Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, October 18, 1849, Image 1

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i, i,
M (K K. Ml It HIM
N It'll toyinl I il niifU t ut i u
ll illi nirriiN nf trwilr,
fl ! lit urt-irr tl)lnj; tfi)fi,
A lffiinl on (lu'K
t In fiimllng miihU, llif iliaUnl ti)',
J1t Wcittg lilri, tho Iraifiil f ) r,
'I In- wi ar nJfittf , mM llity Jit
A il j twli niiljtii '
n it it iii Ii no tihi i j trr,
4 u III1 tninl or on lln hii1,
Hjiir iliili wr li iitiro tirio,
1 itrlmin Hi? l)Miit it'ttMi '
i; mi lti- Un 1 lln tr mi)I nit knt
itil Clinic rVntltil i Hif !
llntNim limtrn In m I llit m (tc,
A lot Imiiij; lliriu Hir ! L t 1
I i iifnHiii rrijjii iitt I knrli vUrni"
I ii ;tm tii Ii f- Uilh nil If i Ii4rm ,
I m fe iik iii ! illi i iIi it ) im,
N llll Incur lilifl U lutifl.t
i In itial fin) link oik ruiiVt tic c i
t hiUliinra llir nll) tli tilrm ,
Nh i 1 Wwil rmiiiMfril mill him,
) hihIIi i Irmiairiit ihmicl 1
'I lir Itritkll Mr I.I, llll li,li(Milt,. -It mi
lnl rMllitl linn U i 4 liir) trrtnii
flif t"Tn )aitntl- a fearful M-tt hi
Ml" Milk I 11- t ti Ihr j r
t I r ttitfli I ihl H (ljj il
Alttl I t n- fiuiii III'1 (m ran Ifting
II ulio ( all It u Ii Itit tlrittMiMj t ti
Hi iliaunt llir iiiirrliliii"
I fottl tltp riii'lilr Jihia .1 -n!... I'), i
RockeU among Kloways ,
l llllllllK U. Tlir MMII llll til.
i im I liii MS. j nitiml .if ii ni ml who
"i il n fen i art since to t'alitiitutn
I . 1 1 1 .1 1 1 ' I rnuii , i.' ur. athiii'dt"
'he Inllnwiug Una I. gmng " d'
.itiires'nn tin' Ion's I'lif lln' (nm nl.piili
i I
lltindll ' ill I Mllll'tpriM'I i!v
' ' in II I ' in ilium lh.it 111 llii
1 ' ' mr I111 mi's puts w, n
un, t III' , t ills llhlo in 1111 1
! 1' I' I'm! jikI ' 1 1 11 r Id nl nml 1
' 1 ' 1' t 11,1. 1 1 In u Ii ' I ml 1 , 1 11
1 il linnil in- nn I lliiit tin ir wu-
1 1 111 pro, 1 1 ,1 1114 Tlii 11 1 .!'
1 '.inn lit pnt Mas uuii'iium
1 1 iintnl rfiilnl 1I1 li'timiiiitinn , 4111
l l llll Il It llllllS, ll lllll'l'l 11,11
,1 I n nut 'lilt-.. liiiiui'liiiliU ullii
In ill-' ln I..111111I in Inn, Willi mi' j
inln i' ".I 111 nl) iln 1 ti ii., ninl I. I, 1
up tin 11 in. in Ii n I 11 iln in t in nf I
inn 1 Mln t 1 11111111 111 1 . I '
I In i 1 11! tin i.ir.ii.ui, in uih n imli 111,
leu Hi 11 in', mi niir nvht lh"i" nl pnli, I
jr "lug niiri.uir, I.i.iiiimI mil liri'i'li
'i 11I1111 iln 1 'i'I. IhiiuhIi aiimi. 'I lie m i In ,
tin ci' nn ut gi nerali il I.) tin l.i.n.1
ni'iii .Hid tin' lii'.h iii'iriiiup line iiliuli
I. Ini in niir fiiipa, Iii'miii: "iir 1 1 111 ninl
liianN, iiiiih eni'li nun In I Mum nin'l
ll.i' iiiii.I," l hll'll n lli'lul ll"ll 1 11 mi. I
then (Inud uniai'a In nig I'n I nl.l. n I inn
I nil) gallnp In nml frn. Sit I.I, ul , h.11
nil! '" ' s livpl in fi 'iii I .in lli nib
n mil f in iii'im,m mit u.iinl 111 iln un
Tin nli r urn gui'ii Ini Imp ; 11 huh 1 in
III' Ul ' lllillll II lltlli ilfi'lllit, mi 11 lilt Ii
lllTl' n ll III i'tnIWn"l llil'llllll tint
II h.ul '11 11 1 11 tun ilit nils 11 bit d
nilh" l.uiilui pi in ; nml im'IiiuImiiiii
1 Itiim In rini.li ll mil f 1 r 1 1 1 niir wninii
into .1 1 in,;, wilii ihe nitili's 111 llm unlit',
Infiirituur .1 nult jiiiui d 111, l.u (Jin un i!i
Hii uf nt tin ir hen I. I Ii r-H,rl-il u lurge
l-Vli of ludi'iiiH 1 iniiiij; il.niii tin nur
ps.l. 'i'lie ninlcH nml hiirsi 4 wi n nimli
fifliro iij tlielr Intinlt In th hi'iitn -l '
Miignun 'mil th" trera; tin' mniiiiiiillinu
wngoii win nii mil ; llm 1 illi ninl pisiuls,
1 Miniliii'd nml fn'sliH i.ipi'd; nml llm
ililll'.I.IIIW H Ih III I in lilt r tin ntlit. '
I'ln uiinuli' nfli r, llm fnrin nf n "iniili'
llulinil at lit III I'll Ull.ul l-"l I'll til" Ini
rifii limn tin' minium 'l i ruiiiiiuii
iiiii imli s In llic ii.iilliiii"it. I umiiiiiiii il
hun wiih ui I'litt. Iln 11111 n ii. mli i! nil
ii Imr-i I.iKi n I ("in tin' ti Lit. t, r.-. :!,, m
.1111I Spnni'.h iiiiipiinuti pinuil; iuih
iiiil.nl Willi tlin I'M'i plimi uf 11 In (11 1,
ilnlli, liggitii, uml ui"crniua i mid una
iirnu d w ilh 11 lann' liineo, kIiii Id, l" mid
III inn a, ll'r liird iiphishnri' aallmuiili
lu I'Miiiiiun 111 (.nrefully. Iiill'cnil llm
gluts lit l,ii lm tie de Ihi uf, wlni iiikliln;;
it ntnli with I111 hand, nml iiiulli'ring llm
wold Ciuinni he," ilitntlul Ida heud uf
ita uriimuciilH, lent in" Ihr at nti Inik luiri'.
I nun snv ihut M nulla work wiihIh Inn'
it, niid I'.illing tlui men liigrllier, tnld
tin in that nn nui't light nr bn plutiderul
perhnpi murdered. Tim udda nguiiltl .
in would bo p ml in lily great j hill mil m
ilili wna good, In i'iimi they inndn nn nil
Mil, wluili, (MUilidiiil ill their auperior
uuuilHiri, limy wiuild pruhahly iln. If
t lu-v uii'lmtinil. to lay m igu wo hlmulil n.
Imli tin 111, 11 no (o'uld nut ulliild lime to
I Inul just finished in) apereli In which
the moil ii'i'llid hy nn iiitliin.ui.liu alinul,
win 11 tlt uuiil iliMii'i'iiirul nt miil'li nlv
im tli'iliuli hr h nl rtilili in iln iprtli. A
Ifuw minutes mum passed uwsy, when a
lHly or ken nil liiiii'ln il Imrix mvn, Array
i'i inn minimi nlmul (tiily il(i'i,ainlivii
i l)v rmlii Inlit nllil. At nlmiit llm iliilnnrn
, il ii niljn llii'V linlli'il, uliilo four of tlicm
j m iaralnl lliinni-lvo" fmni llnnnnln holy,
aii'l pnIii al n rfK-clfiil illntanco lislf
nmiiihl ua, i'iiiiiiiilii(,' llio iiuiiilrcru nml
jilinitlm ill4 tuir fnru'. I'rcatnlly itioy
irfliiriiul n Miiiicwlint nnlinnlwl coiir(T.
i ncn inucil, ami lliu wliylc texly n main.
ill ijiilcl.
An I IliOUfjIil IliU lu lie an limlalion lo
I'Jtlcy, I tvai about lu dcialci l. (jucuo
io Hi i'ii r niiM lltiili'V Mitliu ttliito not'
"Inn ihr inllut if llir f.nmi iro'culKiiii
ilililv una in fnuil nf ihr n-ii, nixl ninl.
iluih lni lin liU liuini', niaili' n prutiiro,
iiiiill ulyar ami nliiiliinnt, itluili
iiiiiiitint ! lu ii iliul'irniinii nf nr,
r . I i nl lh IiihiiII. ninl ulm!
I tulil
tin iii In ln i loii 1 litnMltil t"L" Ihrr, I
I I'M. m.i ill il In liml mi iiii'irlunit "f
lrni(' tin' In .i vt tinr-ril.i'a, ulndi ln
luiil (hmikIiiI mi iii.iI.iiik nl St. l.niiU. I
Tin i M mil" tlii'lii-liinnn hiiaiKlnl nt tin- j
iituianltiiiu. mi I In- bi'iimht nut liii riki ! I
. I
Ii I
I omul Willi n uiihli 'I Hit' i' mill rmkili
... . . .. .
' li.'iu t' nnii.ii Wliiln ln unn litin,
nl hiiruln.
l.nUu.iii' iIm Until" iwkIkiI
in n th almiil Iit .
nl I' -i III in n li.ill I
I lkid nniiuiil, ami
nilit iltslnnir In liiii'l
in un ii 1.. iinl nl tuinu inluiii, a r un il
iwtli rill
I'lnv I)
li'i inul In he u Mi liiti" ii .
I i.iipliiiil tin in nt liiii In la, n 1
iliiiiiiiut lli
I .imniii In 1 : but l.ii I Jin iii .
I. Un nil.. I.
Imli init.
mil I 1 in, 1 1 lli' 111, whi'ii tin
mini' ruvlini" mln riinip
'I Ik , i"V il I" I" I III MINI' -, In rn'i l In
ImiIJihii ill II. i ul lirnln i 'I hi.) liml
I i i In ml tin ir liiiiittnii iiiimiiIi in
in I. .il I nil i! i, In ii, i ii l.i i r r, tn i ti ,
il,. ) ihu .in 1. 1 hi nt l.ny. '1 In ir mil)
i I. .hii ! "I .il'it nun to Ii .ipi!' uilh it, ,
i iiliirh tin ilnl ni'iii' rimlili ithrii tin .
tin nli 1 un. nur guide. I una rnther
pit n.i'l mill iln. mldilii'ii In mir atn nglh,
11 iln) u well annul, fi lie htiking
fi Unit., mid . 'iti'.'lit wiih lliriu M pack,
ii ir.et, tii.nl, d it ilh I iillnln mi t iiil'i) Ml
mlililiiiu tu the geuerel lnre
U'Mi 111,1 M;iiifn l lli.it lir lint ninl),
mid bringing!! muull aignnl iM.kl, find It
tl t ' itlliilu ihu pli'Ji r 1 lellilion. It Itll
vim what tl.nrt, ploiighmg the ground in
limit ofthucuauv, mid auitkrlng ihu djrt
niidVoiiitotertfio folrinoit. 1 hay gate
miiv in 11 little nliiriii nt tin' nou'l uiiuih ;
iilni llie )) a uf nur Chi 1 lima npeinil
imli ral the I1.11I nffiri iiliuli' h) niiriniri.
-i n(4' r in 11 Hi lit. lu 11 innuunt the
rmil .il tin t '.iiiiiiii In 1 1 lt d up, uppn.
I ntli pr 1 nne 1 1 make 11 chargp.
I 'in ' mli 1 1 nn al frn ml had unit lut
iiii;'1i nt nun 1 'iriiLtl) nun rlniuiil, nml,
li.h'mg tin futi nl' nne nf hU Ihn e imli
fX t., 11 -intli il nn ita errand nf ilialli.
iiir mull 'i nml linr-ft l'luiiL'ed furiniislv
il the uiiti.ii il hmi itni le ; nud nue uf nur
( In i nue liu mlt was m mil iiulinrti il nl.
I gi iln 1. 'I he r 1 1 1 1 i 111 1 dm ill) in
tin 1 1 nil'-n u i'n up "I nu, i nud if.
plitlnl uilh ti iiilieTlric, m uti ting the
Irnyim nt- "I ita hind in all thru Hunt,
mid I. ml) tiniuig lite nun ninl hurtea
.ili'illiil it lu j ii let. The hurai a of tho
.1111111111 I'miiaui I it, liKit. Ill lit nml gnl
lni d 1 II", i ifnllv iiiiiiinmiginhle, while
mil I'liiyi iiius .tarti d ill puiauit uf the
lut inns, tliirinin iinulil li.ue fiilluwnl,
Inn I ii'Minimd iln 111 ns it imulili "ie
mil mull t nud linP-i s In ilelili ilnlmn ilur.
in" mir nl, ' in e Ithuiiit, hi side, ne
iiilf.nih ;; .t i id if ilii'in, whii'h wnt nil
iii wmitnl; nud mi I lM lli" null. Old
l.,i (mm de Iln uf, w Ini li,il imt followed
Ins i. Minimum, listuud i wluit I aaid,
kIh-'I, In hiiul,iuiii ritsiii . -Iip, shrug'
Ui d hit sliiuildi rs ho had caught tiie
I'u 111 h 'hrug fri'in the half-hret'd trap
pin nud liu 11 ihishid nil' nhend nf lit,
mi the -.emit, I nrili 11 d the iiiulea put to,
nn I ne Hi re iisiu 111 ninthm, O'.Minrn e.
imlinluig 111 gnnl ghe on the illicit nf
Iiih prnpelile. Ilcthmight, nml he wna
nvht ihere, that if Ihe news uf thia new
11111M 1111 ill in tiraiiin vim fine wnt fnlily
preiiil ninnug the trilet wi might lie sure
ul 11 milium;: uuiunleslnl iliirmj! iho rest
nt nur trntel.
ii '
Whinwi' i' nun npposlti' to tin mi
lali l nn upiill hv Ihe 1 nemy, I loll Ihe
Irani nud lode up I" it, neioiiipiinied by
irMinrn, vnihe, nml llm Hot'lor. A ntiwt
1111 11 nml rem Ilin.' 'eiineic
una pre
n nted
Wi'iniiulid the uiniiL'hil Isalle
ul tin nty.i ight ui"ii inul twi nty.aix nurses.
Then wen ii.u sonu' Isniet mid flesh,
tniu mln shrills, wluili prehnhly belong,
id tu llm IhhIios nf two or three nmre.
tVrliiniK, uently lliltty t'limiinihes hnd
I11II111 h that nue 1 plosion. The rocket
luid iloni' iiiiirei ceulion thnu I had sup.
isisul it wuiihl, nllhoiigh itthend had la-en
ioniliil with mi explosiii' ninis"ilinti,
whiih (I'Miiirn had nssurrd luewnsns
pou ei lul mi ono hiiiidiul uinds nf gun
uwder, Nieilhi'li'i llm t.'niiiniiches
imist linie lii'fii in doser nnlcr than H"
siipiaised. Wi gntliered up tho Innees
n'lil lance. Iiliuli s niin nf tho latter hnd
Ik en strut k nud heut by n I'rngineut of llio
riK'kit.hend ti'gither'wilh n rills, n poor
nll'air, nud s"'.i'rnl kniiia of Sliellield
iiuikf. We rtthi with tin-in to join Iln
Irnlu, nnd ileHi-iteil them ns trophies In
ono uf the wiignnt. On looking round
we him our uhuyciiuu trleuds returning
fnuil their pursuit, eugjged in sculping
tliolioilii-aiu'lmd jiiMileft. Directly they
I eallomd unnud iuliieil ua.
I They eie in lilgli tplllW
I I ..1 1 l.ii. .1 ,..l.l...i
having over.
f ihe I'lti'iny
.'",,',, ,',i,, i',,',.
fMl Wfci4ii
MVevtwr4 lite RMr af
Oregon City, (Oregon Territory,) .Thursday, October 18,
without lining a alnsle man, althouah their
Icailer waa Mvorely 'wounded. We ex.
amino' lils lirart, and Dr. Streetcar fouixi
tlml an arrow liad prnet rated the right
tldr, and, ttrange lo aay. without raaainff
a circuit, the lioad bad broken a rib ud
lulled between the two pleoee. It waa
wcinlerful that il did not either go round
llic rib, or enter the lunfr The tVacture
atn much tiaini and alter MtraMiat
tlie.iriow.hcadand omoipliBteMefbeae.
the Doctor act the rib, and UU,U red -
tklnncd pailent tilMot) t llMt MMaWniTayialetita ainemt tUUitmcrVM
n7or nliloli it fixed
Temporary coren
llo wan very much annoed, howarer,
liy llio nfroclory nature of the invalid,
ivlio would oku hit head out at every
' nolw, tlnn making llio Doctor rcaditut
hit tmnpreue onilbaudagmoccailonaily
1 1 noticed, bv.lhp.bv. that the Chcyennei
nil mii fjrcnl ikformcc to O'Mtara, whom
tin y Ihouitlit lo bo a "milily inedicine.''
lxjnt uomi no coino lo a namelrii
nth, broad nml ilnllow, with a tandy
ImiI, Irniii nliicli Mi-iiiilcrd up aomo .tcry
lininlviiixi iiriaiim of limriil (juartr, their
nnulcs urn koniewhat by attrition. We
.. -...- . ..
HUGH'S ..Ulll ..llQiill.l ij ........ . v
uici ninl liar I of llio tlnu along it tide,
nml iii r t of llio tunc Hadinc turoiisli it.
iinlil e ttruck a trail, about four hundred
Minii from the (ion u.iali. Wo noticed
lirri' n nii.inlii y of wild ilucka. that Dr.
hwcili'r i.'inouiicel to lo Ihr green
iukiI tint. A flock ol wild gecac camo
nllliiy iier m low that Hurley killed 0110
with n 11 Up Mint. It hod a terv lonu and
I tli mlt r nit k, iilinoit like a awnu s, and is
1 mli nil) nf a nun iieiiea. If it could
hi- dciiiu tiL.ili il il would la- a fiuo urna.
I nii'iit fir ikiii.U in pleaaiirv-uardcna. It
'i 111 11 pure win
with tho exception of
id imiil'1, uliii'li hitc nuittli'il hrou'u ami
ulnii', unit n rap of i;rraiiiih.bUck rI".v
fi ullirm mi M In ml. Wo cooked and ate
it nl'tiTHniili, and fiuml it to be 011111;
nn I lender. Wu lluthed aeicral cotics
of qualla here, rnther larger than tho ijuail
nt tin- cat. At lent! I thounht so, but
Vnclie naid not. The riicr hero is boun
ded h) Inll bluira nl flinty sandstone, with
marks uf Iron. Thesn stand at some dis.
lance from tho ritcr itself. Hctnccn the
two there Intervene low hanks of gravelly
toil, coiered mainly with a tell, coarse
grata, growing above tho head of a moun
ted intli. Aa no tlottetllo.n
nmm inrnl, I ilut; out or one or the rocks
with my bonic'hiiifi', a mats of fibrous
gypMini. white fihret, snowy white and
sparkling, were al.nit a foot long, and in.
lerti'iTsed with laiuellic of solenilt. I
ni'lieid 111 the saiuUtono also patches of a
sunpy stone, n kind of white serpentine, in
which were imbedded a great many well,
defined reddish-brown, semi-translucent
cryntals, which Ihe Doctor, who filled the
pocki U of hit hunting uliirt with tlmn,
pronounced to he zircon. The bate nf
thehlufla watcotcred with a kind of mock.
orange, in full fruit.
Tho hjioi whero wc chose our encamp
ment was in a rooky glen, made by a semi,
circular indentation in aomc pillared elilli
uf trnp nnd sandstone tho former in per
pendicular columns, licnied on horizontal
Urata of tho latter, Tho sandttone,
win ii ier it inadu ita appcarsneo through
the ii.imcii-c m.i-s of wihl.grso uud
mock nrnime line ia nf deep nil color,
1 1 idi ntly occnsioi hv tho red oxide of
iron. I.nrgo masses of petrified trees
were strew n over the surface ofthe ground,
liming their ligneous fibro completely re
nl.icid by ihu brown oxide of iron. One
linih, which I broke, was changed entirely
into n mass of fibrous hematite. I thought
it to lino a specimen that, nlthough aomc.
what Klrnltinetl for room, I had Tl stowed
away in one of llie wagons. The knobs
nml branches wcro cry well nrracrted,
though one of tho Inttcr got broken in
trniuortntioi,. The wholo specimen,
which mensuieil ot er five feel long, anil
six mid u half inches through the butt end,
is packed with others at St. Louis 1 hav.
lug a chance to send it back with the party
ne met next day. I obscrvrd several
Isiiildera of a dark granite, containing a
L'rint amount or felspar, and only occa
sioual specks of mica, lying in tho bed of.
tho creek. Indeed, there appeared to be '
n genernl geolngical roiifusion about the 1
tho creek. Indent, Ihero appeared to be
n genernl geological contusion about llio
pint r, ns though nature nan nnisiicu uie
'wnild nt this spot, ami torgotieii 10 clear
I hud just swallowed n cup of coffee
. ....1.. t..J 1... H...1.1 ..i ..i.ti. ..'
lllill,,- ll'l till' W, I HIIIW.) IIU nil, VII l,w
,.r.,.a.t.. n.it.l In.lnrn ll.n PI, v.n.lP.
.'": "A". .."::."" Ttr.'r..i
... ,..H V, .,,U I...- ...WM....H., W...I
-one of w hid. he had shot before he wns
nil are of his proximity
ximlty to sueti iianger -
Tho camp was put In or-
leplionj llut Hurley and
ured ua that wo need bo
oua nelghlKirs.
Ier lor their receii
Iho old chief ntsureil
miller little alarm. '1 ho now. comers w ore
ICiownvs. w ho, as llicv had not yet prnb.
nhly heard of our fight with llio t 'umnnche
might bo rendered iricnuiy, ttun very mi
tlo Irnuhlu, I was just nn Iho point of
sending the chid to hold a (ttrlcy, when
wehenriln liemendoua explosion up 1110
river, in Iho distance, accompanied by a
series of yells. A horse' feet clattered
nur Iho stones and pchblce on tho river
hanks, nml up galloped O'Meara, waving
his loikiUlaud hi one hand, and hi ilfl"
Sweelerha.l gone lolook after hi patient "'"'0 """ .' 'V'. eeh ti p 'nouch 'Vcar' l.o had insitteu on oe.ng ten
in tho tent.wagon, when Basil cl.ctier, ,h?Vnf !irin., "rflntr W ?' "'? S" w" he" bC? ?,,.,'i . '
who, contrary to my orders, had strayed, ,l, flT f r la . in e nu eTarv wea fUni T,1" lVC,y "M,"nila,1(ea ,,i,n
beyond the line of scouts, camo In ac to Iho wagon forl.it supcrnumeiary ea- how ,e fell. , ...
tniiipanlid by Hurley and Queue do lliruf. , I"' , , ' , . . '-Mighty had, Captain," said he, ''mighty
llo retried a largo IkxW of Indians com. I A ill from .a Queue de ll.vuf who aj in truth. 1 can hardly .peak ; an'
1 .'.. .. 1.. ..1.. r . i...i ..r i...ir.i... I hnd Ivrn on tho look. out. showed us a , took what a ruddlo of blood Ive P it up.
Kwplre lake lit wnjr,"
In the other, and (homing liko a madman.
It wai aomo aeoondt before he recovered
Ma breath and informed ua of the occasion
f hi haito. He had taken a ride up
aaaa rircr amr, 10 pica wua grapea ana ex.
lore a little, taking rocket and the aland
whh him. tin aaw the aoouU ride peat
Mm toward cmo and noticed the Indiana.
Taking It for granted that the former were
iftmucd, and that the latter mart U Ca
Macbee, he had fixed hi eland, stMok
lit - ht.
light, anil aent a rocket with Ita culoaive
I conjijonee nan been that two or the In.
'liana and teveral of llio buOaloea were
apareJ tho neccuity of earthly carca.
llcro waa a comlortalilo prospect about
to open. Tho h iotray arc n raco far u.
rxrior in point of Intelligence ami brat cry
tothoCamanchei, though they herd with
and control tho latter; and il wa very
likely that they would resent thia attack,
fearfully. Even if we reunited theirt
-1.- r.. .1 . i - ii
vi.-.jjvi in um i.iirniu iiiiiancv, n o nouiu I
bo harratscd during the whole journey ;
ami havo our men and cattla nicked oil.
nallla .!!. J
one by one, whenever exposed to iiich
aeprcdation. I spoke rather sharply to
O'Meara, and I am afraid w itbed him and
his rockets toe much warmer latitude
than they then occupied. Tho miachlcf
had been done, howctcr; and ne had
1. now to prepare to meet whatever conic.
ioitirnces might entue. Tho spot where
wo nau encamped was a strango one ; no
arrow.shots could well reach us from the
bluff, and La Queue de liicul informeJ ui
that lliero appeared to be few rides among
the Kiowa vs. So ne ranged our wagons
on tho bank, ami mado filling preparation
to fight with foes who, by all accounts,
wert' uoth dauntlcM and persevering.
As wo were engaged in tying the mules
aivi lionet by the lanats to tuch Ira
y the laiiatt to
mi nts of rocks as wcro suitable, a shrill
whistlo from Hurley, tho crack of a rifle,
and a whizzing like the downward flight
of birds caused us to look up. There,
directly on the summit of the bluflf, al
most to tho very brink, were tho figures
of fifty horses, each surmounted by a war
rior. Tho arrow had fallen far thin,
and so had the ball sent from tho rifle of
ono who appeared to lead. We i-ointcd
our rifles at tbem, and they made dcristtc
oMImv mtew the ttntance to be
great. The chief nut his thumb to
hi note, and twiddled his lingers, a trick
ho had probably liarncd from soino of tho
white traders.
"Kf I had that riilo tliar," said Hurley,
"I toulit letch that chap aire.
The rilloho alluded to was VacIio's, a
fine one, made by Wesson, n1 I nished
with such accuracy, that it would -arry a
wedsed ball twtco the ordinary range.
Vacne handed him tho desired weapon
and Hurler took deliberate aim.
"Hit tho horse," said I : "that will bring
Hurley brought the rillo down, looked
at me lor a moment, and then laughed.
Then raising the rillo again, he said
"In tho head," 1 replied.
Hurley fired at tho word. The horto
plunged, and the chief threw himself hack,
but not in time, llo tins pitched over
tho head of the animal, and the two came
down tnsclher into tho clcn, crushed into
mcro lumpt of lleih. The rest of tho
hand i mushed.
Hurley offered the rifle back to Vache,
savins. "That's a ureal instrument of
)oiiru, air,"
llut Vaclic told hint, as ho knew how
to use It so well, ho had better keep it.
The old scout's eyes sparkled, for he had
long cotetcd tho weapon but he taid
"I'm much ohlceged to ye, sir ; but old
Dettcy Ilaker an' 1 (lletscy linker was
tho name ho cavo his own rifle) hcv ben
so long in cahoot together, that I hcv a
kind or chection tor the old lady, an
'Don't let that trouble you," sold Vache,
laughing, "I shan't ronkc love to vour
beaut v. I havo the fellow to that rifle in
one of tho wagons, and you had bettor
gle 'Nimrou as a maic 10 'iicisey, nno
is too old to remain in single besscdncts
i . y ionpr Keen it
nav, nu deserve
1 j, morc ,jinn , j,,,Prf, NPu. The
- ,, . , ...
,cout ,IC nroirlcs dctcrtcs the
I can't refute ou, Mr. Vache," re.
... '. " " ' ' ' , " " ', 7 ' ' '. ,. ' .
died tho scout, "an 1 can t well snj how
, 1, . I , . , ,, '1'l.ta ,'
1 -7 -.,-- , , , , ,.,. . .
! '" I 111 OUliegltl lu JO.,. im.l.l""
I citl." So sat inc. the old trail
So sa) mg,
the old trail hugged
I l""J on jh rlt or bank rushing toy. rils 1 us
. ""' cuarne. 1 . -- 1 -
thoy were approaching wcro so near tho
water, whlcli at that point was deep, a.
only to admit ten abreast, and every war-
rior in me ironi rami leu ucioro our in.
Tho rest halted, and such of them a had
rifle gave us a volley. Only ono of their
ihot took oll'cct, and that waa on O'Meara.
Ho fell, and Swcolzcr, regardlcaa of tho
danger, ran out to assist him. Our Chey
allies In tho meanwhile, and most of our
men, wcro exchanging shots with tho on.
cmy, who feared apparently lo charge up
lo our wegons 1 and tho latter after losing
several of their warrior without doing
mere thin wound Vaul CI
I. .1 . 1. til T....lla mul ataslirt nllae ..... a t . a t ..
,- . '.'4i
II ' nnfrii 1 i 1 1 11 i.i mi mm n aw i imii it , ,i liiiiiawiM'Wia.aiaaMtaaaaafi
wiiikw 1 ami 1 niniiam 1 1 11 1 aii 1 11 1 mi ft mrmatmnmmmftmmw't-ttMmnamumHHimUM
tcamttcr, In the shoulder, Ml back to ooav.
suit on their next movement. .
Poor O'Meara bad planted hU mktt.
stand behind a little pnictloo of reek,
and adjusted thro of hit darling raeaete
to be fired etmultaaeoualy. . He tbea ale,
ped out to obaerve the eeet where la Kla.
waya ataet ccisaarlly paaa. If aeatea
baok ' fcr they were too later thetn 10 rea.
dcr hie rockets available aatl eat t tha
ektat. TtterewMkVtiVMafiJi
ing tterBslly--fe wotjad tree la
brtatt and 1 einrened a hone of hit re-
covery ; but Dr. Bwcelzer merely shook
his head and gave (he patient some water
which one of the men brought from the
liver. The draught seemed to rallr the
wounded man : and then I was oblured to
leave mm, lor our enemies nad made a
new ditpoeition. Their largest number
had crossed the creek at a lord we had
naated In ihn iruimlni.. anrl iinil mumi
'.r '."..-. " . " -1-
on ine opposite iiaernere tnc country
was somewhat more Bvel and low. They
.... 1 IIJV ,-B . t (
had sent small forces by the river bank
above and below, so that we wero in dan.
scr of bolns assailed on threo side at
once. They did not give us any time to
mum, tor along came two wings, wiuie
tho main body In front of u thuodered
down, yelling and screaming, to the river
It was now a hand-to-hand conflict, in
which our pistols and bowie knives did a
much work as rifles ; but It gave the long
lance of tho Kloways a baiter chance.
Soveral of our men and two of iho Choy
ennct were struck down. Old La Queue
do Ilccuf had a desperate conflict with
one of tho enemy, receiving an ugly gash
on tho cheek as he rushed in. They tug-
ged at each other'a throats, and their horses
entering Hito the matter zealously, the
nuers mi 10 tue groupu. a no niowaj
was an athletic young man, and was get
ting the better of our old scout ; Lut
Vache, without much regard to the chi
valry of the matter, assailed him from
behind, and took off hi htad w ith hi long
and heavy knife aa easily a you would
the top of a turnip. 1 had insriisibly
slopped to witness thia, but, recollecting
myself, turned, and just In time to save
my life. One of ray red skinned frieade
wnt witmntwenty net or me witn ms
lanco full. pointed, coming dow n as fait aa
he could, and I had just time to make my
horse swerve with the spur to avoid Ids
blow. As it was, the lance found a lode.
ment in my hunting-ahlrt, nnd carried olf
the skirt. He turned and ..tme at me again
with the trophy sticking to the lanco ; and,
as his attention seemed to be uettlng
troublesome, I gave him the contents of
my rctolvcr. I was In o great n Hurry,
that I expended somo powder and ball
uselessly. One shot could hava finished
hint, perhaps ; hut I did not wait to study
economy, and so lei him have the contents
of the five barrels. He fell from his horse
forward, striking his lanco in tho Ground ;
w bile tho riderless steed calloped into the
glen, and brought up against one of tho
wagons. A good horto ho afterwards
proted to be.
After making a tain endcat or to cross
tho current of the river, the main body
had gone back to reinforce thelrcomrades,
hut sccinc that wo had dispersed or slain
our immediato enemies, the larger body
drew up at a distance (or consultation.
wo could see them in a warm ana anima
ted discussion ; and La Queue de Brxuf,
who cam up towards me with half a
dozen bloody scalp dangling from his
gun, said they wcro evidently going to lay
siego tu us and starve Jt out, or attack us
only when we got to a place more fator-
able lor their operations, tie nau observ
ed, he said, ono of their number was de
spatched a a messenger, a few minutos
before, and had no doubt that he had gone
in pursuit of reinforcement. They were
ctldenlly bent on our extermination ; and
directing Hurley to call in all who were
in pursuit of fugitives, I. proceeded to ex
amine our force. I found that six of the
Chcvrnncs had been killed, ono mortally
nnd'eighl slightly wounded. Thehrothor
of La Queue de lliruf had got out of Ihe
tcnt-wngon, end fired scleral shots, in re
turn for which ho had nn arrow. wound in
, his shoulder. Ihu, had bled profusely be.
Tore Sweelzer could take up mo anery.
lie was, however, in no immediato dan.
gor. Two of our men wero scterely,
and aet enorthrni slightly wounded. They
wero all attended to, and I turned lo visit
1 wish 1 had a light, I do."
What for, O'Meara 1"
'Look at ihe copir-kin varmints; bad
luck to them to shoot a Christian like a
buffalo. Do eel nW a llsht, an' I Ihink I'll
scatter, theni. '
J'he distance or Ihe hloways. wa ai
lent a mile and a half, and although Ihe
rockets had nearly a range of two miles,
I did net on nee t O Moara. In such a situa
tion, to have tho judgment ttaoeeaary for
takinn the proper ancle. It would be a
chance business, but I could not thwart a
dying man ; o I direoted a light .10 b
struck, una was uouqi aaa too im
athercd around lo wltaeM the, in
u , .. i. B-g-aBrg?a-B-MaMaaaaaaBaaBi
aim. w.w
Docter ImU MaVaavM
W I Up pfMaW -yi MaMBpH
taaaBBBaMal WaaaM MMMMiff
mu itMaMfEjH
tti MtaillMM
ploetoae, dlelaat
eaeb other, earned.
a cloud of a.twka ana
t be Kiowa v:d
presently with the
dtd steed plwtaetl
butie; but there tr
seen. Duaelatloa aatl
La Qoraeae at
der. I tuned aatl I
withhiefiMo ferwanl, iaaj
uood. rrarassMkMiaMi
fromhbitteath bilwwaai
Wa buried oar aeatt that 1
nut O'Meara la a loaa Mat-
belteroftbeblaC Oath BatH
belbre wa atartad oa oar Jiaraajrv
wno wu aoatewiMU at a aafar 1
hour or mora n
O'Meara'e aaate aaa
aaa Hta'Msi
overnuaz at crave. -
1 1 aS iri.
Urngmtm Caaa t f ffH-agv
There fat a curioue aaaa ar MsaMp.
diae before th Lord ChatneWer. b
land.th particular orvMali'afB
condensed b lb New Ylk taK ,'' r
Th QoeotloB ariawaaMB.aa I4MA"
UHiiasTUMrt wn is ctmamw
ttKBllAK Ukam " Am M..MMM. M "
dtscbar a comaaauoa 01 11
against uvea Sombre, the
a her own child. II
traction from an
Pnalhil asattsaa"-a
Meant, yet he waa
.- -1 '-ai
mil Mr. iyooisoraDr waaiaa, saw; ,;;'
Colonel Dyeo, fay a fcatalala-BW' a
of Begum Soraroo. UewaaaftakiNNy v.'
waa adopted aa her heir, aad html sat "
WaatiBtM a aa ;''.'.'
latio. The Begum bad 1
Iadft4a lir
establishment waa eaatera
With the Asiatic Ihe pohit of
the chastity of the women ; pirwal Irlll
and integrity wore not so much reawnWI;
Tho Begum died in 1830. He m.
elgnty lapsed at her death to the Baat kadsa
Company ; but while aba lived Mr.'Pyaa
Sombre bad acted th pan or aa
dent prince, and altar her
tained lars wealth, llo I
I aaMVSaWaHT V1H i
solved on coins to Enclasd.
wav or Calcutta, where aa
Metcalf. and aceompanied Mai la th?
aire In the vrar 1839. Ha htwi a
qualnted in that year with Lord ll. Vat-'
cent, whoso daughter ha afterward asatv
-.1 1 "
I lis position on hi arrival waa thia 1
was vouna and rich, aa Eaatera la ad
tion and blco. ; hi amide taMdplsw,
therefore, la th clreV of MHea aad
rank lo England must hava had a awr
nn euect oa nia minu. m aaaa aaa
ed a desire to marry into aa EtafUak
ily . Tooee who knew bla la ladaa 1
ed him that he would not ha
hi nature, education, aad
aah that ho could not aocoa
selfto English society, farlitlatata
of an English wife. Thli waa ataiad la
him by General Ventura, who had kaawa
him In India, and ori meeting Mat la Pari
resolved, from tho regard he atertaaaad
for him, to act toward him a a Mttti,
Mr. Sombro having cxpreseed hi diair
to form n connexion with some Bail Mi
family, tho General told him that, tram
his knowledge of his character and opin
ions, ho was confident that ,uch a amr.
riago would prove an unhappy one. Th
only passport Mr. Sombre bad lo th k
clesin which he waa received wjMa
wealth. Ho was a gentleman pfaamt'
education, and possessed of ordinary la
tcllccl. Serious consequence might hava
been expected to follow hi marriage wlth
an English woman.
The effect of hit Asiatic education WU
to produce jealousy. Tho marriage took
placo in 1640. Ho who had been bred'
to the cuttomt of entire accluslon of the
woman, wu now expected to accommo
date himself to ihe'freo intercourse aad
usages of Kngllih eocitty. II had atar-rit-l
a lady, of whom Gen. Ventura aald;
aha waa the most beautiful and chaTBlhstT
lady he had ever seen, f hi sprightly
andcharminc ladv wu th woman of H
oinera, w iiiiuui iiiipwuiiH iv " issi a'
impropriety, the moat likely I exafi ba, &)
jealousy of a man iuoh u Mr. afcatatsVi.vai
.... .. 111..... , .1 , L .1 .llwtll.Ml
t rem tho year or IBIO m graw ator mm ,pn
nuirn linnoHouamarinia Mr.lUI.W maiaa. -
:.:: : . . . :: ::r,z. : ;. z ,j. j
isia, ne waa piaeea unnenutmsw.-' 1- i. v.j
This case baa been ht imlltiA
sinoe, and waa on an
vious to the salllrut ol
testimony is Inlcrestlaf ,'
voluminous, in bbsb
there wa no compatibility
turo between th partlea, Md
lady wu awooi bar owa ;
ta tnaano pany i waiaari
Hvlagln ?adlVM?
.. -a ." . - : ---aaat r
'vjMombbbbS ' '
tat r n ar
.'ttS 1
iy 1