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About Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1849)
RTr-V! 'J.J rftat" .. ystV 1 I." I '! .' as-tls-sl mH n' -kadB mkubm Nasar ss,TaBr TaYsraB"oBBj, s"jjiBaJse' twa af 1Mb. Maw ska MriltriM two wnM mH eV Vmdm af Had. Mt l IMI fcMfli 10 iMMn asto iV aad htm whMtWtfcaa are at Mfrfchtae Ma atiaa-l. aad tlma ilBtlBe the tew altBouga tan Mrftt ted time Mm aa mimmIU rsfffe arista hum ttetB. Bo artmted hwt to anair tae:ra-a to go oa bo. ey are stow. Am. rkroa. Jour. THE SPECTATOR. f ' MUMONClTTi, n asii sasfiiinai , THURSDAY, NOYKMBBR 18I0. Dssloarst Ml Ik .VhtMfltog klMMMMMilM fUU fioopooUofUhUrriiory. TmmWwIUI -ft greet tUfObliO, 01 B float MWt of. ImAmhIcm KtpaMU, wfll mm grew MMtMiMwuf mnrnti, nw kfgMWfcl wm Wwm Mk kthta aeeatry aad k BanftV Aa sfWo aaUsBpMOtao asked of em MM atfOrOgWttith iJuflll tfUiiW. reotjag M Ua ia t lew af the inn and prosperity of lie eocairr, wa Qd UvoacsTomplieboda Mod work. . WeVopcee ia tUa erltcH to aotic a pf rattier of a-rare importance to ail reflecting mind, Bui, in the first place, we will prcetat Mr reader ome interesting and judloioo mark taken Iron. tae Loaaoa Bon.?1 Of all tli aeawavaaeMeriaa mtU die. OTry In CaUfcraia, aowerer, A ate arxawe wut iaeriiaaly ha tha on. of- tba setUeaaeet m tat aaatom of tba PmUo aaaaa. " Beam half a CMtury aaa slops, taa malt of taa i nwvemeoi ei taa aasio-saxeaj raca to taa extreme onnfi.eo of taa waatom. hesala pbsre, to those oomtmm watek twanHita- (adin seas, wilf ba atraaatiUa te tba ara- . aVMaiauoa of their sway ever tba arabl. aelago of tboae ariaatol ilhatiis Tba aaat win Btutmtssi? fea to oaable taa wwu si us Asaaaa raaaa to -"- f JiTifiilaaiiaM . WUbaiaauhai arial ba tbaa opeaed far tba iMailai of Eaat.adoaUatawaaea' abBtoaalaa w aopoatbeopaoaiiaiaafcaartaa ariaa. talraoaa. TMUaaralaMMMaaiBa -r -'- -niHinjhlxiajjf J-L- uaanr, win act toMlbar uaanr, win tomtaer mm bm aMto but ductflj intaliaat at Aato.' AaMlgr tUa two fold iaspataa bfTbartom taTte POtiam may ba alika afrahwl mmd tk woraklpean cl Badda aad iW danlilit af Maalam mar bath ba adaahtod iato tba mmiif 01 wnmiiiM, Naranaelam ttfaaa alhja U iLa mora exaiw- aatwaaltoa tbat wa m ra oognlia tba baaln '- kb.s .111 iMrbablr flow from Urn aataUiahmaat of great atttiaaaata ia taa ragioM ofCalifcr- um. unugauoa 10 Wl OMMMtT WUI UM of oottiaa to raliara oanalM. ha ! P9loa of our nduadaat pepalaUoa. It -.. w, inn, u a maiiar or aaeeaat. Xj, to an Inoreaaed daamad bt ear auna- aoiure. tsrea anaaaaiaa ikai aeriDtioni cr the mmaral waafiS of the cold regions hould mn a km hm grlevontly ntmrated whieh it by no BeantiraprobabTa-M Batumi fertility ef the toil, the axqultite geaUlity of the climate, .tid the btalibfoi incitement to exertion en the part of the colonlttt, cin. oot fail to render their posiUoa anything but irksome. The iniHiMn.l. k k... ',rcft"j migrated to the precinott of the ocroincnio win inerilably eren, bo we have jutt hinted, In the erent of the cold mania turning ou! ia ka knki.i-j. jMM M aaat. waroaaawan aa waatwarda-taa aMwara aad BuaMto of Jaaaa, tha irtilm ajdaii ef (MooatWMbjaaad mm, a tba Chlatao, tba BMdiaaaf kaasaaL aaaa. I'prlVethe germ of on of thoe mlnhty 7" wuren naT iromume to time obilnged the relatlre opacity of different empire, and accelerated the progrrailof the human race in the path of civiliza. tion. It le principally, if not entirely, from theso conjlderttien that we are diipostd to regard iviih a certain complacency the rag for remoral to California which if now agitating the maiaet both in England and the United Statee. In many In.tan. ee 'doubtlM, the pataloa ol oupidity will lead the more blindly ararieioua to ruin; but, In Iho majority of caxt, the effect of the excitement tnut prore beneficial. A lottery to acme indlriduala, California n lit pwrc to other a tecum and remunerative investment. In unison with this writer we believe that in Oregon and California, will tocn bo erected populous sovereignties. Nor are we in the tmallttt degrco diicourtgcd en account of the prettnt ruth ofemfgra. lion to California. That all should with one coment maI:o an effort to enrich them. elves in the Gold mince in tha firrt plact , ia one of the moat natural things In the world. But the time ia coming whon tho "aecond tobtr thought" will claim domin. km. Capital must bu Invcated in reaiden. era, Ta farms, In trade, and in manuiau. V turei, In otHer (oils proper enjoyment.- ti' "if i"ei iiumicr'iiat warch fr IgatdiBMrary fcr areotat gratlfieailon in TtMBoaatRravagaao. vvBnTer,inrn tMMl) aHawan bar amaaeed a suffiolen. ey to aubfy taelr desires; or, which will ame'lbe taaro usual occurrence, when tbey bar become worn out with tho h beraof laamlaes, they will bc.tln to In quire for locatloM, for happy homes, or lucrative business, and then will Oregon's sua rla In all her magnificence. Tt beaUhfulnem of this climate will lata have peculiar charm to the worn out aad ahttterrd constitutions of the poj. soesort of the precious "dust;" our com taeroo will hold out bright allurements to the who wish to engage in active pe cuniary enterprise; and our exhaullr hydraulic privileges, and beautiful plains will suggest delightful scene of home and bappineas; and sooner would vre anticipate aa entire revenal of nature 'a laws, than tbat multitudes will net soon begin to pour iato lMe Territory. And those who come will net come la search of sudden wealth, aa mere transient tourists, but as those who hare wealth, which '.hey are anxious to laveet. We ask" the careful attention of the reader to the following Items. FMMlag its OrrRou. It ia a Axed maxim In political economy tbat a rigorous prosecution of agriculture ia iaiiepeassble to national greatness. Mm may think, and feel, and speak, as tba will of farming, yt thei- cannot al ter tba experience of alhages that well cultivated fields, tnd a numerous stock, are tba grand evidences of the true ueaith of tba state. Even gold itself, in the ab sence of vigorously proseuutcd sgricul. tore, will not can not secure penimncnt nmenarhv. Have our Orrron farmer I daly reflected upon this subject! Ha.e they weighed their own and the public I "", aeiBhborhiM ol n illamette talis, welfkre with calmness snd deliberation? h-re the moat extensive improvements What must be the effect of thetfcejiation I ' I'S"". Mechanics are receiving of farming on the future condition of the ,r" 'I" per day, and from .'itol'J Territory 1 Suppose we become depeud- Pr wlure lorcarjwnter's work. And all MN fcrsign countries farcur breadsluffs 0,,irr kln,la of mechanical labor commands wfllnottheUnd of the Territory become ' "luall.v R00"1 aS" depreciated a thousand per cent! IftiVrel Let us for a moment compare thri re. aot dancer of losing tbe substance in ' wrd' of lttLor ' "Sa ci'y snU ,,,e tnBsat!o at tbe shadow! Bat the majority of our farmer have beeata Uremia. Tbevhav seen the Um. Tbey will therefore be able to aaako Utelr owa cakulatines. We mere ly; Mggset a few items from which they 17 reason at their Isisu'. We bold tbJetratb to be eelf-evtd., tbat Oregon, ee fcraseoil, cli--, aad health are con. rrad, stands riralledaaaa agricultu lUtsOMtr-. a.ewboleqoestionis, will it pay- sfo aaako tbe following ettimate af w'AtOM ataa may do, supposing he bar. a aaU fhrai lasarevsd aad stocked: MasMwasat, Msashpseau s5 aiXW toaasslsstllt, MOI-sua, ulOcutb. K)0 rasss srtatm by ealtora tad lm- lvo Una I smXW To this we would add another item wMohcaaaotk.valcnlated by dollar, and eeou, health, peace, and contentment. In tbe boeom of ones family, the surest cuar- aatoeof aripeoldag. The above es- timet is auBciently moderate to frre it from the oharge of extravagance, end yet how many have done better in tho mints? Wo do candidly think our farmers would do better for themselves, their families- abdtheir country, by leaving the r incs and prosecuting vigorously their ajjm.ul. tural pursuits? . Slckne-IuCnlllor.iln. We regret to leap that our c.t.zens who bare gono to tbe mines have suffered immensely of sicansas anu aeatli, and ol ' s Kn.,,.. li.Ws m., h.ll--.t !.! .-., . t tavM..o ...b ,, icauKu i.ic.r ua.nsea ' lions in the accumulation of gold. They ' are returning home in large numbers both by land and water. They nearly all wear a pale and haggard couutcnar..- . telling too plainly that labor, exposure and disease had msdesad havoc of their ton slitutiocs. We have ofien felt, while wo have gaxan the pale face of a returned friend, that gold gained by such a of constitutional vigor was dearly earned. I We learn from those who havo returned that .hero l.a. been a great deal cf sick- neand.uin.ring in the minir,, rerrn I and from w0 see, we ia,,,,.' ' -,- 1 l(i ' j Our California readers, however, will not for a ir.empr.f tunrsiiui tint t. m.. by tho foicgoing rt(rrl:s to speak dirp.irn. frinolv ftf iflAiV ftivnrtt tnitivlMi H' ... aru disposed to regard Iho sickness that .. .,' , " ' ' , """""' l."prcv.iledfnlhemIne,,more.,ani..-reV't'"I"rf,r" of P""". '" la cldentof the exi,uro and manner of liv- I,,,I MCt" ""X w".'"l"d and lag cf tho mine),, than of Iho country . "" '? V" wi" "" . self. Wo have reason to U-lievo tl-ut I, 'J"r C i' ' g'' o a. tho,e who arc living ut heme witli their U'cd ''" i"'1 ""n H our lii-ait i,-u families, end ' engaged in thu oidinaiy w,)h '"5ni tucces. pursuilsof lifo aro healthy. Hut wo ftil ' l,ero Mc, ti2 t:uc!l r remittent and dlspo-d'stilltoprcaatho question mi our own citizens, would net a smaller rum ' with robust health, be more duirullo 11 you iiaiogasucu ui eo inutji risitr , , ,p, " : sno "iiiamcire, rirom iii lot.; rams, il rising vfrv np- Vv reoi LBBtber TrssaJe. We have been favored with the' follow. Ing aa a cerreot list of the votsola aad cargoes now loaded, or In progress of load. Ing ia the Willamette and Columbia Hir ers, most of which are ready to sail for California na soon a the weather, (which )ms been to smoky as tu detain them for eme time), tt 111 permit: Madona, 130,000 ft., told for 100 per M. IS,000 Ocean ltird, 135,000, worth lil.OOO Sacramento 110,000, " 11, WO Huntress, .140,000, " 34,000 Henry, 00,000, " 0,000 Aurora, S00,000, " 30,000 Diamond, lin,000, " II, MO J. W. Cater, 00,000, ' 0,000 Anita, 0O.IKH), " ,0,000 II.M.Fcldler, 180,000 " 18,000 tl.'M.OOO 9140,500 Thuait la made to appear that the hand some sum of UH,!V00 haa been awarded to our cittxens for their industry aad en terprise in developing the resources of ourcountry. We understand farther that all the above shipmtnU have been made since the first of September, and iiso that on several of the above vessels there arc home frames and shingles, not reckoned in the above eatimat. Those who real. Uothis reward of their labor were at the same time in the enjoyment of the com forts of home and health, and social life. Will sn equal number of our citizens bring homo from the mines an equal amount of calth, and viih it an Unimpaired con slitutioo. Ilerbuiiicnl Lats'tr Illnti Wages. Mrnhanical labor commands enormous ' I"1"' Pricnl J" Ml Territory. In jgou mines. A msutogo to the mines ordinsrily consumes about 300 daya, near six months, and with general success, he may bring home, say 93,000. And this is the maximum average of tho profits of the mass of the miners. Tbsro are, it i true a few who aro more successful. The mass have not heretofore realised more thin our estimate in a six months expedition. Then eupposo ths carpenter went to work at 910 per day, at tho same time, and he will in tho 300 days have realised the same, and at 910 per square be will have earned still more. But what is espe cially noticeable is, that the man who r. mained at home enjoys robust health, and ran asm anrthiir ihotiaanrt m M1 tha mlntir . ...,.,.,..,.. .. , , ... - ' " - " " "" " " OmrOtecj. Wc do not ln"nJ ny '' foregoing not). ces, to cast any reflectiona on our friends and neighbors, for going to California Heretofore it haa appeared to bo a duty devolving en every one who could do e "iili propriety, to go o the mines, and pnturetho rniarii of repairing thu losxes cxperienctd in the ovtrlai.d journey in tWi rmmtry, and,to improve and stock his w .11. Hut one brief year lias produced jav.irid rful revolution in affairs in Ore- J - ,.,,. Money is now abundant and easily 1 0,JtainH InJ icr,ft , wc ,. ,e 1 ,;, ,, ,rriveJ w,icn ue 0uM ,,, 10 rl senro some signs of convaltfc itnte from tho "yellow favor." Our ob. ect ia and will be to advocate n aprody H'nn '') -'ttlcd habits and home Indus- tr". California. Our filed of the Alts California aro aa late as .'(pt. 13th. We have the following interesting Items of news: Joseph Daniel was convicted of the I murder nf Peter Petit, snd was to receive " , " i d k, i . H" !' T' "U"cr hi"Bw"'u'y v. " f" ,n. a "lV"' f" '"- I l.o iniigranu from Ihe Rlates, to tho i.r ........ ... e 1 r ' "'.', were arriving In Tho convcnliou to frame a Coiulitulion j f parlory to llm admlnion of Californlu lltri that Illlf.n its) re tfit - Ui. ' "tnl '''u"" Hacmmciilu city on l,lC ',t"I, ;uno Arrlv's of invalid- from "" '"""" a,c 'Ky'"y "jy occurrence. i;cc-iesiusilcal Notice. I'uiilitworsliipwlllcormenco on Hab Public worship will cormenco on f ath'nexl, at 3 .clock, P. M., lu tho h Vn. ,..r P'sahyterlic Ch'irth nr Mi'n Jlrf' Te CorrtMpondent. 'The Enquiry" was too lata for this week, but It will appear in the next pu per. Tbe writer In aasurod of a hearty welcome to a corner, and a conspkiinus on too, In the Spectator, so long as he pours forth suchmulodlousstrnins. Wo itro ptrUitid that our poetical friends hate reim nibi red 110 with Mich prompt i-j.ox'ration, but no nould also It gratified with any awislnnce uur Irieud may be willing to afford in In tint wa) of essays on a great variety ofsubjrcls which need to be discussed In this community. Qulen Salw'a audienco would have been plr.lsed to have been Jnlbimrtl when ho "lolds forth" again. From Iho I'. K. Wehavo tho New York weekly Nun of July 17lh. This contains our latest news Irom the States, and from Kuropo. Wo find nothing specially iutervsting but such as we have we spread bnforrour readers. It will be seen that tho Cholera still rages fearfUAinatl the principle cities of llje Unload It will also be observed that rebellion and revolution are still the order of the day in Kurope. Inrtrkcis.' It wll bo noticed that there has been a still farther sdionco in tho price of bread-stuffs. Wheat has been stationary for a cck at 93 per bui-hcl. The stock of groceries in this maiket, lixcept sugar, coffee, and tea, is very nrur- l- nM.i,,,,. ,1 Mat. .i-riii, tali.rnliK. anl. v ........-. ...,......,., .- ! phur, and m.nv other art.Jc. .11 cc.s lain demand, aro wry scarce. 1. to bo had 1.: nil, anJ command high prices. A . argo of hollovt. are stntes, looking ut.nnli, patent water pumpa, c, would liud g'xl litaikd here. Indeed this market ia far fivm being glut'anlj.v any kind of mrr. cliaudlte. lutcniponuK ' gnln As the al)iinding of drunkrueaaiu our atreeli is "something n t mnlcr the sun ,' in Orecon cltv. we will hi xrud il in seem sermual) urrent that some elliiifnt ineaiures loihcik its ravage h.uld U' adopted. We are w. ling that tho IralVn should go as far as the law permit, be cause Ilia so far lawful; but up do wish to see il restrained at least within the lim its of ths law. Are our temperance lov ing citizens determined to abandon thr leoatest. and allow Kins? Alcohol lu reien r . . .. -. ? adntema and unmolested 1 Now is the r,. k. Ji..,i... .... .in...n-.n.inn,... ..... .......'. WM, ....W.... .. .'U. l.L t If you shrink from duty wo will hold you up before tho world as unfaithful to a good . - "I cause, Andes the deliverance of the city from so much drunkeneas is a good work, we would suggest whether the officers of the troops stationed in the city, might not pro perly lend a helping hand. Wo preaumo they could, a In mitViirr, do efficient ser vice in this cause, greatly to their own comfort, and to tho satisfaction of every good citizen. The nail tor Orrgoa. Of all tho badly managed things per taining to tho interests of Oregon, we do think the delivery of the mail is tin worst. Thconl) thing almut it tl.nt we can commend, I the fidelity i,f nur ettemi'd fellow citiy i, ("apt t'ro-l.v, u. fulfillini; his i.att or tlio contract. . el, tic rir ry confidence- that so much of the Oregon from r .. a. Il.iw. m r, h- .11 1 ... tl.u. n n I .id h. en rixyivul in Purl of th 1., Il.,,,p, ..I .1.. I'.... ..I. .....!... .. 11 r , i .. ... 1 , 1 1 1 ... 1 .. .1' ma I a liu I its way into liia liiiuli, wil . .. . ' bo delivered as promptly as Iho nature of inoctuewiu aumn. What has become of the Poit.r.ffice a- gent for Oregon uri J Californhil Weho ho will not forget that Oregon is still look., , ., r, n , 1 ing for him. I he ro nro energetio and , rcsponsiblu men waiting .i hid for carry- ing tl.o rnaila in this Territory, and that ' tcoon very leaaonablo terms. Our pro. piliavoi'iiiii.pnvf.iiii poi.omco ami, maiWaVoilitlfs for a long time, and we hopo the Agent, or his sub-agent vilt rouii at. , K Ai . .1 . ...1.1 ,, . . e.. loisu in 1110 wsaiios nno iiivrr. sn 01 iiin pco- ,.,,, , , ,, ' 1 nd AC Ihl. I Virrilnrv nml llm n.Mll rmili,, ., ..... .-......,,- ,........... yid (itt-ciftic,e will lie estnblialiiil at eve. ry principal p'nnt. 11 una- vvoro u.uie, ' nimueri inni uniiauiining. and the P. O, at San I'rnncisfo wi-ru rlgh-1 M.111 1. gr.-n in nctn.n ivoimiii m 1 led up, vvii would th, 11 In in a ccntRum ! '"'I'i'' , , .1 ., . M.111 1.. it.", ril road woman nl hum' bin ..e.ilio.i to wir up-.n ti,- tx- tllu (u , m ,,.,. IIlall , , , . trovaganl poMagnchoryil epon our lit. mii.Ii mid pic tie. ten ' Man h .. a rifi'.il in uil - w'n,iii,i'a 'i Hut whilu on llm sub -u w will ix.'a",',,'"i'r"" ,,,!,. i.,,i .hi . i ' ti .n . i.'n in aerv vim, miii r. in. , prem tuo dope our I'ch gile to Cuu- ' groaiwlll makoiiliHl.,,1 nl.j.ct 1.1 nllni I M.ti, i i-s . . , .woman mte. to the Postal ullalis of the Piifiiiu rout I M.111 has ji.ln.i n' - .ii.lii . - - - lm. N.IVV flotah. Urffcen oiid (-alifnriiiu 111 IMH. Ilv J. QriNH 'i'ltoi.M.iN, InloJiiilgoif ih.'.Sii. pr.rn. C irt .,f Origon, mid Coirc ("n.linjj Mn'.ucrof tli. Amirliim In- sli'uu This Ij a now work, lu two volumes, 1 nn of which we linvo Mm. As a ipi'iiunm oflhn manlier of tho. work, wc lm pla- ced Iho first chaprcfr ofthe . volutnn m our fourth pngn. Jl.ivinj CCfn duly one''f'i. ''"Il" wu.. progr. i mil' i ilhersluwly vriluini'.niidlmvmj; readonly i. pnrt cf "" "! '"" "' ,"" ',"I,,,B '""' "'''iri-itvof that cine, we aro , yet .,,.,.. red t., ! 'TuLI " ! , , n"l ' "f ,'r, ! JTr rT eW,u r, -n.h. ,- ,,'. .,.. ' V . .' ;:.'',,..r,lv ri Clntkiiiiiii ;niintv IVuiiiIm Ninlnnr). The late lirglslalie Ascmblt uliarler ed an Institution nlth the nUo naiuv, J. , ,, 1 nprmntril the fo1l.mlnK p-r ons lloanlol Tiust-es lM'i.i;n AUiinelliy, A I. l.i'M jo), Intiiia 'l'slin, llirtiu I'lark, Cm H Ml.its--.ts lloi lisls Joins I MM ., fu,,. hois aioi t. i on 1,111111 ,, 1 11 1 Ihelloniillmio .r,,o.l, .tl.l lr I. -11 nrtlwly engaged 111 pii-piiriug In put llm Institution into rlliunit oprrutlnn. Mr MvLaiiphlill, nilh a gi-nelnusm fiieme donated n valuable I.I.H-k of lot, to thr Iteniinnry, nml ellorts are U-inj; inailii to! ralso fiimls for the ereelion of the liens sary building Will not rvrty liirrn of CliukaniH t'oiuitv. and ror friend ..r .!.... 1.. .1 ! 1. -1 I-. , . , . 1 1 11 . .1 a osrasure o. ro,,,o ... ..... liohln enterprise. The Hinlll. ir our citirent can nut be more nppmpii. ately npplinl, tban b pivmg llirir f.ur .1. I, I-...1 ...l'. I. ... ,- , , .1 ., ... , ,.n.,.M.. .., .... mirr .. e nope vs hen the aubwriptioii .nH.r, hlrh are in circulation, are i.tiirn. .1 In tl.n llmird, it will I- fi.ini.l tl.ut tin minmiinil) inn this nutter in its trin light. It would nf ior.1 us gn-ai pien.ui ubi.o me mu liifirtm f is 1 1 04rW. an happy III I ring able to u nouuee that the lte lloraei I.Mimu, uf llieLViigregnlional Chunh, ha num. I He camp in 011 t'.e brig Toulon W. 11 1 e not informed til nlml pint 111 Oregon In will be I.H'ul. .1 ( Mlllu i.tnndi. , u (. ft, ,;,, , ,,,,.,, h, B, ,, .,, , uv (, ,llll ,.f ,, t lal lnti-re 1 111 II,. in nil. I. I'lii. gi w. 1 III f t lit., the 1-, 1 lm ill -lie 'in. t Iv . The offlu . I .1." I'lrn. I. v. a id in tint vuiiiitv wir ' v i.. i.ilv living t' ml the 'fei to tin ra lull. a . than w.iulil I n" . . ' 'e t in ;tl j.n lo.i. 1 .11 '. 'i 11, ar I '. . ..' 1. 1 . ' ' i.l) 11 . 1 ' Hi I' l'',c I la ! v .', 1 '11 n .k in- er. '. t hi hi cap w . , I 1 t." 'he rter Mill' Wntirtr.,t nml m ' o. I Hi n : nutici.l 11 the la. e t 'h" lln'l t .r. clearly le. to ihe ri it. lu, 'I'li.t In had .leitelelr.l lulu li.e n i Tin 1- till that can be learned ..'ii.en 1 ; hi-, .111. aa tin tiv. r 11 in ue il. ... fo lulu lr. I IV 1 .1- 1.- .- i... ... 1 r 1... 1 ' "" I I '" f.osn.l A l.i .1,1 .il.t liieirr.... .... retl on the iniinl ululher he wasnnir le. i-d and thrown ov. r, or trll over aci nli 11 tally, or vulunluri'v. II- thia a it may, II is uur unhappy taak tu rnord tin. a another ailuionin m tn thoin who viait ila grncerica. The llr in man of fiui c.l ucatiou, eicelleiil iiiiud, ou I n g'a.d phy sician, and would hate !.l in the from lank of any tocnl), but f.r the .1. atnn live influ. nteof d. Aa he l.a I id 11 , known to lm iiiiilIi .nilojicsu.l lor mum, tune previous to hi 1 duapri aninrc, thrre 1 isnonuuht hut that rum wis invtrum. n ' tat lis I. aliening on a fill" from w Inch t. in I perauco wnul.l have aaveil linn 07"(!eueri.) lienrg. Waahuig'oii, wh 11 quite jocng, was bIkjui 10 go to a. 11 n a midahipinnri ; ev. rv thin;' wis arranged, the ves-a I lav I jMt.itc In fistln r' Imsiv.-, tin ' I'tji I ilioh. ,11 ah. lr to take him .ill', .ml b wi, ,' li, art " i.l, lit. 1,1 going. Al'.r'. '1. .n' I a I .1 . 1, t in,, il d Ait- '. '..i'. I . wn.t I. I.i. lua im lb er far. 'v. I , liud . ivi the 1, 11- Imrsiiiii. ' " "ei , ijii. in aa" 11, .11 in .11 -ii r w .i .1 . . ' ... . . ' I' il -'r. . r In v . it. am 1,1 1 ha. n in v. , r 1,.. ,-. ,. nirain. II. ju.ttui'.. Imui..' lu llie aervnnl riiiImhI, "i.inn.It 1 tin in l' fetch m lunik I nil:. I w.ll 1, it ,.. ,0Mn' to t.reak iiiym-th. r n lo-nii. I!n , '"V , ?,. ;. ' V she kiiiI -ii lm . '.(,.ir,..e I, ,1 iia iirmii iv, ,,, ,() ., ,1. , ,Ml M ,,,,, ', , ,f tin ii j,.i m 11 I 1.. ,.,. l. will I ., you " .A,AlilIU ,,, A"ur ,,,- yrxl Therms an adnurnld pirini..n ! -jiiali In a l..-iwe. 11 ili n -, ., wluu'i tin AmIkh r 'V 0.1 dinril.'in-d to . uoh, with a wldniii that rhull. 11... s our sin' , , - Blllllilbtl'ill - ... Mini ih atn.i.g . v i man is ,i aiililu'. Mini 11 di mg and uonlidi ut woman is Mnitsjis a i,i,upc,f jit 'i" Hiinunuii nn.'il nl im 11 v. (j.4"Tlm 1 urt IsniiM' in f'li.ciiii.i.ii lun1 Hu...liy and Atutria '"'"y "'V' 'nth.. .ve.g(,fii. ti.,j '1(, ,, N contradictory, 'some ao- ..July. I'i lliiiiia i..iuuiuui..i.i..' 10 , ,!,, ,.i(, , nilvniiingo to In Am. WI. 1 ton" a, ,.,,, , I.nrd li, I mi , . ,1,11,0ml,, ,. Ulttwn , wl.i. a,,... , , ,.,, ,,. -,,,, ;,1,c.1c.!1..iht.'..u!nuiiugioiho sdvan 8"UI1" .iiig.'-'ftl., iii,i,rini,ia. Tho Hunger. ft'-vi 1 11 1 , . l-'t'C""l ! revel fiom llm forlrra or (I r I II' l.llllilllll III Ihe lllirilt 1 IslllLl. I'elnru.iril in I.. ,...1, TIIKOI.U WOULD. England. 'I'lirrn Is unllilng of Interest, The go. u -.., .,..-... H-...I.I....I l.a- a.-lw.-l Ti'l II1IK ill innniii iraiuiiin ,, nitiivu , ,.,!,, ,,Mg b.r Hvmtt, Johll ( Mnillti, 11ml KrWll lml O'Dolisrty, who Heir immi'dialely Irnnaforifd oil board ' tin' nniitl ship Mount Klsiart Klphuf Utono It islu'lnvfil that the lutter ve- 1 1 1,1 1 , . . iii .is .1 ' I ill I"' " tatiml In I vo until tin) so. ((i h, ( ( R ,,, ,,y ,ltl ..l,,,,. ' f ii' npi mil not of I'liillniin lit ' i-nt In ni. Iisiirn d llnongli tin : . c. tt . "'H'l ihootlii-r itntf pilsoiscru wlllinilt ' mounlfiiHK anv mn.til.itlonal oblige. I'xitttCO. Tlio sii innii'd insurtrctlon In Paris htt bcon fnllnwnl b) 11 formidable resistance . I" tlso lis nt l.on. A si-rioiisenm ego. oily ' infill took imui'o In tin' streets of that ol ,,, ,,,. ,, M11 ,, lob( ,h, , ,,,, f ulil. h n (outiilrrablo number ol lite Hero loal 011 Imth sides. ' Harni adeswne thrown up, which war nt liikrn until they had torn battered ' down ls tl.rir L'ttunou. T'se ,nr..-d . ,-n,,,,,,!,,- I roiilliiurd until a lair hi of tho Iftth, aad iour in the alaat. 1 but a lelegmpliio despatch dsted Ly. Bflernoopj! tt hid lb the I'llb. nttlo'rl.K'k in tin. afternoon. am .....iii. 1l1.1t the inturgiiitt had lkH)l ..mplitilv routed, the slni Iscletned, and , ,;, ., ,, , lri,.u,yi ' -pi., . re mm nnli of trooos in (.mini nml I. mu No antsrchfiislon of an tir. i teiii sin iii psialrd In different .iii' a an I st nvvidi'iit that lis.) conspiracy nf the I'm. Keil i il. mlrd not only to Mn .1. j-irt snr-iil . I'lan.'o but to every toWII It npprar t hi ih.'geinraloiiinionthat 'li. f.u'u.e ..I the 1 otiapirary or the 19th I lone, I I . is a greater blow In tho r. d r. publicans than oven that of Juno l-l". An xttiiupi waa insdii logi'l up a die I'lin. rt Maia. illea, hut it totally fail- I. nt of cavalry set 'all to iikliis i I10.1t nil iv Mug struck. Humor m, nk', m currrnl in Paris tbat ftirlh.'i uiiiiiaterlol changes arr about to ink.. pii,-e M Dufaure and his friend .tr. , i I-- Im 'irr I. nlaiiit ., retire. , li ia r. poind that tho Abbe I'aleotta, iiin'e Hiintaiv to the Cardinal Antnelli 1 t nrnvi .1 m I'.in from Caeta, and that 1 ihelrar.r nf iinurlant dlspatohe I nl. I'.iiicli governimiit, and alto of an nut 'r.iph litter from Ilia Hollnetelo l.o.i. a N.i ,r,,ii , ipn-aiivn of his regret nt the la.11 I1111 nt nf Rome. The 1 1, .torn I a de. lined in Paris. On the I nli an Austrian vessel arrived al Mar, ill. a from Tucat, having on board H.'. j 11a. ner of war, inot oflliem Poles, r I mil . l-elr' mp-irted to Now York, but .he Iia I a. an ilv goi out to sea when the nitanii. 1 mat ie, ri Ulng taken In Mar. . i'l. .. si ,1 1I1. 1 ipialn having only 8 men .nnli r l.i c .minand found himself forced to III)'. hi her mining into port, the Prsfrot iiuiii. diuli ly unified the shin to be towed by the steaimr l-luroiii to Toulon, there I I wait thr order nf tha government a to tne final .1. Minstiunnf iho prisoner. I'p in the latest advices th Province am tranquil, l.r.lru Itollin ha not a v.t been anevted. Tho funeral of Marshal Itugeaud took I lt on the l'nli, snd wn conducted with great lolemnity. Uermantr. 1 In tl.r Ceriu.ui statea bordering the llhine, when- a g. iiural Inaurrrctko ,'s going "n, Iho I'nutians havo now adran. cod, and 11 struggle has taken p. tee at Mnnhi us, tho rt suit of which V'SS not Ml "'II. , , ' Italy. I'piilhi 011111111; of the 31st till, no '.-. " .11 1 i' 01.1. 1 in. ivo.'.i 1 1 n'-ral 11,, 1,,,.., .,i 1 l . . tin Hlml w.iulil 111,1 miku 1. .nnn in,.b before the Hill, or ITih.vvl.rn tU nuwof '1 1 IhiIiiic of tin. coiniuracv rf the Iflih. in I'limci, w.iulil reach thai place, ami pr. in, lure tho Triumvirs to cstitu. late I he I.. 1 ..' 11 (iliibi) nf ths SSd P. M, 11 ia gem-rnlh thought that the tele. 1 rnpli v ill in nun row announce tho ca. pitulnti jii of llouie, 'l'h. Caretleol Lyons ofthe 90lhttatM ihai m telegraph dispatch from Marseille 1. 11 bun 11 cent d ni thoy were going av. pros nun nun ing to tho Perfect the entry .f iii 1 ..lull mi Kouin, I hi in ws 1 to iho 1 ,1th ull up to which ilu It. .in. in. had Maintained their position. 'I iso I 1 i.', but tin It. .hum Meridy related all the r.h..iu 1 nml in the must dignified man. im r 1. Ins 1! 1 1 ilg, lu l'..i summons to iiii..dnf 1 .iii.l by Ceu. Oudinot. On, ill. I lib, a hr.Mi h wan effected by the I'm nli 11 ilia wallii, mid a portion of tin 11 IMM.) . 1 ut. red Ihn city, '1 lua 1. port vvl.11 1, n'ua given out by the ! r. in ' I 1 1,. :ha belief that the struggle . lHi.v.i, buith fact nppenra that on Ibo I'Jtli Cm. (111 In-. 1 ia.iicd a Ivlter to llm 'l.iuniMi 11 n last nppcal to Idem, mi. I . ml. ui'.iii g in thiovr upon lliein tha piissil.iliiij ol ilio.lliisionnf blood, con aniiiiit up 11 mu -mult in tho event of ll.ur r. In 1.1, Austrian (iilieui hinciil.a, hut was uitl- malely reputed and driven with lot in. '". '''"V""?1''"1' M'-"ls tho Austrian. '-il'iil-iroi. iruu suffered sc, . ,, .(.,n- i&i 1 . . ;-2J: -WVL . -a-