QREGCH SPECTATdt m4mnMwiNWim( , HimniiWWWiiimWKNiMHiMifc nWMWHnmf ea !. eaWitvaWt- Oi I " iVt irmi all; a l a tftSK J" - a'"a"aMlli Vol. 9. BUI '."gSfBBTg XI" I Tfce PrcalaeMl'a naat, To Ihi SinaU and ihm of KfprtWitatwei olhi Unlit J Slalti. I lay before Congress oopira of a treaty ofprace, IrlenJihlp, limlta, and settlement, between ilia United Htalr and the Mexi can llepubllo, the ratification of which Mere duly exohanged at the city of Que lolaro, in Ma tlco, on the '.Will day of May, 1944. Tlie war in which our country waa re luctantly Involved, in Ilia necessary vindi cation of thn national right and honor, baa Uru thua tenninatad ; 'and I congrat ulale Congrnae, and our common consttlu. run, upon the restoration of an houorabla peaoe. The extensive and valuable territorial oedad by Mtalco to the United latee, con. atitute .uftiwnitjr fc tfctptMl at. ? brilliant achievements, aad signal tucoet ri of our anna, will be a guaranty of ee turlly for the future, by convincing all nation that our righta mutt bo retpecled. The reaultaof the war with Moaleo have given to the United Slates a national char- aitrr abroad which our country never l-efuu- enjoyed. Our power arid our re- nir-e have become known, and are rr. m i ted throughout tne worm ; anu we iiall probobty M aaved Iroin the urcraaily of enlacing in another foreign war for a long aerieii of yean. It la a ubject of ;oiigratulation,' that we bae pird through a war of more man two ycara duration, with the buineof tho country uninterrupted, with our renurcea unex. liatMtril, and the public credit unimpaired I communicate, fur tho Information of 'ui;reii, the acrnnipauiu)t documents and corn pondenve, relating to the nego tiation aiul latifiiatiuuiif the treaty lief ire the tnaly tan lie fully executed on the part of the Cinlrd .Stali-a, li-;ilalioii will be require!. It will ! proper tomake the necrviarj appnpriationi fir th pj mcnl ol'lho tile inillionaof dollara alip ulated, by the twelfth article, In be paid to Mexico in four rijual lintalnrntv l'liri--uiilli'iiiof do'lra wury approiinati-d li) the act of Mirch 3d, 1417, an I that aunt iv, n pil to the M-xii-in ttoteriiiuiul alter the cxcliiiie of the ratification of the treaty. The fifth artulc of the treaty prmidea, that "in ord-r to d aiguate the boundary line wiihdiiepri'ciooii, um autlinritatiii' itiipa, and to ritalili.li upon lh ground lau I nmk, which ahall ahow til limit-. of both llepublica, aa dracribe I III tho pre aent articlr the two ;ocriiincJila ahall , rarh appilnt a cum-iiU'loiier and aurveyor, win, brl ire tlie rxpirallon ot one vmr fmui thi date of the rxchange nf ralil'u-a-linn nf Ihi treaty ahall inert at the irt of San Diego, and ahall proceed to run ' and mark the mid boundary, in it whole l-nurje to the mouth nf the Itio llrao i,-l Norte." It will be necrtry that pro 1. 1 mon ahould bo made by law for the ap poinl.nent of coimmaaioiier auu .urejor milhe part or the l nite.1 mate., u. an III CNIIIJUUCUOII Willi n tuiuiin-nMi- , uu tircor appointed by Mexico, in rvecu line the stipulation of tint ankle. It will be proper, alo, to prowde by law for ihu appointment of a Iward of coin iniioner, to ndjudicnti- and decide upon ill ilainif of our citizen against the Mex ican (iowrnmenl, wluili by the treaty hac been astumed by the United Stale. ' New Mexico and Upper Calilorum bac been ceded by Mexico to tho United Slates, ur.u now coiulituto n part ol our country. Kinhraciug ucurly leu degree of latitude, lying adjuccnl to tin Oregon Tetrilory, and extending frwn tlw I'acific Ocean to the II io Grande, u mi an diituncu if nearly a thousand unlet, it would bo difficult turttimato the value of these po. sessions to thn United Slates. They con. stituto of tliemtultes a country jarge i-uougli for a great empire, and their uc Muisiliou is second only in iinportauco to that of Louisiana, in 140:1. Klcli in miii rial and agricultural resources, with, a etimatit of great salubrity, thuy rinbrnci tho most important ports on the whole I'u cll'io coast nf tho continent of North A inc. rica. The jioaacsslon of the port of Han Diego, Monterey, and tho Hay of Han Francisco, will enablo us In command the already valuable, and rapidly increasing commerce of the I'acific. The number of our whale-ship alone, now employed in that aea, exceeds aeven hundred, requiring morn than twenty thousand seamen to navigate thorn ; while the capital invested in this particular branch of commerce is estimated at not Iota than forty millions of dollars. The excellent harbors of Upper California will, undorour flag, aflbrd ae. ourity and reie to our commercial ma. rJne ; and American mechanics will soon furnish ready means of ship.bullding ami ropalrlng, whloh arc now no much panted in that distant sea. ' lly the acquisition of these poaaeaaiona we aro brought into Immediate proximity with the wust coast of America, from Capo Horn to tho Russian possessions north of Uregon, with the Islands 01 tne raoiuo Ocean, and. hv a direct vovane in steam. rs, we will ho in lesa than thirty daya of uanton, ana other parte oiuiitna. In this vast region, whoso rloh resour. oaa aro soon to bo daveloued bv American energy and enterprise, great mutt lie the augmentation of our commorcr, and with It new ami prontable demands Tor meoha nio labor, ill all lla branches, and new and valuable marketa for our manufactures KMtVMU anil agricultural product. Wliilo ilia war hat locn conducted with great humanity and forbearance, and with complete aucoesa on our pah, the peace liai been concluded on term tlin moat lib. eral ami magnanimous to Mexico. In her hands the territories now ceded had re inalnod, and, It la believed, would liave continued to rrtnaiu alinoat unoccupied, and ofllttlo value to her or toany oilier nation; whilst, ai a part of our union, they will La productive of vast benefit! to the United plates, to tho commercial world, and to the general iiitiireati of mankind. The Immediate etU.JMimcnl of Terri torial Governments, and the extension of our laws orar Uiih valuable poaaoaaiont, aa deemed to bo not only important, but bl japable, to preserve order, and the title adattaletratlon of justice within their limits, and to facilitate the developement of the vaat resource and wealth which their acquisition ha added touurrountry. In war witii Mexico Having ieriniiia lad, the power of the executive to islabliah nr to routiniie temporary civil '"'ru inenl o.er lh'"lerr v wlnh ' UUUerllie luwanl ii.iii.MiiM i i- v n-narded as ciHi.i.i..red piuil.. t, in our military occupation, Il.cu.,1, lly their rcnion to the United Stales, Mexico ha no longer any r-.wer ovV, them ; and. .,., . . . til Conareu ahall art, the inhabitant will Im without any orcaiui-d non-riiiu-int. Should lhi bo left in this iMiiilmon, cm. i filaiou and anarchy will be likily In pro ji, I I'oreign csnunerrn lo a con!d"rahl" amount i now rarm-d m in the .irta of Upper California, which will require to be regulated by law. A mjoii u our yleiu ahall be extended o er the commerce, a revenue of coiiMJerablr amount will be .it ouur collected, ami it I mil d muted Hint It will Im annuall) luoreii.e I. l''or tin i an 1 o'her nbvi u ri aii, I deem it to he niy duiv earn' 11H I" reenuiiu n I the u li in n' Ciogr,- upiu tln milijiLt, at the prric wimi In iu.(auittig t ivemmout over tlrfve ternlorie. Iran -lit miiIi turn i ml ail.iu tagra to rvet pirlion ol our I lllon, I in ' okelli.it ir'it of ciiucoiioii, conciliation', and tMiiuprtimiau III your ih liberalioiia, III winch til.' cou.litiitioii w.i Irain-sl, in which It ahould be adiuiiiiMervd, and wlm h I so indiipi'llilibla In prea-nennd pcrpit. uate tho laar i) ami union of thu States, i ... I Wc ahould never form-t that this Union of confederal" Suite wu ratubliahcl ail. I cemented b y kind fa, milTr? kindred blood, and by the I , and trl- 'common tol ring, uange rt iiniph of all its pari ud lias been the ver augtui-ntiiig wiurce nf our niitional rratuess, and ol ull our bli ,iigs. I lliori- liai, u-ruap, been no period ainco thn warning ao iiiipn'Mixely gixcii in hi COUIlir) IIICII I') t UMIIIIKIOII, I" tuitm ...... ... .... i. . ... ... i gl nifauiht Lr,Kraiihlcat illtihlou. and ace tioual partiex, which appeal with greater force than the prnuut lo the patriotic, u........,.,.,,. ,. ,..,u-ciin- of all tarli.-. lip! nml ,,,-,,,1 clloII, ofou wiry; Who ran en i n ulo llm xaueol our uioriuus .... . ... ..... Union' It i u inodol and example uf free sinned by thu United Stuten, tho kuiii nf goMirnmiut to the whole world, and is the 8t,.rll,004 70, togelhor with tho inten t alar of hope, and tho hatcit of rest, lo thn 'thereon. These scleral amounts of liqiu oppresrd ofexery clime. Uy ilapreser. dated and unliquidated claim uumei! bx xalion, we haxn Uen rajiidlySulvanccd as the United Slates, it is bcliexcd, may U a nation, to a height of atrenglli, Kiwer, paid as they tall du.', out of the accruing and happincs, without parallel in the revenue, without the Inm of slock, or tho hKtory ol tho world. A we extend Us crcutiou of any additional public debt. blessings over now region, ahall wo bono I cannot too strongly recommend in unwise us to iiidauger its exialenco by Congrta tho lmirlancc of husbanding' geographical ilu Is and iliasciisiont. ' 'all our national reaourcci.of limiting the tFr..l - . ! a.. ...... tl... .. a)a lltlllltl MW ll.lllilit II riMl lit lini'naalt fll llal.ai Id setilement of lheo .h.taut ,,.e..ion,- rcoomiiiendlhat liberal if ranta of Ihfpulk lie lands bo si cured to nil our citizen who haxe setlli'il, or may ill a limited period .. ... . .. ' setllu Wlllllll llieir limits. In execution ofllieproviMonsuf the trcu. rtlonol thuilebt as may lie now redecm Iv. onlerahaxe been itsiied In our military able, and lo purchaso it ut par, or al the aiul naval force-s In evacuate, without de. lav, the Mexican tirovince, titles, tow us, nnd fortilied pluces in our military etcu. pat ion, ami which are not embraced in the tcrriloriea redoil lo the United States, Tho arniv is already on its wov to this country. That ixirllon of II, nt well re g- ulars at xolnntrert,' who engaged to aerxo during tlio xvnr xvith Mexico, will lo dis charged at soon as they can bo transport ed, or marched to convenient minl in the vicinity of llieir homes. A part ol tlio ivgular arm iv will bo omployod in Now I Upwr California, tu ull'ord 3 thn inhnbitant, nnd to guard 1 Alexiun, am nroitclloii to uurintoroala in those territories. Thuoli army, as it existed before the eoinineiicr mint of the war willi Mi xlen cspmall) IC ...!. .i,., I.. !,. ,n i.ll ..,. ,1,., ,.,,,L ' . i. 7 , H r ' i ami mo oi tne several inrpa itiiue iui mum number atithorixeil during th" war Il it believed will bo a sufficient fori"' to bo retained in aorvico during u iriod of poaoo. A few additional oflicers in I ho lino and alatTof Ihe army have U-on au. thorlted, and these, il la bedieved, will bo neceatary ill the peaco establishment, and should bo retained in Ihe service. Tio number of tho general nllicert may bo re. duced, aa vaeanuiea occur by the casual, tict of the service, to what it waa befuro tho war. . Wliile thn pisiplo of other countries who livo under forms of government teaa free than our own, have been for agca op. f i retted by taxation, lo support large stand, ng armlet in periods ofpoaoe, our expo, rieuce haa shown thai audi ettabllahmcnla are unnecessary iii a republic Our stand. ing army it to l found in the bosom of "Wctlward the fttnr o0 Oregon City, (Oregon Territorjhunsday, November 9, socloty. It it composed of free tillxius, errors into which tho country waa betray, who are over ready to take up arm in the ed shortly after tho war with (reat llri. service of their country, when an emcr llnin in IhI.',. a few jears after that genoy require it. Our experience In thn period, a broad and lalitudirious contruc war just cloiod, fully confirms the opinion j lion of tho powrrs of the l-'rderal (oeni that such an army may lw raised Uhi u menl unfortunately received but too much few weeks notice, and that our citlren aoldiera are e-qual to any troopt In the m.f,,.,. .w ,.-.,,,, (,, nn -,v,,, , rv.v, vi 11, why wc should enlarge our land forces, and thereby subject our treasury to an an nual Inorvatod charge. Hound policy requires that we should avoid the erection ofa largo standing army in a period of peace. No public exigency requires It. Suvh armies are not only expenalve and unnecessary, hut may be coinn dangerous to liberty. llcsldes making tha neoetaary legiala. ii vo provisions nor too exoculloi) ol the .. ....i.i . .i.ii.i r , govermnenU in the ceded country, we them of more than doubtful! .u.i.tut.ou.l B "y. w,lic''. d'ra' of, U reduo iavn, upon the restoration of prscc, oil,, r authority and ' xpodiem dancb-n, amounts to tho following: dutit-s to perform. Amoni; thev, I regiird If tin- fJoveri n it 'in I nil- d I State A party of gentlemen in Tennessee, none a more important linn the adoption i-fprop i in-satir's lor iho npecly txtin .' '' l the nulioiiiil dtbt It in i. i.i i- u; i o i i x.niy, aim me gi mil -i mi inMltuii. that a public di bt ahould I. . i minted to exist day loRer thin the in. an of tin lreaaiiry will inable the Ro,..r.,,. , io , off. Kilie) lal I down by I'rendi'iil Waahuiulou, " " avoiding the nccuinuliitiou of debt, not only by ahuniiuig ociuamns of expena. but by i ioriius exertion in tune iifpa:c t" di-charc the d hts which una. oidab'e war ha. e occa ioticd, not ung niu-h throwing upon ptenl tin hunlcr, we miraelvra ought lo lar. At the couniK-nceni'Mit o the pu nt adiuirnaliatioii, Ihi public tl.-t-t iimouutdl to StI,, "", rill il" In t"iii qui n e nt Hi' w.ir mi'Ii Mi'xuo ' h.i U'li li' ( ii-.i.ilv iin-rea'.n.l, an I now am-iintH lo 8il." 77", l.'nl II, Hi' lulling lh" a'o-'k mi I tr. a. uis noli a which in I) t Ihj iMe I undr tin act ol J ,u i', I'll, in-1 .li- !.. n in it i-iiii r c ii U in,; ituud uud r tin ai I of March ill, I-'. .1. .. .A. .. In iiiiuiImmi io tne am Mint ol llieiletl. III" treaty npu!al lha 81'J.tHhl nun hall be pn I lo Mi xico iuliiuriqii.il uu. uu il inntaliiiiuU uf Cr.ll.HI.Ollll iuih ; Ilie tirt ot which will fall clUe on the Willi ol May, H'J. The trial) h!v ti.illatt s that the United Stale shall " arsiimc mid ray to our own citizen, the claims al read) liquidated and decided ngalust the Mexican Republic," and " all clainia not heretofore 'deWdt-d ajltffut tilrrTHcXiiuu (toxenimtut, to an amount not exetedin three and one, quarter million of dollar. The liquidated cluim nfciliziu of lh" i. iiueu oiau- aganui .ncxiuo, us ueciucu by the joint hoard of coiiiiniiouer, under . ................. .,.... i'.i....i v;. ... ..i iiivviniiiin'ii wmiui im- I iiin.i.iiiiv. nna .lexico, in wit iiuioi .xpru, i.io, uiih, iv. v,.'.',"i' ", ui a-y ii-,it t ,,, ,ta -i- Tlii sum wnt iiayablc In twenty equal annual in- atalmeuU. Three oflhem hai' been naid to the i mini o;.i . , lea mg io ih. pam ui 1.1 i .., .1.- ,: m i . im- priueiiiui ui uie iioiiiuaicu uiiiouui in. and of aj.plxing all the surplus, at ) llino in tho trcuaury, tothu redeiiipliou ol the debt. I recnuiincud that uutliontx be xestnl in tho executive by law, to anini ...... .I.- :.. .1 ..e ...I...I... -r .. i ii' mr imi m n-niioiinriiirin ol sin ll premium which it may couiiuund in the lunrket, in till cawos m w Inch thul authorilx h not ulreudy been grunled. A premium , nas rmi omaiueu ny ino government on itnu i the larger rtiou of tho lnan; uud if, lien the o eminent become a imr cnaser i lit own siock, it snail couuuauil laser ua own siock, il aim cuuimuin premium in the market, it will bo sound .llcy to pay it, rather than to pav the in!. annual Interval upon it. The 'inter. a pol s.-i M.ann ii.r. aiaai.i. if ii.,.,,.! i.n atllli.fltalllinl illtfirttait lltWt.ll it upon tho debt, if tli irv notes shall bo fi t ni inM iiiv vi, niv vMiPiNimin ut U ' . t II t a a V sury liotea aiiau uo lunucil, Iroi'ilhueiii if.l,.. l.i r,.,.l e,.,.r ,,i,l i, r..ii of tho last fiscal year u bo reeb cuiable, will bo to the principal, which wa vw a mil 1Ul' Ullll verv nearly equal '. .. .. . . must itself be ulli. uiately paid Without e hanging or mislifymg the t. r. ..ml il rill. .1. lull. j. ... ..... I... .. I. .. .. llm ii.i r..ui ol i.nr e.imi,,.., I... .,. I -- "' -- K-s.i im, "ii , -', - -. --- - b. ui,..! operation, that Ibo revcniUMler.ved from that source, nnd from the nalci oflhe public Ituds will, it iscoulidctfly U'lievrd, cnsblii the government tailiKchurgeiinuu. ally eeverul millions nf tho dtbt. and at no same nine rs.es no means ot meet- , , ,,, ,,.ut KlJl. , ,. c,v nu. .tralill ing nece.isary uppropr iaiiona for al ol ici , , , . , oblectt. Uiieess Congress shall nulborie . "- ls rv ,,K'"1 l0 M ''r. c,,r' '" " : UrireK- Inerraaeil .inendiliin-a. f,,r n,r..i. uud furthermore, I'reilrtsor llitcluock, ill .1 ..... .1. . . . . . .1. . . - mt nf'alwitnii, ime.siiv. iii., uiu,i i.ni.ii,. debt existing be-foro tho Mexican war, and that created during it. continuance, may bo paid off, without any noroa.o of taxa- Hon on Ihe people, long before it will fall luo . 'Unon the ivatoratlon of nrace. wo ahould aWpt a policy suited to a state of peace. ! ,e,e rock. Iimucdiaiily ut tl e fulls, In doing thlt, the earliest pracilcalile pav.,,,0 rot.k, a,.lfar ,0 iKi'scoriaceous.-tl.at tnisnt nf IliA ttiilillrt tli.hl ailiftlilil ki unr.tl. I ' ual prlnclpli of action. Profiting by the ' ,l,c nl'P"r l0 l'' P,ou l,ke P"'"100 experience of the past. . should avoid'"""' or like the elmler from R furnace. J.mplra Hike lf wnr" countenance. Though the country was ( burdriiid with a heavy public debt, larKe, bimi iii wjiii'j ,imuii(C. Ulliil'l.. -i( y UIIU i-tlrm ovarii exiienditiirct wen- aulburirnl by Omgresy. The conaiquencu .M, thai the payment of tli- debt wa inti,nMl for more thun twenty )ars ; and oven then it was only accoinpliolivd by the alt rn will, and unbinding polity of l'reidiiit Jack, son, who inalo It payment a leading inea uro of his adimniatiation. lie reiialrd the atu-mpta which wrro madotoditert tho public money from that great object, ana apply it in waaieiulau't exiraiagaut ::..:..... r... ...i i : .., ''hall "bv-r. i, ,r ; ' r m miy in it expeiiunurt-, a ni m --h'ii i hi h . uc lion loth, . n li. ,, ., u I , . iii loin, n ...I ... .1 r.. li... . .' i i. (.in-iui ... j. . i. u- u cr- n,. -at. d m lb. . .....ti'iition I am.. nil imii....,-l bihI .-al l.gnlaiM. I. tho "' "r greatueasu u iiution, in nwr.il ...d phja.cl ,;r. and ,n u al.l. an i IK paroling t'o Kiiu ,! a i.i.i.r. m.x .. meaaiin -.jx-ratinv uti- uaflxuiii iiiiiu!- .. iJ '' "n " Hoiii and , win ic a toiditi, and the ip"iili., Iiumiij iiicju-.c of t-ouiiiiaiitt. will iiuraiir their o u inter. -u it ii r tin p t.ci bt'.llll'H lit , q 111 'a--, jii if i j'l-,1 uij.J pu'' ru il and tin l'ii ruin nt 1 1 v al ntniuiu.' fn in tie x rci-" ol all i 'i i ii il alri.nl) c i 1 rr- d. I' e ci mlit -fool f; nil "in n, li jh numb riuj Wi -I i . w .1, r n-lii I.. f u. vi r-r w in a.'.aul no ii" in p "i' iti ii, anloir ftrur, ii'.tin wi In m 'i ml n p irjili I r . xuinpli in the In -t .x n na'i .in. JWIl." K I'ol.lx. a liil in, Jul) l, 1-13. fn ML VIC flu VST In Ih I.J ijr f ll,r Urron i"-clut.ir Sik, II) t-1 f the Cut ip T'UhI Ab. iin nee Six ii iv, or'anii il tin day. I sin nqii'rid to forward lo xou uu abstract giinn' )ou the lact tl at audi a s-cn.t) la now orgatildl in Clalu'. with I'.ex. V.. 1'ialnr, I'riMduit, V. II. (iray, Secretary, and (io, lUrnJl. Esq., Treasurer, Iftn inai'-, nnd thirtieii ftmalo uiiuibcr, "lib- , " ' scribing the following pledge, lo nit, Wo ic iiudi rMgurd do agne that we wnl not t uo iiiioxieuling liquor', nor Iratlic in tliciu a a ,, , ,(,, ,, , ot ,,roide .i r - m a an artu Ic of i nteriaiiiuunl. or for perMin in our cu plxximnt ; ami that in nil Mutable wax we will discountenance ihuriiv throughout the eoiuumnitx. A rc,.u,.B, a, , .o,,,,,,,. ,i.,, nbtract. thai xou will ! mi l.u.d nt to gne it a plaieiu x our paper. Tunc nlone will tell whether the principle of total abstinence from all intoxicating liquor will prcxail, and Ue-onif gnicr.iliu Ongon. it is to bo h'.p I they max. an I i.iatealof tons wc inn) l.ino thousand to join us, in duiip. no liariu toourclr mil tho cum- mini I) in which we iji', bx nlstainiug eutlielx from lie- iie ol an article" that '"." '" ' ' "' ""'. """'' ' '"" 'tiling in ti-thin "in mdixidi.al in that number In-t i r uh.-. I nm, r, x nir, c , V II. lilt W.Sc Sept. ltllh, l-H. t tal- I'm llir Sjii-ilat ir (ii:oi.utiicAi,. '1 lie roi k nt' illaiuetle Tail, at lre. gone it), are anl in be an ini-oti pro. duct. Mr. I'almcr, in hi ihtiriptiou "f ,,, rot!, ,, i;,ni, . ,ullH,ril,,. ns . , , . ., r ""' '"' "'" "' lb" nix, calls tin m firm baaltic nx I.. Il max k aikidon what ,.. ,.., r,.f. 1 1,.. . ..ii n it. .. t it.ii t 1iok i;suuiM linm mi "'"imi'v ...- i . .1 iro..Liin. b.ialiiL r Al rink that slum '' w Inn leiitili.vill.iM III tlil'IP lill-ililtl mil ii ' I .. .. . . ..i: ...i. ... ... tl.i.aa. I.m.ivli .. .aa i " , ' iitn.t nrxi'i v.nrik lw nt nil At. lit nils orii'tll IIIH-I tl .- "'", ...-.. j -- --- - -ft .Thine ioks ol an linn in oiigin, are without stratification , and should heal i i. .. ..I.-.- . in. iim.iieii iii niiv mi I. oi ui emiB iti.!iii. . '. . - .. .'.. .. '"" ' """"'"" ", "'" " M, '" "",' "","' " w""1'1 nl onrf ',l 5lr"' ' iheu slratilinl structure. In sueli case ' they max be slid to be of igmout foima. .'. That ihe ranee of roul-s iinssiiier n,.r their loruialion, wan suiiicient mien - asvat. - r I t- i,,. unrL on io iibu. v . inform ii that ba. snio rock have uol onlv o peculiar mill - l ,,,. t0n,M.lll0II but have also ?J XnLTtTr'oXTZZh .'irordSl h , , ',,,, ,.,... sull.x glance, lie growled rortn, a word al par.ieular geological structure. Ila.alticl. Btep. "Str.te to Ireland, by Jayiut i roek are found to take the prismatic uud . where there t notnaket." eoluuuiar form. No such tliluu it seen -- . - aNtrt) 1848r.' 'riff .Ktv v.-' Is (hit a proof that tbey art) ToloaaJol Volcanoes, at tho lima of their ovaritew, often pour out riven of lava, nowinf aoratv times several huodrad anilaa from llaeir craters. Thla, by falUac Into tba oeaatt. or spreading out thinly oer an xtantof country, and cooling rapidly,. mlgxrt W: come porous; bulla either oata aoai(tM of stratification would appear, aaia plaialy visible all around tha falle. How, than, shall we account for tlie'poroaity of tkaaa rock t, and wbjat kind of rocka ahall we call them 1 It. MIBOBLLAMBOWl. A Hiaxe-Bit laumtraM Tba jfatr "'" ","" " ..u,,,,...,.,. a mon whom were Judge A , one jain, v , and a certain James A , ,.. ,,M. (,.,, ... im...uu-,iv mi-'., m mw. iiuui. nwiia line . - , , . ... '." ntA ' " " ' ' .i,,' JimUo.. 'ViTJi .b!m hvTuv wi.K hi. nfc " '''""' " ,m V., UVl. 3 f aKrfK u. rjT I'atrick entcrtaine.1 a mortal dread of '"""",, ""," "e01 "" Prty determined tti laLi ntltanlarrt ftf hi fiatf initait aitriii. to luk" adxantagc of his uationaUpn-iu. dice, with a xiew of DeltiiiK rid of his iconpanj. Accordlngl), one night, when 'ic w a so'iiHl.a.nonn," perhaps dream mi! of snakes, the mischievous c-ntleman. I (mj the story runt,) got his hunting knife,! oi. i, uoiiiu to where tho oflal of a I a rue d'i r had been thrown, cut olTalnut seven f. t of tli ititrallu", and, securing the en I with twine to retain tho come n't, to d ono of thcui r.iat an I tight to a cirn-r oi I'nd iv s linen, that hat wamlunsd ilimu-lia "riut" in hia Uh-no-wenaver. in uti 'ii em's, collinit it up all smoothly t.v liU aide-, anake like and tru-. All ihiiig thus arranged, the fUntpirators lay down auam, and at the cotr.-lution of one oi llie attL'e.lioru morct, the tame ffentle. man ruareil.out ai the top or hit voice, I "Uc xx-rc: Uu wee! A big copperhead black rattle-tnake, eleven feet long, baa crawled up my trowters, and lityinuhlm s- it in a dounte-bow.anoi round my body!" gix nig the Irithinan, with every word, a luriout dig io the aide with hia elbow, with a running accompaniment on bit ahlna will, his h!t4. OCaeatreetallxhtoaniaci and hurting awoke him quick and wide in his first movement he laid hia hand on tho nice cold coil at hit aide. Hiaaing out n " Jayzut !" from between hia clenched teeth, ho made a bound, that carried him tome ten feet clear from the camp, and with a force that straightened out tho coil, and made the tnakc'a tail crack tike a cart whip I Casting one wild, blaxinirlook behind, lie tore oil with the rapidity of lightning around tho camp, in a clrolo of tort) icci across, anu, ai every oouno, shouting, or rather yelling, " Saao 'Im ! sa7c 'im by the tall I Oh, howly Vargin, stop 'im I Och, Saint Patrick I tare him in till inbbleta! A xxha! A aha! He's got me fast howld! och, lu hat, by SabbcttI an' he's mendin' hit hoult t Oeh, mur. thcr! Howly Vargin! giutlemeu take howld iv 'im! shoot 'im! shoot 'im in the tail e end!'' During llits scene, the Judge stood hug. giug n tappling with both arms and one leg, Ins head t.irow n lack, emitting scream alter scream ; Jim W, lay on, hit back, with his feet against a tree, his arms ele vated lileo a child's, when he wanti you to help him up, uttering scream for scream with the Judge. All sounds at alt like ordinary laughter had ceased, and the pre sunt not'rs would haxc rendered immortal the x oral fame ol a dozen pantheni, ac compnuitd in their concert by the fog w htstle of a alentit-boat. Jim A." fat Jim" atexxl with his lega about a yard unrt, his hnnds on hit hlpt, shouting at ngular intervals of about fivo seconds, ", , , , ", ,l,0 n. l0 mocked each l "" " '""" ,""" '"0 ,c", , , ',, o-.lur from fifty cragt, and 8nake! Snake! rev erbratul loud and long among llioso .Vi.Ur ' finnhfll at tne tamo iniunainn, iiiouutalii lopc, w h.Io liU eyes carefully ...-. . l . at aaai.l iifituaalu f.l I ittVfttl thn A 1 1 laeal Al IVWla ' """.. v""vv ."" ,--. -. ,-. ,. a . .at .a" .a .. i t'ailiiv rouinl tlio camp. Alter running . ..." . " I """'V " 1 " mny tunes, tuo pcraccuiea ... il.tw MY in m fntiivaatil inln ttiM riak I X'UX IIV ! al "' " ' IHV ""an oo,'n, nnd tho medley soumlt of " snako I iniirlher! help! fire! Iloxvly Vargin!" c, gradually died away In tho distance, . r , . - , - I tllU UlC llUtltOra WCrO aiOHB. J the liuntera wero alone. Umnb." said Jim W., (alter ttopping i hia laugliing hiccough,) " umph, I thought imi snake would tton snoring in this camp nt leusl I Umph ' The next even, i '"K 'lt ratlntidor was seen travelling at 1 I ...I.. I. las a.rt llaa n niL'blv rate Itirouuh Nnoxvlllo. with a -...-- . i small bundle under one arm. and a huire sliillilah In the other, poked out a head of him In a hall iirtenatve, nail exploring at litude, when ho wat hailed by Archy Mo , ""'' ." VV.,lich WBy P,dJy !'. C,'in The chronicler of this truly ludiorous incident, conoludea with the remark: I You cannot tay anaka' to allhar member iixrirm tvarlw .! ItollhAit lla aWMIMt aal of the party yet, without Ita coating a eel of x est buttons, or producing a' stitch In tne tcie.' n-fitrn xvewirmmr, UrtWan. UJt ; 'w '' i-.Wx.tfc&- r'U?rmi' ill p A HaFVY MsxaYt1MieV-fajaWl amuaeal a aiay. t .mm Pa1 to at Use meitaf t pmjlm om tenaajk wAHm&m Doara m mtmmmm m .''J'M-Lj.i -.fc. .- 4V BeaetJMaaUaMi tap, and itWaxtPM aad wall, la tba rv. look 'at. I vmi. anil la' areas naaSI alibeand Mrkhs.,JWaxVf 4 okeijrieiMw lo at JeV kaowwaau aai ta you waa aboard tha , bueteri up. ' Ifaaa'i' (brtutata mmt den tiHi aaa I a tttL aVaatJjam work eVtTiUraala You aaa wbende hilar ploabum. I sot what tfa Irish hist. I radder aaxw mile and a'quarlaf fere aa ahaxtsfl Dea I lasdad ia da waaar, aaxt -gin to find out dat I waa a tame as tou la. dea I atraek aft. and aaade for da ahore. mighty, wasn't I a MghtM olar' 'twaa a God-aead aay turn white from a am.' ya! ya! I aay bair-At tputin bout each pinta Mt, my dray,' and go ap to ibe . we' ue , eourf, pfc .gaHaaa . L J "! All - - 4 'for what dey calls Ola '. .!. tk. iwaaarllas vim assaw a rfrty, ,d west tbeJr way yeie Orient Picajwnt. 'HyTTfWt mm tltf MLU' 25SSsWJ at JatoUt .-''aj W'lBi'afl lmVmmVVS( t.i2Z". axtiaxhaxfiapf-..' Hi tftf - Paotmia l.xciDfjrr Whett Hall was raarchiasT, a iMtlel claratl'o of war, attblaaaslafMl ! western army, throuch lha eJaxw'ai he hailed in tha miadU mVmi hit suit, on a dry east a A lady, wire ofc led on borsebaok with ahaaMgaJkMfJ ring the day, aa the datiea efheyipWa. ring the day, aa lha dttttaa eh3r, with hia ootnpan denial bias lha or being at tier aide III! ia formed at nlaht. fn tha tjtatoM we refer, the lady llaxjaraxt at where aba bad dlaett attK her who cowmtird'tJ tharaavrtM arrive. The ourorsae of beraUT.M enact one of thoee atwptaUiMltad the manner w wnton h at than ta defiaxe. She waa frugal meal with the white opa asveloatof ,,laya. law WUawa axaaiVasaBat whan the aeaera! I ward. Before tba reejxapaaiw shower of rain Ml, aad tha tol beratlf beaeatb lha bark need by a band of IadiaM a temporary lodge, ixoisetag oartura of tba aeaeral. ah, i he bad left hltaword aad bah When the ladr waa raadr .n.r hr huabausd kaal ariliad aha lsaatk.- led the belt of tha mUttary altiaeVaip . round her waiat, after teuisg ap a yard or two io leogth, to adapt k tea eaare fnu rll farm, thua oocvertiaaT k'-atoa Baiail tlie golden embniaarT ef wji.h fihf aaa '& Inappropriate. Whaa aha eaaasjaa. .tha I ', aober.Uoed digaitary, tha IwMtM-.ptaf-fully inquired r ' ' y Are you to arret, gaaaral 1 In arreat ! exclaimed the warrior, awa. king from hia dreamy miiaiaga, I. aaa acaiveiv vuiupivueau wvur sarsvaaraaKjarvasrv-'s am. ViMS Secinj you without aida-ajma. I coniectured you maat bare aUlea axader tho censure of Boveromeavt. , Noiaaaitla that effect had reached aaa, 1 1 J. Blasa mv Ufa ! rrnlatmad tba chieftain. 1 hare loot mv aword. fH at itU! Abram, coououed w, atuaav Ing hit ton, who waa one of bte aide, aat lop back and look for my aweH, aaafala not return without it. A pretty axMiarl nm making at the head of aa army la lha fold, without alde-armi. , - You mutt be afflicted with aiiiaot af mind, general, aald tba tatty, aaa) drat a,' Ing, doubttaaa, of tha laurel whtahyatjara destined shortly to wear. a tf.'5i- To tell you the truth, maexuavaaxlaihe, . . a ..... ... I I wta arranging in my mina use1 rhetoric of a nroolamatioa with ahall attouod the enemy oo our arrival at Detwlt. , ( ;, Pray recito to me a paaaage er'Wtrtf tne tortneomtng proaucuooi yva we, who are called tne waaaar i are torottlmet tatieiul criilaa, I aaay aaa cett tha rounding ofa parted wMaa wataja tcatter tha enemy 'a colernne ateta a tlvilunarntMaitdiiaaXBiatar. Text haa J'i wcarekmintarrttsttlotea. "t)f'M .,. -,7 u .l l .. f " rJ vvmi inauani, ana Mr. Baaaaiaii, mm a - ,; .. w-... I..,l.,..,l ! aaaaax. I avstt aatata, !tj wisi jww jwjiiwm-. .. 'p - r at"ziTir:H yo a paragnp"! ii And mv aword.) I al Canadians the mighty araaf 1 la only the vanguard or a I which wilt follow and IraaMt underfoot! Wi,'.a That will do, general taMi aald tba lady, you have mwk fi A Ta-tANT Llaain.- nleat a'.d rloKeet the city of Now Yrk. thaM'rrnant fajfaa.',, take ina arretea thematlvMorthai Vpon them ih tba f-A, W "?1 UK, ,a iLl ajaJ-fi ax .'f- mm rtf' & .4Mmm.w. ft.fKi 'mum