Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, December 28, 1848, Image 1

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Vol. 3.
Feast Ik Nsw Ytfk Trie
AiInmmm V
Rtporttdfor At THhm ty 0. Dyer, Ik
Tb Solar System. Its plan and molitn.
Urn. Lawe governing motion. Gra.
vltatlen. Centrifugal and centripetal
foroea. Copernioua Nawton. (Jail,
leo. Kepler. Eueler, Clalraul and
D'Alembert. Lee BarnoulllU Mao
laurln. Lagrange and Laplao. Ad
am and Lvrrlr. Discovery of Ura
uui. In stratus movsments. Disco.
vary of Neptune. Sublime position of
Leverrier before lha Royal Academy of
IHru. Concluding remarks.
PrawMoT Niohol remarked, previous to
oomreeaelag Ma lecture, tlial ha bad, after
malar ooaelderailon, concluded that it
would ba advisable to divide the lecture
aaaunod for th at enlng into two lee.
luraa, aa It would ba Impoailbla for him to
do tha eublscts which ba wished to preeenl
lo tha audleaoe anything Ilka juttlos In
one lecture. After tha applau with
which lata nnounoemeni wai received
bad aubaldad, lha eloquent Professor apoke
as follows:
LatUtt and Gentlemen proorad to ex.
poae, a aritlng out of tha meohaulsm of
our planetary ayatem, through effect of
man'a profound and triumphant explora
tion of lie eecrett, a discovery ihanVhich
tha entire annate of physical ecience pm.
bably present uone more brilliant or appa
rently strange lo endeavor lo remote ilia
difficulties and doubtfulneu with which
that remarkable achievement hai seemed
to aomt to be surrounded and, if I can.
to clear away all obKuritiet connected
wiih he history.
I feel persusded that it were needle",
errn at the outset, lo drsll wilh any nu
clei attention on the nutllnn nr Bene re I
constitution of our alanetary scheme, lor
they hive for the must rt pqssed, ae the
agee hive ooureed alonit, among the de
tail of common knowledge; but illicit (he
entire discoveries, whove steps we lull
seek to follow, Is but a deduction from tint
ooastltution. I do tritt I will be pirdomvl
If, even here, I M-ek for the eake of future
dlitincineet to ailiibil la you auociully
poaiible the moat Important of the ele.
mentary fecit relating lo our' ayttom to
whiab wa mail raqutra iraquenuy to ap
peal. 1 need not mora than refer to the plen.
wary ayatem, whloh, ae wa Ant deeory it,
le alike simple and majeMio. Re.ting in
oaa portion of epaoe, from whloh hit tutre
la dinuaed through lha profunditiee which
environ him, it the tun our magnificent
luminary, ranking In glory and corrrtpon.
ding in detliny with the myriadt of the
flied atari. Around thit orb, which illu.
mlntt, oherlthet and uphold thum, tliote
tmiller wortdt of which our earth it one
roll, with admirable and unwavering
regularity, at divara dittancee and in tta.
ted periodt. Nearett of all Ii placed the
planet Mercury ; next in remotoneaa wn
detory the brilliant Venui; then our
Earth with in Moon ; then Mare ; then
that complex group of until pianola, (At
teroidea,) remarkable through their ex
treme dimloutiveoeat, ard alio bocaum
lha orbita In which tl.o. move ao nearly
approach each other, that one mean dlt.
lanua might almott be taken aa Indicating
tha potltlon of them all ; behind thete Ilea
Jupiter with hit tUlellllee iho nobleat
aad moat beautiful among the aecondary
oonttltuentt of our eyttem I then Bilurn
with hla Mooaa and remarkable ring j and
ally, lb planet Uranut, which, until
tha advent ot tbeaa latter revalatlona, we
deemed to ba at tha out r limit of plane,
tary exlttenoe the remoett of the regu
lar global attendant on our Sun.
Tula plan, eotlmple in Itaelf, waa not
eaaity diaoovared bv mankind, and waa
not arrived at till after long yean of per
plexity and toil, The dieoovery of It gave
Immortality to the name of Coperniout.
Thia dieoovery, grind and eubltme though
It waa, did not eetlify lha aver icllvehu
man mind. Tha queetlon epeedily be
cam, not merely In what order are ihete
varlout orba located, and In what manner
do they move but, oan that meohaniim
aa a whole, be reconciled with any known
mechanical princlplea are Iheae arrange
menta of tha heavena ipdloative of the
pretence of lawi whooe efficaoy wo dia.
earn among tha ohangea mora immediately
around utt It waa the anawer lothii
question that bestowed Immortality upon
the great Englishman, 81r laaao Nawton.
Prior to hla lime chiefly, In fact, by the
aagaoity ol Galileo and John Kapler one
grand principle, eharaeterlstlo of4he hib.
Itudea of all bodlea in motion, had been
aatUfaotorlly evolved and apprehended.
it... ikU ! Swnr led . a TtttMnt an
i.li or aiaer dtnoHtkm in meee, mill
m mrd fa KrefrU ar, iJfdirtc
tioHtf&i irllhM fort, prcijdtd It ton.
Now, on a Ant glano at the eyttem of
the planetary motloni, It la manifest, that
these orba do not move In atraigni lines,
but In wwlmaeiM ckitm; and therefore
k. i ihalr alatlna condition cannot be ex.
plained, by tha mar supposition of their
having been onoa aei in motion py
.1.1 Immilu ar force t nav. It follow lm
medlauly, that, to thU primal moving
power, the action of aoro othr dUturblng
foro mutt B aoaeo, o u iww
ena be explained ; and a llttlo deeper unn.
aideratlon will ihow, tint thli wound foao
cannot be one that lilt morrly acted at a
certain epoch and thru ceased ; but that,
on the contrary, lit energy la uni'i-iitigur
The leading charicK-riatii'a of the se
cond power did nut long escape tlm per
sistent sigicily nf New Ion. lie iliav-rui-d,
almost on his earliest glance, that it mutt
be a power dlretled inward the centro of
the oui ; so llisl I lie cnndllion of each
planet Uemed to be this ll Is sustained In
lie actual oourn hy the conflict and equl.
llbrtum of two forces one, the reull of
Ihe first Impulae, or ciiiik of lis motion,
which would Induce It to fly oiTliilospsci-;
and another, a rrilralnlng ovrr In unln
lerrupled action, which of tittlf would
cause the hody lo nas Inward the contrit
of tho sun. Aiiliuatiil h ihi trnlrc.
serkluu li'iidinrv on lliu ouo hand, and llio
ttnlrlfugal, nr cent re flying tendency on
the other, the planet Jupitor, for Initaiic,
rollt hit uncrasiiiu round in a pith aub.
jret to no accident, ard, ju ss far as this
goet. incapaiilo ol clungo ; iml at II is tho
sime centril luthorlty, merely chsnglng
Instrrngth, along with the dis'ance of thn
body Irom Oic rut which atTectt all the
orbs of our syie.n fnun Mercury ever
hid within ihr solar rays, .to the remote
and inlKwpitahln Uranus: Its wit-haiiNm
appears as Iniple as its l.lnn the remit
of only two of ihow primary nrdinsnces,
that guhle Hie phcnoinrna nr motion' Ma. i
ny profound inquiries deeper indeoil than
mill hn th- ii-iwer lo rewiivo ire Inevl.
tihly suugeslid hy tho scheme whose sim
iliclty hss thus burst on ii". What, fur
Instsnce, Is themieer which hlndi til the)
nrbs to I lie sun's centre r Atlratlion, gra.
viialion tlieso are Ihe names we have
bMowod utnn it ; lull what mean they 1
whit the Ides we are entitled lo attach to
them f Our positive knowledge, Indeed,
goes no farther than this thtt ihe order of
Ihe plinetary motions cin lie t J pressed by
a certain law ; that the places each orb
occupies successively, In tlm course of its
revolution, admit of being so joined to.
gethor; or denoted in their, totality, by
the central Influence we have assumed.
Is gravltstlon, then, only a name for this
succession i Or rather, is it not tha ap
parition of some primal foro or power,
which by the order it bestows on material
events manifests its character and Influ
ence t Tku, at least, wa know far aa
our ken at present extends, whether w
follow those singular and tnejettio aotivl.
lira among the double, triple, or quadruple
stars; or adventure still farther, even
among those awful adyta where the migh
tier groups of the Stellar Universe lake
on their forms and significance the in
fluence of this august law ever meets our
f;sie, preserving through all that exists,
Is matchless order, and in silence elabo
rating thoae more perfect developments,
which will occupy the durations to come.
I mentioned In my last lecture, that we
find this law acting in the most remote
ststemt exactly is it acts in our own.
Yes! this subtle law difliisrsitsclfthmugh.
out nil spice, and curbs with lis ir resist,
able might the wayward tendency of the
nioit majestic and fa roll" orb. (Appliuse.)
The account of the mechanism of our
system, which I have just presented, is
very far from being the correct or com-
fileted one. We shall rind it necessary,
ndeed, for the tako of distinctness, or at
least highly advantageous, to begin our
investigation by realising even this im
perfect view : but it conveys little con
ception of tho actual structure of a scheme
which It at complex at that representation
was timplo; and which, ao far from pre
aentlns tha orbit of any planet ae the ba!
ance. of only two tendencies, derives it
from Iho equilibrium of eympathles alike
multiplied and changeable eympathiee,
uniting ny some tnvisinie conn noi ine
planets with tho aun merely, but every
atom of matter within our ayatem with
every other ; and diffusing through its en
tire domains a unity so period aim com
prehenslve, that ll most resembles the
wondrous vitality of tome orsaniced and
sensitive framework, The principle of
that unity is aa fellows : Ilia attraction
or gravitation which, by drawing the plan
ett toward the sun, restraint ihem within
a definite curvilincal orbit, it not, at wc
have just euppoaed, coufim-d to ihe tun, or
exemplified by lla action, alone. Speaking
of it in Iho usual, and, I believe, also in
Ihe most correct manner, it it an tntrgn 00
Joret rttmplijuil y rrery particle 0 mot-
ier. so universal is mis energy, any so
unlimited its sphere, that even ihlaamote
thai I hold in tny hand atoda forth an ef
feoilvo notice of its belnavto ihe remotest
orb ainoiiii the pnifouiid n-cessi-s ol'-pioej
nay, alter lit relative potltlon by a quan
tity however small, and your arl ia full
throughout ihenniailiomitd nnivcrinl The
amount of influence it exerit. it is true, it
alight, unmuiiiurable, liifinllrailmal ; but
nevertheless an inflitenco it dora cxi rl on
the remotest orb that wings Its inyslio
flight through space. Before thn vision of
a harmony so unbroken, of a mechanism
ao vatt, so complex, and yet ao perfect,
the thoughtful mind cannot avoid being
penetrated with awat Yet I thlt fabric it
indeed the offspring of Omniscience, and
under lb care of a government whloh
protects alike th mtjetilo and the fceble
within whose auautt. whoa perfect har-
monlea, th fragile lllly taauqa from ita
Oregon City, (Oregon Territory,) Thursday, December 28,
I Mem, robed ai the moat beautcvilt queen,
and the feathered songster pours forth
thueo bursts of melody which are heard
oven sinld the solomn mutlo of the start.
(Unmt appliuae.)
There arc two speolal points in tho
Solar .HyMem, aa wn must now view It, to
width I wuuld hero solicit particular a(.
(initio II,
Tho simplicity of tho conditions under
which each planet performs its motions
has now vanished utterly away. Not only
' Is it attracted bv the sun. hut since ora
' vilatlon la universal by ovcry other orb
I having part among its arrangements. Re.
fer unci' more lo the planetary system,
ai)d observe the case ay of tha plane!
. Jupiter. That orb still Indeed obeys the
infl"uces I formerly adverted to. viz., hla
own tendency lo fly off into space, and
tlhsl counteracting tendency in virtue
which he would, if unclwcteil. move to.
; ward the centre of the suu ; but beside,
i he la pulled by all tho other planets, In
niol iriout directions: and not only with
I various, but ever-varying forces, Inasmuch
I as racn is "ragging him toward llseii Willi
au energy depending on lie sito and dls.
tsneo; and that distance is through
ihosn motions which are tho life of the
system always changing, ll it true
incieeu, ran will be reaoily manliest, thai
of all these powers whose oflloe It Is to
I give the planet a ourvilineal instead of ita
, I ntturil rectilineal path, the energy of the
pstii. the energy or the
till ! lit, fP lltM mwf ImnnriBHl . Imp
I have said, one element in the eftVaoy of'
" - -J ". ...M l. ,,,,,P. ,.,, , .V,,
um power cxcrciseo ny any body over a
tiother, Is the mytiutvl 01 the defUctins
boJy ; and the aun immensely transcends
tho aggregate of all lha planets, whloh are
rather his subordinate attendants. The
sun's action, then, Hill determine! In A
main ihe path of Jupiter and the other
orbs; and the action of Ihe neighboring
pianeis onty a untrue mis pain, or impres
ses on it certain changeable irrt guliniiet.
tor instance, lr Ihe tun alone bad acted,
Jupiier would revolve around th central
luminary In a perfectly true, or accurate
geometrical curve, vlx., th ellipse ; and
that ellipse may still ba deemed lb nor.
mat or am path of that Uoet his feal
on vibrating around ii. To determine
that normal ellipse in the case of any pla
net might have bean no arduous task ; but
nowamwraai wun ihete dartatione from
ll tbsjaatrr.blnlaf BiaaraaaisaJ To
Adetity wkk which ha oan traoa and aall.
mau dlraetlani and qajnntlttaaaa nratabl
ana evinuetnt, m in nignnat attaiaetant
oflheaatrooomerj an objaot incWWrnoat
worthy of thee tqilt that have occupied
him since the lifetime of Nawton. Many
a midnight baa been consumed In th ar
duous pursuit ; and success in lb moat
difficult portions of Ihe enterprise, baa con
ferred on several names a distinction that
will never die. Refore mo in greatest
brilliance arise Ibat illustrious triumvrate
Eueler, Clalraut, D'Atcmbert ; on one
side of Ihem the great family of ihe Bar.
noulllis; on Ihe other, our own Maclaurin:
and in later timet those two chiefs, seated
on twin summits Lagrange and Laplace;
frun whom, again, the mantle baa de
scended and fallen on men most worthy lo
bear it a company goodly in number
a n J anient in hope ; among whom, how
ever, Ihe eye easily discerns aa ever
conspicuous those illustrious fellow-vic.
tors In the race, Adams and Leverrier.
Them- ' .ication of chief moment, how.
ever, winch thit completed idea of gravi
tation impresses on cur conception of Ihe
Solar Syatem, Is thia; No part of It can
be regarded aa eeparate or independent
each orb being united by Ilea which cau
not be severed, Kith all tie oAtre. in regard
nf the chief feature of ita being. So Tons
as we regard lha aun aa the sole self or
tnis attractive energy, any pianei might
be removed from the system without other
consequence than the disappearance of a
ttarirom our sites: annihilate Jupiter,
tor instance, ana an oinere would, in tnai
case, roll onward precisely aa before, n
courses perfectly determinate and geo
metrically regular. Rut if the merest
pebble on a beach cannot be removed,
without remote start discerning lis change
of position, how entirely impossible thia
unobserved annihilation nf Jupiter I Nay,
so far from any plane! being independent,
or, aa I should rather say, vered from re
lations with the great univaraa (lor tuch,
In the present case. It Iho ineanlna- ol fa.
Wrpeudtnee,) if we mulct ounBtaUU
I to its motloni or orbit, and to Ita abaojorr
magnitude, thai planet may ba said lo be
det'rmined Of, or lo oe At reeut of, Ike
concurrence of at habitude of all the oth
er. In tho caas of Jupiter, for instance,
tupposo him concealed from my sense ot
uion, Dy oring Derail 01 me power iojs-
radlanoe of the aun ' aMffiht
ncviTOili'ts, as ne roils in thai
I orbit, hla
presi-ncc must bo revealed in Intellectual
vUlon, by his Influence on the moilooa of
the nrbilihln hit reach t yra. Ihx irrtg
ular and then iiniocounted-fnr innilouiof
Saturn, wuuld point toward tha reality ol
that planet and oould we aright interpret
thoin, they would unfold alike the magni
tude of Iho foro Ihti hit caused ihem
or, what la Ihe sainn thing the mas or
weight of Jupiter and alio lb variability
or ahangcablene of thai fcroe, whloh,
being Interpreted, slgnlfl Ike orbit and
motions of Jupiter even aa tmeninglu
and unceatintlu at At nutmttmut tf At
mutUrim tmilt tttttf At iiftttim m
InUiuili of At Intuenee toward mUch U
Thia hypothesis of a. luoasaofgl eearch
for an opaque and InvlalM Jupltir, ia not,
nowaver, merely an uiutiraitv one it is,
on the contrary, the equivalent of many
Investigation!, trial are far from etrange In
astronomy. For Instance, wa read In
works on that sclenoe often Indeed to the
marvel of thoae who know not our Ucb
nlcal proceeding of tho totighu of lb
several planets j which are ipolten of with
aa little hesitation ae if they had been
weighed in our terrratlal btliocee. Now,
these are deduoed in thia wis a planet
using disturbed uy ita nelgnoor, tta more.
ments are watched and icrullnisd, while
the deflectiag bodies occupy with rrapMt
to it all tmrikf of potitiot. The eifeet
due lo each, ia thus separated from lb
cfLtotel eflbol; and from Ihe amount of ha
influence, the mate or weight of each pl
net is interred ; nay, spetktng more gen
erally, this process of determining Impor
tant physical attributes of tbtse orba, by
inference from their altactive influences.
has constituted the principal branch of
physical astronomy from Newton' lime
until our own. Shall I dwell, lo illustra
tion, on the lighlt thua obtained regarding
Ihe slaps of our own earth T That body,
lika all alobea In rotation. Is a spheroid
flattened at the poles, or bulging out a
if into an attached rina at the enuator.
if I
' Th
' ine determination or the precise iiitoe or
. . . - .-
' lliA ! I-aIm. t MA-.a..n..nB,A rtnn
qotnee to geographical sclenoe, severs! of
Iim greatest of our European State have
Instituted vast triangulationt some of
;nem in remote regions thai, by, the turn
methods of lha mrveyor, thia character of
our globe rglght be defined. Retulti of
high acouraoy have undoubtedly bean
rohd by such labor ; but with all their
importance, they are not supertoe to In
tellhtence, which on the same subject baa
reaoheo ut Irom the moon. 1 ne motlona
of that orb ar not what they would ba,
bad tha earth been a perfect tpktrt. Car
lain deviations ar caused by lb influence
of our equatorial protuberanoe ; nod tbee
deviation measured by our modem in
struments, whoa precision approachea lo
the marvellous enablea us, by Inveraa
reasoning, to determio, wilh undoubted
axaotnaaa, bow fcr lb artk daviat tVaen
a racnlar alob. It it orrtalaly bhibii
aary to aooaavilau Uluetrationa of a point
aaanarnUg wklab tna wbesa minim bisi I
tory ef a&raneaay I moat rien'ansTemv
pnats ass m jMinnt tnrfr, wnn
an ajjuasan 10 that recant grand general
iaaUoa of tha deeply lamented --- -
which baa unfoldd th probability of
opaque ores iarg aa in spaagiiog eua.
revolving with a Siriua or Prooyon. around
aome eommon centre ; thua apalllng oar
imagination, already bewildered amid tha
exoeae of visible glories, by lb unexpected
and overwhelming Idea, that the object
which light raveala may, after all, coast!
tut but one class, and one special iboush
spteodld ecbeme, amid this profusion of
created magnificence t t ureal applause.;
The method of thia dUcovry of Be,
era coo of Ihe moat remarkable of mo
dern times and lb reasoning on which it
repose, ar too remarkable lo ba per
mitted 10 escape with a transient notloe.
Etery star In tha heavens, It is known,
baa an, apparent proper motion ; sometimes
that motion being altogether apparent, and
In other cases real. While studying, with
his usual car and aacacity. the cnanaea
of plao exhibited through a loon aerie of
years, by Birtui and frocyoo, Ueasel saw
Ibat they evinced a real proper motion, of
a very singula? description. In both case
Ihe star oteiUatt that is, it more back,
ward and forward like a pendulum. Lika
Newton of old, Bcssel marked this aa an
unnatural motion one opposed to every
known principle in mechanics. Hia Aral
inference, then, was, ibat the oscillating
motion is, in reality, a motion in a drtk,
or other curvilinear path, turned nearly
edgrumut toward us, and therefore taking
on the appearance of an otciUation. But
tha loveetlgMiou could not atop here. If
the path ia curvilinear. Ibat mutt be ow
ing to a (oatmaosu detecting .forte, aa
Newton held in regard of the planets ; and
alnoe no body I v libit around whiob
either Siriutor Prooyon oan be euppoaed
to revolve, the conclusion is that lb aeal
of this great attractive influence isepafse
concealed lor ever irom the senn or vision.
The inference It
so logical, thai wa may
Surely, however, it Is
brinaina the etranne in-
not repudiate it
sjnoit wonderful'
telllgenc. that those brilliant orbs are.
after all, but one class or species, amid
the luxuriance of creation I (Applause.)
1 nut, tnen, tsuies ami gentlemen, nav
'coooluded my rxpneitinn of the plan,
maunsnism ami noveruitig tawa 01 our
great planetary system pi
luilnary to tha
unfolding of lha process by
which a ml J hty
world wmivokixllromthe boundlesucon
fines nf kpni-e. It has oocupltd longer
than I anltolitttted ; but' if 1 bare been
apprehended, what follows will bo easily
The reseiroheiofphyiioa) astronomy,
conducted with regard to Ihe problem 1
have attempted to deaoribe, were rapidly
perfeotlngour knowledge of the planetary
system, when. In tha vear 1781. tha Ulna.
trlous Herschsl altorodouroonoepiloaaof
It extern, by tha aecldoaial dlcovry of
in oro mat mr soma urn or ntaname,
but whloh la aaw universally rveagnlaed
by lb mora anagntatM apaaftatioa of Ura-
an (.
i,. .1,1'
vm jtUWJ - ,
I tl(J. I
nut. 'I any ananwl,mr H wumymtM
ebel with hi latminaa tilawiai Imal wjan
aamBBsTtW nuni rW BBty mUhi,
anrmria tmrntmimt
eveelrui aa orb bavlaw a bbu
fixed tars bar no Mm, Ibat k,
no surfaoa ibat ia nataanraW
to nrailt taat whan iwd tki
moat aowtrtWI tiliMmi ab Maanl
aotblaianaMMlMMBBM. UtUmti
cbl at on ditinnlni Ibat llii
oould not b a fjtai itar. Ha
plao m lb asMvana, aad a)
at tktattw
roraMniM an eaamrx at
lot itlmdnMewdANMiBifsn
Htba eiatludid thatk vaaa(
and Ma a at)tsM ta nlaiB la at
oatlad "paaan on th dknWttf $i -
oomt.N Bat ) hMMariaa; 'aaixt aa)
mysvsnevjs auaaaar a bwmbbTx
amutatlon, b asm dkajansslttat M
not a oomf, but a atsMII mrthar avraf
than Saturn; ivolv6to maasJ asjauwaaal
belonging 10 our eyaum. Kw MMff
ll will at one oeearlo yo, tm4 m
th exieteooe of a tiaaat btyaatftBi aiWI
of Satarn been mtmmtd be thw aaaai
dtnul dlsoov.ry of firaahalf If al I
nav been aying abant Janitor baaar
rect, wny ow not
that there were motion la Satara aa4 Jsv
piter that oould not ba antaalil fcraav.
cept by th met thai thera nruit hara bbb
a planet beyond Saturn t If oar aaaaiat.
aoc with the varioo mnilwof iaaasT
and Saturn tb two plaaMtoaafjr wfahaa
raacn 01 ina innuaaoa ar Ufa
bstn a wrreat aa It la aow.th
of thlt tuperlor orb waU aawalalr bay
been suspected prior Hmmmtm,
observation, or had Uraaaa fatai aa
diaoovared to thia day. tta MJnaaaa waall
meat certainly ba tafsrrad fraa lha maw
Uons of th athar iswaMa ant) it waMi iMa
ba hunted ai vfiat 17tl waaakatjlBM
ago In tha iaaa of aatraaiary. Art had
not tboaaariahada with thaa aalaaJM
iaauttawat which ia moaWra llama an
reoordmg qaaatiti all hat araaaeeat
and lh oaooTry, tbaiafc a, a la lha
ao world with lha vraaai
vir sstteaahthir hi
pod oar atatiaaa nhaamtiwr-waa mm k
thalaaat aagt
iaf BadhacaMrM
f iba msBhaaani af lha
a taat On
aksnJyiaiB ahaimJ Iftaaa, hat by ha
ana hamta ib aatsaaaBBB Be bbbbb.
ataly aa tha ainiriry af tha at
of that arb. Nw, thia atailaai
avideatly ooaoaraadsrat, thaaaaatkif I
laapweaaapaiaofMraaBi vmrtuttmm
it doaorihaa ia it iwfljsJoa at aad tha
aaa; aad thai are two vary atial
point a to thia altar, rasirlac aaaadiar
Tb problem Itsslf ia tbl JVma a
naailcf ilriidt1icrDiBaai, tads
ttrmmtuttemrtpttn, lit
to follow aay alaact tbroaah tt
tourte, in ordr that wa lay dowa tha aath
It regularly putau . OhsnnaHaiitoejosn.
plat, would a needful only If w bsd'no
ooooeptionoftbe kiad of path hi wbiah a
pianei must aa aasviag: aat, auaa wa
bar a thorotutb kawwladca aflat araad
law that regulatea lb moveraeal afavary
orb belooglag to oar system, afcwobaar.
vatlona sumo, to cnabl u 10 ooaclud
concerning any orb'a ontira habitaaaa.
Thia should not appear strange or imps
sible. Recollect th diorry of tho
remains of antmala by Caviar, who aaea
finding a few bona imbedded ia a aaa aad.
waa able to rntor a part of tha aaimal
oreation Ibat bad haaa oatiaat fm agaa.
A boo or a tooth of aa aaimal fcaad in
your "big bone lick," ia enough toaaaMa
lb naturalist to determioe to what alaa
ofanlmala it belonged. Jaat ao it la with
the astronomer. .
ulv Mm a fraament of a planet'a arhM,
and from thai fragmeat ha will dadan
th planet'a path arooad tha aaa. (Aa
plsuse.) At tb utry. outsat, than, wa
assume aa th groundwork of oar tbaory
ofany naaaet and ofooara with taaar?
to UialB-da sbwtwj ar At km tftf
xikt1kMtt rtgltmt Aromgk wUtkAmt
pmmwgmt, n nrootam, oa ina aiuii
oftaswaassaBatiotukatfoUowa: eVallh
normal aWat, depending on th aouan of
th aaa; and, tocamdhtif daviatioa
from It, caused by lb disturbing aattataf
the planets Th two act of ahestaanMla,
however, aluVnurb dhaJaxceaaatt ha aa.
lernunca ewxn jrom essst swssr m -wi
clear that until wa know enUiag oftha
normal ellipse, wa oaanot aawaaia ia
deviations, at tbeaa depend oa
of lb olaoel from tM At m
fircling it t and again, ao loaf aa wa
know ine amount or in aiarar
cannot Ax how much la taka
add 100 th observed twa. m artltr
rivaat in normal or uaattaraaa
Tb prrblem ia thamibra hy mi
..... . 1.... - "-
rmmj vami w wsss sir
1 wilh prolong) 1
tlon, hawavar wiabla Hatha .wjaMjiM
tibilitvaf xalalala lha , bwbMim learn
theounaon wama am bb. nw 1M1 aBsaaa
of known xarturhhit' bajmi;, tWaathaJ
it wkH ba iiiaa.diaaaattoassssy saVarl
it, an aar n'hdf wJKtJff
PPa g ww vHJVarwHV ikwet wa 4 w "r
Hm haataato i
waaU haMaia
M !
JaT )
iBsJ umdmk 1
wiu wimi wwaw raaal
odyaaaatt hai haaa
tarvatlan; aad kwaa
WnVf HMC 0191991 1
lamsg, wh;
hh ItsaaliUa
Marly iaaalMtaMai wwh th I
tBiaakaawtlMM wara hand
aaaaara,' that if tkhac t C
.BBkta BBBaaJLabsssB axt aassssssBl B
ktf a la kJ at 1
oksstly laaairdant with that aat )
ny aiiiiraam waa aw njwr
cuavara waa' Mbim m
ibU; aa4lhaaaataat
bath raaaaa af that h
Parhana aa aaaalaalaai
tha tkaaas thatta whaih
ta that tha
Uttaagh lha lapirfaatlaaaf
taw laaaifT m ajHa. i
wan laa a hU aa,1 1 ' hM
teLAj. jaJMHaVf vJbbbbb bU shLmA
aay BMaayasttat)
M WVafl
HMrthar aatla hai
MHwMVW lav VHVw w&mM OTW
ft tmmUthi hi .alaa?
MITw) MUM MM M fflwl wft
wumtmmmmm, waa'Anti
hn.iiilili, bag