w-r Hie,' fF rfs.,rm . jP r ttim&XiVM' - S4 y" t ' au 1 C -. J-i&ZSSlL. A U m?-' Jlf o 'A- Vol, o. Ha""P,"BJ,,",!W talUfMoe. K.XCITBMBNT. WAR RI'.VOLU. TION.-ALL EUROPE IN COM MOTION. Ily ihe arrival of the " Eveline," w are placed In possession ofour regular file or the " Polyncdan" and "Newt," which cnnltln detailed aocountt of llie condition of Europe, Wo giva condeinjfjL-slste-menl of lha situation of affair In Europe, up to May loth, relying upon those pa. pen for authority. PRANCR. Our reader will recollect tint th la teat Intelligence from Prance, published In tlila paper, Indicated tliat the waa quietly settling down under a Republican got-e;n. menl, and had ordered the r'.ei lion bl a National Aatembly, In winch all male (illtene, vf theaM of twenty yean, were to enjoy the elrclivo fratn hi" .lulw. iUent account! show tint much iliK'untrnt prevail in Trance, originating from we. liunal interests, and religion interference in pail, and in pari from jealousies, and the love of power and place. At the lelost I..I.U.... .i.. v..i i l i.i...... . ' 1 1 ', ... . in Ditinn an.l I.M.I nrwi.i.f.il I..a.. A p. , .... .,.,-...... , go,a,aruicr I'agc., Marir, l.imartinr. and l.rdru Rollin to admluiflrr the K)rrn. mriii miill rnii.iiiiiil.in ... r,,r.,.l t.n. marline in evidrmly tho inaatrr (pint of the I'rriich Rriublic Ilia firinnran, pru- drncr, eUurtirr, and clmalry, iar lima far kept down anarchy, flub ami pri. ' mary aternmnrt wrro imiig mrincii i througliJiil the t-ounln. Iho ineiyurn of which wire oiifianl In ihe cloffili of a . a a a m rrendrnt. I Mcmbrra of i lubi and bioi talion had anemblrd lothr nuinlicriir.'ill.lHHI, man Ii. nl to the Uhamhrra, l..V rurtioiiofihn halt, and deolaml'n ne gotermiinn, but were ub-ennenllv illaperaril without blooilthtil, lord llroiihain, late Lord I huh (.' hail, rellor of Ureal llritaln, bad applied firlrl. ten of nalurallratinn, at a citirn of I'rance, and rxplred hit ilrtire lo be rlrclrd No the National Armbly The National tiuanl had been increased 'il Wn.tXK) to '.U.fllNI. .aniarline bad prepared an nlllance, ufli'ii'Ite an I ilofnulve, lictnren the l'r.-ncli and .Siw Uepublict. It wat in)mel that tho command ofiho nay abould I lendrrrd to the I'nnre lie Joinvillr. 1'i.nioiutraliout Mere being made in Pari in faor of Poland 3(1,0011 tland of arm had been fiirnnilidl, to lie ued againat Autlria. Tho follow ing accmiiit ol an attempt, by I.edru llollin, lo aubrrt the I'rotitional tioicrunicnt, la copied from the l.uropian Timet of April 'Wild. "On the lOtli of April. Pari waa in a atate of great confuaion, in enntcqurnce of an attempt mado by M. Irfdru Rollin, and lha Coinmuniata, to uptot the Provlalonal (iovernmenl. Il appear thai on Satunlay evening, at lha ailtlng of the Provisional (rovernment, very high worde aroan be. 'tween Ihe two partlea, ultra Republican, aud the more moderate membora. M. I.e. dm Rollin waa particularly rnergolic, being oppoaed by M. Marratt, who aaid that It wat hit linn Intention, at well at that of hla more moderate colleaguea, to retpondlo the general wlthet of the nation, and preteed with moderation, aantherwiae nothing could entue but civil war and bloodihed. A warm altercation entiled, which ended in M. I.edru Rollin calling M. Marratt km hcht, which opprobriout epithet waa repaid with atlap in the face. The other member then Interfered, and prevented further violence ; bul M. Lcdra Rollin, It la aaid, being coninccl that tho working clattet wore with him, gave the mot ifordre for Ihe dltplay of phyilcal force. Accordingly, on Sunday morning the organ of the cluba, tho Commune de Parle, aummnned all rtvohtitnwirti lo meet in lha Champ da Mara. The effect wat, that the whole of the morning tho Boulevarda andatreot were crowded with Drooeealone. maklmr their N way to the Chamn de Mart, but it waa not rill towarda turn a'.I..1 .1... .1.. .I..... u... I.l.n f ...wuviuv. IIIX III.. tiiiii, nm .., j tha Government. At that hour the rapptl began to beat, tho uliopt were cloaeil, and a unlveraal panic elzed upon the public. The attembly ofew-irrrt in the Champ de Mara amounted to upward of 160,000 men ; a cjntullation of delegate fook place, a'.or whloh Ihe dllferent trade, whioh wero marthallod under iliiiinct leaden, And marched In column ten deep, directed tielr ttept to tha Hotel da Villa. Amonget Ilia orlea were, A ha dt Imur. Hue,' and A hu U Oouttrnment PrmU tUmalrt.' Tho National Guard and Ouard Mebtls turned out under arm, whan the roppWwa beat, and have abown lha beat dlapoeillon towarda the Provlalonal Govern ment. They occupied tha whole equare of the Hotel de Vlllo, the Ilourae, the re aldaneea of the Mlnlalara, and tho varioua public building. They remained under asar .aaaes ! " aatatW' es ! i ! " ii ' m 'nrwwmf mmiMiniiiB. mm mm,, iiw PooBM'r , " -- -J I L-1A.. "hfnli waafeundthat (kiMMiedtMnl wan uigni. iwiHMim If, UaM ware out in grail number, iswy taaaght ii uiiMuia in proceaa poaooaaiy. Il appear that there wat actually aa aiiempt madn io deeeaa Ik moderate membera of tho Pro ialoaat Uererameat, which waa rendered abortive Iry theOrm. lienor M. Lamartlae. BafeM tha are. cosslou began lo mora (raw It CIhmm da Mara, toward, the Hetel da VlluVaTCa bet went to tha Motel eV Villa, aad da. manded an interview with lha f lavWewal OovrrnmoDl. M. LamanlM WMtWaoaly one who received Mm. M. Cafcat lajtpaa. dlaiely decland that Dm PrortalaaM) Go. vornmeni bad betrayed tkc eauae of lha iiroiile, and thf. h waa Meaaaanr, aad thai it ihoutt ba reooaatllalat). He than baa. mc.1 In a I let of Ihoaa who abould fcrm lha new I'rot Uional Oovarnment, aad daolarad that if it wa not aooratad. tba Meade tbra wiulilrd in tba Champ de Mara would march " (he Hotel da Villa, and ante by furco tint which ibey hoped wotildi be erauinl hy neaccabla aataaa. The liat aiteu in by M. Cabet eoalaloa tho follow- inu iiainoi: Mottra. Idru Rollin, Cabet, llUuiiiil, Albert, I,oul Blanc, rlocon. Ar ago, Itat,tait, and Pierre I Rem. M, Calwl waa proceeding lo make auuw fur. i .i r . . t .- incr rrumrae, wncn ai. jamarune aioppen ihim.ilrclariiig that ha waaa traitor to the . ... 7 . a ... . ,,PI1,W(0( ,,, ,n -, wouirj not listen to him. M. I.amartina Immediately left the room, ami, after consulting with M. Mar. rati, M. I'aunrrr, and eome other mem- I im nl the government, leeuau an oruer for tho arrctt of M. Cabet. but thai olllten hnd prcvi'ounly left the Hotel do Ville. Il it tiaird, howevor, thai ha waa taken at a late hour in the etening, and that he la air to. in taaaitkjli " . ORKAT IIRITAIN. The Heolutioiiofpram.o waa followed b) ill monatrationt of violence in aomo of l'1" manufacturing mwne of Hngland and ctlaaal. and througliom a large portion f Ireland. To;iiard agalnat inaurrectlon, lriUnlm RUwrll announced the deter. ""'' oio.rrnmcm, io un ua wnoio power to prraervc order, and lupprtea re beliion ; but a willingneaa to raanova all caux a of juat complaint, il00.0 nut kela have been dlatrjbuud among Ibe no bility and men of property, the Tower armed, and the Beak Jbrtlaed. A regular organisation of Chartist haa taken place In Scotland, and armaaaid to hate been ordered for iiarf member. K'harti.t meeting are 'held in every town of note in Hngland. The Kuropean Time aaya, "it iaaot pouible to conjecture how mallera may terminate, but our earnest hope la that the people may have prudence enough lo keep out of evil, and the niluiatry prudence' enough In concede all the reform the penplo demand, compatible with the on. m ard march of tho timea, and the aplrit of tho Uritlah couatitutlon." A gwat Chartist demonstration waa I....I... - .iriniu irJrmin. ''" .I" r " "7, Z.Z-f'"' Dowager, bad 100,000 a year common, on the 10th of April ( thlameet inn had been interdicted by tba govern ment, and proclamation leaned ferbbjeing the people lo attend. The meeting came oil at the time and plaee appou.teoand wa atlonded by 900,000 persona.' On the morning of the tame day, 100,000 coo. tables had been aworn Into offionby the police majlalratea, and sUllooed at dlfler. enl plaoct, lo aid the police and troops, if required. The meeting paaaed oar quietly. The following it from Ihe London Timet of March 80. "In all department oftrad aud com. nierce there it, we regret to say, at the llmo wow rite, much depreatlon. The po. Iltlcal convultion which are atill raging on the greater part of the European eonlU nent, together with the outbreak, although of a trifling character, in thla country, tend to create a want of conAdeaoe In Ihe publlomlndj added lo all thla la the dread, ful position ofibeoredll and oommeroe of France at ihe present moment, aa well aa that of other atate and kingdom through, out Europe. Suoh clreumstanoaa may well Induce all claaeee of tradereto eier. clae unuaual caution in their operation. In ibie country money la mora than abun. dant. 8(111. tho most akwmv feellns pro. tall amonir our merohanta and manurao. turera, and ihe nubllo fund, and atockaof lio greai puinio cunipim, nm nearTy len per cent.. In Ihe courw of the laatfourorV weeka-a aure Indlc.Uon tho great public companica, unvo isuen of tho atalo of inibllo feeling." Wn we no Indication of a union between tho Young Ireland and O'Connell panic of Ireland ; the former favor a resort lo force, the latter to an adherence lo Ihe principles bequeathed by taelrJalQjrfat ohlof both partlea, however, appear lo have taken freeh neat aad higher ground, demanding a Republic aa the only reeaedy for the crying avHtuader whMilaaeta Iry groans. On the ithof April, gaaiih O'Brien, M.P., etthe beejof fUaaal Deputation, preaentad a ceesyatulatary address to the Prench Oorernment, and. " Waatvrartt Mm Mtar ef Oregwi City, (Oregon Territory,), Thursday, 'Ocfober 26, SWWgBWWBgSBtBBHMMBBaag""g,'l"lggg3awgi ' - - I. .... LJJ - U-L 1- 7 qp OUCNMff Ha tVfflealaV aid frendaliUS. Tba Orangemen Beolety haa again eprung lalo aalatiaai, la anpaort of lha Proictteni mIJ. iUh.U. B....I ..i. .el T....T. . ,-w . ...... .v.. .. rallef bava bean paaaed by the Orltiih Parllaiaent. The fallowing le fronths London Timet, add rented to the Irlih "Bui you baa,baan wronged Ireland la aoMa Baalaad. You mint lo ceniurlo of erlma, ol fiaae, ofraligioue nenccutlon. You point lo tba oamaae of paet, and to the aMI$tion onh-preeenl tlnfo. We in part aaWrt your jrrlevance. You have auflered muob. Out do not confound men and Ihittat. Do not aiiriuuie io a ciatn i.i... i lha charaoter of an epoch wnat what wa bvllie or rellf Ireland, land. land, ages broken lo Ireland, Iheyaaw tho tame done to England. If the revolution of ID f leas' I avt etr.t oriiinl waa endured by Bngland. If Ireland t,lBar,7- wneroiney mci a-warm recep :,'' ,' ', '"" ,"" ' '' '" ' ' " ,."''' yZ Z. .V.." M imiNwi in irciauu, ' i'iik'-i . . ... . . . ... i ...,. , . , . , ... .1. ,1.. . i , I.,.. .1.. .... i. ......t iliU.. in vuuwimmv, KiiiHianii wamiwi uiiirsnu. " ' ......, ,.... ......v..,. .,i,.u ...... , . ... t ... t .. I I.. I . . .n i.t: .u. A.III. .... J I t 1...IX I III,.,. 7. II.- Il.l.n,. 1,,,,.. .,.,Vt.. IL I.... ""' " ..... v. ,..,.U-V.......V. -.., f, .. , ., II t I t . t. I ' O" I I" Is 'O ' I II I' I' '' ' O l I ir J l . JHljlvil ,111 IIIO U'I1IBW.UA. VeSm.,fWt?yM " Jlawrda Charlae Albert. , . , . ir , . ,r rn0 lwn- ,IrM, j ,he torn ir Biiaanciii inataaemi in Auria b ,nilln a ,,r0mlll,)n lo re. '" - ' ' '" ,''",,., M-rt rf ,ho pre,, wa, graaUd then , abe peraeouted and burnt in ling. , ,, . .' ' , , '"d d couf.iranon of t' .or . ,-, e .y 1 , .. .. IfCromwellwaaatavage in Iro. . "" """' "w u"'u-" wain .&M:rnViX&. hew...de.pollnIngl.ndiar,',orf,.,KT,:'c,,,.0l'',- M'moi, , ,,Vmd. ewn nsil ninernlttaVea aaw treaticu Violated, and nrbiniics' "' I""lic ilclil. Hewrol hatlle ha I " ' , , . ;, ,, - fl. l t l. Ji.. i ..i l;...l I . ... .....- wa a naiitan sore lo the peatantry of''' Kerry and Clare, think vou (hat it fretted not the Howard, the Petrc, the Moor. lonat Irishmen, We hato tliari-d with jou our greatness and our empire. Hither India is a open lo you at to in. The P.ngllth flag It your no lea than utiri. We have a community of glorioua recol. lection. Our Plunkettt, our Canning, and our Wcllealeya, nurtured on ) our toil their noble admiration of Hnglidi imtltn tiont, and Ibelr generou aapiratiou for Knglltli eminence, nut we navo a tirou '" . , ., 1 gerlle. and a more enduring aoclatlon - fe-rtS L" rK ',.n"J I lorted by the union of both morn than all beside, of a great and myalericu calam itv home by both, and allot inted by the elWtaofboth. Would llm Irish Parlia. rnenl have grant d Calhollo emancipation I Would Irish nationality hate repelled or aoothed the Iritb famine 1 Would separ ation from England protect the Irish pea. seat t Think on these things, and let your eympatUatr think on them too." The fallowing notice of ibe sentiment delivered at the greet Chartist meeting, I from the Home Newt. "Mr. ReyaeUt, the chairman, Inveighed again, ine newspaper, wnicn naa inianea Ihe Trafalgar meeting by calling It " rift", raff." and "mob." The people ihould retaliate, by eieludkie; anoh papers from tba raadiag-roomsand coflee-houae which ibey frenuant. He declaimed on the coon. omfo grievance of Government compa. red the cost or our yueen at jcjoo.ooo per annum, with thai or the American Presi dent at 8,000 ; ourgeneral executive at 1,000,000, with Ihe American at but 1CO,000. So 150,000 wa to be laid our at Pimlioo, because tho Qatcn's chil dren couldnct llvo for the lownettoftho palace room which were only fourteen net high. Then 'that foreign woman,' the leeimgn. i nen -inai loraign which beravmnathv with tbta country led her to spend at Maderia, or elsewhere, abroad : and Prince Albert took 13.000 or 14,000 a year, aa Pield Marshal, who could aearcely be tatu lo nave even pity rd at aoldlara. Mr. William, a Chartist of some influ enee, aaid If you wish to put down your leaaert, go ana emaen windows, ana i w hi not attend another meeting, not a long at I lira; bul If you will conduct yourselves well, aa long aa I havo breath in my body, humble as I am. lam at vour ten ice. Tho people mutt oraanite : il would cot litem dui a penny a week each Mr. Ernest Jone had jutt returned from ran, , the witness of a tpeolaclo such a -K. "-"":..", ""'"T.7 V."" '..''nonerallv Wcloriom. Sardinia ha, ..I.e.. fc. i-e. 1...1 i.i....i k(. .. iin.ciianeoiiitrcsoiuiic.il. uiiuitiimiMv .... . . . . J ... I llin blue dmuld b. el.shd Tn E.mlan.1 . nnlnlnl Inlhlt Irlnolnr. snil nooMlMl thai I ehahaed in Enulain for the Chartiet green. Ho denouncetl the police; and told hi audience, taunted with Ignorance by the great, lo learn their -.. .- - ..... ... n , loitera tram ine a, a, ;, u, 01 inai ioro. He announced the Intention to have a pro. cession of two hundred thousand Chartiti, topreeent, at lha Hi.'te of Commons, a patltion Ibrllr:rrlghU. The .Convention I i in a.' Hi 1 1 mil" a m ." FCIZ .K!" r.L a.'!lJ ! LAM tlV AIM!. mr., ' ," !i-..t.. u. T.u : i. i It in uviiiu tiuiic, tn .m moniiia, no inougm ra. mum huiii.ki ,.. ... 17... .- ih. wii. ..... Arti.A i.u' S..'ll. ik.7volv. .!; , . ...V .'-.v., ... ... j.-, w '"'1 - . yon, or the shop-keeping specials, x lo 1 turn palo al a crowd af three boy, dollb. crating over an orange. Down with the , . . '..I '. i,i I" ,i" .-.. IL.u., w'ob ibn cjat tag over w ge. V-n w th e , JJlnUUy d M Parliament, ito. found Aim AUSTRIA. On tho Ulh of March a revolution broke out in Vienna, In which nearly all of lis Inhabitant participated. The crowd pro. needed to Ibe villa of Prince Metternich, aid deetreyed II, aad afterward to tho OaaaoeHfy oTIe.8ute, headed by Mil dettta, with lha ory of The Conititutlon, Liberty of the Presi," Ax, mm. or ine tnoii-scsiiina anrcisis, mn'i,'- , . , ., . ..r.i....i .- e.n nl.iTl,. w.r nsuo.li llm last of I bulletin shall bn published ot tho great deatorui bun... '" I'"''"'""- ' of inSiLTned rt.o?fgM ofWr gUV Kncouragement th.U bo allorilcd v f ., .,., , ,. iM,H,,.irai for a TlMTy'rwo k and drolarcd Ll , the Hainan youth to an.,, and tn .pro- ,,,,. , mri man Jillii to Wt akaaM rr rt ,ed lo drii.. ifie barb. from l.U. j ( ,, h . ,., m Uwl SPECTATOR. mntrrmmtmA.tamjmt staaJre take lie war," awrltan A siom Wero ebiae, U-nil llm .',l,llr. booted and pelted. In ilia evening Prince Metlcrnicli resinned, and snccdilv (i VI.... m i-.i... ... ii . l , ,, organization Ufa National duard. On tho - .,... . .iu ,.w,,m .,, cmanucu inn iellowlngilay tho nrgnnizalion of National (Wrda wa conceded, mid proclaim' d, toffetbar with the liberty of the urcu. and . ji. .ii i I iiuwnuun ihwi iwncDipj i inni Ingoftlte Oenoral Kataiosof tho cnuntry, for tho 3Jtt July, or earlier If poiillilc Himilar revolutionary movcmcnie hio Inkrni. n'K.k.r ,ri n... ..r A.i.lr,. lombardy ha declarod hcrclf indcti-n i - ajcr). Iri)i0ii lo , outbrcakt in Aulrni been fought blvtien the Ailttnun and Italian troupi, in which the llaliaui ncre .. . - """ " 'W i. I" "mo m naiy naintl Auttrla. T'leHinperororAuilrianpppMeiorthc rnii.li.rt nfdmnl t!n,l. lVv. HniUmru. tho di termination to pro.cciite- thn "war ,,,, I tigorou,ly agalntt PrincoCliailct Allien, the h., and tho Grand D.iko of Tuca. ny. Th. following., from (he-Milan oT,. cial biillcdu of April 0. " " Peiclni ra hat iirrruderJu'-lu die Pi- clmonloo troopt, and tho cominilliicatioii n;i....i( ..iHiiii... uii'i . livii. ii u, u I 1Vnor of ,, ,,.,, ' "")" ! y'"'.l up (heir arm, and lietncen .Mantua anil crona It cut o'l nay a contribution of four million of li. trot. The Auttrian forces will finditnal illflliiilly in pinetating that iiart of Italy, at Pruill I, well Riiardcd. Theprotlnco cfRre-c't hatbven entirely ctacuatrd by i .. iilio had nent trooiu Into liaiv. uniK r Count innviinii" 'tt nniiw iimn ir ini I i ii t Mire u the Austrian. A battle look place tie. rutins!" i in the j- lonnribc II. r tween thoso trcop 'and tho PieilmontescMlichingi n faimlt, nml has Ucn iiinn .rial rear cuard. nearChlcte. Tho Auttrisnt ' I..,! ,v Co'the'. In de-crintion of h i lost 5J killed, and 000 prisoner,." ITALY. , A Republio wat proclaimed In Venice the 83d of March, and a revolutionary on pirn kciiii iu ,.iu..u ui, i.-... . ..M !.; ..-.! a. k I. ! IIhIm a a Al that llmo it wat expected that the minion residence of ihe llarnn, of I '.Urn h-hauv n. bf Naples, of Rome, of Tuscany, and , and the camle nl Aihtvalggerii. ihe resi Sardinia, would act in concert ogalnst . 4 of fount Niippcr. tm-in law of ...,. . . .. the hills of t iirtom'oir- hii- li-enru"! Au.tna. Mantua was in pot,eson of the , , , ,un . Tl , ,,:, ,. a, ,,,. Auttrians. 00,000 Autlnsn troop, re-(ia(, hern spare! t.u' n ov,nie.Us malnedat Verona, and Charlct Albert, tent i vi bl Th icwardof'hi-iast i King of Sardinia, w a ou hi, way togite iu quetlioi wen raii leliothiow th them bailie, with 70,000 troop. We ..i .....i:. ....t...:,,',... copy . -cond startling retolulio-iary motcment in Rome, from tho fcaudwich Island Newt of Aup. fll, " A revolutionary mot einent look place nlRonm on tho ltt of May. Piu X. hatiugu'Vembled tho Collego of Cardinals ami llcilbnn I nin n i urrcitmn i ata secret contiitory, thoro pronounced Ou the -'th if Mirch.ihe II iki-uf Sie an allocution that threw Rome into the ' Coburg Cothi publithed a proclamvien. greatest anxiety. He commenced by de-' in which he proum", h , su!ij. et, n in daring that, as acknowledged head of tho liition. and a' llishe, tin u iwirslup church, he Could not declaro war against The Imii.' "t Hat irnt has omiu I I.i her, iliren: thai llie illusion 01 l in llo. I herthlldrcn that the inltalon of tho Ro. I man troops wa lo protect Ihe Mate of the church, end that for them to hate m,sed ' .... .... . - - - - .. tl.rt P.. wnnl.l havn lyrn for lliem In 111. frinoo hla orders. Dcmonslration hatina taken place. Inconsequence of tills di. course, Ihe mlnlttry, en masse, tent in it, rmlenalion. tt hlch the Pono rofuted in ne. cept. Tho national guard wat posted nt the gates of tho city, and allowed no one ' in thocostumo of a priest to itiuo there. I ftf:;.- "jR'f..1:,,!:! I .1,. IIIU VIIIW ' IllU'l. .111 i.kbluiU upon uitini! tho Pono till tho 31)1 h lit i -. . .. ,1... tu.i.1n nu... I lipr.t nlo lull r.'W Invins "" l"l'" '" - ...." ' "!"'" '." ,.lo,,,t'- . ,.,', ," ' ',lw P" ... .r...i.... .. . I.. ill. p.. 1. emieu ii Austria in rcfutini: to declare waraculnt i!" .Protjsional (loternment Suuld been established, nml Piu, IX., strip- have bee U..I r hi iKinmirairileii. would hato le. inainrd only Hithop of Home. On tho '.'d of May Ihe Popo t lelded to tho pcrtuatloua of the patriot Mauriaui, , a . . . - , .. ., . - "'' ? T",, "' . one IL .lacfd i by 1,1m, Sl.url.nl. The ,,, , . . ,, Mln tternnosw,a lull icrotcr all tem .. . ,.,. -f wmi uiiwiii-, . win.. s i-.v .,.-... r. Mauriani. after haranguing the pen. K No r" l!u1''10 ado the lollowing ueciaraiiont. i. a. . i . T .Mil tini-m hiihii un uiiiniiiiini ,11 nil uut m r-naii vo Hiiinniiien i mi mo , pun 10 cmpioyuir ( ' cmpioyuir nt. ..;. . 1 ttar snail no, !1 P ii. IX. is I hi. ion, ,u,niini. 1. A ilailv nllic al I B---""""'-' ."". . . mongat other, the commander of tho fori of Aucona. Tho Austrian Mlnlter ha, been ordered lo withdraw from Uouie. llio Austrian gotcrnmcni.in cJ"'" wlih tho Jesuit, had concerted a cabal, in consequence of which all tho German nitliop menaced the Popo with a sohl.m. If ho declared war against Austria. The Cotittitutlonel publishes n letter from Rome, of the B8lii of April, which contain H'liie furlln r Interesting partn 'i 1848, lor. rrt.i,!,. ,. 1 1,-. I. o. .,.-..,.,., ,...!,. h,,i !" ' appen,, ' ' Marshal Itil'tsl) ':l!iir'i '" '"I""'.1"'"'.! 'iletlnrr-l war ollinalli iiiid Aui'rin nail ili'il wmi' li'iinaii tfiiiiV"r Hlio i 1 1. ,n, mitiir. ! imni.-r. unninl fa Hi i ... . . i: who uaiiini, h I,. I ,,ii,mul n rmvv populnr in It'mi' hii I . m I luiiuint; from ? '""" ".HI" ' "'""'" '' " ' - I-.. I ''"') "ii "" I' .s uriiu ii, hui Ii tl.'. i rii.iilirn of .tl." iniiiiiTm wl , i,r in.i.ii kii'iwn t llmu I'm U I n il.i fin l l ' .Hon iln iii'liyunti'ui ol .l.i "puiiiii'iii i . i.. 1)1. ininii ..n h n ' ." ' u l ir . I I . in l.mniu a. oi i iiioi p.uvj'i Mi u nan d ir mil lu!. 'i.'oil tf iif;, hi ,iiiba'-T " on h . M-roii, lint h u i. r.,riinali 1 pari ''11" ' ' " lllllti i sllip t. I nml Midn I b i ' i . . N i ae li.nl il' 'jr ,J him 1 1 li i tor ll . .'... l. . .....!.... ...I. " " "- - y ",,u "" ., "jl- ' '' ' " ' ' ,! "" ' ''"" ''" ' n.' which t. i (.' .i li ' re lia Ii II , .. . , ,...,.. , . "' n" ' 'UK0'-.' I "' ' ."! "" ,Jr"1' " ' " r '"' " '" ' '' ''''" '""" l ' ' ' tU t.innUlnjr amlilii-j f. ir pr.wnrr. ,.,. ' and nu .(art.) t ik. n h . hi 1 Men (r - i ' t'"1" "'"t'"1 'i'l ' "" " "' " " i " An the iii'irrretioii ua epeii I , rili .j. mts wir VI n ii nit v abound. IstilMunh -Tl fa.ili ol N'ci hr ' n ' i. In nj n two siguonal rt iibnce,oiil,i Prmci . f llohenloln .hato bun . unit i ih ruund Norll.aiiKrii, m tb J it, winch f .r ci ntu defence bv iron li,nd Jot7. !" then lieaUtU llie uisureein ieaaniii a"ainsi un imperial troops lu- bciijd-.trowd The 1""''" ' " nl, ,,M U'" r"'U I Tin rn1i . .... ... The casMi-of Wu i into it the taunt arcnitct ininiieiinm win in.tr owi. hand,; mil s one in u of r.'iieaiimi w ),,,,., , ., , , ,,. ..n.lnl . as il,..,!. i,ct, 0 the llohrnl Ii. ex an,i torior, tt. as ii.nu.itlt ilun;." Iiiitnu llm- mn mo'ior Twoth i-aml i i n Imt. ! . n "rd, rod. in ill Ir-' fr."n l.inlitis! urg renreten'aute iiur ti-n i.uin- ioi i rcprcen'aute tub- t..n uiiue Wi.t de.nand rctisioii' fi'. -onpnet, tt" t reprrsnjition of i! ' man " ,! - . . . . .. llie III lite Diet 'The IVtue aimnnnei ihat Outih I.ut rmbiirg Kn otal li-h I a r- publn Tin totini I,n' uibiirii r: shared in the inn n' n httti ti r ii t .ii b. :nu .it 'In nierrt oflli- fi "- , iiioiis'it ine tin.' w i In ' ' a- 11 r .n, cn ,,0 yMl , ,- y , ,, , ., f r r, fonn winch ond. I m .umu- aud was lilinu" "'ii ." at 1 uppree I bv ii N" liJ (' .. ,. 4.. .. ,.. .,i,s , , of th.- l.Vh c 'lit . ins i ft iC ' t liL'IJ un inr' " thui tn Pp. .1. p.. I V "' " un n.i ., . . .. ,. , . ",p rMn V"""1 ",, ' ' niidmte.vnsiat...i. u . t t coniuticli in vi Ii viis'n i had unit") I I r nn nig! uiruri. 1 lie mti lit i Ull.iiii, lli s li li i d i l.i a II in ' i in i s ii I t ' s in w 'b nl' Mir enerpt th.it tl - c Mi.ul'riti mis mat len I to an Li'in' r g ueiainn I l'ie l.irmuu Confeileriition , m lluit tb inriiian em niro. fuiilimtiiullt -in 'i I I v hlrui.tl "ii- irrttMiMiluiioiw mil nl lli. Mini, t.mo proti cti il i nn tin il i it: r- uiMiuni nml ninn It v mil it i n its tint I.I Lritllllt tlf "-- - ---. a1( , .,,., , liU1, , ,urip,.. 1 run Miiijeuuuii uiitriL' .11". 11 n ' -iirs i... .- . .1 .. , , , . , llininari.il iiiiinviii cam r hi un- ! lurni motuii nt nil i i en Il I, Willie on is red, black, mid gul I It had lnn ngried bt thelurman Siuli ,, lint n Nn .olui A.semblt fir all licninnt should .......... p,.,uklort.oii tin. lt of Mnv. The follow mg is from ll lln no New,. 'll'mr man I'lijojed u power more lhaii inipeiial, without llio rvuponsibilitie, to which Imperial thrones nro liable, thai man wa Mellernlih ; for fortv venr. lllllllll 1' L'llO'l In' llllod m IstlHl "i ii i'itiui n suin r. i' i 1 . JkJoO. No, 18, a Ainon llioHondera andomrntof thope. riol in which wiinow IIe, tho fill of Met- -icrmilii not I ho leit remarkable; ho who '.ivnicd tho council of emperor and l.iii', for th" full rirliuary duration of a 'tu'iniati'i til-, fall lififore a airtct dlitur !ance in Vietuii. Hit lime wa come. , II u. tl e main.ipring of n ivttem now I roli ii in piec. The crnlre piece, which I 1 1 i' ill' r (ho klngdomt of Hungary, til II ' mm, Mlh the tubiucated ttatea ol hah U-nriiih Ihe away of Amlrla, haa Ik.hu ii moM'l, nml a Ii carcely powiblo. ion '.il il ' irpribcnlon, that the whole. t filirn irwtiil liy and for the house of llapburg, ill f.i'l wlih Ii. It It enough,'1' houe'r her" to record the memorable ., fal if Mitt'ni'h who relaned orf the. , after Ihe attemblles oflhh ll '.'Tmair. i in nutate of ferment. nth" Jinh n.t the Congress of her ii r .-ii piw i ri wa, held at Dresden. The o' j"i t ol llm great meeting wat lo consider what in'erml rrform, could be granted, an i nh it tep, could bo taken to present ii inn' l iiTiinnj in cao of fore'gn In. tati ii IVn,a,altcrtardt, on Wednes. U - the :ioth, ibe Hlcdclburg dele. -11 ' " ",'-' nl .I'rnkfori,i ,,. c ' " . ' r,' f rn KiTreSiakJr. '"," fmwM not Ukcly to Induce , Uj w ,lfs, atlM, incoce,sion. In Cat. M , ,10 ,otlori wl0 tnlW with tho pco- pb, waa Mockaled in hit palace, and be- um',y Hie n ore oMinir. n '" i J in' i ih' cnrJcn, bul wat se'zeo uy a ,r,,v ,'u Ljmilh, a perfect revolution rnal.' , he led (ho I. lector lack into tod 'iri nl h' had cjiiittccl, locked the door( '""1 prodded lo demand acontlitulioii, il lb prince, tulh great spirit, itoodou' aga nt ihe ilti ,andt of hi adrcrtar-. ho Mriking i:n nit nammer iitm wuiu of marytetn ; tma,hcd it to piece in fl moment, and tl en adtanclng to tho prince. and putlmg hit fistin hit face, exclaimed. Vou shall, or tou do not leave tbie room!' The prince wa', instantly convinced, and tat 'lcctn ami wrote a prociamauon, in whiih he willingK accorded to his reo p'i lurt niiicst Iu Wu.iar. the people stayed not to pennon tlr at onco beseiged tho ducal I alace, and the du'c conceded all they a-V.1' I . ik i v) dm people, tthp refused to I . ar tl duk" addrcH them, but listened pauent't to eteral oftheir fellow rioters, uh ihat'ui made an entry into tho palace, ske i"iom il e w indowa to the delighted ir ml bdiw The people wcro retiring w ii. th fn. t, of their triumph, tthenun Injijilv n Unit ol" students from Jena, w h i in I ,uif I v"d tho battle from afar, en ci.ii'ti I diem, and turned them beck ii ii l'ie pilac J a quiet revolution would notsa'i.lv the students there must bo a row 'I'ltu ., the ministers,' was tho rv a h n they agiin, thut increnscd in I. no riaihcd tho duke, who wat forced ti ci.mplt ; and again pretenled, by tho personal intorlerence of tho students, Irom sp'-akiu,; or pl lining to the people. Nas. au ha a fnv press, and so has tho freo town ol l.til'tck Iletse, Darmstadt, and II 1 1. ii I ate each had their revolution. Al. 1 1 -mint adapt, the tri.color, nnd all wear the miional cockade. In Uavnria, .v rt man i at drill; tho pcoplo listen i t.r filillchtful expectancy, ready for units, willing either for peace or war. V li s .ubjects tie tilth Lola -Montez in tl i ir 1 te for I.ouit ; he It a perfect pop. ular monarch lnce he hat declared that ii I'iKire peace with Trance, irrcincctWe fihe form of hergotc""nent ; and at ihe same tune, that il she attempt aggraaslon n.'unst Cernnnt II w ill be Ids duty, and I. dint of Ins' people, to shed the last .li p of thui blood in defence of father Ian I m r.nn.v. in Uitmnart I'emonstralion took pin, . ii Stoi khelm, on the 17th of March, i. ' uiquel'td bt the militia. RUSSIA i irpor.'d death of the Hmpcior of Huss a pi ves to lime been an error. The i-'a .iI" '"" ' VB '" " . it . . . .. 1 . . i 1. t. ihrom ut tlio m..tKnl ririlniiake which tin. i tn iilr1 Kniltl oril Kli:OlC. Oh the .."- -- - - . , iif s,i.rti ,i mbabuant, ofCrneow ,., i ... ,.i ,, rnmiiilu-. II10 lvmncror .. i i . . ; ,K,ia, ,, inai. hailing and ariiung largo .nun s and lint lie had ordered .11 the iii-ile itihabiiiuitsof lVlund into tho interi or, l.ii'd us froiituis twth regular troops, issin d dailv proclamations, abounding In pr mum "'p. aie, and threat, of death and el, il i, mid, lb inclined to recognize the mdipiiidsiicc of Poland. Wo thall mo Mule he furnishes money to tho Dane,, on the north, to fight tho Onrmant, helmet, hi licet to the coast of Delta. r.ibin. SICILY. The 1'iirli.iinenl of Palermo lias publish. .d ill- f I1 Hiugd'i'ri'ej K 1 ' ii M ' T, ... tivt AmX