Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, January 25, 1849, Image 1

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7 vrfri-" ,IV Wi
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iaslaWJ- atttO f , ,.,
uWeatttrtsrslltia autr f Kawstlrn taken if war,"
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Vol, 3,
Oregon City, (Oregon Territory,) Thursday, January 25, 1849.
' CfARMIIHBIiT " -'TfcSia
?JSajssarlxarlxarlxarlxarlxarlxarlxarKvr75i, vT- . .A
. raxLLLHS??? A Cnr
J'vJJM is t .4i .. .1 b ..IHLVBIffKlafiteaaaKli tL,
fa imwi - -Ttinii imhik iiwwiiiUiihiwpaiitOiiiMwliw m mm lj ipii4wwiiiii i nal wiwmOiMp miMiiiinuw iimiwuTiirrr rJ"gTTrTraTTWMrTnmMr'niMrtaMMWapMiBM
rim Ilia NsW Yolk Tutus..
LIX'TUIK V. in 1 I' NICIUil..
Rffortxt fur iSt Tribune Ay O. .trr, Ihr
Th phyalcal constitution ufour system.
Dltouiiloii concerning lli nnlurn nl
oomtl. Their tnolloni. Tlwir sub
jection In gravity. Their immense po.
riod. Hlrango phenomena prtaonted
by I alloy's comet Tim idea uf lar
Ily, end lt application in such illinium
en. ProbableTinTvprsalliy i Its de.
velopmetit ammg materiel pheiiomn.
' LlblES AMI (StwrUMIH-l lVP now
endeavored iu explain rnl hilly exemplify
l.y israin f ill" remarkable dcjcx'verio
ol ihiiplsml Neptune, llir nalurenftlie
mechanism lhal sustains uur planetary
avttmn A w" hevu ,can " " '"dred
nppsara in'"! compact mnl lmriiHiiiiiii
every nrli Inund I" H "Hi"" nnuiil it by
aviutiathlr wlilfli went iliJiwilllWe, niul
which raUatli" timlletl ulmii Irmn itm
litlon of itolutiiiii ilitu a cnnatiluviit and
iL.niiiiil narl uflliu al fabric. An mi.
dirtanilili;uf tlua iiieiliaiiidii, -i full mnl
Hiiliuiu n that which, under llm illdani e ,
UI Auailla ttllil llvrifirr, mi ni"i"iii I
. . . i. u..i. .ur.i. .
to h'k irat" ttilhan aiire nil ennri in me
far region nf Neptune, ma) well be tim.
H'lurid at lira! aijihl ulinl t- liae ex.
Imuttid all piublnina of inti'irit i uiin'-i ti il
withuiir ovitein ; but lnninni.li a nuii'i
I nuleil(ii nei r l imr ran be comph e
in.mnnili aall la till ilanlmy always In
ii((jle, aliJ Ilia Iiojmi ei r In rue tu
. ii t- iiner rem lint vbal run a.ili.
ry in llinliniMif lii'iurv, than ilmibla
mil mli'Milliei preaa fcr notice winch bail
iiiv'h.iK'i"ii )t loftier ami farOier
.niiK-' Il av"1'! "oeuia tu Ha, nil von.
., .allty llll iiiechaiiiam f nura, llial
..'IvMift lie l "f liraallntion entirely
r U in b I l the prewnt prTela,
, :. mt i i men the many and com-
-. r .luMol'all lbue nrbt, there atlll
... i aeulril with il, and tin ae of
it, wliu-li the aiiujile arlion of
, 'i.ib- aiM'.amiii,: ier d iidl
N ' ii, I llunk. loiibl inininee one
li.il) limn tin d.M'mery of Nupllliip
- .ciirpleloly wo have (jiH liobl of the
V .mini; iho Internal i uchannin of
.. .;tll I .
I iiiolitliii-d nil n piiiiupnilii(!, f"t i
lUIH-e. Illkl ' I" ' "I" iwilil ivni-
. .,r m A imir ilir ti lllllsllute
all'Iilfel-I ilw ' U nail HI '"' elllicin ill, Hi'- Miiii,iuif at i-n in imhiiiik il nhi hi
i.i.in, ii i lei tho ball ii'pnai-iil thn aim, niliilini't mnl peeuliur arrangement, and
nii'l lln ii if I wi r I" repreaeni the ili hi im mure Ihininu iieretaarily from the con.
of Iho platula b) llie ullmr ImlN, I wmild , necliun nl (,'nnily than I tin forma auatain
lidie to pUcc them "n thn Mule uli, mnl , '! b) the Utfim ) nf life ure iutailittl by
not alairp nor Wow the aiirfmenl itn-. Iho eiier)y lb.it kvepa. lln-ui hi beiii). Iii
table. Nnw llm law of jrtll) ilm-a iml denl, llua lllil-l r.il l"H ia u it inapt ; lur
nplatn tins. Il would mistain llm inotioin' i-en an lifi-ilitruai-k wnrnitu and "hming
f Uie aUnela miiihI thn auti, lion ever ly-1 acllt it) llii"iih llm hole iiiliuuierahh'
Inc IU anaee. I 'anutiea nl nri-miiiiliiiu, i-o may lhl)a.
LaUo elated that ike curve deaciihoil i lemnl nun. In' but one exliibiiinii of hai
'Tiy an orVrcolih(j round lln-aim imui (r.miy run perform one iprtaul plane
ellipp,niitanal,iindllinl(;riilt) vmiild lary urninyemi'iit, beloii(iii( only tonne
lUalain a planet niixinc m nnl ellipae I apeeial iliua, aiimni; iho iiunienw nrie.
whatever, but wo Imd ibut tliae'orba arej lu-a whuh muat mil around Ihov invri
all mevuittlnanelllpte very near a circle, i ada of aiiusle, double, and nwre complex
oothat uniei.)ou repreaint the orbit on u alura.
' M . 1 II .1 . ..... .1.1.
very large acale you ma) repriMiit it liy I
a oSrcb?. Here, then, la another i-omliliuii
which ih law of grnutulinn does not ex.
Thlrilly: Wc fm-l that thu plamlsare
all revolving round thn un in one direr,
lien. Wo do nut find one Unveiling m
op direction and another pursuing mi oj
.;. mum. Iml all kweeniinr round m .
. ...n. .Ilr.oiloii. This also is iiuiln
iin.snlalnril bv the law of uruvilatinll.
iav -... .,. ...... ,
Thoy might moo In any direction niul
atill gravity would susluiu them.
Fourthly: Wo Virol that th" "tit'lliles
move round tho primary nlaiirtt m llie
aamo direction that Iho primary planets
rovolve rouml llm sun. Now when we
consiilerTlhn number of llm primary plan.
ets, this may bo regarded as n special ar.
rangenient, and one lint nl alt accounted
for by tho law ufurav ily.
Lastly : Thn planela and satellites have
a rotary motion on their axea, as also Im
the aim, which completes Its revolution in
twenty-five days, nu I all these motions
lake plaoo in the sunn direction, This is
uot explained by Iho gravitating iowor.
Now when poraoni look at -these facia
It must alriko them that thore ia some
great law hero whloh grnviliition Joes nut
explain. I should mention, by.lho-by,
that to tho circumstances of which I Imvo
epokon there la one exception. The planet
Uranus haslhroo satellites. lUrsshel said
it had alx, hut no other astronomer has
ever been ablo todlsocrn more than three,
Lonl Uosso's great teleacono has lioyer
boen turned to Uranus, nd tho question
still remains unsettled, but we know that
Iho planot has throa satellites. Now in
this orb is the exception. It satellite aro
noi moving round llranu In Iho piano to
whloh th other planets aro confined.
They sweep out from It, nor do they move
in iho samo direction aa tho olhor planot,
hul In the opposite. They move liack.
aril. Now ibU is the sole exception III
ii whole system to Iho order and tho
ma to which 1 have referred. The plan-
i Nepiuno oooflrm this order. We now
I'mnir that Neptune has 'one satellite, and
its motion la tho tame thaxt of all the
sset f pHuifts. I MIm " my '
iiiihI bit jld with rcmfl'li'i vo lint Nnituna
Imn I iv ii milellilea A 'ronil nne, l i
ulil, linn lieen illnieri'il lV llicrxt'i llrnl
telrtcii nl ill" uliteivnlory nl llnnnril
ITutt rrnlty, hul il Imn ii'il )1 Ihcii katli.
ficlurily RH'rrlaini il.
Tin' .mily i'riitloii, limn, Ii I'ranuii
ml lliu iii ulliiii nriM't, ivhat urn t il'i
Willi II I Am Mil In n ri'l't ,, kIii(;U'
( oplloii at otnrtliriivtiiiK llm gi neml
onler f or in nrilii(; fmm wmih1 Oeriial
in mo ltli wlncli wn ir not criminti 1 f
I lielievn if you runtiiler lli vl ihiimIk'I
iifntlinr liiitl"liu K'Hi'llnil ly tin- low In
wliicli I liv roreir.d, yuu iiiiml i "IiM'I'T
the run if L'ronua an mi i'Xcctiuu. Il
we ImiJ mil It'Ul'nl llm cniiieiii r HkIiII)
the ollirr nilil, I mitilil i I lint a wiim I
wnulil I hi cry r( "(itnlil" In re ( l.ni:litiT
ami niinute )
I tut llii'to l.uli urn Lcmliliu lit 1 1",
inriiti iil'niir i li in ii not nmleii'il ncn'n
ury dy wlmt I li.nn ti-nii.-.t iImi.ihIhiiiiii
(OMIT nf (jrlUtl'il Is si.llli li lill lll.HH
frati-J li llio iliiiinini nit it iiiiiiiIh, Pir
lliee win-ili-riii) ini.li pnM rnilii'l tlie mill
niul! ilin uliuni mnl in llm mutt lunti il
nrli l, ili'f)lli(; run iin ! (Iiumi luviil
"IhcIi itiiitrnl llm iiiDtimiii nf urilniury ,
jiliuiiitu Inilrnil nf ui'ili rmilini'il ii the
planu truterwil by the other nrU, I bey nf-1
tin ciuiie lieituiK up lownrd lln mil iriiin
. .......... .. ... . ..... .... .. ..i
tin iiMMili'ia ui III'" iivuii'm iiniiau 11
iimiv int; hi iirlntl neurl) i ireulur, lli"l li
mi ellipse lu (luiintdl that uniti, not lliiil
cnmela lnntini in it ; nay, e find them
mmiiii,' in nrliila railed paralalia mnl liy.
iurlmla, that ia, illipaei lairied nut in.
duliluli I) . Conn la lii'iwllL' in aui II nrblta
J ml mir ti in but "in ', mnl lln n plun-
!W;( Into lue luiuinllena niiilini n ol apace
are never unite at en hyTnnii
We know uf aerult llipw infiinnvnae
eateiniin, llalley'a emmt Ima a er
Innuateil "lie, atrfliliiiiii l"-uiiil thn mint
if far-oil' Neiiiune; but run that ia near
ua, eninnareil ttith Iho orbila nfotliera we
ure rible with j;real pruiabilily In rnnjep.
tine. The ureal rninei ol 111 I pre
aiime many -f my audirnie remember it
rearilii m the mutt htilhmit ll) Dial
eter aiiin-areil in our heatem, mid an
iwerin", In the m-ut ternfic ilescriplinmof
the comela )hi-ii liy the nncienta, aoemt to
hate an urlut i iiiiuientn that lift n-tind
11 about fl.OIMI yeara. Tn what an awful
debth in apaee that Italy inuat go no eye
but thai ofOmniavlensn'ttanarerdlarvm,
and yet there la iinolher whoa orbll ap
itan double thai nf the comet of INI1, ila
h mal U'ing uImuI 7,0011 yeara.
Tim facta In ubiih I li.nn iilludld, lln.li,
I iniial Ih- held naen-eiall)' charailerilnf;
.I. ..I.... ........ -....... ..Illl... Il KM.. ....
Acceplin. tlnu, Iheoiicuiiiataueealhiil
I hf i- ileaeribid us intimations of the fun
ilaineuliil loiialilulluii of our system, Iho
iiiesiimi arises, whence enmo they M
What now kiHiwlcd)cciiiiocriiiug llieuni- j
Vi ran tin they eiiiiiiuuiucule I II muy. III
ih i il, lint uimaliirully iH-eur, thill questions
like tlii-sii lire imniisweriible ; lhal the)
resemble the iiniiiirv, why is man's f
is man's frame
euuslsiitiilid its ills; nil J ill it the only
..... ,..,,..-
inswer nl wiin ii ihov nresuseepiiuie lies
il tho atuteiiiriil,' "i'lius was lorimil nur
H)sli'iu thus fearfully invl wntidrfully
wasjl made." Thai siugulav colloi iitinu,
il nnv Ui said. Is Inexiilicnhle. becaus the
planetary sehemn existul slmpt) as it nnw
Is, and vvjtli llioo nrriiugemenis as lis
cnustiliitlou, was l.iuiichisl into llm do
main of spare by the iimniiliute ninNi
reel fiat of the Aliiiigbtv. This, porbrtps,
is iho most iiutiir.il explanation "f llieso
circumstances nue iinpllngivo; iiumu
ly, that llm kj-.Ii mi exis's ns il duos be.
cause 4 Iml lias made it mi In i xist. Now
Inward that drend of nil mvMriiiK either
llm thno when or the nin.li- Imw iIiino
arrays nf finite firms were projected from
Himself by llm unchangeable mini, 1 feel
that I dure not appmncli, niul I would yen
luro lo express It.wltl, nil roverenre, lhal
such on emieavori uo so utterly unfitted
for tho highest posvors of man, U Imporn
lively forbiiMen by all philosophy. qB.
cpil'bylh" lllernnl in tho midst uf His
Sorgoous material universe, wn am en
owed with llm ninal glorious privilege lo
look on lllmselfas inlrroreil there liy tho
manner of Ills high workings; but npnn
tho Intellect whornwllh wo must Inlornret
Ihcso workings, Ho has laid condition
lhal il must ohoy. Now one of tho most
inilltpcnsiblo of tiicto condition is, l hat
unlrss in dses where through a siispen
alonofiiie natural laws and olhor undo,
nlahlo tokens, iho great uareiit should
ohonso to mako manifest Ills dc.lro and
declare directly eoncomlng His purKwcs,
we aro bound by Iho necessities of our
being to scared forth explanation of ever
physical part through 11 relations
actual cause present or past. Il ii
elven us to bono anywhere, or to aay
we have know all ; around in on evt
4 not condition
I utile Ii llm iinfllioiiililn, anl tlia firllicrl
' KiiuwiiMiinincreMeiiieur(''riiiy khiwii iwiiicinuer now niigutt Iho iroceM we
lint cirelo of drknc wliicli UmwJi iln'alioll ilaic In onlirnijilile, or wful the
iifni. ipiiauw,;
I umilil not U uii'lanlond to wiy tlicro
win no beginning. Mot uniluuMeilly
Ihrru waa lli'injili rbltiovoil ritrnt ui liy
inlinlla rniea tint live rolled woy audi
n K-inxl ; nut Initial pcrM man by nn-am hand, and IxiFjrr wlman ovirlatliix ndu
if I hi' fauiilliea he now haa cannot ter raniu llm entire llfolimn of the liuinan
Liliily k'i back. Uur kiirwleilgo of tho
Milar ayatem, with li clmractorutlci,
( until bo wHntlhlnR likn lhi: If yuu
i iirrMnt a
bbruoin to the inwet called
iiiihoini'ia which ia born and die within
lbu hour iflhat oroaturc could bxik un
derataiidiii"ly iiikjii that bluAaom, it could
, any ihua waa lln bloaaom inmln ; but aa
. In llm cliamre which brourht that blo
I vnu into eaialeiire, il lould divine noth.
lug. It oiilil not reach the truth that the
hloMiim ia the nallll ofi'iowlh. Jlivt ao
tin-v.lar ajatiin Ilea before tho human
mind. Wo v;p an external cntiititiitinu,
mnl wo arn led o aay with Iho ephemera,
uiiil with xmcluaiona aa loilnnali', ihua
ami ihua Urn a) Mem wav made. We are,
lln'riHire, I any, bound to Ivk upon that
mere nrraiieinent a a eircumatnncn
which wn mini attempt In explain whoso
iriin we muat iilti'inpl t ilncuvcr iiitho
imido by which lln'aiilar ayatem nroae out
ufa prior a)t"iu of lo-in. In all parla
of physical aclnice llm upinvilo courae
hna been maintained. Men have said,
here you muat atop. Inquiry may not be
extended farther than Una. Hut 1 think
it la tho experience of nil philosophy, that
in every iunlnncc tho lumen which have
been thrown up ulon thu hii;linny nf
acienc- y oigoiry ami uiimiiiy nave ueen
bmkeu down Aa lar, indeed, aa man
a. ci niuiil thn august iinni'.nsity, there ia
no roiling pluco no burner that ho can.
Hot paw. A traveller bold and fnc, aiaid
a n clou tbroiiuel with inlehtv inouiitaina.
ho dnceriiH before him raugo bohind range
in maicMic tireaiasclivo, raiainu until vi-
aion launol punuo lliein, and they havo
linl their auuiniita within the ulouda and
miati of the horizon ; but Ihtrt, aa hia
heart feela full well even Mrr ii con.
ivalment only and no termlualion ; and
ever and anon, aa iho age roll, that while
cloud part like the unfolding of a royal
irate, and In ! llirou.li the oininc, some
nublo peak never seen by. mortal, tie, ila
top burning In IftolaTlT (Applause.)
Again, pursuing Inquiries touching
uoamogony, penona find many conlradic
lions Ixtwpeii their results nnd thereaullsl
of the investigations of other individuals, I
uiesu cotiirauiciioiis nave aiwsyn oeen i
brought forward and insUled upon as the
ground for stopping inquiry in this dirtc
lion. Nnw it seems lo mo that wn are
never in a positiou to decida when results
do actually contradict one another. Tho
tale In which man m-ciiis lo me to be pla.
ccl In relation to all Inquiries ol tins sort
is thn following ;
Man Is placed in a centre of somo sort,
uml knowledge is atrelchiiig out all around
Imn. Nnw- within the rjuipassof a small
circle only he is uble In ncoucile all the
ilillerint phenomena tlmt present them
selves, ami If he goes beyond lhal circle
be will find a totally dillerent condition.
Now some bold inquirer, not satisfied
with Ibis limiii-d r.iuge, aleps nul of the
iircle ol dear ami ilisiiucl kiiowhilge,
and pushes mil In where ho discovers n
pnrliou of (null, nnd unlhlds il. Another
bold inquirer starts out in a tranvcrsv di
rection, and pushes nut Iu where he dis
invers n small nnrlion of trulli or at
least of w hul ho thinks truth also; Inn supervision of Ion ui.il t-i.i!cuo. i'o follow
upon cniiiparisnn, our two Inquirers dis.liis dc-tiuic.
cover lhal their results do not and will not I All that is hypothetical 1 ' no alrt.i Iv
harmonize. Duo cuiiuol understand what I mentioned. W'hnl follow., i. the .iimi.i.
llm other has aecii, and, largclting that the
viial ap.iee lying iH'lweeu the two points
ol'disiyCirS, and which serves to louncct
lheiii,n.illMeiiiaius uiiMplnred, one says
ti hisMi'll'iw -laborer, "you inuat lluow
uwuy (vur fnucii'd Irulh ii isauerroi,
it is lion sy, 'Iho complaint nt lourse,
is iiiuuidialely relumed from the oilier
side of thn house, uud they go on liurliu
their ilemmcfations at each other,
t inn' nl lcn"lli ahows them that their con
duct is equally irrational on both sides.
(Applause.) t,t
'1 ho sum of ihe mailer then seems to be
this ami assuredly ii ought never lo Ik-M-vcrid
from ihe inquirer's mind: ilia',
now wo m'o only a part tliut as in l lie
moral world, oven in iho widest views of
il insjii Iho mitli, there, ure mniix pu.zlum
and painful cvntrudiclioiis. So m rcgui.t
of llutt miglily unknown which ruv irons
nil our light, lie have itisliuel view
only by uatchc, vinns of parts only
between which and our other couquesls,
pcralslcut darkness, iiotwiilistnmlmg our
moat vigorous rtl'orls. contniucs lo reign ;
and therefore, vvhilo holding on in fullest
confidence nud faith nover. wavering that
wo must place the solution of dillicullira
inlhoono casoondtho cntlro completion
01 KllOWlodSO in tho olhnr. aiivvii T llm ho.
ped for acqulaiiion belonging in Ihoie im
inonso periodi and sereno realms which
Ho beyond the grave. (Applause.)
Having thus endeavored lo clear our
ground, so that no hidden soruplo or re.
uvMsiivu anuii mioriero wnn our ailvanco
in lio courae boforo ua I ask aoaln
those romarkablo couatiiiienls of
system ? From what nrior
, so mat it obtain tlioso constllu-
wo imao-ina il evolved 1 Hold
truly for man to approach but
t jyjjeuoo
rbat enta, ihui
uiiiin in lima tnrougii wliicli wo ttiall
track llm growing ordr we mint never
oimpirn lliom with inan'n ncti or Itm
, llioy urn llm unlinancci ufOne nho InMa
umillm inountnlin In llm Imllniv i,f Hi.
racnu only a lick ofiho olnck which In
licanl and paat for ever. (Aiiplauia.)
' to conduct my hearera la the mot aubllme
a lie virouinaianca nvrr wrilcl
nver which I am nnw
in iihi Whole ranjfa or aatronomy, and la
owing to the tlluatrloua Laplace, who,
perhaps, tiossexv-d a morn profound know.
Icdffu of the laws, structure, and mechan.
Ism of nur syalein than any other aave
Newton. Laplace, upon observing all of
me orin lying in Iho an mo plane, moving
in circles, nweepiiig round tho sun in the
same direction, ana next, that thu sate),
litea observed the same directions, and ft.
nally, that iho rotations of all the orbs
proceeded in the samo direction, at once
said, " ibis circumstance cannot be solved
oy gravitation ; and llicru is only one
mode by which it can In solved, ami that
is by tracing our schomo from its coin
iimnoeiimnt liiroiich all its various staccs
of development up to Ihia lime." This is
not an unusual thing in scienco. (Jiolo
gists do not think they are doing nn illo.
gitimntp thing when they go back to tho
origin of our earth and trace ii from a li
quid linn to. its present state. Laplace
went a step farther Irom tins lie said,
"It is not improbable that all thes oibs
eani'.- into "Xi-ti nee from a gaseous slate,
passing Irom the gaseous to the liquid,
and from llm liquid to the solid slate."
"let It be supposed then," lie said,
1 that this great schcino of our aroso from
the solidification and gradual congregation
of.an imtnenso nebulout mass existing In
inn vriiormor gaseous state.
We know that mailer djea exist in this
form. The cornels are caseous bodies.
and that immense quantities of gaseous
mailer exists, la the most imDortant lesson
that liiey teach us. As many as a mil.
lion of comets havo visited our system,
and this is few compared to the entire
number lhal exist, therefor Laplace's
supposition is not improbable."
i ; IVl laa , silppo-.',;, a 14 , Lsstoawi " ts
inVflrst place, that our system arose from
the solidification ofan immense nebulous
mass existing In a caseous state,
" Tlien." ho said. ' accondlv : In what
condition must we suppose thai nebulous
mass 10 navo ucen at ino ouiset r un
looking at our scheme he said, " The most
general fact that wc can predicate in re.
spcci oi it is revolution. It seems lo be
turning round some great centre. Then,
said Laplace, we can attribute to this
nebula motion of rotation. It mutt bo
turning round a centre like great whirl,
jool or whirlwind with a comparatively
slow motion." The audience will perceive
that these are Iwo great hypotheses, but
wn must becin with hypotheses. No cal.
eulntion or ileiluc'ion can ever enable the
human race to trace h.iclt cur system to
Its origin. This Is: nj tho case I would
haxo the audience observe that Luplaci's
sv'atrm reats entirely uian IivijiIiui. It
is a hyimthclicil coHUiocniiy.
l-'iincy, then, llua gnut obscure chaotic
iiiase.xiliug ol old aini'l the von), even
where nur superb sy sum unfolds its glo.
rics agilitnl by some motion wliicli up.
prouched lo u diliiiile rotation ; now, quit.
ling all hvp.Mhe.is, let us apply lout!
ration of know n met hnn.i.il 1 id.
Let us now imagine un iininui.o iiohu-,
Inruinss fioin winch our svsiem sprung, ,
Mtuntol in space, wiih ull its purls gradu.
nllv drawing luwaul no. ntie. uu re.
collect wc suppos"d this mi'ssuriginnllx lo
be moving round llmtc. litre with a inn.
lion extremely slow. What will result
from this motion of rotation iu consequence
of the condensation nflhc nebula 1 This
follows, liver as llie nebula condenses.
the molloii of rotation will beromo quicker
ami quicker, and Imally will present Itself
under ih aspect of a very ilel'mile and
majeslie pheiiomeuon. I think the audi
ence will sou Dial (his Willi-the case
The entire muss is sunnosod in bo tutiiinu
roiin nil llie win lo. n.ul llie iiarllclis mo.
. .. . . . 1 1. . . . i'
vim; low mil tLv cviitie at tho same time.
.. . . .7- . . . .
Now it is obvinus that A panicle nl iho clr
ciimforcucp of this limns will move much
inuro swiftly than juu at tho centre, nnd
when a pnrlii'lo from Ihe oircumleicuiv
pics down to Iho ci nlre, as is continually
happening, it ullnehes Itself In u ccnlro
parliclo ami of coin so communicates to the
particle so iillaclnil a K)rtion of its velo.
city, which must inevitably increase tho
rapidity of tho particlo nt tho centre. This
may acorn nblruse, but there are iiliiily of
phenomena in evcry-day life In illustrate
It. Wo will tako the pendulum to a
dock for Instance Suppose tho clock
moves ton slow, what do you do I Shorten
Iho pendulum of course. Now it is this
very pntaolplo that w III cause what I havo
been describing. Il will be socu then that
ns thi matter draw llielf toward the
centre It motions beoomo awifter. and that
the body formed will havo a rotation upon
lis axis.
1 bus Iho great fact of the tun's rota.
lion it ntee ttarlly inherent in eur hypo.
thealt, but doei the hypotbeela contain
what atom fa r mora difficult to oonoelve
Iho origin of then planeti. Bo far we
have apoken of nothing but tlila huso maaa
no planeu. let u ae li in aocoru -
mica with a dear and distinct law, plan
ets can arise from this mass. What give
the outer portion or this nebula any con
ncctlon with the centra or the mass I v
nry particlo oo the outside of this nebulous
mat I acted on by two tesdencU pre
cisely similar to those which regulate tho
motion or l be planet round the sun;
first, us tenaency to ny away in constv
qutnee of h motion, ail eeooodly, the
attraction exerted over it by the whole
mass which counteracts this centre-flying
tendency. Suppose however that' one
of those tendencies increases while the
other does nu. Suppose, for instance.
that the tendency of the outer portion to
fly awav Increases while the attractive
power remains the same ; what will take
place T A separation of the mass, un
doublcdly. We know tbatthe matter all
around us upon lb earth ia not homoa-e.
nous. There are varieties in il. We
would naturally suppose therelor that
thn nebulous mass out of which these orbs
aro passing would exhibit lb same va.
ricties of matter. If this were the case at
intervals, the least condensivo portion
would gradually accumulate at the outer
part of the nebula. Suppose this to have
been dono then, so that at ihe outer por.
tion of this nebula then is a quantity of
matter nol so easily condensed as that oo
cupying tho inner portion. Now this in
ner tan.on would go on condensing more
and more rapidly, and in consequence of
this condensation the outer portion or the
nebula would be moving moro swiftly, the
equilibrium would be broken, the power
drawing the outer part toward the centre
would not be so great aa It tendency to
fly away. There would then occur a
separation between the outer portion of
tills mass it would spread into a kind of
ring standing by itself. This also may be
illustrated by common occurrence, for
instance, sometimes when a grindstono is
turned with too great velocity tho outer
part of it flies off. Now If this outer por
tion had not been solid atone it would not
liave broken. Had it bean a band of ca
outchouc for eajtmaU. it would Wv stood
easw-a'yteJrtW)iM ass anriawMra
similar lo the action of the 'mass to which
i have referred. There would tbea occur,
during the condensation of this nebula, if
it were not composed ornomogeneoua mat
ters, over and anon a throwing orTof a ring
which would lie out of Itself in space. We
here, therefore, havo an Idea how depen
dent matter would arise in the condensa
tion. Indeed the ultimate stale into which
this condensation might bring this nebula
would be as follows.
We should have t large orb in the
centre, and at difterent distances in space
apart from it, there would havo been
thrown oil trom it these dependent rings,
turning round ths ceutral maasof course
vvulilhu velocity with which the whole
miss turned when they were thrown off.
Wc thus hive, as our first step, a great
central orb and dependent rings lying out
Iitu.) it entirely ill space. Now, before
proceeding farther before inquiring what
forms uf mailer might probably spring
fmm these ring, I would solicit my audi
ence to observe what already we are able
to deduce.
We can draw two inference. hat.
ever llm forms of these ring, they must
U- Ivimr in lb mine plane. Then scain
observe another fact, Tho rings, as I
, havo Mated already, are found necessarily
miming round the sun with the velocity
i ihov had when thrown off, and thoy must
all turn nccvsarllv in the same direction.
'i'heti agniu, whatever is to come of these
rings vvlmtevrr shaie thoy assume, the
t:reai chance is that this kind of mailer
will turn round the central mass almost
in circles. Now, then, observo as far as
vve have yet gone, the most Important of
ihcso constituent points nave ocrn ex
plained. Firti That all the planels are lying in
Vlic same plane.
Second! I hey aro all turning in the
same direction.
Thirdly Their orbits are nearly clr
tie. As wo proceed, the problem is maul
fcsllv bccoiiiincsimpHfied wo are raptdly
... ..r. .t ,r.L.
.ubsorb ill! vvunill one nvtwinesis an iniu
Uevmid previously lltilulelliglble. Let U
- . . w .t 7
udvauce with equal caution another step,
uml ask what is likely lo become ofthoso
rings r In what manner win tneir parti.
cles ultimately arrange themselves 7 "ow
lirsl : if tho rinir. when II was in row u on,
had been homogenous anu oi ine same
thickness, or If during it subsequent
changes, had been subjected to no foreign
influence, the ring would toKdft nd re
i;,i ,u ,i row .- but If it were nol homo-
........ ..- . .-- , - -- -
genenut, and of tho saute thickness, or II
f. I. . I 1 .uLLnl-.t In lntnll InMllAnOfl.
u o,iiif.niifnro of Its not beins uniform,
the power of attraction prevailing in Itself
would break It up. rsow, u li possioie
allhouglftxlrcmely improbable that th
rlno would solldilv and remain perma-
ncntly as a ring In space. We might,
therefore, contWorlng tho great number
of bodies In our system, expect to find
somo one of them accompanied by such a
formation, and aura snoueh we find on
insiano of th whole matter solidifying
Itself and remaining fled in Ih bsevens,
I ring. SatarafaraUaMW.wllaiAlllaV
aUsoa, which U tha mXf M la aajt y
I Urn. It babeMaUtaNaflaMilaM
riog, but I tltlak aWaakw taMalMtiaVN
1 uua ragsro. ur was aeraaiaiy. i
that Uranu bad riaaw, Utat is
that auob is-not the Mb la
billty, then, th iag apoa aWam It Ila
only oae ia our aysura. I tag ika aaxsV
I ne to rseneaabar vital 1 MsU
Ufcis matter. 1 said aaca a ftrawitlia waa
possible. bulblcUr aaaartala.
ossible, but highly aaaartal
ringing this ring rata aar i
oafirinalkas of ear taaanr.
r abla lo uaasjtn kttk aaal
bring log this ring rata aar ayeM. li
ooafirinalkas of oar iMtvy.
ar as so i
to espials what la eallei aa aMBMlyar
a monster, wa may ba afaHwMratlsMwv
an arriving at lea trata. Taay
out aa flnger-poats la dlraat
taa an
10 in mveasigauoa ot taa
quom taem. t Aaotata.!
uniform, as ia by far lis atsat UJtalw la aa
tk caw. Biwpeaa, fcr iattaaea, that II
had In dtfertat part of haaaaar aatlaiaa
than la other part, than tha raiait waalsJ
ba this: Around that aaaatr iiitaiia
th whole matier would, alilawtafy, aaa-
rgat-it weald oeas lo ha a raag, aatl
by th grtater attracUoa of taaMtiar
pana im eaaner ottaa nag14
aroond thtta. Now asjayaai taea4aiair
ponloM war asatsttsji thiaagh laa itaf
in such a way that thtirattiiiiliai wiahl
exactly balance eaoh othar. If tha
acted so aa lo protraaa aatashtVaas, tha
ring would be broke aalattaaatskaiaf
bodies, and they wouM aaaaar aa a sasssv
ber of small orbs rrol vtagartiaallaaatsi
at nearly lb tarn rtlsuaat, AaaaV
iogly, just aa with tha rtag of lataaa, a'
have also on inttta ia aar ayilasaaC
just such a mull a thia, risv, Iteaajam
or amaii ptanat lying asMwaaa ataraaas.
Jupitar, all revolving ta aaarhr 4a aasja
orbit. We formerly raaaaasxi that war
but four of the attiwlln aaw, haw.
ever, we know that lhara ar aigat, aatl
there may a more. Tha raa aaraaifa
w nava srswo lato aar aytaaaj ,
bava resolved itself it hvxat ti
prohtbU; kmMmmimmmimtkwf
oatihaaart tato whaah H trial a, h that
caatVjbaoatiaattjasjM aMbalaaMaaali
tha atham aatl tha aMaaaart ajaa
sorb all th other, aa lhal sha ataai
woald be lb bttaltsaaT a af tha
ssparat Urn alaats, Taa
would in tha court of Ihalr
In order to form solid bodi, aa it
pat through snmthlwi of tha aaata aaaiaa
aa th original mass, throwing sTasl.
litea characterised by tha aaata aaaaatiaM
at themselves. Hsr then yoa tha
nsbular hy pot beais bat given oa aa aetira
account of Ibe ataaotura of oar syaVtm
and the character of th bodi of which
il is composed. Another tUag alea re
mains, vix., the rotation of tha boat ttaaa
their um. Thltpoinll think nry audi
eno will readily apprthaadi Tha qo.
tion is, now aoa ti satpfaa mat taata aa
4jes ar moving ratad their orhiut Lot
us go oaea to ut angwai aaauar msai.
it win b KmatnMrM taat Utt farsawai
of tho inner portions of th mat ar aot
movins a fast as-lib particle oflbe outer
portions, Mtbat lb Inttaattba mat I
broken, th stroturer action oMhaonter
portion would, prevail over the rsloeitx of
the particle of the inner portion and
cause the bodies to go roaadjutt in aha
tain direction aa th orb mora in lit or-
bit. This, alto, I Illustrated by tha atatt
common thing. Suppose, for lastaac,
thst in me cat ot im iraciur oi taa
grindstone referred to, w obaerra lb
portions as they fly off. Wa would flad
that Ihe fragment! would turn round la
Ihe air tn uie tarn direction a taa grind
stone itself turn. This, than, is In Utt
of tha conditions lo which 1 bava referred,
and it receives, I bop, a complete and
satisfactory explanation from thia hypo.
thesis of Laplace. We hav now a reason
whv our system presents itself not as an
original, created and finished oheme, but
at growing irom a pre? tout tut.
uow twangs in inougnis wnn wauen
In presence of the tpeculatioa I hav aow
endeavored lo unfold, w mustgtta on
brilliant skies ! even that gorgeouajw.
elry of midnight, a birth a thing of yta-
lerday a step in the awful march of that
viaiblo picturings of tba purpot of tha
Ktcrnal Spirit I Rtallae, In fllualratloa,
for one moment, Iho position of tho want
of a hut on lb bank of tha mighty Aaw.
son at on of Its great bwiHng tell him
lhal tha water whoa opposite bask Ma
vision can scarce reach., ar aot aa laa.
mente lake with appointed boundari, bat
lhal born of rills amoni asouataia that
are unseen and vr Inoraitlag la aaath
and notenoy, they bar wiled MwatrartJ
until a wbofa oontlnent is psatad, aad thaa
mingle and losa tbemtslv with aa aaaaa
engirdling th wid eartli trim Ha arat.
lasting wvsj to la Ih vUwof Ihtaa
high cosmogoor, eat to reu sal tttata
gorgeout stellar osTsiosastssiia, wasssasssv
Its no ey can bow at tiaklag mnj
th vast deptna ot uass, tn saats aawtasi
purpose of Uod rolliag oawari aa har
kgeiflow, aad auaaawttaig, Uteltoaka.
ty river, uatn tha koaaiar.ar iiasaiaj
reaebsd. aad their aoHra
qulokaand of atarally. (Oiaal
On ikrtkar Dotal oalT W
stablleb, ralWaiasilhtidh