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About Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1849)
-rtj,MWwr r.'V;.., ' r '' 1 ' I" .J I '. . . I .... Iri I, nre l"iitlii il'iwn (iii'iii lt. Uiinjrnr. ,.!,, 1 1' J . Ill t.i h.t III tklll,! II i(y ri .. V( iii'ivoiiniil. I.tirno IkhiImi o in,i, ,v. intf icllrnl Inm III fesliiittet; untie mil. try, vvhurn ilii'ir will be nliln in fill upon llm i nuiiy willi nlinost a rrlninly ul uu 1I1MM TASKS AT Till; III. tiutlll VI, llv llm latest mm a jmilllvi) Inlnrm.-itinii ' ' I'll rrerlveil ihsl llm e llv nf llmlii list fallen into ll o inn li nf ihe lam, uhii are xil.l in have gmiieil ki,is. M"ii of the ilnci) !,y (rendu ly, mM put III" ;unUiicr filli) ur OKI) ni'-ii In llm mi. M.wiviiv unit, in-ir ill tint null llm Majors mmaM In he in issetloii nf I'liiine, Ihnnnly win(irl in Hungary, ninth, If true, vk 111 ;ive n vmt impulse Icillic rntite, tin tMruiiAi. i.Nri.itMnn. The meeting nf llm KniM-rom nf Alls, tniimul lluttln nt Warsaw Itisteil hut mie lav. Nutlilnj; lint Irnnspiriil ns to llm tihjrett of llm llitervien . TIIIM.1 AT N'llt I'l'sNI Part'ier mlvifet huv lir-n peeiwil ul i niiu fmni Petlh Mini llmlii The Iv.Iiiii ' nuiii stntit t lint l-l t-rt have i mil" t" tliul l lly llillfl tin' tlTUr" nltieert nf the lain (rio'iii, fniin vvhli'li it tippeurt ' tin'' ntl'ieera nti' tn iitnl i'li jin nl'1 I nets 'I'Ih' ivniui'la nf (ienerul lli'iili prowil 1 mortal ll-'ivns hurieil wild nil military lintmi i 'I'lm llntijnrinns ( -k ulciut Mi,. 111)11 tin, ins in iIIxt, nliirli r r' litnl llmlii 'I'll'. (-unison nf '.','JIIII turn mi'l "II nllii e,s ttns ennveVril to llrtiri'i'lli. ;i pieert if nitillery, 1,111(1 ml. of jmiii hii.. t, '.'.iiimi i'i nf salipi Iit mi'l 14, mil mii.lets litl inln llm Imui.Ii nf llir I lillinrirttix nOt-r llii' enptim nf llinln 'i'ln1 fmtilii'iitKiiit ort1 In be ilislHivol. rsmirrss ni ;nr win. Aeeniints from Weis Kiii'lmi ttuti tlml llir Mnftynra iiidrr ll-in liat Ih'.'Iiii llm Imtlsliont nf Pmhiiir's rnr;n il'irnrr I'niiii Irvine tin' nf llm t-ahurs-te, tiisipt nern Imulrii ninl ilisp. isi 'I nn I ll,-, I vmm in Wnlliu'liiu iiml Minn- I'iSi r. i.i I'm Inn r liiinv If Maml inti, Wa'. lai Inn. i Tim Coiiiliinli.ini II, lU.ittnuis lluliem nf Ma) "Jilsavs ilmi n bltl) l..ntlf lm iut, n pt n ', nn llm River Wiiiij near Tri'verm ' ll.iuiaii foinniamlfilthe Austrian. There Here ureal lotet mi li'ttli stile", lull in lib- r 1t,i' ilerhleill) victorious. The ttnry nf the entry nf tlm Kiissmus inln Trims) I nnia iu erroneous, llm, lm preveiitnl it, mid tin')' have Inl.rii in iher Knsc'hannorCroust.nlt. Tim llun mirim f.inet urn mm tn mii( iimii tlir' wliuli' iioillii'iii ami mmrni fninlirr I'm ttiilnii "ill hurilly U" Mo In force .in i nlrjiir. 'I'll'' Mnjijnr Kn, mini ul 'iit tinn iiuvt.irii i mtn tin1 iliMrii'tt illi full "i r (., ml. i'ln' CliTj-y nf ill il.iiiiniiii.i-' limit jnlirrni Iiiiij; 'Utnl,. ojuitt tin KiK'inns At I'lrtliui).' n ".Milan ili-tri.l unli liatiiig rointiiiiuM alimiH mill llir lluunr i.iii foic-H, iit "nirril uilli nN. 'I'll" niiii'irt nf llm inniriiiiriiU nf i'h --"iiiiaii am mi vari.'iitmnlciiiilrail.cliiry, lliat it it 1 1 n. -r.i lita In pio uuuliin.' ci r lain nil lli)' tntijci ' lit ViLIIAS ham I.I-. 'I'lific it nt miii'li nciiit) in tlio linn uriHii L'.nrrilln.'lit lit in i! niinv. 'I'ln' .MIiikIit of tin' Inlrrmr, Si ,'i'iiiti. Imt t.i I.UI nii'iniin I't llm renrj:niiinti"ii nl lint,-iiaita nf llm muiitry uliiuli nn imt mlliin llm Ihralrrul war. Tim MinitUT , nf I'liianen in Kn(t''' '" t'"tUrnrliii n i loan, in raw llm couiitr) linulil li" ri'ilin'cl I tn a want of iivnmy. In tin' killing (if tin- Hii'l, of llm I'jili nil. llii' ('luinlii.rt Hern nccilliiril nilli llm rin.iliilinllHl nl llir Ji't, fur tiii'li ii irn)..(l nf l.i vt ill Im ircnrlit(l. IIIIM'LAMATIlIN AT tll'MM. On llm alttnf.May llic (invrnnrnl Vii'iina, (irimral llrliiu, ittiidl n irncl.i. In llm cllril that uln'rcai iinlma. limit nf llm ronlulimmry 'inl nrnnj-uln uhroad, which nianllcttril ilclf in llm i. lent lanHiinR" hrlil ill mlilii! plnirt liy pertoiiN ilitciittiiiK noliilrul tuliji'dt, jl Ik.. hnrt tlio wul.tlitintoil ami ri);lil luimli'.l cilizi'iit to aiil llm nullioritii't in niiirc. I licndinc "null iiiiliviilualt, ami niilliiiK n otiip to llio apirit nf rilillnn. All latum. M-rpiim ami coirrn liouto proprietor ulm' iicglicl I lilt ivurniiiL', mill pcrtitt in tat-itly prnlri'llug llmtn ilnii;rriiiit characli'm, w ill Im liiililn to Ik ih'prit oil of llirir liccnw. Iliiiiuriaiii, I'nli't mill Italiant nrr t-a ' pi'cially nlliulcil to in llm nilvi-rtincinoiil. I'llACOW ANNI.XI'.II Til KI'MSIA, ) l.rllem from ('rnenn, il.ilnl '.llllh lilt, j ....... .M-titunlv itint ll,,, 11 nwiniifl tiri ,,,,Wl,,lt.' "'.,, ., f ,I.M ... - lilmill In Inko pottcitionoflhr place, mnl liiiin'X it In I'oiund. irmitnurk mist Ilolstrin. MriVEMCNTH OF TIIK WAtt. Woliawi received Hamburg papfrs to llm 4th Insl. innliisively, but limy timioln lltllrtliewHof luiporianco from llm seal of war. Tlm German troops still puthed their works bel'iin1 l-'reilericia, hnl had not iHiiiihanleil lli placo for mukmI days. Thu Danish troops in Jutland Mill occu pied Aarliuus, hut llio German oulostH wuro within n very short illstanrn nf lliat plane, Tho most Important news Is, lliat iho Danish Minister of Marine has iksucd nn order, directing all pnssihla attention In bo shown In Iho officers and crows of a ill. vision of Iho Russian Heel, which Is In he Malioued in llm Groat Hell and neighbor, lug waton, and which ia lo rendor atioli assistance to Ihe Danes ns Is consonant wllli Ihe iiivlwtcllnm received by Admiral liiixnilli ((.nrnrrirf), il ruiiimnmlrr. I li llmitli Anmlrally CJoiirln lioro nl. I ma ly I'miili-immd w'teml Hi riiimi cHcln, ' iitiil tlmy linvn llkeuitnimiduitiiii'daqvi nil I imii'i it Vctti It, itinmiK win. li are mm t,r Km IIiigMili, dr li i all Inn llm Danitlr 'lK'l"'l'-. ! A Im I). nihil IiIdi.'KiiiIi' it now enforced iikmI Mrirtly. Minull cnatlcrt ore prnvrn tnl frmn milciliiK nr ltatiii) lliu IClbo, and ll it tinted frmn ('uiliavi'ii tiinl tin nr riuht Imnitli nun iKinln urn eTprcleil nil llm , lie iniiimillately In III I.I....I .l iiim.i.numK tijiinilrnn. Copenliauen mi..'M ..r dm '.M inmnnt Mile.llml (.iiiuiiI lritil. mjn alowly mlmlicilu' lilt trrxntt over llm who it I.rendlli nf llm Jutland I'. nlntnla, which now midlliiiiciiiiMil noumtliirinithliiK. Tin: rai-Hiini ra.inn nr rnr. intr.i. A11 iiinilt froiii llainliiir,"if iln-.'1I1 imm. ttuli' llnil im th" .'lll nil. llm 1'iiittiain. niiiler I'rini'e Sulin H.ilni, uern mrprited mid di'fiiitid al Aarhiiut by ilia llanith hiitiarx Tin' ininee wot nplurcil, hnv hi! Kiittniniil m rinut nnnnilt, with m-Nrr. nl nlher nUiecrt. Tim frriitinu Irixipt had many killnl, Mnumlid, and taken irlnnrt; limy nlo hnl l.iliorm. The llaiiet had mm killnl nnd Iwehc "'"in. I.d. I.iibIiiihI, 111 tntni 'ir rn i. nNTiir t hi. ..i nn i i I...-.MIN. Jlllll. ll III A. 'I Then it n tarirty enttin living iiIkuiI lh" Clubslhis iiioniiup. The iiidii.'iian( iiiimiitlriiiiie prouoiini id h) Sir Itnberl I'et I 'n the iIoll nf Ciniiuniit In! iii-tlil im llic In ntlliM s)ttemof ew. 1. 1. nt in Inliiml Imt allraiinl mudi nttni. lii.n. lteKutt lire 1 urn ul that Im iiitendt In link" n iii.i,i'.ii mi llm Mibinl u.thu tmn of rcndciiiii'rrimiual a repetition of nut i Trim-its r tiii m i ,t i v t i. Minii,.rt i,i, iimiii- mrv en riiiio 1,1 gel lb, tupplii t grmiieil, after which it it utii'llliM I'niliament "ill It" linuiediatelv aili'iurncil, mnl Inland left tn uliifl for b- ri ll us In M he i-uii during lb,' entuiug vacalinii, tit' iri.. , At usual a number nf lulls mil be drop pnl. Aiimni-tbi' rejectiihinldt have been tnkeu ai the West Mud last mghl afniul tlm Ji ' ' lull, and lb- current report tint iii"riui.H- ui nil llm public placet where t. Iitical mattert nre discustid it, that not. mtlistmiilinglli" proxu s IkIiI by the Duke , uf Wi-lliiigimi, (hi- llithnpt won't swallow llie Inner pill which proposes to "unthnt. , iiiini t I'uiliatnint Ireland I.IM'Rinol, June li.. .1... !....! ..r ,olo a m of .he Dublin. lir inu uiiivui oi our ui uie ijuuiiii ,tc.,ncr,, which left Dublin a. a U, hour las, nigh,. o aro in pnt.e of a v.ri. ..r .. ..: IV of il .........i ... 1...1....1 several prniiiicc III llelatld. TIII. fcTlTK Il.snlr.ll5. The Stale pnsem-M arc still in Dublin, tlill cmifmed still in daily expectation nf being rirried "tl" Irom the land they Inved "not wisely, but ton well." Th-y are fully prepared fur llm worst, tunic what in.iv : they ejp(ct n.) mercy from the gnvcniiu" lit that hat perseeuud ihi-in Willi -il'-li nil nun enliiig lintrcil. I.vcn ,1r. i, , , .. , .. Zf . ,, .... , ., ... iFineiiv uas iteeii (iniuuiiiv ini.'nufii uiui I K,mustmnr.lm....n;cU'..share dm ..-.un'. .1 -...I ami hmiKlr. will, tl... vcri- t.i, in nf 1'imljtli r.'iM'iililv on , , ..' ....... ...i .1. . i ...:.. ,i. ...i ..r -. . ruimi'l tuiu net ailt" III urn uiueiii'V ui i . ..ii i . . .i ' i . u patriu sin he i hired to atscr I m right in ireiiiiin in iii.iko imr unn laws aiu, chiHise her rulcis. Ituinc. Till. ini'Ml'll AMI !tllMA. M. dc (."stops, wliii.e arrival in Pnrit was iiuiieuiiccd nn tlm 11 li, left llmnc on the 2d insl nt which date no hostilities had comiueiieril, lliniih llic amiUlicc had Ih-i iiilciinuiicedun tho 1st. On llie morn. iiiL- nl that ilar (icncrnl llegiinult dc Si. nernl Iteuunull do St. Jean il'Aiiaelv nrrivcdltt Civiia Wchia. aiiiioiineiir- lliat tlm Koman re lUbllclmd piuKiscil In M. de Imi-v ps lo treat on llm f.ill.ntiug li.1it: l-'iral, (iiiaranlen lo llic Itouinnt ngaiutt forclitn invasion. Sec nmlly, ('antminieut nf tho I'reneli army in divert parltnf the llnmauna. Thirdly, In cate of refusal on tlm I'Vench govern, mcnl, hostilities only In Im resinned fifteen thiv't oiler nntilicationnf such refusal, Thoo prtHalt wcieiiinihuirs.ible, mid (Sen. (Iiidiuol refuted them, ll appears Mime ilillereiices nf opinion broke out between the General and Nl. dn I.esscpa; but these were soon put an cud lo by llie arrivnl nl ilitnaiohcN recalling tho latter, and ordering the rupture of furl her negotia tions nnd thuiillnok ngnintl tome. cuvr.NTiiiv wirii Tin: iiikmii. llv late adv ices from iho capital oarc ml in posseimlnn of mine very iinKrlant nti'lligcncc. It appears ihnt n conveii - ion had bci n signed on tho night of Iho linn .'IUt ult, bttwccii Iho I'rench Minister, M l,esteps, and tho Umnsn Triumvirate, General Ouiliimt iuimcdialcly protesled ngaiutt its piuvislMit, and declared it lobe null and void, , I'our ihousanii Spaulanls aro reported lo huvn landed at Gaeta, TIIK I'OI'K 0OINU TO IIDLOIiNA. The Courier and Kuquirer has n tele. graphic tllspalcli from Londou which states that accnuuU from Gaeln announcn Ihnt it is llic intention of llm Pope to return to l'lorcncu with llm Grand Dufcn of Tils, cany, and Inicccde lo llologun where he will establish his ijrrYrriiment until Homo shall lie in a slate to permit his return lo l!. ll was reported at llologna that An cona had Ikicii taken by ihe Austrians on Ihe lil, after 4'' houN,' lminbnrdiiient ; hut i "Si '- .L'-L. J-.3H tho neivt wn tint ffninrally crriltlcd. A t(:lc;rnpliio from 'iVicalc, under ilaln of Jnim i!d, nf llm reatition of Ihe bnnil,iiliii"lit of Venice, anil lii! r.igo. clutlunt for peam worn concluded. . .. Items from Um Uait4 8UU Tin; ii.iuiit in Tin; vumtiA i.r.(iii.AToK. Tim Itlchmond naperi aro mcecdlnnly wreroand narcaatio upon tlio ilTrlKlilfd lf.,,lMlnlf,F nT t tnl tvlift In n 1,11. , ...-.-.... -. - , ...,..,-....- , .,, imI)io lt ,0 )lir,j of cll,,,,, (It'll frnrri llm ntail nf trnvfmmtit. tit Lfiltl ihelr Nttion at l-'auntiler HpriiiitK. The VI,iK likent them lo an alTriuhted dock of ........ A ...... . ..,-. I. .7..i , l . mMitlied al Hlrhmond. and a lillioirranl.ln' i plan nfil wit laid iin llm dek of mom. iwrt, at a Halo ol Iota waa annul to ho inado. Thlt ad.lrd lolhe terror of memoora, who thniilit that it was bad enough to bo threntcned with death, without Leiii(r thown tlm place of aeputture. New ni.r.Nn. Telrerapliic accounts from New Or, leant of the 3d intl. aay "Capl, Griiil has abandoned all "irts in .lonnini, il.e KrcalSauvoCletMir, aid exprcaacs an "pinion inai 11 cannot lie done until tho river falls. Tim water It mill rising fright. fully 111 the ul)." A nolher account stales lint tlm Tunis Crcvasvi had bccn.oban ilmmil, nnd il was feared that it could not he joiifil. Tlm water was ruthins lhroii!tli with tremendous force. tricriitiri. camtiiRIIa nVAi.n. The bark John W. Caler left New York for San I'rancitco in October, beinj aenl mil by a (jcnlleinsn who waa afterward charged wild haling received private ln lelligencp from tlm L'Oternrncnl. The llry (inoda Itejiortcr stalca that tlm hi had just mado her report to tho owners. She miideltlie voyage in a little over four inoiiilis ; arrivtil at Man rrancisco aliout fifteen day before anv other shipment of ''' famn description of goods, and had al- iruny Lieurcu um ucrcnrgooi say vim, ni;iMrivi;ii)iBgru in inc governuicnv mcsc IKK), a net pmlil of over 9100,000. Her ! urcs of resistance to Aaron Ilurr't prp innnifil it several yards long; it con- 'jcls, personally commanding at Durr's tninrd a grea'HttorlmenlolknicK.knackt,' arrest. About this lime ha was made a cooking stoics, A r. Some of the latter, 'Captain, and soon after seeing no ro nluchcmtftl to 820, sold there forSltt-V malnln" prospect of activo service ob- mnl other articles brought similar profitt. iiir. r-Acinc railroad., A convention is to be held at St. Louis nn Ihe first Monday in October, of ihoso in favor of the grctt Pacific railroad. nitATii nr a mcmiick or conose.1v. We reuret to learn that the Hon. Hu. llstlnlillai ttlsLInan at inPaBiilall In 1a I-s'ti -nsvaat a I lM ,. II t ait I S) - all tuv lain Cnnoatn. and a rrnrrarnlallvn a!rt . r: ' V1 -"- "- x , in hip ncii Aixtc, irom me ataie ot Ohio, dinl in this city t four oN !"y.,,l'0",I.nK'','!ic'"''.! 'clock yes. aa wo un. . ,i.' i . ., .. t , M'?1"?' ". eoogertta, of the brain; ?"" "" TZr""0,? sjul In lila ImmI fnv " "- - v....... .. ... .aw iMaam- know that some members of his family ' were with him in his last illness. Nat. Intel. Vltl. ni'r.LLi.Mi raoitiDiTr.n. I'icsideiit Tnylor and his Cabinet have dccidcil that every officer ofthe army and navy, and every man connected with the civil service of iho government, shall he removed from office If ho engage in a duel, The President is said to have re . .t - i - i i i ic . i marked that he had si-rtol forty years in . . .. . j.i . , , i , i fc "il T'til't' "" l'!',cl,p"? '' w'' "ou,d 'ul a rn;i lieinnil, "lit IIUI nurill llie powucr 11 would ,,. .. , .,.,, ...... A...... ir ... .. .... ..a "- r ....... ,v,u n,i-,, . . . , ,. cn c ui doing so. B high water. There has been a grcal overflow of the Mississippi much tiiiinagc has been done to many sugar plantations, the upper i Mississippi and Illinois have both len' very iiigu. ., 'Ht T ' LO"D AT c""'','n' 1 here has becu a great rtood at Chicago, ' t A , i "". V.." "Ti. ..r ""."" '"; """ VnT,". ,V"'"". .1J- thousand dollars. ?l WlVL.tNO HKNATOH. Hmiorahlo llcnjaniiiy-C. Howard hat accepted tlm appointment of United Slates Senator, in placo of Attorney General Johnson. rscnv law. Tho Legislature of Illinois has enacted ii law filing ten per cent, ns the legql Urn. il for, interest on money loaned. I.ICONE IX VKKMtl.NT, Tlm tote on Iho l.llh ult. has resulted in a majority of (wo or three toonc against license. This is a considerable advanco on the no licenso vole two years ago; tho nsoortonnn of ihn tl v. u!il li,'fiit ,,i n,liic,l il.n..n.i. .., .nnl...i liconse who voted for it two years ago. ' '',i, rc,ui, , lip0ou, ,nj w- IC,, ,,o 0BU0 0f temperanco In other States. temperanco In other Slates. CmoRID VOTCtlS. f Tho Northern Star ataies that the lilier. al donation of land made by Gcrrilt Smith to colored men, haa added sonio iltldO men to the voters of New York, property lo a cortain amount being required. MUIMLR AT WASHINGTON. Thero have been issued by llm cor porato authorities of Washington, during a poriod of throo months, licenses to keep 148 llipior stores, 43 taverns and 10 ten pin alleys. OCrMuuh Injury I said to liavo been dono lo the sugar cano in Louisiana by tho lato cold wcathor. The plant cane on many plantations had been almost en lirdv destroyed, nnd in some instances it . I . woald In yuty rllrticull Ibr tho planters to obtain arcd, (rTlio Cholera ttlll continue! il rnr. aire ainoii llm nearo nonnUtlon In Tlilbo. ! deaut, La. Tlio phyalciin have declared It epidemic. (KrTlio Mitiitilppl wa forty mllea I ,"0,, ' Memphit, laiely, ly tl,a rlin wnl "tending over tlm AricaniM fl.H. OCTCien. S. I'. Gary, of Cinclnnall, hat received n letter from tho Irltli 1'Atio.itlc ofTotnperanc'i" I'ather Mathew,iu which he cipnstcsliis iiilenlion of leaving Irel. and during llm month of April for tlio untied mates,, ami cipccls to bo present ! n H'0 f' ternpernnen juhilco fin- I t-'litnall, on tho lolli of May. OtTTlie votein Cincinnati on subscrib. ing one rnllllorof dollars lo the Ohio and Mlttiaslppiiilroad company, was as fol lows: yeas 4.IUS, nays l,33T-tn,lorily for thosubscripllnn 'J fitf , st, LeOUs llt '"H, by a majority or3,!,00,tosubicribo a half million, Jraiyut. Rai.iu. We giie llio fol. lowing sketch at interesting lo evury one. (icn. Gaines ilinl of Cholera, June Olh. He was born iuCulpcpperCounly, Vlr. ginia, March 'JO, 1777, and named aflor his grral uncle, Ivlmund Pcndlclon, lung presiding Judga of Virginia Court of An-pculs- Hit father served temporarily in tlm revolutionary war, and towards its clone removed to tho Northwest corner of Notth Carolina, and afterwards lo Kait Tennessee, where the son was early enga ged In Indian warfare, being chosen lieu tenant al the age of eighteen. His edu. cntional advantages wcra very moderate, anil Im wasengagcil in tlie stuuy ol law; I when, In 1709, bo obtained an ensign's ' commission in tho Army. In 1601, he nsappointnI a Military Collector rurtuc District of Mobile, then mainly in posses. .'ion of the Spaniards, and in 1600 ho was tained a furlough and commenced the pracnccoi law in Mississippi territory, nowstflabama. Just as he was getting into practice, the warof 1812 was declared, and he prompt, ly resumed his position in tho army. He was in Wilkinson's blundering expedition of HI 8, and commanded the 33th Infant ry at the battle of Chrysler's Fields, No. vember 1 1th won distinction in the fight, and covered tho retreat of our army with a gallantry and success which elicited ceneral admiration, lie was made a Drlgadier General March 918M, and commanded at Beckett's Harbor until, au nAAMklMa Otrn S7Ia ..J IbIiIhh .t,,. .k. iratiiiiiu k.i& ..air. buu ibmiuic hum. successful defence of Gen. Gaines of ihst post, was a brilliant chapter in our mill. lary anuais. ai lenstn, navine oeen ae. verely wounded by a shell, he resigned llie command to Gen. Hlpley and crossed to llultaio. He did not recrvcrin time tq engage In the farther prosecution of the war, which closed the next spring, but he received the thanks ol (jongresa , with a medal, and the brevet rank of Maior General for his bril liant defence. He was soon after trans. -.-.- -... ,.,. .... .. ww,, t.,,, ferrcd to the South, and engaged Jackson in the Creek war o? 1830 under . He afterwards commanded in the Southern Military District until tho reduction of the Army in 1821, when ho was retained as a llriga'lier, and tho vt estcrn Division as sigmd him. Ho waa a candidato for Ma. jor General in 1829, but Mr. Adams deci tied that Genertl Macomb's claim waa the stronger. Geu.( fleer during what Geo. Gaines was ihe senior of. is vulgarly known as -Ihe Sauk fuss" in lsfai.3, and was for a I lime engaged in llio Scininolo war of '30. When iho Mexican war broke out. lie cal- , 0( 0t B liberal allowanco of Soulh- western militia, wiihout awaiting orders from "a, hinglon-involvlng a Heavy ex pcnse.wm nu.ur. .Itfwiiinfn rtlt. Iln uat 1 court-martialed for this, but not censured. lie was soon after transferred to the bast- ern Division, with his head quarters in this city, and only returned to (ho South du ring Iho last' winter. Though seventy two veara old. ho teemed In cood General health, and we did not think, on bidding him adieu at Washington, that he was so near to his long home. He was a man of extreme simplicity of character, and tho most unquestioned ir.fgrity. From Havti. llv Iho schooner J. B. Lindtcy, at Now York from St. Domingo, we have ihe following Intelligence: Tho general state of affairs, foreign and do mestic, is fur from being encouraging. About two weeks since tho President re turned with his forces from an expedition against the Spanish part of tho island, jitsivlilcli ho fared badly. He lost his cannon his men vvoro without food or driiik, literally satisfying their hunger for several itayswitli tenvos irom tne trees. On his return to Port nu Prince, he pub. lisbed despatches glorifying his foopa. ColK'o and wood were scarce. Imports from tho States had almost cased, not withstanding some of the people, vvoro fanv ishing. j ARRIAOB8. wwsiiii, iw, I Msrri.!. onTaultlln PI tl us. on I'llUradsV, (bo 18th tiul, by llav. Wiito-i nuit. MR. 8TE. I'HE.N II. WALKKIt lo MISS I.UCY E. SCIIOi.U Tbs Printers sue re nwmliettd wllli a dtlicioos lies of cske, snd In rslum wbh Ihtm a rnerry honeymoon, suil a fJrsnnt vorsgo through lift. msy all their days Glids as the silver strsam which asvtr stsjrs, Bright ss whoM shlngl'd bed, 'till lifea dtclln.. Msy sll Iheil worth, and sl Ihel r v iiliir hln." Retail Prices Current. AppUti drlttlaor lb. fnsaasrbosb 410 Boofi oa foot ptr lb. rolsll at snaikst rorkprr lb Ilutttr par lb Chson ptr Ik C'sodUs, oporm ptr lb I tsUttr per lb DnnmUtspsrysrd I'rintiprryd r'Pwri ptrewt .. ( l- bU.., 14 lir.iiil vtbcstprr butb .. ,, I otltperbuab , I wt. hsf, ptroVa.., 3 (Itocrrirs, eofloo por lb .. .. ugir, brown, prrlb sugar, walls, " agar, losf, Ira " 1 molaaKS ptrgsl..., syrapptrgsL, i baeeWrlb rles ptr lb j. Oil, Lassed, ptf gal 3 Glass ft I bos, b by 10 6 .lObylJ 7 Iwn prrlb Nti la ptr lb Cooking starts. 70 M 00 06 a 10 a 18 C9e Ut 00 37f I9,a 13 a 00 00 SO a SO a SO 18 10 a tl SO 00 ?! CO m oa so 73 10 30 900 troo 90 90 30 ! SO 1 00 I so 37t I m 9S SO 00 00 19 a IS 18 0 SO 00 at JO 00 $Bk Marine Journal. Tbs foilotrio lat will show lh Btnabtt f Trt- wls Ibsl hst-s bwn in Iht Caiarabi sises tbs 8th of Msy, ihsir flsf and teasfs: ,. ..lh ..sstfcifc. Tin. M.jf 8 BtAt Autls, SIS litis JtnMllr, (Droak.) . sag Hhlp MttesdM. (ChiCsa.) - Hear Milwsukie, (bit In Ortfos) 99 Vskdors. .175 3 BsrkJ. W.Csrtsr, . 317 Bri( Miry and Eittn. ISO Juns IC Hebr. Ptsaesr, (boitt in Orts-xi,) 63 Bsra Undiat. Vi BsrkClsnMs,(BritisbJ Brif Hsaiy, Brif Ssersmsats, UrS EL risccr, - Bsrk Aoitla, . BsrkJ.W.Csrltr, . 3 SbipVYshwU, 10 BrifBdratt, . . EtMlarf Matin, (FrtBeb.) Ship Silver ds Oraass, 913 993 ISS 183 SO ais 317 519 July 191 93S C4I O.C. Bsraoad. - 149 139 Ml BrigQi laits, S3 Hbipllaatnta, Bark liStaissa. Schr.G.B.Uns.n.'UlaOrrttti,) S3 August 7 Brif Mar sad Elba, . 110 nira tins, . aa". Bark HafpsoMr.tBrilitb. - 434 8ine.AllBrii MssVsaa, . ft BOf uurr, i SWpAenta, 34 BrlfFucrttS, 33S BsikAjwios, 913 Bark J. W. Carter, 917 Bark Oesaa BW, . 413 Barfc Plissisl. . 907 BlifSeeteaataU. . IM Bwk Hslsa M. UUlsr, CAYUSE WAR CLAIMS. THE CnmrsUniisir sat "Csyoss srar claiass" will eonnaaae bis drat toarioa at Oistna Cuy.on Uw Ssst Msaasy af Nsrcssbtr asst, far Uto lartsligauoa of elalass agaisat Iho sste pssst. sioaai gsTsrasstM tomag omot laiLsjasa.wai. A. A. nsviitist.ii, Ongoa City, Oct 18, 1849. Ctm. ft. JURT RECEIVED Ptr bark DisoMad, and for sal at Ui Brick Hlsrt, IS casss looking (baa, I etakbmtbiafto, 3 easts brads, finch to 9 inch, 9 casks tad irons, 3 cstks door latches, 1 cask rim locks, 1 caskbrsarfcsAdltsMkks, Moos aad ship earptalor's broad ate. Dinner btthyabotiosWo awls, Carry combs, bars cards, 4ke &e. ABERNETIIY fc CLARK. Oregon Cily, Oct. 18, 1849-tf- SCHOOL' BOOKS. Wtbrftr's school dietieaary, .Mitcbtll'agtogrtphy aad atlsa, Colbum's arilntstle, WcbaUr'ssprUiagbosk, " spslkr and doliaer, Wolfs teboot Jrsmmsr, WnUng books, Utter and foobesp psptr, For sals br ABEHNETIIV i. CLARK. Oregon City, Oct, 18, 1849 U HORSE POWER. ONE horto power two lambing mscluneofor sals by AUERNETHY &CLARK. Oregon Cily, Oct. 18, IMS, tf CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. ryjltlE undsralgned lists this dsy formed a co JL panoenblp, and will carry on lbs rmreanllls business andsrlhsBrmof Aberastbvde Cliuk. GEO. ABERMrTTllY, 1" 'on IIIKA3I UI.AKK. Oregon City, AugoMO, 1849 If i-'on SALE. ONE Filsfarald'obrst doubt iulloy but stone null, wilh bolter and boiling cloth coinplalo, tnr aaLk hw L. k f'lllll'll a. l;u. Portlod,Ocl.l8,'49. It TWENTY LABORERS WANTED. rllE subscriber wiabes tormptoy twenty la. bonn at his nitls. on Tuslsty river. Tot terms srfly al our slor in LtnuC'ity. JAMES M, MOORE. October 4, 1849. JAMES M. MOORUJ-CO. WILL keep conatauity on hsud a fu.i at. aurtment of DRY OOODS 4 OKOGtiHIBK Al Ihtlr slor In Llun Cily, " Oct. 4, 1849. ROBERT CAUFIELD, MERCHANT aud geneisl dssler la Dry am. Uoods.araccriesandi'rodust.oa Mala Strut, atsr Mr Srifr. Oct. 4, 1849. SEALED PROPOSALS. mTOTlCE I hereby glrrn to aU whom il may 1 nmcani.thatMonofah will b rotftistt at tlo prUUncoOs tl lh Spectator, aaul tbs "lh MtsararlhtftkMk, a. M , for Uv. priaUaa; sCtha laws aad Jwuaals of both hootos sf tasTUgWis. .... .?., ns. . - III k aaitLwl anal dirselod telb uadrisiia-tl. totality will bo re. . 1.,. ... ,. J ik. & maaillaaan aoirea agrtsaaaa tv iw, " " -la (h leopoosb, se that lb aWonifasd awy Hpaftb.-.,. WBUCK A. L. LOVEJOW Oregon Territory, Oel. 4. '49. resnalarfoivrs, IK. ., iiWi.'- CWCHeVfl WftOtMAUt assVMsWI rsstrua,! 0.sstor. 1149. jm' -r "w. ; v u ""! SIM, STlU, I sswa a. sasaHsa, t, t. i, 8TARK,i ".-.. a sit raaisesaaasy aifta re Was. . Wet NstWeMaaW " Tayasres " Wrtossej Oct.4,IB49. Jt : o-f-tisi nw. s. anisu, .-',.". i mwwm m, JK ' SHERMAN cOMMItatOW JJW TMsstaJ. Oct 4,1848.' r "-'" ' LAWN . j.Quimf ATT0MHMT 4KB HtWIWI aft' OKii osv'ris aaat sisb a Jasaa jsjosaanssss iaon' :&$. OrsgM City, Ost 4, H49. , ffW ' I LAW. 'SVV CIIAPMAif ATTORiiiia n covumiitm THBT sral aet aa sfeata at as! of LtdC1aJasass' aba. OBHBKALAqttMT la aay pari ef she Tinalirf, unusn as eaasss Ho, r. H. attsjrrrr, Mm Pit uii.llMliassaH.(a ri.M n ia 'taaA !' TtTJWm -J, vw , a. a. amirsnaws,-' .;j-,., . . Mfl.aftms.s. ATTOMKKY COUXMMUMt ATI AMD MUCTtOB IK CsVsBOMIvV ' OJUtn Wat 0U4 Wessr aVrssst Oct. 18, 1840. TO THE PUBLIC. TUB BUBttCMBSa, aasnasj ssssto easl 1 bag tawsatapssi ska pasiVs, .vsleffi tassBtSateaswealsaasI aeatbaifjBj Nctvrtmsr a kufe assl ssvksstoe asaBBeflt COORJaa4CSOCEKUn,tisi '.'.! TsMi Lasia, '- Aad a gsaaral 1 loalaiba Ik aa a COM AMB MW. WU.K.KU0NtkO0 OisftaCT,Oet.tV4l Absiit. M.aoUUo, OsssjiasWiasll Shawls, Tsa, B aad Coltoo lldUa, CaifNI FsncTdm " woi rsv Has Flaaasl. DtMotLiaoa, VaabMssa, a al M UoUaffOlaasss, skkrasatssi LlnoaTtoUoa aad SllkHliiaid aa Ibrsad. Crsckoty, e f.aas, TO war, V 8.M. OjsjtaaCUy.Ottd.'tW. J. D. V W. C. UOLMAH 'J HAVE forward tl siHaisskbi, ajat j9Jj oohsadavsrMysfDrytoMdsaai etiies. TlwywtUdssWlasssdpsrllats lass. 0L4, 1849. BOOK it JOB PRINTWa Eztctmo wits aui ji 999 ai mmni aad al roassasM a4et AT TMIM OmC. ' TO TEACHKRR. A COOD isachfi win aad aa sasiliat xm. lag in Uaa Clly roc a srtatsf 1 qair at this tanco. OREGON SPECTAt53 AlmlBMtldyJMMl .'; DtVOTEU TO TUI M09AL,S0CUL AM H R4r iMTUun or tn rEOPLE Or OREGON, , niTss ssb isstssaia Br.WIUsWf.aTMaAaTjrt ... Ortgon City, Ortgm rTssi. . , j TEEMS INVjtllit.r lit ABTANCta.: Oa copy, par aaaum ,..........M lorsia nBtuHo..,-.,M ,.i jtpviariHJUim. ? one tius (IX in aciaas; its ror tttry aaoiiwaai sassnass... Veartr tilrfriasac.p-sow... Aaroaita tar Mm I Th foUowinar Msssas ate aaakaasMl I Agtala fss taBpselabsr. TkeyssBj :rl.tlouj and adiilMsiaiiaai ,- Asnaaw Hood, ass.. . t. !.-. Dr. W Caanurraa...... ! JtV-t Asssssm ACuas.... fauSofat Mm. af?a........i...... J.B-McCuaa, F.lsV.. tioa Aauia ,. U.M.WaiMasa, A. Mweaaa,.. .. eeta Meaaa, sssj...... aM r, Avaar, .. OuraaWsaf. Dr. J. V. M IIm.Iim'lR.1 Cisnd aiatsslj CMBMAvffpMH reaiasssTOl ".'eAX til slnlslss). waasisBotas, eaBSasflej t fc n VMltaga, CM?Jp,tJtfl - - "- "-" aTltsTaVaj MsJpPJeaTaafaV Maata, Osssstsaa. Caasbjsr, Ceskltllia, ',5; MDeLaiaos, Ci iatirfTssfc,-5; nSSl 1iTmi9Stmm lassrasssfatseasassBSMeleai FOR B&UB by aasVsaisMsV MM est Meaaaasat. Teesali)aj tfgUi.j ffMais. CeaWs m "iieasV'