W'S - I tl Ft-. ifr E tv 3. Fai CSbUibMia y tv ViUVVVg fat. ( ,L, friJiOBv(,iur AMr4?fco Mt MM Vnararto XtMti 31.1. 'I,- i latitat. TtnVtMN&bfiW. V l0 foOM W4T UmW Id erMM koir Um nr "o"" I l fU)4, taajaatk-al, HkluM I tiiV.iW'-f m" TlllW mmrH at lb tVktlnfMa r aid iIm kM I latannrdBTIISMi laflba WetUra Vet-Id. I t-MBt-aflVatdl IWii f Wllwim WW, iaea till Uiy peak. flhHd bark ibt eolai Brat ' HM aVrt Ik. rati 1MB tiwl'Uir eUTi of , ' Aad ptad trkh rata m lb seen Wlow I Wkm fall, la nn4r, V-swa tfcy nrtn krest-, TV fal fcme-1 listr ef the far fkntrd Weat ! T h- heaiy monument or , mil tirade ettaM Ktn-d wmtea oa Ikjr (r ' What Hnf eeounotlaaw bar MinW tht bn-.ttt Wlllt 4rae hit builttd beat tUilhy lefty errtt ' Wkaldn-t anapltaa, ud coaYuU-o.it (teat, H.r shaken thy Imrsxiet ehelraf state Pal nltreliM ftrm UiV tops were drirr n. Which (oil like mlt,hljr lhuD4trabo.lt from Heai-en lluw lonf Ihjr loftjr ttnrerfni tVt hate firttneJ. 0(t all thy hltls and .uttVrotiit- around ' tiUi steed as beat-cat la th hirater't eye, flahs-tall quilttrt couU thttr lapt deter) I GkMtaetkea ait iho-i n-i'illhycrttin tun, MtftmtftiitV wtlrata ! WhiM ('or toy topi Jnnlun.u spirits vi,r, And e'alm eaeaaaou tm due lorvlj ihorr. Repl) tot Ikon cotUkf tlbe.il cn I ek , .To learn Iby .iHsey, Ul,oMIlukt Bat ttiU. with dnt two I tvir look On ll.ii H4t mu ( of Asian's book ' For the Orrjon ?fltor Serrowful Uiiioft ta m Laic com ; -Ortfto'i toot (in otr Tbaaouadlalikt Um muffltil drum, j Boat oVt (fa mlim't Utti Fma Eut la Writ, pnxri Oif job. laitiiratJ aa in (lonn; Tor many of htr n4Jil wna, LI LurW fat Iha tomb' Tha waiawkaop. Input IiihI w haai-d. Onr heai-lVut una; with pa n i A aiaalali flat, hat krea mituml. And Doctor UXIInun ala.ii' Hit.lf njrr content by ha mJ ; A l3) much rftrtcxd Tmt wipoj ooTlht purpaV lido, That from ha hmflr aUramxl With hit Moody btsd cmw Ttlckilc, Their mtnaion to aanouud ' And ttch agal iutafcly aooftil in dijhl Ftar all lb(r ttnata drovn'd 'i That fatal day, what toepit ctn tt U ; What ctratf, Wood, and ain't ; Thty tVi p!a, Mit Wblimin ffUI AadRogrnkM hit lift! Honond Sandria, Salt, and Gill, Tkoir kUad haaa drtach'd our ao.1 ! Willi crWa tt tmtf,jlmmk SM'd, Wkieh mtktaaw brana ncail! Tha plan aa laid, Iho chith a(nrd, Thai atciy raanahould dit ! Th fr wit, wtf to bo raattrtd I FoJ critea of deeper dyt ! ! a' ' Com oo, coo oa, bo!d frtadom't aona ; Th Wood ahaO U rtrtnf'd ! Can oa, lby cryl albquaand tra(ut Aloud Ibt aooad pmlalaVd ! Bold Gilliam now leadt on th bitre ; Tbty mtka lb rd rotn flyi M't bear tbtm ibout, our lud lo tarr. Wall coaster or are'll dial Oarnaieiae, we will mike thtm fet, ' Aa4ai4'tfc!fTIolo.t, Utbifh bnr ImA, tht pobtbtd tutl ; tUxik tU dtcuitt Utm ! . ' ' Oiexon't oa, yimlTt dtftod, Tha Dm ctn not be fjr; Our natirt tlatti. rttatf will tend S 11)4 1 tin Itntly Hit. Thaa Unat were wri:nn a kit daye befort the dtalh Of tin Cesritl wai ktxnru In Ihit taller. ' '' K. M. HI80ELLANEOUS. Faith nail Hope-. BY llR. CAHIT.MI.X. Ono morning, aa the run arose, two pi rilt west forth upon ihocarlh. And they were titters; but Fnilh wat or mature age, while llopo wa, let a .Some i?T. iceof lauh. child, They rcra both beautiful ed to mm upon llio countenance .. til. " j . '" . n ' ,i i ii V chinked not: but Hopo was ihe delight of every ey. And the child .ported in ihi frihhneit of tho morning; nnd a. the l.ourc-d over th gardens end.dewv lawns, her wings uliltercd In the sunbcaini Wit u rainbow, ' Conic, mysitcr,'M,oc-riid,"niid chase with mo iho hullerly from flowc-r lo How cr." But h-jr alttcr was gazing at ihe lark, . n- n -. -. at itu.osc from itt low nest und uarbled amookliio clouds. jnj,, sit M noon, the child said ic, my tine'r. nnd pluck with', of ihogardui, for they arc iltholr frnursnee I. aueet." i And whtnsji Jgnjn: '-Come, tne'tt,,, flAu nr . beaudful. nndthntr frnuranPA I. .u,.t i' i iTT'..- 7:.-.V---e--"- -"s... HUH-aim replica: "iNay, my sister, let Ihe flow era he there, lor thr.it url young, uti delithleirt thyaeK in I heir beaulv. ...111 Jl.-. . . . . .. a . win incuiiaie in mo suaue until Ihe heal of tha day be past. Thou wilt find me hv the fountain In the forest. When tho'u Pft tyt rno and rcpoio on my aim " " loa ! 1 And ahe amlled and departed. jPAftaroima Hope nught hor .liter. yh tear wai In her eye, and her counto) nance wa. mourniul. ' allMnirthhNMttMy tUter. where. fcra-Mat thaa wp, and why is thy coun lfnai.ee .ant" !- And tha child answered:- because alu cloud It In the sky, and the tunhlne III mri-pitti r tin. ruin ln-itns t.i fitll." .-. - --- -p 'llUbutathowcr," t-uitli ropllcM, "anJ when it I over, tho ficIJi will be grrfiicr! lexv iirplrcti-.J opfritiniiy ilra af. than bcrorc." 'lor It an irri-parnl'lr low, lilch 111 R" in- Now. the ilacr hre ilicy at wn !icl tu rtrrmt with o. ' tere.1 from the rain, at it hud Soon from the noon-tide hrat. And fiulh comforted the child, and hord her how the waters flowed with a fullf r inJ a clearer at ream at the thou era fell Anil prraenlly the tun hrukr out as i ami tha woo-.lt reaoundrU "itli ump. I Thru Hope was clad and unit forth to, hor aportt once more, Altera while the tkv nn ajjam ilark. i ened, and tho )ouug tpitil locked up. and behold thcic " no cloud In the wholc 1 circle of the hcarcna. I Therefore lloe inarielhd. for it a'j,lin, iho caue of Iter ileliii.in nt liroiher, i not jtt night !, ,, matnr.l in opilioiito hit tatlr I And the tied la her titter and ent her. rr-, , nl in, ,.0ii...ui utl l n di itelf down at her feet, and trembled exccnl. I j,,!,,.,,,!. Mr. Wi-nltli-, a'n ru liolJ 'I hen Knith raiel tho child, and led , her forth trout the. lmile of th.- tm , and p.n tiled to the tun and tnid, I "A thadi) it ujinn iner the fine ! thereof, but no rav of hit i:ot it cvtui- guithed. Ho ttill Halketh in bni;htiic, anu thou tliall aain Uclinht thjtcir in tin itcitiii. r-oe. rcu Hit nii luce li not nlioll) hidden fiom iik , liut the child ilarril nc-l lo.K up, r.ir the Igltvm .truck upon l.cr licorl. And when all w Uright again the Sweleielr, tportt were lest gat than In-fore. hen the even tide a. wine, l-aith went forth, (Win l he for.-M h.dra. .ml r-ught the lawn, where the might waiclil the tPltlngof the tun. . - . Then said ah !o hep vnnni, ii,tip."ivmi rind behold how fnr the gloriraof thi-ttmurt ' irantcrnu tne Dctuttct ot the morning. lo i i.. .t i. -...i....- "" "' "I" mm aimynmi cue place to the thadow-t of night ,,., ,i. - ItJsneed repose. She laid the child oiTa bed of ibneri. and kis.cd her cheek. She nlo drew her mantle round the head of the young lcep er, that the might -Jeep in peace. Then I'aith looked upward, and belt Id how the ttart cam? forth. She traced them in their radiant courv, and listen, d lo their barmen. cj, which mortal cur hath not heard. And as the lutrncd their iouiv en.ran ced her tout. At length a light appeared in the east. i intneeas, the portal or ana tne tun rumt lonn from ineucavent. men ine apirit liaatencu 10 .!. 1 . 1 . arOlMCthe Vounc leerrt:r. , "Awake! Omv titter!" the cried, "a . a , .... ... . " aai v i v tin s-M9-hs.it iii t ). u, t new day hath dawned, and no cloud shall overshadow it. Awake, for the tun hit). - intra wnicn .nan aei no more. Kellftom Vmctm, ' When upon our death-bed a cloud cov ers our head, and we are enwrapped with sorrow; when c feel the weight of a icknes, ami do not feel the refreshing i it '.,lv ,icn nations of Ood a loving kindness; we have many thing tu trouble u, ami 1 looking round about us, we spo no com forter; then call to mind what injuries you have forgiven, how apt tou were to pardon all nrTrontt, and real penccutiont, how you embraced peace when it wat olli-red you, how vru followe-l alter f. ace whin it ran from lou; and when you aro weary of one side, turn upon the other, and re member the alms, that by the gra c of dod, and his assistance, ) .-u hate- Uouc; y ju laic- uouc-, iwlh the v-e of in a cloud, ami and look up to Ood, and fnitl. Ichold Him corning f.at I lARaa M.. (a. am. ... t.1. .... ta a - 1. . iv, and her voice languid. She folded ' ,;" ' h K'xl nature; lor wimti, it mil the reiiuc her radian, wing, and dropped en her ,. ",Ut Irll !,f 'i,m. The oil nun', heat, IKinfT ter't ItNom, and fill atlce- becan lo relent and eatincatoi liinp-r lioo. I tialiin i-an But Faith wn-ehed thrutigh the night ?.', " 1,1 went on "Phnrlr. wat nl "'""Uje 0f,.l'r ."J""' "" wl"1,,,,1",'l,,'r" "" She wat never weary, nor did her m- ... ,' I , "'i , '.. . . u I ! "! , v "' . "iMplieaHr u, ami which di.co.. fall lavfl ...1-. wcji lltl .-. v '.nliri. ..a, .a ..... ...f an !,. .....,..,.,. I.l I',.... pronouncing iho .i-iucnve of doomsday ,ycornc .. n ,a.Vrta.tt l.ilc his swathed according to hit li.erc-U sand thy charity. m, ,tl0Wctl ,,,jW unahle l-wa, to per. .yierletaiij-Miellilnkltaneu-UM-tobe f ,, n,.Cl,nrv ,-,, Io',1 In bed, bc-caune h'j has nothing to do when he- It- up; for uhosoeicr hath a soul, and hopes to save that soul, hath work t'liouh ludo, to make hit calling and election sure !o .trto Owl, and pray to read and meditate to repent and amend to do good to others, and to keep pi II from thr in s.'lu-s. And if thou hast little to do. thou o'jghtctl to imploy the more tuiv u. lui ing up (jt a greater crou-n of glory Those ire reldnm the most thriving people who drive at none- hut vast projtclt and will mrda grow rich ut wiccj nor is i tut i .. t ft he ikely lo make he beat proficiency in ' holmes.-, wlio expects lo become a aaint by one eager resolution lo praclic. imcomnion virtu.,, and never do a wrong thing again. ii . :i ... .. . .. .. . 7... i -V ....., i.. ' earth, are raned by eonlliiiially ut.-ciinni- lating lo the stock in hand and imr. Is lo be done hy vlgllnript- mid industry, than by strength and--Impetuosity. I am rent mo this world, and I run uvery day trni. idling homeward. 11 I im-it wilh Moreof misery on my way, rlUcrtlion shall teach mo u religious hoslc in mi joiirnei ; and 'if I meet withpltatures, ll.vy .hail plea- suie mo only by pulling mo m mind of . j -j , ..:, .... . my pleasures nl home, itfucli snail u-ac-li nie to t-eorn these as triths. A phasant tourney is dtnrlv b-;ii"lit, if w- do not gr t home in safety. ' I a man oor mid low in the worhlf Ph.tt- doll. Imnrnio nnd awerten even ' me to M-orn these as triths. A uirasanl !;.., .. .Ir.tl. U.i, rut,, nnd awerleii even ' ..-., . . -- -... - Hint ttitc; it keepetli hit spirits up mum dejection and ditconsolntenes II frtelh him from uli grlcvou leHc-ilude and nnx . . a a a a a lety. ami showrlh luin that niiiiougn nn sec'melh to have Utile, yit lm may ho us. surcdlri want for norVliir. having a cnrinin succor and nevrrfailiWuw-ly from iJf-l's ailih&uptly g'x-d providenec i lllth. diirerenee hc-tweei, not ' gresslon; and It Is thn truest wisdom nnd thou shoul.lst, end not tlolng il I tho lat philosophy ao.ncliu.es lo shut our lul.Kt- tod,, ihvduty end be eyes' lo an insult, even when lb. ro may ill. If that which ilnni dnesllKi sPrtno reason to fear il wat not cntlrn. I Here li doing what at thou tlioui Mill undutlful be right, if the mind with which tl.ti do oh ii nn not so, an ii wrong. Death is the bridge which curriit ihi - jod man over from time l eternity, from sorrow to joy. from cart? to war. to peace and sn-tinti-. fnmi n far ivunlrv to hi ra . . tlu-r'a miii, rruitivarlli tn lira fit. Thr HwonrlllnltAti. Well. 1 think It's irv llkrlt ; luit ilon'l .. . ""'l tran- mo anv morv tour nr-inrr ii' 'marrril a twrelrl. onn "horn I forlw.lo In- hmttotnarrv.and I on't foreitc hint il" ' . I irv tnre tivether." 'l',,, .ih-.oIi ua a,llrovd to n lotelt girl fOiui'oh riplite. u. In-aulil'iil n the li l that liiili'K ilvlf K'lir.illi 1 1 1 - ilaik torn. She at arliii(: the tilirry livknof her falher'a hipli Imtnl-KMiio l'in-lii'ail, ol u Inch her ' o i a miitinlurc. mul pli centlentatn. a rv.ul. ul of H..,ton. II.- t a Int. im.xI nutiind .dl.-!o, toiiienhat run la- i in rl li nn-l uinc and "it in tut ariiiilinn lioni iiiairiuii; until night, -mo king lilt pipe, and rcaidmi! the nr.-ipi peia. Sometime-! it tlorythjio n ex. , ,,:oit,iuoiir reioluliouarv batilo II, .1 up . .,,!. ,our, (. had two i i imtui hour, lie had to iiklrin, ilia, diaolitiliniit ann. and the Kautiivl L'lll bforr tpokrn of. The fi ml girl went on ptrailiu" "Dear father, doforciw- him; you don't klB hat a lK-uutif.il girl lie l.-a in.trii- -- ,, ,, .. tllinW .,,. ,lk, ,v ,, lll0 , llUII; ' .-ttlt .KM,-, ..- ,e. and op. ., the .U.r n i,... , UgU r..,.,i ...U. . - ' ..v,.i ' ..,, M.m.l I'll. -.. i ...,., - !- ....... --....- jiltt irclu-r now 1 the it g.vxl ; and the' little lv, he Ukt Noiiinoe.-nt ..Ill UIU lU IV,. I llll. illl aiiil ill,- f..i...r ,., ..i i..VP I ,.ri,, ,.,.jr "!.'. ... .. r i laitmi iiim - ,v . r. . . I i,.t,.r Liipw that l fur.- .-...a.................... -.,--- nuti tlmikilattry likely. Mell, mm l.-L"-. but I indulged him. nml In- witi ul uyi'gi..ol lu his old fnlher, for all he du oU-i.J me l.v marrying Ihit poor girl .ict.ahni) old friend and f. How .ohlier, lorn Homier. ud to tav. we mut lor- give. IW loiii'lHouhlgiioalltheoM .hoc, that haieg.it to know what cu-r bvecmoof him.. If I bu- hud him or on- ol lm i ini.in nil llcait-n grant tliev an- m.l autrenng! Tl.it nlaguvtmoky ,cm. liow my eyes water! If I did but know who tint iior girl wai, thut inv t'l.arli-a Uai lnarrcj. tl i ,a,c ncic-r nie,uirid ,.r .,..-. I'll ,-mii .. ...... - -' " " I'll,... ll ,inil, r..,, . l...,,f,,t i,v -i 11 n ,. i 'i .lUUUt lU 1CIISUIU, 1119 CUTIS llalir, UI1U , ,, I ,,,,1 chitki could nut but make one Ion That - tint it Charles' boy," said Hllen. throw ini? one of liernnnt int rouml heN I fa'tfieYe neck, while with The othci1 tire I placed the child on hi kme. The child 1 looked t.-ndi-rly up into hit face, ami Imp el out, "orand pa, what makes loucr) of The old mar clasped the child lo hit I som, kiied hun again and again. Aller ihp..riinn li.il 1..il, ...U..I...1 I,, had,, tin dnldjell hit name. Thomas Bonner Wealihi,1- twoul Ihu bo), fi am iiaincd after grand pa " "What do I hear," .aid the old man, "Thomas dinner ourgratid-fa'hi-r" "Wt, ' lip t id Uv, "and l,e 'irts with rue at ' (!el u.e my cant-, ' said the , 1.1 man, "and cfini"- nib-n. U- rjuick i hild," 1 hey it art it) or. at a tiiicl. pace wiocli sr)n b , ,r( ,0 ,,. ,h,,ughupal , M fi Ul polli .,.ro ,m ugerif M, ' , ,',A. .r, , . uaughtc-r, the wif..- or IJinrlt-, wn pi rPpar. t mit tln.-ir Ini'ial tit' ul, and Lhari'.t wa out seeking mployinenl to tup,irt his f. nuly. "D'-t ull my fiult," sobbed tlje old innu at hn cmbracc-d hit friend who was pitri. fietl with amazement. "f.'ome," suM Mr. Wealthy, "come all nf vou home with me. we will nil lite tn- gether, there I plenty f rw.m in my house i : - . . - . . IUr Ul alllt llv ihii lim. Charlch lift') minr. Ho nDKni n utiit'r n njfir' - ii' a, if i nun vt f , , , ,.,f , , . , '. , ,.., ',- " . ,)f, ,., , ,,!.;,;,, t.,,,,,)1 Vathor will love our little BxttPtl tiii ftillicrN forfjiw h'Mi, ulilcli cionie 'i, '1'homa, in,i.nd he'll bo your pet, wont i,e fatherl" ; .-. i(J , M .,, ,,fc ,. . . '' '" one is ready ing olTence to livertah,' ao. lm: Jni.siir.ii. l-.icry " admit Iho duly or not giung olfrnce tr others. It is one of the miivi-rtay ao, knonledgcd hiws oflhe tocitly in wccl c are mills, to inn ncacaiuy win. on u: , .. ...... .;-.. ,n i rouuu us, mm iu u.,io iw'; .i.i.-u may cause estrai-gcincni nriu protiuni on. gry end hitler feeling; and In. who wanton, ly i Wales this law, and nc ..h-ssly irri. latest piovokcsjproicshliiiselfunworlhy of ihe hletslngs which citilluliou and .. may cause estrangement nml pro.luio an. of ihe hletslngs w hicll c-il illuliou and ,". I...I I c-ieiy wern uu.-i ,.,.-..,.. r,-. .,i.-. ,, ..,-,, one oct'd in uti olTenslie-niiuiuer, the torn ponenl purls of society must bo broken up, ....I . ......... ..a. t. a ....... ,..; win nun mum irini(ji.. t r-.,... s unci barbarism; for il It only by mutual lc spect and g')0. will that society fuiicln-ru r a- - - fa1 "- "'.'I - v ...... w. a. w. w, Mr. ,,.. n n llllllaarad la lla. 1 nlr Ml'. til III,. nnd exist. 'It is Ihn glory or m.iir,.aysc.n a )eur ur iwo uner m, .: put,, ihn sacred proverb, Mo pnss mer n Ir.us ' . f . ... .1 f. f.. al.ah IvIIA.I .Llm.trtiaa nisi ly iiiiprfiucdjtutcd. a, ..II .... in,... -, ,.ci.,..-s.. "'''' """ tl.mll meet in um worm Willi nunc euougu ofoirenies unless we are more than or. dlnary furtunatc, without m-cUny out int. iHinury Inaulia anil wailing our ntroiitli ninl uVMniyingourpraco ly fii;lill'i( wuli Hip Hitui. Our Mvarrat acruiiny n im turncl to ourwlrea, that wo may ml Iw otrcniltrii, ami our moat favoralilc juJtiuritt f'rniwl reapectlng tho comluct ami actions iif otht'M, that we may not ho olU-inlpil. I U'liilouo may uoaurelhitt.in the i-MWilnl I'-"'' f lift', we ourMitf" lo not intrml to rata. .v.lA.ttu ..ularf .llaain. llii.aaa.ta n .aaav -...-..,. -K..-.. ...... .,..,.. .......... mrllnna atumblo againt thrin, ao wo muat hoiw and hellaTo that lliry in turn t... .... 1. ..... 1... ...Il ll... a.. al..aaa..l. lair in. uiirniiun Ul uiicn.lliif; una .ll.'Uaa they mav aoimitlinea arcidenllly jollo n In tholr turn. Tho duty of piii.iir.iin.-o hat undoubtedlv itt iiroiier limita: hut it i' a wito determination not only not to ollend hut alan not to ho railt oll'rn.lr.l. I.rry onadetiret that olhen. tliouhl inter pret hit action kindly ,A when- any may , lv nf doubtful linHrt, to ho the Ih-i ; and tuuhlathfl wiiy in which tln-ir nciioni tliould lm rexariled hv u. Wi-ie the dill) ' "" "l laainp ollem-e more inoiiciii i n mi l'tter linden.l.wd, tho peace ol inilni.lunl-.. of familiea, of cuiumiiuitii-i ol uatioui, i.ould l4-.it on linilrr foundation mid timethiug would In added to the general ainoun. uf human harmony and liappluot. (ihui NtTi'ai: Onat-annol iuingiiie nn iiuatity of the human mind whence great er adanta;et can aritn to mm-lot 1 lluiii g.vnj.naturc, seeing lint man l n ...-inl.l- , Li,. ni ,.,! nS ,l.i...l... I.,.i.-n,ne... ," tJ.lv learnt the N.rrowt of life, but ...ore.a .It .-omlor.,. I. ., J Lttt.Me ,hu U-auly. or e.rn wit. , .,,.,b pl,B.i-,,,.,.;, toth. o... ' "'!..w!r!.,.,l1 - .l.of, .,,,... , .... , ..,.. ,. . .i.., . iiii: ii i it imaatrvai inna 1 1 iia iiiii tii t net ,,n(in or,n wirty, Wrre .1 not for gcl iMtiire. men wmld not lite together, nor , .!,, ;..,. ra. Wll I .HI, .III,, 111. T l.,r ", . i .i . t tint rcanu. im-ii liivrntrd that -.ih-i-i.-i of ... . . "... -n , i ." . i . . uniiitiai ii;iainiiv cniiiu K,M"i oreeooic, which l inHhinuiiwre thin uii iinilalioin.f whole creation. Ill it In ,, olFawn,.1y wahcierv memb.-r oftl.e lulln Vtt,iy. ,. a ,riiouoflhnt lo.e whic, ,. ,,o itlr...-tio of the mental um ,rr,r , ,xW,p,v-, a power, th-progrei ,, 0f tt,ich will gradually lni.h -lave, rVl tvrannv. war. di-a-, and lice, from tyranny, war, disease, and nee, ,,, the world, and unite iiiaukind in on-gnat iro,ho,hood .l"T- tELEtt.ii-i; am. Mirnus on U Inle the teleiooiK- enablea u to see ti.leiu in cicri htar, the microtcoK- tin- fnt.lt In m a world in uteri' allnl. Thr .-.- . . . . . e intlriicla u llial nut inigiity gioii. with the whole burden of its im-oiiIi- nml its couatr.p, iibut ar,ra:n orai.. intl.e vn.I iieisjroi imcenttty ui" tuner, in.i etery turn may harbor me triiies ami laiuillpt ol aJJuopulalion. The on shows u the intigiiilic'Stflco of th" world we inhabit tho otter redeem it fiomall lusigmm-uiic-f, for i' tells ut that in the If. it of cicry forest, in tho Mow cm of e cry canlen, in ihe w?l-rtorevery riuilcl.thei.-nre worlds tieiiiu; wiih life, and iiiimbcrle nt the start i-( the firmament. I lie one ugges. In ut lal alxjin and U-umd all that is it. ible tu man, there may Lc regions of ere. ation irhich sweeps immeasurably along, and i i.'ty the ii..irtss uf the Aliiiighl) 's haitS 0 the remotcht m ent-t oflhe iinurrsa th ,other, that within and Ixncalh nil that niliuti in tt uliiih the ni.lnl te of man "It able tn explore, there ma) be n wnrl I of iniisible beings; ami that, could I'' ' ' f " "" -hnni-l It Ironi o 'd,: theatre of lie r itw asi le the inisleriou veil which our senses, wn might Ih- aa many wnmlert at it. troifimy can unfold eompita of anoint, th- power nfthe r a uniieriKi within the to small astn elude ull . th" power ol ma microscope, mil wncre ' .t. . tt.l..C.. Ttaala.nrall lla, a,... la.aat. .a.a.al "' SOtnglllS ,SM.t. ,.. aT...a a.r.a.. f... al. ...m! a,f laa. a.,1 va l.aalaa. u laa.m IVl Hie Ve,,,.v ,, .. H.,,,a,.a n, ...a- ,l he can ;ale another n.ecliauisinnfwoihl. and fill and animate I Ik-id all wilh II v. tdei.cra of his glory. Hr. Chalmm. IIiiARoutur bii-niMi.-Mi..Nr. Il-.w long iho lamp of conversation holds out to burn, Utweentwo pertont only, it curiously set down hi the follow ing passage from ( ount ionfaloiiicr's uccnuiit of his iiuprivniuu nt. ia.1 dow, ,,0 (bllott ,g passage from "I am an old man now; yel by fifteen yi art my itoiil is) ounger than my Isalv rifleea-yoar I exiilul, fir I did not liic il waamot life In Ihe sc-lf.hunio dungeon tin f. . l square! During six )cur9 1 had n comjlinioii during nini-1 wnt nlone! I ncwr would rightly distinguish the face of him who shared my captivity, in the eler. nal liviliL'ht of iiurci-ll, Tlio first yenr we tulkul incessantly together; worelundour past lives, our joys forciergoin-, 'ner nnd oer agulu. The next ivo romiiiiiniciited to each other our thoughts nnd itleusnn ull stihi.et. The .'Id year wn hud no idem to comiisiriicale; ivn wen; In ginning In lose thn tower nfrelleetioii! Tim fourth, ut nn :. .t ..r l.l i iuhi iiui'in"", ......"..,.i.T'.. our lips to usK (acnnu.er nit worn iiimi-u lossiblo, that tho world wi nt mi usgay ninl hiMling a it Inn u.i li.rined u p.iilio.i of uiii-.kind. J hohllh we we-reMlenl. Ibi- - 'h, h'l wus tliki'll uwuy I inner know our lips to ask idlIi oilier lilt worn iiiuii-u - 'h, lm wus tliki'll uwuy I inner know I........ .-i.l....... a I.... ..... n.-,,-, un sivuiitin or iuiu.ht , ...., ..--. glud 'rn Ini4i gone; even wdiludn wus , iter lliuh Iho dim vision or that ....I.. ......... Can Ari.arll.tt I tlfllB ulllllll n.- . m.u ... . ............. only out. nvi-nt hroko n us-ii my nlim ),-ur vnc-uiiey. (Jim tluy, It iiiusl liaie 'Tlllll II II lllll, WIO llllllgetlll Hour m "i. and n voice, whence, pioc-.eding I kin. v not niter. e llic-Mi words, 'lly orilur ol his i. ptriiil majesty I li.llmalo l )'U I ml your wife-died a year ago. I hi "'" " ..1..,, ..i.. I I l.e-arunoinorn illiey nun iiiiiik ;""". , ,;. d left me inn gr.ai B" -r - alone with It again. i th' foiimlnliori t'rvm tht Mtjntlllo Ktflo. til;. Wiimii. Wo have ieldmn hoard in old mildier rei-oiuit tho hUlory of lilt life, and "Ht-hl hit Unlet o'er aciilii," with greater tlncerity or mole hom-M rntlniit. aim than a friend etlilblled In ouraii"lum, on .Snluiilny, while retdln of Ihn gallant coniluct of hit old chum, "Will. Worth." They were clerka together, thirty. Iltro )cr'i ago, in lliidu, New York, clerer, iudu-.tr.nua young men. Our friend byno mi-ant lack'nl apirit, liut watofralhera .iilel hutlue-M Hint, while Worth watnf a n-rioil(u!ck li-mperamoiil, wllh fi.-rveye ninl ro-.tlri iliilloii, daring, ct-nAdenl nml Iiiilrpenilcnl "at a lonl." While thut employed, a recruiting aergeunt, thr it wt lu tho "early part orthe lalo war with Hn. gland, ia raded the at tei-tt nil did on drum. mini; up "toung general" to light for "free trade and aailnr'a rlghtt." Knntigh liadtran-ipired alrrndytn rouae In Hie lilgh . . ....I. -II tl....al... ......11 ....In. hm. est intrh, all Worth martial nriior, ami mtlio.it n 41-i-oiid thought, he U-caiiio i. wildicr I WoiiIi'k utu-i-aitry, our I'uuid infotiunl , ii- u.i, tium Martliii'a Vlm-yanl Mataa. Inn. Ha, a proud, lld itock, .r munii wlial high uiitoi'raiii bearing. iSonie of the .fiuuilv hud iiilermariiiil with the liobleMt audbrute-.iirthelndmiitufNiiw Knglynl, Ihut uiiiliiiglhi-ln-tl l'lidiil'lheaboriiinea mid ol lh. ptiuiiliio M.-ttler. of the old Day . Klati- Worth, when young, lu 'nil lliern- j rrgi-tu- an, I ln.i Ixru natuiu of the Anglo-1 American, add'iltlieriuiiiiuig, letth a u.r-1 nor ilisHiitiouol"lhe rl-il inanoflhe foreat. Willi u broad furi'lirad, high rhcik lamet, jiiertuig i-e, aiout athlelio frame, iUick, ' wurmh.o"il. ninl nitrate ninl fearlea. heart Mie war iill'mlid the upp utuiiit luiuaki- ifiiicliumalerial,a valiant toldit-rand tuc i- -iful ullieer. Worth had U-i u gurritonrd for koiiip umiiiIi-.h , where tlio inltuonduct , ( n (. !!,, .,i',!,.T a -I Inn) iii.ni lli,. fir.l rouu I ol lli- 1 .i.l.l. r il orth wai a Itmlli -r, thru at ii iw, to. i v.l.li.-r in ill-.! ri'is, tml . ni-"iirng.'.l hi fvllow, nflrr In-linl b.-en iii.i.l,- known ihe null) of hino.. luct, to iii.ikii to the loiiiiimnihng ollici r a n pre i ni.il. on of the nihil r n writing lli'pl.-ad nl Ins iii'inimi in.. I . mit of skill in wri Hug. and the probability of failure. "lleri", gn- me n pen," .ud Worth, nil, I in ii ), nitr-s .l.islir.loir, ina ch-arboli! Ii.in.l .iii.l ii-siiiriiiiL- innmier a few Ijiu-i mutilating thr soldi, r in ti..iig lermt, and iiesei.liug In inv in u new" not tnler l.unnl ixl.in The wildier prisciilnl il In In ollieer. -Mil lou write tint! was t,uith! iisKt'.j, nut. uuswiTtti in ine iit-ga live "WIid did 1" Filiate Worth. tlr." V't ml I'nsnte Worth to me." Ina fi. " nimutti W rlli presi uli d Iniiuelf with tin s. ratli-r bluateruig ami con.r,ucutltl air that iituall) marked hit iK'.rlng, an will, a ptou.pt "At )our .ervlce air "lid)uii wntolhltJ "I did tlr, .Inrt nml tiuick. Sundry nucali.i.i were a., cd . , . ...".'.,?. t ... I .. -.. ..i'.ii.;i.iiii'..-....i'.. t.-ruig lb.' army. c. which were uutwor. e.1 in th- saino .tilic nml reckl. t tonp, and Worth wat diM.nssed with "( oiiio to mv mar.u.-o in tla morning. 1 hero .",, trl wat . Iiltl" that w, eiicouraging ill the i-nimuaiidi-r a loin-, that V, orll. wn Int. It u.-.-iiat-ioutniim-gtH. .iriuiio in More Kir -, .- , .- l,l.ii;..l.c,ilioapp.-aie-l Iheiietl iinrmiig ,,, M helilltlh.-stort ) hartltg-gui.e to and Ihet.ll.c.r ohterted. "I want )ou for ,,. clv , ,, ,,, -a,;, miMrdliig lo mi pntatccrtlnri. nunc ilmn on thclrnlli. Athrt.klntt. I his whs enough P,r WuMh. Ills ae ,,, w, , , handsome, plump little 111.-, rev, ut.- mid ilelc-ruiin nannir, ami Ki,l(,IPOfthepettie.t wouirit fleier w ) .oinu,amliiigapH'ra.ice, struck I. e,cru. ad mcr, that mo.t alhli- li ' linui.ige)e.,ft..-n Siott. when they fir.l . ,,, ,..,, ,, k , ,r fiMl mil, who forthwith .,.,i,, him for hit ,lc wmii ,.u ,.. ... rilj'., ,.. ,t.aili Aid. ll.-.rtiii.ily , .K.-currc.l,aiid In ,,. ,.,.,,., j , u. a; , M1.nll. ,s the .arl) part nl the ball- of l.undy t ,,', ,13luri nil, wri. I had fiii.she'il l.ai,.-, wild., thargiughriiicly iitiii Ihe en .roa,(-url , fllv a,lr,, ,iid imide "onhfell, it was supi-uteil inorl.il conlUt.,t. A I wisl.s.k.ng f.r a wif. nt woiiiiil.'tl. N.,.,1..- ithtj h..s ct.r n ad Ihn . ou , . ,j ,, , ,lo lusiory ollhal haul. almost unpara clle.l ,,,, , all., at , ;,a-ce. in having so ...tn. sci.-rity of contesi th- ..bsilnacy L.uri.a ,. a,r, ,., nf.,,,1, a louly c-r.-a. with which Ihe tcleran. of Rngland main. ,,. , ,,, ,,, ,,, r,.rtuill1 luiu.il llnir ground, and iho irrepretjlble M,IK.,. r .,n, , fir tiu v ardor whit I, marked fiery charge or tin. I rcBcliei 1U c,Mf , ,,,, ,", hnmtk4i,, Americans, in Iho face of bayonet and can. ,ai,t.fruIlljcr wlorri Sondering on my non-enn fail lo i.p;.r. elate i thr Intrepid. fl,ft , ,uU (a, Vtstil lo see, when, ity nml gallant bearing of Worth on that i cr , caUK,t her eye, that sho still c-onliii. .M-.-as.oii. hen he lc- I, two of hit .ol. UC(J ,,, ,,, ,,,,, ,1()k , nwt Bnj , d.eis nil, nmlcd to bear him from Iho field, ,WU,.ot ,nuch given losuch things, I de. jvlien n hall struck one- of tlioiii, scattering ,Bri.lllw, , bcuiri a coiivcraalion wrth her. hi brum. iter Worth and I. s companion. , kei ()l., . l10 whenlmi 0, hai Ihe otlit-r Mii-d hun In hi arms, and, j Blll) ,avi ,c,0Wt., ,y courage earned hi,,, from the reach of the enemy. ' a.tptMeM fi e; lllk;,K n vcry His friendt usmrned liiiu ns dead, and ', u luonll.H .laps. dU-fire his wound, ha.1 loj' ..Mif mWo not, I think I have far heal, d ut lo enable him to return folhe ( we ,ravoni oll ,,i, le before?" l''l''' i "Wa, (said llio young lady,) mo and my FiiiMi-Fraeri.-hlellyalieart.wnrkjuf",,,,r1w'," UY ,!'r" "". r,c0 '$" i.'.hI lieunth thiiheiirt will.out the mould, '8". '"' ni.-bcHlv .aa-.e-il a fno dollar but Ihe mouth iti.eternc-c-eptable without counlerf.it bill on l.lm.md I btUttr you are tin- In u.t. Vour prayer It ndiout hypocrl , ,lefief "-"j "-. , llv , sy ii..K.-ki.ig tiod, and taking hi name In' "Madum.) .aid"lho cnplaii.,") I never iniii, win it ouuller petitions for the com. saw you hefure since- I was l-orn! and Ing of hit kingdom and tho doing uf hit '"- alud lUltrtburg RrpuUijan will, and yet hale holinet in your heart. I , . ". " r T 77 . , Thit i. lying untoUnd, and Haltering him ' A "R l do ,- '"' with ynu? lips; hut no true prayer; and ao WW " discussion of the miestio,, Hod takes it whelher (lea. or bed.bugs aro tho most . ' ,, , obnoxious vermin. fJo jtflraa-goil bed. Tho shortest and best way lo mako your bugs! Tho publio aro anxiously walling fortune, is lo ronvlnoa poode it is their in. to hear how this iiicslion will bo decided tercsl lo servn you. A My w- vory J(, ,, ,,,,,.. It wasiimong the loveliest custom, of j. ivn before marralge, was observed by a Ihe undents lo bu j their young at mor-' friend to use her tongue prelly freely after, uing twilight; fr. at they .trove to giro iTheru wai a lima when I almost imagined Iho mftintorprelation In death, so they lm.! sho had none." "Yea" aald the husband arj.rel Am iigine.i that Aurora, wno loreii ine young had stolen themtn her embrace, 'I'm: Bkst is i.kft. " I am fallen" nriul Jeremy Taylor, "Into the hand of piihlicnnw ami tciucslrators. and Ihuy have tiikeii nil from iim'! What now! Let mo look about mo. They hnvo left mo tho sun nml ihn moon, fire und water, a loving wife cud ini.ny frleiuls In pily mo, and aoma lo rellei.iuie; iV I nun still dlsoourae; and, unless I list, they lutvn not taken away my merry coimtenuuco, and my cheerful apir its, and a good conscience; I hey huvo atill left me Ihn providence. of tod; and all the prr.ui.M-s of tho gospel, ami my religion, and hncs of heaven, and my charily lo them, too. And atill I .leap, and eat, and drink, and dlgetlj I read and meditate) I can walk In my neighbor' pleatant field, and tee tho varletv of natural benutlea. and delight in all ifmt wliieli lliHldellghtt, thai It, in I Irlue mid w imlom, in the wlml" creation, and in ttod hlinvir." VcRAcim In all ymirlnleroourae wllh toolely and lha world, alricl tenacity will gain n-npocl, while pre aricatii.u and fulte hooil are (let plied. Let a alrlct regard for truth he a charaeteritliu of your mind, and rett .ttiired, under whatever oirciimtlan. cet ynu may he, thai truth la powerful and will ultimately prevail. Il aland In hold relief, Ihn chllil "f Heaven, and "la 'li'ii iinailiiriied, adornnl Ihn innti," I In nauilld in all niirdallheratinnt, and ever hear in mind that " iHinetl) lathe hel policy," ,et )nuroperatinutalwayalmftiiindadonlriilli ami ynu need not fear tha tmwnt of virtue, for remember that veracity lannnoflho i rcin III tier cniwn, ami mat wnien glvct pprmanency and beauty lo ulliera, - J auks I of Hugland, onco went out of hit uRy ionr nnieilnreaelier. Th efer- gynitn teeing (he King enter, left hit text, lodeclaiiii agalmt .wearing, for which the King waa uutorloiit, Whendoiie, Jtinct ihaiiked lilinfor hit aemam ; hut atkeil hm what connexion twearlng had to do ulth In-. ,-tt. lie nutwereil "allien your Majeatyi-aniunul ofvar wy thnnlgh i-u riotily to meet me, I could not, in t-omplnl. tinee. ilolen lliail g" ul f iip to unit u," ' Inui Hunts Tr.tr. A few year ago, a merchant in irtiaeouliug hiamorniiig tour in thftubuibaof -Miuliurgli, foumla purte emit lining a contlderaldo turn of inonny. He obaerved a l.dy at a dltlance, who ho thought would bo the bw r. Determined lo ! correol, lie fell upon a atrange, yel iniM-niotlt lilull. He rraolreal to .el the irl .if a "inor distfraeed ir.deernan, and holdlv went forward hat in hand, and esUd for .lu-a. Thit wat antwerid wllh lii awai I have nothing to gie you " Theinau fioweier, pri.istnl hitentrent lea, would not go till lie bad relirf for Ida lanilthing wif and chiblrtu The lady at latt londeteeiidedi but, lu her diim.r, lound that llio wherewilh w.a gone The inerchnnl now aatltf.rdtli.t he was mrrert. wllh a (K)lite !rf.w reluiiip.l Ihn purse will. an advice llint in future he almuld l. more geiu-rnus lo the distressed and tit li lute. N'ur am S.Min'b"ly thiukalli.t if Nature had designed man to he a drunkard, lm Mould h.ie been Kiiialrui led like aihiirn, . that llm ruoro he drank, the firniT he would Oan.l. Vamu i We helieie that all men am , ,OTtra..ii t.i greater r le -hgrce ofthi. coiiii.i-Mil). and that il w.n.tin,. rdl w!lll a r,,ke,'1."nfBtl which will '" ......- be cerlilied lo by el cry iiidiiidual (we u ,,r ,,.,- flom i,,,,,,,,, ,.,,.,). Wc wrro ,,) u ,.(KM . ,kl. , , L.11ltnl of ,l.c train" wl.delraiellingo.ia rail r.ud ! , ,, ,, u( ,, wl,tl, ; ia wob. ate"- wimi a s ) t-fe.vat ..- v ti,lU ,u ,,,,, ,,,,(,. ,, M, u ,(j ,,,, .,,,,,. ,..,,,.. , ,, A, imler. ..w.-....a aaa. .aaa-a..... a.aa". aa .a'a,a.a ll.t.tll. ,u lal.l lalk til ana. , on l.r,! ,.ua, , . ,,, j. "hut it I. very hug alnco" "MotiikI Miitiuh! hero' Zephfret. ting thn baby. Mako him cry again Zeph, thou mother will gtvejilm tome sugar and I'll lake it away from him then ho'll aquall and mother will give him more, and ynu can take thai, and we'll both hav.i aomo" "1 wondor how iheyinakolucifer mutch. -i." aald a young married lady to her bus. hand, with whom aha could never agree "Tho process is very tiinplo" hn replied 'I once made one" "Indeed, and how did you manage lit" "By going lo church with yon" wai the brief and satisfactory reply, i j. N1 I2H