Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, December 27, 1849, Image 1

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'Jsaie '
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i '.iT'-aii. JrpBeiti
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W 1 ir wiiini ti i i liirtmii
Vol. 4.
.... if-'S
avfaltvitrtl llin Mint or JIllttHirft stall Ha tvnv." ..
- ,. u " -- ei - -vi .
r---r .ttitiMcs. pr .Es.-Mryy asa I wa jrjtaatxagr tjr.'iaT -n-r ftssyKaafxw.Tiii itml, .ih MihlmMJMb
Hi rn i v mi i r i -, artae ?9vn
urcco uiv, (U'cko icrniorvii n rs iv, uece cr !. i-iy, qm. .
-'-' a ir . , I , , itt.MMhrffJ
Ah Irlshtuna' I'artnvcll.
TIm following linotwei written by a plain, but
wina-hearted, sou of Kilo, snd given la gsulle.
nu now In Oiegoa. Th poeiry U soinwlial
f lanysa, but lira Mutnneuta aro worthy of tin
wledom f og, and llio 4ljr of t Iru dola.
litre (Kinrot.
Advler, whtn tinaouglif , w oflru ib-apita
Nat v with lb nun who almi lu grow wtea,
II lakes ll In ftntuMilp, d kaowe la Ilia end,
If II chine la prtfs wrak.ll Mim fivni friend
I JUla la flatter, but still I rejoice,
Thai Ik paUis ( Itu wUJihii an luaJo your
41 on then, and nMKf In lli fell of In Lord,
AmI om Jro U gooM by lib Mjnwd I
for lb KifylMf of ItuUi your eorioio ehlJ I',
YTbamar )W Juiey by lend, or li eea.
Tli maa bo Dejletle Ibein ilia an uuln me,
UVe rudilcilcea tni lii lli imita of Hi"
Witliwl toJJvr, in rMiiwa Iih cum la gtUlo,
llo floatewi l rimlom bofuro wlnil oimI ln!r.
In your dt akiip wild mm U ranjul kih! itim j
Willi lliwr wlio ran trach you U nuo la mlio
AnJ Iiu4li4 llio manlliat will ronnn 1 1 fief j
for I never yol founj eurli raiudiil to ni
Ha btff d-il I'WM-ly Ut iiukr ii )mir Uii,
In overy tranacliiii lo Le Mile if ymi ran
(And If inatrilieof lliHtr.tlJ It i i j U i,ir,
TI etlll inorn fri vrlirrH llnogi hiII f'tr. rr riiilnre
If yonoiiali lolaMYeil frwnlhf rnttrf i'f )iu!h,
lel your nelion lie gaul'd 1y jinliro nu I truth ,
Nil diaeeMih!, Ido' by It ymi m-uh fr la (Oin,
I'or llal )u will taat anil tliat nm will bring
Ne'er lake t!c adrantsgn w lirie neaVmra )ou finJ ;
To Ik rhllil of alllirllou .r rvn.Unl!) kind ;
for In leadiuj tlia Klt4iura yiHi'l easily rceitr,
Tlialb lin ftliAtta merry will merry rrrene
Aral now, my dear fnend, I will Iml you adieu
May lb bbiwifli of lieaien continue wiili)ou
Yotir aleure I'm tore 111 liaira raiwn lo Unioan,
llulbellareiiie foratir yur fnruli lliuii Hui4N
I .. .
Imiiorlunr-o at Ihn I'nnnmn llnll-
"Tlio Gulf of Urxico ami tlm Cant
lirrin S ri', coimnrrclMly -uluii,
iiof ueil of tnurn iWanlii'ra kihI ri'auuV.
t en llitn any oiltrr part of Uw ocean in tlm
wile world.
Ilayi and liarlura arc cnnitnortially mi
tiortanl in troiorlIim to tlm luck country
by which thuy arr itipjiorli'il. lllver la.
sfntata lniui tntil in Jircijxirllon to their
eatsnt, tlio ilitcrtily of cliirtalr and tho
variety of praliiitlom wliidi iliey of.
Thotxtcnlof the nrrr Ini ria that arr
drained into thil ;ulf and ara, ii (rrnlcr
than all tli valluya of all lln' rii, ' ihnt
empty inlo tlio Mrditrrratipa n, from Ku
rope, Africa and Aaia, that rtnpty into
tha Atlantic from Kurojie, an I thai nnpiy
inlo tha Indian Ucoau fiutn Aaia. 'I'hcr"
tho mouth of tlirao rivets an moro limn
'-'0,000 milra in diatance, ond ai niuiiths
in lima under canrau auirl. Ilcru ihoy
aro within a few dny sail, uithonly '.'.Oty
mllca of diaUnco l,fltrrn tlioin. Thnri
the ritcr haiimraro all in nn livmiaplnrr,
and tlivir climatiaaro confined In t.'i .!,.
rcea of latitude), and ihry hao hut pun
Itanrtt in a ear. Hero thry nro in both
hemlsplurca, tha Imrvint i punctual,
and tho uliniAtctcmhraco 70 decrees of
latitude, whieh includo nil I lie producing
lallludrioflho vartli. Then' tot'xchani'
and bring hack tlm product! of latitude
10 degree N. with Ml drrerii N., re.
quirca a vo) ago at lea ol muro thnn n
year. Iloroit iadnueinafowdaya. Thin
ca I tho nnlurnl oullrl for tho proliicp
of rirer Imaint, reaching from nilileit'ea
N. to SO degree I S. Thin ten la midwny
between two icmi.contiueniH North Am
erica iaon one aide, South Amtricn nu tho
other. Open tho way ncroMllte ialhinut.
and you nmke thin aeaand ulf thoceiitro
or llio world, by placing Idem mnlway
lee between Curnpo ami Aiin, England
and China."
EllCHt Of lilt) I'lllOII.
The Cincinnati Atlna aoya, that from
Ilia easlorntnoal town in the United Ktatea
Eaitnort, Maine, via the St. Lawrence,
BulTalo, Cincinnati, St. IaiiiIk, and the
South I'aaj of tho Hooky Mountains, to
Astoria, Ir? Oregon, tho dlslanco by tho
travelled routo Is four thousand fire htm.
ilred and aovontccn milis. Troni tho
Madawaska In Maine, by ll, Atluntio
routo, via New York, Washington, Now
Orleans and (lalvcslun, to tho inoiith ol'
the Hie Urande, two thousand nlnu liun
dred and twonty.thrco mile. I'roni New
York to tha head of Lako SuM.rior, via
Detroit and Mackinac, one thousand oight
hundred and fifty-nix miles : thencu down
lb MiHlaiiiipi lo the (Julf of Moxico la
one thousand.elght hundred and twenty.
four mile.
Tha QyerrallHg Ha I'rovl
In hia addrea to oofnpany of minora
emigrating to California. Rev. B. N. Kirk,
or Hoeton, Ihu strikingly illuktratea the
Dlvino auporinlendonco In roferenco to
the dlsolosure of the gold on tho Paolfio
"A Drlllsh merchant discovered ll mora
than a century ago, and wo carrying,
for a pcclmen, box of Bold dust to Ens.
land by way of China. This box was lost
in lome flray with Chlnumcn. Had he
carried It to Knglnnd, tho wholo condition
or tli worm niignt nine ncen prematurely
chunged. Had (irenl lliilaln found gold
mine o auuli valuo on litis continent, wo
may readily bellnve tlio whole current of
political ovrnls would havo been' totally
changed by it. Hut (Jud, whd workriby
mall InMrunienta as widl as by grvalVdld
nut aiiiror that box lo reach Hngland, and
Induuo her to plant a strong colony on the
great western outlet of North 'America.
lie reserved it for this ago and this pco.
pie." ;
Tho l.'ntltfrutloii from IrctaaRtt ,
It is n cnmlnu eiixilntion luIrulaud
that wo are now about to wltfii'a oiio of
tho moat momentous npeiatlonaof society
the lcmoBl of pniide en matt to
distant aboro. The half million lw have
got.orT with m very great etir JaKhtswajM
of tno year, arc but an advanced guard
to tha main body that follows. It must,
indied, ho the most furious Impulse or the
ili ml necessity, that can urge men at this
nrsvm of tho year, to cast themselves on
ihn deep, to bravo tho wide Atlantic, to
I' thrown on thuy know not what head.
land or shnl, in the storm and Co;; which
I cm t tlm wMicd.for shore, and, at the
t. at, to html in n country "till rihbnl with
ko nnd Imrnil in snow. Vrt wc nru told of
Mill (migrant visvls liking rrfugo tho
' oil er day in the due of Cork, of crnudt
waiting nl olhir porta fir the dinner of
In pn-iingr, nnd of rim' . e Iraiji- led fioui
jthilr holding- and now I nlgny in luwne
j with nofiilmr hopo utxii earth than once
lo pui thvlr luet on tho stioro ni tlio new
World. Wo believe it to be even as it Is
dcecrilwd. The Ihllurenf the staple crop,
ihe. burden of maintaining tho victims of
fiiuune, tho impossibility of paying rates
iipiii small holrlinga, and tho Invincible
objection lo pay them upon holding of
any tte, constitute an etpelletil force the
like of which wna never aeen. I'auvr.
Inn, In nil i hearuiga, is di populating
Ihn Utnnd. '1'liey who urn paupers, and
the) !ui loathe, tho thought of lonlrihil
tin, their hard tainiuga to lie iiinnderiil
up"li pnupi i re iiiiily ifit of heart,
and reanlvid logo, Ivvilnrc "When the
mind i reMhrd, the mi una only nru Haul.
i)g. I.oiiiIiiii Time, Jnn. Uth.
I'attuT Vriitnnt'a Letter.
It is wlili fearful and Mi-i-dmi,' heart
that I now nddresa you. lCta.li an I wide
the 1'mich ore iml arding Jtonie, dcilroy.
Ini; ila moiiuinrriK, nnd raking it conlu
with L'rapeslint ; Hood Hows freely onov.
ery sldr, ruins are heApeil ujion ruins, and
Ceud only know tho issue of thlslamcriln
l.le conflict, Soino fear that if tho Trench
inter Hum by aauull, lh oplo will be
Ird in their ratn minder the priests nnd
tcdu.ei. In audi rase, what a elorinun
victory would tho i'rt itch obtain What
a liu restoration of Papal Soterclgnity
would alio etlix-t! Ilittory te.ielus us
lliat iuginernl, relornlioua rile t--l by
force nr not durable, nnd (list throne
rnii-. iipoi.Atcad Injilic ami hloivl are fated
lo v uvtrttfriKMi by xct, more Molinlcon.
irlaionv (If all llio'etrirdii'iiti for the
'rcjtorftiift of the Pojkj d vcuisedn! (iaeta,
tin y hati chosen lln1 mmt deplornhle.
Hut n)i d iiimI diatrcMi tho heart of
even Cathdiu, is tlm it t irntion, Mip.
jeisuin it lo he rlli'Meil, withiiiu firmly b.
lablieiung lh- iir f the Prin-'e, lll
wouii'l iiinl perl.apt dittroy Ihn nntlioriiy
of the Poutitf. '1 ho cannon now working
destruction in the walla of Homo is as
atendily deelrnying tho Catholic faith in
Ihehiarlsof the Itomaus. I have already
told you what fearful iini.ru-aion lln'
"t'sni ill Pin Nono mamliti l stioi figh''
liiive'proilueed upon tho Roman people) ;
what hulnd they have ncilcj ugminl ihe
prletts. Hut ull this la nothing to tho
nigo which Ihe sight nf l-'rcnoTi bombs
has awnkeited ngaintl tho chtirch even
against tho Calholiu religion. A most of
the bombs hava fallen in the suburbs, ruin,
iiig tho houses and wounding tho families
of tho ioor people, it is nartlctilarlv those
of tho suburbs, that portion of the itoinan
pcoplo formerly tho most dovolidly Cath.
die, who now curse tho Popo and the
clergy, in whoso name they s,eo theso hor
rors committed.
I am far from helloing that Pin IX,
wlshe theso thlnca, or Ihnt ho een know
or tlicui. I know Hint lio is kept in such
n atiilu nf isolation, that tho truth in theso
mntlera cannot reach him ; everything is
perverted before, ho receive it. I know
that the ixior.Ponc, surrounded by wicked
or imbecile wn, sentenced, aa it were, tu
the depth ol citadel, is well nigh a
prisoner, nnd very little master of himself.
I know that they tsku advantage nf Ihe
feebleness ef his character, of the tjndor-
ness of his conscience, of hi slalo of ner
vous oxcitcmont, which subject him tn
whatever inllueiico or Impressions his
con r tiers plenso.
Hut whut 1 know and hclicvc, Ihn Ho
man people do not know nor bclievo. The
people know nor Iwlicvo only what they
tee and stiller. They see that tho Aut-'
trlans, with a prelate of tho Pone, Mons.
iMnini, in tno muiat oi mum, ravage uioi
lecaaUoii, uouitnru cities, leiy cuontmus
oaatributioa upau' the most peaceable oil-
exile aaa ahoot trie most anient pa
trwka, aad ra fMabtlsh overy whore clerical
lyfniiy. Tney tea that in rope nu
Uitachtd against the Roman State, a
against soma wild beast, (bur great power,
armed with all tha tntan of destruction j
and they will listen to nothing ; they rise
against me t'opo anil tno cnurcn in tHaj
very inline, and In defence of thwe ven
IntcrcaU by w hlch lliu Pope declare it Id
t(uty to rn.cou'tuor forcibly his ttintiorl
powor. Mr. Ilarcourl In letter dated
(Jscla, writes, "Itcason and charity are
banished alike from Homi and Oaola,"
In thuo ferr.wor Js wo hoVe tho history of
tho last aoven months. Tlio oxe'ese of
Itvnie, which no one, protends lo justify,
Itjtough to a certain urgrc,ricceuiry In
llmisuf revolution,'' have been surpaaicd
by tho oxccic40T (licta Not n word
of p'SjOo, of reason, of pardon. Not a
promisn to maintain public liberty, suah
s nu had n right to expect from a Pope,
end rspt dully from tho mouth of I'm
IX., ha emtio forth from that rnmpart of
bsolulism, that ftmJczvoti or folly end
wicwdncas, cowumcn to smomor tli
MssMsstol'.elsavUy sod love In lb i
heart ol I'iuilA.
I have just read tho lull aiMrrrs
PopetolheCanlinsls. Wlint Iinpurliiticu !
what folly to hate put iutn I'm mouth of
tho Holy Kalher, iouiK)uiaulo'4ic4of Aun
trie and tho King of Naples ; tlijuial
cat cnemlcs'of the liulop'nileiicf of TlIHV,
wioi veiy iiain hornlie, rcry llallatN.
What impitdeiKeln line niado the Popoj
sav that ho hlmae'lf ii.M'calcil to thi tw.
crato reiuVnto htm on th" ihrono which!
hn hlunclf abaudoni I It wmtu y "I
Intend to .? s .
'i ..)..- t. . 1 UiLlarcu
I unuld not wigo ojjalnat Croats and A ui
irinna, tlm nmirei40r of Italy." liven
tho uoiikii inlaothU reproach nainst him;
and mow in witnessing thu clIVcli of tld
savage war of"t!nir . "i rssgaliutonalit
lie stile, in xcciug their husbands and
children killed and wemidcd, you cannot
conoeivu llio rai- of ihi women, tho vlo
IciiiMiitiiui'iit lo which they givo way,
the cries ol fury they veiitiijion tho Po,w,
t'ardinala and Print r;i nave. Front
this you may well coridude that lln) m6
plo hue iiijiind Ihn chunlies. 'Ihoy
will neither ronton, nor communicate,
nnraiifil it tin. um:.", nor In ar thu word
uf (iiel. tlnirf atinot now preach at Koirio
fir waul of ht aver. No "ie withe any
thing at tin bmnlaof n pri t, or an thing
pro atly. V.
To ma I'uii l.. is still and ever tho
Vicorof Jitiu Christ; llio hind of tho
ttiiblo church : the imittcr, the teacher.
ihe inf.illlblo Interpreter of tho rule of
laitli ami practice l 'ic ircakitctn, the
faults even of tho man, I'hnnot make n
forget in him tho high prcrouiivcaof tho
I out til. Hut can tlio pcoplo comprchcin
IhlsT Can the pcoplo rl W, ami 'abHMathcllc rcUgiea W-tlw mother,-th -in-
by, lliep theological -.'islinctlons T Ala I
To thn minds nf the pe?p'e the crimes and
crudtles nf the mat am llio crimes and
cn:illi?s of I be nrii t ; tho faults of tho
kitfg nro ihe faull of the Pope J tho in
funnel nf wliliu, the ' '"'el' of the doc
tiinea uf rillginii.
Mj rrit titli etidcator lo concent from
nieuliTl itanulnndili'iir m this deplorable
M.cnc nt Itjm.i. Tin v u'd pe mo
the grn t which such thuya must ncccs
annlv eiue tin'. . Hut in spite uf their
care. I lenmtbat the rt hole youth of Rome,
rnd all I um uf intelligence) union thus;
"the l'ipe imam ! ni'ii over us by force,
lie i lr iiiii for ' dm eh, that it for tha
pri' aia.ilioMiveriicuvt u hich U loni only
lo the npe, nnd hcN IhIIcvcs, hesayaln- j
ilrci), Ihnt (l is his duty to net thus, l. I
cntise wo arc ('jtlmlics, nnd bccaitto Konio '
is the ci litre ol CiithuliiNm, Very well
wlint is to liinder us from becoming Prct
cstnnt if Decennary, and tlicn )hat k1i1
eul right c-in he hne over us I I'or It it
not lioinbleto think of, that because w
are V
we m.
nt.d sons uf tho t'hurch,
ntcrcd by the Clitirch, ab
jure our richlx, rrtiivofrniii llio liberality
of the priests ns u ceneesjlon, what U due
in justice, mid be (ouilimued to the lot of
the most miscrablo nf jrtoplc !"
I find these sctitiincnts have becfltno
more common than is generally supHMd ;
they hio jienetrated even into the hcnrls
nftlio womon. Thus t cut') cars of npos.
lulielalior which I have rinlurrd, tn at
tach the Roman people to the church, arc
sacrlliccil m n lew days: lirhohl what I
havo foreseen and predicted In all my let
tors, como lo pnts! And even Ivy ond.
my worst lureNHiings i rroustnntl.m is,
in laet, now planted aineng a portion of
Hits coon nnu religion llunmn penpio;
nnd liorrlblu to ti II, this has Im n hrought
uliotil by tho priests llienm Imo, by tho
miscrablo politics into which they 'have
led tho Pope, Ah! my dear friend! thu
idea of t bishop who rains grape-shot up
on hi dlocMos of o shepherd who culs
the throat of his sheep of a father who
devote hi children to death of a Poio
who mean torclgu.to impose himielf up
on 3,000,000 of christians by foroc who
means to establish his thmnn upon ruins,
corpses, and blood ! This idea, I say, is
sostrango, so contrary to ihe letter and
spirit of the gospel, that ihero is no con
scieneo which doc not rovolt at it no
faith which can boar up against il-jito
heart which dues not grn.ui nt it- nm 'i.jjc
which Is nit i) ..veil'iv it t . ui t u)c'
oven lo blusphemy I Ah ! better, n thou,
sand lime bettor, have lost thn temporal
power, the wholo world If neecas.ii v.
than to have given such a scnudul to Ids
11. If 111..- IV I...1 I LA., ll J
v-i, i iu i.-a. nau uecn icii to miuscii
had he only becn.nblo to act according
to the dictate of Mi own heart I In the
lint iiloce, he never would have left Home;
or, U urlvm to thai, ho would never lu v.
initial the Itoinan H'ii, II nil
Uve gone to Hologna or lo Ancona, or
Cnvlla Vecchln, where he would ha vn been
received a messenger ol heaven. There
Ire would never have reiectod the dcpula.
tio acnt by tho city of llomo thence l.o
would no er bnvo launched tlm cxco.iiinu.
nloallon which hat driven from tho flan.
styttenf'all men of timorous conictenco
all hi friends. Counseled to pmvoko
lh armod Interference of tho powers, ho
yrduld have anaworid : What I indifler.
cm In Prince, (j scandalous for a Popo.
lOhall never ho said t' at Piu IX. made
wir upon Ids own pooplo. I will never
oopWt that any ono shed for me) a drop of
ttit blood of my children. Kill, a thou.
iSrid times cxllo, and for life even, rather
ralla Ion
Pius IX. haiUiut held this language I Had
ho bill llui addressed himaclf to the Ko.
men pcotiti1, tl ey would have rieii tnmattt
they would havo rought out tho Pontiff
tney would nnvo brought liim oaeic in
triumph thoy wonld have been Iiappy to
live under such a Prince. It woe the
surest, the iit-ut elective mouns of creal
line ""J wtabllahlna reaction. Hut tldv
ttppe I to ! k je (
urt ini a(J ol pioducing rr
action, hato cnfcoblcd, disemed, annihi
lated it. liven iboto who were formerly
(jr the Pene, now dtam it just and honor
able to answer war with war. Thy have
rcpuJIitcd Pius IXasKing,andbcgiunow
(0 renounce him as Pontiff.
It It probablo that Homo will fall uridor
this attack of tho French. How roslat
France I It is possible that the Pone may
enter Homo Irearing a sword Inttcad of
lire crent, preceded by noldicrs, a if Itoin '
were Mecca, and the Coupe), tha Koran,
Bnt lu will no or rctgn agiln over the
hearts of tho Ho'iiani. In this reaped
Ids reign it destroyed, ftn'shrd foretcr. '
Ho will Im) l'oie but to a small number oft
thn laltlidil. 1 lie immense majority will .
remiinln latt, I'rotestatits. I liey will
practice no moro tholloniAn uatholic ro
liglon, en great will bo their hatred of tlm
priesthood. Our preaching vill bo of no
effect. It will be Impossible fur u to
can so tho Catholic Church to belon-d, or
cv on tolerated by a people who will have
been taught to hate and despite il In a chief
4,-nposru upon them oy force, and in a cler
gy uependont upon thi enter, it win be
impossible for u to peratisdo tlicm that tho
ttructren, the guardian of the liberty of
the people and the guarantee or,tlieirhap
pines. Thota beat arguments, thoto
most in oguo to-day, then which ore
alono relittifd by the people, tho nrgu.
pient.i of facts, by means of which 'for
two yea u we made religion to triumph
over the nftM rebellious iiilnna, and thu
hsrdot lieartythoio arguments aro now
forever taken frSnTvas, Our ministry ill
become sterile, and wc shall be hooted
and despised where we are not pursued
nnd mannered. Tho French In this fra.
tricidal war, have loft upon history one of
tho'u Moody piges which humanity and
religion must cvplalc through long ages.
"The iwecuntaU xut by I'liu IX to lilt clnl-
dien ;" a isotto wntirii oiuii iti wti I all cf
tbe t'reiitli, which
bore Unu il. ".'" '
i'i(.iii tl Coiieiporuleaceof the Tribune
Home, July 0, 1810.
II I iniltal. not, I cloccd my last letter
imt as the news arrived hero that tho
' attemMof the Dcmocrallc party in rrance
i lo nsWl the infainous proceedings of the
liorernment hail lalleu, aim tints uonie, as
fur as human calculation went, had not a
hone for her liberties left. An Inland city
cannot long sustain a slcgo vihcnlhervU
no hone ofald. Then followed the new
of tlm surrenderor Ancona. and Rome
found herself nuito olonc for, though
Vcnlco continued lo hold out, all com.
munlcatiun wa cut off.
Tho Itiipubllcan troops, almost lo n man
left Anemia, hut a long march teparalcd
Ihem from Horn. j
The cMrcmo heat of these days was far ,
moro fatal to tho Romans than their as.
sailnnls, lor, as fast us tho French troops
tictfctu'd, their place was takn by fresh
arrivals Our alsonot only suataiuedthe
Exhausting service by day, but were har
lnted at nio In bv attacks, fchmed or real.
There commonly began about 11 or 19
o clock at night, just when oil who meant
. f.i'i' -.1 a i .!
10 r"il were uiiriy aaiv,. t wm iiiirmuiv
Ih's iiarrnrilng cil'-ct upon tho Iroop, from
v iai I lid in my sheltered pavilion, in
coiisemtenco uf net knowing a iuitl night'
sleep' for a month.
The bombardment bscmo constantly
moio ociiou-i. The hoiiao whero I llvewns
fill,., I na enrlv lis the 'JOth with IvriOUS
obllgeil to lly from Iho 1'iuua de Gttu,
whero Ihn licry ram leu iiiichvsi. tno
Uiht ol'tho 3ll .".M, o were oil nlarm.
Ci ,n ii.i It ns tn uiuuiciit when
the breech was finally made by which Iho
French entered. They rushed In, and I
gtiavo to say, that by tho only Iiislanco of
defection know n in the course Of th a'egc,
liVve comnanlc of tho rcglinuiil Union,
which hud In charge a casiiwaff llial
point, v leldcd to panlu and abandoned it.
''ii,. fieneh immcdialclv entered and ill.
Ireiiched ihemwlvc. That was the fatal
i 4 r ihe t-liv. Hverv d.iv uflcnvnr.l. '
ic' iii,, atilJAii Hied i-t v i;'. ui
e a? i. ian appeal to ine cayonct and cannen,
niabU SiM (ireubjaolhw ray pcoplo to me, do.
priomo oribair Iota, and ropel them
of (he from the church and rallftlon." Oh. If
till at last, their cannon being well placed,
Ihe city was entirely commanded from the
ianlcular, and thought of further resis
tance was Idle.
This WMtrtie policy to avoid tho street
fight, In which tho Italian; aa uopraulccd
soldier, but full of feeling and sustained
from the house, would havo been no
match for their disciplined troop. , After
the '.red, the daughter of tho Romans be
came every day more fearful. Their
defease were knocked down by the canon
of the French, and, entirety exposed in
their valorous onsets, gnat nuiobcru
teriahed on tho snot. Thoso who were
rought Into the Hospital were generally
grievously wounded, vbry commonly (ab
ject for amputation. My hoart Lied
daily more and moro at lb ijsbtsv d
I could aottVelaaavb for myaelf,. ikssTJeMelightlr.a);
now tho ball and bomb kegaa id if H J joys oraffxtlofi;
rounu mo aio. ins nigui oi in a "aw uu
eficct was truly fearful, a they whixzed
and buret near me. A many a 90 fell
upon or near tha ltd lit Battle, whero
Mr. Caa ha hia temporary abode. Tlio(bccauso there If for" ttMNt'a
roor oi ine etuuio in um paviMion, tcnanicu
by Mr. Stermer, well known to the visitor
of Rome, for his highly. fihiaheil cabinet
plcturra, wn torn to pices., I sat alone
oy .,i,icli-cixjd apartmant thinking
"if one strike mo, I only hepo it will kill
mo at once, and that OoJ will tranaport
my soul to aoma spaert, where Virtue and
Lovo are not tyrranlaed over by egotlt m
and brute force, aa In this." However,
that night pamvd; the next, we bad reason
to espect a Mill moro fiery oaluto to the
Hindoo, a hero alono remained three or
fmr plecca of cannon which could be used
Hut the morning of thu 30lby in a conies:
at tlio faotoftlw Janlcular, tlio line, old
Papal troop, naturally not in earnest liko
the frco corpse, refused to fight ojaitm
odds so terrible, tho heroic Marara fell,
with hundrcda of hi devoted Lombards.
(taribaldi saw htl best officer perish, and
himsulf went In the afternoon to say to tho
Assembly lli&t further losiftoncc was uca
The Asstmbly sent to Oudinot, but ho
refused any conditions, refused aven to
guarantee rtufo'dopanuro to (hriUddi,
his brave fieo. Nrttwlihstondlojv'agmat
number of mon lclttho other rcgliajpti to
follow their leader, wlioso counas! bad
captivatod thorn and whoso habit of aupa
riority to dilliculiic commanded their
entire confidence. Toward tha-evening
.'II .1. .. .(.I I..I.. I- u t.a..-uaB .l.a- '.I.A
ui inonuay, mi uiy , il am auuau iiwi iuo i
freooh..wore ijroparmo to niaea Ispt yili
and take twicsiiou
siiouof all tho city. I went I
into the Lorso wiih some menus; it was
f.llcd.Mlih citlzeui and military, tlioicar
risgo was stopped by the crowd near tho
Porta palace; the lancer of Garibaldi,
cnlloiicd along in full carcco, I longed for
Sir Waltor Scctl to be on earth again, and
eo them; all are light athletic, resolute
figures, many of tho forms of the finest
manly beauty of tho South, all sparkling
with its genius and ennobled by the reso
lute spirit, ready to dare, to do, to di.
Wc folloncd them to the piazza of St.
John Lateron. Novcr have 1 seen a sight
so beautiful,, so romantio and so sad.
Whoc'vcrkaaws Rome know tho peculiar
solemn grairacur of that piaxri, ccno of
tho first tr umnti or ll cnxi. the macmlic.
C11CC 0f ,lc ..mother of all clitrohcf, tin
ij,p,i,tcry with its nrophyry colui
, iisuta Scalu w ith lis glittering mosaic ol
the early ages, tho obelisk standing fairest
of onv of those most Imposing monuments
of Rome, tho view through tho gate of
tho Campagna, on that aide so tidily
strewn wiih ruin. The un was scltiiii;.
tho crescent moon rising, the (lower of tho
Italian youth. wcro marshaling in that
solemn place! Thoy had been .driven
fromovcry other foot whero they had offer
eit their hearts a iuttworx 01 nation in
dependence in this lost strong hold lliey
had sacrificed hecatomb of their beat and
I brovct in that cause; tbey must nowgoor
i remain prisoner and (lave, rvwre go
they knew not, for oxcept distant Ilungrry
there I not now a spot which would re.
ccivc them, or where they can act ns honor
comnyinds. i hoy had all put on the
beautiful dreaa of tli Garibaldi legion,
thotunloof bright red cloth, tho Greek
cap, or else round hat with Puritan plume,
their Ions hair wa blown book from reno
lute faces; all looked full of courago; ihoy
had counted the cost boforo thny entered
upon thi perilous struggl: the b d
weichetl life and all it material odvaal-
J;e against Liloorty, anu mu ineir Cleo
cin; thoy t urncd not back, nor flinched!
this bluer crisis. I sow tho wounded, all
... . .....
that could go, laden upon tnelr baggage
cars, some wcro already pato and tainting
itill thov wished to iro. I aw many
youths, born in rich inboritanoo, carrying
in a handkerchief an tneir wortuiy goons;
Iho women were ready, their eye too
were resolved. If tad. Tho wife of Gcrl-
baldl followed him on horioUck, he himsolf
was dittinculshad by thb white hour-
n. us. mt ,.-'U n entirely tliatofahero
of the imddlo ages, his fnco still young, fur
the excitemtnts of hi life, though so
many, havo all been youthful, and there
I no fatigue upon hi brow w obeek.
Fall or slacd, crq sets In him a man en
gaged In th career for which he U adapt
ed by nature. Ho went upon Ihe parapet
and looked upon th road with a spy.olatt,
and, no obstruction being in sight, ho turn.
I his inco lor a moment tack upon
Utne. then led tho way thruuuli the cato,
llird waatlie henrl atony ami seared tfie
no tesie ly.'tkssls
di! fatcd.ntlantl
!- "r- -.- .-TTi
not Indeed fit men 'a ror'IrW'
most orypgoforthtipcrifi."irAll
new the Nlobel Must efce (OM (il
beautiful and brave that tSi-tttsll
nnnril.van4'-'.U B..UlM-I
for the p'rfldy, the brerpwetief fit
the fofclgd liiterVcnfoit.rJ-f1,1IJ.'
I know that maov !'rcasfMllsr,
tlemen wotild btUriaie) tasjsMrJpij
in irtid urav. aimmtmm - !" i
thelrduItcii'MciMv" bfb
rJiraVot ksa MileaMoMaasi 'sili assssl''Tsi
'" '"''"-" "-.-ir- .."- ,
with the Intcreit of their
vagabond. Stick . it?,'
Moaass were, so i
deem honor, In WsMgtfmr mI.1
IilfiC4o (nd nambor of Mm of MHMIJ
.f-J. I L aa -a e- a. . i -J -t, IdJIl f'
iiuust anil nnv imiuw mw wmmtmr
HJunrw greater panar um
whohirc Occl from thn AtMtka'i
tion, tsr ay, co w rrnm rreacn
As for the rrotfetora, ll
throw aiido the mask, u It
supposed they would tlie fvaosttcal
posa-uion oi norm. ,
I Its not know wkiatWr tha)
so bewildered by their Miiiiiiifl'MM
Imagine they would be well rs-aWMl'
city which thy had MmbaitM.
twelve hundred inenwrtrejlylrig
bv their ntsaull. Tn say iinlktssr
justice or Injustice ortSoWiaf,lt;
net oo siippoitd that tha ROMtn-fM
they had any sens? of dlgnhy,'
eye that had
mmmr -M
LRlssLlr j, immU
kr'atsflssst'. iwm
r ZJ&&f-.h,'ii
mWmkmmm. L j
wviirjuis iiivHi. UVH7TDI, a wovaftwa vonffap. v
what Influence I hare I would not gift ataM
such an occasion: but aa Easlln. ssfTe'iA
my friend to'dmo II oyjscniatl to sstifc ,
pcctinily flr.ho rtrbngrrty'ofifirraigfJ -had
alwayj pretended tlaVa-rwMsMs)r .'
walls. The Erciyli offiwwlrjesaatl tf-m"- ?
Iho Windfiwa for ladls. aneloaW ossVsssit ?i?'
only ono they saw, saluted he.!
no reply. They then wJ I
leny wcroassccmUcdCtsMM
l.lntv iitiatifn tn tfWwitw-Ja fl
.Milanese would nave an
terries an Icy silence.
aJbdlah nriest dared to break' H fc t
of Vira i'o JVeae. TheixrulW
et tn fnev. nwVhMt m Man ai I H '' itrsaT i
auori, aiv wo mwcj w-juoratvui wasv oor
knives. II wm maeli woaaded; sW J
IWU "HHI anmiliun la taa loatsV.'rsM'
people howled, then, and MssarsI sT me
T - nrt tarliri aft r I frfl ) tntV trvnte assslaflssssssslssL?
and clearing the way before then), sVallsi jjr
themselves in the piazza. Next skMftla
French troops wcro marc-ed t6fad Ml
through Homo to inspire awa'"fMtfa
people, but it ha only created aJdaWtl'
amounting to loathing, to ace ta-attfNa"
such an Imposing force, and lngmmti
ircsn, xno rrenenwere noi awortasra to sssa'
ln.l. atA .ml lplll a,rt,.ww aw nt.1t itm'
in their bed. Oudinot, thee, eaeW'taMt.
mrmu. -v, -U'l -HI . WHIIH, in
feeling of the people, and India trT"
pursued a a spy any maa wbooo tajarea ae
showed tho way to hi soldterttha lbof J
Italioiu .vcnt out of the eatee'lf Praaeai,
men entered - in short that tho peaplo re
gardrd blm and hi follower In tlio aacf
light as tha Aiitttiana, liaa declared the'
Mate of siogoln KomehePirt44aMHMA
cvcry.to.ly it to bo In tho bouso at ff) P.
M. and, whoever In any way insult Ma1
men, or puts any obstacle in their way, U to'
bo shot. '
Tho fruits Of all this will bo tWtaaia
ns elsewhere ; temporary repression wW'
sow tho seeds of perpetual itstaao i ; Md.
never was Rome in so lair'a wtrj'taks)
euucaicu tor ine uupubticaniorsaoiue
vcrnment as now. ,JJ
Frpecially could nothlns be sawiliti
tatlng for an Itallon populotloa,'1!'1
month of Julv. than to drive thera laTssaslr
homes 'at half-past nine, After Ida iMtjW
portable heat of the day, their only eajoy.'
incut and rofrcsement I found la ovaiag
walks, and chat together a they th, htM
foro their cafes' or In group outside '
friendly door. Now thev must kkm'
liomo wncn tnc urum ocata at v Qt
Thy arc forbidden to stand or ail w
and thi by thtlr bombarding jtm
Comment I unnecessary. ' .'
French soldier are dHy i
aome it la known thai Ibey
killed bv Iho Trartovlrlnl fcr;i
make court to their wosan, ' y
man a nunurea ana uny, n m ,
that they cannot be found Mat;
day of French "onlcr" mora ictt
lence have been committed 'thsvsrla
ananlli nniW lb Trlumvlraijil i'r
" --"- -' '-- ' j.m
The Ficnch havo take ua tlMiarC
Inra In I tin rmtrt.vfi rili nrikaa r-1- -"
SRrasaBBKL.j.ttek .t1
lfsMsassT'-" k
nmwmwmv ,y
Venetian Talaccs. which m M .ccl&SSl
uau luiacta, wines ara tajH ,iWw 'cJVw
nigh mad, and llilr.buta(sal WMisj'' "
crated by tho ouod.o,tbr--spM(k; (('.."i
well u
and trumpets tho constant
Intuiting pretence. Tha w4m4s4
been warned to leava tho QjatrMsst l
end or eight day, tkotigh Uwft
who cantict bo moved frata hasl
out cautaiu Ihciu crcat
nor it il known that any
been provided a Itoanlial
ll. hI-h Mf Vlu' At.-I
tiiv ymimw w, a VHIOjai
MaroDcn lor tiirco
wished to Imprison, ovea I
where tho wounded van lla i
thoir.bnyoin.ti Into Iho iiiairaatt.twayr!
nu, l IOHVI1 IH.-UHIITCI ueiJS BTVPH Bl r v -
t i
l. 'e
!is?a .
EEsslji ' V A Isssl
iJc .. & U(j
tsW araaaaaaj It. ,k
SrtT Vo
a it
oi .?.-
, ? vrm r
wvTjLa.' imUM
saUiaOamF """TJaiMU
aa aK-.i- ,'i, ,'S1
c .
a .'. ii
.. .rfsa?
.nfium toit',iii1j
r'ufUtx ffS, lil