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About Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1849)
il i 't zw OREGON SPECTATOR. "Ht S$Hj hf rt v41 Vol. 4, Mi " Wf .vard (ho ninr of I.niplro take 1U r,' JiL. iw rr- . ,' wrfjtfrivvwM muiTf r-jurmaaoggtrytn-aaiiiMfti-Wpria! WILSON BLAMI, Editor. POBTET. from lh ttcatnci ('Minrr Twilight nitalUK. nv MAir rat Wc kiMi-ia Itmir of -iwff tmligM, tlfilfgfhff calm anH awr! rr (, At In Unity fadraMir timirgM. Km It i in nit rmiit! iwllirowii Ttif n liow aw I aflVrtiuna gf n't In J, (Jo nil lotir iih! fitl rmbracr. MiM mom hi, all Inu flln , On tnir Watts ilialr intmory tue O I whtn alara mAIjt jam ngf IUntmty uiliaurt from alxfrt, Tktn lh ril exlly tltttmmg, Itvpvra lu ill rlii(M)irl Imr Mournful Utratsf ja)i trtrl( llfigbt llt rhaJitiJ atwl lta.aurrf Prf im gotif f Tlie UtArn liraiWil ha.Ot an inter rai)r itiof ' JN'i w on fifir) tti ! j'oni Hoar lIW titt far aa Wauilrrai'ii firm e aitli'a iwaom T tl n aluw of -iict tlty l,uU lit ttvtrt nif IJtiw tnll n, ,, Of lli Lnltt, uniftuiUl Utmg, l.irrtljr b'f nJ 114 vi.cra ItinlLug Inert. jo)P. liearru langM , May MVa niiil'gltt fad firrKly Cotiutle Hart iltior fall, as j-Hu'y, Cooling wa1it grutj) fljwj laliliMfilrnJ I am Miii. As tpjot lir d(arjr ii'i;ll, 1 lUir lor anJ ttuih Inrltetr mr, In my wil or Hut urnt ( fPHPWawMPB-? . MI80KLLANE0US. from th New Yk Hun Klines mm iiirouiii ivrrv ilirncully and i'i"r 1 1 triumph luinph 1 n hi Macsrs br s) iluni Ihrlrimn in Ii .'rony Intiguai'r, In the allack, he erteak the la ni!UK" 'liraL hi the allai. kt , lo Mi" tSi'lavr lie i Tk Prr-aVaUwf lluuaarr toward the prrgrr of Lib. ny ... Kumpr pcMnanencr, ,wer. and integrity in tho c .i a i. i . r ii . ' ii. f. L f, .h.fir.iilm,. ln,L' "P"l,,l: Ibat rrpublicanaainnolneces. Kouth, the I'reai.leiil of Hungary, . a In II irin. I or Ihnfint time in the '. . f,.rm,,nJi.. i.:i,-.v .m.i-.,. ....I . ,, . i,.. , r ni.i wn.i.i k ..m ,,...,,1... anni) riciicr hi law, ti'uiiwny roonrr anil a most remarkable man. Ai n writer ' llorv ,l nl.l worli.rnciilic apreeliM ...f , .,,,1 ,i.-t ir, ..,,.. .,.,. oralor. and g ner,l, he I, nliU ' W "f N.r''n' '4 n.r.WIH ,.rcclrly " '7! ' ' "' LZlTln without hi. rival in ,i, nation and per "nrrihe ms,,rr rf Hie ,e.Re. of our " ?! '""VXj 3,i '" haiinthe world. If Ida wriliura and l'ridrnt. In ll.e alT-Ira of ''""dT. ilaeir. It wmeiimea rr-iuires se. Ma'Tpwrhaa" r il,' i,.pta lo. ?urj"f Traner. I.r lake, up Iho budp la in order. '"" ';'na to trach Luropj-an, that a InVKhT-T I T. I J .:.,.!.. ':. .nd concludes, with a rraum. of ,1V r"'t aayag.. and cannibal., and though the lanpiiaj,'r of the Hrlatr, while lu ilw,"" Ik ! calleel into M-rvire, nimirwr liitorMagiiateeaiidlliUi..hrprinrl,f r l.HU '"n, I.UIHI.iHK) nf whom aro revolution for freedom, and rt.i'taiicr arened uh muikrt or lijiht arms. Il tyrant. In the rureat Latin. (Ifrihauai i"se IJdttianiHin, .100 battalion of hmirimut. mpriivand inanition, be I, nuvirat a loia. Time an in to havr tn.-irl.rd him he ia ahaping, ronaiais in uiiii.i tnrn. in regular arm), and it is hard I. delrrmlnr nl.ellrr be ' I'ranrr liaanow underarms IDI.INill nun, ttandaklKhrslata acldler, atauamaii, or and IM.OOll liortia. This army ha !' ntnror prophet ho certainly cmnLlnea ' ,"" ;'n. "f hlcli IM.TTO are bronir. the four characters wonderfully. Iloie ' " '''' P'tcs amount lo Mail. The I a specimen of his oralor, addresrul to nay of r-rnnm ciimdal of 10 ,liirs of the Hungarian nation : I ' "". s Wpeles. IJ corveiie.,V4 brig., "Two thing we muit do. Wr miist 1J traii-p-irl. and SI light vrsarNiif sail j rio andcruth the enrmy that deecrntrs."f uamrrs, 1 1 frysle., CI mrtitna. and the earth on which wo live, and we ..mat I dispatch Uv.1; this ..l.rractite tin I. not forget I Three needful : should I '' ierrvo lint ia coini. d of 10 alnpa the Hungarians fail in litem, then iiey of the line, Ifl sailing fngaira, III atiam are acravrneuple a pcoplnuf wretches,, l stenni ciirtrltrs, and it tn.iil of which Ih very l.smo in hi.totv shall nirr. To mini Ihr-o r.q..i-oll..(i of. be kin lo shamo ! Should the Hunger lr"-!! "' 'WiOli men. lauafail in thrso two, then they aro a pro "I"1 l,l"'s, 'f agiituliiirc, Industry nlo nf ila.ianl ,l.rillm f.vr.,1 'mid cnnimori'v, i rnually fiallrri.ii'. ll.oaaored memory of their Cirefaihcrs. t.l .1.1. tfll .r.t . .1 Gad tho I'lrrnal will .ay of them ; 'I rue thailavon which I crraud (hi nrnnl. !' And ahnuld Iho Hungarian fall in thrin two, then they1 are an orcuracd peopli so cursed, that the air nf heaven shall dia. own Ihcni! so cursed, that the sweet lotintain ansii turn iiracaian aa they op. proach il. The illungarian shall lm u vagabond on the faco ofthe earth. I'vrn th bread nf charity shall bo denied lo l piayor. And tho generation ol theurau. grr, that hath taken his subslauc", ahull give mm si ripe tor aim, lie lUiall Ik- like a vagrant dog, which even the mean. . est may strike. Vain are his prayer : religion na no cntnlort lor him. Mo has de.eoraled (iisl work, ami (Sml will not fiardon his sint no, neither hcru nor In ivavc n I The maiden be lifts hi c)ex to, shall spurn him from tho threshold, liko a mangy beast. Ilia wife shall spit into his eyea In the lulne.. of her soorn, nnd his chllds earliest words shall curse its father I l, each man take up arms! Rut as for the women, let litem go midway wlwcc.i Vesprini nnd Weisacnhuigh, and dig a arido grave. There will we bury Iho name, the honor, tho nation of Hungary ; or clan our enemies shall Ho In that wide grave I" The JKiuperor "Jltibaliu. Nolwitlwtanding t'.o Kniperor Nicholas blasphemously o.auiiwa that Russia la a "(jod.pre.orcd nation," to put down lib. erty In i'.uro, thare appear to be con. splralors against hi own life and govern, nient andthoae loo, among member nf tho nobltat famlllos, employed In the De. parlment ofthe Interior, and In diplomallo itfTalri. We have already alladsdln brief lo tho discovery at St. Peloraburgh, of a formidable oompiraoy, but Nicholaa la loo cunning a tyrant lo let the detail of tho discovery go to the world Tho plot was, beyond doubt, far deeper than It expressed in the fact thai bavo com to light. It Is known Ibat over on hundred person. war wImoVmip aorounts i.y from ! to three hundred mostly young no. hlunrrr, officer nf llio Guard and govern, mrnl official. Humor say lliu conspiracy was of socialist character, mid that with a num. bcruf llio arreted u found corrs.pon. drtiou wild the leailara of llio I'renrh rev. rililtlnn. If the light oforo clvlllxrd Burnpa hit (wnnlrilci Hum! at ll, it It milltr nf noaurprito lht conlrtclri uf ntne kind, for tocUlind political ama. lioralinu, uliould U lonirutrd. Il 1 tlin cauKi of liuiiiaiilt luatltic lively working ainonu ir.rn who havn ttn acarcrly ptr inillrj to know that lliry Imvha rllit to breathe and walk upright without lliogra ciouk aanvtioii of thn autocrat, and onn conp'raey i raofd llh Wool, will lo the wed ftruuml for new harvoti. The polite claruid with arrcilins thr rornpirtlori acted tritli the ureal! at bru. 1. Hit M. K..,.i.l . .ii.iin,,..ij,.4 1 hVinan, was droirged from his ld, whllni dvlng in the mld.l orhls wt-eploK relative. 1 Tim prrnns arrrstwl were fir.l imprison. ! cdiiilliefrtreMof St. I'eter.burKh, and li iiitini iimiiiui tin 1 iiriuuiii ann wero ulxra.iir nil v transf. rred to tho bar. ' racks at CronMadl. It Is said that the Council uf Senators, convened by the Rltirrrnr f,.r a.llrlnn nnnn ll. Plmul.., i;aln.tliini(nry, wrrr almost unanimous. 'y 'uppoudmii, which orratly tiirsgod""1"1""0"- N. Y. Sun. -L t' K 1 . ineir iniiwrni msirr. uneoi ine cniii Una or the chirr, pcnsioni reininneo irie i.mperoroi a stm .i, , . .. ', , ar folly whiili cave Nanolrnn two V o. .1 ' n 1 ' I,!., toriet over Ruin a.nnd warnd h 111 to l. , . 1 .1 1 li r warr leal .ml., on c.rrir.1 h'm loo far. I Lrrc is Ihing rotten ... Ilu.sla.-.N. i ' ",n that an nilis!iman should hare lieen pro- l.qrwtspof llic l(Turli lrc.ldrnt. '-"? "" ,"l1'or'li" of counwy . The .ner,.i;e of the I'reneh President. l''-hllicv upi-eUtcse cry thing nnK. 1 l.ouI, Nupolr"". i" """'' l f I"' ' ! ' l1n,c"",!,'' . ,y ".,." ,l,rl"J"ft'. lfl..encorii'.mr.canrep..Mfcanew...ple.,lm,ln,'?r,Ur',wu';,rJu Nc4 M mm h. l,o ever, in il Mril. a pnr ,,,7 '."' ,tU' ," ' "l0 " on'1 lion nf whirl, i. anvthhic but c-nrro.., 1 . - - r. .- M I i i Thr me.aage plvea a picture , of thr ,..i.,. and rcourcr. oF llrance. ... . ... . .... '"' ' rr I"'"1"')' force, we gather llio fol. lowing: Thaallonal"giisrd, liable at Ihn cunrd.wrrr organized for action m. the ssn in July tan. I he guarn momir, ! I'wnca has largily advanced farming .i.rlfiilllir.l Kiu.if.llf... .nil nn schools, a Uoillll .tllda to promote ll.r of -... ..-......., .... . I'or.e.. Th supply of food in Ihr conn, try laseiilov.n a .uiricltnt for nil pur. 'rs. Tho oon.iimpllonuf raw inalir. laisin ncr in.nuiaciiiresnaagreoiiy oir. The Problem dwell, with more sat infection we should, upon llu.aia'a reiognllion ortbr Itrpiiblie. This, Mr. NaKilron arenia to I Link imlTlrlrnl to .up. prrx any ri'moimtrauce auainsl llio de. shiiu pa n ir Russia I pursuing in Kuropo """" "''"oi " irD ' K'" ' """i". ' i" rresiuem is bent on selling tho city. We hope ho liy. 4n. '""J "" "lo niirmpi Y. Sun. Oral. Taylor and hlaC'abluc-l. Some of tho Whig paper hr lieen urging llio neceaslty nf Ifejicral Taylor and his Cabinet pulling forth soino dia. tinel adminialrativo policy. This the old (leneral did a few lias airo lu lomeraa linn ilh sime iioliiiciaiis at the While House. "Let us havr," said he, "good harbors, rood road., and (rood laws, and then we shall go a. head." The language may teem irank, blunt, ami undiplomatic, but If Iho administration will secure the three thing proposed by General Taylor, especially the good laws the country will be safe, and wo W go a-lirad. If wn can underalaiid General Taylor through hi professions of political faith, before hi election, wo think any further declara tion of administrative policy would bo superfluous. Ho ha repeatedly declared that. If olscled. ho would administer the gnvornment according to tho precedent of Ilia early I'resiiirnt. ir na pursues me course uf Washington, Madison, and Jef. ferson. keeping tho Untied Slate at peace w ill. the world, and enlarging her produo. tlvo and commercial capacities, with a just eye to tho Intcrcttt of all the sections, he will do hi duly nnd satisfy Iho peo plo. So far aa the proscription of hi admin titration iacoiicorncd.hecnn repose safely upon (he conduct of JelTcurn, the tin Oregon City, (Oregon Territory,) tjua nim of democracy who firnt act tho eiauijile uf a clear awetp, Iheonlycouraa ln to party If it iircti to maintain powor a a party. General Taylor ha uitplaytd a deal of tho Uld Roman, ilnco ho camo into power, and the report! that ha li in the hand of tilt Cabinet, aro alandcr. The fori-lgn appointment under in aiiniiniiiraiiuii, anow discrimination in favor of men whoa merila entitle ihom to prcfarinetit, allouetlier creditable. He haa not aanrtioned Ihn appointment of a man, to whoao character substantial faults or Llemlsliit aro attached. Now York Hun. Douglas Jrrrwlal I)nut;laii Jerrcld. author of the Caudlo lecturri and other celebrated works, ha sold hit weekly newspaper one of the most pungent journals uf tho age and it itii isk.TliarBCDL'sinol llio London I'uncli, ,"CH from,ll" Ucnt-a of his pen haa In rapld) rumiinK down of late. Jar. ,oW ". P,,"',. " mo nc'''el " poumt of phl!oopliy, wH and aatlre the ' i ,'"'r1 Prf0 r,r "! ' by hi own el iu.-r iiiru'f.iiillttlillK iivimk I iviii m lias carved a way to fortune (Torts, and ittmped hit name l'"n TOU(I IllChO in the trillpIO Of lite. "ry '"'no. He is an eiamplo to intpirt TlNi Aslor Ilnre RUt , ti. !.: - . t. r.,.. i i,. 1 ne I'.nifi,. i...? Is prniute In itacocn. ,i .,'ii. 'y,11'1 ments upon the Astor I'lacc riot, of courao .i.r.:' i. u. ir.ii iuelennine Mr. Mtorrady Trom he no prop rf, , ', of II. Tti , ,, ' -' marlmrwhslmnlounde,! ! m"", ' '" "" ""'."? """ '?" ." (.! t:riii mcn'iiiny never again orcauaa "r "J? , ,. ..' T . .T i . "V"1' ''" rir-t ''' 'J ln ."shtwilng Enc. ltah titililln mifninn. Anpvifw.. In Ikl. ' ..,-..-,-- . ..... rrsland that a competent friend of Mr. Porreal's is iirrpnrinz a pamplilil fur the pna, in hI.ioIi Mr. I'or. rvat'a cam and di'fr. ue will l fully ael forth. And hrrr e trim the controversy ill end N. Y. Sun. U'-alrru Cuiplro of Itio UhIom. i;,lry IICW nrr,, fmm California, I horp m 110rt. ,rm,,n,lra,calhal theareds 0f nn empire, destined to rival in com. irrcc, Wc.,, nd aplendor, the Atlanllc ,ca.Kard,aru planlrd on tho short of ,,0 ,,t.(5c, low vrr conglomerated the (,., lntv ,m i te,n Krn ,,rou,,h ,he lMnio,p1(,'rr 0f po)l)i mrpnluri. ,d m. ,,,,,., t, ftiturf radmliona are isihIo to ,, ,,rjetic.d cc, spreading in a mighlv ull, ,,, IU, cl'rcPt ,, Wll ,.mbraco in', ,Ktlll.,., fmrment, und grcatneaa in Mjulatlon, and nrry siwcira of inter, i ,,,, wm, l0 ,IP Anglo-Saxon, in hint, n. pursuit. Clifornia ladcatinrd to be ,,!, 1Mm ,j Aw.'at of the Union, ctulir. . i ui,i, i,i ,,,,,1 ,,. ,i r,,,i,ri i,i. ,.,,r) lurvof thr tropica. Those who I, 'it . .. nun aniir.ou. aim ro suarming lo lia 1 sliorrr, aro among the liunlieat and most Intelliirrnt of our younc men : men of all runk and priilea-iona, carrying with tlirm In the aggrrgute abundant mi ana to settle tlieuoeUca advantageously in the Wcs. tern Kinpiro of the Union. When lire gold fever first broke upon' us, the ury was, let us rush lo California and bring jway our share of gold, but as Iho dic'tiiiiB widen, and tho advrnture be. ,conieamoi permanent and reliable, men act their facaa towards Iho Pacific with the Intention of making their future homes in tho golden land. Cities and villages nillsprinif un in that wonderful wilJei nesa with iho rapidity of magic, and com. j merer hringing tn ila shore every comlorl and luxury nfother lands in return for her treasures, her people will find her soil moro attractive than those they abandon id in ararch of her glittering ores. All that is wanting to bring California, lo use a cant phrase, fully "into tho mar. ket," Is closer and morn rapid communl cation. A railroad across tho Continent, placing N. York within Ave or seven daya ur ban Francisco, will pour fresh thou sand. aye, million Pacific-ward, and tho Atlantio motropolia or the Union will, within twenty-tiro years, have n proud ri val on ah ahorea of the Sacramento. Such Is, not a dream, but one ofthe great rcalitiea of our age a reality which ia to clTrct a vast revolution In tho circulation of the precious metals, In the spirit of ad venture, and in magnitude of commerce, throughout the world. N. Y. Sun. Stwukn A. Dowlas, U. S. Sixatoi raoM Illinois'. A correspondent of the Pennaylvanlan elves a rapid sketch of the udden rise of this ceullaman. Aa it contain a moral for young men with en. crgy, but without means, we copy it : Kir.,'ttt In IliA .allnrlnirflll.L net In Vermont, by an affectionate aunt, who wished to keep him'near her, the to a cabinal ranker, we And him, twttt the year IW1 or a, wending his way" to tho Thursday, November 15, west. Arrived at Jaukwnville, Illinois, with three tMhri in hit pocket, ha aat out in search of a school ; leaches two sum rwr session, roads law under Mr. MnCon. nail, and In lri.1l is elected Praaaeullos Attorney for Morgan couuty beMlagCoT Harden, who fell at Iluena Vista ;ln 1836 a mroiber of tho Legislature ; in 1840 Secretary of Slats ; IR41 Judge of the Supreme Court ; In 1843 a candidata for tho United Staea Senate, and aeattn by Judge llrcew on the Itttl. ballot. Sama year elected to the House of Repreesnta. live of tht United States, and In 1640 was nominated by acclamation in a can. cus of the Legislature and elected to tba United Stalca Senate. Tbo speech which he made In favar of refunding to General Jackson the fine imposed on him by Judge Hall, was declared by J. Qulncy Adami to be the ablest ever made un that aubjtct in Congress. Iloclearlv proved that laa General acted strictly within the constitu tion In declaring martial law In" New Or. Uans. At an interview between him aad the Old Hero, at the Hermitage, General Jackson expressed to him his warmest thanks, told l.lin that he always had doubt aa to tho constitutionality of that act but now."aartboOcneral, "my doubts are removed ; I did not violate tho const), tutlon I can die la peace." Fraa tit .Vsiiorul Era. "uenou. to tub bbate." Forgat Iheai ast forret UVrm not Th own wboa raarles boaoa. bars Atone, amid a basset" fats, Wtisa fsar aad lah aad tsaat anax, Tba ousel, o'rr and a'.r t Forftt then no Ihos tool of flurw. That Rwbrd tl.tlr (lory luniufh IL &!(.!, And raiif Heir itu-crj o'er lb dio ltisn) by Ihr torming boat of aa Alcoa; .lie uorUs1 fllil t Furgtt thtai Bat tho noU few ho tiark launched fsarlcM oa lb wsvm, Whit rouod Ihein d4d th ocean spray, And o'rr thtni (leonied th lif klaiog play, And dark brncalh Ih. lurid ray Ywned omu, wtrry rravc t Forjet Ihent not wbos nerrooa bands feinot fiaot ail ia Ui face, PlwckM by th beard (ray.hasdtd Wronj, Awl itared tb venreuc. of th stnaf. Ia ill Ins priJs o.' ultc. e And, Oh ! 11 us nmembtr wll Tl burdan of conlcmpt sad sham Tl burning chk 111 heav.oc braasl f TheflasJiinr) Ih lip eoniprros'd Tti scathed and blif bled nam The scornful fingtr of th world The sniite of supercilious man Tli cbiUm fiance th' STrted y LoTed onra eatrned thai pua'd Uitro by, Warm friends ia youth bad been ! Now, when th lorcbe lby bsv lit r .re sll Hie hill-top of the land, Wlirn host) dfptlin nets, And litad, b. m ildrrtd as he feel Uealli s cold anJ fatal hand Now, when Ihr phalam, otK so small. Dm loot mlfhl ahitU Ilia hula band, Haiti swell d into n inl;hly tiaat, h.i h Ihuuuiids In It rank can boast, U Hh ready heart aad hand Oh! whd warns abroibtr'sclarp Twthoos who corn to aid u now, Wliils await Ih shout which welcomes Iho One ranrej f ainst us wilh oar foe, Fof et not w lit men who bar I.Ik him the Vmlh U.ila of yor Th thwn-oncircled brow I Force! Ihein not force! them not Let memory tbrtue Uisir deathlo. names ! That when their gisea are old and rrean, Their deeds of lory ma) b Men, High on lb fronlof Fata I Orwall, October, 1848. Prakabla Caraseiai War. It is now clear that Kuropr, unless aomo extraordinary event Iraiitpire to check it, Is about being involved in a general war. Three great power, Russia, Aus tria and Prussia, or their soverelgne at lea.t. have joined hand and thrown down the gauntlet to the republicanism of France, Germany and Italy, and to whit theycall the rebellion of tho Hungarian. The triple alliance of despot can probably count on sympathy and aid from Naplea and Spall in. J he' i ney nave at tncir command the balancl anca of military power, and the Doaiton i to give it preetlge. Their plan have been long considered, and are deeply laid. They baye the eupport of the ari. tocraey and iraslpriealbooo they repose upon the shadow of "divine right," and to save regal tilUs, and dignitie enjoyed for centuriee, t! ly win struggle wita the energy of deal r. Their all la cast up. on the coming Itle. Throne and do. I llic aad powers, all that minions, prlnc! for asee haa b. i forged rrom the awcat neoble, end which the and blood of th people reelaltn from a horde of crowned robbara and tyrant. U to be loet or wan In tbi war between despotism and liberty. Hungary I mad the ostensible cause of Runla's participation In the flahl, but France, the mother and center of the r.voluilcn,iaJbe rest oaues. lIuag.ry is not in rebellion ; su strikes lor ins in. trDrl.vnfa roKa.l.ii.Inn nldar than the 1849, ai-HMH aa III I i i dynasty of ItoMpb and llapaburg. She defend hearthe aad altar older than the ImperUllty of Auatrta, and.ta tka name of St. Slepben, eeeke lokeep ustaraisbed the crown whlca an Austrian Emperor woo by inrriage, and which be awore to wear aad tVrafM aecordiag letter eoattl. tutlon." Tkras) Moatba ago, AutttCs, by Jut enneeaelea, anight have diesratd ev ery Hwagariaa ; migbt have kept aa ally to whom bar earpirii ha beea mora thaa oaee indebud for piotectloa, and save) nerseir irom toe humiliation or lavoaief the aid of a power to wbloh aha atoet hereafter succumb. Th battle begiaa IfHancary prove with Hungary, aad all aaa arawrfsee, ft l if the Russian . mar end there: but cape a grave on the baaka of the Drava ard Daaube, the battle 111 be trasserred to Italy aad France, aad ,Genvaany too, will feel the ihunder of ha tread. Rua. la aref to restore tba power of Aaetria and Prussia ; tbea tba leaser throaee are to be rebuilt, aad exiled and craven king to be raouated oa laem once saor. la I throwing dowa tba gkiiatlat, Raaafa u I catea bar alilmataJeaifa. lb palate iadi. at Franca ( Weatern Mirepe) aa tbe aricia ol the revolution, and menace tbe diaturkw ers of the security of king aad tba peace of nation. Prano be taken tbe hint, and France, ere ae permit Huagary ta b crushed, Otnaaay r-tlaeraV'aad Wljr taraded, wut take pan ia tba aaiu. )t la, aad must be a anal strife a divine nriaoipiaT agalaet a wicked oant freedom against tyraatiX-iba fieple gelatt tbe monarch, aad at God is je, who oaa doubt wlre the victory will incline. Republican Europe muot at once gird nerer.l lor ine conuics, onins ner luraass, and meet her foe ere be ie flushed with Iri umph. Prance, Italy, Germany, aad Poland, can beat back Rnaabt, 'Austria, and Prussia, and foreman free Barope from the thraldom of klage.- Tba belli nuy be long and bloody, Cut tbe etakc ft worthy a twenty yeara war aye,' worlajr the sacriGce and lasmolatioo of 'aatioae la blfod. If freedom I tbe right of aaa- w aaaume it, aad Btnwaa begiaa to atet it death i rnorettolerable tbaa boadage, and the war agaiaet deapotiewi i maet be waged until freedom l( leenred, thougb tbe fields be eoaked, aad tbe river ran with blood. Look t tho throaee for a thousand yeara reared and ctaisaetd whb blood. Lexatjiee?aawwareefihe tyrants tbey aavwfet seraedtokateb er million of tba people to gratify their ambitious lusts. Let tbe war boat tbea. Liberty will pas through lie name re. fined and triumphant. England will not oppose ber, and the aeration, lha hope, and prayer bf American will 'Invoke the God of battle""to her ald.-Itaw York Sun. Aaalataattwt ky tka rrcsttletM. President Taylor and hi Cabinet have made most of the inreortant forehm ap. pointmenta, erttling an amount of agony among candidate, not to be ariprecwMd by any novice in office bunting. Abbett Lawrence, of Masaabkuaette, r to repre sent tho country at the Court ef St. Jamea , William C. Rive, or Virginia, at Pari; William A. Graham. Ex-Goreraer of N. Carolina, at Madrid : Bailie PeytDaTof Louisiana, at Chili; George P. hMreb, M. C. of Vermont, at Berlin ; Waehrag. ton Barrow, ot Tena.sees, at LIsbeaj, aa minister plenfpotentlary. Taeniae L. CrittenJen, of Kentucky, at Liverpool; Lorrnao Draaer. of New York, ai Havre ; Rdward Real, Ex-Governor of Maine, at Rio, aa Coaeula. Ei-Govemor Graham ia reported to have declined the mission to spam, in post was aougni oy ajoionet Webb of tbe Courier. Tbe mission to Russia I alilriopen. Coloael Van Alen, of this city, rule beea appointed Charge d'AtTalre at Belgium ; D. at. Foeje, of Buffalo, at Bcwota, and E. G. Sqttrre, the antiquarian, at Guatemala. New York aun. Mmpt Orwwtli Usa Nacta. Weal. The rapid I'loreaaa ofpopulalioa in tbe North Western State, a shown by tba popular vote einoe 184, la whaotrt paral. lei in tbe bletory of tbe Statee. Tba bel. anoa of political power la fast oalaabaatiag weat of tba Ohio aad Misataaipei, and a few yeara hence we ehall ate balr a dosea Statee, contlglous to those river' aad the great lakea, awaylng tbe eVeMena ot the ballot bos. Tba following table, giving the vote of six Statee aiace 1840, will beet show the increase, aad will serve a in. strucllve data for ambition politician to ease their future speculation upon. lMOT 1W8. Ohio, - 378,490 858,800 Indiana, 116,808 153,783 Illinois, V O8!"" 120-,al Michigan, Ml08S 68,016 Wisconsin, ,3C Iowa, icTifya Total, 638,780 784,047 Aeeordina lo tbi table, lbs leeresae is iortyaeroetilln eight years, equal lo 00 naran. laten vear. or eoual to the 10. tal vote of Vligiols, North Carolina aad Louisa n the south and lo the total veiVfjMaesohutl, Connecticut sad RhooVrstend. ia tho north. The popu. latloa oflbeee States in 1840, was 3,900,-, o tns ,ou, ?op ? . a-.- ..- ,-w I10H. IN. I. OUn. lTi' Emigration ari isoa,ioas rbrmer wear. porta le pld rfth old tfettd: a fraaBatarvatleaand ptatllMw, tail aafje stream ften TreMad. Tssffawt af Htm Yarit Ii' tba realpieat af pakly,Ja third ef aba. eatka awrlvale, Jfetr Or teaae raaaleaatha aaat Itejistaambir, while .Baieaj aaaag, tlaM'wm (fat. Veet mtaJiawN ale gad Iks JlmUl awHaa by wayof tbeCaaada. ItWarver . ifcev ma be unladen at Halimsr Mflreai, they aooa BaajMir way artMM The arrival! at Besfaa fast want overs,, ue arrifHaal k uad red. . Werbi,tba "MlA,ll ihtfUailed aleacirtad la tkftilUetaal"kMlMd iagwaraateealia-all... Latllw (trike fcr tksjr ta aac chle aaW'1 swa 'aaaresta' aaax amis. Of tba imlgmaw via New. a peruaa aw Brai BaBsxassaVag ayaTvwawssaaK, fertlfa hHtfm mS, eaUaftmaaa Ipliliii wjnfawHelaw TBWKr on trie Weat. Taaai ef latlrerUad, wit,' fffaw ufc h ;, JMtUTAJtr Foxes or OwSat timtm. Wa leara fVean aa artfala a. ttw'Ua dea Tlmaa taat tbe areaMst eawafj va wreja or utwet Brtuta te iiwjswv asea,. awetbeRoval Artittervt bklao there are 196 reatmeate af aaaia.Jftaa etaffof which ItoalyketHaa la liase-ea peace) la tbe diSkraati faaaaT. had, wValfja ftOMHMa MM HMMMr1wWaMI ticitUeaoatiasisjas,aaiy Tba aaval toraa coaslst a'tM aUa of war, carrying frees If iM'aajaa M 9jSasvwVBa fJBUsVsrwiwtr h aaaaaa aala ataiaa nr. ar bsaaalaa-. Of these 106 are, araaad alumire, IpM eJ tka asset pprvrl.prlaalalee. fcr.aawiva sea tarvjee, of frees 1M latM beesssaw. efeeahT. .,""" " iM MMRsWaMv aMvS wssMIIQrVV (tra WHtKm W seaea tJ0M mal Wsarbies. In aMtisa are lb enrolled dockyard battalias ef Oeptbrd, Woolwich, Chatham aad Bbaer. sees, Portsmoatb, Deveaporl, nysaewtb, ast Pembroke, amooatlag to from M,ff to 36,000 men, all of whom are laetraet ed in gunnery aad coast detnce,i la ease of say sadden outbreak with aferelga power. Tn Gxowth or Gsaim tx nt U. aV A. twrreepoadeat of the PaJladelskda IjaataaaaaNT Mfl! "Tbe talented and InaetaJJcable aeev mimiewer of lb Palest Omee T pareatag hb etatMlcal taqairiss with tmabat) v. or. 'The crepe ofthe United Btstee, tku ring tbe last year, as siiiHslsil by, htm, were quite, or neatly as reuewa: Indian Com, 540,066,066 bash. Wheat, Rye, Oats, Bockwhst, Barley, lll,uw,esjej " njmjm - lT,twaV66a 11.676JM0 6,7aM64), M Beej,sJw,ss.sw saaaa. Total, What an enonneas meant this, fcr en. ly twenty mlllloae of people, people, too, not graalveteas, but y a meat eating nee. - Exrsxsss or ni Fsxitca As as Natt. Tbe.estlsiates for Ih department of the army amount to tM,76664f., be ing a million of franc lees tbaa tbe last eetlsMte. The ferae amtaanto tOMl men, sad 60,061 bersse, ef wbie) N,Ta men, sad 14,986 borsee are siiisralii to Algeria. The estimates of las aavy aro lH,aW,066f. The fcroe eisslet of SOS ship of sll elaeaM, sad t7,STI mes. Tbe Mtcwlsf are the detaha of the shies In the rvloe: 6 ship of the Use, r frig ates, 15 corvetste, 16 brlge, 87 light vee- Ml,nirssaert,oi ateam veaeei, vraeeiseflineAtncan axaiion, a In twwafwfna it radt, aad IB la earn it pert. Miutast Oloit. Aa English Jeer. nal say: Mililoasof beahele ef humaa bones have beea titaefortoi fYtas lbs osa tinenl to Hall, England, fcr .agrleulwral nurooees. Those. wbJeh wore, eolleeted oa the plains of LelMie, AeattrWa, aad watarwo, wore is waeso usa aewrw, sore lbs boassertas bravo, I tbe eblvslreue, wke fcN Igbts ' aatry's battles. Wttfc taJMa learrj sWrVawwej Wf"W BsTaajaB tbe sold sad I tng their aouatry'i watat sniaafl aaa aa both were eeoveyedte YsrluUro, wksr Ibey wore ground tedast, otetla a)wMee. tor, aad sew fcr msaer". Two Last DaLLaa-Aa Aisnlesa, eaasr ackMwMges M reeoest f a esv erasiaaaWaeks4AMjla tea ia a good baai, HMstsfa MM wlsav H Ins, ibis is the lest of 60,000. Tss l OirThevaleeof- notS -'? via fltia alii aXMssaaaVJi wTwaoaroeof weaitvte eeaifa twfW Uen aad eottle dowa ka aasMa m ear Ma soil.' Tbe tide towt Vrlaalpeilly tVea Great Brltaia aad Oswiiar.'Tba largaat I. famUal aMaMaai fJaaBaaal bbbbbbbbT. ejjBTJjBaTJaTJaTJaTJaTJFr immmm ramrfl...aF S a V Vf PsVHpvl(fjaWInMmalllTaT RMMiMMitfvtr mm m mmM.AimA kUrni sUMrtnpML4n t'Jkmf asaar wiise laapaw ssasot atBaspveaaayjasr. "SBaaaaBuil: . f asjeatasaaalaa.-al yiwsyl1 i k V w.' w i 4 & ,X&h .A.' , aaasaa " .?,,Jt'nUr iiTOJsTiMsa.