&tfSAiKL? w-'-r W' fiuirsLi p !3ILJrrJ''-' A'f tV-Jr vmzm - -mm. m ';tC:!69'? ssr" ? ,r-3tHjr V. eaiBBBaiMHHKeaaa iweptef dHtpWIetlea It, will be beoauee they wlitea tbe etefgettlea loeejahMO, in Iba eowinioa aaam agate the tyraate who tki'H tjtodaeaMon of all Europe. Thele1ewlng pongniph aeatalni iht tutetaaat af.Uw Htraldt Mm flwpHy Mi Antrii Tat ituegeriaa dMMer H ruiijr oon. Armed, (bo lrirtndeie, almost tuper ' huaaaa eaorta of Km Meiyan to ohlavo Iholr Indtntmienoo haa fcllad. . It U evident, however, that llio Au. trlaat art not qalto 'oalltAod with tho terma In whloli Patklewlieb, lh Prlnea of Warsaw, announeet to tit Cur Ilia eurrender of Oeorgey. That event an. paara to have been inevitable after Ilia battle of Ttmttvtr; tn whioh the oonoen. traded fereeo tf Bam. Demklnikl, aud Vetter, Wara debated unlee, Indeed, fltorgey and hia army had tliought proper todioatrtl)weword Inhaml agalnat tha tasaOot of their ooualry. Ilka the Spar. tanaM Tberrnopyle). Thl might hava headed dawn tha naina of Ueorgoy to poe tartly. along with that of Leoa'dat, but it weald M hava beaealiad Hungary. IlapeeerotbatGeergey waa vary III. tie too late ia hit tfbrta to Jola thr South, era army of Ma countrymen before- Te. matrari but that after their utter rout that on tha ffth of Aaguet, ho found him. eair aa tha INi ia Iba ereooaoe or Hay. RMVf!w1rrA"MHcli hovering oa hia right Aaa, and Rudlgtr, with the cavalry at. Peokrtwlteh't army, pmoing oa hk roar. Anr makiag aomo vain an ibrta la extrieato hlmeelf tromlhla dllem r,aadnmling that lite Ruaaiana fiom Traatylvanle wara rapidly coming up aad bad already reached Dora, ha aur. rendered to lb Ruealan oommander-ln. chief on tho Mih, at a village named AxatlosS, near Villagoa. Thai 30,000 infantry with 3,000 catalry yielded up thtlr arma and apwarde of 180 piece of artillery, loa force of 140,000. A few daya afterward the fortress of A red, with aooaaiderablogarrlaeniurrcndercd. Co. mom bald out lor aonto lime, aad Klapka appear to luuo bad an engagement with Iba Auatrianaen the 15th mil., when llio Uller were aaid la have retreated j but aa Comoro Ma capitulated, ilia war may be aaid to bo over. Itianot known whal be become of Koaauui. The last account represent him aa ai Oraova, endeavoring, along with Dem and DemMnakl, to organize an army there inoppoaliloa lotbo Auttro-Russians; but bo haa probably by thla time croaacd the Turkish frontier. General Uuyon. with a force of 10,000 men, had refuted to lay down ble arma, and ft pursued by OroeraUlaUiakaadSachthold. Aulich haa aleo a feroe of 0.000 man near tha Plaitea Bra, but ho la uneartaln what to do. Their force la too email lo contend agalnat the iinmenee force or tha impar. mi lta. Tke MltwingieorMeUefri'te: kaekiapiaalbhtaitaajatheoper ad MaMea of tba'eatjhtadlag arm AaaVraeit aMNttMH JtgJbMibftMMIM ;faatMtea la thai aavllliajpwwWvanitlh lateet ac naaallaiiiylaf tha Haoef tba Thai, aaidwaMaaaytHll maintain ad their aoal. 'ilea at 8atodn. Uorgey b aappoaed lo be lomowhore about Tokay, but there ie no autbentlo aeeomt of hia preckw petition. Tha aame uncertainty prevail retpeo. ting Bam in Traneylvanla, of whoee op. orailoaa lltere are a great variety of re. porta. The London Daily Newa glvee currtn. oy lo the following, on tho strength of a eorreepoadenl, who aaya that a courier from Salata brought the nawa : Tha Autrlanand Kunlan army, 00,. 000 atrong aftar occupyldg Harmanatadt aad Crenel radi and ether email place, ad. vaaced to Sartcani. Dem collected forty thoaaand man. and chanted acainat thain. The battle ended In a complete defeat of ino impeariaiut. i ncy tint precipitate ly, leaving 10,000 dead and wounded, nearly all their artillery and 8000 priso ner, among whom It General llalem. berg. Bam took poeaeation or Ilerinamtadl and Cronatadl. Under tke bead of the "Ltet Intelli. geaoe" tba Buropean Time, aaya tha VlaaM mrnalaaf ibe Oih Inat, aupnly ue with aaWa from Hungary of great lui. portaaoe, If true. It appear thai on lha 4th Inat, tho Hungarians alole a march and aarpriaad the garriaon of Raab. A abarp conflict eaauad, wkloh ended in the ftctraaa and olty being oooupled by the Hungarian, where they found 60,000 buabelaor oat, 3400 head oi cattle, and large atone, or mleeellaneoua provlalona, wbiab they carried to the Cliadel or Co. mora ( nor ware theae all tha Irophlea of their victory, Ibribay captured alx guna aad look two oompaile of Auttrlan In. raairy, pruoner. iviapaa eommitnaea Iba Hungarian troepa who afterward M r",,M "onl anu eomtnaneed ouittad the oily or Raab and took up tlMarfmlBI by olI the .whole of 2bada la tba fortreaa. whara Ihev shied lha lh Roro" army-even the troop which abode la tbe fortreaa, where Ibey alexed tha Viaana maila. v IwlUatUaa. Lettartfroea Beraa of taa'Sd, aanoun oad the opening of tba aaeaioa exlraordl. nary of the Federal Aaeembly, on tbe -fTtaedlagday. It approved unanlmoua. ly of thelavy or tbaraope which bau beea ajadja, rjn k:. ,v Tba f waatlaa of tba wrvgaaa waa re irMtaaajaataMaaaaafea aaaVera. Tba e,uarMi riifittlaaj Bja vlalttaavof taeawiaeMtaaiary ljBaaaiaawa troop UatMbmkiaaaWbagil.i uor iiaa 'oaaao i'.tj . ..li: .: ' wflDBMVBBsr' - Haitatxlh klV i-.i.- aaaPaa HwV WIVVajOvWll vJeS (Najr 9MMWC ' My aaalataaoo f rota I'rance. '"ft SBBat JtriBBBBBBBBBBBl gUfegagaM HaflMMgdaa aan at aaiaeToranaw7iiaaa rroa. t awr Maa. . BVaaaBMNaaata aetata iwabliraaaaw 'aad ifaitait eaea , rraiectowWep!eeure the arm. awalB haa baon'ordaradM that meaai urn glvf a fresh element to revolutionary spirit, aad areduof aad laoltaa agitation. A letter front Raraeof iboM loel, men. tloris that General Dafcur bat nubliihod aa addraaa to tho trooaa under bit com. mand, la whioh be toll thaw that thtlr duty for the arettnt ia merely to auard the frootlera but that should a foreign enemy violate their territory, he la ooofl. oaai inaiina aonaor Helvetia will prove that they have not degenerated from their anoeitor. . Till QtJKIN'a VIIIT TO IIIUNO. The Bngllih paper chronicle tbe pro. grcaa of tha Quaen'a vlall to Ireland, and the attendant proceeding at great length. Tke Royal party arrived in Cork on Iba 3d Inai., at nlaht. where tbe author!. lie were eaught napping, aa lhay hd not aipected the vlall to aoon by twenty. wurnour. The Royal party ealled for Cork on Saturday, and arrived at Klngatcwn on unday evening, inaay evening. The following day liar Majeety anal aulte diaembarked and proceeded to DuK lin by railway where ehe waa the gueet or tbe Lord Lieutenant until Priday, when the party returned to Kjngetown andeMbarkad for Belfast. Tba rmpllaa of tha Qaaea ai Cork, Kingetownand Dublin wat' fatlarlag aad enlhualaatlo In the lilghset degree. The wild, olamoroua ahouta of Her Najaaly'a Irith aubjeola waa, it I aaid, a dght never to be forgotten j a aound that will be recol lected forever. rraaee A correapondent cf (he London Chran. tola wriilaa- from Parla aavThuradav ev. cnlns aaya : Tha partleulara of the man. ner in which tho final aeliletnent of tbe amneaty quaillon between Audria and Sardinia took place, are not nreeieely In Ilia term orlulnal! v moken of. The atreal and Important fact I that the peace ha been ultimatelyjiutned. Colonel VJutt Ney ia to leave Part to. morrow for Rome, and be tba bearer of doipaichea appointing General Roaiolan Cominander-ln-Cblefcf lha army In Italy, in piece oi ucnerai uuainoi. The cauie of Gen. O' recal la aaid lo bo hie inability to work with the Pope who baa lw looked upon him with uiplclon. Tha rumor of a change of ministry It very general to-dav. It I now said that M. Mole I to be Prime Minister. Count Mote had a lengthened interview with tbe President of the Republio yesterday. rraea Italy. The following, from tho Herald, ia the latest newa from Italy. LniiDoR, September 1. We are In poeaeation ol i'aria advices ol yesterday, which alale thai tbe manu facturers banquet lo the President aaaaed off with great aolat, aad that bo,' waa re. oalved wiih entbualaam. By Toulon advice, of tbe 37lh ult., we learn that twq courier had reached that place fromCivlta Veccbia, who alale that the affair at Rome are in a very un- satisfactory position. There appears to oe an in lacung ociween ino llomango vcromenland tho l-'rench troops. Tho citizens of Rome were well aflected to. wards tho French soldiers, but tho latter had become quite 'disgusted with the papal administration. The promisee of the Pope are vague and unaatisfactory. It waa confidently asserted at Civile Veccbia, that tbe Popo had at laal de. lermlned on Bologna, lo place himself unuer me protection oi Austnans, Nea. polilans, anil Rpanianls. There was much sickness a. Koine ; 3,000 slckpeo. f'lo bad been sent lo tnolioepitala at Tou on, proceeding from Civile Vecohla; and it waa said more hospitals would bato to be opened. l lie army whioli waa lo Icavo Rome, haa been countermanded, a well a three field piece of artillery. It waa quite uncertain wnen ino rrencu wouiu leave Rome, so comnllcaleit wero msliera ai lha dato of our last advliea. The surrender of Comorn bad been confirmed by tho continental advice which readied ua this morning, Acoording to last accounts, the city of rciorwaruein nan not surrendered, aoaa. The latest Intelligence from Rome ia lo lha SOth ult., at which lime nothing final naii ueeu ueciueu on, ana iniuge remain ed In exactly tho aame elate, to far aa tbe Papal government ie concerned, aa lhay were on ino oay uenerai uudtnotentci Rome. Tho commissioners named by the Pope had arrived at Rome, and commenced had remained faithful to tbe Pope. MOTiNtim or oiiatupi. There la a report in Franoe that Oar. ribald! had defeated a large Austrian ooraa which attempted toarreot bla pro. groat. lit bad, it waa aaid, laid dowa hia arma In tba little republic oi San Ma. rlno aad claimed Ibe proteolioo ortbat re. publio. Tbe Austrian commander at Bologna refuted thla aur render, and aent off lbtes to put him dowa. Uarribaldl, howavar, had beea Joined by a grw gojitoaa, fad Rhtaal, who avetaWy to hian. W ' real many nun- ait pronounced YaaKjf Taa,aatet,atvaa Ike following an rfvee ae foil. ohtaattonrJ t WbttataafMaorJook upon lion that (eiilor w aWUmi MM MiaaajMpt on .2JMIitMli f 3aaaBaaS.5. vWT aaaaP A" ;jfe awfroj and Mavleioet kt ibe haa. Venice atllfhold out braytlyTTs Vi ' " -! Stalin .... 1 " ?taJlf. e-.w Tha Orand Doha aad hit fcojfly, ed to Plertnee oa Iba Mm.ak.,.ai lw received with creat prtvloaely graatod a giairel '.U r-,,1. Tbe general aula of Main wae ', tied and dMurbodj' la Montreal the a tborlilea found a good deal of dlfaealty hi malnulnlng order. Wa have not reoia thla week for any further detail of Caaa man anair. atoaiwlcls It appears that tbe French have another demonstration agalnat the Hawl an Government, landing and ti ion of tbe Royal city without lion. Thny wish lo compel the 1am jtf llial krmmAv The folIowln rrom the Alia CalM give a brief but aaatpieatly paraete aaMMiitai ..r ik. mtuu, r ' ' ,. n ... -! . .L.ti'J..-i!,.j.- "h;whmww wm Kwmmm nfw Poureetante, Admiral Tremella, we fiare nociTaa swTioaa ,iraw (Maoiiua .". Ha am laei. ino newa n or impartial but we have only room for a mtmmrf ino etraoge eveoia watea nave InninlMdllKM. If. rMslTllia consul, haa for aomo the 'beea at (ogMjeVt baada with tba ovarnatent upon thaMb: with jct'of Calbolio righta and braadylCaaaaikglad, aboui ino loin oi Augaa taa laaaae vanlo and a war eteamer arrived, wbtaM. Dillon made aevaral demanaV upon tba guVCrnmcni, mraaivningiiwrawiui-gramt guna," la ieeo Cf Boo-cooiplissoe.. Tab demands, aa near a we oaa Saazp. wibii7wv let, a reduction of dutiee on braadloa aaa J J,""; liquor or one-hair, aad tbe return of aao half or all such dotieaat hava beea col lected since 1640: 3d, the aame. rigbta la Cathollca and their aebeolaaa are grant ed toProtestaato) Sd, the repeal or a law which compel whaloohlpt, importing li quor for salo,. to pay port cbargee; 4th, tho remission or a Ono imposed upon eeeae captain or a whataahlp. There wera some minor demands relative to "rod r aaa" and " aatlsfaction" for Indlgnitiee aad in sults ottered lo Ibe "grand republic." Theae demands were made, aad three daya allowed for Ibe government to float ply or refuse. Tbe TCiag being abaoat tho Admiral waited until hia return, whoa tho government refuting lo ooatplv with lha demand, the French trooaa Itaaitd and took poeeeaoion or tha fort. No ft slstanco being oterad; thagalleat Wlow piked and threw from the raaspaa.tho guna of tbe fort, dedroyed tbeammuauion and publio atone, aad took all I be Hawa- iiaa veeeabitbat werelaaort. TaeHaw alien lag waa lowered, and tba Fraaab hoisted. After tbe quiet aaenailan ,o tbe fort for three day, tba Fraaah abaa ooneo it, aaa mured oa board, taotr eels. Tbe Klag'a yaebt, IU, wawsaaaaal woavyi I. ft ie eaeeated. te Valaaralaa. Ibe eteamer aailed for Tahati. aad the Pouraevante. with M. Dillon aad faaaly aailed for thla place, where ehe arrived Tuesday evening. M. Dillon aad fami ly have taken passage for Panama la tba eteamer Oregon, from whioh place he coca to Franco, via New York. The British Consul General and the American Consul protested agalnat the action of tbe Frenoh forces. The British Consul Gen. era! offered his aervioea aa mediator, but waa refused. It la uncertain what tba result of all thla will be : but thesenaral Impression Is, that M. Dillon lias exceeded his powers, and that bla acta will bo de nounced by hia government. Thla belief Is strengthened by hia sudden departure. and hia anxiety to be ibe drat torapreatnt the matter lo hia own government. A (&A bald-headed eaale waa canturad the lat inat on the Potomac. He had de scended from his high elevation to piok up an eel, but bla fool waa caught in a hook attached lo fishing linea extended on stakes. QGrW announce with regret the death or Ibe venerable Albert Gallatin, which took, place on Sunday, Aug. 13th, at hia residence, Astoria, Long IeTaad, in the 80h year of bis age. Mr, Oallatln'a name and life are intimately conaected with the history of thla country for tbe laal half century. He waa a native orQeaeva Swlitorland, and came to thla ooualry da ring the revolution. DurlagibaPreoIdenoy of Jeffertoa, Mr.Gatlatln waa Secretary or ino iTeaeary, aao pna oi taa aoiaai wa bava ever baa. in IBIS be vacated that pott to take tbe appointment cf Commlaaloo- t. to netotlata a treaty of aeaae with at Britain, under Monroa'a adnriw. tration ha waa aent aa Mieleter to tha Brl lab oourt. Aaa atateemaa, aaaacier, aad I f-r-rrf man nf vatlmA anil tiffArAnaJ lAamln KalTar-' had fow, If any auMrlor. Hit cbaraotar aa a oltiaea waa unaaottod.and bla patriot. ism or the true atamp. For atvera! yaara paat bo baa boon Preaideat ofTtbo New York Historical Society. UMr.CWhuia aaetbar great man haa tellea. Marine Journal. .AtaiVEDJ a faam Haa rnuahaa. fiUrafKMI OLOTAUltO, ir inaataaainaa Oaata abaks. Cktbaadaiadairtpaal, Faaty aatartd ynlik-sv liasa a aaatatM anuv, f - attbeRtdlteately " ' J. I). W,C. II tain ir ' rtrsale NiiU IIOLMAN. COLOMBIA RIVER- ; lrAtaiVEDJ Bb oaaaui, Nariaat aaaaar, Utc.)3lb, lt49-l( f f , -a) i -- . iwH mmjv wuw wm rAfJP :'t1n 1 ti'Uif ii i x ' im Mf-x 'WT ;, iff lo iyt .tv" fw.np " "fwa 'alaHWiii.F. m"T. wartgillt iu "' . rr.i ,. t.'Li .hi " y? t'M a"1 Laaaya pr yd; iaabaag. . aWr,mJy auaawAM. . S 00a 70 00 a 4 00 100 00 13 a I 00a 1 S4V 30 adaee,Coh, Snore!, " Naae,aaatdelte, 9 00 3 00 'IBa" 1 0 TUIWAIf. Plot eupe, each, 37 Ceaaopota(aecrdgto!za)l 70a Backets, " 1,00 a Pane, 00 a ixtTiiia, ac. ' " Leather, (none) ' - f1 Boot, kip, 10 00 Shoe, 3 00 a " calf, 4 00 ..i"; ladies, thick aoled, 3 00 ", rubber, , 8 00 v ' caociiay. China, pcraet, SO 00 a Liverpool," 8,00 a Cope aad aucert,pr act, 70 a Plata, , " 70 a Stoaeware, pr gallon, i 00 Ohua, 10x13 pr hair box, 7 00 " SxlO 6 00 Lwabtr.aarM, 00 00 a 4 00 30 00 10 CO 3 00 3 00 100 00 AHIll. erbib baa-, ay te iu. ear a" abaeaf eaaatikwalab aVrwah ttnaialaaj aaTaaaay aa fcrt-s, and a abtsifal bsata, WIM MMal Ml BarTaV P$ HnatfMal WMS UM aasaaaaadvaasaamarikb. hat always br!bl aad liatlMI etaailalea Ueed-Aat. May bvaa sweet Rgbl till ebasr Uwat en, Tatsajaaawry kwa aad lea, AadailMraTiaiwarath kpst, oaaa aanla aVaaal aaBBaay Ma If tywlCat Tbsia Wat bs aa adlaantd Una af IbaFtrtsltCaart af WaahiaetM eoaaly IkM at fanlsal sa Ibe taat MaadayGi Jtaaary, 18W, by watt of eaarl. WM. (jIOEB. Pte. ,. CWikP.CW.C. MAM9HEV OBUBBaVATIOIf. TWt Maurataua Leaaa hava mult urate tea ti tsttbn tbe lasatsg AaaiTtnary of St Jake's Day, (aaatTih last) Aflanlbisa art t Ml4taaataV Tba aiataai wilt Uprtnactd I Mil laaatlaalia alibi MeUMdM church las nniaai -T.&. a. . m.Zm-M. . A M A -1 annai iinaav.ii, a hhwi ot Ug ana aa aaw en aa, jeaaa Bv. tytsaWsriaeLeaj. WM. HOLMES, Sec'r. Dk.II. STRAYED OR STOLEN. F'ahlaaaw bias, aad aslebl AsantaaTbaaa, Jit ttefaaaaMaba arsaaastsab. Aayaaaanrttarabur i a dsik bay bam- He lea leu past lor aa fabautlb ItHb srsaasstaak,' AayaaattantavabMr lao. sr was, ttaaaae ana aa aaaaataeiy ra- ad try W. I HI iEEK. Dte.M,laMf '., SlMPaKWoiCRANFILL RKantCrrULLT larUt tba aUtaUaaar aVs aabba to ttnar arw start, ia Ortfaa aavaa Water aaaetaaat dear aaeva KaVam't. Tbiy ai aaw taaaaaf aad aaWag he sslt a nwb aaaaaV of tmkjmCtmt at part of esewMPeMI aaaM levaMaa WaanW WaeaeMVa TaBvialw. attaaaaWr. ibaaa, & Tebaees, Btta, Caaba. aaaadriawt. maairy aamist. aeati. " . . -.. n2L;frmh, - S lwaS Oaioae, t v " tsj enocaaaw.' CtatVa. aor lb., l.. to i(H " fwaaii. ,", aaar. " browa. ., ItO sQ aaralwl pi iBaW laUMBB awO9lw wW Malaain.porgal, .IBS ak faa. TW' i i apaaau evLL 'u v u . r TOMferv " - " " r . T T WH99WW' J V (Wnm IVabee,'Mod,prlb, 60 a 70 Toaaaeo, ar , - no a l oo :C. " ' aaxwai. 'X Daaaaatieaj bryd, ' Mi' 90 friala, . U ,- )M,& elSaaaattB. vhi no letaBMBBBBF' , J-. w tin a Mil I liaaiiil nilii a ool. Or yd. a a - 1 23 00 40 each, S 00 Hafi; fa) I MMtmM. s nci maaa. l oo a too aalajaaavt maite; HaWa Wi aaV nHjaMaj aaWs aV t) aamaJsaaDavsaaaa.- . itmrmtMTWtmWtmmmmi ttkaJ aalaglastaa. laaja aad antll rapti wsaasswiaana, - baVe-ate. Tbssrbaalaasswalbaiaiassililai aaaatvbi af lhasus a, CaaaOst. a4 aaeaeaf lbs ana Itnew at Man Frtsibti aaaaasalag easds, ian siaul aaaalalaaaaa, aa oaabMalvattft. aataT aiiat aajtil to aaa Otaaja aaubat Tbty aapast to net eiwj Itaaaasat anan w aeetasta. tiililbilirsaaaiai aadlaey baps to rtctir a " ThwImin BiMWON, 'i IBOMCItANriLL. iDaa.laV'aa-tf j Jv&XE&SMr"' 1 litnssiw laaaiw, 1 asavanaaaiua, laawaaaTaaaa,) Assam iilnul fUaela, 1 " aaawaaras,, ,raayaai raraataja.Nato, aeMdi KTSyf?' WeMtawfi aWl "-- ai Jtaaaaaaaakaaaaaff M Sk?eTIS Baapeadtrt, VflbaaaT . yaaiamaaaoja ai Htak aad yty; M iJgQmrilS. dlefa y JticiiTft'w.c.itoL) RsaarrKtls pill dtiCtke.- MAN. aiaceee. rmmm. wmma.mmwm adashlaa, ' Laeata aad rtlllemaa't T V-. ' JtcMjm, lain 11 wlutsrttctitrtviuitimntmrm aw .kng lm rtujr, e.A.,.. aaaewsre, aHaMwsrt, TJawatt.t. VleaeaareT affaaaaaa CataUwreatbt aaWar an its, Betp, . Mm). il; ii Caaairjdwf, m cjiri . (ii & i ftfrr- "i ' atatasis, at, mt, 'W."1 A MaWrCEitUrtbr atvta Ortl sspBeaUca will ' ITL. mmi ta lha rmbaU Coaris af Claabaaatt aad WaaUaeteaCanUaalalUiani rtfaiaruna ut & ! la bate a ftirv aeitaa Ibe W0- hattt(eltir,taaa4fiai Orttaa'aad Um el- ' robert moore, john Mclaughlin. tlsaCity,Octll,184. w CAYUSB'WAR CLAIMS.' THE'Cemmiaaeatr aa "Cayate war eUlmr" MeaBanaata bk first imlia al Ontaa Cav.oa Iba ftnt Maadtr af Nevtaitiar atit, for bt lafrtClfttloB af etalas afalatt M bU pml. OrtftaCIlr,Octl9,lB4. Cesi- d-- -aTIMT RECEIVED ear bark Diamond, sad P fofttUaltbt Brick Btort," ' It asaattafcUfgUtaw, 1 cask kail blogta, t , -I eaartUadt.ThKkuaUtJir-' I esabasadinaa, . t casks dear htcbtt, , teat rim tacks, l -1 easb kef eaadhailclt, Utasa aad ahlf cayUr't kraad aset, Dlaatr batb, aboamakar'a swb,' CaafYT COHlDaV DIMM Caafflie oavll afc4 AOEONETHY CLARK. Ortrw CHy.OctlB. 1949r ' HORHB POWER. M kNE bona pmrtr two Ihrcakiaf mtckUMt for Orcfon City, Oct IB, IMr-ti CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. fgTVJIU uailenijiwd Ittta lUt dty farmed a co. .at. ptrtnrruiip, aaa win carry oa in mcrctauit Doaneat aodei Ult mm or Auanxuir m. ultra. CEO. ABKKNETIiy, HIRAM CLARK. ' Orrfn. Cily. A.jW ?; lM!-f TWENTY LAHOfiCBS WANTED, mn p. irnUrUii ia tmoloy irniy ' M. btnrt at bit tulltt, on TnaUlt rinr. Vet Una spalr tt oa.- itore in linn City, VrJ JAME8 (, MOORE. OcttbcH.im JAMES M. MOORE & CO. WILL Up coraUntly on bind a full tt. aorUrwntof DRY GOODS 4- OROCBRIEI AI thtlr tlera ia Llaa Cily. Oct4,lS4. ROBERT CAUF1ELD, ajMERCIIANT ant nntnl dtaltr la Drj iJM aotda,GnetritaaadrndMt,ea Mate tltrmt, r Wt aridgt. Oet4.aat. Itfartaro af the nails. TbeU. S. HaB W Califsraia aad the Klttct ink. - ....... a tlfmm halaratn tho SOth M. II II "--! and SOlbaf each maatb. nATHt. CKUBni.jr. AftalW. F.B. N. Co. rartlaad, O. T, Ner. lat, 1849. 3 mot NEWOOOD! JUST rtctlrad per Bark 0.'C.Raymao4, KWO lb Rle 43 bap Caaba toon u ami 4 dax code miUt 30 gnat matcbta 6 btlctetndlt wlcktog 9 boiet India rubber ctolh ISbauatoap 100 pt bUakatt SO Up BtlU SO butt tobacco 3 boxet pipe, MEDICINES. Ctlomtl Tow'd Jtltp " Irccto Rhobub Sulph-Qalaloa GomCtmpbor CttorOilUbtlfp!nt, Ftrtnrie Ltudtauro Em rcpperminl llatrmtn t Dropt Opodttdoe Godfrtr'aCorJial BriUthOd. pint sad qatn honici. ri rocatl at Iba Brick atart, ABERNETI i. CLARK. Orteoa city, Mer.la, 1M9. FARM FOR SALE. THEaadtitifncd offua for 'salt lilt farm In Yamhill coanly oa milo from Iht Ulam- tllarircr,' ntar Mtihtaj't ferry. Haid firm hi well watered and list tho beet of timber, ll i fir, aab and oak. Tht claim contains C4U acre aboal one hundred seres under Brat rats cutlet, lion, 30 acre of which it seeded dowa la wheat Good lag bona, oa II, and within ono mil of a nmrbtung rlllte. Any ono wiahlna to purcbtw a farm would do well to call and aeo thla oot before locaUaf cbwbtra. Call on tha subscriber on the prtmlataeroa JanieaM. Monro, Linn city. JJot.99, 1819. MARKSAWVER. ASTOR HOUSE SALOON AND PRIVATE BOAJTBIffG HOfJUC. 'HIE tmdtrtlgntd hit opened a bouto of the JL aUott chtrtcler on Water ttntl, ouC door abort Governor Lanet oflice. Ho propoatt iv bsrt bit ttblt tt all timet furnished with Iht heat lb market can aflont At Ultra wm be no ialai. ioatlag drinks kept In lbs bouse, ha It determined lomaktitanUciWhert nnUtmta will find anlet aad comfortable tecommodtUooe, and rtoptctfully ssllclu a liberal than of publio patnata- Ha a alas nuinf an. u eonatcuon wun uit abttt, a Itrft and oommodloui roam, for datlag tthtala, ana puutt aaa ouitr puouc aiupeoaa, which may ve snuined on uoerti itrma, - juac.ru r.Ai uvnoninui Oreron City, Nov. 99 tf -BlUST RECEIVED from brie John W. Polly, . aad for sale by Ilia oiidUrifriwd, a lot of Hardware, ceneietlng of htUbtlj, file. aita,ctr ptnttrt' tool, bandeawt, X cut do, whip ttwt, atsslysidt, braes aad blttt, Irou tquaret, mttou Irtwtb, taad paper, drawing kalrca, chltele, chop, ping axes, bunle.it do, tracs chalnt, guna, plotolt, tke. at. Akubeaaaltlol of India rubber etotb- lng.absat,tke. B.H.HOI.DERNE8S. if or. 8-9t 1 M. tf If if J500 La.Citueoa4 elgtrt, laOOprlnclpftoclgart, 40 mat matchst, SfiiO gtldsu sdgo " 9J0OO rTnaalah a noxttpipee. 2i pi pungee lidkft, 9X00 eharoota u 95 nta itckelt. :seu, 90 pr boar skill Imwters, 50 cannltttrt eujir, glued 30 "back " powder, 5 bblt molaaart, Far sal kl lbs Rod Houeo, on Willi ttrttl, by iwi J. D. fcW.C. liuiisian. .Jfr'HS&dfft ttt 'f aim DOl ft1moii ftfftalt al Iht Red lloutt Per. 13, IBl'J-tt " , v iitp&tnti A.tk S3Jffc?ii,i4t. '" Bllw371 WHOLKaAXE avail taafaaaevoaa yirmmm aatleSJ Hiimu, Tt1vJ1 aaw'a a aaeaasaV f- m'i .' BTARR Os-bHett ,.t , t an itttKitetil,1 4titMtm"'i'- II tsnt Tt-Wafj JWeaawafaiaW.'mat asaaa waaaa aoaaBaaa-.'w i .. TMk.aaf ..iru' " Wtlaettt mtjayfaaaamlaltt ,,.! COt Oct 4, lets, i -fj it$rftait :attawiW-. "" miiliLiiitMm COMHIMtlON UVBoiuiRVy&'ter "niw'votrMif'tiMr Ott t. lMt. (- wviu r4VA Mt meaA' ,14 ,. m i,ftl .iiiai-raaitg'i-'. 5t LAW NOTICaW-ttrlrf J. QUINN TmtM9wKL-?M A TTORNKY S rnilTiTaTlif 'irBiaT ifl " .'.K" . i -.!, -rfWJ- 6.. JS :Hal-K25ftH" .J?eaaflTrtr.iSsni4iK Unamaj I.UT. tiff. aj. aVaaaV' " "Tt?""" "twrv -: 1 T 11 af 1 I aataaamBgaaapanpamBfda, B CHAPMAN . irroaHltiTbcoOl 2Zi5 fTtllET fMrlaai aalaof LaadCtaeiaiaBa: vrtiinii. OXKMMALAi In aay pert f tbe ' Hon. P. II. Btrturrr, MaaFi L. W. Utsratat;','! j tfapt. rtiatr, uu as v,"-) uragea iiiy. , Oct ia,, saWwfcAsiyuaj rt t -tm A r covKRMUontfiit ATTORNEY COURBMLLOM AT eM-fttW VSf-f't . . .. ' T-,r,iaT"a"Wtm,a jyu,il A aouciToa inasUJicaatf,,. &VKSfl OJIetta ITeal tide VTaler , -a n-ilM 1 MMmm'cM.W!XtftdV....A.it?t:ii oct.i8,i. -rv , iKtftd v$y&w85nti n. i.u trsDir "'-V':A: -M Da..4r'lI.iaWltsM:lfe . aaaaaaaawivaWMaaVirS -.?- Oregia.Ctiy, Nsv. tt. lt4m-Vl PC. THIPUBIaltJ.'S f aTlHE 8UP8CRltW.'alawyaaa-aiaIaaVyf A lltf to wall apor tba faM.weabl laeataa. Ih.mthU rraaaamwowaaan e ; i:oon5.nd CROCERIE8.riit" " 'Zfr- t)j3 BrMdcloina, TaWeUaaa,, jh .:.Hm,fM. . aaaaaaat .. t j .?. m rtttlaattt,. , . awwaatd . ' - IL-.1W.TH Domettlca browa aad O.ftmmt Fnuu, Mtlaati Muthn, Gabaana,),ri,i Cambria, , iCtaBatoau.vr ll. r rianaela, ' H i, AnJ a nbaral itaailailtt toe tlcularita b aaadrtrassaitaf ."''r; F. ORSAUflaTaW Ready Mad Csttkatf, F. "' . "' Iiauaaavep, 8hoce, rnnlj, Alpteca, M.da Ilaaa.. V) Silk and Cotton MiSus. Carpel Btflt, -, fancy dreat Flume I, lyejaBMaaeBBa. Aatafl aVaaaatatal miT?7 "!! (SBJtxw Diaper lines, UmbrtUtay Lookinf Blast Llntn.CeUen tiaaasaaaatl and SUkBItathadaad Vi ibtaad. adc L'ltaaaaaTefi Crockery, lluWtrt,' ji AlaWy rtbLHOCaM Oreron Cily, Ott 4, '49. t 10 HAI?iKrLtaB- ceriea. : - .. t. ,z v. zrz..zz .. -inty wteu saueii a aa: aatana, at eaari torn. Uet.4, IEM9. ir( un -r DOOK os JOB PRINT1NQ ( i3 t IIICDIED WITH HUnaa-aajaaaYAaW and al reetiatbla ratos, ,tj ri!l AT THltOmPffi . Oregon swqrty vi H A Mal-atMlBl fr.tjrT?""' .i.2 i PIV0TID TO THI 0aeeb dnUTft rait iNTiattTt or itn ,nti FEOPLEOFOREaOK,,;; - asms iso retuaa V ,, ByWILtOfiBLAIlV, tAi OrrgorfCily, Ottgm TktH$ TtaMs inTAautLT tn iBTAWta'w On copy, per anauta. u.,7iJjUi(.1fH fotUssnta..r!M,w.ItS Aoyaanaaawrrtt V).taie;vU One iqaar (19 WnMNia) Wiattrtleal,MJi roc a?tiy toaiuoaai iuaeii'-.M "? Yiaily sdrtrudugi peraaaars... -aae-oftfawa fctrlr AgcaU far tava BattWaajuli n, 'lbs folltwiai Ptraons are till latul toajsat AgtnUforthtSj tgtnurorthaSaeelstar. Tby Wl TWtw1aB criptlont sad tdVatlhtmistt tar aa-t fffjm'J .i ec: ana larkaati Tt . -. C.E.Ficcavaas. .Htotdtttalt Ctty. VtWm.auSM...rF,Wii'W?1 e v Jaaaaajte'fijl tfllVli &H Attuirar tCus..CaaCif..Ujrfl Coeca a. ;... ,,..,.,,,rsiad, - ! . J. & McCuas.'F. M...5aaa.w,'',i' .IH Ota. AMia....(...i..Aaaaa fj.i;aarf JtcotCoKtot.aat .,,...llaaWaaaW.-.MKat Rsiist Moos, eeq .,.. WoaJljrJ fl jottruu ATtti, e....mowawmaseanftwKv laSantfahaar . asmv. ttttgMmtmgjmammii it'tluwaa, ataMaadaMBVr V J J.'S, , jSMasSeaaJp; aaiar.-a T "-. ttaweoaaaaeaafaawaaBt . tf. WSeaiinwiT -'. V . Veii- Ours WHrTttts,aat..,Taaeaa, eMameaW D,. 1. C. M.M..v.rb.AIil.iadJiT Htn. Rt.t'i. R.TavrsTeal ""rTF-Trav. .Av.h VLI'. L k a C; tud fir trral Ageht Rrlfce . ' m "(.' ti" az 1 eEffli'uV 'ffrpfy ; r-.v7i.. 1 'aTL-ffi -;ra wUl K M M wi x V-- .va Otf -&JS.YI -m V ,WO r A t&vsh& " . . -, " . .r'i''.ab ufT.jm .&f NjVrJifvwJ )t v m. J. ':' i tr. Vbi. "hzzytj&, i A m&wmSi i.vh 4sas s W-2b iffgYgfaK'