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About Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1849)
Mm V ww- i fe; ..&,,. IkiaAaaW'vi . -, rwtf. KJvViMW 6fijTtiSntsr' s HHmi r telaTa iSHiHHHC ,'.17 w., ra&ra ffiHH iwii?: '- 4if.;. few, I OWV --.,-, -,-.' . r--r-.-. -v. -i i ni hi mi i i r 11 fa aasaaaaaa tmtmm mmm TtLUM,mum.) '"'- rtiTMf. rrr it aaieassswaia IV !! .-..' IT NAIT ! MOWM. com tint where shall H baf Ka twrrl . wild ? ef ArskjF, ' tZa IIk cIlioM IWwsi ad the dels-tree grew, Fli. ih fslr sad ibwisW ran Mm, km lrMifkl has 1" mat fMH, III lOata-M --.r- AUttoklVrUm I k.lkl-fcl II I set tl ' ,TlSlNi4i mm) M U la Uh Umt , LWiwt Ik m)u f ikf ml(My w4 ntlrUi(M Whtn iW l.mfJt mm fcjr lh WiW 4. IiimiI U lh Iwly Mm rf OW WhrnlM rBi H tt Aw ! ifiH mir1- --" " - l Im mi rm, ibM ba4 Wf. f ailfcrlJffc-4hrUafnbMttlml 1 nyUmtkntmmtfm,fiHt)mMlt f WAkU mm tta4 uU Mfcly ha t I Bj;lk mmtlmmiMKMwmnlmtkmU, W win ttetw irMk Inn lb Mk4 U. W UI Ua Ik mint tttmn tnumi, A4 r Uwaniid nlcn f Mln miaj . BkkUkiMl.'MalMTCl kmllMxiwlW , T fach Un-o '1' b Ml kr TbM I Thy klJiiq mmI la wtr Mm Mmt. W ttl It ik mt ImiU, ky MtkladrtJ'tlMM By Ik rlaU( mnum, la Ik uwWal , ,Wkra Ik ma UktofHy wtakkj a klgk, Wktalk aajMwal Hut an lMaf ik ky. Our miU tkall m ktlk4 la fnlm aa4 fnytr, Ra Tku will mk Iky klagi Ikwa I L0T TAH. WHU DAilAt-hoftMUBmt. n caiiu diciim. The Urk went up In hrtrrn arftMn l5 brat hi bread aitlnat iha .Mbtont kv . yl. liny ck mj wataaawily U. oornaMa'lo tit kaialfl,khi aoBji wa au II We U Liwy lfea)! V har moih. tt'i lllil gatiko. " Lucy tu dlly gnr rrriet, and li'Mi act of phwllng rn la adorn hrr MMrn, btfhro iha aetoul to niter upmi Ilia ilay 'a roullne. Mm mm " 1 "r i ' i !! mil waa m nyiMtttntf llwto ay rel .laalUaTl up at Iha lark (ma mora, reeaivM lb laat I cotraor itf aaaato neraoui, antllea: at Iha itfuy.heaM mjothc r. In Iha ptMheil wlilow'a ,aap, who wu Mandiitf at the window, waved her ailleue, mini eleatd the iirull fpM after her. ,' ' There walf In all theiuborb Id whtcli the lived, a Utter, a oretller gill, a more lovlna more) dutiful muddler, than Lucy lllnelillir. Ska Irat.aiiraottd our attrn. Ibu when wa weot,i with Michel on .our back, willingly enough to lohool, 8I10 waayounger by two year Iban oi-nelres ' little llmlil thing, aa wa remember ber. She hid a father at thai lima, but we could aae that the old irentleman waa puor and once we were prompted to offer tier epine, 01 pur Ticiuan which we uore 111 our uK fur we illurd at ichonl,) fearing lint lie ihad not Imd enough to rat at home. It onty a bny'a thoiiitlit, anil now we tre more liuppy llial we did not commll oumclvn by lii;ull, than If we had realised our ear ly ilrranu, thow bubblti bred hi a child's aullrn liriln. Her f.illirr illril. and thrv beeimnnoor. er. A rich relation look Lucy nw ay, lo benlow upon licr a nuiierlor ailuvitlon. It wax all In- could do fur her he talil; al. though hr kept li'n carriage, atidnervanlf, and cut lircail to lln doa. 8!ic returneil to livriii'iihernfierlhree year, to aid their minimi upport hy irauhlng. Wlni knnwa lirsideilhemelra,lholtrei thai dally oovernraai-a lead ! Who ha tmicil, liuiMo hoinelvea. the lltern,M of the hrcud they eat T Tho'fine uillrr miv not frown looaererely upon her conk, or fnotnian. They would rtatut li and eek aiinthrrpliiCTT 'lluilh.aoaegoremr.! nai mm win rnujiii nor rjagmenl i not to be ajipruhnided. Aiid ar ilicro pot di)xon, ore who would ba glad to auo. cccl hi''ihdgavahereelfalra? There are tniL'eillea In real life more tad'to wit new thin any ofthohltrlonloarl,and tho lifu 11I' tho l.illy governrn, in meagra clr. uumMniii'i'4, in oiio whole tragedy. Lucy llfiichlliruloaedihc ganlrngole, nnd iacd from horimoihcr night. It wm n fine morning, and ahe waa early. She had, therefore, no oooailnh to hurry, as nho wu nhligrd Minctlmea to do. Slio Tuli very glad that tho morning waa flue, for to tell a homely truth, hernoc well nigh worn out were far from belim wa ll r.pronf. 8ho had ant all day with wcl feet onco beforo from the Mino cauar, and much need ahe had to ho carelul of her health for her mother' uke. She had Ibw acnimlntanoea on the road alio trav. erard, thuuli ahe wa familiar ai their own children'.- facoi to all the imall trades men-1 hey aaw her paaiao regularly morn Ing and evening. The green. grocer would frequently tell hlewlfo that it wa lime lo got breakfast, for tho young lady with he mualo paper waa abroad. The toll-gate keeper was Luey'iooly aneaklng aoqulnt. anoo of the mala aea. H hMklwaya a kind word Ibr her. Nor did Lucy fa)l lo ik him after Iha ohlld thai w acilded a frightful areldent that or whether hi MM gM 'ma U waaea y, Mkwr lli. H ejuef ! " Tkare Mm gete." ikiiMi wolo ay. when ak bad turned from bin. Here nam iin poor intngi Not hard ill til. MtaWrTWirHo," n. tonert Dame WriMllniiroa owe eeeaaUn. Hard, last, I think ehe'e get ' itty My bettbo'i. Pm herwrm waehlng lub, tit give br ihrta ir fcur ooualer. pane for wofnlng'a trarfc, aad wbal ahe'd make 6V Ah, yo-i don't know all t'' Mid the Ml. keeper, algnlaluairtly. And he wa right, The lady, at whoaa tmua Lucy com menoea the InetruulluBa of the day, wa a very nervnu person, ahe waa very lfrs oible. Lucy' klKiti offinijfd ber.' 'She bated alngU knooW Why had I hey a bell, If It waa aot to eiempt tha houe from the vulgarity of single knocks f One in a At of forget Ailne, the tfoverora gave a aliiltating double knock, and then Mn Robert Bmltn waa tonlalied al Iter pre. aumptran. " Mies Uim forget yur uama'VMra. RoM. Smith often coniiieed lu forge! a nanw which wa the property of ari humble dependant and was so muh oetter inan ner own. "HlneWIrT ma'am," prompted Lucy, on the oeeesloe) reeVrred to. "Ah, HlnvhliK W Ml HlnchllC If, for the future, you would remember not lo glvo a double knock, you would olJIge me. I really tboUHht ll.avla(lors, and, a I am In my dlahabllle, II sets me in'a flutter you should consider my nerves Ml IllnchlllT." Poor Luoy ! If ahe coutd.have afford. d lo be so much in the faalilon aslo own the posetalon of nervea, the lady'a ner vounra would have infected her. " Now. Mix Hlnchliir." said Mr. Robt. Smith, when (he governess had taken uff Mr nonrtet and auawi on, the morning we make her acquaintance, " are you up In thoao new.qwdrilleajrel t" "J sjsrvery sorry m'waaut I have IfkHiin inuoh efiseged I only took tbejn home tne nay brior yrsieruay, ana so in. tie of my lime l my own." Well, MIm Hlnchlir, of course, If Mil hav too many engagements, and my dear Uldren are 10 k neglected 00 laat atC will U Mr. Hobert SmHh'a aWiy to arek alnolaer reefonsitle paraan,' wbos eneatemeate are not so numtroMi you cannot object ( that, I am' sure." v 'Oh,' ma'am," waa Luey'e 'laHcffajp ::y.tMKaw '"oUmmr trik She Was too bappy 10 be employed kyUr. Kobt. Smith. '" .' ' . " I willrxcuio yoa ibis time, MiaaHln. vhllir," said Ihe lady, conciliated by LU. ry'eanawer, f'bul I shall oertaloly expect (he quadrille to-morrow. bln,k you said when wp fimt engaged you, that you taught Italian f Prleeilla la to learn It." " "I shall bo moat happy, ma'am replied Lucy, btichtenlng. up. . -"Mr. Robert Binllh aaya that be ba read be Is a steal reader, as vou1 know-i- that theie are some very preliy poem in iisiian, inouon ne cancel one nv a verv shocking name kind of pliy houee lliinir." Which was thai, ma'am f" Inquired i.ucy, menially reverting lo lioluoni and Mclottlo. You might to tell me," replied the la. lay. " You know of CHirae-ihe pretty llBllan Mm M-llli llu, Mlaw.hnMk nkmmJh " Do you mean Daute's Divint lomtJg, ma'am f " " Yes that I It very pretty poem-! it not I" " It Is conaldercd a very Aae poem ma', am ?" "Yea, prelly or fine that's whi Mr. Robert Smith callrd it : though I ihink If "lie a comedy, it shouldn't be called dl vine." . Luoy assured iha lady that Ik XVsV CoKtia waa not a play In five acta, with atage dlrectr' , but rajhera religious po em. " I understand your meanlnc," said ner employer, "somalhing like Milton, I sup. iou. I have heard Mr. Kobert Smith re mark his remark are n in ihn nurnoa that Milton wa a tragedy, quite. You will underttand that you are to eao!i I'rUollta Italian. And ahoul the terms, Mr. Robert Smith says tint you are not to j iuurvaao them, ho really can't sJFoid 1. ' " Ma'am t" ralJ Lucy, aatonlahed. " If you nhjrct, or course wo must find another rrsponalble person, who will in. cluite Italian for Ihn amount of your pre, cut salary," Lucy's mother was In ill falling hralth. Nrcd wo aay that she waa " loo happy" lo leach Italian without remuneration, under thoclraumttaiicea. On Ihesamo morning Mrs. Robert Smith dismissed her cook, who blundered at a pn drfole gra$, and hired another at greatly enlarged wage. The widow llfnohllir was not only fall Ing In health, but she waa nearer death than Luoy had, any Idea of, When tho poorglrl returned home thai evening ho went to'slx houaesr and walked a ilitlaiioe afaevrnteen mllrn she found her parent htd been obliged in retire to bed, The aervtnt, alarrmd by her mlelrW condl lion, had called in a neighbor, who only walitd for Luoy.'a return to urgn the' pro. prlt of seaoW for a douior. Luj v ml only BMirted but ran herself to felohone. " 1 orn giro you no hope," ho said and '" " .'"', "i 1 1 1 11 1 jsTii... i T r 1 . oregoi off, nmm&sMt.ii IkH thai Med a brkabt bad Meard over bar llbj. Wbea aae rb wa dearly love I stricken dowa to via, we leek et uaenthworM,MlfwakdMraawkf, or pari, or aay lot tbereM, Sha had lo Braotioa tba oaadrftlaa ibal night, on ber hired pUno, la lulMmeatof in promt made 10 Mr. Hooert Bnwih. Her mother bad retlea ,lato aao of (Jwm domag, rlloa alumbviet Mavllar lo a eiatoof fokHoaa.aad iho ibaogbl of wai king ibo aatea of gay auadrHIa maelo M tko boose bo whoaa Ibreebkola, al that rnomeat, Death, lb doairoyer, ateod. ahockid Lucy's fcelloae. No. aim could ndoa,leiMr. Robert fmiihlaty what Sfcoaai ihrouih the Isonsal alehl had ever koowo feribelieart weaea the hours not tho clock walober by ner mother oca, wmi im glad son. light caamgnaMng k at Ilia oemeW, and lark alter lark naared forth his JuM Ism ihsukaniviM fo bis sleep la the dewy Ere, efco aadmmid berself, and want to r chamber, leaving lb servant In up ply her place. There waa no visible al- iteration in ner parent wnen.wun m ny rears, and wiih one or Iha 'maddest heart that ever beat In human lieon, ebe left the collage upon berconaiaai dlerMlmU. slon. She was late and had lo walk nor. rledly . It rained, loo, and the water soak; ed through the leaky abors. She Imd no ,stnile for ik toll-gale keeper. He saw that she wa sad, and contented hlrearlr with a touch of hi hat by way of reeoo nliloo. He was sad. loo. for the scalded child had died during the night. " lleal.Mome arfrt Ilea with ue wo live in a floe nor. ten Mr now," be thought ; "she naa heV own trouble ihlsmonrlsf.''- God help her. 8he liad lodrcd. You arc full ten minutes behind your lime, Mia HlnchliflT. I never And you tlaylng ten mieules over your time," waa Mr. Robert Smith' salutation. " I am very, sorry ma'am, bet I left my naotkeratbeene very III dymg , ma' m, lnedootoray,".rep)b)d Lucy, Wm. logwto tears. . '' .'. MDylag-drm. Oroourwyoofoei Very swaeMout outt bwt mmaaNly. Mr. to .. m .-v j -.-..- -..- nooan ua araaya, aaininl aagwaai iva. in lb aooi "of ao emJoat efaoala. ( i' ft. ---. snttrr m teay ih owirrnoaM a twJMswaw) 4ttMTlfMtMHla MajfM I ed Mr. Ridtert laawb f -1 y, at ygat w tbo watJ im of her pramirn." :t "I could not dknurftawy ir.VMH iBcy appeaiiaaiy. "Ofcoume, ltakoallil ssttML emitoo," rplled Mr "y". ynu,a retponaiM IM value of your pmnttt,; isuvvivr- over. R win excuse you si Init-only donYlm yoH.letherfcfrJy. isw-ito.You will commenjm Frlsoll isoitia'a llama tnts rnornlne ol " "i H ! baveSeeo 00 unfortuoale ae lo (or: gel my own grammar, but if Prlacllla I pmwfo wno one 'Hr father aaya thai ho cannot affbrdjlooka baptry very happy. any Italian books Iter French ones cam-- A small wmio alone baa been creeled aoeipenalve. JHethoughi you could havat ber mother's grave. You may see It, 00 objection to tend hrr yours." What boutd Luoy bay, but that her book were at Prlwlfla'secrriot. Hsr mot ber waa worse I hate veninir. and had bora, as, tbo neighbor said, delirious during ber absenco. s Lucy asked herself! wnetner aManoato praottoeiMqoadriitea. Sbo we not long tn deciding. Though they hould go without bread, aba would not torgi Mr duty u a daugntar. Hef place wsojit her molher'a bedalde. That day Mr. Robert Smith paid a vlsli lo a friend, whose governee not only1 tugb Italian for the mma salary ibal wa paid 10 Luoy Uincblir, but alio pro- irevo 10 uiciuae spanisn. wnen L.uoy was admitted the next mornlna. the Udv placed a small turn of money In her hand, and Informed her thai 'dornectlo atrancerwewdca. It I a eiiy of hills for more fa mente" would render her aliendenco in' future unnecessary. The. poor girl wsa lautsita" oawial4 kaikJam L nuJ... I not al all ran down ho this clrourastancn Was nit her mother III dying al home I Olie would be obliged to leave ner o car. y in ine morning. Her mother dlnl three dava afterwards. A letter sent by Lucy lo Ihe rich nlailnu brought. a cool kntwer back, In which the writer recommended her to be luduatrlou and to ' keep her character." And now Luoy was alone in the world, In which there are so many face, and so many hearts beating with warm life. R ven Iho toll-gate keeper had disappeared. Ilia placo wa uppllrd by a drauger a man of coarse, rrpuUive aspect. Lucy en ine iosm, even 01 mat acquaintance. Within a month after her molher'a death, she waa compelled to resign auoth. or of her' engagement ; her employer, V widower, having made dioltonorabte pro oal to her. Jjlio advertlard In Ihe pa pers, but could'not meet with an appoint, incnl. Sho had removed into new ludg. Ings now. One night (l wear a cold,' rainy No. vember night Luoy Hinchlln! In,ber little 'room by Ihd 'Are, pondering over many thing, out chiefeetwhat waa Atllna for a girl Ilka berlo do, wlio, being ao un protected, wu exposed to o many imuiu. fca ganed of hor ammtr'a portmk iwWobJ bmsgever thai msmU kkf, and aremW lo al advloe ofifc deed. 'But (be dead rw flwdnet. Oely tho bleik wind whistled, (My the rain, boat acamtt tbo wiodow ;rTbro waa a etir below; an at foot 00m. f.Wi,l'' .loy.hoard k wrikoot in wet same Mgaor ams hkjair, er, nd halted at iha door j, tn tka ar worth a mptnuoded a From ; ; sturdy nucaie. Tnegovorn ned. awl cried "come lo.'r and a 71 wa her old aoqualmknoe, iJm toll. Miner. Bui not dreed a bo wa for maefy. No- -Ha'woraabran aew ouHef T- H t m it . . . 1. . . SHI1lt 9w9' pwl'J VMB WfffMs iiopaijmajBS s.f.-4. '-'-- -Hi If mHWWmWBWWB WiTH Ifffff fffl Vk'wBgg? A for a roulomoM went, ha waa la all rrepreia iha gendtman. And In lb heart oraklee. " I keg year pardon, Mies, for Mtrodlag you," m mm oaanruity. "lam toaaJiioyMaboutedaoaiiae:my ttldren." ;Luey bowed. MU tbowgot oho bad mhWeraieod him. ' " " I am.oomo into a Urge rurtono iHely, Mies a very largo fortune matur of a ihouoand a yr. I mc-e of it, three mobtlie ago, bte you, than the man In Iha nvioo and I think arid my wile tbhtka, that oar girl ought 10 ba odaca I0d." t . ' ' "Certilaly," said Lupy, yacantly 8m Ihoughl she waa dreaming. " And ao we agreru that Ir you would sou now and eaoon or ourselves, and leech the children, wa thought Wa would lake li very, Mod of too." "Ye," enled Lucy, mechanically, for the ' not a wbit tba nearer .waking, ' And if you would think two hundred pound a year, tad a room of your own, enough, It la your to-morrow ; and that' all about li." Tba sneaker, in lb Mohemeat ofUv. kkg aompHJisd bis errand, clapped hie bat on hla hrd, and breaibed freely Bwt ba recefleomd Wmeelf, and to hi V ff T-.. . - . " f wsss asa to 00 am to vnjr iwa. Uf I unnartaM yam aright I" Mof, maty nar .oaoawooa last te ATbKywa(PWo aailrftwa nwMayaaV wooM Vailery yo, why-- Ml . iltwiav n T- Jt.waa all irow4t wa tbo beet of It. Tba man bod eValldiooorimd a lane foe. " mm, leel'Mm relative, hitherto MhafweCre31nmarlyikouibl about ibo poor pvmsjL, -who rav blm a kind .wrd -aVorf nWSrnTnf. and rnqulrrd after BHiy, wno wa acaidca 1 1 e ; for He bad hnowjln-ard of ber motkar'a death, and also the roodooaacinuaaaee oT being able 10 von. r a benem on b mahan airl. elated his Man ae much as IMaoseeuiionofa thou. sand oourid per annum. Lucy, of course, wrMs notconeeni to rrcelre tire salary ho bad oamed. How it waa finally sat. llrd.thia chronicler knows not. but Lnev 11 11 is wun ino fsoeaeiH ton-keeper and 11 you win walk lor ibe puipoee, lo Abby Park Cemclry, Stoke-Nm Ington. MISOILLAMBOOS. 1 JeramalvM by- Mooallf ht, The broad moon llneers on llir summll of Mount Olivet, but W'bram bath long ien 11m uaraeii 01 uctnsemaoe and the tomb of Absalom, the waleis of Kedron, and tho dark abyss of ihe vale of Jrhosa phst. Full folia Ita aplemlor, however, on the opnosilo cil. vivid' and defined in Its silver llste. A lofty wall, with tur ret nd lowers and frequent gates un!u. latra with the unequal grouud which il covers, as it encirclrs tho lost capital of aoii !. Lo-A i O . lt art uu umu uiuMi hi itwnr , ror an curope haa heard of SJon mid Calvary, while Ibe Arab end Assyrian, snd iha irlhra mnA the nations beyond, are aa brnoranl of iha uapltollan and Avrntlne Mouma aa they A ... -." . -J-T w . T nrv in mo msivern or ine uniuern mil. The broad stern of 81en, crowned with the towet of David ; nesrer still, Mount Mo. rlab, wilh tho corneous lemnle of the Ood of Abraham, built, sis I by the child of nagar, anu noi i.y oarsn s ctioaen one, close to its cedar and cypresses It lolly pi roe and airy arches, 11.0 moonlight fall upon Dei he !'psol ( furthei 00, entered by ihe gate of 81. Stephen, ihe eye, though 'lis iho noon of nluhl, trace with cam Ibe street of Urirf, a long winding ascent to a van, cupniaea pun insi now coven uat. vary; called ihn street or Grief, brcaum Il,rn lliA ,nnl HliiMtHnnanf lk lui.nan 1 Iherrj the inrwt illuatriouiof the human aa well aa the Hebrew race, the drscendaul of king David, and iho ilMnc Sou of ihe mont fsorrd of omrn, twloo sank under the burden of that suflcring aud shame which is now throughout all Christendom the emblem of triumph and of honor pas sing over groups and mattes of bouses built of stone, with terraced roofe orsur. mounted with smsll domes, wo reach the hill of Sslrm, where Melohlaedek built hi niytiincilldels and ctill remaio the hill of Scop, whero Titus gaxed upon Jru- MassisJSSaww nr ftft.-,-i .'- .-"l. -i . aotkofobilwJ ins deetroew too 'tmSi. of Judoa bM misira'Bwbewrl wbJcb worn iwleod ia m4Mr aelf lo kWr knoamt eoaaai. ' of Abmbnm, .Im aodyaoobbawm vrJaUaaBfensBBsraMl ssykaMiaBa aUaaTM XsKMSsssOaV aWaao km WWTVJBlVffl (VT poolaclo, asoifraavaR mailailiM ,mt a ad Hm, bowiver lMrnai o white K rottiMWt RBbTsTS HHaVmi flm Imam) mByVVMasW- Ibo atmogdad MriraJesI (oawsKvAstrw ihted city almmi urrsoood by iMbst. tbroogb &-tyAt-iW0imW a dusSat and riokoi 'iSidiilttm mnTbj PWB VVewMMP lsWVlPMVH w ' Vrwasry l tar In tba darkoeoky okiMwm)y over too aaerrsi any., :ioo an. stilloeotMbaakeaoira to have travelled ovr Mm from tbo eeo- It nd algba among tbaywom BToveo-s' ,10 paim-irroa iremoM M ;al.aosvMar li were a spirit of wo., b k.lba Irooaa twM ha travelled over lb saw W sWwa sWb tbeeeat tOr I it ibo IsMWTbag': Mw af prophota moumktg over tbo airy taatjlawjr could not avol Their .(pieM' would linger oribo leod wboro taok ' ator bad dotaaed 10 dwell, and ovor. wjo Impending ibw()wamao.aad aMJaa. roan lears. T- FromlMa Meant who one, bwt that al ibo midolaMtir. iVamtaa' mu of.Ainainn, iMffsoi Maamaori ,m w-- ." mm memeof ineirmyauooKyr jwonaomat baoooated beroos ami ogsi.'waa aaml hrhik Ami m rivalry rhb oW brigbioid MiMWHwotofOrMrmrairbjHwMwtr- (tlver of tho time of ibo lrob,;wbjo aw ar Mill obeyod, tba mnroh. wbaao ren haa oeasea her tbroUM)saM put waeo wkHtorn hi mMr H iioMortMaomi: MMtnvt triawa baro midilid Hlaaii'i ibo a-reateot of WaMotora, iha t adVnlnJMratonvaad aogreaiastof; oraj wnat rao. oaunai m nemg. saokiaroossM.'n Bsaaaosssjaos- im--vmiw mj'mm eMrtiMIRa 1 ) JMl a mianbM.lriadt - ' 11: MlwotasMlaMnll Ttf&av BmfiZ$Uhmmn7j -.spejTsjfpST iasvasSP,jM' .,, wmmm nUv ioaaoaaOmr:,aVaoatmVi - J ' J.'-'fTJ; Jebosoobra. latb obsorrigr-; red or IM iaoajuaOmar;,BilUsjaii angllo wators,J gatooTBt. awepswa, ibeatroeu of aakrod sorrow, ibo aBloBa. lero and the. beighta of Seoooe, ' eon" ao hmger bo disoorood. - Alooo la 'ibo' la creaUng darknoaa, while ibo very Um of in wan amiaaiir eiuoes uo eve. ho chc,reh ortho Holy SaoJobro 1 a koaaa 11.1., rr'i 11 : ' - - " "" . ,- TunFintir liioaotmoro 2rua tkiat th Infant brood' trow 10 tbo aowar'of caring tor inemoNvre, Hi JM Mat,) IbM that roea am formed latolkirbaUiasiiaV m in raimiv. 11 ja in oamoei, otieapeet, afoot, and tba mighibmt laatUaiion for iBMPOraoie. Heaco K si IM aeoasml afcv. jrci 01 assault iroia im gaibertag boedot of disnrganixlng reforVner in our day. vm every stoe, under Ibe guldsnoo or IM Si. 8lmon, Fourlers andOwena, wa bear Ihe outcry against iho domestlo temalai " Rate it, rax L even lo thd fouadalioaa thereof." Ignorant of Iho trim aoaroaa 0: pauperism and oppression, our puling paeudo-philkothroplstsara in perpetual ag Itaiion about tha wrong oflsbor, tba right 01 women, and im reconstruction or o clety. " Aaaoclatlon," ucIim they pro pose, would pluck away Ibe hearth-atone, and break Ibe marriage-ring. Forgetful of the homely aentence, thai the large! house I not lane enough lor two iamUwsl they would take down all partitions, throw a wnoie. community into one, ceonM? IM natural guardians of Infanoy, and aubjoat mswes hi ynuui, in pnatsnxes, in ue reg imental drill of a newly-invented educa lion. Aa bubble after bubble explodes. and successive Dmohela of aoelallnn fall """.waefve cootipi,'ii laMpedlMIIM hihiu win nrcomo aoilaea.wia IMOest stltution which date aa far hack a Para dise. Rev. J.W. Alexander. Book. The London correspondent of the Natbnal Intelligencer eay that'll ba been calculated by thosejwbo have ao. rned correct msterlal for aojWng, ibal not more than one book In fiftaen aava iha rspriws ui printing, anu not more tban one In every fifty oamDhlels. l'bat ! oneouiofahout two hundred book reovhe a erceita evtiicn, one la every, are no fimrlk. He also aay thai there am area. .1.1.. . I .1 .- .l... ,.- orru a rsiro, aao one n every Ikouwnd a ably not less iban ten thousand' who lire by literary Uboraln I ondon.'and more than double thai number who otofoe lo do o. .Poor encoursgeweat tbia for youpg authors, l.ul a veiy good li IKrDr. Johnson at a lam period of kb) life, obsrvd lo Sir Joshua ReynobfoU "II a man do aU make new aoqualn. tanoca a b passes I h rough lift, be will aoanona ninuwii ucm. A maa, air nouiu aeep nie irtiaaiaip in eonataat ra- m 'fr"' ''i 7nS.mammmmWm !&?;, BOTBB IwWeW WfBBf J laMtrWMljrolM I E9ZrH "fiiSJPfl EnTSa3l AoMieaaotood mUMat aMFl '1 IVQMoW MS . IM laMmrtlmbWm.! ZZESEm?i pHrmBBBasBaV WamVfom BaV' T '1.. W .jiTIw. TVembilaaltMaaxf ' - " -'- - M - m& aalA.aat.t4 m, haadamhi! SoTtMars-UJobirti fomb ow'eOatroa.tM' eivillao world. TiMwgkM oar at w. aroaaoot laatava stall hwto too ka rMo aat h a miWoa eaa add teyoCaW inkd fa iMlmeajas -'- 7iJ ' '' laWBaBBsl 1 W?JSes3aPl arMiXrasW not foe aasny of ski M.tho3rhM,a)maj ad atark'aad crim; rha it shall reveal tbo Imomaro IMM whoyeeMrday.awoaaliMkil luiineaa or iimaaa m.m)jm never wakoagala; WnMaajrlfa remain a reaapno or rotora a ujwiea araoiMr na leoaiy maiataMaoeki ftoaly maiatt iruabedJMd. Uaadbaa'' the fr'roiloasvmyrks aaw'l bar front ioror-wbothae O aohtoya' tbo llbaratibf;lkr. ran omeij isno a yaaoaaogo immiieos inna um.i Mtl-im?nt draadAiaoowrC MMT AMoloxOasBa. l-lHt oral aoat M'ks.:wa.'er eaa natiW-rwatbaVOfeUmewHw not beooeao (a MamaliimlnWsJeV ter of a doM MVogfM; Ma pugMM rao a Mrasegat. atawai extremnaod milrraal-fomaiy,r WOrH PBllfloMM WIHOol VwHrBil wRM it can hardly be doubted taat ftr and it attendant aaoniaa IM ! destined to be long reMmrM,la,l nal of our kind; i .-.., Yet human Ilia mm aVoaa i tbaathaaeaf tha baulo-Aabi.' startlrng vrWm aMaae ' l.mlt('I)W&.'Marh ..': Examl llllirlraaiioat iaYTi' vwraser bmo4 par, meirorauoo are Ihe oaaaon a ar.aoathwwtr- ibwatRatWharrisiwaV Morm, ami Hkatkeaamfj l.wma zzxry, a ' a .' . ! ' '. " a-" T'o, - MwiraogiagaMBii amCkffl Maftkwiraa matftfcaayr la a woaarerMft VTwMI waaaaaatakjaati tRAMMwrna no snuaksg la ,?iv mmmwm wrnvm t gjk LLdVgAs-ar gB PHafnr FnmmMEmWm' ' 'SOi ililaihiemTfc ';'-a aamsaBnxl omaMMBoaoB) SWI "yawawa. saMoaa-oeae aTaTaTafafJRK , -i -j2JH rtmrwt&m mm wax .tc mm SraMaaf 'Osai J'iaafat. " ''Bai 9w''-fPm ? Wgoj IBJMBBbV OSSi jQLBBBB ; Jits,. s-rii-r.i NJtfst. -i TtM m rr 2. mt .' . Qfl oWT 4 pair, . waaareie,iM -i u j Jt. Jetcx.. -SaeSsitJiijP-ev v.HfKt1 r dV'A mTto.JL. - m i 'lasiffetW ZfiBmmmmm4mZ!!!lmm1mtdKj ft'Sa4S;1llirilllliamalsatfIBalli ,' '''ljBliiMlJWWI!l.'WWl