Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, January 11, 1849, Image 3

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r -
lalliitiiisuf I'miuiiiu
i-opy Un- following rrcninniruila.
I loin In Ul.ldn passengers in .slug llio
Isthmus Iriim l.lmgri.i, h rllli ii hy nil I'll
gllsli traveler, from dm Neighbor of Vol.
Arrived at Chagrca, git diit lujn
paeacd al tin' milium house, nnil proei id
Up till Hvur ai toon us Knltn ( lit dire
starling, however, kt-ii ilm iho 'Tol-lo,' or
awning uf your cquoo, it in good order,
mi covered with lurpnuli.ig ; nr also that
llio bottom of ln; uuihhi is properly 'dun
Oflcd,' thfit Is, laid wllh long slr.p.of wood,
lo keen your luggsgn "r '"'' '""" It' '"Mil
wet, should il rat In, or llio onini leak ilu.
ring your passage tip tin- river in Cm
Provide matrass Mid bolster to spread
miliar llio awning nf nil I eanoo; )nii
Hill fiml ihrni useful In sleep tip-in Hi
night, end recllm- mi during ilm day
Hlow your luggage In ueh " innmier os
to keep the ends of your awning him-ii ;
you will thus preservn a free circulation
of air and flit-l the temperature-lessopprre.
Your canoe. men will often I"1 Inclined
In ilup ; )nu inimt objml, howe.or.lo their
doing so; give iboin Ilm" I" breakfast;
tliry will arte.waide " nnwlhlng pub
abTy during llm day, ' ll"'' canoe, nml
dineoi up when )ou slim for Iheiilghl
lti aiMsed lll "u 'crl' '" )u,lr
should you, linwe.cr, ilcfiiJu iioii'
In Ilm furllif ranco of hit uiin, ami Ilm
ri'liof of III needy followers, not burying
Ilm Lords mouoy slothful survants, nor
laying up treasures on earth, "hern nrolli
ami dusl ilolli corrupt, ami Ihluvcn brcuk
through nnil ntml. i'lm word of charity
Is also employed Intlio nensn of low. Tin'
Ahi1o I 'mil, wrillug In ilm ihurch of
Corinth um'n it In tlits ho says ' Tlioutil
speak with tlin tongues of men, ami nn
lory to Out In llrussels.
Twenty thousand signatures liana been
attached, In Munich, to a petition for llm
convocation or a parliament or nil Uer.
'I'M TurkUl. Government I olfjit. to
li-ano ltd woolhn ami ollontiinnu'MH
M American ( jpilall.ts, who aro tn'orK
litem on their own aciy-utit.
Dost Mahomuicd Khan, tho Amwr of
drawing when light twn feci of water, and
will cuit 970,000, January ha been
named an tho month In which IhcaA int
inny ho espoclod horo. In addition to the
hove, wo learn that an order has hceti
uels, ami hum not charily. I urn heroine, i (,'tilioo), Is mid In littvi);iil W pslrtof on
an sounding lno., or u linklini; oyiiiliul. noua pheaufciitu an a irc'-iit lo llm (Jincn
And llmilii I Iiqvii llm gilt of proplmy of I'ittatil .
ami uii'lorntaml nil iiiymerli'n, ami nil ((iieen Victoria hatlaken llalmoralCa
kiiowliihin: ami lli"iij.;li I Im.u ul! laith, tie, (AlM'rileeimhlro lll;hlaiili,) Kculland,
llial I cniiiii ifiiioMi iii'iiiiilmm, ami lor another rnMiiriicn.
forwarded hy onoof our lamest tnorcan
tile house for llm hulldliig of a nirauiljoat
nprcly fur tho hay, whloh may bs tool o-l
for hero In llio courv? of llm next nix
fiKJlilliii. California!!.
Tim account from llm ntl contain
many ileal In occidoned hy tho uioofchlo.
rofonn ether Inhaled,
Tho rt'iuntr (Jrcat Wcatrrn l lo tail
from Now York on the l'Jlli ofnach rrKmth,
for Il'.riiiii'ln, ti. Tlioiim and I'urto llico,
carrying tlm u;iil.
ouart bottle of water i with thl. riaa Um I ' l)A
mouth two or.lhrni ilrt a day. and otMa I t, OL
tho teeth, wing thlt waur orery mornfsf , U TTnHNarV 'k'
If It tantca itrong, rlllut II, for It inouldla P1. rmm 11
juat alrong enough lo Uaro IM lima,
no lr&nger. I wa tornWntnd with Uw
loolh-aclio for eyra week, till I ta
Ihla mlxlum, and Mrtr had it aloda thai
A Cknckt ro arorrmi the Piatims
or Iro.-k Vruils, Talta two ounce of I
inunato of ammonia, one ouimm of Oowen
of nulphur, ami aUteen oitneea ofcaat-lroa
filing or turning! : mix lham wall in a
mortar, and keep the powdar dry. VVhao
tlip cemonl li wanted, take one pari of Ihlt
and twenty part of claan iron Allan or
i horlngi, grind them tog ether in a mortar,
I'olyticniu mix them Willi water to a proper oonalatea.
have mil ihnrilv. I inn nolliiiiu. Ami The haired ofthci Kllanevt for the All-
Ihniii'li J-irilnw nil inv uiniIn I., leuil I lie otrmnu wan tliown rcuenlly at lhi iheitrn
io;r, and though I i;ne my ry lo Ihi l, Heiila, whin at llm 'pfnrniiDcof I'iiii. I '
liuriieil, and have not chnriiy, it irolilelli ny Klmiler ilivine I'liiiiiy on llm lane,' ' "-":-Tll n
i. fi.- ir....i. i ....i ii. wl...l.. ..ilIiiik.! ,..! utiil l.,r il,n il roaioiy.tne, In
ii kiil:el,,rilv en.lHli iiol : charll 1111. tr.i. -pproprlaiely relimtk, :
llh not itimif, 1 not pulfi'd up, ilolh not Tho Hiotilnry (irueral of llm Autiiiaii
lH'hae mie inly, keeketli not lier own, ia rgallnu, nl I'emiro, lianLHiu nuim
lnii nallt. ir..v,iL . .1 lliIl.L.lli mi nlfll u. ,.!
.it inn. TIi.."ni n' ( . 'i. a. -. -t
jfill-rll I ill iumuily, l.ul rtioliiilli in !.! ul. Ilurke.ol the llomLay Kuaitf "'"ii ounrc ol p.ilr In ainu.krt , joining ground, borat, put lion' thw
truth, bi-arelh all thing., Iwlletith all hai piihli.l.ul a pdiiiphl.i, in l.i. I, I,. ""M ' "ch.rRef.r iin.r' than inee,Mr end of a wire, hold II in lh rt, tfll Hat
Ihliii;.. Imimlh nil thliiga, udiirrth nil vliil h llmt one of tin ,ull be., ol Mumdo !"K" with d.aillv Hf-tt a Uavy liadan hrafuaee. It will fill up the Maiac. aW
thliiga, Charity nevnr failelh. And m con- l'.iiIihih iiii una of:,l)il miltra of U, of 'i"11, , A" ""',"'" "' "iiinnatliig mUer, wi form a perfect Bolder, ft may afterward
till ... - . Tr ' i t l.i. (l !(. I. m till hfa it t.itt u I.i. itr.tilil .!. .
ciiihiiil' lli" iliaplur, he aa.'.ml now ,mi mem,.,. il,icl.i.e. ol three riefrfjer "" ; ,', .'. " -" .. ''. be turneil in llio laiho
ahliUth fuith, li,e-, mi'l ihurily, lie v ailiiiily iiiuullo ihe loiiMiiiiiilinn ol
e. C.ttf u....'ri.
in regard lo thi tuhj'.ct very ,0i n,1J apply im between the JolnH,
IV ft'lHllf k ! l Tuff Mi a at tmtn Wwmmtmm
nun n" ",CP " I""" " """" rntt Tooumasolej, oxc. Take yowr r.
(ll . ..-nice ,,...ke, j noi-e, t litil.-.iiKike.n llllle ,.!( Un ,.,, ,,, joining a email laif
.mid of aiilphuroiu (iu, nii-l all ii not: ,r wlro. thrnjuttwel thofenilfcteaUW
Ma ea)
IMit'i .
Hat. laL ,'. V'l-
VJ "s
thne, lull the gnatetl of llute ii char,
4niirli'ii V Orcliiinllntf.
iiiiii.imiii ot i-pii lor MHiu yrunt.
Mi i, in, Tim whole world, itinluna.
"lO.IMl'J loin of lliin
An ouni',1 offiiliniiiatlii
the oilier Imlidnnv. Lot who would ,larr
lo haiidli hiicIi a MiliHtaiie.e ? iv ll.n I
ii!uety.-ixih oart of nn ounce, or iunt fivo ' To Ciiuw Sum,
grajna ; well five crnina ol fuliiiiiialin til. I'aritiitn tlytrt,
si From ontcA irtt
X nuarter of a nound of!
.,.. v.. ,HI ... .., r P.nn ...1. ......I. iofl.iUiJin. A te9rvinriil nf liranHv. aMia
till, ioiiMiiiieeai V " O.IHI'J ti.iu of Ihia I "" --". - v-r '"" ",",-f",Jljr"'n,"-',wiiZ
u i.., f. ,i... I.,,;.. ..i IV-; I t,. , Ter ami Ircuil.lliig, loin h-. will, no hard unlofgln; mix all well together. With
..Vl.iMMl ih. n .1 of Kiinum l.'ill.OWI. llm '"'""'"o lor ear oi expimion, men gnu. - r'B "' ,."" "
.. .. - . . . . If U ,1 rtn n iii.on til inelnl mmv m t.nni, ,'ttt.Il BlUO Ol II1K WIIllOUl Cinimi ,1 : wman
It in Iwo or three water, and iron il oa
tho wrong tidn. It will look aj good at
niiir the niiilil Hi "ii" "i "' ul wlmli. flionm ur .ilawn, i.iinn hit ol the
. i. r....,, I mi ilm hankaof the riti r ll'it'il .s'N-etv, nrivliln a hhii-e leu i, . hlntin nl Aliiem a I.II,IMIII, ami t.alio. X ""I" - , . ' . " , " I ""
. 1I....1 iarilmeniln or nl lau'ri ihrv -' "f h" invi iillmi. I i e will ki en ' ulia lornierly )ieliltu .'IIU.UIMI loin. I l.o . , , " . ,, . ,
::!"X ::Xu:"uT ju .. ,.,,,., ,., ,., ,o,, TK a,. rL, jw , zzzzszs&z.
.e,i. l.1,.,.iock,nr.-u,..l.l,r.l, I.m. .-..knl aim.,, re.umn .heir l,K.l. . h - arc i,', 'll'"n "' ,,,, l0 . , A ,ribe cr,,,.
..i.t . ,ii..aiiiiiii-bi ' II '' "in v "i a. i t ! n, i .,.- . ....... .l"l , .i
wniri, uemrnn mo
jtv utmrcli tirifiMTly it uortli$30l0n(lU00.
a.L l. .iatiar,li.r lint t'ullrlat ulm I
...'. ,.. ,.. fl.n,.r. i i,r,,,.r. n ' niunai Ii. lIiIi corv. korrel and wine i-iher The m wild child that a born in the
basin, of luuni-oii' fiim. lent to Inst jn.,p)niiHlreoled hi the ,,.. ,, . - city of Cincinnati n- Mill liiiig;aiid du-
Ihreoda)!, ini-lmle Tr,j,i fowNnr din U , ring tint one life Hi wpulatioi. hni con.e
led l-ingii, r ham , "bread, bi.cuit, I .1,, Euay n ihr rJTrrlt of bght owl Shalt , '" J'"'"'"- Bl.'.l,u" wnj.
l,ee. buti-r. .alt. I.a nugar, i berry, j uvnrrK,tal,o,.l.iA.l',tr,m. I'r.niary ii.Mrucl...i. hai made grc.l
i ..i ... I ...mti I. .hi. ,.f l.rn.iiL I .. i i i-ri'Kiea' m iu..i lunco nil,. n uiui
aln ah , an.l a tiuali lullli "I lirniel). i itiiii ia.-' Veee'.uMn nre mieilui ' " . . . ... 7 ., ..,..
i .... . . . i '. , i i-erioo in-' milliner oi iirirnnry ntii'wia a
in ilia t illi llicir rnlnri liV , li, mei'kl eiitiil,iin.tliiii ' ....... ' . .? ..
.-.--- - HHiiiii'.tu to .ii.i. Ill isi mere wrrr
pal., an , aniiatiiiaii i.ihii m iirnimv. , XTA( ,. Vegetohli. ore
lliivaiuns iniliiaii .no i ii viihii ma
ihme uviilly ralli-l nn 'l.tna; protnJ,. fB10rr, ,s ,,, ..a,
)Oiir.-"ll invi wiui a luoj mer, iinylncnl l-v
oi nlhir Hion,- Nillli , lull ol ..mn ol ( fmh,!,.,,,, Rre linrd when they begin J.
r-oernlor for ome day:
ami llio pcnny.plcco it alino.t bent dou
bid 'How itrotu;!' exclaims a noo clii-rn-ical
ot-erator; 'how well thi will project
a bull!' He tries a mall charge In a mus
ket, and what are tho result I Why, the
gun i hunt, the Iron literally rent into
throods and fragments, tho ball is perhaps
projrcie-i inn vt a very contiocrauia ois
u;to io ,w7i. in i". i inuie i-rwii ' .. r . , - . ... .
i". ....i i.. 1,-i'i iii m i., i jaflmnce, ifof leaJ, flalteiied as If by ahain
-y lhe.lir,ctrny...ril.e aitiiof ,",,; nul',lU.r f .,u1i,' ...ti' e"ven and l""r ,ir "" n' J"1kn Into frag.
,.. .. .I....,.l..,,. , I.. ....n e .e .,. ll" '"" "I""! ""'I -' -. I" llfl
r.n. .llenilin-. Ibe ilCTin ac boo a was "" . .su -i.n.11.0.11 -; i;.
nii,,,n am.ui iiiaiiiiii m wiiiui, tei n. ,,..leca) 'I he green lolor of Ii ni an-l .(.,l,. mm.,. r.llmii r ,,r i..ne10.. as ltronger aubslance, gun powder or Mm!.
I,ghllii,o,ir'l.lna.,willli.ilaler.i,o.i(!b,,nrk,,n,l,c, ,v ir1 rutU,c ncul is ,,'",7!,"1 :.. . ', t-iV bad ri".tii lol 'ltlir-S ii,4cr' The Orcc of all txplosivu
ti nitKe .uiiiwo cup. in un, me humi ( ,. irim.,le iiiiiiiisliuii'iit of i-lants. Il .,, r;j. bo-licsdcpenils on tho gases which aro lib.
n liddiing thing'. p'iIMe, nfier n 1'ng ' t, t.uiiii?-.iii.f mygui iiii.lcutle.ii if ex. .',! r ,,,;,. i w.. Vn.tr eon eruled during tho explosion, and tho prcit.
nn! (.tinning .layspum.) . -ur -l.tna , , gnvon, f.niluioii in wnter.enril. U' , J " , 'i" OftUevr. I "..iarc liar etn-ctiofthelr explosion deptnd on Iwo
lei, will terv In Imil iks in ami atiiiosi.heni' air ; tegi tables urn er ,..l.'' in c.. ..!. .'ti.-i t 'i'ii.. separate circumstances, tho total quantity
llas.-in), ,m.,,s...n Una or UsL. I. a ! foll, r,i.tWy in.pire ,t ..l,nlerll,ro..g1, . .'J KV" ml-i,-nmnl?' "f K cliu.in.led, and ihe rapidity ofit.
,k,.w. hall a.ln,.nwa, enndle. n ,.,, ,ir011R, ,, ,ur, (), ll( - '""; i; JJ" ffi '' j elimination, (lun por-dcr, perhaps, ccm.
lantlulli. Im 't of lunfer mat. In .. ' b-srk and through the.r eawa, w,lli the "' "f ' .V "'' ,"" ' . " ' ''"'. pared weight for weight will, fulminating
and a frw t.w.l,. Tin mug. .; llm h....,,.h. of llm a,r. llm a, .hey Van Ik- ri.v.'.,'
best In drink uui of, as they do m-l ,,,j,,ml., only by .nrU-ii. they aru obliged ' ,,; "tatrd it, ll St " Louis Era that ' "ot so rapidly, the liberation is progressive,
,irr''1- . . . , lo ib eoniK)e the carbonic arid in or-lerto .. , , i,,,,-....!',,',, ,.. ,'i ,.' ,i' I not inMantam-ous. Hence its immediate
Tho walcr uf the mer C liagrrs, a few J ,,,. ,!, rarlKin and to r. jecl the oxy ' ' ."?,, ,i' , "' ,,,0,. ?)?,? roite disinlegrating elTeclsarc not w considera.
mil,, ab-i... .he bar... fre.li, char and CI',. Tl,oe plant, which hutr . ho dee-,. ".U of 817 K S rifito ' " ll "f MmiMlin. silver, but a.
ngree.ble... drink IM not be tenni.e.l ,0 A r,cll ,.,,, iU-c...W lis. ..rbmle , , and ffi"l a piojectile agent am moreViclenl."
1 s;::st: 'fr r.,. , , , esSX'k To vm toe.
,. Z ill Hal rwm li . , ' J:rn,1 ' ,,a,17,,,,'VC (''Oi6'S"''''y. IO,WK),000 Warmyour Iron till you cannot bear vour
?UrlhtiJUMJ& IT" ." T "1 a"' .I' mi",nX- f rrelght- and that the annual com. hand on II without pain to yourwdr. then
If.!? ..o.,o7 plniusare ,l.,d.u uWurily. they unly ln(.rco fW .alloy i. o.er WOT.OPO,. rub it with new .nfclean whit, wax Put
r Ir-VL" iiSr.4 .' J n.i.i.V ...Mk 'UT'"' '" "' df ""'-'"' 'f' .MVjo, .rc.ixi. llco a.i.iucb llifcM; svab,toho lire till ll has ktt) III
fowK nu . f-Tnff 1. , I., p. .xii jo. . 1, Ilk rcn.Ier.ng the airaUu hem unliea ll.y for , whol1 fc commerce. " the wax. When done, rnbil over with a
1... ..ay "y - I" " . rJr"V "" '' ", f "r,'1 'h? "'i yt ,rny ' ' nfly ..aled, in evidence be. piece of rg.. Thl. present, tb. iron
iiHriiiiur. at iin-t nl III- rain'liosnr lulls ,,rnni nusea it less llian the white llelil. I, , '..in . t... .1 n 1.
1 ...-. . -.-.--..., loroacoiniiiiiicooiiiiciiuuaeui ivomuioiiVk irvm ruaiiDK ncrwHrua.
un tiir ri.er, )uur can .iii.n will al.ew
j oil where.
Klfnrtt will In made In induce jnu In
toi at (.orgiiiia anl nm preiv.il .0 t'111
tea. UO ll'-l IK- lilet ailiu oil ll-iweier, ..in
nlia-le Is nacoisary lor all plains 111
llieir infanry, nr when they are diseased,
or when ihey have sutr-'rod iioleuce by re.
Senls g.riiiiiinle Ih-hi in iilnc.irilv, and
that in the course of twenty-five year,
Kuglaml has paid In tho United .States for
colion alone, JC-J-,IWH,C100 sterling, or
More 1I1.111 fifty ae ris-xls have liren
taken 011 the i-nasl of Africa within Ihe
last tnclt uiuiiths.
To Cnac a Koim. . lady, pcacher
of tlw Society of I'riends, in S'ew York,
was so successful in curing burns, that
many supposed her possessed of the power
of working miracles. The following is
the receipt for ihe medicine .Take one
ounce of beeswax, still, four ounces bur-
ihe rx.nnses nftlio lato ci.il war 111 . ....nd.' niieh. aimmered in anarthen yes.
Switzerland were rMHHi.Ollll francs. wi nwether. with as much Wet oil as
I he ohuisliiti Union publ.shr. an .j Kfrn ,,fm inl0 tlc t0n.is'ency ol a
iiinllnueto ( ruccs ; Mm r.-a-l lli-nee to ari. M,, H.M i,., fr a lew da.s after,
Panama being sb uler and In tier limn 'pi,,, ,.1-imls furnish mii Ii shade often,
that from tJorgonn The n. r of llm hm art uses means In gi.e shade to lhe.11.
ineiiHirauduiii Ins tra.'lb.l by l.iih of , Sk.I. that iiiu.l U-miiiiiiiii the Mirfnie,
them, and piaks, iherefon-, fi ! . r. r with little iai.li mer tin in, grow U-t if
road is Impassable, the Cruris track. SM.le ..c.. ,l,ri fur mi. I, llowcriu ,. "I11"""' ' " hi rem Ihe presulenl Mjvc when cool-allr llir liquid alter la.
..... .. M...N..I.. nl! ll... i.nr 11 I. I , 1 . . 1 .1 iliret'lH 11 iu lie iiiiirjiiiii;i:'i 111 -i;riierni nr,
ii.i.iii.r. 11 a.aiiauie 1111 111. r-nr. 11 is niiin,. iw , iie.ir. .1 1. . . ! ,i.i. lint... .... n .
more tton). and in thai r--p-et Im pleas eiing-and fii!iiui. .Shade is imiorliiut
ant tolra.elii.!. than the (! ngjua r-a-l ; t ufi.pl.iiii iu.lip, 1. is almost iidi.-n.
in all other rcsp-tl. leiwe.cr. u is far .11 h,,, , !,., ,ltl .j mj r(k)l n,..
periur. , I'lnuls 111 light purify the nir by absorbing
Tarpaulliig co.irs ahold Im' filt.d to carlauuc ncnt and dise.igngi.ii; lbs oxygen,
your portinanleau and nthi r luggage, In-. rt, t.y corrupt the uir nl night In sub
loroyuu leave llngland or .our 1 lollies ferii-gcailKimc ncnllo iaiof stiiliu'ut Im-.
will probably get ak.il .hri.iigl. with , ingileroii.pnsnl. .V. V. "iz. kik .1r.
rainwuiir. A Kuiupiau iniusi-d .0 the ... . . -.
climate of the llhiuil nf I'aiiauia, run I lilriiiilugs.
have no Idea of llio l.ir.ci.ts..f rain which .,.,, oli ,,, . ,,.,, j)uf vlMi.
fall litre. II... w r.lrr has fuin-l a light ,,,,, , 1 .iKt.l.-li..i has 1.1.1 l-en torn
i- ns "i bi-" -..... (,u,1(
Line fmm the Aro until ollile cool. Kern
Ier,' th.11 deserlers from the army at large jt from ,18 0r j , tnn bo, or jar. Wlnni
ma. ieacrainy rcuiril iu imir nouns, . ,(,(i ,prca, j tlunlV On a Clolll, alio: ap.
without In-big subject to punishment or ,,ly it to the part iniuml. Open the bum
trial on account of such desertion. ,), a nrc,lle, and let out the water till It
The Washington Intelligencer states ' heals. Kx.
that there wero present at the laying ofi GKKXsr. .Sr.iTS. Take" IhTvolk of an
Ihe Washington iiwnui.ici.Utiriicr .loue.i (unmoked) rn.lrrly frao" from the
01, ,l III, -fJul;. Iii-'lnn J.l.-gailonTj.)W,tPi on(j wl,, u ,of, bf,h Mpp1y tlia
Ihe I lierokeelnrUhoclaw. Creek , ,,5,allc(,, an. ruu ;, the sixit until the
and MoPTiT.ridgo nations. TTiirTUIcfs ami ,p n.1H.aM rcmov(.d or loose. Wash
their associates were as.slgne.1 seals near ,,, ,K. ,.gg with moderately warm water,
the uraii-r ol the day, and listened will. .,. (),. rln, o(r, h'tde with clean
rapl intention. .Some oril.cui iMrcS.i.a. ro,() walcri should not nil the grease be
To MEsEitvr. Peas ao lir.im. To
preserve these nutrlclous and oxcellant
vegetables through the winter as .west
and succulent as when picked from the
vines, can be accomplished by picking
them when green, and putting them in
vessels filled with a weak solution of su
gar, and boiling moderately for ten or
twelve minutes, a nil removing them 10 an
oven moderately warm, where they ahould
remain till perfectly dry. They art then
to I bottled and corked tight. In thi.
way they may bo preserved for any length
of 'time, and are said lo be a. aweel in
inij. winter or early spring, as whea taken
from the vines.
Married, by EM. J. O. Bemstt, m lb lOia olt,
M. C. Davis, ta Mm Ssrsh Aon Johnson, dsnib.
tires Dr. Joknwn. Also ea IIm 9CUi alt, Mr. Wot.
Ixjran, ta Mia lau Criasmaa, all of Yam 1101
TOE Aa.l.
A FARM stnateel on the bkr frsirla, aaswt
fear mks frstn Un Baits, sraU tlsx4afs4 etal
sn.trtd, tbtat thirty acts of aaaal fsaesd, aa4
MTsnUin buabala of wbsat tswtsl sa H Ititre ia
a swJ aad eoaaaadiM hssaw aai N. alse a asw
bun aad sttots, Isro carts aad best, Ism srataa,
aa4 lire ptosxrha asat rlaag Utsts It alts asset
sail, raruasura. eteaMeaaea
ihaMostWd fattsW
Uw wbKnbsTsf .
V r4H.
HE fast saBlaar tumt MTCN ON ITUbV
M. CONtfA,baviawasrlyabtT IMgUasv
nfssVwB) Istv fst Baa fraashv t ea the Hast of
IVlrnr. srsauWr pirraMilai. faatsatm wsl be
sllowtd la taka ln bamh of frslftn, at the rata f
92 per srreL ran, 93O Is San Era at lacs fata
puMrtnnJiaf lhnfrfs with fsusasiitxe.
rimna WHbiBt; ptanjri sril pVsns esffy In Mr..
A. McKlnlry, Ortgoa City, or I. R. SnjeVr, Tan-'
eonvrr. Trw vtssrl mil cs at lb massth of lb
WillaBMtti for frtifbt tr paaasngtra, SS
Ca ltry Oeatertxr.
A I.L persons barlst; unaitiWJ aeeonts with
2m. Um dfoanroent fosmpi,or olberpmpsrly
lakta la cbarf s for dasj ibalkw whilela lbs Cartas)
war. are Lartbv rvcmeatssl In esSrlAsd sclua tha
same before tho first Monday la Fabreery oast, or
in default thereof Uwy will be charged with lb
.aloe or sucn artKiea,
UuVe at A. J. Hcasatt's. Yam Hdl.
Act. Com. Cen.
Oregon City, Jan. Slh, IM9. S3 a
ALL tb Horses and Cattl beloogl.-j la tha
Government of Onion Territory will be sold
en Ihe 9-Jnd Inst, lo Ihe hifheH bidder, at the re
.idtare of A. J. HiMSaat, Yam IIiU.
AUo on the SCib lnt, ia Ortioa City, will be
told Govcmmtnl Picpertr, eoasirtJaf cf Wama,
f ,,,- .. .....! !...! - ' - --. .-. ... - --- .n..
. 1-. .,....... ...........1 nl.. ......... .. . . . line ,1. 11 nil ni'imi on iiienuis inaeriiK'ii . . .....I., i. i .1:11: ,. ir: k....
nmnu .... -. ..i..s., .....,. ... .Siih.Iiuret ol catl-on is i-anl In bill I the V- o icnioien, niui-ii niuy . ooniuii, n ii oni. ,nei, ..iuri.ru, uamp atuua, Diefl trspt,
thocustoui house wit. .our luggage, and ,r.-.-t .... Ihe nern- as ehlon. i.r.n. ' T, " ,. ,. ,. I hecn on n long time.) dry and repeat the . Clialiw. Ma.. Ac. Ae.
havo it ixainiiied ami passed j then take l, a h,isu .cry fetid snu II. 'Ihe New lapn Palladium tay. a gen. operation. l.oTernmeot dues srJIbe rteeired In rsymeol.
up your quarters nt tho Posada del Isimo , A ( aoclUilin iai i,.,.,, frllril , M-,. oral lelegratd. law- has 1k.-cii passed by llio Tho writer of the aWe says lhal .1 (im. W"CotnGD,
till tho packi-t sails. ni,rj for i,0 mipmvcineut id the nnviga. -.""" ,U"M ';. which will cna. merino .awl. which hod lei 11 badly OresouCily, Jtn.5.h, 1W9. M-l.
Tobacco is an ntlirliMifsiricl monopoly i,jne,,r.r hie House s printing upp.uatus to Iw us-il smeared will, tor and grcxe, (gudejn I ...- . . ,m,
1.. il.1. ll....i..li. ..r V.w .!,...!. In 1111.I if I.. I... .,.1.. ..... n . 1........1. 1:.... 1 .... ..-.. I. ..I. 1 I... !.... I Iff II .1 .A ..1 A I llllsi.
.1... ......a- 111 iiiui n .ir. ui 11 ..in.. iiiiii.. I'll nin. iiiriiin iim iii'.iii.i. in .1 i.i'ii nv 1111 ... - .. ........ .
ia. mi. '.'i.. ----. -.-- .-... 17. ...... - ,-.... -.. ... . -. --.
Havana cigars are liken there, llie will ,.,, Ituili and Itciuly I
ne trizcu. .o.n.. .. ..,. u..n ... -...-.,,, , i.i,,.p,ia
1 . a ....I.t ...... ..ii.nid tal I . a-l In. ....tilit el. '
ins lit'CI. tin ell
liuy Aimiaiciua cigars ai i.nr.nngenitt ; A ,,. U.I0J f cluing defect in the
they nro n,llowe.l lo pass, paying Hilly ; ..vo .,,.. ijV 0.,crl,.i r,.N,ur,. ,. .ai,i lo ,
nrocneap, moreover, nmi innueoi go-si 10. , )in() 1(j . j seu v rc ( j t(,sl.,n. soils tliu rntlli.il .Mexican H-acc Ircnly in, multon ,,,,,, tiv or rn,t min.es of h-vs.
uicco. I 'riicrnar.' 1(1(1 .ncnn.'ie.s under the new two languages, will, tho liri'sidcnt'stiroc ,i-.s. n.i.l n i,T.ni niee,. , if re!o. II, ill nil
orgnm.e.l uuilcr Ihc act, will lv forlbwiili
ooiistriicled bctuoon Now l oil. and t!io
i oil. of lloMoii,
Tho W'ashiugiou I'ulonof July "lliprc-
procei. in
a few ininuti's, Hsiwlhieetlern
nv ui:ori: ABUitMirriiT,
noM.asoa or o.toos TtsirrotT.
' 'V'sV'IIF.UKAS the Ugulatur of OrejCTl Ter-
December. Iu co-w.iiK.ice of there not bein-r roe in-
Un tuou.rl, prneni to irm a quorum, ana ne
IRNIS.I nm IIimis ami MIOKS. lake yy f-j,dto meet at the time pointed
pint ol liOk.-c.I oil, w It tl lal.n.ou.l ul w( ,y ()rt.nio Uw, vis., Die lint Tilted-.)- in
' as l-o-eiblo
As iicrsons traveling iu ll.n Isthmus of i,,,, I, ill r l'l.ll,l..liit..... n,,,l ,,ii. tr.iiii bmatioi. siuucil at 11 o'clock on the III. of .. .'. i.. it.. i t. ...... ii ,.t l.c.l-i(il necewry I wtlfare ofthecommu.
Panama ...unlly l-rwood on llioirjournies ,.,,, rlir .,1.,.,.,. ' .'n, happy e. cry July, which po.-er sa.e, ' tin, dato .rfUW till It is milk' wa'rm. Then with . hair ( L'i'i'JiLuo" U "" " '
i.iiaiar.itt-i.ftav . .iiviiniiiii rnai irinv rai ' aa . t .eiii t i i t i .-.. ..i ' . -,.-.a..i i..ai..i . . t.i..u in, ih.
V i , """' " , , V , -" i iiticcniu ...an win u-i-i wncit ne is npiKun- pii-sim-m -iu-iino
and drink something l-efiro or w lieu they ,.i ,atc of the dcclarn
Matl. A lillli- l.rcml or i.u.scuil, lor in-; Jhn Doilkey tayri, ' fjrmerlv llio seat pendence. .Many orourpulilio transactions w J on when the lentupf is perfcelly
atanon, und a enn uf lea, or n glass of ( t)lu Prt-m-li king wns Hix-It l'l..r-o-..-c ; nro completed ao ns lo signalio mom and , ,rv.
wiim to lortlly llio slonincli ngaliisi lie , ,,, Hiilpp ,l5 nrjl,lp nai Xeyn oul f, more that important day. Mr. Kio' cm- The soles of boots for wet weather should
iroclainallolicolnclilesw.ll.lh. ( l,,,,,!, ay I, on new, ,ols.or slincs. If old I therefore. In aecordiuc will, the hut cltuao
dcclarotlon of American Hide- KMl, Bro la i,p varnished, the mixture is t.) of the aeren.li section of the Oi-janlo Law, order
raw fog which genernlb prevnils iu tho . tho Tuillories window, wo write il thrown.' ! volition with Prance was signed on the III.1 always Ik- kepi saturated ll.oioucl.lv with
morning; drams nro .Tiail, and ought not i, i, .la,...rihai in Kindum! lliera am ofJulv; so was tho treaty with Chlim. mllow. ini.e.f with it lllllo icsin. or with
to bo indulged in. Neyerllieless, Von , lf,rikin, ,M1,,ovo, in tho undo nf catling The nut by which llio annexation of Tex. ,10 UOvo conir.ilIon. In cither case,
should not be without a lilllo good lirandv,
but u.o it very sparingly, and much ill.
Never Iroyol in jour ennoo on ll.n Chn. !
grcs nt ulgl.l, if you can avoid it ; the
river abounds with rapids, trunks of trcen, i
eVc, which render llio passage up or uown
the stream dangerous niter dark,
C'hrlstllsM C'harll).
Chilstlan charity is univnrsal U'liovo.
I. nice, otMiylng tho injunction, M.ovu lliy
neighbor ail thyself,' and being nlways iu
r adlnctl, w.kliotlt grudging, In bestow
their goods to feed tho nr, as llieir Hea
venly Father in his bounllful goodness
li.-'i given unlo litem all things necessary
life and godliness. As faithful stow,
i .Boflhr manifold oraco of(Jud, ills tho
n ,ly of all Christiana to appropriate lie)
axtan. wnicn ue nas piacvu in uieir oauus.
, ns wns sanctioned and recognised by the th leather must Im dry Ivf-irc it will ah.
, .... -. --.. ...... i..... ......
IT. tun t;.iii iia.o .uui
piires of the Iculhcr will.
water or grra.c. When ime lias posses.
Idols for tho India mnrkcl
Lord llanliiigs, who is now un his re. congress- ol loxns.arnvcilat Wa.liinglou sorb the oily matter.
n ns a ' w.o mi oi jiny. i nc suoseiiucui no. , clmicc, to lill llio isir
lorn from India, in lirinuliiir witli hint
iircm-ut lo Iho (Juocn, n largo tiger, which ' onltion, by tin) convention nf llio peopln
Is renuwncd for liming slain so. oral men. I'd' Texas, took nlaco on tho san.o day j
Iho' l.olnlschn -iiinig' slutes, that in ami now tl.o rntiried treaty wltli .xiexleo,
Moscow-ihero Is now-li ing a lady, who is arives In Washington on tho nallunul an.
in her lllSll. year, and win) was married I nlversary, mid llio president's proclaim,
to her 1 1 flit husband when nho was l'JI I tiou nuuounclng it.bsars data on ll.osu.no
years old. day."
Mr. Thornns V right. U. R., of Leeds, HrKAf.. rro(n n gentlcmnn recently ar.
is uuuiii pnn.-1-i-uing iiarociona, wiui ll nvcil in town (rum tlin Atlaiitiu ciwst, wo
slou, tho othor "can't couw In."
ami direct, lhal Iho Legislature of Orrn Terrb
lorv ronieno on MonJav. Ibe lUlh dar of I'f brnirv
ueit, lo Irasacl Ihe hasnres thai abould have beta
attended to at Ihe rej-ntar eeilan of Iho LeRliltrure.
Iu witniM whereof I bare sirned my asmetuid
M aOlted tbe Seal of the Territory at Ore
" iron Clly, this 3ih day of Deo 1849.
Micned by tb (o.-rrnor,
8 M. HoLiijtstie, etc. Or. Ter.
Illaee! HMeeS UMott
II UK subeenbers beUi enioftdln thabusiuets
ofTANNING.on mUeliarkof IVitlaod,
aiafd I
Fire and W'atkh.,-ko..f Ci:mk.t. To.arc dwrousof obltlninf ""i"'
half, pin, of mill.-, put an o,ual uuantlly !,
of vim gar, in order lo curdle it ; then sep. . m auapay nmiooodiBf pricea for calf and deer
crate tile curd from the whey, and mix the .tUw. At'PKIUON V BALLANCE.
whov with four or fivo fltrgs, l-ealliig Iho Doce.uber lllb, IHI8. 81 Sm'a.
. r ... ...i i. , " ii -
wl.olu well logeinor. .. ncn
it is wen amwiwwma . fUaWnta.
, ... ...1 a.I.I IIIIIa nn nl lsti.i t liflll.sli a. eB eMWBI. " aaa -
htnn ot men, en 'lues, carriages, malcri. curt, that (,'oinuJom Htccklon his fon.i-d '""""' "'"' " , ' , , ,". I rutlS rO,VI S. POAI.S.
.I..1VC ,o conduct the first rail way o- a coinpnny fTr Iho nttt "" , '"K 'rMr
pene. ii. Spain. Ibis hay and vicinity. Tho lwi laU fc
W'l.c..l.l.orienotohorsoT Answer havo been ordered, one nt Now York and "1,. .? I ,i?u T?J'M-'i u,l,tn "XiL"
When ho is turned Int.. n slab e. ho other at Philadelphia. ll Is slated '? ,nondp!' , ,l ,lrIoH qulf')'. 'l ' c,o.v, ! Yonltni. or Geo. AtiaaETiiv, at Ote.
II is a singular fact, .ho. when . man I. ,., one or Ihc.o boa . I. n.en, led I o run 'CreoTf' " " 0fa """ I K&'tfFtotolVttl&lni
COrn-cA Ids voice is .. between llll. nlaen .ml ll.n Samlivlel. la. Crull degrCQ of firo. N,"Viff.Ll?.
A Kepubllcanioolciv, numbering 1,000
members Iim been formed in Ghent mull.
i.nus, ana it to oa a larso
The nn for the bay will be 130 feel long,
Tooth.aciie. 3V ff. "Put a piece of
lime, about the tit et a walnut, late a
Is hmeiy eirwr,
m elsltsHg Cats,g
asssaajw sssssais
ssssstty 0 1
aaTVsarfarOf VXaaaasHasjr s
CflUfM Uk
of aakiaak
Boli aW4 sMmMs)
IMh iMSBfl tk i8B
rSmk, "iBm
, . ,'n
iCv '
eaaw arfassa. aasj. Ma
AaU 'la -aaaHaaaata oOU V.
'J V I
t r.,'-.aWSjfi
UM.s flrsUii)-
ar -l 1
Hash Ha
Tha MisssaMsf Sasi
cited, at oat assMt) sssaetVlstisat, wtas mm fet ,'
leatlw wW be . ijllj all ss Saeas ,JaMlaf fc.7 '
Orersj.aiy. Uf'4. IM.
Fatam Waaa.
8m raaiiimavvi
Ml CAtaWaUrUj
m. m.
.. 1
eity, win
ssstsBy essawnsadla a sawafi
am laafin us tsas asaawi
aaa uraaaaaaui neeeit
ralallag ia MaaaatMretasia
leasts Mtsstsss.
ttSaetaal laaasjaaej
lata. !WSH
Tbeehaaw lar laMfa aa'jMatateallMaEI
dtSassMsaaBHit ataeaaaia.sJBWIMpaBra
awn farra ast i .all all etit. eeaaaMtsJ, jp J
(Vlift aVIM IW MHaMaVtMejeaMBl . taeH 4MM
U eaTatal,sTe.eeeaa.eeaeesw4aaaMeaw.aaMsJasTlByJ
AirraterXsMaaarfssVIaanibn ' "'l
WfsJSBt WesTtieaMaea4eee4f - tiyM f
aWSAB taaaaj rssasaajauv aflajaaj jaasj HalMaBaBBeaSastfSrjatl r a
krUuiam la Ike ateaa ef tat Mtaaav, aiaass -
earsiidtnjceatSMttBssk. . . 'a
The afar an sttwJrlte Tkeaak slll ' 4
rrsona, srhe Osaka aa stsaftaaaal .; taaasaW 3
r- -J'K
Persons, srhe
roaj mm aavK
For Hatiittdtlt of Mra, laaaari
lions, as a taaeswr, tad uW easasattt as" bsei
utmsa. OHM
belosr. t aase aaBaSMsa as.
to set la tb ctpsstty ef a eeaajsMM t TWIete
His EieaDaaey, Oea. Aasraelny,
s7WsisjrallM. &J--im
amatsj lib ns. waul a W ta qaatat '3
Hae. A. A.
Dr. MeLsatM..
ArtaftaM MrEhdty, laa,
Cat W. K. KHasa,
M. crawaea. aoa.
B. S. WaH. Eaa.
Oreeoa City, !fr. 99, IBM-!
KIOR Pale, al tha BUCK STORE, Otafta
Dletcbed CoUaa.
Melhata Dock.
Cotton Gamkraon.
" llaadkarcbWfa.
Elaatlo Hpenda.
Ladiea Cettaa Has.
Hooks sad Eyra.
Ladiea Boaaeta.
Men's Hals.
Tumblers, ass. tile.
Greea and Black Tta ,
19 a 13 CW
OclobtrS, 1S18.
Buck Saws.
Deer Laichea
!sss.Biack. fiat eat
Hooka aad Mkajs
ruaai siusfoa.
Tiae Chahsl.
Brest aad Weed Otate:
nOifJ VJaV neaVHNaat IWWmtW, ls
ranrt r.rTA la sla
-.." . " . :. . i :..
M. three aoreaet gnii antaaw aj tssf r.
enndarauaafkeaeljatahuaie tatakaaaeassaaaaaae .t
lion of irtveleis, wlU ftad this a vtry.iaaMtolMfj.'
lion; shnalcd oa Ibe WiHaaaett itw, aksM V
miles aooTS urecssi out, aasi w s mm.
principal ltadia( pltcss) far tiaetatta, rtatars)
Acapplyiev imM-MUtti,!!-
r.i. A.BEEBS. VJGfl,
CaaaWJesat (MH
Ortcon. City. Blank Kb. IMS-s ' ,:f'J
- . -
ALAHOX aajaaUty ef CmWU
an ea band, tad far sale al toil
stltaU, ebetp fat tnif fay. Ik part
rpilra of Ike aastiiftir.
awsiaii ai i,f4, ii
.! "'.AS
-s-.5rj -
.-l'.. A-i