Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, June 15, 1848, Image 3

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    r. '
"It will IHWU (CWOffOW.'
" I would observe to your
Majesty that it would Im muoh mora pru.
dent lo take It to-day, tliU morning."
"Bult mon oner. I man never nave me
.Hint," Louli Philippe again replies.
nHow! nol tlmot II la elahl o'clock I your
Majesty breekfaaie at hallpast ten, ami
2L.." "Ym, Mrtalnl v, II would b a
almple thing ia a mUardtnd houtt," ln
lerrupted ino royal Invalid, uniting; "bul
Kara, ta m rtadv a foot balh. would re.
aulre al leaat three hour, and every Ihliag
would bo deranged, whilst, lp ordering ll
Ible evening, i ean nope i n ui...
row morolng," and tne doctor oould ob
t. Kniklnn hut Ihla ranlv.
Here U faults a plteaant aneodolo which
Is alw In olroulallon about tho king. Du.
tn m dinner nlven lo the office n. hi) Ma.
iraty. wee In a very joyoue mood, and tho
omoors, usually at euoh repeals are mirth.
fill and noisy. Tho flrsl part of tho feast
being over, they wlalied lo get through
wl'h tho Mronnd. It le nooeeeary to aay
that thla took place at Noullly where rut
llogalety alweyedolroyellaueie. 'Sire,'
aald mo uoiueei 01 me nouio envnucra,
convened al the royal banquet, "your Ma
Jeaty ought to put the (tamp upon your
klndneaa, by tinging lo ue a joyou ctnxo.
mi which vou formerly aim beyond
doubt." "Me," exclaimed Louie Philippe,
little eurprlaed by tbia attack, but reply
ing graclouety,11! do nol know any In truth,
It "a so long alnce I waeyoungl" "Oh,
ail, replied all the offioere, aimultane.
outly; porcoivlng that their request wa
repuleod with anger "only let vour Ma
Jeaty search your memory, and you will
certainly remember al trad eomo refrain."
No, my faith," aald the king, thinking
for an instant, "I know only the Mireell
UIm!" "Ah, welll the Maraeillalee,"
aald lha officers, clapping their handY
Dut M. ffultot, who aaIted in thla Utile
comedy, quilted hie seal, alt bewildered,
and spoke low to tho king "Oh I sire
Iro eira what would you do?" "Have
no fears," aald tho' king, with a eelf.poe.
oession which never abandons him, "the
tuna alone ia dangerous, and I have for
gotten It." Saying llieeewords, the king
indicated that he waa about to commenco
tinging, thero waa a profound atillneaa, and
lMtle Philippe aung iheiKaraeillelso to the
tuno of " Ikt grace of Oodl" in French,
a very pretty lore eong Coumtr dr$
Etatt Unit.
To WiiiiM ir mat ftiNcaa.N. A certain
gentleman who had devoted hit life to a
noble anil benevolent enterprise, waa oon
ilnualltr attacked bv a silly and censorious
neighbor, who omitted no opportunity of
pitting out his call ami venom upon nun.
To all these futile and brainless assaults,
tha molleman replied nothing, bul oontln
ued on In the even tenor of his way. A
friend who had noticed these petty and ma.
Ilgnaal attacks, once asked the gentleman
why he did not notice the assailant and re
but hi calumnies. To this tho gentleman
replied as Mlowa:
-Once upon a lima a little, insignificant,
fellow dear sHbJnuwlfdown upon his haun
okas, aad imagining himself a lion, began
to bark, and yelp, aad howl most vigorous,
ly at the bright clear moooj and now what
do you suppose tha moon did under these
almctlng eireumstanceei
'Weir, I oan't tell,' aald the friend.
Then I'll Inform you,' aald the gentle
man. 'Tho moon kept on Ha course
ihfnnuli tho heavens. I tut as thouoh noth
Ing happened, and the little snatly cur had
yelped, and howled, and batkrd for noth.
lug. Now Mir, after such an lllmtriou
-i,nnl do vou think I Oiould be iiistiAed
in turning aside from my duties lo notice
cvory snarling ami ctirmous ammai m
chose loprck at mot No, Sir, 1 shall oon.
ilium In ilia nnrfomanco of my duly and
leave the barking cur to whom you alludo
Lfirk, L,f1' to hia kennel, whon ho gets
tired of growling.' N. Ii. Washlnglonian.
Wow FtoHT.-Aboul a week a
mm ttaniMl Jackann. In one ol
of the back
eelllrmrnte, wa returning from the woods,
where he had spent part of the day In shoot
ln nfoaona. When within about a mile
r.kn,na l.o heard a orackllna in the under.
wood behind him, and turning to learn tho
causa of tho noise ha beheld three enormous
.! nunlmr directly toward him. Ho
saw no chance of escape, and determined
to fight It out, as his only hope or at eiy.
Ha threw down Ida game, placed his back
against a large tree, and ailenlly awalteiUwiahM to make public an experiment nuuKj
the attack of the rereeloiie animate. Jibe' uponVpaael. tree by an acqualntaucn of
wolves approached and walked around him
. .a -a L..a .llateat atan It lit
two or three time ai wwii ""-" .""
aering no ehanco or altacx uemnu, tnejr
aislaBaMaaul faa YAfit.
Whan (hey ware within a few feel, he
leveled hut gun, and fired the two barre la
In eueceeslori, and two of the wolves foil
mortally wounded; tho third ep rang at him,
' a . J at-.. L.a. Ilt aa ffiafa
and waa setutea on " nr.u -.... - -.
.1.- u fmm tha but and of tho piece
but the animal recovering aeiiod lh young
mat by the lag and both Ml to thyrouml
together In a deadly airugglo. I vrhTch itho
Jri 1.1. antaawilst aavcroly in (HfTcr.
ml oarta of tha Cwly. Feeling himself
growtogwaak from loaa of blood, tho youth
with aCMte dlfloully draw a knlfo from his
pocket made ona desperate plunge at tlio
aavaga animal, and Immediately 'fell ex.
hausted and aenaelesa at the fcot of tho tree
awfully mangled In tho ooofliot and cov.
rod with blood.
k Whan conaclousnesa returned, the sight
of hU three enemlea lying dead bealdo Mm
awakened hia wandering senses to the re.
allty, and hia almost mlrapuloua escape
from death. Hia knife ho found stoking
A mly to ihe handlo In tho heart of hia la.
With gnat difficulty ha reaehad homo
and alarmed hie frianda. who npalred to
tha spot with llghta, and brought bona the
.ki.. .r ik. aZa amlvaa aa Iroohlaa of. wa
my Jqatly call, an iraordlnry exploit.
vi Jttatly
from hie
oalr him, baa nearly rooovorod
wound)) although ho win bear to ilia gravo
tho broad aoarsof his triumphant and dead,
ly struggle with the thrvo wolves. y.
Iowa (CmMda)atulU.
BaUcUd for III" Orofon Npnottlar.
mwaVara OoIIwMIom.
A charming man A fullow who ha a
bow iJ a smile for ovoryono abroad, and
Dsais ill who ai iiviiic.
A tovhrc oman-Om wlio Mays kr
homo, lakea oars
ire ofhormilhlren. an.) nov.
or meddles with the ImmIiiiih of Imr iiuIkIi
uors ipoolss almost uxiinul.
Animal Magnttum I'ulltiulans piliit
ing lo lha polls.
Criminal Court A h'rlhcd Judug aud
perjured jury.
lluordt of lime A wklclhmakers day
Ckttkt Intended by nsturn aa the atl
of blushes, bul, In tin n lined ago, nuvir
uwd for lhat purHo.
Utartk uaoftil apeiidage, many la.
die or possessing onn, ro unconolnu
W-A deadly Ihinu, sharper fro.
......i. it... . ..(....I ..n,.i.
JUBIIHT assaaaa inw i "hm -
IMA A convenient article to uirux
Into a set of false curls.
Eyti Darts, flames, hatchct,
hawks and scalplng.kiiifo.
'P..M 11 .. VttaMVfrlllM tfa...f-rrall.
Tali Ml. aa wa ma'
lated for the Transcript, from the Courier I (juenrot, llm laiivi of many years may
del Ktata Unla.J IiRIib year 170'i,thro bo required, 'ihoro can bo but liltlo
waa a poor Italian waiter who habitually ilmiht lhat a far-seeing policy contom.
stationed himself ukmi the plazra do Hpag. platen the subjugation and colonization of
na, and obtained aubslstrncn fromthn fnw all Northern Amos, compriaing lha liar
paoli which he happened to nick up " Imry Htatcs, and tho van, territory lying
ulds and Interpreter to llm French utid , U:hc.ii tho Circnt Zaliara Desert and tho
ipgllsh viiillng tho Coliiinum. Ily liil Miditcrrnnean sea. Hum Is a inaguitl.
assiduity and honenly, ho received a kimJ , c-cnt rinpira worthy llio ambition of Franco.
of patronage frm Ihe Irati-llcrs and nr- Tha climato i tho finest in tha world, and
list), who recii amended him to their tho soil capable of tho most valuable pro.
friends. In thK. way ho wa commended 'ducts of agriculture, whether of tho trop
to M. de Baaaevllle, who had como In (Cal or lemperalu latiludi-a, while the Im
Roma as Ambassador' srerotary, but as mense extent of tho region will furnish
other say, with a view of exiltlng among ampin room and space over which the
the Roman people, a revolutionary move, 'crowded pulatlon of Kuropo may die
ment favorable In tho French Republic pcrxi and form sriileineiita. There is
The convention ha entrusted largo sum I grandeur in thit idea, of thus annexing
to M. do llaaaevillr, who soon enlisted a half a continent. Hut visionary and pro
large number of artists, apparently im- J hlcmatical as it may uppcar, il is plaiu lo
concerned about politics, and arranged a ' be m-en, that Franco is moving with sure
little conspiracy. land steady sttp toward it accomplish-
Tho chief man of tin movement at. I ment. Many a bloody battle I yet to be
lached lo him was the interpreter of tho ' fought with tho fierce children of Ishmaal
piazta de Spegna, and he gate lilm largo, hut tho struggle will sorvn to gite em
sum to operate Ith him upon tho lower iilnyment to resiles, rofractory spirits at
tlass). Hut tho aflalr failid, Inr a pre. home, and gratify the thirst of "Young
isture exposure. On llio IMih of Jauiia. , Franco" for military story, while the
ry, I70:i, tho tri-cul red llsgHas exroird pmgress wilt bo onward, over extermina
from the window- of M.Jo llnsevillo's . lid trilie of Arab, until iho Zshsra shall
hotel. He was conducteil lo lha Cor, I
aud distributed hi cockade, calling upon
the citiarna to retoll. uut :ne citizena
replied by attacking his carriage and dri.
ving him with stones to Ihe house of one
Mannetti, a banker, where he attempted to
take refuge, but wa struck by a razor In
the bowel, and died tho nuxt day.
Tho Interpreter disappeared for somo
time at longtn, However, lie waa seen a.
gain, and by hia economy; or by hook an I
cronk, rich enough to marry tho widow of
a saddler who brought 1.1m a pretty round
sum. He then Icn the I isra do Hpsgna,
and commenced .K.culatlng i i the paper
currency oi iionu, i no pruning i -inc.. b)1( an ,c,rtcmv clery l0Wn, end en
he soon sccure.1. Ill operations were ,JW . ,, , or ,'u,c ,nd ft ,,
rapid and judicious, iho bet of which AnUh Me profeVWrs I will crown every
the loan upon Iho diamonds of our I.aiW
f f -. al.ail lli.tt UiriTiai ! l ta.lt ilia
Ul UUIV W lllesl vtlt .'si'is --.)., ssisi-
holding the marches. In short, lha for
tune of this cl deant Matter ua at full
tide. It waa not long before Madame I.r
titla Ikinapartr, King l-otil-. I'riuco l.u
, aliieaa .
clrnand tanlmel l'cch. hail in lurncom.
a No Char e. I V of Hpain, and til. fat onto
Uodoe. Ho received an imler of nobility
-an.1 havin;. tmrcb..ed ,l, a round aum
U. ned I le of Duko oV IWiamo!
1 , Vi . .i . .:.. nlti. '
grandee of he Hr. cl aa. allied le the
.ol'7 hi'Lt fi ' n' V. o
the age. Ilia tortuuN i valued nt four
.nii.r ni ..i,:. .. i.
crowns lis name is
TV'i Arl in
nielauiLof llartronl Cl...,
Mr. Mason XI
ma; tne truin oi wiiicn, no a,, iu uo , Cimr(i MthM fincU 5 for the first
depended upon beyond all question at any oin.nCe,vjet0 for the second, and bo im
rate, the experiment is a cheap ono, and ltIloncj for ,ho tlir(.
U worth trying. Ilo had a ouug pcaeh . ,, MmIbv Slaniey WM lxM for
tree, Ihe leaves or which were liirnlup : ,raw nointhc afrcctlonsof JohnTarbort
yellow, and showing other symptoms r ,i.ll(,cri wiihgut tho consent of her pa
decay. My friend calling to in ml tho !,.. comidd, Bnd fined X3 fees, 3.
qualities of chorion!, reinotrd. tho turf
ana son near mu rnoi, in a circic ui a-
bout two feet in dUinrtcr around tho tree,
and filled the spaeo to a levi I u ith tho sur.
roundinit soil, with flno pircra and dust ol
charcoal, which renmined in tho bottom
of a box. Tho result was sum Islng.
The treoput on fiuo lienliliyleAvrs In
stead of the yellow uues, and all other
eigne of sickness departed In n wonderful
short space of time. Tho treo again
commenced growing, nnd remained per-1
fectly healthy until some years nflor.whcn
it was destroyed by tho weight of its crop
or fruit, assisted uy a strong wiiiu. it is
worthy or nolo mat its irun, noin in quai.
ilv end size, waa as much improved aa the
appearance or tho tree itscii. amtnean
Tav M. The general motto on tho
eealofGen.llouitoiiis "Try me.'' Tho
origin of Iheso two words d iCTvea notice
II wllllltusiraio mo onaracioroi mo man
better than any description of hia life
He ww one day grossly Insulted by a low
ruffian of Arkansas, whom he horse-
wklatjaat en the eaot. A weak
hia ekaaoarated anlaaonlst eeat' hi
ohalionge lit a publlo room, whloh Oen,
llouvlon was In tho habit of frequaathsg.
Tho (ienoral, hownvor, openly rofused to
grant tliu satlafaollon required, under lha
plea, that tho man whom ho had punished
waa below hi notice, and that ho could not
meet him without degradation" Amona
tho persona present was a government of
ficer, a duellist bv nrofcmlon. whoso con
stant lioitit waa that "he had dona the bu
. . ,,...,..,. -.. ,. ,.
""'".. 'i'.i.'.T ,'J ".iV.L.tr m." 3"
r- . 7-;' " -. " ,'
tuna lo complete I ho thirtieth. When ha
heard I ho sntwor of lluuiton, ha mads
several uoarsn remark, adding, that ho
Hiinilcrcd if tho general would iiavo dared
lo Imvn I'lven lilm such an answer. '(Try
inv." aald Houston. Tho trial wasihtdo
llm unit morulnu, and tho duclllit 'waa
hot through llio brain. iJonalan
Tim (inmcnMi sacrifice of blood and
I ri in ii re nisili by I'runvc in tho coniueil
of Airier and the adjacent region, hat
!,m." - no 'l,',u srouro proponiona e .
suns, nm rrcncii uommion is ami ui.
nitral and iliiturb'.d by tho incessant ho.
lilillosof tho wild and Indomitablo Arab,
Hut in this movement on tho African oon-
tlneiit, tin' views of Franca aro far-reach
Llmr. 'I'lie nlan of (auinuott I on a uluan
tin auale. for tliu accomiiirkhinent uf which.
I ....I ln ilnvJiuininnl r.r It a .ntiflitt nntlA.
Im tho southern limit of tho Gallico-AITI
can Kmplro. Another quarter of a ccn
lu ry may witness Ihe success or this
m'ghty scheme of annexation. JVoe Of
Irani Bulletin.
tiio me the money, says Stcbin, lhat
has been spoilt in war, and I will purchase
every foot of land on the Globe, I will
a.t..al. avaau man eawata-naa An (4 awlallrl. I ft Bin
,,,, king and queens would be proud
of, wou,a ,,, , koo1 houe 0 J
,,,, ,,. .,, , v,cv 0. lb'e
llU,,Wo Mrllf will ,upply that school
(mlw wh , competent teacher I will
nsnr..uisa t aaatll nav.ta. mwmwtt
yiUi,!, churtli consecrated to tho pro.
. . ...
muluntion of the copol of peace I will
support In its pulpit an able preacher of
rlghtcnusncM, so that on every sabbath
morning the chime on one hill shall answer
a., a I... Mi.in.an(( nnnllin a.awii tirt I It a Aa. Ptli'a
I" III'" I llllliuun iMi"iivii siiumiM tliu m ,
i,r.,nii,.i1,nlr,,-Ilf.niidihi,oIcoof nrav.l
,..,, ,,-wg 0f pral! should ascend
kc , ullhcr,al()u,' l0 cavcni
j TMr,., ,02, ,,lera woro bu,
ihe ani.aU of iho (own of Salem, it p
.cw.of land addition to hi.
"'-,' -" "' 1 Set up plow.
'"Hv,,- .r. .V ,,,., ., ,.
WW- rle court onler, that al the c
.teilion of as.i.taiil, Indian beans should.
'TV used Instead of rapcr tho hito lo bo
I Jr-' ... . ' '
'l17- 'i'ho court onler, that If any
.,, ..l.l.. . ,. I..
I 1(147. Tho court onler, thai If any
W,0U, ,,rV consent of her parent, or
c0 oheiralisence, of the Coun.
fid. Three women uero fined Os. each,
for scoldiiiBAv
I Ofla. Jonas Fairbanks was tried for
wearing great boots, but was acquitted.
Tiir Ciiimksk Port or Siunu.hai.
Our goternmcnl has given the post of
Uoiiuvel at Htiang.nai in (Jlitna, lo uateb
Lyon, Ksq., ol Lyondate, In this Slate, a
gentleman w ho to tho usual qualifications
for tho office, joins llio attainments and
tastes of a scholar. Ills appointment has
diverted his attention Irom thn 4th studvyuf
Persian, and tho reading or lla(lr,(lo the
acquislon of Iho Chinese language, and
before ho lands at Shang.hai he will be
nbto to hold a corrrapondenoo with Ihe
Chinese authorities, and perhaps make
them a speech In their own language.
Tho port of Shang.hai ia the norther,
most, and therefore thehcalthlrit of all
Chinese ports open lo trado. ll is situ,
ated in H'l degrees of north latitude, al
Iho mouth of tho n'reat river Yaog-taec
kee, a name algnlfying Child of Ihe Ocean,
with a current two thousand mllee in
eeMrat aorttesi of Ihe aaaftre, ad abewt
nuoored miiee anore wsang-nai ii pea
liy of Fat;
ee tho anolenl ol
:la)t wli
Ith a
ooDulaton of about 1.100.0M eoule
Nankin la oldor than Peklo, and waa the
capital of Ihe empire before Ihe Tartar
conqueai. Al Nankin tho Emperor still
piaara the summer months, and nia palace
still alanda or Ihe banks of the rlvor
a 'little above the city.
Shang.hal la also tho moat populous of
tue unineae none wiin wnion sureignara
are permitted to trade. Within the walla
are 600,000 InhablUnU, In the suburbs
aro 200,000, Tho population of Canton
i wiijr aooui nan inai numuer, it n
uatod Immediately on the ocean, while
Cknlon la reatlrad by oaulns up a rivtr.
On the lanksbfth Yang-taoo-kee, and
around Hhana.hal.lleathe reslon in wbiob
green tea I produced. Tea aro oheapor
at tin port than al uanton; tney are
brought Immediately down the river, and
Ihe producer) havo no canal transit duly
to pay a aflhat port. Thl circumstance
and tho oamrrKKllousn?! of its harborV and
the hoa thlness ol its climate, aro probe
bly lha cause why the Bnglish trade with
this pi sco has increased so rapidly, ll is
now quite equal to the English trade with
Hhang-hsl commands Iho extensive Je
panese commcrco which paasea through
lhat citv uo iho YanaMseckeo to Nankin
the great inland city of Iho empire. So
largo is the trado of the port, that seven
thousand junks have been seen lying be
fore It at nncc.
Hut at Uhsg.hai Ihe winters appoar to
be colder and the summers warmer than
In tho samo latitudoin ihe United Slates.
AlShang.hai, ihe snow falls In winter lo
depth oftwoor three Inches, and Ice, Ihe
product of tho winter frosts, la preserved
for use trough the summer. Any of the
vegetable productionsot tho region arouna
Shang.hal would probably be hardy a
nougb for this latitude. A consul like Mr.
Lyon, who takra an interest in the aludy
of natural history, might have it in his
power to render no alight service to the
agriculture of thla country, by Introduc
ing among ua come of Ihe more Impor.
tant vegetablo productions of northern
China. iV. r. rramg Pott.
Mexico. Of all the cltiee bultt by Ihe
Spaniard In the New World, Mexico la the
handsome! ; and Europe might be proud
of reckoning it emonest her canitala In
the midst of terraces and houses, and of
flowers which ornament these terrace,
riao up churches with domes of blue and
yellow earthenware ; houses with bright
and many colored walls ; and balconies o.
verhung with canvass, which givea them
the appearance of a constant gala. The
Cathedral occupies one aide or the Plaza
Mayor, and towers over the palaoe of 'the
Presidency, a low parallelogram, contain,
ing within itself the seven administration,
a priadat, a botanical garden, a barraok and
two CHembere. The Ayuntlamento (mu.
nlolpalliy) forma with tha palace a right
rangle, continued by the porticos or lae
Fioree and the fa nan, vast commercial
stores. Praxleri Magazine.
Fram tha Chratiaa Aevseato sadJaanwL
A kVexat af Tvkeveeev.
Aad than my frtwxh, jaat thiak thata's aaeglit x-
Ttw fillk that frwn a clnnr'i ataatl nctti
Tweauacaa chawed a day, 'll ssld aradae
A full half plat of n lUctjmkt
Wlutb, If eanUaatd fir sad Iwtoljr vvtra,
(A Duma cakolatjoa il sparaj
With this foul rtuffaroolj naar fir hagabtsd fiH,
Daaide U nidi, s larpr psml atill ;
Nor am I with lha calculation dona,
II la Hist Urn has chawed a half a laa
A Wafoa load, of thai which wsald af eonrw,
Hlckcn a oof , v8 kill a bana,
CaoU h farar,but at a ii vlw,
What b wa'dstiaad la hi h Is chaw,
Aad loen tha product of bbwakaamj,
II would grow nek aad throw hi ydd awr.
Or could lb laaa, .- aha had pladgod la b
Ilia lovhu; wife, hi r futur prospacta at
Could ah but at lhat Uuvofti hia nvoUi would
In tab short lift, thla dirla, ImIIm i
j Would ah coaatal lo lak US hand far Uf,
And woddtdu I.-jjm txcomaMowihl
Aod- " WM' mr "" " VW
Thai .KMhul'n haa aha kaalakkal
i - . . ' 7. .
Mori, una an, im auit fracutt mos
To kiadnd htbiu, sad la lily deed.
IMiif Ihl wotd, aa abl aiataanwn Uiiaks,
Cnalea a thin for sUroulaUnf drink,
Full rnaoy a on (wbo tnvkt Mm bis lot T)
Kmokaa, sad cbtw, and drink, and dw a tol.
If jrou would know lb dwd of him thai ehw
Bnltr ll Aibm Otd, aad art lit ft4t
Tha lad'a parlor carsal, palalad Hoar,
HiacniraMy-lateotaranaalaar lha door,
llsv aHla lorn, brn abjoets at abuat,
tfrnwaraatajaj rtaVmd wih bvatbacoojuica.
I"v a H wall ben'd s wrtaln had
Of oat, wb chtwt tobaeea, Mar Ota bssd,
BtitmUi sad Uatktnti with lha kaliml jslea,
Wall aor ll lay M f aiJt fcr fotor ass 1
lv ta Ik wmntn wba lovod snail aowall,
(How laach abt tank as roartal tongu can tall,)
Pick up aid told, aad dry tbm bjr the nra,
And grlad Ums) up, to aallala bar daalrt.
I"va an laa brido, upoa bar waddinf m,
Tb dirty flf4 ami illkf mud lay dewa,
Aud lata pnrpar lb ala Ulng to tmeka,
Bofar aba had lb nuptial alWnc brok
And bk a daagbtar tnw of motatr Ev,
llor new mad fcuabsad ah old not conctlrs
Wa esasllliilid head, sad not a limb,
tthasawksd bilf, aad (v f pip I him
Aad ba, bks Adam, wlUi aubrakaJoa tnw,
I Task from btr band tbopiat, aad amUtd llio.
(fir A aleepy deaoea who aomelimee en.
gaged in poppi: .,.Minearine the mln.
later use the vorde "ahuKlo on lata mortal
coil," started up, rubbed hie eyes, and ex.
claimed, "Hold on, il'a my deal I5'
! -
tM havwg ajmrol Uta woreTa ' ' , "r ,
If aaa t la aaaasl aa) lal I
foiimZmm '
hw at reck the key W Imltau lha tMam IomH
of ihe departed hour, wheat rusaaelably
dreesod lady ejaeutaieo. to im
of everybody. ' Wouldn't I h
bay tacked
him borne I1
TuaQctr Mooaar awo RrrotTCoffH.
Ttovi. bort bat piquant colloquy be
twee an laebrlate and a ntmaeller t
Landlord "If you had avoided rum,
your early habits of indoetry and lelai.
(actual abilitiea would have pbioed yew la
a high etallos), aatd you wottld aow tide to
your own carriage."
artriao "And if you had aever aeM
rum fcr me to buy, you would have been
my artvor."
MAHtieD-ayBUw OWaaO.
the 9Sd aM. Ma. JOHN II. BOMWORTI., at
UsSactsa KaUekr,sa of Davt.lL
ta Mow aUHAN m, LOONEY, sf
Caaaly, U)T.
m Marine Journal, jft
ChllMMIastaaikJaast, Drlag. far Csatw.
Th Mary Dare ssDad a fcw Uj k(srs, far
gtwtwMi lakuMk
N vssl la lal laa) Towaaiay MUag.
CeMBMaaaamrr Ifaelee,
ALL anaiai lataralaf Aaaa Ike amry kavlag
boww. oraw, eawy 'HfaW r stbat praa.
arty.UloutotaelanUarjr, an naiilil le
dtfinr Ut saass to lha Castosiwary la Owgsa
City. Aad all psnaea havtagaansusd etokaai a
nUasaC a)f WMrtMsMMf Waal MMst IMaflst Raf BaS
ivai, rataaa.BMj
"aniif -r"-"
Ortpa Cay, Jaa ta. W. leaf
Oaeoes) Tsaarrear, I
Waaam .aaaaa aaavaaaBaw a
afaiak Tarm. TaaLui Caaaiy Canwll Ceart.
A. V. leao. ,
Kosssr Maeaa, Csasystlasat,
Gso. Aasammnr V Wiuusi terreai, DWta.
TIH8 la UMrafarato aattfr asM WaVoaaaM
laa, Iksl the said sWsn Moara ka aW kie
Bill sf Csatalslal aa Ike Caeacsry sfcis sf said
TasJottoCaedlCaarLstaiiaf Unt IhssaU WisV
lamSsttoahsssii ia;ra araairal,af aaeod lar
a daad, far Lot ascabar as la Baek aasaWralf, aa
UMRoaeiaaNaaUaawaaaad Lisa City, ta TwaU
oUa Cauatr, Oraaoa Tarntarj I aaa tea
Uaiallaa cl aakf hand haa Cal
aadaraoiaVdiaad Ubs frraa ntsWeaaeH-
lad sadaaraTMraraaaaralraBar. xaawtaiaara.
fat lots satis that IT-yaa da aet apaeae aa Ike
1st. day at las aeal lara at the TsalaUa Otsak
r ,70, BM
diaiiaa aaaarad aa
mTOTICK bkarahr aj-aa. tkaal ' aa)
1 bsasMtaatrNkaaaCsattarCaawaaaagCsaa).
it, at tka aafca at Ike Jaag aim if, a the
Maaatay sf iptiartar aaaa, awlfcs aayss sf sat.
IHii is lijsalai ilitM tgslarl lit lTlt'i tf
Baaeva Fnla., )inaaH wfcsra a sasssxe
Utaiafin raaaaatsd to I
May. W. 1848.
ALL parnaa an kraky ssstltaid sgiiast
tiataaaiuu hi aay assaaar wkaurror, apsa
mTlaadalaial.Btaatadoa tbo naflh bank af lb
Cotombla rivor.lmmidnltly aauuacUMclaaaaa
irbicb ran VaaoaavtrlaanaalW.snd aa U wt
aids IbaiwC
Joa 1st, IMS. 41
WOTICE bkarabvitToautbattb aadrad
L rd baa btaa duly aaaaiatad aod aualattd. a
ndnasMrotar of tb ottou af C. H. Dabadarf,
dwaaatdi Wbartfaro, all aaraana aaviaf claims
a-ainatUM aaid ilaeaoaatV or btraby asuatdaad
raanaatadtoBMk pnaanlnwiU sc tb saoo toass
wiUila Din monUa bam tb date af tai aatie.
daly aataatlealad aadalpaaas tedobtad to the
dcasasd,alUwttnwaf ba daalk. arsbanbyra
aauca to ewa imawnaia payaaa w ma,
OragoaCHy, May SOlh, 1848. -St
11TOTICK it brby (iva, that aa lb ant day
H of Julv nut. at 1U o'clock. A. M- I will
aspoa for atlo, at publie auction la Ortgan City,
aUlhMraoaaJproptrly,gaodo'aad chaUala,of C.
II. Dtff ndotf, otctaaad, which batacomalt say
rianaiaq as adanaatmuri wMch taid paAaaai
proptrtyeaaaVu of aaaall Law library, a Ca
paa aad oasis, an Amarieaa Man, wtariaf aa.
ppartl, au taM iw mux anioaa
A radil will b ajhrra sf thras month an sa-
BKvad eradiL aaaa nil aakooror 6v dalsrs loss
msa tkst sam rssb
Orogon CMy, May 30ik, 1848. 8-3t
mroTlUE I hanky (inn that Ike sohaerifcar
11 aa Dn aoiy appoiaioq Anmiaatraini oi ina
Estoto f Tkaaun Wasaadis. lata af Iba Ualtad
Btatos, dtesassd wall amlgratlag to IhaTarHtory
olOrafoa,aadbaatoa)a aat fcarettf Unt Iran
by atviag fcaada tha tow 4Haataa4 alt par.
sonahaviac damand apea Uto Eatal af Ike aald
Tanas wtaaapta, an raanaaaa to saaaw la
asms, aad Upartsas iadebtod to Ik M Eatat
an cum upaa isossa payataa ia
Champstf Co. May 18, 1848.
NOTICE la banby(iva,UMtalb8tkday
af May. last, lha aadajkjsadwss daly aa-
Mecila. disssmd. aad aaa alt aa bead aeS'taw
(eCw, daeaaaae, aad fcaa grna asad i
rseiai wa
Majta.en iiaisilalillilleaaaaaW
sllka tbaaaf kia daalk, are rsaaM tol
la laa
yaw at
ssssat tfcsaa to Ik nnliialaaai, datr aaakaa
u. lAik laia ' T a a.
AH .via, . f
Caarl, to kakald alike afiSatsaa MttUafaaaa,
iaTaalaUaatalaa,aaUMlaarUi MaaJsyla Soa.
rkalslwaiseasaataBt. east e
" aj aIBtaTaxaaaataafaa. I
neeejs wewk.....A.iiw,,iri
rlvisBMaillsi a
waaaar, asaaafai
naiiasj was asaai aaraa
ay y? !fi''it
Far SaaaatasJaaj at I
1 I III his na
n." Ji- .
Hi w
. i aa
inm etaxsayjiesriT i"
ivEirr a avvamajtr
yyir y
BSBl I .". 1
aw H-eVfc.
BaattaadSbM, Ti
Lag Ckaaas,
toaetosajat ainaaltoae a asaayjajaaaa
mmmr rtJ rSaaaaaaaaj
aaaa, aaaaaxajaavaa,
mar tvaaasa aaaaaaa
AlslaMsjIaaBaBk I
eVejajaj raaVaaTaWfl aafaVnV .
. atS.WWa.im
OraMaCwy.May laIMi.
STOU, aa Mala avjaie. aM mmsm
OMsa raawrae, 5 WaaLUbv!
slatnlffilnninV aVaafaW
STLTSaih, v ;cn2
S.tlnaV WMaV
amaanTanni I
? l
K vg.vi i
Bsatih'uV '1
Tka Hi I igi ef aba
Mad. at eke aba aakjal
laaasa wtt ke asaajaakr aahtla
TwaswMfcaeaav y a '-
OisaC4ry.laar4.IMl $$J$S
900 H
Pvaua ncmom latwatr'i
JassasXasa kaa keaaTeaaWsl
aa , niiliilii asaassd ka liaalllaaal
NlMlM tmmU MHaMal fVWal ManM '
laatalale, aad aaaa anaswatolCl
MaamspiaiaatH all I lp Ma last jWI
laWaltonw, wik .vag tkaaajajaa af faavaaajaaipj
TprJ 84,1848. i?
i m.
Biilliaci ha Ike iweavs
tiras; oiass.
OragaaCily, Dae. I, I847.
gt sfm B,w" eMe
Off aaa atik aW
Moask.8ifc.M41 at
Co. rkiBs, A:
aaaaataal aBantaBWanaJsaB KaflatnnlaBnnnnnVBt '
ia il . ll
am-J? j sajSlMxtJ''
cTr. 98, WIT.
w. w. Caanua liaaa S, Watat . ni
i torawd a larlaaaaabt la tka' asaetjee
Law, aadtr the aaan aaa atik) af
QmiuPELfcSJ irJLmw
TWrwmaUaadtokaawaaalaalia aae if ekl
pntaaioaialka Saatsasa aad laaaaw 4JMSSJ
Oil Ttrrllory,
rw.w.cHAMIAir, -j j.i
urtfoamiy, Marsa ttav leae."- ' -mmm.
uau. as
Otto ' A.
Fniaa Vuk
Wart k
f i1,
I iftr .
eUit riiaeiaafj,
a ii.' - .
I t I
S)4laCak aantatOaawaa
psjdattaaiiflndaaaf afcaaasSxk1)
rassrrs tie rwat to osaasajiaaav -?' ,
eeiaaSB,ji rt w !"
BafffaTaTasI aankaa a2aTsaanajat
e7aEEi PVEaWal eaBanaj
...wain -,1
.A'ti&i -:n