.ji-i.i.--...r.j.ir:.. ita-ii Kw'to AilumeoJi to keanralaliiiwd he ooald were I till all tM'!neiW to lfc Wmo, M tie mnoenat from Ibo guilt. Mutt wAtni hof J It who eMbM'tneoi wUkui i lain n ikM mow' had man la muHir our orotnornsTae tnu oomionaoiv o lotnoo now-cai At MrtlKht cxi thft mornlnx or II10 9t(h , and III treat our women, and not pttniMratiwy 10 nave oow, ana came rar hh; aboyorntoletae'eoamotouiatthosprlng Wtetpr til jam people win say no iim ringlnguanpreJrwm Weaoopam, fft mtttor or me, oraer him in gu h wnion prof! uni letter irom nevinr. iy uo (mnnir, 11 uur uui w w ... Dlanohet, Mlesionery to Ihe Yikitnu, to It I the duty of every good man to aid whom w had Wrllleii from Watcopem on In bringing the guilty to punishment ih laihi thli Utter had been writ to thai It to this, that bring u hero. You ex .... . . -- ..-....- ..--. . place wlln torn preetnt to u rram im preen a aewr w ue wiin ui in council Yakima Chief, tranalatlon U ktrawltl vMi'th tie Peroee, it la our wl.h that submitted. ew abould be praatnt. For lha preeent I CAMf 0 Cirtrtu, Feb.l'lh, 1849. Using tbm, and attavli them to Ibt Government. y I do not know If I am mistaken, but 1 neiievo 1 naa ina nonor 01 meeting Mr. lay'a, about bur month ago. It la for tali reason I addraaa myeelf to you, and do it in French, not bting auAlclently matter ol the Kngllsh languaga, to do ao in it. Wilh lha greatest reipect, beliovo inc, to be, Your Obedient UutnUo Bcrv't. 0. OLANCIIKT, Miaaionary anion tha Yakamas JThe Cayuaaa met ua in bailie array a few milra from theae apriaga wilb all their allied forcee. We made every exertion In our power to get to apeak wilh them, but 'have nothing mere to aay. wheat, 00m, pea, and potato tat food; wny am an ineeo neiaa inai we aes aionj lha etreame for whoa benefit are tbey- la the Indiana oonilillon ao muoh belle than that of lha while that Ihey wish, to throw away our oouiuel. Bat I noje they win ate tnoir error, win get goon Heart ana do wen nereaner. When Chief do wrong, what muat; iBMt faf tha twonlaf But wa will I t i.j . 1 1 -- nLl.B. 0.1 Uu T-JI.-. h.. thl. MMMBl . . 1 B . ,. MW,TO" I" ,Br""."'? """" ! aan iiujiiihi imm Htwiinni mammmttrwm www -m . fnreuir n 1 laaaaai a iBBwaaaieBBL-. a .a -ji uui .iuuiij a.aa & liandadaletUralgnajIbyyouandMeaari n, ptut Walla fVaAw'KwChlefiahould govern thelrpoopl. raimer ana im. i nave reaa .11 ana e- . and frtendlj OagnHi. Tha Cayuaaa have said wa- wished to .iai8tuioiiiam,oymaaioianinaian, cmart akd munim: We are glad to&m , , Indian., ao that wa inlght who undaratanda Prenoh a llllla all lb , tJKj nod t ,wk wl,(, yoll. we now bee, tMr land I Thla U not wo t we did imimi iiuuaiu. raouaai ma m uiiurm i. .1... .. .k.n ... ilk. ..jw . . . .l-i. i j ' .- vou that they are flnidy deoldad to M- lDtt t ,IS dlflluultira that exist betwoanEuuh the bad and to open lha road low vour adrloe ana not to Join tha uayu .u- wi.i,. ni thr, inJUn. nt ii.i HmninEi... .1 1.1. . .!.'.... w. .J -.., .h. w,UM lk.l lK.lr Aulnn auU - VI "...Zj " . 7 7 -.V". "L.T: 'l,,"V,,D """". ?"' IT ".""" ' ". "7! r.' "7tri .' .l: njrrr -.: ?." "" h-b- u raw nuwu io wiiiwp-ii w)ln me riM t'ercee we are and aiwaya can do thla, lhay wllJ be much obliged tc fear, ltm tl p.toe, tro ,1,4 ,0 MJ VOU. M.a bWM ni Mn abiiba nf ttrar. anil Im Your letter lo.lba Yakama Chief, hai .Ll. bmimiI I hone, wa hill Mrenothen1 been vary opportune, and gratifying to ,NS bond which have heretofore existed me a it proved lha ahaurdity of the repotti between ua and tha Ne Faroe amT spread ualnat tha Americanej which Valla Wallaa. Hut wilh the CayueeJ t MnnlasalHlMlaaal ala I rail awitfltuaaaal iKallh . I . a .u ttL l.a . J i--M-ZirnVi-mZt.7i7wliB w" "T ?" ",q", j .Ln? ' ""5611, woallwtah you well; therefore rflam not angry, fcn Cayui ha been auined wilh tha bloodbyteech you, listen lHhat we aay.' DoWttm other day I . J.rfrBll -dalUI wilh tha conduct -"'rXITrE T'r.-"0 u""e " II,M? """""' "? " vi :. trv. fi.. '"" . r. m -.i " .. ?. " "T"ajiow inem 10 remain in your country. 00 01 ine taaiuswiin roe, a 11 wiiianora m rv,l nl.M ik.i H. milliw ha nlial.aj.lH . -tj.L , : 1-. .u ti asn ..nnnrt.,nllvtll..UU.Ia.l..arin.tmt. r7! "'"" "T. "1 ?--'. 7 K--Vrf" ",u ""'m many wax, Uj urmn M Intf tlila) paopla, which i tin only mean of civi Ity be pu If Is ft V. la knot our duty to do ill Is it not thKn.n .i,n mn. lwi,mnm, manlknt m ahnoi. tint in tinn anrTiallr. ihmr ihlnks Waluotouleekt would be stad to idoDtcd count rr. and fa duty of all good men, to aid in punlablnaljiave traded for any of lite properly ptiwlwould not. I went back sorry, I knew there make friend, but i afraid to come into ui Commander in Chief of tha nee muruersi uui, we uo no. wish "Jercd from the Mission or other, end liwrare tome people there who had dona im lainuag ne naiooneao oau iw " wuuiu UD(cer (b0 Governor of injure uw wnwan. m in ummu nninn m, ieai tney Da sutpcctM ol naviagaao narm: Dm inoae oaa people 101a wen uu mm. ne agein scni nun n-.- , icctij . ly ng we never mjurca -n7 . . coming Mr. Newell, Mr. L.o and mvAided in Ihe Massacre. lHf warn aunt to ace, and talk with the ... .. . ...... .. ."... Newell at tha Willamette, at Mr. Manin-tJeLuf.. but when we roaohed WaaooDamlnm ,,n-J ... -,-,.. m .U.1. n In ara arani Inltl lhal tka msfl Was rlnaait WT ... I. I. 1.... .1... ! Jm. and that ihe Cayusca had bean aiwn aadHi,., on. killed two of our men; that tboy hadjnountry in safely; why can h notdail "Jy duly, God knowamy heart. If Id lag dlspoeed of much of the property, in hired a great many Indian to ioin them;la0w. I It wise for these people to oon- wrong the great God will punish ma, and such a way that he cannot now reclaim) that if we camo we would bo killed, weftinueat war with us f who will plant theit now f tell you the tame aa if you wan it, wlll'by that mean be debarred froirt men waiieu tor our war ciiioi, we win with him. Many met ua on the road ana made war, wa wished peaco,"d went in advanoe of our war cMvf with a Aag to hold talk, but their youns men warn sarroundin us, and made alan of war-lasd ajrricultural fcursufla we will else ifcat vou will obey hi oommand. do Wa returned to IM wagon with ickene)waend you. bUokimitli. but no white will W ashamed, lor if yon ara alrald heart, for we could not prevent the fight;lbe allowed to Intrude upon your land or aahamed of the great God, that great God lha fleld with the wa aenl monengera with letters, lelllnMaattle amongou, unlea by first oblalawg heaven will be ashamed or you. a present. Btii ours, lor in pre. mj rnenaa i nave no more to any u im-iin-maui-aan, i Ihem that we did not oome to make war upon tho Innocent, it wa the guilty thai were to be punltbed. They would not liaien to our talk; we were grieved. Some of their men were killed, and other wounded; some of our men were wound ed, but none killed; since then we have seen some or these duels; we know not your content, and then i At. Mr. Craig will assist you, and aae yeu now, I have come a long way to ee murderer, and werC friendly. Young that vou be falrlv dealt with, and Item In- fu and to talk with you, will you throw 3Mef bad also left them, but would 'not jury be done you by a white peraoa, do not ray word away, I hop not, I beg you to oeaae toraea ua He had gone to tho moan reach! it, but inform Mr. Craig, and be will bear my word and be wise. I hkva tatas with hi, own lodge only. send me word, and iustlo shall be done brouaht this Oaa? for tha Nes Farce, take The last account we had of tho wai ..-- -.-, -- -- . . . Y -... . i. . . . .i ... . . anil ou. uo home, sltenO to your ramja, and it, I nope you win aaap n ciear ot mooa. party, tney were retreating lowarua oqsan eenvour vouns men. from fomiac the Let the Net Percaa aaaamhl and aattle river. The accomaanyioa extract of a whether they will listen to us; but welCayueea. We thank you lor yoof good sinojig yourelv'wbo-wlll keep tha Aag, letter written In camp on the 12th Intt.J we will re- tuns t not Bere.ajMroaayotMrcaieBiar wui give you ua taten inieiugenco w muat punish theae murder, and all thoaelaou-ontlnue to do aood. and wa who unite with them, we shall oonsiderlmeniber you; other wish to speak I have toaa to BaJhto tltlamaoqualatadwit. aavaofthem. aa an enemy. 1 ha Uayuae liava ror.00thlng more to aay. Mr. Craig will tall you that wa ara vow CANT inaoa. ne lovas you, so oo we uae su Mr.'NtwtirtlUmmrktlolUNnPmu ba ha told tiaiwayira tUgaerva, (ailed their lands by making war Upon thai Americans; but we do not want tbeaa lanUs, fa Council et Watilatfu, on O 7a,a jiuitM, IMS. y Brotbera, I have a few word to aay. could not. A battle ensued. Ihe particu laraof which you have from the proper source." After the bailie, however, we 3 succeeded In icelllna a talk with tho Fin w lay'a (half-breeds) which opened the wayj fur negotiating wilh all the tribe. With whom we afterward held a Kcnoral coun cil. On our approach to Walla Walla, we received the accompanying letter from Mr. McBean, In reply to one front u by one or the riniay. Our first Interview with Yellow Ser nrnt. wa at Walla Walla on the 'J8th We found him decidedly friendly and wilh all prudent ami sensible, lie visited our m . A . camp iranuenity anerwara lurmsoeu .... ,. .i.. j t..-j me beef cattle to the army, and wa. In 0 j M hM0 b,forJ iIm ceneral council, which wa held ai .... ,r.i..o.L '....... l l W.iriatpuontho7th of Marcb-tliera were " "irjhsJI 1-r-nlT.rtaari.. -S'ZZZ'Tii ' jTr. " "y nreaent al. the Cavusc. ITar CM ".f" SV,L!T L.cort",4to. KB loghaf all your m, old aJyoa-f, BjTJafjsnlLwVavVI Perce Jos absence Timothy, tupenln, about 3A0 men. Col. Gilliam, (C. W. Gwlc, AstisUni ()uarter Master,) Cupt. Ttioiiias McKay, Mr. (ralg, and a few othora if Iho llcgi meat were wilh etf. After the nluo of friendnhip had passed around till our hearts were all good and our ce watery we informed them that we had a coni- muiiicallon to them from our htad chief in Willamette and wo wishrd them Io brsak the seal which ihey did, anil we read ll In them, which called out I lie feelings and view of nearly all Ihe chiefs. The sub stance of Ihe wholo amounts to about this : They had no knowledge of an Intention on tho part of tho Cay uses to murder tht Dr. till tha deed waa done When Ihey heard it they were grieved, some of them came to see the chiefs, and enquire who . v ... ar isaaun a i is s inair si less sib aaaaaaaua saaaaaai faaasattaa ass saw 4asa,aijwaaa .T.dcirdZr7b" P"t.'d -J"8". ?"!!:.?'."?! tao.yfl.wryrffel of El !s. Jscob. Janiea. Red Wolf. "-"."I """--."" "V """"XT' ""' ."" "T" " " ""M-wH . . as a m a IIIUIUDIC1B BB IUU IIUUI aaBWI UlSIl yUUI BK S3BB III til VIHI B BBBB) nUIV BBTSW UWB BBBBBBBBBB STBBB.imiaaa vrS.nT'tf'TLT'ffi " themyromtl-faoooftbewrtlb God and al.'codop..: I have Mi IL ,h " w..--. ..--. - .-. -.. -.-. . mpmI i an Baas Bsinnlalnil talf ta mtf ka.a.. . . bb mm saw liluii b b BaasBsuajsasaxa niiis aaaaaa1 uswra ua mm Bin I. SB- Uf. -11 J - . aU.. alaL lalaatll People to And out who murdered Doctor Whitman, his ladv and the other AmerU can at Waillatpu, and to aak that Justlor that your baarta ware good tawarda tha ready to give, and take bad advloe Amarloaaa. ., Youroonduot alnocthamaa learn thev aav. thavhad ordered aaera eoavlaoea u that we judged you Whitman away, Bid the chief do It li lghtlyj wa bow oaealdar you a great a oouaael, or did a fow bad men wish t . -"- ttl.t J . -I.-.T . A.. JJ1 Ll IT .1 . .L I.L. . Ll wu yiei'ywyr ootauoi iiawa jvu iaf a4jw iuiii vut su iiiai ins iuuui gv uu above tye around you tbeaa thing property, and 111 treat our woman. II have been written down, and aent to out our paople do bad not wa puniah them; great' objaf, that, 'all may know It. You If my brother commit murder, ba I bang. ara now gatung old. why anouia yoi sa ny.tne neoa, until no laaeaa; w ai emeron youraair, and people u i vti sorry io oo n, out the peaoa ana aam with tha Araarlnaast Ynn will not da our Peoal demand ill our creat Ood It you wIlj llata to good oounaa). Wt HatVen oommanaa It, and it muat ba dona, do not ooma Nra to do wrong ta-m-i. tvunot vt, whitman doing them an ti wIkjni ihey have roblfd, and in every case where tho property has been destroyed, or injured, an equivalent must be given; when this is dora we will talk of peace wilh them. We have submitted plo not to- Interrupt the Indian; wa arc stow io gel angry ; out wnen we oegm war, we never quit until we .conquer. These robber must pay for tha wrongs' a a .a .. - a .s .a bbm t - r ' 7 rrj . .. a. a . . may nave none our people; iney neeomsna many others, wnat have the 'Jayu-BtoMy the whole afair went off highly eat- from the friendly, but also to keep la aweBItnfonnnBpal(atllLJ.mMM btw,uaorus aaawaaaaTa property they have took in a short time had I n k BMaaa-al (a that when.one com milted murder, ho forfeited hi own life I They had one head oMaf Ihey all llstenJ ad to hi word Thajr old chief who ware now dead, had taM them to be friend ly with the Americans, and Ihey had not forgotten their word The Cayuse had told them the Aroerioan ware coming to kill all the Indiana and to lake their land but they Mill came on to aae us. They had not killed Mr., Bpauldlng, but prokc ted him they asked him to stay with lham Ma property waa atill there. They would not join tha murderers to fight u, ko. it I n.l II.Jli --e.JI.i. oemi-Biirr.p...nr-,,a.i.-w.jWalc.yute(LWir m . Rnutrkt of J. Pefmrr Superintendent rlpls that you listened to good advloe. O, Indian Afoiri, la ro.Pte-Mu-Mox how J wa astonished when I hoard what Ike Will Walla Chit, and kit Kiad bean done! I did not believe it, but I People. Isee that It ia ao. I have lied, for I aatd Cuicvs! .Wa ara alail to see vou. andflvour people were all aood It I not so. I have an oportunity to talk wfth you-fcmaao-medof what laaldjbut I am gladbmoag the murderer to have peaoeagata lerpant, vra nave Been aani nero py tne America Banner are son rw (wuio, imwui yvH-atui ibbu snouia iney try. in a ww aay walla ai not expect to escape. Our war chief hi a aood heart, he wbhea the Indiana well. but will punish the bad. We have aenl word to our great chief of what haa been done; jv soon expect great ship. Three yeaia ago, when I waa here, I aaw many of ikeee neoplo; when I went home I wrote a book: I aent it among our people; I spoke of thea people, told them how well you all behaved; that the Nea Peroee, Walla We must iudce your baarta by your acts, I am told the Cayuee aay, that Doctor Whitman waa potaontng tnemt tney anow ,lkyerij ITIatvaWkteaBeWTtke., fcei that aara-p. Irwf m n aa ranaa asiwlaiweK. rrlsacaf aaaasBsan In "our Raalfnerit woald bare under. UtlHvaabefetkwaiW eeipfejbtfef.. We repeat our regret at not Hilo!Cay; IrWiils.! aralutMirihFiiSMaagtoiMr-rjMlMiiMan lo.msjio tnetn MnDia-THni.ft.M;nilMa-l i,H"a,k,.i rNril i io maao mem Rrmoio wv, ,Ltu-;co, we placo upon uch'nlel'; & saof any approjirlaiiort made10" Yom' re pay or conHtuTent extwtiaedlgloom ovi hy Is'lhts, what have we eVmet ffoMuaalsa thla daiifrlment, we 'oMld'on! makelaklental; ,Sad he, bean j) aw of their people have been foolikw Wo feenU a bur private reoury,e fl,d t ball, Wj wild attorn falW be Vlckad.' Utee would allow. " . Xouid luive'lmsaafsSsi On our return to wawopam, wo werei " ,T p"f " " '. and wa will hold them aa aueh. 'TkesU eatlaito st of tha Cavusaa have awno'eC but afJln the abaence -Ware here, Ihey havo left, their farma Jby law for tbe pay aner. varv aorrv to asa It ao. What ,.;? v... mi ... ', m'l. i j.il.-j .. j UIJ..JD...I Hf .. .r .aT ka buvi vniw nMiiiminn in nnu nur diu in na nuoj atAu n. aVthraali Ua laws. 'I hh all lila villaaa. nuletlv encamptdaVtoked it. He Waa taH von. thav will baooeaa eoor: ne lear the Fort, with the Efria - crrairailatant Soldier, and .r. .' ...'.. . .ii ' .. - . j,.. i... -.i as '..i .. .-wji. win tney taM to nw ineir neaa, ne ,a prea-ni irom us; prouoiy, du peoiui-Breneros andleeiiaa beart, .Ll- .!. - !--. f L .-. Ii -lata. . .l.-la n.t..l -. .. BS " on map nnn nor a piaov in SMWTew. it mni i- men n.-nv- v... down to hell shall thev ao If Oad'i Wa held a council with theae and the are tree. I hope you win ne aa vraaoo mourn oonnrming tne irienoiy irv in neacn : this I what we desire, thli wemuithve. Formerly, the white In thl country were not of one nation, but wo are. now all Americans; we navet laafl aail laka anmi nonarll habra It la let relations which had already snruna uo be .---- .. --. .. --- , ,m fw if our war ohlerha waited a long UA iween u and tnem ana eniorcing upon the Cava to do what krliht. b Ihe Chief the duty of commanding their III wait no longer, and when beTwgiai paople and upon Iho people that ofobcdl- nam, i no not mow wnere ne win atop, leaee io ineir cnieis iciiing incm inai i heart Is or for Dr. Whitman and hi haraaftar. we should hold the chiefs res- wife, that ha been slave for these peo ponelM for the conduct of their people Why should wo go to war T You have wero doing, I wanted to tell them what wa stored pledge of protection for the time ,tace he had dlstint uUbed that one man could travel through this bad oome for but oould not. I have don at lead. We fear however that ho, hav- -ai.ntry jn the Black Hawk' It is but a abort time amce, during hi lata almost every disadrantago anal bead, who will gather their harvest f We ety own children. Do not Join with theae coming; and a one or his brothers wasBcommon to all infant i ill see. It u all unite to puntsn lltese suracrers, nor lei inem oome in youi aiuea in ine oaiue wnn mo isyuses, lUBJins at limes moat Cf bad men and restore peace, tryou wish eauntry, or in your lodges, or eat wttn lepraoaeiene win ultimately jom iuem.he ruEMM(iM l., ll, wnenpeaceiarestnreo, we wiuscnavou ssem; wi in vn unni ung w loun. in cuiniiumi, ihu- u, iu j m.i, - - n ,.., .il,li, a person to aid you in your meebanlcal Mmw to Ihe world that yon love God, aad believe the war party of the Cayuse rel0,rrcroo a" obtacle,a17MBl ao reuuoeo in numoers inaiinej-aiiBs "u .v-u..w.v.-,-.-i flkely to risk another enjagement Inltbe Indian that the Citizejf(p rauLoa wilh vou. animr lerers. Suppose you were all to unite have been at war. but always friendly.' with the .Cay uses and kill us off. we are this I know, this all our people knows. I but a handful; others would come with have fought wilh the Nea Perce, some of both hands full and wipe you out. We them I e hers, but w were on the aane havo not two hearts, nor a forked tongue, side; we have lost friend on the same day we sneak the truth. The Americans arc snd in Ihe same battle together, many, anil ll tho uayuws were wise they did riot would listen In us, ccsso laatnmg aud sur- innocent people, but by trylna. to aavo our render the guilty. They must alio re- awn lives. Tfiis I have told our People, turn tho property belonging to iho mission oar people believe' It. I have told them and to individuals, as well as to Selefse, you are honest and good people, theybe uvw Jawiiiv.a itm, weic! u iw ".fMeMOOUIU mBXO 11 with the Americana, if you do, it will begeraJax or othen yoar own fttult and you ara done. I havKry adjusted le, who done all they oould to teach then toward tbe whites But if any would not been selected to fill such aajj nr w worn ana now iobo an aoon ininws ewj, un ennn iniiiii nwn intra io me i,.i ,,i ..l-vI i, aa. same laws, we live in tho aame manaerjlkat tljey mlghl illve like the whilei i aw i-oerintendent wbouwould exouw Bratirvnir Io hia feellAM to k we worship the same Ood. You aad alllfc christian, but they have joined the (Uef, and punlth the Individual. To jraiiiymg io ma leeiwge w the Indian in the counlry are Amerleana,lavll one and become bod; Ibey have mur- IM, both chief and people gave their a- " news una reaenaa tna a L a a-ll-I.f L. t-l j..uJ iL.a. a. Ml alIM M fltaswBBBMl sBskwat-.J H.lan rrV.rtl Wssll tttsf IllsWfikt fllfl sf DOMttjflMU sTslVii MaVtlUM wo niTO uno ircii viuvi, no wniwi TDUMiivu. iwy in- tv wev-rv aaa-- 7-71 -- --r-"" - -.--r- -- - rr B ,... Ba as ". a aa -a ai ' BBbbjI . sT . BLataalaaaa aaflasrf&al In inia .. ' HiikAa aafisl, .t .-. ffa ell, wo all wish you wen; tneretora njiam boi angry, i am aorry, wrm mmJ- ""n . """''"" to ine community. u ma mner oav over vonaar waera w, pivpariT uciuukihk - "" iaio ui,- nr ,.. . . -j ,. - .tv. ' . . i. -l; r . - l-j . 1 . -v -r. . NgMlheljayua,WeaWBaOpieeonHag, greuw iw iroro wiyiiiM '"""? in .mntumenls ThUlsaaaas at iih a m7 I MUlmZ bb toward the head of John Day'i lU emolument, .ihiauonaar bgns of peace, waved the Aag for them rfvar where he was atill encamH- f "crific ha hM "7,S YitWii' Ttwtrrlnll deed his piide to affordLl distressed. Nor waa It only I country that apprecinlai I laii fall thn annolalmaat I General of Oregon TarrssfaMd red on him by lha PreaMent i l U. mJ Ll. - -'-. , iwuiuiun v..Bni,M been well known, or he wrJafJl no harm: but those oaa people told tnen IIaa aaBBal asiakasak laaaaiai '- - tm Haa la aaas ouehl Ihera like afavaa Io (taht: I knew wham wa invited to como to are US but 'bat Important ftation. they come Mind, they knew not what they alwaya regarded such an invitation aa aue waa familiar to him ; the regiment; at least for cas, vamahpelioo ami (Cayuses,) havo left the After wUah Maaara, Lee, Ottkua McKay, an aaea, cxirroaofatiag ha 1 stance what the two Ant had afl, n aonvaraatsaa tan aaann, aaar afianaaant f J Hat Mr Crakt h tbeaa for the preant,M U and woald aaaiat aad isatrnetaV elr'efbrt at aarrlcuhara that a a the preeent dlatculty waa eetlledl would end.tbem a Maekamitb. and ll Ibey wished it a school teacher1 ; that al lir thl no other white man ahoaldaattli upon tneir lanaa without tneir cornea bat that those already settled and havli WenKtmlltea amoni them muat ha 1 killlboth in their Mraons and propertv aiallslx dollara in money, and about AaOOfai imtnm af ktikm a kaaW sWtta 1 .. . ..I .. .. - .' Bl ,L -r-.l ... ! I II I..LBlL.i.nb. rilUIUlM,. others should be allowed to travel peace- --------1 , it - t-t, .- .- .nBKMUaau bly through their country, tor the purpo- . no rcpons ino inuians 10 WTO "'mnllaf skers Oncsa'eky, sea of trade, dec. and they ahotild have ma morning lor the luccannon. ineBr(aetpdlaadiag sessav iheiamewirlvilegol neltlemenl. That back to travel ihrouah oai Jorooei purposes aena tne cannon lieve it . Your hand are not red wljh biood.lacttlemenl. That if any dlfBcully occur- in the morning and following them. I am ulad. -my children ara olad. Andlm! between them and tha whites, then J. MAGONE now Hrother hear me, never go to waraVhrniM make It known to him throuah sir. N. B. The Tuccannon is about thirl) it will beffaCralfaorotherwlae. and ha would have It milea north of 'he Tuchic, and about! between them; to ail of any miiee norm 01 waiuaipu, tno ptacn Mr. flew. 1 w roassacre to manv wrooasMconvi here to see vou. tha Nes Percessnirtl LUk ... . milr whilst traveling to our country, the Wil.Bother good people, no ono else. I am nbtlell than Dreaented them a Ism Amerioaa 'Finally we beg leave to say thatJ here to fiehl. but to separate the good froo the bad, and to tell you tbat it ia your du ty to help make this ground clean. Thank God you have not helped to make it bMady, tag, asa iistional present, and requested although we apprehend more Immediate litem to preserve It aa aucn and to hotel aanger 01 roiscnisi aiong our itvniiur sci. it on all national occasion, whloh they llements, than in the present field of ac renelvnl with avidenl mod will. Wa alan lion, vet we Would recommend that forcci I waa glad to hear tho Nex Perce had noaLave them some tobacco to sr.vke in friond. be etationed at Waillatpu and Wascopam, hand in killing Dr. Whitman, hi wHeEhln to tbe Americana and wo are happy rufieient not only to oommand respect! made, what have thoy lost I 3veryliafantorv to all nartiaa. In tha avanlna the boetilo party of Indians around thotcfli thing, nothing left but a name. All tbalthe Nea Percee gave ua a tear dance, wMol two point. I rill be gone, only one thing left, that la io them but bare jurtloe when we aay tka name, "The Bloody Cayuea." They performance waa well timed, the parte wall neter will Iota that, only in thia way, acted, characters renrasented lo tha varv obey tho great God and keep hin laws. life, and the whole Jsraj rot. And my friends this must be done, if VOH Wafi.lt .ratlnadwllh nur ana In will not obey God and do what I right, we oar efforts to prevent n general war wilh muat. Thia ia what our war chief ha the Indiana in aaving the Nea Peroei SV.'&l, W.?' .U our. dulJr ,0.,h? i11 ""teh bad been a maUer of much anxiety God I ThU I. his law. He who kllU man, wWl u.,, breaking the ranks of the by man abail hi Wood be aput. Tata 1 naeay by oalling off their allien-and tei we oould go about here aa we have dose. kit friendly, all happy. Will you hear or will vou not. L J .- W. .1 I.J .. L... .1 . ..-.. L-... la la nnf ,. r.l. nr .11 ,n Jt.. nBB Vaii kA k.J .L-. .- L.. wiwiiff tt a ware kiwi im near uiai juu wiwi n w ...w w. ...' ., mw w ." ..w.m iimi wi in ootnai had no hand bj tha nailer, and that you not the American die, aa well aa the In-mere to fight all the Indiana, it ia not aoJ would not nniia with the uavusaai wa oa. atanai ao inov cnarss ine oiiwr Ainen-mine evil spirit naa pui uaa woraa us tha llaved thl report to w heard n long way can with poUonliur themf no, why dlcajmoutha of thoee murderer and they have fbnad that ha waa brotharJn.law to Mr, on ny jjiauieaam rrenwnL that vou and inov am .inemi Because tneir noaruaiiuia you nea. my inenaa one lata man isaBaan'ainiarnratar. "' ...... ..-I'. L.J &..-L. -.I.t. .L. A , . .L J .L .. It.. ....I... li.il ...n Bl.l h.. i.II h... - . - . . ... . . r .. your PBopis nau wugm wim ma Araanoaai wars ubu, uioy iisisiwu-iu wax wun in uauwrnia, tut you aotea oravciy, am wnen men- nearta get oaa, iney 1 how black they are. look at that lai ave, he ia angry wilh thone paople w amuaod and delighted u much ; and wa Wa have the honor to bo sir. with hlghl regani your obedient humble serrsnu, JUKL, 1'AL.MC.K, Buperlnlcndent I. A.O. T.I ROBERT NF.WULL, i . in 1 1 1 ur l voni s II. A. VI. UUU, J His Excellency Gioiox AasaNiTitv,. GocrnorO. T. ollt. Thla 1 wan hv nalllno f thalr -'"-- - aaJ The Governor's Communication to what God aay, and he must be obey en, 01 Baclaily in eparatlng the innooant frompbe Nea Perce, and the Speechea of the we nave no peaoe in tbe land. thaaulltv. umela in reply, together with Mr. taere ia good people enough her On our return a fall in with YellowalMoBean's Letter, are unavoidably dorer. who accompanied ua to WallaVed Ull next number and there apent toe evening wnn ua in friendly conversation. Ha tojd ua "1. '. """" "" "" wwnaantiBB innreeiation or auon prauawonay laov areMiiaourauiy. wearoeorry louavelt I auat. aad our wish to rewaiw htaat h anLw Wo, but the lawa of God have been brakaa waa not preeent however, and the nu aJtkWUVr9 VU UUI MIVVMIi bWK HI UlljBl-i WnULnV tMa," ' "" ssa.aa.B.swaaa! -saa.saBSBai easjaai avaa FM " --- lilt tA M gftgannnnna. WUI BM nnnaf. - .. .. . t " - -" anC IW naananaaaMAd. U tWmM Mnttftnaf AT xanananni rantnn H to be hatred, wiU I u inilni of 1 ini nalnallne- tho reault of hi experiment.! . ... ... .. v .. :bb ivat "i ooverea wiin urn wa nara tnann. aaen uaaa in tamung. , need leave te wood oaiore tne ourk, tbe aama womld for oorerina- with dirt both laBBsasad bark should ha made trmuakJa irmws biw m Bvr. ah jwa logainari oonif an awon ana asmuar aaryioaa, in a ivwat. inaaavantagaaor tua pun, auu wiininwuuoansiiywBvtiaaBJiBMir. iaannr Boning Aiwiaaa. inaaun, v wan eet mo well ooverea. rer ana ao oy tnem BB the nraat Ua Tka bov whom Batata aast on him own sum musth aaonar. will navas ihraak uua, auu wgr w uewg ituaiann win ra ixam metaemem in aw eantf u inavaiawer nranaa, ana cxawequenuy tw naraei n larger quaniuy or ooai. ine thfenaa b heavier, more tborouchlv burnt, and country, aatlrely alone, and ina- rkaly free from dirt.'1 a hU lawa, and apllt innooant brtod rajtrat to ua, that neither the ataparbttonji M r oan we have peaoe. Thl way aay eaT,nor the CoaMnWonar ware able M Im ida and no other. All join together, eontooaeato awoh ana taUaT eerrio, to a ly wun booo nean try 10 gei inaaa nrar- asannar teoemlag Amemani. ra and do by them a the great' Go The boy whom Matae aant oa manda. and bv ao dolna tblalanJ arDJ biiTsa faiaa Wnnm ia au purified, in no other way wll we bay larlaaa, with iiiaauba ton, toe. I am aorry to aae people Aght Ilk that t rip ef mare thaalM mliaa ft. People who lore to kill aad mur- a boetife count7, entirely alone, on Tccbii, M.ticit 12th, t o'clock. P. M Dili Sin. We made about ten milei Ant day and encajaped at 1 o'clock aitoiwara tnree uoien came 111 n Aag, laadiac two tooa borse,'oneJ whieh nroved to be tbe American . met toln from ma on Umatill r (aid 8tfoaafot Joe Lewi and tne a prosany, tnam 10 :e Indiana waa. they aaid going I oa thia oreek with tbe Doctor' stock I other property. We marched about ten mile to-day; ina micas on iui oreu wiin luny a, y bead of tbe Doctor's cattle, about thels-re. number or sheep, a lew horses, nityB M. Worth of other propertv, principally cloth not to bo murdered, deaplaad, at. mi with impunity. The lamented Gillum. and eight children ; ana nanVj loaa of an aflectioate Jren of a kind fathar and hi counlry a brave and ga)fcag and a worthy cttiaea $ 7? n rfnatimltai nw Aaaak wis. MaaVvTsHTaalaV BBBflK . m alaai Bat SBSh V-. far raaa.sssVtsj nssanf hrUaa.srls 'at' Asra4,lN9V-U PHY! l. mt agClAN-eV'l 1 la Iks twaalan; ' rJsaasasss.1 J! -iltiW urajea L.ny, use. a, sws. , out miempungio. .aswamaU ua. waa orerpomeTea oyBJd-iiSBiarJai and Lewi reaoued. ft'. . - .--T-. . .iaasi to await our arli sa arWeaw tb nswicf'nsatnn! BadsasiBBSilsiwam I as 11 Lbsbs ssUlratsal sa si Mn trlMa MHHCI Msich M, 1N8. Barta O LET A tw Urns sensef bsBjtoatad a the hctpfl Is Oile asa xa Oifss, Cily.Marek,Uil FauiK Wssn. Warlk coasiMitNi Sax Fiwesnei,- nii Cat JAKU- Vi .' i. aw riniiB. wcr. rL- W. W. Ciurata Ik Kami nV The SouAtm Planter quote tbe follow. that the Walla Walla Indiana who hadBuu. from aa exchange paper , aafj Cniacon IwroxTAWTTo Blacmjhtu 1 been with the Cayuaea. had left tbea. moat of their other alliee had done. rA eorreepondent inform u of a very We enquired for the Indian who bn-eful duwovery be aa made in burning friended Mr. Osborne and hia fomllv andnwoad eoal. and request that we make MMio. ina improvement oonstsu in in or green a earn in ine Place 01 uin, ai ring for the kiln. Uur correspond- no 1 a practical Diaoaemitn, in tal (BW&&WUB ThtywMsttsiidtskoai ftatmlom in lbs Busnsj tnajTsmiorjr. rv. w. Rrdcoce.J alsss, lAAJKNf OrtfoaCUr, Msrch ttli. WML aeiraUauf aad Mil nnHR SIXTH sEattomt U M THORNTON'S SOU eeniiMBCs ea Maaasy, aMM eoabnua slsvta wnhs , AI amaNv eaamriwdiu a srs tsufht la Uus rkhaaVV sad OrasDMBlsl Nssdk Wi Fsiatuur ia Msssatlala sai H mrict stUalisa will as aivea. nat t wIlMtual InemsaMUl sf the bbbJ UMir roorsls sad msaasis. Hal deaiia to nwks this a Mrawasat I psat saeesa, sad loag sisansaa aat blahsr U bora that ska wM at II aant .. . . .0;l. rupus wu m ehsMsd rrss H n Isrlsf the Bchool, unOU Ik h 1 Far IsiUwr raitkakus, Isaalr at - -- J iv Ills tUoalUssr.e. A'jMiyikiai nea. a. . osssasBkf bbbbb vnavw vhj, h 4v, iva ilil til BmlkisTastaabll saths, 4ia Cask aad ti I Ua al tae uwanaaai aa saa BiaBBjasrrr UNI HBWl s snjMHasiaBj. wunj- it a Bianaai aaaamar iuiWi asakiaar saBsssaf OHM Bak. aikMHiAkm. mmm mmmummm nmT.rrrT, '. ULL II oaBnjJu. r -t -; i' TWWSBB atauBanl ut i r, mil ".wu; ia? aaJtTAU luads al ' JOw.VrtW essd sttakrwMas1aewl m r-- K . mm. As..aateak nTmW't SS. rfjWWfrfej&S tfta.a.fjW -