4i n mr ij,r.isjrt j a .sJa' .viir.l.JVV.in 'm ft uri.,, in '' iy va$.Aw:. 5lK7Wf " ssv .!', ii z 22 SB. --. rj. .:.. "Wmlwanl (be Mar l tapir Uka H way," II -. . ssssBaBsssasaii mm; jHiik; aanv imi M.taMkaMWBM KiaHMwii A' Hrifr',Mkr''MMMks' n im if ij v uu i y r iiiii W r IJiJl II fl k II .' ' Jm J ml m. Ifil -nav MSBVfctt sraSBBBBBIBBSlBBi ss- "1 'fcs' " ' - ."'twwL!. BBL BS- BBBI SBMJ BBSS BSSI BBwPSS B. Br .BB W SSBS- SBBBw bLi BahM iia SBBBBh SBBBBSBBI SSBSBBSS, .-.BBS. ISSSfSSSS, -WBn '' '' ..- mm twj a ifni r SS WW' HM li.C.-'W- Vol, 3, TW" ! MBHW-H The President's Message. ' 1'ltM.nW ClTltlKI or Till HlltITI AND or TDK HoUSI Or KKrRMKNTATIVMI The annual moling of Congress if al. way an Interesting event. The ropre. sentallvrs of the alales anil of thn people oomo fresh from their constituents to takn counsel tnorlher for the common unod. After an tUlenca of near three fourths nf a century aa a free and Ir dependent repub I jo the problem no longer remains In bo solved, whether man licapablnofwslf.gov. rrnintnt. The success of our admirabl-i system la a conclusive refutation of th theories of tlirwso In other count rice who maintain that "a favored few" are bom to rule ; and that I bo tnau of mankind muat lie governed by force. Hubjecl to no arbi trary or hereditary authority, the people are thn only sovereigns rcognlsed by our constitution, numerous emigrantaoi cv fry lineage and language, attracted by lb civil and religious freedom we enjoy, and by our happy rendition, annually crowd to our aliorea, and Iranafer their heart, not leaa than thrlr allegiance, to the country whoie domliiloii belong alone to the peo plo. No country has hern an much favored, or ahould acknowledge with deeper revor rnoe the manifestations' of the Divine pro. taotlon. An all.wlao Crrator directed and guarded us In our infant strugglo for freedom, awl hat constantly watched over our surprising progress, until we have be. come one of the groat nations of the earth. It la In a country thus favored, and under government in whloh the rxocutive and legislative branches hold theiraulhority fur limited nerlods. alike from the people, and where all are responsible to their respec. I tivu constituencies, that it it again my du ty to communicate w ith Congress upon tin' alate of the Union, and the preaent condl. tlmi of publln elfalrs. During the past year the moat gratifying pnif am presented that our country haa ' heen Weaseil Willi a wiuo pres'i ana iiiii. versal proiperity. There has lieen nope, riod ainco the government wss founded when all tho industrial puraiiilaofour co. I ile have been more successful, or when abour in all branches of business haa re. i eivrd a fairer or better reward. From our abundanun wo have been enabled to perform the pleasing duty nf furnishing food for the starving millions of Iras favor. cd countries. In the enjoyment of tlto bounties of pmy. idrnco at Iwme, such as havo rarely fall, i n to tlm lot of any people, It la caiiso of iiingralolation, that our iiitercoursn with ull tlm powers of tho earth, except Mexico, contiiiiiea to be of an amicable character. It has ever been our cherished policy to I'uUivate iearu anil good will with nil natimn ; and this x,licy has been steadily punuodby me. No chaiiRC lias taken placo In our rela. tinn. with Mexico since the adjournment of tho last Congrena. Tho war in which the I'nlted States wrro fori-ed to engage with the government ofthut country sit tit rontlnuea. I deem it unnecessary, after tho full ex. position of them contained in my message of thn 1 1th of May, IHJo.and in my annu. al message at thn commencement of the session of Congress in December last, to reiterate the serious causes of complaint we hail againat Mexico before alio com infilled hostilities. It is sufficient, on the present occasion, to say that the wanton violation of the righta of person and properly of our cill. reus committed by Mexico, her repeated acta of bad faith, through a long series of yrara, and her disregard of solemn treaties, Hr'.,iulating indemnity- to our injured citi zens, not only constituted aruole causo of war on our part, but were or audi an ag. graveled character aa would havn juilili. ed us before the whole world In resorting to thia extreme remedy. With an anxious ilealrn to avoid a rupture between tho two roiintrica, we forbore for years to assert our clear rights by force, and continued to seok redress for the wrongs we had sudor. rd by amlcablo negotiation, In the hope that Mexico might yield topaclfio councils and tho demands of justice. In this hops we worn disappointed. Our minister of peace sent to Mexico was Insultingly rejected. The Mexican government refused even to hear the terms of adjustment which ha waa nulhorUed to nrnnose ( and Anally, under wholly unjustifiable pretexts, involved the two countries in war by luvadlng thetsrrl. lory of tho stale of Texas, striking Ilia first blow, and shedding the blood of our citizens on our own soil. Though tha United States were the ag. grieved nation, Mexloo commenced the war, and wa were compelled, in self-do. fence, to repel the Invadar, and to vindicate the national honor and interests by prosecu. ling It with vigor until we could obtain a just and honorable peace. On learning that boslllitlea had been commenced by Mexico, I promptly com. inunlcatr d that fact, with a aucclnot state, ment of our other cause of oomplaint against Mexico, to Congress ; and that be dy, by the act of tha lath of May, 1840, declared (hat "by the act of tho republlo of Mexloo, a stato of war exist between that government and tho United Statos," this act declaring 'Mho war to exist by the act orthe republlo of Mexloo," 4c making provision lor Its proawutlon "to a spatdy and successful larmlnstlon," was pssssd .'IJ1U I " LJ-'E-Kl?1 '.m ' i.1.1 with great unanimity by Congress, thorn being but two negative intra in tnc senaic, and but fourteen in Iho llouao of Itepre. scnlstlvts, The existence of thn war having tints been declared by Congreaa, It becanin my duty, under tlm uiiutlltitloii and thn laws, to conduct and prosecute it, Thia duty lias been performed and though, at every ataire of Its progress, I hsvn manifested a wllllngnrss to lermiiisto It by a just pesec, Mexico has refused to accedn to any terms which could ho accepted by Iho United Htstes consistently with tho national honor and Interest. The rapid and brilliant success of our arms, and Iho vaat rxli-nt of tho enemy's territory which had been overrun and tint, (juered before the oloso of thn laat session of Congreaa, were fully known to that bo. dy. Hlnco that lime the war has been prosecuted with Increased energy, and, I am gratified to state, with a success which commands universal admiration- lllsto. ry presents no parallel of n many glorl. ous victories athievrd by any nation with. In so short a period. Oitrariny, regulars and volunteers, have covered themselves with imperishable honors. Whrncvcrand whrreevor our force have encountered the enemy, though lie viaa In vartlv aujo. rior number and often onlreanlieil on for. tlflsd posllloasofhlsnwn selection, and ol great strength, ho has been defeated. Too much praiao cannot bn bestuwed upon our officers and inch, regulars and volunteers, for their gallantry, discipline, iiidnmilnblo courage and persercrancr, all seeking tho poatofdangcr, and vielng with each other In dceda ofriublc daring. While every patriot's heait must exult, and a just national pride animate every bosom, in bcboldlni! the hlnh proofs nf roursgo, constimatn military skill, steady ' discipline, slut liumanity to ine vsnqutsueo enemy, exhibited by our gallant army, the nation is calli d to mourn over tho loss of instiv lipavi. nlTieers ami soldiers ulm bavn . -- --.- .. .. - fallen In defence of their country's honor snd Interest. The bratc dead met their melancholy fate in a foreign land, nobly discharging their duly, and with their country's Hag waving triumphantly In the faceoftbo foe. Their patriotic deeds are justly appreciated, and will long bo re. membered by tliell grateful countrymen. The parental care of the govenmcnl they lured and served ahould be extended to their aurviving families. Shortly after tho adjournment of the last scss on of.Consross. tho cratlfylna intelli gence was received of the signs! victory nf linens Vista, and orthe Tailor the city or Vera Cruz, nnd with it the strong csstle of San Juan ile Ulloa, by which it was de fended. Delict lug that after these and oilier eucccsse, ao honorable to our arms and so disastrous to Mexico, the period was propitious to nHord her another opjior. lunlly, If she thought proper tn embrace it, to enter Into negotiations for peace, n rom. mijsloner was apintid to pnK-ced to tin- head quurturs ol our army, unit lull pnw. ers to enter iioit negutlalions, imJ in con rtil'lo it juvt uu I lion iralili' treaty ofpvaci'. Ilouasiiut directed to make nil) new over. . lures offence, but was the leunrof n ! patch from the S. ctcmry of .Slate of the llnitoil Ciates In the Minister of foreign Allair in Mexico, in reply to one receicil from the latter on tho twenty-second of February, 1H 17, in which tho Mexican government was informed of his appoint, ment, and otitis presenccat tho liesdijitar. tors nfnur army, and that ho was invested with full lowers to conclude a definitive treaty of jieaeo, whenever the Mexican go rmment might signify a desire to do ao. While I was unwilling to subject Iho Uni. led States tn another indignant refusal I was yd rewired that tho evils of war should not be protracted a day longer than might bo rendered absolutely necessary by the Mexican government. Caro was taken to givo no instructions to tho commissioner which could in any way Interfere with our military operations, or relax our energies in tho prosecution of Iho war. Ho -possessed no authority in any mamior to control these operations. I In was authorised to exhibit his instruc tions to the general in command of the ar my ; and In tho event of a treaty being concluded and ratified nit tho part ofMex Ico, ho was directed to gitu him notice of that fact. On tho happening ofsuch con tlngency, and on receiving nollco thereof, the general in command was instructed by the secretary of War to suspend further military operations until further order. These instructions wcro given with a vlow to Intermit hostilities, until Iho treaty thus ratified by Moxico could bo transmitted to Washington and receive the sanction of thegovrriimcnt of Iho United .Suites. The commissioner was also directed, on reaching tho army, to deliver to tho gene. ral in command the despatch which he boro from tho Secretary ofHtsto to tho Minister of Foreign Affairs of Moxico, and on re. ceivlng it tho general was Instructed by tho Beorotary of War to causo it to be trans mitted to the commander of tho Mexican forces, with a request that It might be com inunlcated to his government. Tho commissioner did not roaoh tho head, quarters of tho army until aflor another brilliant victory had crowned our arms at Corro Gordo. Tha despatch which he bore from tho ScoroUry.or War to tho general in com mand of the armv was received by that of ficer, then at Jalaps, ontho 7th day of Oregon City, (Oregon Territqiy,) June 29, 1848. . ,iif , . May, 1847, together with tho despatch from the Secretary ofState to thn Minister of Foreign AfTalr of Mexico, having been transmitted to 'him from Vera Cruz. Tha commissioner arrived at Iho head-quarters of tho army a fw days afterward. Ills presence with tho army, and Ills dj. plomalio character, wore mado known to the Mexican government from 1'ucbla oa Iho lath of June. 1817, by thn transmis sion of Iho despstch from the Secretary of Stato to tho Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mexico. Many weeks elapsed after its receipt, and no overtures were made, ngr wa any desire expressed by the Mexican govern ment to enter into negotiations for peaco. Our army pursued Its march upon the capital, and, as it approached it, was met by firiivdahio resistance. Our forces first encountered tho enemy, and achieved slg. na victories in tho severely contested bat tles of Confrere end Churubusco. It wa not until after llieso actions had re sulted in decisive victories, and the capital of the enemy was within our power, that the Mexican government manifested any disposition to enter Into negotiations for K.-ace; and even then, as events have since provrd, there is too much reason to lielleve they were Inslncorr, and that in agreeing to go through tho kinhsol nego. tlatlon tho object was tn gain tlmo to strengthen the defences nf tholr capital, and to prepare for fresh resistance. The general In command of the army deemed it expedient to suspend hostilities temporarily, by entering into an armistlco w ills a view to tho opening of nesJOtiations. Commissioner were spjwinted on tho part of Mexico to meet the commissioner on the part of tho United States. Thn result of tho conferences which took placo bclrecn these functionaries of tho two governments was a failure to conclude a treaty of peace. The commissioner of the United States took with him tho project ofa treaty alrea dy prepared, by the terms of which the in demnity required by the United States was a coasion of territory. It is well known thai tho only imlcmnl. ty which it is in the power of Mexico to make, in satisfsction of tho just and long drfcrrcd claims of our citizens against her, and the only means by w hlch she can reimburse the United Slates for tho ex penses of the war, is a cession la the Uni ted States of a portion of her territory. J Mexico nas no money to pay , ami no oincr means of making the required Indemnity. If we refuso this wc can obtain nothing else To reject indemnity, by refusing to accept a cession of territory, would bo to abandon all our just demands, and to wsge the war, hearing all its expenses, without a purpose or ilcfinilo object. A state of war abrogatea trratiea pruti ously existing between tho bcligcrrnts, nnd a treaty of peace puts an end tn all claims of indemnity fur turmoils nets com mitted, under tho authority of one gov. eminent njralnst the citizens or subjects nf aii'ith, r, unless tlicv are provided fur in HsKlinulntK iih. A tre.ily or peace wlucli would terniltmto the existing war, without , providing for indemnity, would enabh Mi'xlco the acknowliih-cd debtor, and' hcrsolf 'he aggressor in the war to re. lirve herself froi.i her just liabilities. Ily such a treaty our citlens, who hold just demands against her would have no rente. ily, either against Mexico or their own government. Our duty to these citizens - : : . " must lorevrr prevent such n pence, nnd in our ininiary occupation, uui were wh no treatv which docs not provide ample .ling to conclude a treaty In a spirit of lib. means of ili.rlmrelnir thcM) demands enn craiitv. our commissioner was authorised rcceito nv sanction - :r----D---- " A treaty of peace should settle all ex. Istliv. ilillereiiees between the two toun. ..... ..... --.-.-.- - tries. If an adcqfTnti! ccmiou of territo. ry should be made hy such a treaty, tho United States should rcltaso Mexico from all her liabilities, and assume their pay ment to our own citizens. If, Instead of this, the United Slates were to consent to a treaty by which Mexico should again encage to pay the heavy amount of in dcbtcdiicKS which a just indemnity to our government and our citizens would iin. ose on her, it is notorious that she does not possess the mrans to meet such an un dertaking. From such a treaty no result could bo anticipated, but the -no irrita ting disappolntnients which It n hereto fore attended tha violations ofsiiiiilar trea ty stipulations on tho part of Mexico. Such a treaty would be but a temporary cessation of hostilities, without tho resto ration of tho frienilaliip and good under standing which should characterize the fu. lure intercourse between tho two coun tries. ' That Congress contemplated tho ocnul. sttinn of territorial indemnity w hen that liody mado provision for tha prosecution of tho war, Is obvious, umgress could not have meant when, in May, 1840, they appropriated ten millions of dollars, and authorised tho President to employ tho mil lltla and naval and military force of tho United Statos, and to accept thn services of fifty thousand volunteers, tocnablo him to prosecuto' tho war, and when, at their last session, and after our army had ima. ded Mcxlco, they mado additional appro priations an,d authorised tho raising of ad. ditionsl troops for tho samo purpose that no indemnity waa to bo obtained from Mexico al the conclusion of the war; and yet It waa certain that, if no Mexican tor ritory wa acquired, no Indemnity could be obtained. BBggr - m It I furthor tMnilMfmfCoMtrtM templated territorial Indemnity, from tha fact that at their last session, an act wa passed, upon tho executive recommenda tion, appropriating three million of dol lar with that express object. Thi ap propriation wa mado "to enable tho pres ident to conclude a treaty of peace, lim its and boundaries), with tho republlo of Mexico, to bo used by him in the event that said treaty, when signed by tho au- thorlsed agents of tho two governments, and duly ratified by Mexico, shsll call for the expenditure of the same, or any part tnereol. i lie objector asking tut ap propriation wa distinctly stated in the several message on the subject which I communicated to Congress. Similar ap propriation made in 1803 and 1800, which were referred to, were Intended to bo applied in part consideration for the cession of Louisiana and the Florida. In like manner it was anticipated that, In act. tlrag tho terms ofa treaty of "limits aad boundaries" with Mexico, a bessdon ofter ritory estimated to bo of greator value than the amount of our demands against her might be obtained, and that tha prompt payment of thi sum In part considera tion for the territory ceded on the con clusion of a treaty, and it ratifications on her part, might bo an inducement with her to mako such a cession of territory a would be satisfactory to the United States. And although the failure to conclude suoh a Treaty has rendered It unnecessary to use any part of tho three millions of dol lar appropriated by that act, and the en tire sum remains in the treasury, it I Mill applicable to that object, ahould the con tlngeocy occur making auch an appllca lion propor. The doctrine of no territory lathe doc trine of no Indemnity ; and if sanctioned, would be a publio acknowledgement that our country wa wrong, und that the war declarcsJkby Congress with extraordinary unanimity was unjust, .and ahould be abandoned; an admission unfounded In fact and degrading to the national charac ter. The term of the treaty proposed by the United States were not only just to Mexico, but considering; the character and amount of bur claims, the unjustifia ble and unprovoked commencement of hostilities by her, the expenaes of the war to which we nave beenaubjevted, ana we success which had attended our are, were 'deemed to be of a meet libera ckar- aclor, Tlie commissioner of the United State wa authorised to agree to tbe establish ment of the Rio Orande as the boundary, from ft entrance Into the Gulf to its inter section with the southern boundary of New Mexico, in north latitude about tbir. ty.two degrees, and to obtain a cession to the United states ol the provinces ol new 'Mexico and the Californiat, and the priv II ceo of the riclit of way across the isth mus of Tchuantcpcc. The boundary of the luo urandv and the cession to ine United Slates of New Mexico and Upper C.alitornia constituted an ultimatum which ouriommtssioncr was under no circum stances to ield. That it might be manifest not only to .Mexico, but to all other nations, that the United States were not disposed to take advantage of a feeble power by insisting uporvw resting Irom her all tho other prov IncesNncluJini! many of her towns and i . . ... " . r cities, wincii we nau conquerea ana neia . . . r .. .1! j- to stipulate loriuc restoration 10 Mexico 01 an our other conquests. As tho territory to be acquired by tne -.,..., - i . boundary proposcu migni oe csumaiea 10 be of crcalcr value than a fair equivalent for our just demands, our commissioner nas authorised to stipulate lor the pay ment of such additional pecuniary con sldcratlon as was deemed reasonable. The terms of a treaty proposed by the Mexican commissioners were wholly Inad missible. They negotiated as if Mexico wcro the victorious and not the vanquish ed party. They must have known that their ultimatum could never bo accepted. It required the United States to dismem ber Texas, by surrendering to Mexico that tart of Iho territory of that state lying between tlio Nueces and the Rio Grande, Included within her limits by hor lawa when she was an independent republlo, and when she was annexed to the United States, and admitted by Congress a boa of tho State of ear Union, it contained no provision for the payment by Moxico ol the just claims of our citizen. It re quired indemnity to Mexican citizens for injuries they may have sustained by our troops in tho prosecution of tho war. It domanded tho right for Mexico to levy and collect tho Mexican tariff of duties on goods imported. into her port whilo in our military occupation during tho war, and tlio owners or which had paid to officers oflho United States the military contribu tions which had been levied upon them ; und it oftercd to cede to the United Slate. for a pecuniary consideration, that part of upper waiuornia lying norm oi lamuuo thirty-seven degree. Such were the un reasonable term proposed by tho Mexican commissioners. Tho cession to the United State, by Moxico, of the; province of New Mexloo and the California, a proposed by tha commissioner or the United 8tates, It wa It ' . , ,' iO -" '.'' tp If STVSBJSi BR SSPVSV SBSH h tha coavaedeae a both nation than any other oeaatea of ter ritory which It wa probable MulewmtaU he Induced to make. It I saanlfeet to all who bare observes! II wno save ueeeiiea of tli'Meskaiijr. ssra Met, u4 alar. oviaeee 6 tw- the actual ooadltloo of ernraeM for aome veer rat. that If three prtrrlaeee talned by her, she could not long ooallaae to hold and govern them. ' Mexloo ie loo feeble a power to govern tbe provLnoea, lying, a they do, at a distance of more than a thousand mil from her capital t and, if attempted to be ratal1 by hr, tbey would cs)etltsH bat roraaortsiae evea Boealaally, part of her domUlaa. Thi woaldbeeepaeUlly Use oae arid. Upper California. Tasjsagaorty of power, ful European Mtioa haa, loag aiaoa, di rected their atteatloa to the uoamsi?olal importaaoe of that provlsoe, aad tawre oaa be but little doabt that the monseat the Ul- ted State ahall rsastaksh tkesr tMHttM. cupatksa ofh, aad thHr otalai t k ft Ja deowlty, aoeibrt woald a asade try aonte foreign power to omi k, estlter by eoa- quest or by assreeae. irao fortsga gov ernmeat should aoqalr it la llker of IMa mod, aa IndoeeaeeDt rerotutioaary gar. ernmeat would proaaUy be eetaatiahed ay the Inhabitant aad each foroigoer aa may ramal ia or raatora to tha ebaatrr. a aooa aslthJlbluscrTBtJstaUnlld8tt have abaadoaed It. 8Mh a geranteat would be too feeble loag to maintain it a arate lodspeodeot existence, aad would JL nally become annexed to, or be a depea. dent colony oi some mot powenui ataie. Hbould aay toretga goveraaaeai sue. to poaaeaa it aa a colony, or otMnria to incorporate it with Itaelf, tha priaoiale a vowed by President Monro ia 1M4, aad re-aJBrroed tn my arat aaauai msaaag wt no foreign power ahall with oar coneeos, be permitted to plant or eetaklleh aay new colony or domkitoa oa aay part oi the North American continent, reo.x be main talned. In maiatalalaf tat principle, aad in reeUtiag It Invasion by aay foreign power, w might be volvdta other ware, more expsosiv, aad ror dimculttUn that ia wbJeh w ar aow eogagee- The province of Nw Mexico aad tfc Califoruaa ar ooaUcaoa to tha territo- riee of the United Bbttes, aad if brought under tbe goveraateat t roar law, taeir reeouroe anaarat, agneouurai, a fa4uriaaad uuamrell would & sarsMraMSBSiM tTssser CkliferaU k boaded oa ta north by our Oregon poaamloas, aad if held by the United State, woedd aooa aa settled by a hardy, enterpristag, aad iatU ligent portio of our populatioa. Th bay of San Francisco aad other harbor alone th Califomian ooaat, would aabrd shelter for our navy for our numerou whale ship, and other merchant vessel employed in the Pacific Ocean, and would in a short period become the man of aa extensiv and profitable commerce with China and other oountrieaof tbe East. These advantages, in which the whole commercial work! would, participate, would at once bo secured to the United State by the cession of this territory ; whilo it i certain that aa long aa it ro mains a part of tbe Mexican dominion, they can be enjoyed neither by Mexico herself, nor any other nation. New Mexico I a frontier province, and ha never been of any considerable value to Mexico. From it locality it ia natu rally connected with our western aettle ment. The territorial limit of the state of Texas, loo, as defined by her laws, be fore her admission into our Union, embrace all that portion of New Mexico lying east of the Rio Grande, while Mexico still claim to hold thi territory aa a part of her do minion. Tbe adjustment of this question of boundary la Important. There I another consideration which ia duced the belief that the Mexican gorerts. ment might even desire to place thi prov ince under the protection of tbe govern ment of the United State. Numerou band of fierce and warlike savages waa der over it, and upon its border. Mexico haa been, and must continue to be, too fee. ble to restrain them from committing dep. redations, robberies, and murders, not on ly upon the inhabitants of New Mexloo It aelf, but upon those of the other northern tatea of Mexico. It would be a b!tlng to all these northern atate to have their citizen protected against them by the pow. er of the United Bute. At this moment manv Mexicans, orincloalv female and children, are in captivity among them. If New Mexico were held and governed by the United State, we could effectually nravent these tribe from oommitlina suoh outrages, and compel them to release tbe captive, and restore inem to tneir nmuiea and friend. In proposing to acquire New Mexloo and the California, it was known that but an Inconsiderable portion ol the Mexican people would o tranaiaiea wun wean, ine country embraced within three province being chiefly an uninhabited region. The war the leading ooasideratloe which induoed me to authoria th Una of peace which war proposed to Mexloo. Thev ware reletretd. aad nMoUatloa be ing al an and, hostilitte war renewed. Aa assault wa mad by our gallant amy upon th atrongly fcrtlfUd alio aar th gat of lb city of Mexico, aan) upon th city itadf, and afWr several day of vr ooaAlot, the Mexican foree. vastly wp. . -. . .' T ' sf ?, iif l-Tst! Jt&srVrS i "Vl,,.''! SfgJiAjJa--lgguV I oMve:sai gotlatioM, tlta faagVI few urn n m NaTsTspassaWsWsl 9w Ha atateal Waga, "I i btstafsxHtoataaV aaay aaaasdeby M sssbjbbs as SrsssffSSI lesi lut vraa, a ec M ItMil April laat latg ipadfjti WrFBJg SaM WW VsVlVePJaBVsaV osjratariatmWharMM llf MMMiM tjamf WHii ratssai. aaW -Iho aMMtt tin Oar araaakavlag m 9tmfKt torlosj, aavlai gintaiett a iaraa ai Ifyf taalaaiag MMiaVi fsaTsVsPLMsWaW mnKm rfsTsssssssss; teat i war ostttst I ba araHfaMfJ id b oar Mam mM0ff doabt that vr atswM -avslUUe tastsawstskssaa rdyrad!aadi,viMH beoM hold aad Mepy, Wf WI asttttary fere, B thn ptaHsl aai pfwvMc.svai-jaraBj whloh may hrrVil fel ipjat saa;that wa ahoald Mat I mUHary up.iaiiaw, tn Wfjx ry eeatrieatasa aa for a praetieaMe, awfray a of tha war. , VT-i? ' , Had th geviraanat ar win i to the Maltaa aajd ribwal I that awda of a BaHaiMt -W pnMsfM sTsMSWa) JMVMff I thkaad felled t r,a wUehcamM a am Stale, th awdaaal I tarritorr. ei"tssswar.Nwl wer takM ptsjaatassM arri OurasUUary aM aaM i toWeaessiNdofkvateaaWM Tkeee provsasUaWW-B puted oeeapauaa, ,. many maatb: all rwekst of Mexico heviag aiMad wH its, I am aatisCed that Us be aurreadeMd to Mai. irres ooocnr with ma to thi I that they ahould b McJahftsWl atate a laaemniiy, i oaa awswesra i reason why tbe civU JaritalXsal M of tha United State saVsald at i extended over teem. . ia watwrai -- Tr--.-: r - - - mtA ' 1 of peace, auch aa wa arc wMtaf J bv which our reUtioaa iMrafda': would not be changed, eaaatP cy; whilst our ows lat4t, 13 JU tbe people taaalnaaag tiai,rajMia t sUble, iwepoaaiWa, aadtVaa Wip under our aataomr. mmm, :! possible, be MabllsksW ovwr rhaB. , Jeeyrrasa. therefore, dilarataafl told province pinMsll.sM4lafl nereaner a cxssspnssrwti a of our couatrr. tha early" i territorial rovernrneat ovar th I important for tha awre partoal of peraon and property; aad 1 1 mat ucn nmiomi i llshed. It will pros anility among tha tohaMtat. hl all apprebeoefoa that thay aay'lat4 urtala of being aato avMiatod t tha i riadictlon of Mexloo. I Invito MIM and favorabt ooaeideratiea of Caaltoii this important auMeot "Y' BeetdeeNew Mexico a4tiwCUs there are other Mexlean puilaiaa t bav been reeaoe to our rassaaai cooquest. Th other Maian i oe are aow governed br oar ta naval command!, under th i Ibority which 1 conferred na nt qusror by th law of war. TAto" m continue to be held aa a mean ra Mexico to accede to itaat ttrascaf Civil a well aa military oa ouired to conduct Math Adequate oompsaaaltqa to ha dnsfwi contribution levied a tktmtmfm b fixed by Uw lor MhvMsMM bethu employ d. WlmtralthWl ion may become aoary, lm nal dtsfxtsttioa it may hiipMl oc tnem, snuei oepess esimai greeaof th war, and tto.Mj Mexico may think luaMht sua. Irvv With th view latrtiitohajl vor tn patMT wmw aawi ttMf sowkusarawi orloiwtlr to at alylMdaddfei amy altagathir I aav aaaa f verr.Mslaithat (CaaMsaViM ( a i pablio hsl.rn,;WlWrsa hWde)prraTwMr ap)wi:iMlaiti aaarlrasWaaa nv"SriK; i V. vV -. -1 tt ft .v Ms. tV ' i