Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, December 13, 1849, Image 2

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nwTfi 'aJAaaJt-b
W 'aaHBel
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v'itv-j. - i
iot. -
....!.. e-'tf
"7llilriMMMllaw MkUHof
iMjgMMMiwplHMlf to
rS' aajr, t"MPg at aaaa M IM
wpMarw km alwaye fck
MitaMlOnfM were mm la la.
MM.HHir. Aedaewttot
r-ntiMtyiMM vahaaeeleead
r MAaVmAAAMiiab. MsVafawsaUafttaai -
iHM7KavIM at tto
:lai m. iMjiifcir it greatly
h to ajrtatoly trwaj.taat
- --- - y. ..
wetaawtto agit,
laaaMattTTwm to
toeaM tore toca tod the
jMtieto tod, eadifttoy
'. aetjaoney JnTtto
la Mieheae. Now
4hhiaaaeBr,ead farmsro
fanaewrw emyihiag
hi arotecutien of
itaaagh lb culti.
itla,aOsUea.:ftr!iwo reasons.
JWf"y ar-glstM!, fHj trust it
-) ten that the Krone ana and
L Mutter our farmers may rtlurn
eaaBittoe aad redoubled en-
t tteaaarary tad honorable c.
ajtajjaf aagaMioa f oaraghbar
M Ma aatiea of Itoat cJti-
,Qrta to hata aet autaeriM
aaaw a aMafaHr ta
yatk kaW baatkat a n.
? ' -'
1.DW aafjaa aa ika aariy.
H flBalPteaMBat ("HtkuakV
afa Miariwaf
inr waiiiat k
a,aaiaia,aa) at'lkia tfaaa
yPwVwBBWH Ml MV9t9 InV
m w faNUnaai Ma
fr -ytiti wm&
K C ,?.;t aaanaaaa
L .::.: mtAnmimmi
i '-". aaaaHamJaiM Warn daw
I ( J ...... -1
r V LVmmmm
prm. ai - jaw . .-
x1mbW ae nwaaw
'W&X-WmmM'' ahaa
.. Mb t",awH1lWa"i tJaiwMJaWJI
Ks.' w0P"'l,W1
: 'Ma
wj.kvbi ktaiaiM-
r.rr -VMHtt.
K f."V A.-jWa74. '. U
- . &"&! af af aavy, It
mm k) awMini; da warfaw tto imm.
mmmwmmmtmi aaaak tto aWuZi
aaatoaaf ear Mr atoar Tarritan ik
,-1 iljtoafia, ji! ..I,, fcraiatoa. a aairoe af
mmmm aetracae a graat trau.
Ueaaaraa of our aetl
aa aa adiaeaat aataatv
la. Ifwatorarelipaad
aaddaaaliat rictoa'tto
af Otagaa If, by the
tea ar ear meldam nan.
Mtfawa atotoa tto toala iU
atnaiag aaaw ta tor todaa-
h ajaanaaMtia aiaaraaal.
I aaraltatof UAtraagaraJi
aaa wuew, ter ajara ar.
aad, aad tmenieurablr
ta tor IsUraata tbaa if
ia. had bavap rtianlniait
to Impt rba loyalliy of tor
atowt-beartcd, aad atrooc
"I ',rii5f 'IS01' 90" w toaiperata,
OH ftaaai aadlaaaatriou, and tto produo'
af.CMwjea era ttoae of a brarea
,arwa, liar aariculiural re.
are alone eaimUe of atutalala
mal aaaale, aad ttoae, iogattor whb
tofaaajtortoaa attriaataa of waahb, are,
;& tWlailty of, a arawiac
jhrrtotod to ttoae iaereaa aaaHtlaa by
tier eaeh
i bafiaatoatotill
eUaieataWa a
uiany ea
Uta it.
i irwf aUaMatavFa aaaatr
to tto tawaaa ttorabr eaipliyad.
pwee ovanry ewwiy raaat
i iaa paraiyaw ereetee ay gaM
aaar ha htiiadariaa Omm
r'ttoeraaof ttowoM. at ito
-: . j. a .. . -. ---3 T--
aad wiilHyAaatoaad
rtto MaeeetaWW
'J& "H1 M Aajertoaa tarritoVlBatIto
t HaVJal. Iflab MalMiattailM .U" Y lhaualaaamlal
? . iglMH. , ' rn waa waaa,
J 99&WV laawer, aaa proaaea, aad twa
ii r11!"! jvTP i '.
i warn m nm uaaonaaaajae a
lavNM aVaNaNV IM Vf9M CflC wa9
aTWfin waHaafllaV at aaVJVaHlaM
a'-JI jPPJawW awMVa ( faMWa vtrlVITrw
rartna wwjeftr.
f,af taewiatarrla
'"aaaay ataaraab.
w I 4'aT M'jr j BwilNlalawW
raw eMafbeted iraaaa aaa
waaJJ aaama;tW.t aid aaibtoai'tot
V(V aMHl
' . --mm
- ' - LllSaBaaS Wlaauia
it-' " fatatMaia
n&ifaaF Mtol
vJ ,.
wt.leok ika,' traaklaja.
4m, Mrf aha tto
M Lata Mtcabjaa ta tto
Im. A WUt rtoord wa
toatiailttatjOkj tar (to oerrMaondiag
aanMui'WMM . Tfta raaait m aa
laRawa. Taaimator ofcltar, olaudv,
aad ratay aara wara tto ama In tola aia.
aat. Ttoy aHaiad widttf towava ta
twa aty laajiiiaat ruiioU. In tto Irat
alaaa ttora Mt, la laalana duriag tto
aarkataaM, atkaattwlca aa ataaa
watar to tto beta of rata aad aaatr,
MllaOtafaadariagttoaama atriodtto
aanMatag wlatar; aad alaa la ladtaaa
ttotoftTfaat of tto rata Ml darlaa tto
day wMana Oragoa atout two talrda of
tto ram Ml dariag tto nlaht. Tto
dMfttaaaa la ttot tto aw
iara aa iadiaatad ay tto
r, wi uihr waa
aaariy tvaatydagraaa wanaar ttoa fadl.
aaa. WHbttoaafcatatolbraaawa maH
af aaaraa daaida to nror of tto mild and
aalaariaaa etoata of jto Uad otur
adaatiaa. !
Wa tora taaa far tod a eoaUbruMa
wtater. Dariaf ttolaat moath ttora waa
a gaad daal of rata, tto waattor towarer
to aWld aad atoaaaat, tba Ttormoeaatar
aet tovtag aa yat iadleated a tamperatura
baww 31 drgran. Laat Maaday anew
fall to tto death of aiabt laetoa, bat ta
aaw rapidly diaapaaartoir.
Wa take pleasure la announcing the
coiamenorawat aad growth of Bameroua
tlllagra In thta Territory. Tto proaperily
of the tlllagti and chlee of a country
a tto aureat Indication of tho general
proaperily of the country. We propoaa
noticing aoroe of the more recent begin,
toga ot fuinre populous towrn; and we
begin with M ilwaukie.
Tbia Tillage la located to the eaat
bank of tto Willamette rirer, in Clacka-
BMweoanty, aaaaa aia rbllea below the
Pallr. Lot WkkeeMb, Eaq.. to tto propria.
tar. It aay to aeU to be atttotoad of
ahlpaaTigattoaoa tto WilUawtie. We
are aaatud laat aay Teaeel that can coata
tola tto rirar at aH aaa come aa to Mil.
waakie. Tale totog 'M faot wa wander
ahy larabaata da aet oae their ialu
eaae whb ehipaara to briag their eargore
to tkto aetot. Atora Mflwaakle tto
WHtoawtteto eatirely aaaahed to ahlp
aarigattoe. Ttoae facta auaeh ao amall
degree oi Iraaertaaee ta tbia town aita In
a eoasataretol point of riew. But tbia la
not tto oaly thing which recomroenaj
tbia pUee ta tto pabtlo notice. la tto
rapid isaaroveiBent It la making we bare
evideaee that ita cillxeea poaeeaa the right
klad of godhead American energy to
guarantee ita proaperily. The erection
of a aew building (a a matter of rery
freqaeat ocourrance, aadgireaaaauraneo
of an active, bury population. Four aaw
atllla aadoae grtot aaill are, or aoon will
to to active operaUoa.
Aad to the mtdet of all tbia aotire labor,
ttoy have given cheering eridenea that
ttoy are a thinking people. Education
to duly appreciated and properly attended
to. Ta their honor be it aald they hare
erected the irat public ecbool kouee in
Clackamas County. There la a good aad
full school in operation there, under the'
caraol Mr. Campbell. In ooaclasioa we
notice with pleasure another aad a ure in.
dlcationof a noble character aad lalelli.
gent enterprise, the inhabitants of Mil.
waakla came up mora unanimously to
tto support of tto Spectator ttoa any
place out of our fair twin atoteroktoe af
Oragea aad Lion. We coaaaaod Mil.
wfcukto to tto notice of the paMfo, aad
with h abundant prosperity.
Title to a aaw town jaat laid out ly
A. T. Hedges, Eaq., It to altaatad oa
the East aide of the Willamette, Iramedi.
airly aba a tto Falls, aad adjetotog Ore-
ta Oty. it aaioya graat eeaaamalal ad.
vaatagaaaa tto tarmtoaa af tto aavtoa.
ttoa of tto WIHaaaetta frata atora. It
aadeabtodly wWto a fcw yaua baeomc
aplaaeaf rery aaaaldsrable tosiaaaa.-
ThaaghFaNaakywaa eanreyed oaly a
Mw-waatoatoae, eaeh to Ito spirit of im
aiaraawat, that wa are arrant aew beaees
araatad, aadwa are arrant that attors
win ta araatafi aaoa. Wa an authorised
lo aay that a tot will to ehrermlly doaa
led to aay ehrietiaa deaosalaalloa that
pay wtoh ta tnt a boaaa of worship In
FaHecliy. Ta laose who wtotMo make
toraatatratolbla lotratojdarfjlaliering
toduaaawata. WjawtoVMr. H. au'ooaae
toktoaatorartoi. - ii
Tbto towa to toaetad rathe South aide
of the Saattom In Lian County, ,Milion
jTmi;,mrrim. Dc tela, ea.
& ttoaaA'4SeVtai ae&MW
Iw Oat. lvto AtWJtat&atikM affaffaffJP IMttM MMiMM
,, hHTi .MM v Mtf wOMY nHMHHBRMMM JitllMMM
It '
jaujiL-jji Jl 'stsmm tmmmsars i ji. 'jii
aartoaMaa aa.tto aatlaw. Aky rat.
tto Willamatia an
Ttora to at that
fall la ika river af
pnvtMge, -jaM
tto eater.
prlsiag eMi'al Caaatras Brant by ttoj
erection of aaaw aaa grtet mill. In ad.
dittos to these adraalagaa Syraouta Is, la
tto mhlat of a meet beautiful and fertile
district of country. Noae more to to
Oregon. Surrounded as it to with auoh
ample agricultural advaalagea it will
doubtless enjoy a rapid growth, and era
loag become oae of our handsomest
country villages.
Mlet aaMB) Tawaa.
While speaking of towns, for the pur-
aaa of alviet a oorrect Idea of tba aaa.
Jia Dm aiapriator. IlU na laytaitatlr tuaalka to Ortgon ebaapar
WIMtoMa.a4 W't,aaDoUco, it....'.; Qui
aaaMrtog to k ia kvalataM af NlJtMgf arriva in OrraM, they flai
graphical poatttoa of the towns of that & tcareely aay thing in this Una
Territory, to our readera abroad we give Oregea. Books and stationery are
tto following list. Ui demand and yat there la not a
Betweea tto FaNaeftto WIMaiaatti JP fa Oragoa, aad only a supply
aad Ito Moath of tto CUokamMaalafWrUtog paper. Leather la out of mar.
ted tto following places. Oragoa Cy,k aad also children shoos, and only a
Ureen Point, Clackamas City Liaa Chy,
and Multneaiah city. These will to all
probability at aaaaa future day eeaetkttte
tto diflbreat wards of oae greet city. At
present the entire population to about
Portlaud to situated oa the Willamette,
In Washington eeuaty, about twelve
milea below the Falls. It to a place of
general and native trade. Veessle usual,
ly discharge their eargeee at this point.
la addition to the above we have been
informed that a steam saw. mill will aaoa
to to operation there. An enterprising
firm in Portland have also aant to the
States for an engine and machinery for a
Steamer to run between that place and
San Francisco. This is what we like to
i. Itiajtuttho kind of energy and
enterprise that wjll make any place flour,
ithing, and beautiful.
Astoria is on the well known site of
Sort George at the Moutk of the Coluav
Lexington to another village, and to
situated on Clatsop Plains.
La Fayette city fa tba shire town of
Yam Hill county, aad la situated at tto
Pallauf tto Yam Hill river. It baa may
advantages which will make It a toeatifii
and flourishing place.
There are doubtless many other itoaaal
towns to this valley, bat farther ttoa tto
above our geography to at fault.
Wenvite tto attention of our readers
e able and interesting article of the
Superintendent of Common Schools, on
tto subject of education. Tab cause
should be warmly embraced, and eathual.
astically sustained by the people of Ore
gon. O. P. Q. is heartily welcomed to
his old corner in the Spectator. Junius
came " near jumping tha claim" but be
is back in season ; and we will stake ofl an
other for Junius rich in all the proftise
charms of our Mountain muses.
A considerable amount of interesting
matter, both original and selected, 'is
crowded out this week.
- HeaJUr, f Use City.
The summer and autuma have passed
away, and our eity hat enjoyed the moat
excellent health. We have it la true
eeenaomo persons afflicted with Ague,
aad other forma of bilious disease, bat
they came from tto gold mbee, or some
other place. We do not recollect having
noticed a case of fever, or ague which
waaooatracted In this place; and oaly
two deaths have occurred within our
knowledge. And these were infants who
died of diseases "peeultar ilo Infantile
yean. Wa tare aet indeed kaow,tay
person lo to seriously aiokof any disease
for moattopatt. Tbto for a population
of mora than IWO spssks volumes for
the health or tto puce.
aw Prtr Cstrrewt Vakta.
Tto reader will observe that wo have
made una nryr full table of the prices
ourreat m uregoa Uly. Wa have not
only bestowed tlaw and attentloa to this
matter, bat wa hare enjoyed the asslstaaoe
of ettora la tto city. Our desiga
to tbto (Matter is to disabuse tto pub.
Ito mlad both at kaaw aad abroad. la
ao one thing have tto people of Oraton
experienced greater injustice th in re
gard lo Ito natter before ua. Our citl.
asae have gone to, tto mlaes, and having
remained m them for their appointed pe.
riod, ttoy return to San Franeiaoo on their
way home. There they propoaa puroha.
aiog a aupply of dry goods ana groceries
for family use, or perhaps they propose
purcnseiagatiaoKMjmde lor tho pur.
ponsof going into the mercantile dullness.
Bat they aro assured that Oregon is per
fectly flooded with geodiy-tliat they can
ttoy tod toan led to suppose. Wa love
"M apaa Bald and a lair tight," and
haaee'we bring up tbto matter. Hero
do most distinctly declare that Oregon
NverK sar irom.aeiag ovemocaea wua
hWaee. wagrantthara'toAurga amount
ejtotrabaadiat oa toad, but we also aa.
BtrttaattMr u aeiageM wmmtni or
Ury geede and grooarlea In the Territory,
I And u far the price of the articles that
are la this market, our table speaks for
l la order to illustrate our assertion we
toiMetto attention of all, to the following
aaMsaretlon of thtnaa that are much
vaaaea, out net procuraDio in mis city,
aad we believe not in thta Territory.
Medtolaee, Faints, aad Dye Stuff.. A
well assorted Drug Store Is greatly aeeded
. t . . ...... .
meagre aupply of boots and ehoea. If
these to oo salt brought la there will soon
to aaaa to be bad. Stores of all sorts.
hardware and tin ware, flannel good of
every variety, almost every thing in the
grocery business, and many other artloles
" too tedious to menttoa," are in great de
mand here, and If the stock Is not soon re.
plealstod will soon bo entirely out of in
kat. If goods are not more abundant than
tbto la California the newa we receive from
there must be aa far wide the mark as the
aewa there from Oregon is.
We disavow any thing like reflections
ea any person in tbeaa statementi, but as
we feel that injustice it done to Orogon
and Oregon people in this matter, ss tho
conductor of tho only pulllo Journal in
tt.e Territory, we feel called upon to cor
reel It. We have no doubt tho exUtcnca
of this impreaalon at San Pranolsco hss
prevented persons, who would hsvo been
valuable citizens, from coming themselvss,
aad bringing their wealth, ta thte Terri
tory. Let it be 'known the world wide
that tore to a grand field for marchantile,
mechanical, aad agricultural penults,
aad ttoa ohiteat will pour in, and j opula
ttoa will rapidly multiply; and Orogon
take torptooe aa a prosperous Bute.
JTbm. W. Carter la at Ctote.
TtoJao. W. Carter, on her petuge
freto Bu Fraaotoee to tto Columbia, en
countered a gale oi tto Mouth of tto Co
lorable, by whioh aha was dismantled and
driven out ta sea a great distance; but
fortuaately the made her way into the
Stratta of Fuea, where aha waa refitted
and iadaily expected in tho Columbia.
There were no Uvea lost.
fflcbU ftaagee.
We tee it stated that Joseph O. Mar
shall of Indiana, haa been appointed by
tho President, Governor of Oregon in
place of Gov. Lane, removed.
Also, Joiepn j. 1,'omM, u. a. Attorney
for the district of Oregon.
Also Daniel B. St. John, Collector for
the Port of Astorls, in place of Gen. Jno.
Adair, removed.
crvedi then Bight
The evlta of intemperance have Lctn
growing more and more-alarming for the
past two or three months. While the evil
wss sufficiently annoying lo the communi.
ty. it waa exceedior.lv ao lo the officers in
command of the troops in this city. As
there appeared to Lo no deposition on the
part of the clllxena to clieck tho miaclilef,
ioi. Luring took the matter in band yes
tsrday, and " shut shop" for the doggeries.
There was a amall lot of spirits destroyed,
at d the determination is exhibited to nut
a stop lo tto traffio in the oily. And thus
larwe believe every right hearted, and
right thinking person In community will
sustain .the Colonel in his course. But
we ask for impartiality. Serve all alike,
Taaaaeiaaia ateeHag.
"Ttora will to a matting of tto Oregon
Chy Temaeranoe Soclstv in tha Mono.
diet church oo Monday evening 34th Inst.
at ball past six o'clock. An address will
be delivered the ofttoara for tho ensuing
rear win oa eieoiea, anq oinar important
business transacted. All aro Invited to
Mr. Margtut't Cattcert.
Tbo concert given to tha cilixens of this
Elaoe, by Mr. Morgan, on Monday oven.
ig last, not only proved a rich and intt.
ratting treat to his large and respectable
auditory, but realized, ta wa are pleated
to toarn, Ito most sanguine expectations
oi ins laieniea vocalist, air. Morgan's
powers as a alngtr are of no common order,
and our eltttens, by their frequent demon
ttrationa of tpplauae, showed themselves
oapable of tpprecltting bit willingness
and ability lo enltrttln Ihem. We under.
tltndthatiMr. M, will favor hit friend
with tnothsr Concert on next Mondty
evening, and we would bespetk for him
Ihe patronage of all Ihe muslclovlng den.
Ixrna of Our CilV. Tha Immortal IUr.1.
to distent from whom on such joints is
nothing tliort of literary herrsey, ssys
that '
Hs Ibathu rw mmlt lu his soul
Jler Is a smvI with tomtrt tvttl nrf.
Mil fw !.swu e.,
.Howa?) r - '
CaUmkmu. Una
in rttes'or .Fiout.
Unomt niwarioK tmj Smit
and by ll files of papers from California
and tha States. The newa from the latter
is old nsws though It Is i!jjiflt cviti at
mis late period.
Our California neighbors have, In Con
venllon adopted a Constitution for a Slate
government, which was lo have been sub-
mlttod to the neoDlo Nov. 13th. The mh
.... , . ', ' i . . i..
lllleal atmosphere at our latest dalea
was la a delightful state of agitation, It
being neceetary to "man the ahlpoffltaia"
from a host of worthy candidates. We
rtotlce tko name of I'etor II. Burnett at
Iho head of the list of candidates for the
office ol Governor. There baa ben a
great advanco In the price of proviilons
Flour was selling In San I'.rsnolsoost 10
par barrel!. Prime Pork waa 900 per
barrel I. Prices generally havot'rlfltlo a
great advance.
We havo papers from the Stalss up to
Aug. t)7, and Sept. 1. Wo notloe nothing
of very great Interest. The Cholera had
greatly abated its ravages having atiimat
antlrsly dissppesrsil from most of the
largo cities. A very destructive fire no
curredat Plattsburg, N. Y., consuming
ths bent part of tho town. The proporty
destroyed it eitimnted at 'Jatl.UUO. A
Are occurred at St. Louis by which tho
steamere Algoma, San l-'rancltcn, Mary,
and Duluqiis were Immcd to tho walcn
edge. This waa followed hy a ttuct . ' ".', ,. . ., . u , ,M ,, ,
,,,. ,; .1 Al tho Annual NJentllio Uuuvaullou at
tight between a company of firemen mid nrvord University, there was a largo
an IrUh mob, In which several llus nr attecdnucc of eminent acriolara from ev.
lol. ry pan of ihe Union, and tho aubjeets
Tlieaold faserliua lutasuiaLlv iiiUi- Incuv"d were or a us-rul and highly
ded and the precious mtlal which has '"'I'n- V!!"-!""?-.! t .
, . i. ., . i i . . Strong eflortaro being made la many
Icen returned to the felate. lBlntoinul(oiplltt,or ,neoounry , nroduce more una.
a entiblo Impression on the eoinincrce , nlinity in Congress on tlie subjocl of Post,
and trade of the Atlantic- uuvs. Ollic? .'terorm. Wo expect that noxl win.
Crops aro reported sslmtint; len un
usually good throughout the n.iion, eLfM
the cotton cropnhich it was ftarcl mouuI
be light.
A private expedition of a warlike
character had been fitted up In the United
States destined for somo rsvotutionsry
. . ,
marameat m Cuba. At least the pre-
sumption In lavor ol this lew of thcaf.
fair was so great thai tho President Issued
a proclsmalion on tho subject, warning
all concerned lo de.isl. He has also or
dered tho armed uteamar Allegheny kto
the vicinity to watch and arrest the iuoe.
President Taylor was on a tour for rt
creation, at our latest dates, through Prun
Hon. Henry Clay was nln on a lour
inruugn mo norm, no wu siowijr re
covering from an attack ol Cholera
The elections had passsd oil" iiuirtly
in a number of tho States. In ludisiis
J. A. Wright Dein. as elected Gov. by
a majority of P.OOO. The delegation to
Congress stands neven Hem. one Whig,,
one Free Soil. The Legislature li re.
, , . . , n ..
rorted as huvinjj a democratic n.aj-irilj
of lcn-
Noith Curolinia and Maryland hac
gone Whig as formerly. ' i
InTenneveo Gen. Win. Trousdal.
n .,.,,.
Dem. i. clec-ied (.overnor.
Kentucky as nr fiml it rexirtnl has
elected a Congressional Delegation of six
Whigs and four Democrats. '
Alabama and Iowa have both cast a
, ... , r .i. M
decided vote for tho Democrats. ,
In Congress the psrliei slsnd this winter'
arly equal, at least wn judge so frotnl
me isct mat uoiii parlies claim a very
rmall majority. The evidence prepnn.
deratea in furor of tho ascendency of the
Father Mathew, the aposllo of temper-
sneo was taking signatures to the pledgo fraai Baraac. ''
by the Ihousnn.ls. v0 had from our exchaaget of Aug.
Tho prevailing sentiment in favor of S7 and Sep. 1, prepared a sketch of newa
Iho "great idea or tho age," tho Rail from Kurope, embracing tho moat latter
Road lothe Pacific begins to assume a more Ing accounts from' tha ballla flaldaaT.aaa.
encouraging aspect. And though Whit,
ney't project does not meet with universe
favor, yet ihe prospect of tho speedy com-
mencement or tho great work is becoming
more and more nattering. The only fear
ia that local reelings and factions may
frustrate Ihe project.
Hon. J. C. Calhoun is out with a do.
fence of his position and iowt on the
slavery question, tnd In reply to Col.
Benton. Hut on the contrary Iho Colonel
it fighting hl own battle in Missouri and
there waa no doubt of his being suttaintd
by his own Stttc.
Mtjor Slmonson has purohtsed Fl.
Larimie for ihe use or tho United Statea
paying the traders t3,000 for it.
The Legislature or Michigan hat In.
tlructed Gen. Case lo volt favorably to
tto Wilmot Proviso. And the report
(perhaps unfounded) la that Ihe General
will In tho presont Congress meko a speech
against the proviso tnd Ihtn resign.
Some additional ntwt will be found in
iho following summary from Ihe N. Y.
Tribune of aflaira on the Atlantic side !
Throughout the Statea, we have tidings
nood orons, and modsrala prloea. The
Imports of, Foreign Merchsndlue are very
heavy .fJMd our Custom. I loutet In receipt
ofTunujMtlly largo sums fur duties.
' Mr. Clay continues his tour in Ibe North
and Hast. Hie health Improves gradually
and the proofs he every where receives, 'of
tlicfttccm, veneration and retordef his
many disinterested and faithful servloes
to his country, help lo cheer his declining
i years. 'jjhv!
President Taylor haa recovered from
a temporary Indisposition, and to inviting
"rough I'ennsylvaula, stating with great
I frankness, in his pueiio ai
puWIo addresses, hit
lowi of tho Constitution, and the
principles which aro la guide bis' Admin.
Utratlon. Ills poputarity,"so far tail can
be judged of by the enthusiast lo welcomes
he overy whore recelveo, Is even on the In.
The Texas elections have terminated t
I'lllibury, who supported Calhoun's views,
Is replaced in Congress by Volaey E.
Howard, a friend of SeaaWr Houston!
Kauflinan la reelected. P. Ifaaabrough
Hell Is probably sleeted Governor la place
of Wood. All the candidates were inde.
pendent Democrats but aaaa of them
had been nominated by auy party. Ttora
has been considerable alcknesa among the
Texan Indians.
Troops hrP been aant ta Florida lo
imlvt nppreheiirlona expressed of dinger
from the Indians, who aro but few la
Mr. Inue Is elected for Alabama, not.
withtanding his extra mileage charge, by
4UII over llaldwla, whig.
Virginia has completed bar Revised
Statutes, and agreed lo abolish imprison
I meut for debt, after the first of-July next,
,,,M l'owr-nada,ls Initiative ses.
Mcraiimiorin jo.tagr bill w ill givo ertty
I part nf tho Atlantic country a cheap and
eauy communication with their brethren
on the Pacific side.'
I The ijiirtllon of a rsllroad to connect
the 1'Acitio with the Atlantic, and furnish
liuropo and the ul.ler Stales of this Re.
l'V"c'"' " "verianu uigiiwayio inuia.
China and the bast, Is raceir nu a care.
f,, cll,!de,.tlo fmn', busies men, and
j, n,uc, discussed by Ito press.
! ThcCiualas are greatly ditlraoted by
.,. U..WIU, uyruinps aj lacenuianse
are of frequent octurrcnoe and to great
exuiu; the C.'overnor-Ueneral, though
residing within a mile or two of Montreal,
hat not entered tbat.sUy alaaa Atxil laat.
Ths .taaaaloa ,af f" JiftitTltiTi. .tha
Prime Minister, wasaweahtdk fafT 4y;
luce byaaMJiatit.a'eJaakacalgist.;
they were find apaa toa af ttolr aaa.
..lull .U..U.K.I . .....r. I f it . .
ber ua Lilladaaa1,iha saai ..-.-i
whllo thu Coroner's Jury irataitottilrlM
mm tinunminen auenotag wa net, too
large hotel limy Heru sitting in was set
on fire in an upper story, and burned lu
the cround.
'i'lio Hjilxway Indians, near Lake Hu.
perior, hare ralietl dlfiloulllcs with Ihe
Cunniltai: government about ibelr lauds.
"J1"-1' bave been alienated, as they wy,
W ''i'?"', 'J'f f l rTn' i n
Altera trlnl of fifteen days aiNcw.Or.
vun,, row ,ho VuiWli HJUf Comtnit,
Mouor, tlm Sjuli Consul at thai port,
e'ld overal other persons, hate been held
,0 '";vy Ll 10 tnswar the charge of ab.
'', 'i",". t'- ?,"!" lK ? W,?"
"tine"! Key, the turnkey ofa jail In Ihv.
,, wll fjBI CM.tK.j flm) Cjbtj wh
I'vruaniK, a rich fraudulent bankrupt,
'" duresi for cheating hit creditors, aad
Vlllavrrdc, a tori of patriot, who had his
',Uffi. ",!! f! . A
Ibe Uiolsra decreases throughout the '
(;nol)( ,j ,10 delhi fn)w i,),,, Cy
havo he.rn much fewer bluet our kat. '
J he cutnusissm for Ihe suooeet of the
gallant Huosarians to almost unlvaraal.
A meeting to be bald to-day (a fh Park
will ho presldeil over by Oareraor'Fita.
ultha host of Vlcs-Presldtott eeleeed
from our clllxena of Ihe highest IWtprota.
atltional liberty, Hungary, buti copy or
the New York Herald r,f Septtmtor U
now before us, blasla and wUhera all oar
aanguine expectations. Huaftry
fallen. The horde of Ruttton tad Aaa.
Irian despotism cameeown on IheheMt
of Hungary like a 'faerful avatoaeJi, aad
the noble band of freeman waa cruthod
by in overwhelming weight., Wtoi ,
had hoped waa the:brilUtat taeraieg tttar
of KitrorMnlibertyimradbeaetyan.
clierglowing meteor tiih)g'ioriai the
liorlion, and then laartoff at la deeper
darknew. Tba patriota of rtUad are
ImprUontdand toalthtd, the ftra af free
dom waa exttogulttod to Pelted, aaY'aew
Hungtry hto fallte, tad Vheaat 'etoil wa
look far Im.,0.,1 llSi- A tto
de.thlm spirit of froedemt .;taattoaa
much light and latsigee la tto world
tottwer tba BtHeat of .ahri.liat'lm.lo
"' "s,,"e1isss
There it toasethtog 'pi
tulh'a appeal to ito an
rilBIBlM HhJ.. II.A'fkl..ItT 1
menttal Europe. Aad t If
jiX WA