wtvjtf'Sfrw si?n purchased by the oomssaaatloa la be paid lor the transportation of the mall la thaw, ovor and above the pottage Motived. A Jut national pride, no let than our etunmorclaWntsrosti, would tm Io favor llio ix)lloy of augmtntlrg the number of Ihi. dc.orlptlan or vessel, They can he built In our country cheaper and In great, or niiinUn than any other In Ihe world. I refer you to the accompanying report il tho 1'o.tmstter.Gcneral for a detailed and satisfactory acoounl of the condition and oioratlon of ihtt department during thopaal year. It li gratifying Io find thai within io abort a period after Ihe reduction in Ihn rlo of postage, and nntwllhstand. Ing llio great InoreaMofmall aorvlue, tho mvi'iiun rooelvod for the year will bo auf. fiuit'iit In defray all thn expenses, and that no further aid will lm required from the trea.ury fir that purpose, 'I'lm Ilrat of tho American moll steam er, nuiliorjard hy tho act of Iho third nf Mirth, 1410, iv a completed and entered iijMu tlm nvrtli'u nu llio 1st nf June last, ami it now on her thlnl voyage lollremen mid mliur intermediate purl. Tliu let oil nitlinrlwil under the prnvi.lon. of that net 'im In rotimo of construction, and will If- put ii:i llio lino a toon ae completed, t'jutiait. linio alio born made lor tho ltiiiiliilntioii of llio mall, In a ateaiiMr from Cliailu.tou tu Havana. A rtuiprncsl and .atlafactory poetal ar. iaf 1 1 - it hi hacn made by the Poatniat Icr lii noral with the aulhorlllei of Urn. iiicn, mid no illtTicully la apprehended In in iKiug iinilar nrraiigrment with all nth. rr rmim with which wo may have com munication, by mall eteanicrt, r xcept with tin at llrilalu. On Ihi' anitalof the first of the Ameri can atraiiinrn, hound to llremen, at South, amnion, In ihu month of Juno loat, the llnlfali u office directed the collection of di.rriuiiualiiig nitiigr on all letter and Mlicr iiiiilablo nutter, which the tuok out t'i liretl llrilain, or which went into the llriiuli o.t. office on their way lu France mid niher part of Kurnpe. Tho effect of the nrdrr of tho llritiah pml-officr I to aul'ji cl nil letter and other matter train, ported by American steamer, to double n iilm-ci no iKJulaan bavins hern urcvl iinuily paid on llirm lolho United rlialo. ( nhiln'UiK-r lrar.purlnl in llrili.h ttrarn. ....' . .. . . .1 I "re..ii.rr1Io.a, uuinainuiepoaiago.; 'I Imi mrniiio wan ad".trd with llto avow. d ul.j' I nf protecting tho Uritiih lino of in ui M. .mi t now riinuiiiK betwnn llo. t mi mil l.irriool,auit if pi-imilled locoii tniii ii.imI ieidily put an nidtothatrana-I- -1 iti hi "fall Ictttra and other matter hy iii.-ti.-.in t'cunera, and givn to llntlali s'l-ain iii moiiiinly of tho buiinnat. A j. nt nni fjir reciprocity ii all that wo de. Mm, and on thi no mint imUt. Fly our I .rn n audi dicriiiiiiutioii la mado a. i:int Hriii-.li ftcanitrt bringing IctWmln. t ir irtt, but all letter arriving tn Ihe I 'tut' .I Htnti'i are aubject to ihn ,in rain of itRe, whether brought in Itiitlah or AiueriiMU wviolri. I refer you to the re. i.ut nf lit" I'oitinaater-General for a full nirnriit nf Iho faet of tho ce. and of i iv vrpi innon i'V mill io cjirnci ini mo- .,... ,..!.- .. Ill i I imliy. llo ha exerted all tho power n'crrcii upon nun ny mo cxiiung tan. I'li't Mmi-ter of tlm United Htatet at I bii baa briitighl the aubject to the at i ni ion nf the llritith goternmnt, and 1 i, on- i'iig.i(;ei in negotiation tor tho pur ioinfailjUVing reciprocal ptatal arrange i:i -ri'.x, which 'iU bo equally juit to both 'jiintrici. 8'uuld ho fall in concluding kurli nrrauainentt, an I ahould Great Drlt nui insnt on niT'ircing tho unequal and un jiMt niu.tiiir j hi Inn adopted, it will lie. un imccaiary to confer additional power on til.- roi'uiaVor-lincral, In oritrrto in- l:;,V'T.;,;;Zr,Ta tini- tb-mail between tho two countrlct; ml I rccouiinend thai audi power be i-'iiferrud. In view ofthooxiatingatatoof our coun try, I tnut ii may not lie inappropriate, In -lining llu. communication, to call to mind tlm uordinfuiulc n and admonition of tho firtt and mot JlluMriout of my predecn Dora, in liia farewell addret to hit coun trymen. 't'lml grcatoit and beilofmen,who aerv ed hit country to long, and loved It to much, fin-Mwwlih " acriout concern," llio dan. urr toour Union "nfcharaclerlalnj panic liy gi-oraphical discrimination Northern mid S.iuthern, Allanlio and Western ii l.i ucn deigning inon may endaavor to excite a bolicflhat llicrpj a real difference oi iscai inicrois anu views," no narncil liiHiiuuiitrymen agalnat it, S ) di ep ami kolcmn w an tils com Iction of llio iniiiortanco of tho Union, and of pro. M-rviug tho harinony between It different p.iiti.thut ho declared to hit counlrymon in that addret., "It, it of Infinite moment that j on ahoubl proporly ctlimatelho Immente aluo of your national union to your col. lecllio and Individual happlnea j thai you idi'Mitd cherl.h n cordial, habitual, and lm nnveablo nltaehinent to It; acouatnmlng yoiironlvcn In think and lo (peak of It, a a palladium nf your political aafetyand pro. i-rity ; watching lor ll preservation wllh jviilnut anxiety ; ditcounteuancing what ever may auggc.l oven a luapiolan that It unit in any ovcut bo abandonod : and Indig. mintly frowning upon tho 11 rat dawning of every attempt in alienate any portion ot our country from tho real, nr to enfbeblo the aacrml tioi which now link together tho va riout purls. After tho lapao nf half n century, thcao admonition, ot Washington fall upon ua with nil Iho furoo of truth. It I difficult to catlnuto llio Mminenao valuo" of our glnrlnm union of oonfuderatxd atatea, to whloh wo aro to much indebted for our growth In (wpulatlou and wealth, and for ull that couttilutea u a groat and happy nation. How unimportant aro all ourdif. fnrencra of opinion upon minor question of publlo policy, compared with It preser vation : and how acrupuloualy should we avoid all agitating topic whloh may tend io distract and divide v$ Into contending parti, separated by g.ographloal line whereby It may be weai neii or endan gered. Invoking the hlrislng of ilia Almighty Ruler of ih Uniform un , lunlnlllxif. lions, ll will be my hltirnt duty, no na thin my tlncer pleasure, In ii.opcratn with you In all moaaure. whloh may lend Io promote the donor mid enduring wtl faro of our common country. J A MICH K. I'OI.K. Washington, Urn., 1H47. THE SPECTATOR, ! I. WAIT, IIITi W. r. IIUWOH, ramtta. OrrgoM City. June. 119, 1MI9. Very Into Newt From Ih United Slalei, Mexico, nnd I'.u. rope John Q. Adomi, dtad Own- lion of hattlllllti teliercn the V. S. nnd Mexico, 4C- 4C. Wo have Intelligence from tho II. 8. via. Macallan and thoSamlwhlch l.tands, brought by Ihe "Cowlii.," an Int'- at tho nth of March, and from ihn city of Mexi co a late at the 30th of March. Wo have bceu unnhlu to find any Inti mation of action, by Cungrc., relating to Oregon. In accordance with an art of Congreat, at ItaUat tciiii, tho ICxicu tlvo ha contracted for tho building of 8 Mall Steamers; five to run 1h-ihim.ii New York, and Chagrea, la. Ilataua, and .1 between Panama and Oregon. Iluw near being completed, those ttcamora arc, w are wholly unable lo learn A treaty of peaeo had boen tlgued on tho part of Met . ... . .. . ...... icn, winch wa be Tore Ilia rnitcu Htatc. Senate, and It wa. thought it would bo ac . ,. . In0lilficM0n. I Commissioner Trl.t remained in Mexico allor iming recaileii, ami il la aam, i ucn. neon wat tnr negonaioroi u.o irra. ty, and that Mr. TrUt merely acted at amanuentl. llio boundary lino nrniio aed by the treaty, ai atattd by a Wasbing. ton letter writer, la to commence in the Uulf of Mexico, threo league from laud; to run up the inlddlo of tho llio (Srando to lis Intersection with tlm aouthcrn boun dary of New Mexico; ihcnco north until it Interact the firat branch of the Gila; thence down the middle of that branch of the river to Colorado; thence following Ihe dividing line between Tpprr and Low- j r'- talirornin lo tho rcilic, w liicli it atnKea ... r . .- : i one league aouth of San Diejjo. Ho-tllitle between tho U. S. and Mexi co had been provisionally autpended. Congreat had authorised a loan of 9 ID,. 000,000 to carry on tho war, If nccctary. Santa Anna, 'though bating applied tout? limn tlnce for a paport, .till remained in Mexico oppotedto peace, and is amtainrd by I'aredea.and many of the journal.. The trial of Lieut. Col. rrcmont, bad concluded : the Court Maitinl found him r I "mco 4" "u"" approieiiiiicaen. . ence, um rcnimca me puiiinmcni. uoi. Fremont had tent in hit retaliation. , tnrlli. ICx-rretident John Qui ley Adami, died j -rho revolutionary Mrugclo of our an atWathlngton, onlIieaadi.riVbruary,atlrM,OMi ttM clmcly fo0Wr, ty roolu (he advanoed age of more limn four.icoro ' ,!otlll n M(.xcn and South America ; but '" ' while ourt ban rcaullcd in liability, aecu. .Tho Demooratlo Convention wat held ritV( n)( uparalleled prosperity, those of on inoatn oi wren, at uarri.uurgu, aim tno wmg invention to oe nei.i (.nine "nj oi ino prcteni monin. ino lion, jomn nuohanan wat a prominent candidate for nonilnalion, and It wat thought that he' . . . . .I""'' would bo nominated, for I'resiUent, by the Democratic parly. Tho nomination, by iho Whig parly, It laid tollebclwren Una. Henry Clay and Gen. Taylor. No ona la mentioned lor Ihe Vlco Presidency in iho now recriied, by cither party. The Convention for the ceatalion of hot. lillllle may bo abrogated by toven iloy nollco from either parly, and i signed by Major Gen. Worth, who aeemato liaie horn honored with tho chief commtnd in Mexico. It appear that (Ion. Scott pro. furred charge again! General WnMh and Piltnw, and Col. Duncan, and request ed Ihn Kxecullvo to appoint a court of In. qulry, In iho city nf Mexico, to inquire in tu Ihe charge lliua preferred. Charge wero preferred at the amo tlmo by Gen Worlb strains! Gun. Scott. Tho court of Inquiry wnt citabllahed, and Gen. Hcntt auinmoncd lo appoar beforo ll and unvvor thaoharirca preferred hy Gen. Worth Gem World, ll 1 said, having been pro. vioualy acquitted by tho Executive. TJie acoount of ihi mattor la ery Indefinite, but It I ald that Gen. Worth declined preaiing hi complaint agalntt Gen. Scott, upon the ground, that junple jualloe had been done him (Worth) by tho Executive In England they were taking tho mol active measure to fortify Ihe whole coast; militia foroe of 190,009 nw, mI M Incrrateof 13,000 men to the regular ar my luul been ordered. More men were employed at Woolwich preparing cannon fur iho guardahlp and coaat batteries, than during the heat of tho war In IBM. Money waaahundant, llio new Mlnlatry In France, with M, Gulxot at It head 1 very strong; Hnrtero ha relumeJ to Spain, from exile, and waa rutliualsatlcally, received, by the people of all olaaae. In Hwitzerland, the dlot had put down the Hondcrbtind hy military forre. Tho difference between Auatrla and Homo aro anld to havo been acttlod. Our nuticoof now In the prcacnt num ber I abort from neceailty; wathall'glv Iho new at length In our ntxl. iimm How. ly a communication reoefved from Col. Ir,Hupt. I. A. we learn, that one of Ihe murderer ha boen taken and hung by Hirpent Jaune, and that he.Sorpent Jaune and men, were In puraull of another Indian by tho name of Tboma, who murdered Iho American at the mlsilon mill. Wc are aorry that thia cmnmunlcation, partic ularly, cannot appear In llio pretcnt pa nr. Hufliciont matter had been tct up, beforo the arrival- of.jho meagj or the aeveral cmnmunlcationton hand, for near ly ono halfofiho paper much of which ia laid aaido to make room lor the met. !Ugf, and tho balance of which would have gitcn place to the communication, If lime had permitted. Under uch circumttan ce wo hope In be excited. "Ulwrloat IV.artk." The 7:ii annlvcrf.ry of tho inde cndcncc of tho I'nlicd Stale, I junt at band. Arrar.sementt aro made, and be. itlg mad,,, to celebrate the day In thlt city and cltcwhero In thlt territory. Thlt it right) and wo trutt that the celebration will bo conducted in a manner worthy of tho citizen, of Oregon, and of trie vatt .tfraa.tnn wlilrti 1I11.V tyinimpmoraf ft It ia tno annUcrtary of tho birth-day of pollll. pa, am, rcgm yny n Armrlca. j 0n tho 4th of July, 1770, upon the bare of the Atlantic, It wat proclaimi-l that ''thcao United Colonic are, and of rlqht ought to be, free ami Independent State ;" that day it about to bo commem orated on the adore of tho Pacific, by the ton and daughters of tho worthy citi- Izen of the "United Colonic," and the gnoJ citxen0rOngon generally let tho j cp.nmcmorailor. bow an appreciation nf ,,, pr,icpic, lnj practice of wholeeome lirty, and new and living reaolve, to M.rpf,uil,c ,,0 frecdom then procUlmcd to uiil-nrii millions. On Iho Ith of July, 1770, bright light sprung up in North America, which ha expanded and tnarcd, until it lia attract, eil tho gaze and admiration of the citizen of the old world! On that day wa plant j n Oo lig, which ha grown into a ,,,, bram, cpndjng far orlh u,l tomh, and from ocean looceoii; wlwe Bll),(. fMaK yMlU ,ttlfrt .,,., Bnj ,i.... mi mm nun ..r t.. ...... donorc,orydowP,roJ. , ,cll but tirtuout ton and daughter of cv- , ... a)j B j naI0I) . ,10 facp 0r ,10 ,,, Kikrr republic hate fulled lo tecure corie.ponding .lability, security, and pros iierilv. W hv 1 thi.f It is. to a creat ex- ,., XCnU0 0f ,il0 ac), 0f ,irtuo nd cncral tducallon amonn their citizen: ,iercfore.if vou would In therefore, if you would trantmit llic .acred principle, of civil nnd rellgiout liberty to your children and your children.' chil dren or, if you would reap from ihcte . ha heaven. born principles, a rich hart eat of btcftalnga to youraelvci, cultivate and di acminalo education and Irluo Icteduca. lion and virtue become a tho air which wo breathe, an auxiliary to every emotion In all grade aud condition, in tocicty, and tho Untied State ahall stand firm, proud, and glorlou, when Iho great nation of tho old world ahall bo remembered only in history. It it not Inappropriate hero to mggeit, and ll I a matter of iwcet remembrance tn American diluent, that the only algner oft tho Declaration of Independence, who linlvc been elevated lo tho Preaidency, died on) tho -lib of July I Thorn JciToraon and John Adam wore tho only two ilgner of tiro Declaration of Independence, who havo Ixteii elevated to tho pretldeiitial chair. Tbeao men becamo Ihe acknowledged lead, or of llio two groat political parties; each jiouoMcd tho entire oonfidenco of hi par ty ; each waa conspicuously actlvo in Iho revolution : eaob lived to witnea the in- caiimablc blessings of tho revolution, and each psated from lime into eternity on tho anniversary of their nalion's birth-day. rres, on Ihe 1th of July, on the tame day, U' the .Mm kour of Um slay, In aam brstrtb from beavert loaaatt ttw tokont which botwd tbew rnaa lo ertb, and the amlltng heaven opened ldo their galea; and welcomed tho aplrlta of .beta great apotlloiof liberty, to clow lb celebration bl that great day where day never end. OCrArob. MuKlalay, Esq. wilt please ocept ottr tbailui (k'Um lotuiof hi copy of the Meeaast). -. 04T W have raoelvatl aeveral osMmuaJ cMrvM, the publloailen of whloh are, from tb great length of the Message, neceasa. rlly delayed. D(tii ar DaowrriNo. Rer. Tboma McDrlde waa drowned In the Willamette river on Friday evening of lait week whllo attempting to croes from Linn Cily to this City. One f ItraaMI Motif. Kendall of llui Picayune, who baa re cenily joined the Texaa Rangers, wrltea the following "good one" from Mataroo rt, July 13th, 1940. IUca nags may be found among tlie Texas Volunteers, yet the funniest fellow of all It a. happy-go-lucky chap named Dili Dean, of Chevallier's spy company, Whilo atCorpusChrl1l,a lot of u were. , titling ostf Jn the stoop ofthe Kinney House early one morning, when along came Dill Dean. He did not know a single oul In the crowd, although he knew we were all bound for tba Rio Grande; yet the fact that the regular formalize of an Intro duction md not been gone through with, did not prevent hi atoppins abort in hi walk and accoMlng u. Ill ipeerh, or harrangue, or whalover It may be term ed, will love much in thir telling, yet I will endeavor to pu it upon paper In as good shsne as poatible. "Oh, yes," said he, with a knowing leer of the eye, "oh yes, all goln' down among the robber on the llio Grande, are you f Pine time roo'tt. have, over the left. I'vo been there, my. ell, and done what a good many of yon w ont do I coma back. Lived eight daya on one poor hawk and three blackberries couldn't kill a nralrie rat on the whole route to save u from tlarvatlun. The ninth day come, and wo ttruck a tmtll atrcak of good luck a hone gave out and brolto down, plumb out in the centre or an open prairie not a nick in tight lug enough to tickle a raltletnake, witn, let alone killing him. Juit had time to aavo the critter by thootln' him, and that wa all, for in threo minute longer he'd havo died a natural death. It didn't take ut long to butcher him, nor Jong to cut offi tonn chunka or meat and mick em on our ramrod; but the cooking wa anoth er matter. I piled up a neap or prairie grata, for it waa high aud dry, and sot it on fire, but it Rallied up tike powder, and went aa quick But " "But," put in one of hi hearer, "but how did you cook your hone meat after mat i" AVhy, the fire caught the high grata dote by,, and the wind carried the flame trrakln at-ros tho prairie. I lol lowed up Iho fire, holding my chunk of meatdi. rcctlv over the hotlett part of tho blaze, and the way wo went it wa a caution to anything abort of a locomotlvo'adoln'. Unco in a wniie .a lime nurry oi wina would come along, and tho fire would get a few yard tho ttart; but I'd bruvh upon her, lap her with my chunk, and then we'd havo It again, uip and tuck. You never' toed such a tight race it wa beautiful." " Vcrv.'we'vc no doubt." ejaculated one of the littenert, Interrupting the mad v-ug jutt in tcaton to cic him a little breath: "but did you cook your meat in the end I" not bad I uiun'i. i cnatta tne nro a nnd a hall, the mlghtlctl hardeti race you ever heer'd ttll on, and never gave it up until I run her right plumb into a wet niarah ; there the fire and chunk of horse tn?il rami nnf Hin Hf-Sll ht. MM. 'mImII.. Iim m..l ' liut waan't ll cooked I" put in anoth er of the listener. "Cooked ! no! juit crutted over a little. You don't cook broken down horse flesh vf ry entity no howtut when ll come to'chatln' up a prairie fire with a chunk of it, I don I know which it toughest, the meat or the job. You'd have laughed to ltt wMiiHir Ia 1-avM iMn mm tn that rma to tee tho fire leave mo at time, and atiavH Ia aaai mn tit-t i.kf n lift An KP mtwaln !'. .WM.WI.. . ." -. v. a...' ... . .wwv then to tee mo bruthin' up on her again, humpin and movin myteii at tnougn t wnt runnin' agin tome of iIkho big ten milo an hour Gildertleevr in the old State. But I'm a goln' over toJaok Haines' logeta cocktail and some break, fast I'll aeeyou all down among the rob bers on the RioGrsndo.' Excumum.. Whllo a regiment of vol. unteors wero marching through Camar. go, a Captain (a strict disciplinarian,) ob. acrvlns ihal ono of Ihe drumt did not beat, ordered a Lieutenant to Inquire the reason. The fellow on being interrogated, whisper. rilotne l.tcutentnt, "I navo two Quote nu a lurkoy launy urum, ana ine turxey for tho captain." Thla being whisper- lain, ho exclaimed, "vny r.ton ho waa lamer I nor want men to do their duty wnen -j f . . ejarVnotible." "Darn 'omj!" aaid Jonathan, ii a reoent tklrmlth with the Mexlcant, "They're thootln' bullelt," aa he sorrowfully gated at a hole in hla hat. Evidixci or Chasactx. A womsn brousht before the Boeton young Police lately, alledved in dtfence of her retnecta bllily, that aha waa aquafnted with "all the lawyer in New York." She waa In. ttantly committed for tlx months, TtoaWke MaaM&aMatfMmBBBVaal ,aa7. rmsF eWassssBtjBB.fssj HHWsaafl Vlralata. larMain f W twW fapav anP Vla-s,T taavai t OOOWlirVMM HUM ffM ally ok nr tmitLtmL'tmi 11 m 1nm GlfOUflMlMeSM OMNIfftali VMN'MVI w IN aaamsjtstssjB r ? - ! aiaatlati J ( . But k waa te trfraja lUb las akarlM, 80 simple, uait.tottm.': yfmmmfit an iw a sjbbm ajjawsai maa ; m was) wasv Iv dltbiliraatttl. mi kaaw haw ' aMrl , MB ftf Milt. M-MJBffi m Vjm UiMtlkfl itai OTn ww ajf"" WW.. 'VJttat apm. ". tanoee. In an aril kour ke waa twaylad, aelkaf upon fal notion of koaor. to peril fchHa and tbe lift of aaetkeir. Hi HgaajlM fell. Fromlkat koarfce waa aa altawal man; be knew noaeaoe; a4 UtWMB tbe bitter thought that k waaa tWaraVrer, be sullied bis soul still steeper hi arlma Iry drinking to esoaea.' And La early Ikkfce waa tsken from ue, a aVkaeasJ ai arf- bllahted man. Yet how like kirn waa Ike last Ml ef lib life! Tblellltk) ira wtjvi tf t w ifjaragfatb below, ineeru issBB) ejjUasaaBlaB mmmg faaakal ra wiwwj wnww7a ( ed In. MWseMf alanoeil at bv ike Madefy tmattlr wliksnt thought, tells, at aoe,tk re Kited ekle (ateritloo, and hla owa eetlmellee) aftlM deptbor hi crime. "Ueorm C. DtootBcooia, In ki wlH, gave all fie property to Ike eUldran of Ike wdivldual who fall by Me kd i 1mI.m ltrufcllentocrlet.kie.yawksiw thought duelinit no tin, If we eeM be aid to have thotwht about hat all, to at witn many, to Know na aeae, wa bjm killed their men. Wa aarer katrtr ' aw wbo lived io peaee after tke aatiraer'w know only two who survive, and tkay ! aois. Tbe first time wo ware oalled wpee) ! witnee a duel, waa at Augusta, ueorgta, ".mrm.lm mm:. at fttJB,' w-).-,v-.,.. ii! taafttaataal sjsMam. aiautat in 1838. Wa were joat entering "-Istjarr opera baaaa; hood. TltsMrtiea wara from Mr MUTutMaMsattt. nasi oiaie. vraaaewinem Bowweu. xner .. . t . ..! .. were stationed at IkeJr plaoealaatl at tke word nr. tke elder of Iks twos a maa of i promise and place, Ml Vtad.'W saw him, taw hi brotker who gases) wikity ia to hi pale face. Just now so full of life, saw friends as they hurriedly took up kle body, and bora him uo ward to Me kerne. And we saw afterwards tbe gray-Mired father aa be beat over that body, kot tsar fallina? down bis cheeks, fall aa oaf) (track with palsy, for his prop, tha boy of kle bops, was taken away, and there waa no longer, happiness tor him on sank I nut tne survivor! nuiiais reianta brought ue togetben wa wero Ms attorney: and we had to sse kirn at kk heme, and our bouse. In company, wa aaw ao chance in biro: be waa light hearted aad almost frollcsjome la bfi gayety. Ha never spoke of tho murder I by aa aaat. tercd but well ua ill mood enaiaait. (aatl bow terribly did tkk Vtaari3pWttejf) noaeerer rstWraiss k. attrt.aaa wa learned that ba never slspt wittattta Ha in hi room. Boon after wa feoad vn be waa fast becoming a draakard, ami scarce three years bad aaatai siaoe tba duel era be waa atrickaa dowa ia early manhood, and laid aear hb utagoalat ia tbe earth. But bis death I wa wen preaeat at k, and never may wa witness sueh another! That aubject so long kept sealed op by himself so long untouched by family or friend the murder of hissobool ootnpan. ion and neighbor, waa at last broken by himself. "I could not help It," mid ke,as hi eye glared upon ue, and bl breathing became painful from ita qulek aad audi, ble action. Wa knew to -what he refer red; and endeavored to direct his thoughts into other channels. In vain. "1 could not help it ; I waa forced into it could I help it t" And all tbia was, in dueling tento true. He had every excuse a man could have to fight ; but when so assured, he exclaimed wildly, "It will not do I murdered him I tee him now I have seen; him as he lay dead on tha field, aver ince I slew him. My God I My God I" And muttering these, and like sentences, with a shriek, such as I never heard mor tal utter, he died ! Another instance. A young Sooteh man came to Charleston, S. C.and settled there. He gavo offence to a noted duelbjc, and was challenged; fought, and killed him. He removed afterward lo New Orleans ; was engaged In successful bu sineas. and waa regarded the merriest fel- low about. His intimate friends thought the murder bad made no impression upon him; not one of his relatives believed be cared aovthing about it. In 1634 or '9S he waa engaged in large cotton apeculatlon. News of a rise in prico reached New Oileant aeon after he had ahipped a large number of bale to New York. If he cofld sell or mak some nartloular arrangement, ke ooul rangsmen ne couia,, ,,n, Mm,tfmmm But it was nosssfuw tat l1attliatt.aadt) ! Hejumpedonboaid vaittVejsMietMiwiMaaff onl.oUiArAlah.ma. . SJtaaMW. JatMf a4 .Passji. reaute a fortune, to m to Xew York a ateamer. went to Montoomery, Alabama, and pushed rapidly on by land for Wash. ingtonCity. Over exoiiement brought on lever, and ne waa oongea io eiop in ine in. teriorof South Carolina. Full tilteen year or more bad elapsed since he had killed hla man. For the first time, he lay on a bed of alokneea. Ha had fever and delirium with it. And la that delirium, with terrible anguish aad manlao fury, he spoke of hU deed of death! ii maae inoeeoi ua wno neara mm saua. der, we lUtenedt Was Ua Uugkter. all along, forced I Had bla reerrimaat been lip-deep of the Intellect, aad act of tke heart I He crew better, aad kWtpkyai. clan thought him oonvalesosat. New aad then he would start In hie aleep, asolaim, "Take him off me, don't tie bis dead body to met" but the fever had abated, aad w all thounht ba would eooa ba well. Ba did grow better, but watoklag kit eppar. tunny, na west ta a oaeei or rawer, aa if for some clothing, stsakkUy teak naai Haraaor and drew it rapidly aareaiki MswTii mi Ms.tr irJ',' ike Ma Dkealieertbe groand of rka T l Tkatala-twtte a, aap Tasasj ej. efsJfBsMaatl ksiBtWt'aasf awmttalpi smatiittoaei CMkeV?lTlaf't atamm'MaWMtttJiw atsaie, aai'kla mm Vj4VlBBl 1. JBamlBBBBBlatBBl i.isialtaaaamaa toinjiilmikytfca auiMuiafia iiin,Mhi I ' ' -" " ' "1 aftkaelfyt. feny-ire Pawa, i ad i. htalaUatjthMfl aWtwsJ WftrWIStPj al faP aaadt. Tke eky efat efltWretk.kMtial rUTMiATwae fai timiaaaaaVtatM4 tesassi aatkv aWWnsml tasM W M 9sMMaaM9fl tv R 9 Seme Maa afhaea freat Ike faat tkaf k ia aw i Maaamtiee. atsyj TnVnmumtmx Oea.WaMaa.MpPl tm-W, WtkN alattarsat,ayl C. iijT.fV jMaiasBL rj mJkmSimi "Aabiiatali.aWtai Mtil Ma flaMMM of tka art aaianjmP4 gHMkMetaatltl 1yeilsdat.fcrOrfai "ApriaMrirTi assaJ tal MtHMasrs." "A' I tka Oermaa, reieMag.it, "Aaaaavotfcriatapeeaa, any I .ctmeoaiaaa oC ; Cbon", puftd p a jmt I air, valk In. Bally. MttaW teat A oruKer, neyi I a'dallor." Patwtw. eky peat taa i out the Niavtaa? eleaeat eaaew rstura and rkyaaat V OI ssw'IsiBVsMstMto ;V1 r Tsatls laiiji ii , Ti. , TaakrviaSthtsal MAMsAD-Js ash W. J AAVtlBW Btltltuai taaii ABAH EUXAJnmi fALI 0.rawKftkttty. msmaasaeaasBaaaf. Tift isagets tsattsd WMMUm earl ft? I fcjrtttt laatSasitsJhtrj datnessa tht ir east,! ! Bail cfiak. Mmtn Tmmm.mmm taak twilstm. Wt thtfc latje t lake ap aw aswef as salbaWh wat. is Ma la iiiiay,wa1at1a. thns ana tJass. hii. at laei TWLIX MOTT. JaaJ.lMsVltll ' laaV AlXstassathtiaHtlibmntaSSl r ftsst at eMaa. l fctaaBj. aaaaaVttttatA BkaBBtBtBtBatalaaBSBeA. afaatja MH M Hi WtWH lejWtatsaajm m S wm w aaw iay wtts waa - i Tb Ma tlrtady tsigsd waaatV lafd aad ladslaMt, (attt tf lkm'mMl dais 0 , as aa agtal $ y A, (VUttiMC TTTT i a-u T i i i !" PsTHlaatl - ----- BaWtorLILllaai,aad kun partast u that esastta.. i i ia IsanatVl tsaaWflsMrl inalag. , .Wiiriiinia Mat MM iw a. .a , -lt , taaasXar ''VL'sma ai taa saeas laanii.j MkWMfMai MMeaatati Sa.. ?: - iZ2Znmmi halkawaalS ;H iff 4. "v""