Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, June 15, 1848, Image 2

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of Mary Laadle Duaeeai
i taw fcarih year. berlMse
atraak bet la a 8t ef toMr
ill tanaed tie ether cheat, and
it. Taere, Corte,' The uplifted
I wee Mfwl, and when the child
sjata'aaaed wbo tauaht her that. he re.
KfeM that heard Tier papa it one
" 4mmIm out of tbe BIMe, at prayer lime.
fay'letfU dot only an erldenco that the
1U' . .Aacj. a - a v t
eariv.aave Mr unucrsianuing io
" reed to' her. but a hint to all
ttal R la Hot a mailer or moment
iMMr.vwy roam ehileren are made to
m sJ -- - .tnllM Cir mt nniv
1 V saTaaUt tmalM of waillne on God in
I'jblto way .lie hea etwointrd. but the mlrnl
".'Wha flickering attention, gleam aome
m tatas wntcn are morcu up a
1 ha treasures.
y waam
f WWW" ggsaeeg-
It" ' '' BEBLaNT
Etff - - -
a. wait, sarroa w. r. miidmr, raurrea.
CHv, Jeuae If, IMS.
EakATA. la the twenty .third line from
Ilia top, in the Ural column of the third
wage, of our last number, for "hare" read
"Vox Poreu." A communication o.
,war thir name, appears in to-day's paper.
We aball notice it at another time. It is
a awsotlen of general interest to the peo
(fta of Oregon, and should be fairly dis-
Ittrara xaa Ike Army.
W have before ua two letters; one by
Cat. Taylor, addressed to Geo. Lovejoy,
aa the other by Mr. Craig, wbo baa re.
'aided for aome time in the Nex Pcrcea
'eouatry, addressed to Gen. Palmer ; the
.aabstaace of which w giro below. A
aarty under Lieutenant Ecyart, left Ft.
Waters oa the 16th ult., for Ft. Wasco.
nam, to take up a further supply of pro
aseaatotbe army. This party
Ft.'Waacopam on the 24th. ana on the
Wtfc alt. left that plaoe.br- Fi. Waters,
with 4 berrele of ftourfaod three of salt.
waearraaged.Jamt Col. Waters, and
Oak U;'eachjfih a part of the Regi.
were je proceed and overtake tne
if poaaible -capture them
rumors, that the murderers
M, Japan tbe approach of our farces,
' m h- . i. ,.,...
sreaatiy -wae. iiis nopea inai toe
baa beast suixeasfai in eecunng the
of tee murderers, me gener.
fwm liM patriotic proceedings of the La.
i,' jMm af thia valley, baa had a 'happy influ
aaae ia the "army. In another column
-wtll oa touud an approving expression, oy
'e army, oi ine lauaauiD cuurw oi mc
MeMeato relieve and encourage them.
VutWiiii Willi. Mv 1A. lAJR.
wi. a ' - ,,"'.' ; ; ;
pi, L.tfrnr Dir lira liiuo i-nici oi ine
F" ., n
" !.. i... r. ,1. ..,.,.:..
' tSurt-aarVh
ajsCJoiaed ine army, with live oincr ez
, . T JS..C, . .. . "'
hoCayuaea. Tho Old Looklng-glaas
aaye, that a great many more of llio rtez
JPereea will join the army. They all ap- f
ska A a aiialnii. ll.akl elA fntirilarara ainmailil '
pear anxious, tint tho murderera ahould ;
be taken. Colonel Waters will take a
part of Iho army, and Col. Lee the other j
part, aad proceed after Telokite. I
I will wrlle to you again, after our re-1
turn, and oommunicato tho result of the
U 'i'mtttoU.
Your, dec.
Walla Wala.
May 30, 1648.
nt.Gaii'1. A. L. Lovuov,
il Dear Sir. I
Wave just time to drop a line by Father
Goeel. ! arrived here as he was on his
tjjbrst, leaving for the valley.
Tae army of 400 men are yet out, In
tat Nez Perces' country, gathering up the
Meek of the murderers; wbo havo all fled
leaving their country and stock, so says
bkiiaa. report. A partol tho army Is fol.
lowiajs on' after aome oi tho murderera in
hopeeof overtaking them. Tho murder.
, ersbare Bed toward 1ort Ilolsa, or Fort
, Hall, but as they have left their stock,
aaa larauies, tncre a no nope oi oicr.
taking tbem.
k t YomkJt chief say, that his brother,
PIre'crows ii going to give himself up,
ejidbe Wed by our lawa In tho alley,
r Fire crows baa got' well and ia about the
Jhmi round.
Wj .!TOa ajacjuo i near ron uum, whoib
aaiaaaf the other murderers have made
Hetiy a took every day now, for a part
fae array in at iho fort, with the stock
.aad feel in hope that a majority
V esttae maa can leave la lime to set homo
lmU'mmii io the harrest. '
i y3StmL kit " oPr "of nen that
;lMMMrW tM ladlajw Into
aa mev heretofore hare had
fni Id of the fercc, slid resolution oftho
AntriMai. Aml it la belies od, It will
have a greet'lnfluence over all Ihe tribe
up here, aa all are suing lor peace.
In much hailo, Your Ac,
N. D. All llic above are Indian reports
05"Attrndanco upon the Supreme
Court, last week, and upon the Circuit
Court, thia week, account for the lack of
editorial matter in our prccnt number.
04rltls aaidlhat there are American
cowa and oxen, on thia aide of the Colum
bia river,ppolle the "Two Rivers," sup.
nosed lottave been driven to that place
from the Dalle, by the Indiana residing
al the I'Two Rivers." Tlicse Indiana,
are aaid to bo quite saucy, while the Co
lumbia river Indians, generally, are peace
able and humble.
ElectJod HetawtM.
OfBclal returns have come in but frgm
two count Ic. We give relurna asfir as
we havo heard them, which, in relation to
the more remote counties may, or may
not be correct. There is somo doubt In
relation to tho vole upon the proposed
amendment of the Organic Law, touching
the introduction &c, c, ci arJtul spirits.
One thingtia true, Clackamas coimly the
place where the evils of Intemperance are
most sensibly Ken and felt, has done no.
bly. Two hundred and thirty.fi e vote
were cast for Prohibit, and thirl) .eight
for Regulate.
In Clackamas County A. L. I.ocjoy,
G. L. Curry and J. S. Snook are elected
Representatives, William Holmes, Sheriff
and F. Tevb, Coroner.
In Tualatin County Ralph Wilcox, S.
R. Thurston and P. II. Burnett, Ilepre.
aentatites,and R. C. Wiley. Sheriff.
In Yam Hill County Wm. J. Martin,
A. J. Hembrrc ind L. A. Rice, Re prescn.
tatlves, and, Maker, Sheriff.
County Oains, W. J.
UailafT Wm. Portcous and K. Jewell,
Polk County O. Ruucl, Judge Moran
and Representatives.
Clatsop County Thompson Reprc
aentative. Vancouver County,
A. Lee Lewis,
Bciolarv. Some villain entered the
weit upper w indow of ihe II. R. Co's store '
in this city, on Tuenlay night last, and (
stole about $0,50 in cah. The work
waa undoubtedly that of a white man,
and one well acquainted In the store a.s
upon being pursued by the person sleep
ing in the store, he (the thief) mado his
escape by way of the cellar door.
MCilariuM Faarira."
Oy reference to another column, our
readers will percciie that .arrangements
have been made to celebrate the tetcnty
I third anniicrsary of American Indepcn.
(dence, in this city. Arrangements hac(
been made, by Iho committer, witn Mt.
.. . . . ,. .. . . i .
arge number of citizens can bo accomnw.
dated. with an excellent dinner at ine
f , fmn or8i50 per couple. The
ironf judg0 Lancaster lias consented to
detiver the oration, and, undoubtedly It
l l. . .It .III I
wi wort), hearing. L'very thing will
bc donc iy ,ie commlllee of arrange.
mentf , as well as .Mr. Magruder, to make
tho cUbralion pleasant and joyous. Wc
jp,, lhCro will be a general attendance of
ln0 citizens a universal public. Wc
understand that there will bo a ball, In
.hpeiening, at the Cty Hotel thl. Uno''n,"m814,.h f Ju y " ,!ffi "?'
wrconnectedwU!.lhLrWraoBpr.Ter. would humbly
way connccieu mui ihq tfiivruun v, y,r. i Mle.t jouf alj on lJiM OCCMoni ,0 ,c.
-lonrnal f tbe Weather for April i
amel Say. 1MI8.
April 1st, showery.
3d, pleasant, a few drops of rain
about noon.
3d, pleasant,
4th, "
6th7 "
7th, rain.
8th, rain,-until 9 P. M.
Oth, pleasant.
10th, "
llih, " quite warm.
lUtli, plpasant and quite warm.
13th, " " " "
14th, " " " "
13lh, " " " "
10th, " " " "
17th, " " " "
16th, " '
lOlh, " " " "
aoth, " " " "
ns it li ii il
i,Sd, rain from' half past 3 P. M.
33d, somo clouds in forenoon, sprin.
kle of rain at noon.
34th, pleasant most oftho day, somo
rain after 4 P.M.
33th, rain last night, cloudy In inor.
nlrg, balance of day pleasant.
30th, rlsaaant.
27th, "
38lli, cloudy, some rain.
20th, pleasant.
30tb, morning cloudy afternoon
May let,
aaat.v '..
ranodh tdeasani afteraoon
ciouur w ini
3d, cold rain at Intervals,
4th, clouds aad sUnshlne at Inter.
Blh, some rain,
nth, afternoon rain and thunder.
"tli, pleasant.
Oth, i " quite warm.
10th,' " " "
1 1th, '
Hth, " " "
13th, " " "
14th, "
18lh, " "
10th, "
nth, " "
tetli, rain last night, somo rain du
ring the day.
IDlh, rain and sunshine at intervals.
SOlh, " " " " "
Slst, ' " " " "
U.M, rain most of Iho day.
33l, considerable rain.
91th, " "
SAth, rain most of the day.
Jiltli, somo rain.
U7lh, "
Udlh, pleasant.
V. 38th, "
-athh, forenoon cloudy, aflBmooowin
Stlst, rain at Intervals.
Much more rain fell during the last
f.j.. i.i ..i'
itnnlh. than In anv of the last winter
months. Some of the early sown wheat
his failed In consequence of the rains; but
... t tt l m it., onlnlon. from
at. are inclined lo ine opinion, ".
.a ..I..T -...
ail we can learn, that the crops, a. a
whole, arc Improved from thrill.
We had no expectation oi rowing ...
. . . a it l.af
monlhsorrain.and sixinontnsoKirougiii
. n k... .1.. ..J...t ..nnmer.l
thus far, hae brought much more rain
, w-w., u. ... ., B- -
than nc expected to see.
Caors Taoora Tho crops look re-
markably fine, and ihe attention of the
' . i , .i. , i,.
farmers are naturally turned toward i Hie
means ol saving lliem. Ami wo arr nap-1(1( begRar. who quickly mado hii u,l
py in being able to announce, thai orders tanc, proclaiminx in a loud tone In
haio been iurd tor the djichargo of llir,.wcriy, and .,lioitod nlief.
troop,excePl a sutricicnt number to gar. "Yo.1 nce.1 n4 U- a beegar ""
. , , !r .r. ir.i. i..iin ,f' please," rep led the gentleman, "wlu
risen the dnTerent 'oris, If Ihe. Iluallon of lmmJ v( () ,,,
will admit
of it.
I Pursuant to notice, numerous cilizens
m.i i ihir,tv Until. Orecon CilV. on tho
.eiening oftho 10th inal. for Iho object of
." . i i . ,i !
I makinii arranirments lo celebrate the anni.
vcrsaryof American Independence. The.
meeting being called to order and the oh.
jeel explained by O. L.Curry, J. M. Wair
was called to tho Chair and K. Prigg ap.
pointed Secretary
XJa moiioninccHiaensiroiii ,ici(j"""""R
counties were invited to take part in lh
On motion, fciorrf, That this meeting
. . ,, . , I .! r.u i.i.f
is favorablo lothe celebration oftho 4lhof
July, tuts, nnuinai weceicuraioii actui.
On motion the Chairman was desired to
. . , . ..,:,, . inm
appoint fHc persons to cons ilulc a Com.
milteo of Arrangement, who named 1 .
I'ngg, llugli liurns, n. urawioru, .-soyes
Smith, and II. Straight. On motion the a.
committee were authorized to call a
netting whenever ihay may deem necc
i..v...IS ..v.. j j
'" " '"' I-" to add t their number
0d to ,cl as accms lst lo carry out the
intentioni or tlsl meeting.
on nv,, ,1C citizens of Oregon gene
rAuywcro lnvitrd lo cooporato and panic
jpMo n tn0 fe.tivities of the day whei
' ....
tho meMlng adjourned
nbia LAirAma
n. Kir- Tl.n enmmiiti at arranpe.
mcnlsfor lhopurpo.0 of celebrating the
vat viva . s w. .. av.. . - - -zr
liver an oration or address suitablo for
tho happy and glorious 4th trusting
.1... .,h. ....., uitt .n.i. innn, lm,.
I4JU IVUI Bllnvi "ill eavwvMv f-y -
and 'wishes. Permit us to beg that it may
be aa early as convenient.
Your with Ihe highest respect,
MtrLT.NOMAn Citt, Juno 13th 1B4H,
To FaEp'c. Paifio Esq.,
Chairman of Ihe tommillte, appointed i
or Ihe purpose of making arrange,
mt ult for Ihe celebration of ihe entuing
ith of July at Ortgon City.
Six: Your communication of yester
day Is received, wherein Iho committee,
through their chairman, "sollcil" my "aid
on that occasion, to deliver an oration, or
address, suitable for Iho happy and glori
ous fourth."
I know of no good reason, why I can.
not "acccdo" lo Iho "wishes'' of lha com
mittee; and join iho citizens of Oregon
Clly and its vicinity, in oclcbrating tho
anniversary ofiho American Indepcn.
All who love tho sacred name cf rEE
win, should attemble, wit!, ihuir childrrnt
in different place in this distant wilder,
ness; and in a proper manner, show Muni.
July, 1849, and that we celebrate it accor. I tWinly )ear ago I was a beggar like rii,l laj) from Miseiaalppl. Tea feet be
dingly. )ouraelf, at length I licgan lo c it was 0M ,eV,l,o of this terrific height, whloti
ftl hurt for the imttimnhlt aWrfog'.
which have resulleil to lite ahxiicak
Nation, by Ibe act of Jclt 4tn, 1770.
Accept sir, for mir,olf, and In behalf
of Iho commlllee, in) alnorre llianka tur
ih Imiiar iliut conrnrnd iiihiii int'i mid i
ahllel ever shall iirl r f lh
,., ,,.,., i
ttiiciion, u i ie wiiii HIIHVHM11.-1-, .. ,
shall attempt an addnw "siiilitiuo ir t'i"
hnppy and glorious fourth.
llFspectliill) tours,
TkT) ItrflBur.
r a o m t it . r a a n c it .
Manv vrars simp. Mrliin I a Miiliiff
man aboitl tiiuy )" oi i;r, , m..,
vnrv rmiiirnllt In mirlld tnm.Uv w lib my
f '. .... . f .. -
mollirr who rtahhil at Wrsailli". tilt- bo L
Iiiir the unlv Ja of the week on wliuh I
....l.l I..... I.!. I ....ititriillv vttilkril 11,
lrillti iv,,' ... . ,..
far as the Harrier, ami llieiico I liwk a m M ,
I.. . ..I'll.. ...il.l!.,.,aIaiid litnti asLll.B
er's houic When I happened lo ho liu
111 1'IIP Ul HID IHIWlltvnillUKVi '; ais-aia-
When I IiciumI la lw Iim
early for the dlllgcnoe, I u-.l lo mp and
coinemo with a l-i?Rar, ho iiamr wo
Anthony, and v. ho regularly lo..Uilsstn. I
lion at the Harrier do Paasy, where In a
loud oioe ho solicited alms froin ou-ry
ono that passed, a ttli a degrn, of porw.
vcraiico that via, really nstoiiMiinir. I
generally gajo him a trifle without in
?"S"K, """"c ... ? . ? .l" ....
had koI Inioihehahltof
rtly In eel rid of his lm.
doitift bo, and parity
pnrliinllice. Olio day I
altcd for tho diligence,
'". TTI .."f '
TtKllI'tl IUr II1U till ItLIIVVi a ivtllli Jltll""
,., , . ", ' i.i. ...
i . r f uU ,,
'ofheaien, bestow your alms on a ih
,iiian ,w,ors, rs.in.:, .... ..,...,..
laItla aa. (II lua nra A fit 1 1 tf t. .m1 vaxl .
,""""" a,- i , .V,
. pouring Li. exclamation i. he ear. o
, every one who oamo within the reach of
he olce, n ,,,,.1,110... man, of re,icl.
wnno Alimony was in im? m.iii..
!. ,i, rxcanutlon into the enrsol
able appearance joined ii'. He had a
plotsanl oxprcHiou of countenance, was
very well drewd, and il mlt;hl l-e wni at
a Blauce I hat ho was a man in good eir.
c),UU(, w w , f ,uT,;,.CI.for
"You arc nleiueil lo iet ir,'
mil Aii-
"By no means" wid the gentleman, "I
necr was more serious in in) life. Listen
to me, in friend. You pereilw that 1
"" cH drwwd-and
baie every thing that
,. . ' B
I tell )iiu tint I
a rcasoiiiiUu man
...ml il.,,ri. "
. ,ir. ou are n forlunatn man."
, "Well, my Iricnd, I would not hive
l-censoifl had sat and begge.1 ns )ouar
, "" ,, ,,,
i I UHTl llUUkllkl MIFHIIOWl wutsBiss.aaa
"Are you lame f
"No, sir."
"You are not blind, nor dent, rr. I you
certain y arc not, ( Un, I'-j"";" P"-r; '-
cn lesllfy. Listen: I shall tell )nil in)
niiory n' fcw MoM tSolne Metn ur
tWinly ytan ago I was a oeggar imc
)ouflf, al length I licgan lo c it was
ery disgraceful to Ino on the bounty nf
'others, and I rcsoUed lo nbamlon this
n( (fif m inon n, ,
cm)li qimP,j a,i,, and wuil into llw
r,roincc Upgeil lor old rags. mei,en.
pie were very kind tn me, nild in n short
lime, I returneu to runs w un n ,ir,.ie
I I... .. .11.. ..I .... a,i" . Msti I.t r I ril ii id
h J n.ncr.inaker who
. . ,hrm n
to bl lhelll . fulr ,,e. I went y,
collecting, until m my grinl joy. in)
finances cimlilc ,1 mo to liurciin. r
that I was no longer forced to irg for
them. At linglh, by diligimo and in. (
diistry, I became rich cimugli to buy an
ass with twopanniurs, and lliey saed me
creased: the naner maki rs found that I
both i mo ami laBvr. MS uusmrss in
i . . . , . , i
lil.nll linneftllv wilt, Ihein: I neier paillieii
i0,rb. r,R, r,r pnnd onesj I prospered,
BI ,,. l0 result. In plaie of Umg a
. ....I .. ,1... r.. I, In ,
' im, ile.nie,l lu-in.nr. I liaio ten llioiisaud
i-v. .- .-. -- -faa--.Tv' ,...
crowns n year, ami l houses in one oj
tho best streets In Paris. If, then, my
Wd, you can do no In iter, begin .,'.
nh.nt. And lure, he continue
.ja crown , ,ct j0U U(, i your new
... ..."..- .....
trade; it Is morn limn I bad, lu nnuuioii,
please In take n
r.it iii.ii r i find sou
here nnoincr diiii
Sunday I shall report )ou
1t(. .', ... - -, J
to the iKilico."
nn ..vlnn 1 1.; ihar.M nenileman walk.
edoir, leanig Anllimi) and ui)ef in n
siato of great surprise. Indeed llio Ug.
car had been wi, miicn intercMcu hi wie
hfstory he had7iraril, that ho stowl with
. -r .... ,
in the
open mouth, and c) is, in mute astonish,
in, nt, nor had liu even power to solicit
alms from two well dfcsud ladies, who
pawed at thai moment. I .could not help
being struck with Ihe' storyNut Iliad no
time lo comment upon II, as Iho diligence
had arrived, in which I seated in) self and
pursued my way. rrom mat eriua i
lost sight of Iho beggar; whether Iho fear
nf Iho police, or llio hope of gaining ten
thousand crowns a year, bad wrought Ihe
chango, 1 wa not aware : It u sufficient
lo say, that fiom that day forward ho waa
never seen at tho Harrier.
Many yoara afterward., it happened
thai business called mo lo Tours. In
.trolling through the clly, I stopped inlon
book-seller's shoplu purchaso a new woik
that had made soma noise. I found there
four young men, all busily employed,
whlla u .tout, good looking man was gir.
ing thorn orders, as ho walked up and
dow n with an air of Importance. I thought
I had seen Ihe face of the bookseller be
fore, but I could not for a moment lell,
until ho spoke, and tl'tn I discovered him
to be my old friend Anthony. Tl.o re.
cognition was mutual; he grasped my
haml and i
well furnish) f
klnilnoM UIKM ItH
hlahlslory from ohaj t
uarrier, irim
nor. ho tirsatl. B
luirclUM) raus. He
'" "",. I",.rt!'c, t .. W' ffSSTai.
er niarrir'i nis uauuiuvi .,
(0 wcr illllleil hia ammiion fra'
fw,t , IP could easily count lila Ii
nt ten tlioiliand crowna.--iie mw
.r) da for blowlngaon Me benefactor,
who hsiLLsfit Ihemeanaof-ralalaf Me
fmm Iho d.-nraded oomlltioil of a,fMaal
U.ui!r. Aulhouy laaiOJOvli.eflla,
cul and sin of Idlencaa, and ofaubalaUaf
t.n . imriiv of nthera."'hal. wMwIWer.
i ,i Lhl, ,., ,,oe U at wMMaWH
.. ,-i ---
work, no entreaties, nr,fcwaleMI sjeajr
pronilnl on him ' "slow a atngieeasje
mi tlioio hIhi viould no', help hiaee)M
m-.-. All other ble'lnfa'l iae
incomplete Wllhnul tioalaBt.
M lic,iropl,
Wkllt il WrtatlC
happy (without It, we eaa
And contentment la ea al
, .,, ,.
., , ntl.limiciite tntlfc. It
I-1 l ST
, ......i ...tovinent afwbat.wa
,- wl,(0Ul Otiaaklitag iffactlulrtof flaj
wh , HPIMpnol. Hut we all of t bate
llpiirri, Wnen wa gratify
, J, our aalUftvUksa, wkatj
., . ' ,'.. .. ji, t. ,k.. mmA all
,,,',! wo overestimate theTalaeof
r'tbo 01,1..., and n4ver consult ae par.
,, nmi;nc lhey exerorae oyer oar
,:.... ii.niiL.nr.heillMlaaa
'. band', wo eras., al an obleot) aaraaaa
I. r.... . ...L,l..,la,.allalaU aaa
, nlUM ,.,,,,, ,fter ih,dowa a4 Ibllo
running after
I ."
I iirulcctinit lo use those wa aareaw
,.; Ai.dourend ahatwuMaal
V'". . ....i ;".. in..V tl. a..
- TlX
I .
w n
1 esllllll acfiM aiw sjsavec
axoeaslve vebeastaea,
the eMeeOfawM a
varielv of object., prooeede froaa the Igaa.
rant apprthensions that wa eaanot ateure
lisnniniss bv too many methods. But a
tew a ery few. dexterovsly maaagtd
are sullieient. Whewconlenlmentdwelle
nM ; nfteni r In the collage than In Ike
Mint e more frequently wllb toil aad
linrd'hip than with luxuriea and raftaa
i,,ii., ,y mi many deemed lha aureet
a unil in, . mi to lito happy audaallsfUd.
Oh' iKeliui delights! oh. unsatisfactory
i.len.iirrs. Ilanplness, soft and amiable,
lull of lirtiic and good humor, knows ao
, KtinetiiMi iirnerMiis.bulilwrluarnoaaiail
i iindiimiis of mankind. She lakoe up.her
uU-le uiili en lines, of disrnsillon and at'
renitv ni'iii'iiil. Those who are aurround.
rd uilli abilities and stirred on by eaeite.
mrnii to iratifv their peesiona, are aaaay
rem, ites from happiness. We ramble far
abroad to find that which la concealed at
holll". .
A Hum li T. A correaaondesjl
tho I ni mil l,i Journal, who vUUed tke
lute Sulphur i Springs by the route of Use
(ire.t Kcnhawa, aayei "At the Hawk'e
Ne.t. nsr iCharleetowB. a eubHtae preef
pice I.UHi ftet high, and contmaatHag a
stew for mile., of I
g walersol Niw ri
H.rfornie, f0
iim rusning esn ssesa.
river, a remarkable feat
iar veara in bv a mat-
r,,.j jajj rrom
0M ,eV,l,io of
nv .
lhr,. tr, , t
J , ( ((
,, r0) k, in spil
uiii en annmairn neaeawBiB-aBaaaaai
icre Is a iieneii oi atone, at r
feet iu fclrcuinrcrcnoe. To
iuin nf the expostulation of
,r airnghtnl husband, the lady aeeceaa.
r,. Whtn oho began lo rrasceod, her
iu,t,ul, trlru to nor not io iook oaoa, bin
. s i . . . L- ualHaJ aka aaa I aaa.
liaiH r handkerchh' Her aav
,.:,. una fully gratified ; she had don.
nUi ,.i.r woman had ever done, or
will t ver ,l.
and what alio will never at
tempt again,
On tho morning ofnur national birflf
la . the Ith of Jiilv. 1770, when Ibe dec
laratlon of Ilia American Indeptndeaaa
.. - i !.. r.M.MMi. ,,i,iai,
nmiiiiiiiiL' wiiriiwvMii,i,nw,,nww
Iv npmlcd to ilrati tkat tnatfUiaiM,
their report lliro' their chairmen, Tl
Jell', rhOU-eBIld by wllOUl It WH ftM IBS
. a a . fi
nousu .auu.i nr.i aieu.
That iaetra.
meiil, lliey saw, cut them off from tne
cy ol
i guiuar
ureal nriiain, sney aaw
lietio vision all the horrors oi a
L'uiuarv war camaae ami
IA ,- I. -A... ,L.
nassen in swni ij wwn ie-
riiev taw the nrosnect or bavieat rtretsa
J ,. , --. . ..- ...
Mill moro closely upon their alneOTaM.
I ed and bleeding limb the chaMs or Star.
' rv. Tim housa seemed lo warer-kkMaM
Idreii and solemn, roigaed Urougbaat,rt
halfoflheapaclouacapitol. Erarr'Maa.
Ic naiico indicated that 'deep
mmm mt work ; and the solemn
were calling for doable eMrsjjr. At 4Ml
fearful crisis, wh-n the very deatlay eftae
country Mcined lo be suspended upoatba
aclim of a moment, the sileaoe tee palsv
ful silenco wa broken. An aged pairf.
arch arose a venerable and stalely fcrsa,
h head wh to with the IrOSt Of
years. He cast on Ihe assembly a stab art
inexpressible interest and uoooequeraata
determination ; wnuo on nie visage see
hue of ago was lost in lha burnln patri
otism that fired his cheek. "There It
said ha "a llduln tho affairs ofrnen,aaek
of time Wo perceive it now before Me.
That noble Instrument upon your taUt,
which insures immortality 'lo it aiHaar,
hhoulil he subscribed this very saorabM,
by every pen in the house. He wba fll
not resiiond to its acoeata aad sxreiae
neno to carry into effect its provitleaa, b
iinwortiiy mo q me , oie .rwissaai ',u
though theso gray hairs must oeeM lata
ne , oia Jreeeaaa ,i.
iho sepulchre, 1 would MmMf mm
they should deecamllMlsWaystobBial
or the public eieouwaaer,nkia a n aa
ilii.crUlsthosw red ceof aw o)jart ,;
The puirlarch Mt down, aad rmaMnf
declaration wa signed by oriry 1kiiaas
i' wmgmm W9P9U mWLW
JJ aVaslsU mm ki kU
. ., aeBBsBkaWlaan
saasjasasB ajs kasrs bsJMbjb Vbbb ajaw
aC 'SeaaeM Ibai
I ftfatsaajajar
lib i '
mmm a 0t
state afiba an
anaaleya, aad aalsjadJJ alay ,
late laa aawtsalaasl saiaaji ! as aba
ooaMeratlea. Uaa fc aaaUa. rale
ikeee atetaa wan jJMtt wj m Pimm
Oeairel, aad asfataa taaasjua? list fa
Koyauyat Maaiaa,, MNajaaiiBjL.jsiw.
aver, I Km wralsalaa
started lalaeaa
ataat at ba
WWwm '('WlBBVa
tba Qalrallsla;asji fmmmVn&tm
esa.' h ,il It .
WLa IgiLLM M k steaLJaiAsmAlaBb sw
mmj mmmmwm Mfyml Wmm7mmwwmw9 mBP
raaW, at m mmTmmm ti tmk Oka
mMlmm flktsM atesaUdJiMiaj VkaakJafaaa ,
fkTaW .I mw bVHVvbVIVm) W Wmmrmm WW
Oeaual patty, 4Mba i4aai hm kata
waial i tfsa aaaaaaaf.ijai Mepla jta
OH4V W9 fM wwKmmMjm) Ww WMI
WnVfllW wmW m
Ceatral Aaiiiaw.' 'Vha
aear at aa aBjHBBjBjaa
aaallf wbHIH
UkM !alW,flkiaMBiiBA
' aysjaii mm mmmm i
.'i. t
l tmmmmmmjmmttmmmt
mmmummm mmmm
it m mm tt mmmmm). .""'-
1w)''mmmmmJm mm 'If mk
mm mmmmmmmmllmmmm-
tjtttfML aNatesMBaflllBBL BBaWal AHBfM AMte
aaaMla4daiekBMpW afOa-
Aktaj WUimmK mmtmmmJmWmmTmmmmm n "
WwmmWmmf Hf m mmmmmMm Wmmmmwl fl
TIN afHlasiaa'rai w4a.lafay m
lstOa hiss abut mMmAmV mmm mm
Sga mmmm mmmn
HbHHsHsVIHbA mWtmm9mB'm9mWmWi
waea aMsaataa . .aw wawwVHs
mala. .TamvMMhtsllllenaeiaajai'M
Am; WMMp wmYmmVmmMmi
aaaVaf 4JtN!iaaei If mm' fmWmji
aagjJ7aJapPeaWWa aWsffasTIV
ass BsaapyiakjpsaBjBjBjBjsjB aasjr.
mimm) WRIHmWmmtmVW
, i
sialeiJ '?.''.
. i.V.iifl
lls.lfJfflt', """'