkniimCvi., ililmts .Ij-nutinc of l.oii'ule." fos 'v
j .... i , .. , .1 iii in o-s'ii . in umiiiiiii utn v. unu'inn our i-uci ni',i en sn I mi i'ui
munieniioii, Imt up limil m u.drd lo ., . , , .. i .- .. . . ,
Ali, m rnuip lniiill,rj;oii ullV by nay rMiulup riRn-i r. (i , Li.tii, wlnl (.
'lew it in tlm lutler muni er. mill iubliKi ot'.lu- lln'tij. Cln - . Sliin.' Rinil. undini. In iriin ., m li. liiiii.I m. i.i.l j...
OM.J- j .. . . i . . .. . . . . .. .-.---. r - , , . ., 'w I r.
tin impon i .inn jmyiuar measure it accordingly. AnU n- il.e nent lia- I i ir. AILi'iiv, I pp.-t ctiu.inu ollhe Cu- Hilriice ninom.' llie ii.eii!e nl l-r irin.
ting tide Territory r.j a Slate Into the L'n
the following resolution.
"Rriolrtd, Tl.o Council concurring
therein, that our Delegate in Congri-as U
requested to use Ins influence to bate 'he
orgenlo law of this Territory ss amended
that the (iotcrnor mid Scctitary may be
tlrctcd bj the people."
Mr. DaiiUou, ol Marion, introduced a
bill to provide forthe payment of llie offi
cers who served In thoCavtMo War.
Mr. Shaw.ol Marion, hit
resolution to provide for tin
Commistioner to settle the Cavuse War
'his pli.ee nnil Vntn Hill, we w tuke rn.
couraf.eiiieiit to s.iggit f.uin time lo Iniif.
such other impro(meuts u j-e lit tin ...
I must ay I haxe breti ni little urpiu
eil lo l-i.i- learned thioiih uiir uluuble
puper.nl mj fen nl ji'ilnuis In lliu mail
mules p. ojioed lo Ip teinpnivrilv clab
lilied bv mv ilirectimi, as ncenl for the
was shoved olTthol i ack by the adoption of kindly impr.nnl his plan, b teumcliiif l'l"""',i lo J.mb :ire'- in l.inii touiily ltto!rrit. That tu the iitmiuuni., unpin-
i,i, u ipiiir ..mil .Ni.'mii.iIv, on In ' '"li m mis Inn liii(., tin- ilmrgi cniiiK.m il
'i l'si?.iiin I, tlnniiuli .be ('nuli't ettlc. I in said Irllur MgHlnoi tnv. Lime, me i n
n.rnl. In t it ineirli of .lie tinliu fiver. tirtlv wit.'-oul li iiii.'mI in i ir fol e n. d
Ai-n. ii runii- Ip'in iiiimitir to i'nrt i unlruv ; and iTnmi i h leMilenl ufiliM
Ian I, nn I a r.ule from rc;ni i-ity, by '!' nilory ik lln) inli. In I . , t-
of llarriMi.. WiihIiIh, nil Molullii. mtonly i.iahciuui, ut. tin uuihur inuvt l.u.e
Dnnnl WulilnV, m (Niniiijsieg kouuly, lu , ki.oivu belter.
J.m.b (Viuer's, III l.iiiiii'niii.iy, j fill mill il f I'. II Millln.
AlV,-ial the (.'oinniinei. in. the Poi Hem rut, Tl.al i,l u Im n,h lu Milr u
Office a. id I'o.l Knad Ih- furilier Iti-iriicl ' the ri uiliiimn ul d (int I, mi-. mii
il to miiiiie jn'o ibe .pi il. ncv nl' in. j d in t In- I ! r linn i n uiiihnr, . n I,
Mr. Shaw, of Marion, introduced u joint p"'t nfTico D.paitinenl ; und ulso uhh ic "-'i'S ')'! wiviu. Imm I'aiiainn . nane In im. r. Inn. ,. ; ili !. .,,'..
.. lifnn r . gnril to llioUllilUJIlni'oiiKe lur lliu lr. ''-" '" w '" "v 'riijmniiig i.m-.-. ,ni- ,, ,,, ,n ,, k, ,M.Ci , ,,,,,, , ,
ie cirtnon "i a .1 t iui.... ,i.. - ..! ..........I.. i... .1 1 1
IIIOIV. .........in... ...... ii."u J'uiiii Miu h i.,.,j;.,,.it.,.VHiu lll.l.'iir-.,,l t
Tim Inller. Iimrpr. i r nln,,ii.! iiM ach uliv. 1 1. II c-miiiIV. be ull.11 b. il m 'I . li !
Claim, in place of Judge Skinner, resign- necessary, I cimioi s-e why there liui t A ln,i ti..iyunl c'nnmiiu-c Iki further in. On iimimii, A 1-p n' il . -c nijicl
ed. U-eii m 're objiul ions made kiini.u tbafi fc,r"' " ' iiqui"' in'ii the exvdiencv o! uit and n lil ufthi Ijuiim r, i ill.. n ,.
Sometime wos spent In commitleeof iiaH ' !" rH.kim.f. I do not in tlir-. r-"1- - ihe .l.i.-e mi nil unliable mm. , I-miii in iU lln : S,e-n.i r,NV ..f
tl,. !.,' nnih. I'll i-r.ml ......,.!. nr pri'w to lukii up und il.. uvi tluhiib. ' Mi'mi the Sjf s in llr. yon nd Califor. Unkly'lllbuiir, Ul.it Wa.bit'ntl L'nj. n,
tl.enl:i..e.onlhb,lllyereal.omUhof ,.,,', K,irr(. ,. I)1,,.,,lt ,,,.,.,,, (ll.r. uitMl,i, ...nbli.h.il bv lor publlciio...
the Revenue Law as relate to taxing laud ,, n, i.u,,;, : ,,,. ,, IKt,.vll, v c,.i. I uiibui'hu lum.il. i.f tbe Siuie. and dipt. J. M. Uurnc, A. If. I...'e.ts.
claims, and aneraomeconMilcrotion there- nulid Inr its bcilmn. uu I t'ini'ipn.ntry "ruamH Ti rnin.-s est of the Kooky Jml I). ClirisiiiHii, I'. M. J..I11 .,-,
00, the committee rose and tho House ad- interested 111 f t ibl.int the latt ; nui a'i "ouuihiiis, and of havma but iiiieiinlfonii ndiinll mhrce, fttttanu Mo t,
tour lied ' uni doing iinthiiig 1.1 ll.eniaCi r bet ul.ui rat.i nfpu.lu. uppln alile al.kn to nil I be, Frunklin Muniii, A'nd't w ..vr,
OaTatHafm.lireJnerta, thero .k for il,e r.ic.. nf H,c con-mumu. it m g ' ! Ter.ro..,, of the United Tbu,. II Hun j,,b IM-b-ne.
,.,.,.,, , r , that cuii.iiiunitv who i.ii'.t.-isk me fo. un '""" mlrpw S' n. k, J II. lln ,
0 little done in ciljicrlioitfc, that we find ,.XI,aiin,.. ,lllofIIK ,ild k4V ,1.. AUi, ihai said ."inin.llee Iks further in Jamn Rums. v. Jai.w. i:....
nothing worth recording, caccpl.'ng that nuyms Inr r-iiii.lid.iin; th disiiiitutin " '"' '"' '" i""it" H'o Hit. expediency nf Clavnn lUcbiiiilson, Jure. It u'., I '
-. e s. . .--.-.. 1 .r.. . - . ,. ((l
HI V n lllf .si' .LfM l lrunn . 4l ! k .. 11
flu.nebtal.aiuthernailatcameiscoineto "u" ,uu" . "' ' ,u ""' '.u- ."" "' 7 .J' ."":""".",.' :'.""" V" " lr"".' -" p
ioint rernlulion was ndouted. rcnuestin" nst orticn ii! I'ortluud 1 .!'. iK'iauv 'lit 1 s blili.lnng mail-info from Minn toil' ). J. Cciin bill
our Delegate lo Congress lo ne jiii in. wimIoiii of ih" Leailatm lull sCl. ei.i:M pi.,111 on ill-.v,nllri nver.by the C,vr-H Ndssn,
" .I.... ... .....I..I ... 1. ... ... v qi 1 ir .1 : 1..11. lit irAtmn r .
. rnnfTHini nl. In. iL..tr iiiHLtn.f il.trf tli. tvtim UrrirOi. 1 1-rritoi v . U'l'fi a b.u.ich rout.. U 1.1 l."i..,. ..
Portland setr -monthly. i to which Ihey cmih nd cur mails fiom fr-.m ih Salt Lake oSic umentocity.ln 3 cpheii SUuts,
The Legislature will prubably adjourn the Stales should b 'lircctly lunded ; and C iliforniu, und uno the xn muns of pro. Ju.. R. nn,
en8turdy, oriarly next wctk. ' ai the country U inlcrcsied In this, I hojiw "flrg 'ho mail to ba cankd on laid C. H. Huwley,
L ., ! any onn uctioii, r even two in conncc ru,c. p. B Muriin.
! lion, will not expect lobe fivoied with And the reio'ulion was odoptcd. ' Jraie Hendor-on,
Henry xrairon.
.fcxvs fruiH lite Mates.
TKrn.mblliennlltenessofDr. MeLanrrli. this, at the OXtitlne of the Tcirilory
lln. wp bakt! bten ner.nil.ed t3 see a conv w!'!'ou !lol,"nP '"V-.elf accountable lo tho
'" "- I -"Irf
Public Mct'llug. C. II Crave.
tt'llio AT linv Mirtliinlikp ..i.hnq A. iliwili. Al An 1lf.liMft li, inMi'u.i.r rA..MAtl I? 11 ILtt Im
...i. t..... v..i. 11...1.1 .r si.. -i. .. """. .-: .-"-"- "-- " -r' v ...... .w -. ., v,w,,,,v... . .. r ...,
ouneoew .orKiicrai.. c. .....uii,- ii.iliviauul.t. lu m nun., oitthcthur thri lo fill vacsney, I -r llie Liiunty or Ynt J. M. Juhn,
The only news of importance brought bv uct Le uuthorix d b ibi I), paituinn it Hill, U T., m the tnn of Lafayette, ou s. 8. Hi ml rick,
this paper, is thut .Senators Wcbter and is not rnccsury lir" vj ilii-cu-s ; ili.-v.' llie 4'h dxv nf Muy. A. D. H.VI. a publiit ' Junnu li. Hnyra,
Calhoun had delivered yncecltta in 'he V. arcmittirs uhitl.l ,ir unit' s. ill be deter, nvciiugnl ihei'iiiK-ns assembled was con- liinaniiiil Horn' r,
.11 i . .' mined bvtho-o wlnj'e i ol in llie I ubit ol vened. Uron iiiuel, llio fnllowmg let O. L. Rowland,
S. Senate, on the slavery question, which w,'j.lJu ...-litc.-al railing. Hot b..fon- ir Irom'lio ''.Vric York WrtUy Tribune:' llarri-ou Davis,
havo produced a grent sensation through- e,lis the ollicp, ('vlnoli I p' rlnps.l.oubl of the l:l of January, leOU. w rcadlo John II. Rowland,
out tl.e Union.
Ju I Pat...
J. D. Wafflis,
Lot in Ri i a,
O. Rl.lrv.
M P. Drndv,
Jus. MkRifde,
Jacob Hrrn,
Lewi llnji-rs,
J.IS. JtltllllOllt,
Win. Il.iilev,
Culeb W.ihIs,
(.'sli'b Pu'll,
ElldlM B.vi,
David Aitliur,
Dwni'l Jo!inon,
S. M. Uilmore,
KUjuli MMIuiin,
ll.wuu'sol llicse Sin not hae ai-ettiiidil I hud kieiivn thai tins the ue ling ny .. V. Ucuuy, I'.tq., anu Jmnes lirniiaw, Nuiltson Malnne.
. . t ' . r , .1 - t. . .1 ... V SI .-!. .!.... TA!... I It .1. - -
OtorsKoemto liurn'ooise, ano it f Mid m ruco nun i n Miiigia nin-r in 'uioiner, inrwiraiiupi; ., , uiun , uu u, tr,
.',.i.iiinu. ,ih peifonne.ihe servlio heller thitn and Oi.ciM.i Ctrr, hi lit. 8, 'i9. I'.Mkie. Ixenni dy, D. U.uim Jts.c,
proimMSon which it wa, thought a mr-jo. !,,,,( ,acrVi , ,,,, 0, I1((BM ,,,,, Mmr,m (;wy ,V M'.bJrat : JmTI, D..uf'..lh. John W.it,
rity or Loth b.-ai.tilira of Coiij.'rfss wnti'd ial,c- Hits olHi ".)" I will sn;vt, in con- TIib Lego, iliiro ol thi Tt nitory, artcr JopI A. Hembree, Juipli Wall,
cree. and 'lot rutin thetlavcrv iiunNiiou i.liiir,n. il.ui n, imilin. I, ,l.., ,, ,bn.. I.v bavlnf tuln-n u recess nflhrrn week, linvn John N. Dili ham, W. lit Heinbrro.
for the urvvnt.
.... . . . f . .1 . .1 v-.i r m ' f... r.1. I'A...A...,U
i iiioor will in il mo at preitnt, imt put lutn me; oguui in uu pwce. i"i"(m "" uf"ii,v"
operation what llie nic-s-ilies nl'theeouii. pmluueii bus x el been done, and it is liolC. S. I'llMnn,
trvremiirn! und nlibiiib mv tr inrKjrurv verv nrnhnbli; llml milL'll W ill lm ijnnn, J. Cleinoio',
,, . , ' ' .. .. .... ... uitioi) will be nici.Miiy tui.xiculu iiuv To imdi r-laml oil llm re)ns Pu this n- .Siiiim I Klitliry,
formed on gvl outhor.ly, that tho Lin- tuilt;!i no ,m u0 ,,e ,,rrIi,jmrs pinion, il is ii.c.s.ry I . I on il,. ground. Jlm Owciisl.y,
ted otals Mail Stinmer Caroline is nd. made lor conveviug innilsoiillii.. mo.i l.n t!ov. Lanu bus loninwd I'J nllinh lo his It. C. Kinn,
Mail S-rRSMKiiii. Wo hau been In
Vtrtlvd at
llJlh illM., j
ItaiiMiiit Clark,
II. C. Hill.
Win. J. Mur'ln,
C!yri'inii Mulkev,
Jaui'N T. Ilemlirto.
Fruncirco to hail on the rxirlunt loutis. U-fnrn llmv inn be let inter Ms n few ol tl i ini-iuheri. in both (ijlbmt Alnn.kn, Jo. !' ikiits,
ii Snat citv, for Potlland, nnd bdoro'lhc iluaded ri'r.;dir.' -ug- lloui - nhunto iiniuikable u n.i'hlng S'lwiin lloiinn, IJ. M. Il'ibinson,
igcktcd by the iilitiu of ihn Spiilulnr, of mi uhuslhur buy uii.i:lni-f. While John Rirbnri'siA, M. T. Tlmwn,
, being "cut Mr linni llio up i"iu ilry com , inev wiiui i iipuru in oriiniiiii inruures tvm. .iiciinuuy, jonn .xiHQKie,
Court. A ,i .ul term ol tho District ' miiiiicnllons. We will miv that ho bus of uilargt.l u.i Inline, tin ir ciw n.il in- Oliver Moir, A 3 WiittJ""'-
Court Is now In M'stinn in Ibis citv The Vf,rv properly reuurknl llinl lh"V houhl mitim. their uniniMug imy, und lluir Milm Caiey, A. J. Hi u.brro. "
inobirlcsnftho orand iurv i,ro..'res, ir hnv'c mail tou-i. lo Vun. Hill, mid I also Mihservn uce lo i.C ,u .nor win. ulthmigh , . a. Wall, Clerk. nf iho DNirlrt
. r rf"-rf , -n- ' '-
oily, an account
netses to cr.nn
Who shrink or tX ulk i.ow in ilm Put'
nflatr, will be h- Id to a strict accnumahil- '"'" '""' b'fc" l''Hri J '"" before-1 could the iiiliretts id tlm to intry upon a broad jnilginul Klgimliireit drmlleil itfi'uy ollico
ilv bv tho nuLllo gel il lo tho olliee, tho puiicliiality of iho husis. at tho lime ofiiiakluu Iho aatne.
"J l ' nrlniinn riiilillliii.ni nf il, Ki.pi'.ittnr. i ( Kit fii inr I.nne reiiil' ml lilmsnlf-verv I.. ,...il..i..u u, l....,nr I l,r.,....i a.
I Tt y ....-,..- , I , IV.HHMI7 . ... 1M. mi,H "t
,, nljury pOr'0'' "r',li4il wrill.iicut iiiioihr finin Liiuuiiy to ''" may he I into enough m light, U not ;,., r llie U.'B.vfnr'lhn pou.ily nrVuin
iilortlio rilucliiuioiiruii. liiliRtr.mimh. InTiialiiiv Pluiiii. Thew wl.e (imugli 1.1 gonmi. iaiiu ihcm to ,( ,f, torchy vurtiry llml t(i.ilio
up to the work. Thoo two roiileHiindnnolher iilleriilion.prnddi. llnnw ll insi m nous ic si.ieles in llmj jK-raonaoro resldenu nf Yaiulllll.vnimiy,
bl ulk now in tho Cuyus? lion, In my fonner oiler fot sealed propo.J way of lhni.11 rth'iil.iiiuid hibnr lopluce ,n. thm iboaliove U a true op of Hn
Jr fourtlt page a litter 1 urmlShl n.y ndvertl.enirtit in fine lle,t unji- uhir upon hlsarnvul In in by throw
R Thurston wlueli ' "' mr l'0,,''ig i theiclorc, I shall liac lug hiniilf inloihe hunds of men nl I'U.
. '' '.my nils to bo uiiiiuiseil by Ihotu whoso character und inli mpi rme liuM . Tlmj
us as u pnvato lutlor, j .,,. vjeg0 u 8 1fl too every one bus done appfured lit least to have Ids lonll.'lf nop
Wo publialt on ou
from the Hon.
tX.M,pl. Dil.trAaaAfl In
'"""S" .JMl .-.- ,-..., ...Ul, , ,riV ..,
yet we thought il enlircly too rood to keep j.i, ,,,i v
10 ourself. 1 I (lulrn to make the following addition.
J nl olTer for Scnlid Proposals, in uonnee.
Otr The Deserters, to iho number of tl0n wjM tlOk0 previr,usly published, for
f.? hve rraehed Csllfornia in safiiy transporting ih I' S Mail;
From ll nl mo.iiint the Lest men of the
(.ouniry regurdid him vviih.ilistrust, rn.
fused lo givo liln I he (r confidence, and
ceased to ixpect rrnlali front him lral
would be vtnt h rnnn mlerinp n (.Ingle day
mv name and prlviia sr(i,(iiicic
being iiortfliulnl real rrovldilrl .
, A.S.AVATT.tTk. ft.. 1. 1
At niy nfUcf-t Mny 4ih, A. D. It&o.
f WAtniKOTON, FvliTlV IflnO,
Mr; Edjlort, liuclosrd I semKiviVu Ti I.
tcr from (.apt. Oi'o. Kimbajl, w)o.oyj(,;.
nd is uou lying at llostcn, and Ih seen to