i '. V. " f- '! -- ... .f 4pyn9 ifc IHM.M. : - -nv -.i Lii -.14.' Atkt'- ---------' i""f- I.1- J "' ", .w . ruvJ VMgMM Mr.ii,Miuii fn i LVS ?TO'H VvQ4'.ir MIMWsMI .iilkTu j . -. -i . .. ... ykftWFi " y.wjMPw. it , Je sseaMfii i MAsmsfar- ssatsi-rsrrWrt M' Wiw aa si Tartly We i .Alii aaaya ssaay UfUaad k balMMaffar away Aadmuye asfer"1 J iSiMasSI III lllllll III II (4Wl Tw waeaMatobay kttss, IMmttttatntfmfit AaH aw MMi tiM ! M -- J --i tsMtavaatslaiy, 1,4 tVihm ism rfAtM luwri aim' aaa IssMa awry t'8 rMWasaMasifw ,H feM ts Wis tssw sfacisf knri twit aaa Sssrk4aa chase tula! isOhl lMia asam, , ,r ThsbMwfr Irthimiw Tm)msIwiI nihn! .-. aad aaa laastasswaMsw "" TpW VWM WMH OMMwfv S fVMsfa u Myiinim'Wufafcw ,i. Tbsista ls.il iliii Utti ! iMlMT. 0taU St Ml I savst swats MMlaWS HUM, . hm? taM tH May PMf vH Aaa 1 ass skr feat uumi Wew,jSr, aawtpsfaost' ' llmMsaeJnaeMw, Taafs saaay en lis a knot. Whs esse As I btta VSUSB VSSI MSSt eaolsss By lovf , The asajahft ttuedf a-, ftllKiwIlwihitlA V- AhnVmMMtanbi IV- '-- 5 aWB9MTWAtl B4BH MVP HyiMiiMhn,l I flMiMVf V JVM W 9M f -jt L'l.- i-t .liv" PM.MS '.,TbMlMbMfMTa, r- Ma eia stoat! slaty iiWh.ti ' IsSMSSMMmSt Jin mmmUi liy.I ' W"MtojtostolatM MMsMbsafsytk ana. v mat fss MM s dmU I dial ',' Aaf IsaisUna, ;.cUTm whm i y iy m, "TTsmmJsm mM.mw.' inU W, v TiMMMikydMbf. " Tmb fhn mm n, ay gBih M. 'iMBMMBjMfkM, ImmImI MHkay Wckugabi hMU'lMil i JMf VI I VJMft MVl MMHMvttfl miii .0 ltMNIMW- Tk ma Uwt M Ami Meh Might .tfrnU fa ihMi Mf. FMai Mi yry Mat iwrn yiimtf faalMtaaralab, FaiMatMjaUWa Magim TaaltfeMx rMtCbb; Bat at fM m Wra agala LarMMMMraha, Fat wagrtataaltaria t-t 1km, r AlMtbaAkataiaM.' II0ILLAHK0US. CWLVRK", i i BT RU. KAIBIIT KlcnCS STOW. A IHUa eaM bill Imd Uwra.' . 0m cold market morning, I looked into ' mllUaar't (hop, and there I saw a liale, kMHty. MU-rowed young fellow from NMMMatrjr, with hit long cart whip, and aUeekf coat, holding up aome little rnat ter, tad taming it about on bin groat fist. Am wkaldoyouiuppoae it wai? A ba WMmttti Aliltleaoii. blue, tailn hood, aMHraawan'adow.Uj'der, whito at the "iMwAUeq Brr with ai'rill of rich blondo ..arwadtaaedga. BjrUa aide stood a very pretty woman, feotfiag with no small pride the laby for vidotfly it was the baby. Any one could read that &ot in every glance, .a they peaked at each other, and the little hood, aa4 lata at las. large blue udcomcIous .aad fat dimpled cheeks of tho little k. It was evident that neither of them Jhadavar asan a baby hie that before! "otraalW Mary," said tho vouna man. Wra dolJars very bight'' Mary Vsnr BTudemly said nothing, but rg um umm aonnei, ttaa tt on tne tittle Lai MMd up the baby. The man , .aaag rwMO, ana witnout another iam waat the three dollars all Mha last week's butter oame to: and as VViWr.lJMouVof thsshop. it Is hard to rJlffcNrtltKtoolud tat most delighted with '. mm AsysMla. "LTsbTTi i. ..- !... .1... i... ijBJjtajaia. tvTfclkfttMMgat JVm.m a iu ,-T .. fa u -a uiue onua snail wl 'aa I was bamuic a cax. rJaf taaa of our back ia,yMBf meohanie at work tflW aawhaol. The rough body of a car riago sMed beside htm and there wrapped apaaailv, all hooded and cloaked, sat a Uttla dirk-eyed girl, about a year old, pkyka. with a great shaggy oog. As 1 wifM, the Man looked up from his work and tamed adnlrinalv toward hie little eeataaalon, atmuoh as to say, "See what I have boI aeral" TeaT thought I, "and If the little la dy ever get a giaao irom auminng swains as sincere as that, she will be lucky." Ah. these children! tittle witches! pretty, even in all their laults and absurdities! winning, even in their sins and Iniquities! See for example, yonder little fellow in a naughty fit ho has shaken his lona curls over his deep blueeyrs the fair brow is Dent in a irown tne roec-ieai up is piirscu up in infinite defiance anil the while shoulder thrust naughtily forward (,n any but a child lotw so prcfly cen in naughtiness! Then comes the Instant chsneo flush ing smile and tears, as tho good comes back ail in a rusn, ana you are over, whelmed with protestations, promises and kisses! They pull away tho scholar's pen tumblo about his papers litli'r the carpets break, pull and upset, and then jabber unlmaginab'e Uncfish in tclf-ile-fenoe, and what can you do for yourself" 'If 1 had a child," says the, precise man, "you should sec." He does have a child, and his child tears up his papers, tumbles ocr his thing, and pulls his nose, likeall other children, and what has the precise man to say for himsejf f Nothing ho is like every body else "a little child shall lted him!'' Poor littlo children! they brinp and teach us. human beines. more cood than they get in return! Mow often does the I infant, with it soft check and helpless -I hand, awaken a mother Irom worldtineu' and egotism, to a whole world of new and . higher feeling! How often dots the moth er repay this, by doinc her best to wino oft", even before the lime, the dew nnd . fresh simplicity ol childhood, and make her daughter too soon a woman of the I world, as she has been. I The hardened heart of the worJIy man Is unlocked by the guileless tones and simple caresses of his son hut ho repays it, In time, by Imparting to Ms son all the crooked tricks, and hard was, an 1 callous' maxims which have undone him jell. Go to the jail to tbe penitentiary, and find there the wretch most sullen, brutal and hardened. Then look at your infant son. Such as he is to you, such to sonio mother was this man. That hard hand was soft and delicate that rough toice was tender and lisping fond eyes fol lowed him as he played and he was rocked and cradled as something holy. There was a time when his heart, soft and unworn, might have opened with ques tloaiag of God, and Jesus, and been asaled with tbe seal of Heaven. But harsh hands seized It fierce, goblin lines ments ware Impressed upon it and all is rained with him forever! Bo, of the tender, weeping child is made the callous, heartless man of the all-believing child, the sneering skeptic of the beautiful and modest, the shameless and abandoned and this is what the teorld does for the little one. There was a time when the Divine One stood on earth, and little children sought to draw near to him. But harsh human beings stood between him end them, forbid ding their approach. Ah! hss it not been always so? Do not even we, with our hard and unsubdued feelings our world ly and nnscripturaT habits and maxims stand like a dark screen between our lit tie child and its Savior, and keep, even from the choice bud of our hearts, the sweet radiance which might unfold it for paradise! suiter little children to come unto sir, and forbid them not," is still tho voice of the Son of God, but the cold world still closes around and forbids When of old, the disciples would question their Lord of the higher mysteries of his Kingdom, ne tooK a mile child and set him in the midst; as a sign of him who shquld be greatest in heaven. That gen tle Teacher still remains to us, lly eve ry hearth and fiiresid, Jesus still telt the Mr child in the ixjtt of tut Wouldst thou know, O parent, what is that faith wImlIi unlocks li-aen? Go not to wrangling polemics, or creeds and forms of theology, but draw to thy bosom thy lilllo one, and read in that clear, trust ing eye, the lesson of eternal life. lie on ly to thy God, as thy child is to thee, and all is done! Blessed shall thou be, in deed, when "a little child thall lead thee" Aanletles of a nllsra life. Bf tkt Ac. Mr. MUi, Nmtuektt. A man was speaking a few days ago of tho emotions with which he was over whelmed, when ho bade adieu to his fami ly on hia last voysgo. Tho ship in w'rrich he waa to uil was at Edgartown on .Mar tha's Vinyard. Tho packet was at tho wharf which was to convey him from Nan tucket to ihe ship. He went down in tho morning and saw all his private oa stores stowed away in thoaloon and then return ed home lo lake leave of hia wife and chil dren. His wife was silting at the fireside struggling in vain to restrain her tears. She had an infant a few months old in br arms, and with her foot was rocking tho cnuHo" in which lay another littlo daughter about three years of sge. with her cheeks flushed with a burning fever. No pen can'descrlbe Ihe anguish of such a parting. It is almost like tho bitterness of death. The departi.Tg father Imprints a kiss upon the cheek ofhis child? Pour years will pats away ereho will again take that ohtld In his arms. Lelnr hl wlf. sobbing In anguish, ho olotM Ihe door of nis nous behind nim. Four years must laps r be oan cross that threshold again. On aaa captain upon this island has passed but svn years out of forty, on upon th land. s9SSMBBVJMjaWaMMMMMSMJMaMJaBBl A lady said to mo a few evening ago, " I have been married eleven years, and counting all the day a my husband has been at borne since our manage. It amounts to but three hundred and sixty days." Ho Is now absent, haying been gone fifteen months, and two years mora must undoubt edly elapse before his wife can see bis fcoe again, and whan ha shall return tt will be merely a visit to his (amity for a few) months, when be will again bid them adieil s attrtlksi Auias VMSst-a aiMnnfin I asked the lady, tho other day, how many letter ho wrote to her husband dur ing Ills last voyage. "Ono hundred," was tho answer. " And how manv did ho receive f" "Six." Tho inevitable rule is to write by.ciery ship that leaves this port or New Ucdford, or any other port that may bo heard of for tho Pacific Ocean. And yet the chances are very small that any two ships will meet on this boundless expanse. It sometimes happens that a ship returns, when Uiom on board have not heard omt word from their families during the wholo period of their absenco. Imssino then tho feelings of a husband and fttthor, who return's to tho harbor of .Nantucket, alter tlto separation or torlv. eight months, during which lime ho has Heard no tidings whatever irom uis noine. Ho sees the boat pushing oft" from the whartcs which is to brino him the tidins" of weal or wo. Ho stands pain and trem bling pacing the decks with emotions which ho in ain endeavors to conceal. friend in-the-boat greets him with a smile, and sas, ''Captain, your family are all well. Kit peruana he sas, "Laii tain, I have heavy news for you, your wife died two years and a half ago." , A young man Iclt this Island last Sum. vrvant girl litely asked him lo walk in mer, leaving in his quiet homo -a young Mis Kmilv uus ull ulonv in tho par- and beautitut wife, and an infant child. lort ami would bo ililigbtrd in srp him !' The wife and child are now both in the , o Lord ! huro vvus a lit ! Go iuloa par grave. Dut the husband knowa not, and lor with a rett girl all alone! It Was probably w ill not know it for some montlii too late to retre'ul, tho girl hud closed tho to come. He perhaps falls asleep etery from uW, umfwm oiiiling tho way Into night thinking of the loved ones Iclt at hi" t,0 parlor where' Mi l.inily was sitting fireside, littlo imagining that they arc all alone.' Hung perfrclly convinced that both cold, in death. . no choice was Iclt to him, into tho parlor On a bright Summer aftcrnoon.ilie.leIe, walked or father sidled, graph announces that a Capo Horn ship' ,v, wW perfect chaos to his ryes for a has appeared in tho horizon, and immedi. nioiiieu' j thin from tho drepckt gloom ately the stars and stripes of our national came forth an anel tone ' bidding him banner aro unfurled from our flag stalT, welcome and draw near.' To obey the sending a wavo of emotion through the order was but the work of a moment as he town. Mtuy families arc hoping thai it is Uiw.mI but In-liltlo dreamed of the oh. tho ship in which their Iriends are to re- .mole lulo hud throw n m his way. He turn, and all aro hoping for tidings from knew full well the stream oflove had many the absent. Soon the name of tho ship" i ripples, but full grown susgs never enter announced ; and then there is an eager CJ jnt0 n calculation. Judgo, therefore, contention with tho boys to lie the first 0f his astonishment at bring tripped up at. bearer of tho joylul tidings to the wife of nvnl Bl tho fuir one's foil by a fat stool tho captain, tor hich sonicc a silver luiil. ..leilri.- leim. mIik.Ii chance, or a dollar is the established and invariable fee. , Ana wno can uescrioc mo -leoungs which must then agitato tho bosom of tho wife? Perhaps she has heard of no tidings irom tno snip lor more msn a year ! Trembling with excitement, she dr? herself to .meet her husband. "Is he alive," she says to herself, "or sn I a widow, and the poor children orphans!' She walks about the room, unable to com pose herself sufficiently lo sit down. Ea gerly she is looking out of tho window', and down the street ; sue sees a man with hur ried step turn the corner, and a littlo boy hold of his hand. Yes, it Is he. And her little son has gone down to the boat and found his father. Or, perhaps, instead of this, she sees two of hcVneighbors returning slowly and sod. ly, anoVdirccting their steps to her door. Tho blood flows back upon her heart. They rap at tbe door. It lathe knell of her husband death. And sho falls senseless to tho floor, a they tell her that her hus band has long since been entombed in the fathomless ocean. This is not fiction. These are not ex. trcme cases which the imagination creates. They aro facta of continued occurrence facts which awakens emotions to which no pen can do justice. A few weeks agoa ship returned lo this island, bringing Ihe nowaof anothor ship, that waa nearly filled with oil, that all on board were well, and tbataho might bo ex peeled in a neighboring port in such mnnth. Tim wiicui iiiu cupaui rc-siui-ii 1,1 O.IIIUVHVII .U -.., J .1, HW I..W....I, with a heart throbbing with aiTccilon and hopo alio went to greet her husband on his return. At length the ship appeared, dropped her anchor in tho harbor, and tho friends of tho ludy went to tho ship lo escort ihn lw .n.i,.ml.n. ami ...ll la. ,Iim ....., I ' husband to tho wife from whom hehadtha TAIL was told no escape notblag been so long separated. Soon tbey sadly ' gi10rt f a special interposition of Provf. returned with the tidings that her husband jonco cuij MV0 ,j ,1,1,,. Bul what could had been solxed with tho coost fever, up-' h0 ,io T Anollicr, and another, a strong on the Island of Madagascar, and when !!, ovjncg on ihe part or the lady a about a week out, on his return home, he praiseworthy determination lo obtain the died and was committed to his ocean burl, i o,t ,ry u t(iu,,td wltla tho request lo al. A few days after I called uik.h lho'.ge, u,, ,ir,y0ur' illK oll i,,' Jeter. destined homo of bereavement and an- Y,...,k "i. ,. i.i0.,..s,.i., ,., U.C,, guish. The Actrcatfsjrrs el n BanblHl seri-r. A correspondent of the New York Spirit of tho Timci a paper full of fun and hu. mor relates tho following account of a bashful lover: Hit nanio was Danphule we used to call him, 'jackass,' for short. Heaven help me if ho should see Ihls story. I hopo ho don't tako 'Spirit.' Among his many misfortunes for ho was cock-eyed, red haired, and knock-kneed he numbered that inconventontono of bath fulness; ncv. ertheless ho was fond of the ladies, al though when In their presence ho intVer opened his mouth If he could help II, and when he jlid speak he used both bauds lo help him to talk In fact, he was a young man of ' great actions.' Jack one warm dsy fell In love, ho hsd just graduated at college, and began to think that he must seek the ladles' society he was getting lo be man, and it looked manfullv to have a ' penchant.' So Jack fell in lov with lb sweetest, liveliest, most hoy-deolsh girl In th square, bul how to tell his love there was ths rub. He had heard n ffood deal of the Man of th oyo,' and he accordingly tried that, but whenever In) looked partioularly bard at tho window where Miss Emily was In tho habit of sitting, some poraon on the op. posite side of tlie street would Invariably Inw to him, thinking he was endeavoring to catch their eye. Ho hu despised x. prajtalve eyes ever sinoe. At length Jack obtained an Introduo lion from Tils slstor, and with nor h sailed several times, but she was obliged lo leave the oily for a season, and as each lotsr. view had only increased his ardor, he finally determined upon 'going alone.' I jiii i bpfurn the hour fixed uin by cus tom for an evening vl-.ll, h found himself arrayed in his lst blue coat, mciai out tons, black caslmore pnuts aaM panla be ing a lectio' liKhtnr limn iho skin, -and a spotless vest. Tho journals of tho day state as an item of Information thai the Ihcrmoriolrr ranged seventy-five to eighty legtees. Jack swears that it was a bun. Ured. As tho hour grew gradually near, Jack found his courage and perspiration ooxlng out together, and lie almost deter mined In pull oil an I stay at home. He concluded, however, towulk past the house and wo bow ho foil, lly the time he rcaoh ed tbe mansion, ho lirinly concluded not to go In, but on casting his eve towards the parlor windows, awl perceiving no signs of life there, ho thought il probatdothat no one was at home, and since he had pro ceeded m) fur, ho tlKuight he'd proceed further, and Irate his rani. No sooner determined I ban concluded. In a reck. !, moment lie nulled the bell the darned thing neidn't mnkn such a noise. The ,oor Hua owned as If by magic, and the careless servant had placed exactly on hia ro,, l0 happincsi. Over he went, and aa (ie uilorhad not allowed for any extra extension of tho muscles and siuows, h not -only produced a tumble, but also compound iracturo' oi tno uiaoa pania aforesaid, said fracture extending all across) that point which comes In closes! coatael with, a chair; Having' picked himself up as carefully as circumstances would allow, tho stnoth. easj laughter of Miss Emily 'not setting hrraVbrward any,' hdstt last succeeded In rcaclilog a chair, and drawing his coal tails forward lo prevent a disagreeablo expose, sat himself down with as much f'raco as a bear would bo expected lo x libit when requested to dance on nettle. The young lady who waa almost suffoca ed with laughter, at Ihe sad mishap of the bashful lover, felt truly sorry for him, and used ull her powers of facinalion to drive it from his mind, and eventually succeed ed so fsr as to induce him lo make a re mark. And on this rock he split, for at that moment she discovered she had lost her handkerchief. What had become of it. She waaauro she had it when bo oame (h! It must certainly bo somewhere about! Havn't you got it undor vou, Mr. Daa phula ? Jack waa sure ihatlcould'nt b so, but poor Jack, in endeavoring to answer could not pmsibly set alustg without rais ing his hands, and of course he must drop the coat tail. In his anxiety to recover the aimu,ing tlpnr, ho ctcn ventured to in. cllno his t body so as to uct a glance on the AW. As hu did so the fracturo opened, and behold then' lay, at Iho lady supusrd, her properly. It vvus tho work of an In. Mant to scIko Iho corner, and exclaim ' Hero it i-t, sir, you needn't trouble vour self, raiw a little, it's under you At tho name limo giving II a long pull. Alas, tnjnc(1 ln tnu , 10 Kony or Iho mo. ment grabbing with both bands a fust dis appearing strip of llnon which enoiroled his neck, he oxclulmed In hoart broken ao cents ' For God's sake, Miss Emily, Um my ihirt collar ! Major Joe.es' first am Last DrUak of "Hosta water." ssmtso av nnuscr. After gwlno up as far ns Youtaw street, and takin a look at the Youtaw Hotel, what's 'bout as big as Nooy 's ark, I cross ed over and cum down on tolber sido of the street, looking alonn at ono thing aad ano ther, till I got most down to Charlea street. By this lime I begun lo bo monstrous dry,' -and as I'd hicrd tell a good deal about th" sody water what they have In big oltles, I thought I'd try a lilllo at tho 'fust piece whu; they sold It. Well, Iho fust doctor' rhun I cum to had a soda water sign aa. and In I went lo gll sum. Ses I, '1 waul a drink of your sody water, sir.' What kind of syrup will you have!' ses ho, pulling his hand on a bottle of mo lasses. 1 don't want no syrup,' aea I, ' I want sody water.' ' Tk-V' aW lbs mm sill k.WM ML J it to m. 1 am It tfjay had aaajayif at It Mn aMnrW? flW HMI WIWMmWHB V bsfcw la avy HsW-l fat tafw r tm WaMSWB Bwis! IMIv I "mW W WIPW drmtsM awa. aaa ymtmmmmmm wwm to km Maftiat M taMMba. ImmI PmbVmmi AUkM Ms) wt mbVmV mbVmbI HHM4 I 'I ouai t mTttl f. a taaa Ml Mm k mm Ml of Madia, aaat siV stKaaUk Nka I'd aiml. lowed a fiat of Avaaa iMdB,,aa4 Oa tears was ruwiw' ajayuajw la a atrcaM. IJdraaMj tta jpaat mm ipaftaa tho nt ftom my astatfi aatakaVa IgM. ala', butelor r oouM gH Mth iMat to th chap what waa staadlag wjUmI Hm countsr, atarln' at aw wha an all mMM, he ax'd ma If I wtaat wslt. Welt, thuader aad llgUataT na I. do you want to plaaa at ta death, aad then asm If I'm wall f 'Plaenl' aeahe. 3 Yva,' aaa I, plxea, I ai'd you for tarn sody water, ami you fla at a dan bad enough to kfll a how ' Mgla you aothla aat atala aaijr,' m Wall,' aaa I, Mr tkat'a vkat y) aU sody watsr, I'll siltlikil If I'M m aay more of h. Why, k warn aaf Iagta tar. tola jute,? dawa ate gallaa lata a plii, oooted oan a aaaw baak aad astoad with a kurrieaa. Jm the, ike Ulla' aat into m throw, that Uhete Wew'd avy out by the roots. Be he, Maybe yea aial wed te drfak. In' It without svruo.' No,' m I, .'aad waat'a mere, I aerer 111 be. It'e much heNer wUh, aanrjerllta or goosberry syrup,'' he.' 'Win yea try sumwnnirymef No, I thank you.'eee !,aadlee(dhlm a thrip foe ihe dose I had, aad pat oat. A Kta roa a Bum. A visiter want into a school la tkl ehy, aay th tjoetoa sua, waora aeeaw a ear aaa gin oo one at. who wan Wether aad abler. In a moment of Ihoaghtwai laoMlen, tho littlo boy struck hiseiotcr. Th littlegirl was Diovokcd. aad ralosd her head to re turn the blow) Her (has showed that race was working wbhla. aad her efcraoh- cd fist was aimed at her anther, whea hr teacher caught her oyo. 'Slop, my dear,' said he, "you had better hate your brother than strike him." The look aad Ihe word reached her bean. Her hand dreaaed. r threw berarms arouad hia aoea aad kiaeed him. The aov waa moved. He could have stood against the Mew, hat ho oeaU aat asalduWadumM! m mWaa'a mJmM. mU BMHAMMiMftal the amvoeailea he had gttea her, with Ihe retura ah had made, aaa the tear rolled dewahMotoehe. TmaaMMmlthaakaer. aavdwk4astrlaiMhaaaaW ehawieed away bU'team. mat Nm dgbt f ker klaihtim aalr Made hha enr the fctti he wa eametetsly sukdard. IWleaehorthea mMUm oalUrea al wavstorumakkailerablew, aadthnr would never get aayemere blew. If aad aaUaaa would aat aa tale earn ariaei pie, this world would almost eeaee to he a Vale of tear. "Nalloa would not lift up tbe sword against aatioa aeilker would tosy learo war aay mer.' Ba CoMraaasuwivav Talk la th aoiat aad atop whoa yea haaj reaeaed il. The faculty that of making oae idea eova? a autre er eaper, i aat good formueh. Bo abort aad eomprekaelv in all that you My or w volume aaea aeshlag, I badvi Ikenek Lma Ch very elever aaem-aan J are awa who get aaa Mia laid iMIrheada, aad hat ea. aad their make Dm meet efk. You aaa km it aaeTalaMel fool it arhaa ia their amiaei. OaaWnailiaial daeod. li They roe liaar a te smaks). but vast laali la vela MT th The MM Ik aaaMeraa ie atom. m eo With Lb Idea, hhaawlaaadiaaolaiid. aad lost amid the ramhlmg af rera aad floUrishoa. amen hUaia, airmiai, aysnk eadeargweha, are MVMltawfcha. 0mbmm aa la the jraaag. taaa wha wrote la hie mtharws Oaar'eM aataaiag ta ha married) " aad alee la the faadeU aaatl. wha Mails J Mjasaf ssa.saaaad." aea am tee awa aw mm anssysss om ihaa Ike ear. The harf to aaf totd . l A i" II ta their earn. Taay are wela-ht la sntd far ever lawato la Ufa. Reader, be short .aad w wiH etoa i with this advk.- rtoad JMMte Jirr Assanaa DaiLttsw ia IsrrisrrtV. At the lime whea aa aa bmm JrViat Isabel wa liiiwkeiaia, the .erare sailor of the (bet warn uwarihtred th the U a. WA I. ik. - aa ' ska Vsmmb. BMira mji hbmI aea aaaMS mbmmmbbmbsbi mm bmmsi mmjm thabmaara worn ia'IMda "mm ilseill la drillW them ' 1a taad tal.. The lor. JM " f" .twH VWI " (9 the wtmmr tbey were threwa eam-(etely oaT their kMai ia fajaaj Ltoat. M aid U tt Theeflear. whea deatwae ( the osMwaay tawliae ta'ika, dhreeitoj lg waieu wmt ihairtia R.,oalUd aa (A 1s?1uW''wmms1'm mmI 'iU&a)' jaaM)vseaiVaaeir'Mwg M tot- ski "UlMrefl II it to wara a lata aa eaanty . tad aaa afa tweaty.fcar aaaaa iwad at a kummlMi hird Yeti MMMj asM. Mi valaaM of issft i FrW ?fB WPw.rP? mrt lmlmmmmat mmm VtWilMliMlWM Mfllikfi. 6m -liiiSffc-jfcitof tfMiM MBaMflMaWm mbbbML" Wsaaaml MaW saasaarmaM 1 kafiyiauUM rai --JAgu earTai aaT ihav rushed like a whirl' a loud huxaa. slicking their late every clump of busne, or ma taeir esorss vry pnoaiy to Uwlr reach. Msamr ssmb aearwM Meier 'of th Infkntry, who wa lofirfalia.lng th drill, 0rdrd, "KilJy eathe reasrvet" bul oo rolled th llor Mto Ihe aravee or the ocean, with, rsdoub M eaergy, (lit their own officer, who had had the order" eWlalnsd to him. cried eaV-"LraeMattle-hlp, ready about!" The old beatmaa who acted a rgant, realled instontly "Bout ship, and away ahf gate, all mil Ml." bawTSd the lisuten. at. Krery man wheeled on hk own axis, f sadetrUjg for hi former position, cam " ia wkh a period rush, all right and tight. NtwOrltpnt Pktgunt. Tata iHJvato Indian Wirx. Maj. Long tolla a romantlo story in connection wkh Ihe fall of St. Anthony: An Indian of the Dacota nation had united himself kikto youth to a female called Ampato ape, th. Dark Day, a nam which, If given at her birth, and not efterwartt ba. lowed la allusion to hsr unfortunate end, would eeem lo show that thM people pos mm ihe powr of dlvlnattoa. They lived happily together many yearn. Two chit, drea were the fruit of thslr unloa. Th awa, havlag acquired renown a a hun tor, aspired to be elected a chief. To In ereaM hie dignity and Importance, and to etiaaglhcn his Influsnoe, he resolved to add another wlf to his household, and tied hie choice on tho daughter of a man of htlueaee In the tribe. When he had atade known bis determination to his wife, oho eadearored to dissuade him, by re. mladlag him of their long cherished love, aad th haoDinsM they had en loved to gether, finding no arguments available, aaa, in met tnai ne nao already executed hi purpose of a second marriage, slut ob. earved hero opportunity, launched hsr tight bark canoe, and placing her children in il, pushed off into tho stream above ihe fall. Her death song was heard clear and shrill, by her friends upon the bank of Ihe river. 8he recited with a roomful veto, the piss tu re she hsd enjoyed when -Ihe undivided object of hsr husband's af. faction. As she fell faster djwn the cur. rani, her voice became lost In the souud of the cataract. Her boat was borne to the edge of Iho cascade, waa seen Tor a mo ment In the sprsy snd mitt that hovered over th water, and disappears! to be scon ao more. Thl Indians aay that, often, in th morning, a voice is heard singing a mournful requiem, tho burden of which is lb Inconttajicy of her husband. And som asMrt ihil the spirit of Ainpsto Sapa ha been seen wandering about tho plaoo with her children In her boom. jiotn ea Ihe Northwest. - ( Amentia ItcibutT. A fashionable young lady recently met her plain graaoV Mother at the Springs. Tbe old lady's heart waa tiled with innocence and int askaiy, aad her idea 'l'V"n tatlm" tl a etralgbt coat and plain cap. When, the refer, she met her dear niece the first lime for many years, and as her a dis. flgured invalid, sh ws shocked and "al most fainted. When her emotion had a lilll subsided, she turned, with leers in her eyes, and mid," Margaret honey, thee bm get well ; bul Indeed I fear that tho wators aver will cur tnee of this thing, (laying her hand on Margaret' fashiona- Me buttle.') U! bow awful ihee must fact about it ("and another shower ,of tsars guahed forth. Good old lady, that. OLove ia ihe weapon which omnlpo teaoe reserved lo conquer rebel man, when all lb real had failed. Reason he par rlj fear he answe.'s blow to blow fu turn interest ho meets with present plea, aura ; but lova.ia that aun, against whose atelliag beam wiator, cannot stand, that aoA, subduing clumber, which wrestles down tbe gianL There la act one human ba lag ia a million whose elay heart is hard oaed against love. r - , , , A FASxtonASLt Kim or Lrato.-A geallemaa paatlng through Pleat 'Market. wea suprised by being halM from ihe well haowa College, by a ftfsnd, who, Il ap. aoarad, wa "Indumtoe vile." "Ah! Tom, how oame you thtrat" stked the aentleman. "Oh forXelllnc a lie." "For tolllag allot Impossible! them must be "No, it' true enough, I promised to pay my tailor's bill and I didn't." HoaniLi Ravutoi. Dr. Radclifn, wha waa fond of the pleasure of ihe Is ale, waa one afternoon oomfortebly dis pesiag afa bottle of wlae, when a country. auu eatored the room, and begged him to oome immediately to hie wife, who wee dying. can't help It, my fine fellow; lean1! move till I have flni!:d my bottle." Now It happened that the oountrymfS was a large, strong man, and the doctor a very emalloa t so It occured to tbe former Ikat hia beat plan was to aeixe tbe doctor aarl aarry blm offoo hi shoulders. H did eo; aad while he wa bearing him along, the doctor; bursting with rag, exelaimed, "Tou villain, Til cure your toifif" aad he, waa ugoo.1 as his word. LTaa Sromoanm Anikal in tub WotLe. A orowd about a tavern door wa busy dlsousslng what' animal, of alt ether, waa moot eonlmry t aome contend, ad thai a muta waV. soma a hoa. um. a yekaofoBM. A Dutchman, win bad very grtValy Itotoaed to the ooavarsailoa, gave ill iaparleaaet Te mule, te hog, and te eg, ia vary atuhhem, but to hen is ts stub. aaimai ia, te worn. I had von vol Vtwtodto Itotoh, aome egg. Imadavoa lad Metld aeot, aad put hTa In It, and aha aalaaa ata aasaal aaaKaM V J . e uw avav. i aea masec r tootle aest, sad puts ber oaJt ai uwpuuperoi I da raak i javay agin. I dea makee oeraJee I MSI. aad Btltalt all avarfa k.n .1 ftraM U trW mit I kare, vea fpeeped uadar to letUe haa, ta has niitt $, J5t .-i., . tt (j