Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, November 01, 1849, Image 1

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Vol. 4.
WILSOIf BLrVUf, Editor.)
IHH.IMillli n -aSMsa
WeiMrti JrowlH Old.
ur riuNcii nmir.
Wear (rawing i4d haw the Ibougbl will rlM
yVlhtn a glanra w backward rail
Ostlaualvng rnmniUr'il wt, thai lira
'In lb xltncn af Ilia ai4 1
II ssey b Ilia ahilna of axir rail rowt,
Of tba tomb of rally lrara
Bui U asama Iks a faf off We la u,
'hlM stormy aaa of )r
Oh I wlds sad wild an Ilia warra thai part
I fraatt Hi ft ranaaaa now
I Mt'Jtt T MH a ba.it. i:
Aad Uia'Uffcl "' many a brow,
Kl lap oVt many a atalaly Ltik
Mara lha wh'lnilng billow a loll'.l,
Thslatemd Willi ua rmii Dial aatly maid
Olil friovla w nra glowing old
OU ia Ida ilimiwaa and Ilia dual
Of our daily Iwleand cara,
UUIl lb wrclkaaf Iota and dual
Which Ml bunWd iinmory bi an
JUch form may wrar la Ilia aiMig gala
7it bloom of Ida'a firbba yal,
And bama U biightm urn lalir, da)a
Which ii Mionf' m' "
list oh. Dm thanft wa haia kmi
la Iba far and winding way
'Ibagtartslnourpatlill.al bara growi petti.
And lhaloeaa Ihal bar giown gray !
'h wialara atill on our awn may jwro
1 ho aabts of Ilia gold;
But wa aaw Ibrlfaoawi I'l'mlirlulifarlnll
And, flicadr, wa ara griming old I
Wa hats galnad Ilia woibfarold wUdom now.
W bant Irantcd Is fauaa and fmr
Hut wbria ara tba bvnig ftmnla, wliun Hum
Waa jay of baarta la Iwai
Wa bava wnnlba waalibaf many aclmia,
And lb ka of many a pagr
Out wbaia la tba baor Uial aaw in 'I uoa
Hut lla boundlcaa brnlaga
Will (t rama again wluj Ilia tub wikr,
Andlhaanxalbalr youlhianaW!
Wr bar atuul iu lha bglit of aumty Iriakra.
bara tba jloom wa drru and Mua t
And our aou' mlgbl jiy in lli iiig Inn II tu,
Hut Iba yty wat faint android
Toff M a'ar cauld giro na iba youlb again
Of hraow thai ! grvwrngoM.
The rnlllilfw Mllr.
Tlir I'trnliiu Mm khuno firrlv into llm
room wIhto lldwanl Munay mi I by lin-
txiUid or lil ilyiittf i lulil. Iter aiilhr.
inRi dad U'tii lone and acvrrr, but now
alinnlriit cnlmly na an Infant, oiip hniul
claiici in hvr fallnr'a, whiln Iht iialu
uherk rralnl nn I1., othrr, half linlilrn
by the lung oA hair lint lloatrd nrrr llio
fuj only know tin- uiitrrnrs of nn
uulah that wruii); llm fullin hrart, na he
looked Uon llint bcluvnl face, nml fell
that it would bo noon hidden from dim br.
atrcr. lie wa a man of rncrrcil man
liart, and few knew the atnry of lua lifr.
It waa whlaporcd llmt a wife hIioiii hn
once adored had led him yenra Uifuru,
waa worao llinn ilond ; nml it una ell
known that ho arimcd to rarn fur ii"tliln'
III llio wido Horld, aato tho dnitliUT nvir
whoo Infancy and outliho had wntthnl
with a londcrnraR like a niolhrr'n. Ili
had never leA her even for n day ; ho had
raiounced Intercourao with friendaand ro.
latlona lo livonnly forhrr ; and now there
lay liia idol, dying, he know II, he ( It il ;
nd yet hla eyra Hero dry and hia lip did
not tremble aahn inurmuri'd nlrmly, '(.'ml
bleaahcr, ahe ia in) nil, shu hai In in in)
good angel, (iod blma her !'
Ho rejoiced in her calm alrcp and rl
ha longed for llio tinio wlicn nhe thniild
wako and aieak lo him, for ho fell her d
llriumwaa pail. Oh! how cruelly the
wandoringa of her puro and innicenl
mlnif had opened afreali llio aeon t aorrowa
of her lather) It ttai over of her tarly
ihlldhnoil that alio hhiIip, ofiierfirat linine
ahn rrinemberrd, nThor ht mother. Often
would almatuit finni lit r illo,aml i,
claiming llmt her iimlln r wn eomn nml
mlngliii! wuriN of nelvniiio ami mlenr.
inent mill ri'proaLlua fur liavlnf dilnid
Iter coming n Imig. I.iith had Mr. Afur.
ray ilriuinoil of llio fnndiieiui uh uhlcli
Ida llttln lloli ii hnd rlung to thai unmo mi
long linapoki n ; lillln rt'ckiiurd ho till
then of llio dorp Mid pntainnnlo aHovtimi
llmt mado her iincnnaeiiiini loiiguo i lo.
quont in nililrrHfiiu llm ilnn nf Iter
Inncy. Hour by hour ho nt liatiultig lo
her fond dot
ilullaof long puM uu'i.t.i ; liow
ahe ant with her mother In tho ahidnw of
tho old llmo tree untitling fur him; nml
hraf loyoua laugh rang nut hh alio told hor
of hla coming and nil ho said uaho cln.
ml lliein Uilll to his l)om, aim told him
ahe km It lulni en l he in lo pray, and uonlti
tutored tho very words nf tlm first
simple prayer hor mother bad tun;ii
It waa nearly sunset w ben Helen woke,
Hor cch ri steel long and badly on hor
father a altored face and at lait'drawlng
lihn lowanls linr, alio Inld hor lumd on bis
bowini nml wepteilcnlly. '
What oils you niv darling ' he said,
yon are better surefy.'
Yea, yea, I urn bitter) but I aeo II all,
I have almost biokon your heart.'
'No Helen, Il la ncl ton dear child;
IHlWHIIWIWWllilHnw ill
yuii liv Ijcen my i unifurl and tny joy,'
lin rx lilmrd, 'you are to Mill.'
I Imva Ih.mi dellrluut, I know, hM
Hi'lfTi, 'oihI I liave okd of thing! Ititt
muit liave lorlurvl you.'
It nmlleri not, dr child. Do you
llilnk k day pavl wliorrln I do not Iblnk
(riliMo tlilia f What r;lM hid mid
mnVrial I am 1 I hivn bn ad com.
imnlnu fur you, llelsn, but Ood know I
limro loti-d yuu well,'
It wia nltora long allcnoo I hat llolrn
aik ngnln.
'I.t mo, tald ahr, 'only one mort,
K-ak of kir. A day way oom( when,
In bitter aormw, aim may aik rorgltrtiw.
BorrHiilmea Kthlnk of Lar-aatt, dyltaaalMraadaanVaajaltradiHif
broken hoarted praying you to aay ooa
word to her baforo aba died. Oh father!
leanal fiilhcr! if that tlmo aboiild aver
come, prmnlMi fur tlm aako of your child,
win) will tiien l in Iter cob! Brave.
Ilia rnico waa hoarar, hut bo replied
'llrliii. I havn long allien forgiven her I
nul I iimiFilaii you, by ull I hold moat ta.
irrd, If .-rl hear of her In trouble or
aiirrnw, I 1. ill do all alio tiaa left mo tho
powi r In d to ninllirl and r linve her.'
'li'f hlraa )M fir '.hoae wnnle I I have
prajfd fur her nil my life, ami now In
bulb, mj lnt lli'Mi'hla am fir J on nml
hir her, I'nth'r will ) on not pray with
mr V
llu knilt iIohii ami covetnl hia face,
,7'nui iiiaimni, calling up nil bur dying
atrenglli pound fiu.rlii a forvinl prayrr
for llm rm..J " f ibo !'' raolhi r. To
IMward Murrn) liirii;t' na m!!! I'nl
nl an cii;i I i.l. ailiiij fir llio fallen cue in
whom hla hrait diligliKil. Ilia fitms
almok with the tinlunteof hii emotion, aa
Ibiit mmg 'iiio airong in tho rncrgy of
iiiii an.) iuo, iirraiiini in mat prayer,
iintlln,' onio inoro namra that had long
I e ii ktiuilcrrd, nnd niking bleiug on
IniiIi, Hi tin", piaytr waadone; heraplr.
it liitgirttj a while and then fitd forever.
At iiilirnlght uben tho trrtanla entured
tu ruler the room the father atill held tho
fair young bend on hia loaoni ; but be
knew llmt ahe waa dead, ami after ho bad
laid hertrnderli on the pilbm and kisaed
I cr rhci k, he au!i( ml tin. in in lead him
nuay without a niunimr.
IIU was Ihe grief of which tho world
could know nothing. Nona heard him
cntnplnm, nanrw itai.rtp ood yM
tin in vtna lhat in hia faco burn) log more
grief than tiara ur worda could have ci.
prrtaed. Iln did all tliat ho waa aaked lo
d, hut it Mcnud ilini if left alone, he
uouldhaiciniiHilon fnreter, uncontcioua
of nil that pnrd around him. He did
not fee llio dead again ; hut fallowed her
to tho grave, nnd returned with a firm
top lo Ida solitary home.
A week to thrco rtcekt paaacd
away, nml Mr. Murray remained in tho
same ttyiporof unapuken grief with which
he had n rn hla InM enrthly hope fade from
lili nrmi foreur. He had no friendt , and
hia aervanta who atill hired poor Helen,
tlioimli they plilc.l him, dared not apeak
of commit, (.luce, the nurse, who alien.
ded Hi lin from her birth, came to beg bo
woulil rouw Ininiell, but lien no rnlU
hia calm, hopclra oyp, tho worda died on
her lip', ami alio fill it would bo but mock.
irv lo apeak common idiraaca of conaola.
lion linine on nnoni nail lallen tno wctclit
ni norron iiku iiiii.
It cbniiicd nno ( tilling, it might bo a
month alter hia ihild'a death, aa ho raced
llm largo chamhiir which bad been her
IttMinto ailtini! room, liia rye fill on her
ileak. Hoatarlrd and turned baatily away.
but returning aoon to tho labia on which
it stood, bi gati to ozamlno lla contents.
llio T.rat ihiiii: no toucliod wa a paper
mivrril n.lli nor onu delicate hand wrl
tu''. Ilo rili.cmliercd tho day alio aat
Ihoro, oiiu oln.ro In1 Hock now, and lie
otisonril aha was
wriJng unconaciously.
while she conversed with JJul
Her ojrii
no nnd hla were traced ogainafPTagaln
lhat paper nnd ho nrrasrd it passbu.
on lhat paper
utelv to hia Una,
Then ho found a copy
of iinfiiiialiod craea awrel and full of
promise, brrnthlng the frcali purity of her
giflul, rt half developed mind. 'Then
lliero were miiiio light akclchea mido on
tho prciotiaaiiiiimcr,eiid among them an
ntlrmpti'd likrneaaof himself. Ilorccol.
lolled lln'il.iy when alio bado him alt for
hi picture, how wit and genius, or what
set mi d audi In him, llowed from her
tonuun nml liiihlcd her ainlle. Ilo oould
not bear to look at it, but turned over a
few pant ra Hint remained on tho dek.
When lie lillei llio last no loiinu a email
nciitn Ikvv. tho first clfl ho bad oflered lo
bin vtlmaiiilgiwiiliy her, ok,Iio now clear,
ly ronioinbornl, to Helen wnen sun wai
n lilllo ihild. Ho opened it, and within
It wns n long ringlet ol dark hair. Ha
know wl'oso hair it was; nnd again bis
fulr wifo and rosy ihild seemed lo bo near
him, a thoy weio when that rinulct wa
gUrnlo Helen by her young nnd happy
mother. lir a moment bo hud forgotten
what hnd nlnco happened, nnd then ho
glanced urnutul tho solitary room and
shuddered at lit dreary ellencn. Then
iiinn baik In him the iKIng ords1of Ida
only child, nnd tho aufonin promise ho
imulu her, and ouco again his lifu had on
Hui that inflincntary cxoitcuient passed
nway, and Iod him to sink In a stupor yet
aaddcr than before. Time paaacd on,
winter gavo placo to spring, but the
change of niw brought uo gladness to
i i w ii jMJi--jitija
Oregon City, (Oregon Tenjiy,) Thursday, November 1,
him. Ult nlrit Mftncil foraver
and hladull amUilant lib flowad a UIm
lutUnatraaan onirkVfiMMiMiav.
rftll; HaltntiMto thVaarl wintai,
it waa now labt Isltonfrlng.
Edward Murray wm 1onr'maaiw In
lha long dim twUljrbt that eloaH Vttay
bright and lovalv loatt tut Um. wlbrna
atop draw nar ua door, and In nIi.
utoaa woman tellad and poorlrfaylad,
stood bslora Mat. Ha knew her M giaa t
It waa Ma long lost wife. How .Jay a
unasDaaofa niaiaei gnat Mil
had ha dreamad of waattnit
onoa belovad oat, till hat 'team
from hi ayaal HoWaiaay,
covered la aoraa atraactr tba
to liar! Tbara was lima wban auofi a
moatloc aa this would have stirred ih
deep passions rf hla soul but now, alas,
how fearfully chaagad I
do, go, Adala,' h said at last waving
hi h;rd, 'you ara too late now, she U
' Tba sound of hi voice seemed lo have
roassured her, and ahe answered calmly
a he had spoken.
'I know you are desolate and she is
gone, else I had hardly dared come. I
could not have borno to ace my chlldA
'Desolate, Adela, utterly desolate I' In
terrupted he, 'you said the truth. Sho
wa my only joy : aba had never decelr.
cd me ; no blight had fallen on her pure
heart; though there were not waiting
Iboao who could recall tba mother's sin to
cast ajjame on the daughter.'
The w onls stung the listener to the soul,
Li!! she replleJ :
Surely it wa little lhat such a I could
Injure he?,'
'You forgot Aac';, all that a mother
should be and you were sot ! God help
those who bavo to bluali for a motlur as
tny Helen blushed for you.'
'Is it Iruo then that she despised me !
And cl how dearly she loved mn oncet
'Those were bleated times, Adela,' aaid
Mr. Murray, 'when Helen waa a child,
and wo were young, and I believed you
loved, I aliould have thoucht the craan ol
those dear arms atronger than chains of
iron to bind you to your liomej those sort
lips that called you even in sleep '
'Bpar me, Edward in mercv soars ma.'
esolaimed Adela, 'thought like the
drivasaoaoraadaaaa, .You luraw ajrU
I have sutTerrd since thoso days, or you
would oil v ma even now. Flfiron vhm
of anguish, of aorrow, of remorse, have
brought me here, at .11 lo kneel before
you, and pray you to forgivo me, if you
'And It waa for this. Adela. lhat vau
left me me, who loved vou as . my own
soul, whose thoughts were nil yourVK-?
'Yea,' the replied, in a tone otuttt
despondency, 'it waa for this, and worse
than this, 1 can look back on days, weeks,
months of despair, such as you, after lookj
ing on the grave of your child, cannot
conceive. Edward, I was dear to you
nnco, say you pity me now I
'I do, Adela God knows I do. I
know the depths of your heart ; and your
capacity of suflsring, and my heart ha
bled for you. 1 knew that, though In
your madness, you fled from me, from my
loc that would have sheltered you and
protected you until your life's end, to bim
'No Edward, not to Aaa never toJWaa."
exclaimed AdOa, fcnently. 'Since the
hour I left your roof I have never seen hi
fsce never, so lulp me God I'
'And how haterou livid Adela ? You
bad nothing ; ,who rta (upporled ynu I'
'I liavetolKd for mv.daily bread. 8ome.
n iprmy.dally bread.
tlrm a I waatlll, and then tbe-rbaril1
atransars ailnported rorTor a while, and'
then i rccovi
ciland toiled avain. It wa
nut a acanty pitiancc mat I could aanr;
uut l iru iwaa too-gocd lor auch aijjiogeiii
too' coed for auch al
OfcJ Iwljrard,' continued Adela. in her
deepVotce, 'there ia bitter punishment for
our slna even In this world.'
And had) ou no friends!' nikid Mr,
Not one Tho pcoplo wltli wfiom I
lodged were kind lo nic, and at first cur
ioua to know who and what I was, but
their curiosity soon died uray, snd they
left mo slonc to work and wrcft as I liked.'
And litis baa been your life, Adila'
aaid Air. Murray, looking mourmuuy on
the warm face beforo him, for the veil
had been drawn aside, and he could aet
tho havoc llmo had made : 'fifiern long
weary years of aordid poverty and end.
less labor for one cherished aa o had
been, you, my prldo, my joy, the wifo of
my bosom: un I Adcia, wiiy was II
thus ?'
Sho bowed hor head before him, and he
continued :
And Men thla Is far lieuer than what I
feared bad been. Why did ou hide
yourself o utterly) Mv hands cr,c
rcauy to noip you,iiiougii i niigni sccyou
no more.
I knew II, Uduard I knew ill' the
cried, onco morn rtislng Iter oyea to his;
but I fell It was part of my nunlshncnt,
nay sometime It seotned partly an expla.
lion tot my sin, that yoil tlinuln think even
worse of mo than 1 discne. It was a
dreadful Ibfe, drsadfui In its utter solitude,
and tna ibnnannib llmiifniid rtinieinbran-
cea lhat crowded about mo day nnd nlglii, -this country, by obligations iho most posl
Trifle long forgotten camo hack to mo in live, sgres to abldo by our instltuilonsand
mvnnunn. All llm lirlohl moinenla nf conform to them. Whoever BOCO loEOE-
oureurly loo, all tboblis of our mar.
..... . ' .' . i i ijVu
iawtw .ill J 1m -i rfi; 1 jB151
PmB w y flb b 'y.
- ' m ' i ijiJi
Had llns, our aaniBge, our meeting ft our
Helen's looks and smiles, aad sweet bro.
kin words; they all oasaa book not to
Use but lo auras m. I who had bean
so happy, nave for all these long years
had Bothhstr to mark the Uasa sav th dull
tloklnf of the clock. Iba ;oosettia of
soma petty task, or tat oostseuo.But of i
Edward Murray's heart aob'd aa Ka Ik,
tened to these aorrowAil worda. At last
at said 'and now, Adala, where ara you
via i rr ny nave yooj aess aere i
i nave coma aart; KawardV aha rv
pissd, 'to kaael ai year foot, atni pray, yasi
m wrgiva rm aa, you neat W aa (orglvta
rwrsamr. Issvaj'saass -iaafc-Jssr.1
aaw more, dm I gejio a
try;. Forgive me, Eds
aestly, aasbefslloab
for the sake of her wl
award, ana aaM aar.
bentaeea bafcre htai,
who la aa aanl la
lluassn, torsive ma, for I am dying I'
IU trembled and turned his tact away
to hide bis emotion. She tsared ha rsjec.
led her petition aad that (ear ia a laornent
overpowered the strength she had sum-
moswa, aaa arte tail noavlly en tba Hoof.
In a rooment ha had raised her. ad
fluB" aside her bonnet and veil, and waa
chafing her templet as her head lay oa
ma Bosom, tier long nsir, now waits aa
snow. Call around her wsn faca and vol
incre was aomeibiag lhat bore a ressin.
uisnceioine oright llaien, the young
girl cut oft" in hsr early bloom. That ra
sembttnoe softened Kdwsrd Murray'a
heart and moistened his aye. 'Adela I'
he said softly.'may God forgive you even
as I do I' It seemed lhat alia heard and
understood his words, lor abe evened er
ryes snd rsissd them for a naosaent with
a look of intense gratitude, that, to his
dying day, Edward Murray could not for
pet. I us vena stos: again and an ai
over, j
A few daya later. Edward Murrey Main
stood beside an open gravs and aaw a cof
fin on wiilen waa inscribed no name, laid
besido that of bis only child. It' waa ob.
served that he wspt freely as the solemn
words of Ibe burial serviot wars uttered.
There were taaoy rumors afloat touching
in stranger inat waa Mined that day, but
though the truth might be guessed, it waa
never ioia oy mm. a lew oays alter ins
funeral, he gave orders for the sale of bis
bouse and furniture and left forever Ihe
tatiobbornootLta which Jsr so many years
llChad dwelt.- ItlasaidthstthesorriC
fireiiso nun, out oy ine ncn r nad been
ittle known and was soon utterly forgot
ten. Three two silent graves were the
only mementos he left, and their have
now sunkrio the level of the surrounding
All Fansrs sSl aaT)f t Artsfc
rsiciee sii s ssBC)isi uus
Nature has a plaos for every thing,
and every thing la he plaoe. Aad it so
is in ths economy of nature that eoent
things, intrinsically proper in tbeir place,
are exceedingly improper out of them.
Fiah out of water, birds in water, land
animals in Ihe sky, etc., illustrate this
truth. This ia still wore the case in the
mental and morslv world. True, aomo
things are Improper every where, yet
these same thinsa are much more im
proper in some places than other. For
example tobacco.amoklns and spittle are
improper every where, yet snore improper
in the Isdies' saloon man on Ilia lorwatu
deck ; swearing, imprffjWr every where,
ia doubly to in religiouk meetings ; while
Uld Hundred, proper in Die religious meet
ing, is quits out of nlsco in be gey aa-
M'mbly. Of moral this Is I even snort
Xrue. Thus, Qorobatiieness, quite in
place in manjrtof the affaire or lire, it al
locelberoutjof placslnlhe family, where
iUa like discord in musio; for nothing
aliould ereFbo allowed lo soar domestio
joyo4ul!tiveaes, proper in the coun
ting room, is improper in many other
filsces ; and Language, Intrinsically right,
s quite wrong when It Interrupt tat pub
lic or privato speaker in the midst of an
eloqiirnt appeal. '
This cardinal law of propriety, loo ob-
vioua to require further elucidation, ap-
pllea with bvsrwhelinlas lores lo arirtoc.
racy, in alula forma and degree, in this
country, supposing woicn, nowever,
I not true that il were rlaht foroso
man to domineer over, or put hiauslfi
above, suothrr : supposing lhat in Eng.
land it were riant for lord lo lord it over
sen ants, and the upper classes to subju.
gate and txalt themselves abotelbe mid
dling arid lower claaaea aucb selfexal.
atlon la ihe height ei impropriety ana in-
juttlco In thi country. What is the
simple principle or our oivu oomraoir
unai tains carainai aocinne oi our gov.
ernment ? It is equality. The vote of
Iho poor men gees as far as that of the
rich the ignorsni ss insi oi mo wise
ivo aro not now discussing tut riant or
wronu of this cardinal principle of our
republican compact. Its founders said
practically to the old world, "Take your
monarchical, arlilocrallo Instiiuliona j wa
go for tho many. Hero every man iaa
man. Titles, prerogatives, etc, we ab.
locate" And all who consent to live In
land, therein and thereby obligee hlmtelf
I? $rr .) . i- lk mi i
sMWiiasi lsssvnMISaaS,.BBS Ws)Mf8ri(sM
avows sbal fea trMI adopt tar law 'adMaV
rulsof hiaesailusl.aaid laasarss is'tha i;.,
ToaiaaSreHassmt rssatr.ias fcr itsJaiM. af i
uoa. new, state MilasssTaM.aa.wa sat
rsotoatly vitiate tat aatira
iMthailuaa tftaa arisMtrMr,
iwajsjjaad asraality af Hat,
a I
slsto tests of oar
''''aTfw sWfWaj
awrsjay.inay be la
w.Msjsjsr mm
Ul.bred, aad
fuaeraL or asTC ether aalaaMs
less bneeh M MyrMy. M ia
ImpeTtinsat, lastrilagr nasi a ptrl
rage to'tvery rover o? Ifttrty and
IIT. tv5
la viswtrtawstrwah.lBtk aassm'taVa
oomirsoai bsbsbct pi-cr WOBat at Masjf.
Hags, whether they ara awi katal W Mb
try rait of fosirUty, aad ar tb anas
fact et ts(rkas2ag'ia ikb iiaajij.
at irsotoaajMyiasastraiis aa trasw.
as4ariMat!4'isa rwaMasi. -Asm
all your arksvil ;)blie aira aad aaarai
If you live whs) aa. at oat of aa.'
wen ana swagger Writ aary tr
aquhiiaglasaMa, ar assssiylasat, alst
ried aervaata, tr logaaalle arisHiasl
uttgte. Ton claim to at par taoalliais,
aara.ll I.spssmI sul ssai aw .. aba . - - - -- -?
of Eoodbrseding eeattaafnurswWioaJ
-araaoMiaoijg mm IMVBTiBIlf MP
issult totasworklag elasasa by MtsaW
yotirseli above tbean. Bt tmtMm'jm
ssstranieouraracBiaae. WbHa
ing the boephalbjr of a Mead, atw
cent lo lord it over that friend.
enjoybgourfrtt iisMiitttioas,atow tokni,
dual that very atiaeiala of equality Irani
which tbess bbshstrT sVrw. )m tW mum
of decency aad good sense, yen art aosi
sukscp lo do oat of I wo tniaga ab-tats
our premises, or Ideality, yoarasir srttsi
m m any ; be democratic, ar be orr. Ta
who leva liberty aad rtfaMksaavissa, ftwsns
with jaat ban stern toaTgtjatitai up aa arary
rasuileataUoa of arietesreoy ia abarit,
sute. social liar, or literary assaasaasiaaa.
Keep thislaad trot to ht oardlaal dsMrlaaa
tbt good af tat many, tba' MaaMty af
Kot thai tateats aad isswal
iiot be itdmtf.nr t
nature' noblesnto, aad have tba iadssttast
right to sway ay talsat aad
iet no i
truly areat snaa la ttar
eratie. Tbete proud usiimftlnai ara ia
dicationa of menial weakness aa4 aeeal
dearaviiy. and aaa abarifnre sVmtly assr-
temptible. All Mt aad good tatoia
svinos their aatktriTy by eftvatkag Iba
maay, iattead ofatww lag over tbtsa, mm
as irssrt aay aurtr sign tr a wsa ssiava,
ortsss a deprave eat, thaa
loasoie, anatocrauc sMsattsfuea.
ytur voiot loatiy 'aad tatraly
these ariateorsaio airs. ssowsVasrasS
rich lordllag ; tdl bita in every act. that
you ara aa much a waa aa bt. Tall hisa
you honor tba God-made sunt, rathtr tbaa
tbt maa-t-adt aurtt. aad Vet our oouatry
be la fsct aait is In narae, "the lead of
tbt fret," and consecrated toeqoality aad
liberty. Am. Pbren. Journal.
law If snUsmb.
Ons of tbt most admirable coatriraaeat
of tbt human economy, consist ia ha
siiaptlng itsttr to noataus, Injurious co
diiioos. Various violations or tbt ahysi
cat laws, which at first occasion ssvara
pain, soon become habitual, to that wa
corn to lecogniaa even their existence,
aaaab less their injurioua eflscta. But
wt must not hence conclude, that the eye.
Urn baa the power of. rendering what b
constitutionally noxious practically In.
noxious j only that it bends itself like tbt
lough but limber oak to the force of tba
storm, instead, of standing stiffly sgtlaet
ii oaiT 10 oa tvanarowa insreoy.
IVat a taw eaasnnlsa. Of tba ImrjAr.
Isnce of air. all ara practfcally and per-
ptruny cogoixani. wiinout it ara ason
expire ; and with bul a spare supply of h
or powers sink ta proportion. This it
an invariable law of respiration. Accer-
... . r.
Jdtngly, If wa remain much la a small,
ovcr-Keaico, ana ciott room, wun out ut
ile chsVge ol sir, we very soon xbaut
Ibavitaftetrgiaaai thai air; aUtdtbough
wo may breathe a lair quantity, yst its
quality bsing poor, Iba system suBert ia
proportion tt tbt poverty of oxygen In
our breath. This at first arcducee a Hal.
ing of sesTecatloa, a pasting for fresh air;
yet Iba system soon sesames so hsbltua-
ted toil tMt wo oeaaa to notice the asal
atta of the air. How maay thousand
limesJtavt wa corns fat Irosn tbt frtsk air
la a close, heattd room, aaa ssrt alaotet
atited iacosMMqaeact af Iaa yitiatsd at-
saosphere el that room. Ttl M a raw
minutes our systems bara adjusted tbem
selves to this vitiated atmmsbers. so as
not to warn us by a fceUag af aulbestita,
but has Isd ua tssuppaas tkat wa can lis
without air, or en psof air just as Trail aa
on that which is good.
Thi train of reaasnuw had Isd us aka
to inquire oloasly into tba comptjaiiTaUsst
utility or isrgs ana emeu rooms, mm wa
havs become BsHectly Mtbatsd that small
rooms, especially wbea ssvsral atntMi
ara in them at a time, ara perattaal btHaV
leeches upon ibellrspriacipas. Lataw
vamplre who weal ur Uted RMa aa
t"r.! . m
'f A'atr 'y
isiaL" ' m J
atsMafs taantlfratl
vaaaasmi tJssjsBsmy
dared rt,aa)
laatlr. bast
thadttf dwtssjiaMlki
srttosa aa airi
SMrp WW wags,
stMUealy.it I
whole a-rsHM!
StUptC wlatsitbtiMa
Vmm MBawPJs Ml I
itttsa tba wlssla m
WSst atil MM Hal!.l
auaiiiil, tbatwbtatia
at faatt JagBaayjl
WsVasVMsMtgaf (HwHHH
rm I i ii
t tar nam
BatsMftaaBBBs tasVal Bscat-mMa
fcr tff fjjgaM gj M
artraaa) I MJpJi
saslljsal ssaWHsayMMH
tfrVi .
mai ji
.! HWfiV J "?