?! I it will f found, wc believe, to be sen I neatly it not entirely cor re, i The Superintendent (inn mi office of surpassing intcrc.t aligned lilm, into! lug rcpo,is:l'llitni of groat iitiguiliiih. On l t I ).. nnl a Mil ll.iPiv .it I lila .l).,.. t .l..iu st.la. B J" , I IIIC Will llll'l IM Ittl VI lll Vlllt ( I III II lllll fTH K N I' i) T A T UK. -' cr- e;-., - -- --- tjf ,aLaHiaBBBBBBBBBBBBBB-aBBBtusa-'!!iaa. M JrrtmMvff a. OHKCON t'lTV TI1UK8DAY, OCTOWKR IS, 18li. j 1 IM PWM ! TIM i. I . nrw- Plum (Lo irtiiniy of I'olli II. N. V Holmes, ri, nmlS, llinli. . r,.. I'n'(iillt"iin of Yum lllll J. Ilcin. hroe, e. , Itobort Kin..'), en. on. I J. W,vll.ug, rii rrom llii- omuls of Timlilm (Vi. W. tho Mio.'r.s of tin i M litti1, . uml Il.vvid Hill, isi. i whole iiin We cheerfully ttuider the It n mini on ihe ni uibluig of lri;i. lolunintiif ll.r Spectator to hint for the latne tsuli. f. to impure uilo llir Iti'iticnl purpr.e of . .ir iiih tin great cause in eharni-ier of l!ir ivti'.nlieri. Hut ImppiK many evils vthklii-nu he corn cti d hi m trmlril t liiii-.no. '' poli.n si arum have nti nusti'iici lit On. I uttn-r n, I'or untiuioe, nothing "-Ihiii con, an I hence iho permit elotleil lollin'"' an aetive ui.il vigilant ilit .111 pi fit) t'.irpnritll.iu. I 4iiiliiK ol On- .tlnll Tin Ule l.ci.ilnl.vi Amenibly revived I TI10 111.11I1 fioin tho I'nsl Office In Ore, gonC.i), for Culifitula, ntiil tin liiihnil States, Mill K' I'llltlll Oil ll.Ii 'J." 1I1 lint , tin- net f tin I'rovin ml gov eminent 1 I'r.intin;: Corporal 1011 lights I.i Oregon oil. 11 ii llioro no in iimn made for ancle. -lion ol officers 11 ml cnrrMii llio 1 liartrr into ill'itl' It would tun Iv i 1 liihulo mm Ii lo the oi ur.lv , pni'po.il) , and uiiptovem, ni nf the 1 nv Thoie mi' Tin luillnn .niii-tlerec Bcrlealasllcal ftollrc ..." " .nuu-iiiTcr. ........... . ... .... .,... I. ,,,.1, i,r..r ..I.,.,.. .1,., : A taeral mm, MUh , .f .h, tlr.il. Wcle:,, from ...,., Prsant. that to 'l-"'"r" "'" '" "t ...an " ' .V ....... " 7 ... .. .., tenvard Silver C.eel. "S - . & a B.a. . ... II t I ....... .. .... I ................ I .1. .!.. .1 11 rPllII. II 1 1111 II rut 'I 11-1- 11 III II MHIH HI ' Ma. auafjsw. w nib ulo. kiii r .i. ... i u. ..1.1 1. 1 i'i".i iii imn . !( iiuniiK uir 1 r ... : .. .. .. . i.i o... iii.iinii. iiiki u nin rti'ii i,i lit... i lit Ft. Stulanwiii, paa M- lli niilr.lrrnf I.i .lJ. . .T comiotril anil rf M1 y1 . . . . . nn,.Mil,l ik.l )! iuau .A ..... -... ..I ' ' icts. ini lorrnorv .n miiinui law nmi ninl forwniilul l lili Anion. Mmiii'lliliiu lor Mil' utliin. Wr li'iitn llnl on llio 1 Tilti linl,, in llio I'.im'iiiIo .Motintmm, mi llio rinli'ii: l.inlrr III' M.IIHIII I llllllt . IHOOI tin 11' loii'l 10 poili Uito Ih'uiiI 101 inliliiiti iliiliint limn ilor, noioinpiiiiiiil In utlii r iniiimiil muto iiifnti Ml llio rlrini'iili. tmiiM ilmli'l nf ulm Ii ih .1 (lei i From Unrcpo. lliiiiKi.vi iilrtmiili fur Mi.crl). Tim iiliut intri'llii niioii n do ih'Hi fioin llnropo irliiiin in tin. ttnr tll)i mi: 111 lliini'iiiy. It i n iontii.1 li-t.wwi lilioily uml iloiimiikin lliin-aty nlonn I1111 Into 11 llio Inlil ii;niiil Au.trln riml IIiiimii, Inn nf I ho mini pmwifnl liutloni ol loiii'pr, uml Imili unlijn t In iI.-im-Io ,! mini nii. All llnM'po ninl Aninh-u uro i'iipl mil roiliil pi i t.-it,.n in Mm ii'iilln 1. uml aii..in nio 1I10 ., nml nin 1 11 Inllw tn iti ti'immnt U'l Kckl Law. i5'0tl the moat praiaewortliy acta ol '' AaVak V aaa(a1attlaai A -!-- utaa (! lAfi. IMittlUIII tmWKMWJ aik uvj" taM"Ca law eataUUbing a tyttcm of hhaotr." Tho oaoae of eJuca. 'llMKaa aaar the heart of eery goal man. Kwt M fcatter eiridtncc can bo dtalred of aha aatagrity and clear.ilglitni patriotlitn of oar Legblatora, than the remarkable unanimity with wblch this law waa adap ted. THa Territory It rery peculiarly ituateJ; and to no people In the world it education more important. Expowsl to all the iogrvdienta and facilitiea of vice, 1 reaped of defraying tho expense of education are ao abundant that all may eatily avail them. aelreaof Ita adranUgci. Our adrantagraon thit subject are duly appreciate i at is pruren by the adoption of this law, and alto by another fact to which we refer with a high degree of sat. Iifaction. The children of this Terrilsry are more generally in school than in any portion of the Union; and more willing ness is manifested to meet the expenwi of education, however great, than we ususl. ly find among the American people. An. Imated by these enlightened views on the subject, we only need an efficient system lo secure to us, in a high degree, the blcs. sing of universal education. This system, we beliove the enactment of our Legislature has supplied. Item bodies the best features of the systems practiced In those Slates where the cause of Common Schools has received tho most attention. The law is Ion?, and s sit will , ! 1 1 1 '.iri ooimii. r.uioim ; mui, uiirni' lir"""" -.-.. .. . . wnowr-m trial L Inm , ; ( '.,.,,, , , f ,.,,, ,,,,, . r.-l ...111 ..,..,.. ...! .... ...I .... , ,. M,.,,,l,., r.,i, ,., il-l.l. ihr or. . I,, fir.1 ..... . for , ,,, t ' , fl,rl,. Abi, tl.rt. ,, , tt Sal.l.-ll, ll... '," ""' luf - '" '" '-' " , - I) fi- nml fi,l,l. , ,, cutrJ. 1 he Jmlp. hn, b i , , , . , ,,. f ,,,., , t v, Ih.,,.SI,I, ,,np.o,,,n ,,l l, .Ik. , .l. .nml ,1,. j ..,o. ., ,1,,. .,.,, , and one other ho as killed in a bran I of tome kind, by another Indian It. fore tho trlnj,irrii the ringleaders in tit attack upon Fort Nth'tlnUy, l.lotled to the unfortuimtp deathof WalUre. It ap. feared in cwJrncc that mo other Allien cans, namrlv, a .Mr. I.enn and n Mr Walker, rre badly wounded by shooting. anil recowrcd, and ilia: a childofafrir.nl' hoofi alo.ii llio trei't. W i ln'l'i' tho charter mil not be mll'i rod lo remain Inn "er dormant. line ki.I.iIuiii e. nil.. I.iit o the nppi'u.i.i.e of Hire. .( le, nil. I 11 iiko li eume the death uf tin' lull in the iln-nin Abniit tin' ll.mol llio alne on urn 111 o, Mrimg windi nrei.-iilid fro... the 10. ill., a heaiv 1, til.N In .111 1-1 and m111.111l. a Inn. 11 .IjIiIi Itumiau nrmy. Wlielhertlio !..i llo for liherl) in Hungary will mil, 11. 11 did 11. Poland 11 fi eari. tluci, lime ein ill. lie 1I1 1 ido. Kin iif,.r , I, nlljimi . nin l.il. ..I.l.l. -r .... c 1 j-.-M. .1 , 111-1 iin iriiuuH.y nii ami reiarncil. HM lie "n- miiiiiic rnp.mu .ll. '..0.10 1 ZffnLSlS TtoXZJ cry ,a day of Ihe ,..,, ... prore.. a lare pro,,,,,, ..f ..ur' M.u, a,e oTerrilon elve a thorough and lib. ""'"- Three of tho.e ac.,.,i.,ed uere , f W- K-- '- H-l "".. - M lZmn ch.eft.anJiauofthe.nbM.I.L ,0 Kb.-1 T,"lfl1' ""rr,a'" ' '" "' ",...., I.r .,r.... f rrl... I ... donlfo rteiTSnaT "tenArTnce '''he other, a,,i., om thrro ., ' ,,"","f"""" "f "', A""U.' ,? - , ''rP,'", " ?'r" " IEiK .Uve.andhadnopan.eipauonin ,,e af. 'r'' "'"" """" " " ""' l'""ll '";'"'' - '"" ihr.r ortbe human lam.iy are ao nappny snua. . 1 mine, the ben part of toeeki; oiiit-j .ihuiidaiiceof gold i.io.mh,,,,,,. ted in thU respect as we are. The means ,alr " tta- brought in under ihc cpec. ' ,....,., . - h ' ' III! luthont oirn-i-n, ami nil fell that the pub lie Mauls were preuing; and ll.rir''. ley one ai aiumatcd ..ith .1.. ... 1 ;vlMTtr In 4nHii nml l.inii ..r ...... ..I..... . ti ... 1 .yrt-. . ...!... 1 - lllln ntli.a II II. 111! Ii't'i III lit. al It.llld.,. .1.. . The only ground nf .lilT. og , ll.cr. has been a gieal ad.a.i.i. inlhel " , , ' - ( .... -.. ...... ....-, nam man., rmay Willi " r- P I " il,. t 1t, 1 .iiil 11 l. rn.it 1 I. ii. I .r .in. .Lit ' . J I I 1 alui.ofprow..lv.nlhe.'ilir. of lliel'iill, -. " " - "" r B.nr.ou, lermiuii n linn 111 mm' i 1 11 r '-I'M. I' i.nii 1 'H "ii 111 lil'll liht nllle ...iili.r nearly a nk , ai, l aid lhl lb. 10 ,ei Uen .1 Wb. ther n M'li aim rn.pl..... lui ink... n j, nnd pei,up,n ,li,mi Uttlo fimghi pla.-e, or hIkiI,. r the phenoiio lion ai Mmiii the llungaiuiui inl ItiiMiau., proili.eid b M.ine other . in , wi Im-ii l.i.l .- have I n 11 luial.lr (11 gr nlghl of uotai lit lln-111. inn. il d. ti innnini;. On. paper hIiicIi bimighl lliw lin. i f.iel biiHrii-r it noitby t.f i.ot.i'i TI"- mil pm Iheilitmlt at mini at mh can 11I1. whole fin. ado range nf mouutnini menu u,M (, ,e meieiil. the fnlliiHini. me.uliort urn fo.im1 ... llio fait, thai each nat moit p.irtml to the laut of the Stale from nl.it Ii In- had rcveiill. i in. grated, .,..,., .1 .. . . K. I...K... o,.. ... . 1 . e ami Willi 1110 ope rat ion nl 1111 11. 01 nnir.e. ., iiiuiuii nM. .1,11 .....iiiucu 01 n KIMII, Dl .... X which it afterward died. The Indians ex. ""' W" """" BI,1"Ur ' '"' tlilln uliy ii.nrtl. I Her. Iiau le., n g.,., ,anv eculed wrro Ku.sa.s and ljuallal.wori. '"''"(:'' of tin, d.lUr.nee of p,tn, new budding, erected roomily, and (1,e net wa trnoutiv it'll ami rriarut-tl, MII10 piaieitiniiiroiing rahnu ,n.i ..ouol of the W.llamellr within a fi w inmiths. Ite.ll ettale hat more than trebled in a. .11 tint tratmi, ninrrhw-lelideiiev 11 still tationthatat only one American uatkill ed, that the guilty chief, would be allow. cd to put this i!a.e in their stead, and that this Mould beallihetatitfuction that uo'd be dcmandril. It it the opinion of the Ti-rrilorlul l.llmiri. The Terrilonal l,il.rar Imii united 1 the em. Then bonis mie nun lim. at lengin one watncree.l 10 wlneli em braced moit of tho mailer' of .pocial 111. tcr.t lu the eope of the Terntorj After remaining in n'mion two weeks the M-uso.i of hartrti luting arri.i. I, and . t .1 1.-.. 1 1....1. .. ... Judge, and others uh whom r hate ' '-'.' " nti.l l.y llio. tthn are i..iu.l.ni ;u.lg.-. conversed, that ero prcient at the .rial '"'" l'f Pol" ''" ,0 '" ,M lr ' the i.ibrarj.t ,a,, n, U well ar.ang.d and execution, that iheallairwill prove n l " ' ' "" """"" ai.j...rn... salutary lesson to tho Indian, in H.at "' "I" Auijuti. uuarter. nhowercnrefe.it in -rr,. n...... ben lhc-A..einby rr.a...,nl n- ... 1 .1 . .1 1 1,1 .il'pi-jieu uiai me neu.ier. itau ueeii lire, mid the t.i-t uni'.uiil of vegi laid. uinller lliuti . 10 iiiue.l 11, mid I e rutin Iv .illli.-i.nl n aoi 111111I In lln- iiil.m and Mimke it hn Ii have prevailed And ll it p.nl.i.l.li that tin pn valence 1 f tiro u.av a. 1 .tint Inr ll 'In r on lltri 1.. e Tl.i- Mill flu' I.i at 1 1 1 icioiii il I'V tl.e lire m. IV 1 have 1 M. II1I1. 1 lur 1 l.iillgll ...I I tin- imkv wile puiilininl ..,,.., , ,,, ... 1.... ..I lll....rtl.V.H .......I.... .. I . .... .....h, ,.,,..,.,, , i,,,, ,,, iie, nit . 1, Mini. I Willi 'l lolin.l III I'll i.iv.tlei IHIII. Tin V are . run i.mIIv I. 1 tt-nki nl llio 1, 1 lit mid linn nrmlui e mi 1 i.'n 11. 1 i.i.. Iiat, i.i 1 .1.., 111 il ii 11 111 1 .1 . 1... . .1 . . n .. --- --.. Tiiniiaii' .ii.iii.i .1111.111111. i.i. ..ii... tin luint- inriH-ti ! lln iiKMiuiiiiii k(ii . .,..,...- ..r ..11. '.. . " sin tti.f t- Wlll'l'l '--Itllll- Mill Illl-I lll'l . ! r "-"j - II' I I ll.ls nil inn. 1 in me and judiiii.il. 11 lution There .110 ..mm 1 i. 1 . 1 . . i"" iminiri 11 tuiiimeiii. wo. I,, in i-.t.n 'I, .it i-nl and soienl.fio nilmi t. 1 1 !. 'II lld into .1 .Ii 1 p rutin "I Sin r I'n 1 k Inr 11 tun. ml i I nil lln ..lino .rii..lli1f 1 .1 it ol Ih teraps will give lln -ulnlance ol the 111 formation neeitiil at tint nltiro oil the ul.ji 1 1 .tiulrin nnil llnnsiir). 'Ill VII ll.NV IM till. IIIITItt-.l till KM I s 'I he lleues-ralii' I'aeiliipie ha pnvals and n HI li.-tit it: ndtieis fr.nn lluiignr). lot I. eoiilirm tbn ri k.ilrd n lory ol Hem ii r .In Itu.tiant 11. the Itnllii iitliurin I'.i.i in Trautvlviinia Tin r.ninii ttl.t tin it 11 nil) il.iiilit 01 nl.MUlHv wild le ganl In r.ii-nl mnvimri.ia in llungaiv, .. mm nin tni.e iiii ttnl. r (,, ,,, ..,. , , ,th Tl.e Urmot-ralii aflirint i iiiivilv tin iii.tt.ai. nuiaiiceii guaril tuirn.H Willilhupn.t ft I.,.!,.' ga... imla-kal,.,.- ...l..,n k near Ji.l.lui.ka. .,,,.. v ,,,.. , hers at the trial and execution. The Snow. ri-. "' e ...i.n.r. nau ik.-h c. ' of I(. collet...,, .. ni. .... I. ...,i,. "'' M'' ' "" '- ' gbi ... f , Caen.v, u, . .r". 4 qualamic tr.be is the most brave and !iV',' rrTan"K l'"-" " f-r future u. The work, minpoimg . , ,,r ,,. '"' . and im.i.i.g fi, ...,'.. w.ihl..,,, , Ul, ,.,,.,, ',, ,,,, , warlike, and much jhe dm num(.rou,i ''I-"""-"' -""1 the great n.eu.ur,. of if approv.d th.raeier f.r ...rn .. and m.i,,.. ,' "" ,7 ' """" W ' ' " "" '-""dlirv. w, ,Ml, U1 ,,,,,,,,, . of the unfriendly iribeson Ihc Sound, and :""un MrrC r'""1 ,,1I U li?'"1 lhmt '' ''"' "' rr- , l.uweter. ,1,.., II.', .....t fastis, r ren.ail. . ,1,IJ MClnU " 1 V arc much add.cled ,0 .kirn.M.ing nnng,t "'c rccc" M"' '" ",c n,,,' " rcnl wm i"" arc more or le., uijund l,v iV" nil-ma., v, ,1) , , ,-., ,,. ,.,. , , ,, ' ,p n.".'','" th" ,,1,!;"' Ihr-oihcrtriocs fur plunder and .late of Umf ' be uiea.ures preparcl .luring .huiinnrtsrontracli-l in the lu.,. n,vv ' l"Hb. r and in.,.. .1. (nine inlormatmn , I.Mv tvhieh wa. n,l.ai,.-1,. l.v ..,.. .". 0 .- r. - - - it,. It did not appear from the evidence verv clearly trtiat had cauied ihc attack upon dampntt ic the recess vt re will inrturrd and cou.pre. thitcolntrv iicnut.-, an. 1 nrou-.'i,t tin lniiin-i l-lorc The damage, 'Iioiil'Ii lo ! regretted, wat 1,1.1 tngriat in In rripure theFort. The Judgeihink. it quite pn,l,. ,1,c Wmlj'y ' cb '-'i . greatly ; il,r r..-.e.. ,,f .!. whole. We toimt.il able that the object vas lo rob it after k.l. ling all those ho o,-poicd thcr dcigrTs. Those acquitted, the .'udge tl.mkt, ifgud. ty at all, were not so in any thing like the same degree with thoc found guilty. tin MAmA mAn.li. tfnr it ..n Ka nrinti. m.. . . , . . , ., 1 "'ere were some circunnlancet ubith and circulated amort tho neoDlt. we will 1 1. 1 .. .. t , . . . , ieu nic jury 10 uouui vtdellicr the v nere prcsem our reaaers a contienseu sum. mary of its provisions. Chapter first prov ides for the i-.taLluli. ment of a permanent irreducible Fund, the interest on which shall b. distributed annually among the districts. Dutastho school lands cannot be made available for a number of years, tho law provides for the collection ol a two mill tax for the purpose of meeting the immediate and pressing wants of the system. Chapter second relates to the dutie-i of the Superintendent. t Pliant., ll.tr.l .....,.. !.. .KKA...,.... ' v,,v.., ,,,,,m I..JUH11 lllb U'IVllllllieUI of three whoie ccrlifi ty to entiil public fund. Chapter fourth creates the office of School Commissioner for each county and defines his duties. ppro ...1 .... ...... .. .. ... .i inc uuavK upun me 1 on. Juiloo SKinnerwai nppoinled Uiniritt Atornev eiiileii ihf matter. J, t. erj iiouuiul vvlittner soinano "OTillaw ll-.Ve hien euaeleil, ln.illd tin V llOM-t't the full 0110 I, ill,. In d i,ii tt illi-.ut the re. i''. Wo are lliiii particular 111 placing tho lalrftn ij . leml.. ri diiruiL the recess in a favorable light. I,caute there has been .oine fault found with thtm fur vo, ting tluinvelvrt pay for the lime of tho re rr Si'llliiit l.liiir l I111lla.it .iitulticr llfi'ltlim Thetuliji-ct nf killing nr.liiil tpin.i !. ell. 1 liv 11 ik lievi.ud tl.e ( ainathia.ii. u'l .1.. u..rlherii rungi t uf which hv nntv men I"',' inn 11 viiinrj wiui'.i even ll.e At.timu av- r 1.4.11111-f. among th.e miHit ,e hnliaut iu.tbit Temtnry it one ... win. ) unveriiu, lit j..iiii,alt du 11M dare In .!. n,, ..v iiijund. Then lwkt mil csm. ! ,,e puhhe nond i iniieli mtere.trd; rnd n" ,l" ''""ulalif. is that ga I l,v itiileniifu-elliiitloimdu'iimfurn nubb ,,.. I. v.l.e.tude ha, l.ien I. It n. I. ..in II,. """ ' ' r n "","' "''''"' "I --. mm I nil ll Ii 1 I llnl Mi i.lrni.i .'I' . , Hit Library ""M r'""', u""''1 ,'l" ' " r' "" . hv the I...1I.I Milium (U,d Time, , i'.i ' toll -.tier Wt are ihenlnre hupp) lb' alh.tviil the 1 111 m In k 111 Iran . .' 'n le .idle tn inform ..ir n aders llial tp 'I, ' rv evln initv "f the vnlle), .there I.i. iriUM.Iiai hull hoard. ii.d.l.ii.l.. I I.) In- ' ""'' '" ''" lh. Muni ., . et'OI. ...meeieht .,.,.l.. u..l. ,V... II.,.. J...I..,. I'.u.l ' ' mo u. 11 lie nan ef, , I, , , , ,,, ' :. : 1. . . . "v. l ... M. 1! .,.! en in r , , " illeiiiM-riiiii'i'. I he u.creaie nf inli n,-ran, eyf bile r. any alarming e hud ri iide.isji t lr- ptl.pl W I'.le the liumiint tt. - . ,r. ...1. . .-, .,-..-. -in.- iiii.ti.int tt,, A , ... . . . '.,..iin',i itiniiriw ra ,,,,..,. ...r ..--........-...,. -.-. ...,.., ..... .......... ., .. .. .. and proiecutcd the cjmjc, and Haid Stone r "" nopinioii mat . ,, ' at ihe late i.-rm ..I the li.fru 1 f..ii...l,. I.I , M, " "" " '""' -m- uu E, Attornoy at Uw- MJ'd , ,," ' W """ " ! T U..I rrkal.." "" Uf '" l" "' N'"' a. Av.,.,.. ... I.e., ,1 fur l.alli, ..,, , '"i"'? ' "''''"'J "PI ""' ,"'- ' i.-l"i w.. nuc. vZllZ'J nil .lungs conMib-rtd, n. f,,r anv.art 0" '' .'""P"' "' ''"" '" "I .il. Uu I...I...... but ,,,i,,ag..l ...,.,' a '; "I "I-. .hut .hnaimmg .l, m,,U wi.il mULli real and ability. ,,e .,,, M ,-,H " " bave law,, and g.,d nn.s .-, wnv fn u. ll.e Mi.rtl al.an.l , .,,. '"- ..f. I mmy. ,,, . , r.veryaivutancevtas promptly furi.H,. ,"''' "j Why arc thev 1.01 e,,fu,ce.W I ..... law de V linallv f. tl.e ur nl ll,.. p., pi, '-")"'.. I.ng r,,'k. up,,,, , I, cl by Capl. II. Pr Hill, lt Artillery, that. . ' " ''"l '" ? ,"1fa",r' oft !' -.on , I , J kimkofea,,,,,." a, card. 0 A'Imh. fc a. pu and .aught "T, ',', r""-I,,",rr"?""J """'! "I va,ro..s,blefor.hemtoL.iv)no,B,I ' ' ""' I " " "- "t la.vs rorWl,c ,ltfIlv. , kl ,,,,,,,. nl CK,,X ,.gu,,g ,i, ,..- ,.), ' '"' ""'"'""n ' m...sple,,.. inimv seiticti country. "i'" ... , p, ",. u, uiu one I.t-(lslullL AtMUibly. j Tun mher laws require that all j--r iiuiu iruini inc appointment ti. ;.:,.,.,. 1 .. . . , , ..,..., .,,-. .- .in n,,i ." inn mil, t. , , , 1 v c i.:tii.ia,.i ,n our lat number that ,, .,..,. , , P.xa,nlneri for rach County. ... unilI . ,. ., , , lavr,r..ly, tt we arc now full) cM.vmced , ineile will bo ultv.ys neces.;: I tL ?v L -r" J1"" . "'"" " Ihe l..pP ,...a,,Zf securing a Ic the Teacher. .0 draw on tho ., ' . f ''" rc,,fmI'" ,of 8-l code nf law, which ntherwi,,. vvnuld ! net buve In,, formed. I,avvs v.ere tnactrd nn edueaiion, gain. , niiii. grocery license, nnl r v-.i.pior nun rrnuircs i.te c.rciion o. ,. -,i .... tit , S, , . . ' l-ounc.l, an. I de . A. I.. I.ove ov. cm. three d rectors for each dniriet. am 1, e. I ,. ..... ... "' ,wr' , aneafctrr nl the llf,iin T ... ... : . -, H.v . hv iviiwii ii," mi; fines their dutirs. tnrv ir. Asv.ubly hatlund, by I he discovery if( 1.. .. ...i .1 e lllllllll liv nl their Ii. 1. ....... Wl... .... ... The Trnnn. ( II r. ...I. V III S.ICII ...llgt lor l.riV 310 Uf lir . , , .111 "".mi- flu, rrM. lri !.!. .r. ll I tl'. "bull 111 1.1 Kisonn... are ntmnU,. From the eounKia ofl'latson. I.ett.t '"-f"" tbat no provislnu bad been made I . 'be Or,Km Iteginient of Mmmted ll. I (unh. r .ban, l.reH ..,.,,'. ,-.,ul, ''-'. si"'. .lly I,...., tl. 7ll. K. ll,o lot), of and Vancouver Samuel T .M'Keau e i -'" l"y'nt of the prr Jierx of the ' "'en. uwler the cmi.iuau.l nfUI. I.... , trntl, , i, j,, rei.illii.g fmui .y"'- ,""''''"i has also beaten llio Fmn. .he ,,.,,. ,.f ri,'..'. .' ,. , ,""Ur: " ibmigbt lo b. iiureavm. I ri"b' ,"' arrived and till,,-., up ihrlr ll.eir reteplim. oi.d usn by Indiant. I .""e"" "" .'. ! ",I1 "'' ',f !',l"' v . Duclf, et.rj. this promise tic now proceed. On the call c,f Gov. I.ane, the As.cinbly cm. veneil on the Mttcciith of Julv, and were duly organized l.y the election of ih.' If.rt (satsiiit D..I,.. Tl ! I. . . r . " -""" "." irenutH.ni ,ne ,:,i, ,, . ,.. ,,.,. , -.. j'--j' ini.ii III n l".IU Uli kirn. k .... .1 .i. i . i i it - . I, he .,.,,,e r,r.l. r ....... " K'" -, U'C.ing was maim. ,1.11. Chapter sixth .elates to tin. duties of ... . ' n"'J 'b" t ri.ii.iatinn of .he nesiiou of ihe Teachers of Common Sihouh. ' Chapter seventh .e.piiics the School ConMniuioncrkof the several bounties to lay off their respective counties into suit. able districts. Chapter eighth relates to the povvtrsand duties of the district mc nines as me counucs areuutricm-i, tin-i .ri)fll ,hc couutie. of Clackainn, and people ol any iieigliborlioon, on ten days .Shainpo. g Samuel Parker, c.io. notice, given by any two legal voters, may ( Trom the county nf I,iu,, Dr. XV meet, and organize a dittrkl. Tho dis- Mealev. trict meeting may, by a vote of the ma-1 i'ron, ,1(! colllv f ,,JHAi jorily, impose an nd. valorem tax on all Hunu.hrv.em Ihe taxable propc.ty in the district, fur the Fruuiihc touniv of 'n(Col. Nathan. ,,:'."' ''-v ."" "" n!" t0"i't" "III. proper erection of school. bousei, and defraying ' id Ford. ' deliberation. We do not presumi , bow the incidental expenses of tho district, and Fruui tho county ol Vnin llnl Jjiiks 0Vcr' lo "tlncli lilama many one in regard also for the support of a teacher or teach. , ). Grav, esn. lo the affuir, nor do tve incan in involve ers. Jn a word district meetings are fully JVom i,n county of 'Iralitm Ilct ""r"',v''s '" Ibnuiaticron either tido; hut empowered by a aimplo majority veto to Wilson lllain. i'.iii!ly t-oinfcrl ourwIveH will, il.n astur- assess and collect a sufficient tax to carry , m,ct, m Rhrr.r.seNTaT.v..s. into vigo.ous effect a thorough system ofj rroln the counties of Clatsop, l,euls education. I mid Vancouver M. T. Simmons, esn. This law also provide, that all tl.o .r0m the cot-nty of Clackamaa-lia. e.iilli nf llin Ti.ri-I.nrt. Itf..iteen ..in mtfm ...t..l 1t..1.r .. .... '. . ' ' o ." " g, !., IJCI1. ,..,. IXiVljOV, (hi In l,m, li.U.i II.. t.. i,.,.l.r.i,..l ... '.' '" ci l II. I.I III lliete lemit hundrid nc.s fnn. the Iowa Ma.ute. " ' "''"' " "'" . a" I-""'"' deeide. ha. lie Ter.inrv nf .",,. ,,t """" " 'fU """ """rr nf II.1..I.1. TI,,,u,h,nrM vtednlnot view thi, Kill I w-'" "-.- tl.. Irn.I.c-. ... fir,, ,, f ,,2y. vM,,? ,l m.a.ung ,d '""Mn-.,. T. ,.,,.. KuU... Morril,.,, ,...n.M.c.i..v.,i... ihuteliiw...... lar at lemt asnuit, nif.l ll.e " " " ''" "meert nave gone nv.r tt. 1 , . . .... in ..,.. 1 i.,....i. ...... .ii.. it tie 1 an luniij tie wnj n,, tiiHiwini 1. lalimis s.istniin il l.y the it Inli- pnpuluin n to enntli thmreliet 011 the ,11111 nfnihi rs '" ' Indian Uibi-ij mid Ihal tl.i pi nuliu t dlMigardlh. le law, hut hmv the l.tller '' "" la""'1 '"" '"' .el,iii....r g.v.n sp.nlii'.us Injums 1.1 itiin, 1,1 Imliaut ,,, ,pl ,,r ,.,,.,, ., , siiirtniuiisuii urns in vv.iifs .1 in 11 .1. it 1,1 par. 01 er.miiiuuilv 1 in iiinei ,. iheir .1 .1 . , 1 . ,,,.' ' llinr ii.liuil.ii'i.i... Hiirii..;: ibmi. W..11M In t ll"' lllll.L'uriant. Tl. ..,,.,. .,-..,. T- .. SI..L1,IBn iirfMl o iui.nl u fitrlinl ll-j." Tin Hi iiMiomtiu Vavlfuiun al. i.uMihlj " I'-Ucr frnin (ViMiH, (! ,j Mn tfl, llH'll wf "I Hfl irillllfilosl lllirlnr T. .r.l ...! il.. .. .. . . .1 . . - ' .-. tit .,'.,, ii.i.i ii 11 IHilll', rim. f 1 iili.li t .1 .....niili in.aiiiil r. I r ...... ' " " ' ".at I I.I 1 1 Mill n I,i. Mill 111 ,,, , , 'l my dirgnii-i.l wiih Mmei, if r.1.1 uml sons vv, viul.ile.l lie lavt-.li.eiilv hut nl ", ,ll';,,rt',,'' l'i nuw an army nf iniiro """"'Idriiiikenneti, i, 11, ,,t,.u.,abe " mi. I, .-. -.M i.r gi.v. ...tuv..,.. ''... III. linn .,,.., and 'Jill. .an..-,,,. Kri- Ag, w, urge ,l,e el, . ., nf miieers uu ';'' '' "' ''"" '' 1"r' V"!" '' ''"" ' """. "f en ami ZZ ' T,,,,r !T .l..nl,n,,i. ..., .1 . 1.1 , lb'i'. tbosa tti roiuti iiili 1 Inr udiaii line , ' , """ "11" ' bo litis .bribe,.,.), barter, and Ihr nrgnma.loi, r ,,., , . was lur.h. , ,i.,der,.l """"' "k '"''" " ' Hi) l I .t of a vigoruuspol In ,!.-, ,,,. thai Ihr ii,lriliicliu nil,, tho '"''"''. " they are nnny fiuin the ' able, that men should ho cnldd to leave 'uarl,'r"'n ,l"' city. They npeiir in fine 'l. . ........ ...!.. I .. - . 1 to the powers and. Fre-m the county of Sliaiii.,' Wes ,""" I'""""". "H' py slry tt ...."'"" "I""'". " "'" ir.iinaiP in cling. FntiUucb ley .Shannon etu. slsn Imrding bills (from si to 1 ight dol. K''"ri '" "' the m llmg inuflln rain) lars per it. OK ' lor II." pur0s nl tervillg 1 B.."'. i.'.er nil ill" I'lli'illiliimieet II , -,.n ..in 1,1 ..ii, 1,11a, I lii n former letter I annnuueed In vm. flu i . Il.n Laws oil Ihli L'l, lit uuiMiuu .1 ... ,. . ... i . n:.. .. .f.i 1 . .1 . , ., . . - . .. ine public lor llin e 1I0 an i,er ,nv , 'omceis urnriuii,.., 10 1110 muiieii ,,rniii 1 j ..-. ...... . 1111,1 vi, iiuve ii vim ih.iiv "lion.ir In - "" " "" n. nl.,,,., I ... " .I 1 lir,'"l.l,'ur.."leWnrlllVklraiieer(l,riiii Ii in lliestiuiigiM le..',.,, il, muni) and ng !""' "('') llail.iuarli'rs but I was nimis inmiiii r III w hi. I. nur .ludgi s 1 iiluree ' ", '" ""', ""' rialily there aro A.i.p.irn.is .. lln to 11 1 ..,. .. thai on an unc, rutin cr.dit. Tho distal, ''''r ''"''r v'i!ilarit;o in preventing deherlion. ' I lifaclion among the ni. ml.'-ri writ so ureal. '"' 'bo wonder iilhut.o few lotto deser. 1. ... . n M.... 'i. ... r. mai.ing inn in,, overv, ihal the business '"' '"" i'iuiiou 111 n.rupe m llio gnl nf legislation was pui-hed through will. ,1 of, (bur and twenty .ono ycirsYtball been titled 'to alt lb privileges of education in their proper district. Tho school. bourn it thus thrown open to all, and all may Uik freely in the light of icience and in telligeoce. V ,Tlsa above skelcb of iho law 1 dravm cm. and James I), dolman, ,. mice that lime, will reveal llio truth. liideK-iidcntly, however, of ull thin frnling, tl.o members were faithful and 111dustrio.it, and deservn tl.o approbation of the Territory lor the many excellent laws they cnuckd. And wo aro scry sure From tho county of Shamnooir Cul. ,'" '' ""-I'1 '"' 'lilagt-ou to our tier. iVni. Chapman, ejrj., W.T, Matlock, cm. '""" '"a-V if tl.o houin goverimienl and John Uriin, esn. . ,,ou''' 'l't ol5inoro cxpcdilloua moth From the county of Linn John A.I'"1 of rn,'liin8siiiIs to this Terrl Dunlap, cm, and Jacob Consor, ckj. i 'or'' , iron, the county of llci.lon-J. ,. (KrLlfciaa journcv. and Dealt, a re. urn home. , mines was Millicienlly ghal In try Ihe nerve nl most menj yet by ihathnud de. seirllmi ihey lost only some slvly nr heve. ly men. Ditlritalnii f'niiulr, Wliilu llin troops were deie-endiug the Columbia from the DallcHto Viiuimiver, n raft, bnving on board eight men, w'cul over tho CWado Falls, and though it was ul tho midnight hour, two nut of l; eight made Iheir escapn by sulininlng to the shore, Tim other six vicrnunfurlunaiely drowned. Wu hive been unable lo learn tho names of llio por.oii, who wore drown, rd, but wo undcri-laml Ihey worn uonnei.t. ed with Ihu wogon IraltrasTcanistrjri. WrWo havo bee. Informed that tfioro aro three or four vessels oulsidu tho bar at tho .naiiih of dm river, waiting n favor, able 'ipporltinily to cn...o in. Ib Laws mi Ihu gnat i-iiiMioii. 11.l ll ' ' tin. ev il. iiuuollm whollv iiirriiii'd, we d ' r ' ','" I"'""' "' "I Ihc National w.u.s m,i,leilriiellvbuie,iiir'lieiirls-wiJiiwii)Hi "".'. "'.a'' "nUlli 11a) 1 his men lib. be Ihut ehee'red with the fenrlptn frstli-- f -'""'" ln ''""''""'""'blbr ri eivi n III I in 01 1110 lull rigors nl lln. law u ov .illr.nler. "'" K" ....... ..1 . . . . ,.ry i.-iiiiini iwi.cen.s-a.iav in lunney, ' .1 t.ilbei. nt rjuantily nf mem, ,r. ml nml Tegeia.net, ami 11 e ha nee fur ex! 'aordiuary 07" Wn hud aupKwiilll..il ib.'M'.le.wulk "'"'"'ds whiel, nru as l.lgl, a .'Mill 1lnrl.11 hi Mali, sln-al was n.nlru. 1. .1 fur the ae. ' rlJ'XiU W",? " "'!' ' ' ''".""", A 1.. , ., , ., 1 ,in ""t" niiB llungar ana makes I tin. siiniui khiiinu i.i .bow wl.., wnl, l ;..t hll.elv ib... H.i. ..ill .. ............ ',. nlviifi Ihu klrirt, and rspecially foi ihoni. ltd hatllr. 'nmiuntlsliuu of the ladies. Hut we buve ' Tbn Wenr Xeitung says: j, r, ,r. .oliec-dfin avveral oce-asioiit, that it was ','.' ,''1 ,;' " weil Inken bv ll.r .0 completely occupied by grot,,,, e,f ge. I , '"'B" fc Ji!t!.d!!,,t of A I tlemen ,h. ,1.0 ,lie, were obllgi.l ,n Mi'jlZ, nmi 11.0 tire-ii 10 gei along. ys II, o rainy naps wo Khali m,,, nn Ttlnpytir nrmiis 0,1 seakou in mar ul Imn.l, we liu'iog, uilou.o,, 'tboshurrsuf tho A.liinliu tea. Tho II, is. nil! son,, u.-,..iro the lml.il of allowing ,, , "" wHInilvBM.. wlibgrenier dilli.uliv ladies, mlM.s.1, .1... free .... uf .1... saidal.ln. 1 "" ' 'i, l?"" V ..""!. "", 1 ;,, ,' r'-"." inning 1110 num. nier will ureally vuul.cn his nnny. Tho I war ti III I.lI In,... ..... !l a.......: 1 NV'.iS V (V'K f:,,A,N,"i,;",-'V, i'l'oIc.ory,Kl.owl ffi.r from s or ihe L.gislttllvei Atsemhly ihu fid. fi,r many oors. ing changes have been .undo it. tho ' ' MOVXMHNU AM. IIUMOIIN, ISm.i Ai.Hirla and Hungary littln is positively kiimvn huyoml tho fact llint vast armies from Itussla, 4ii concert with Aus. walk. acts 1 Inni names nf counties : CliainnncL i, chanrred to Marion. Tnnl , I.. ". . 'Z ' - nun 10 vvntiiiugiou, and Vancouver Clark. In