Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, March 23, 1848, Image 3

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    "! &1
iMiiiKpii1 ni" irii-iiiTT'
. . a ' !. "V a. h a "lb.
IM, took pwoounottl il opinion In the
cose t tod, with lb ekooptlen of oat (mint,
UkM by Judge Daniel, aad which did not
aSsot the gsoeral .decision, the oourt wu
uaaalmous fat lu ottnlon lu favor of lh
ooutWllty of tin lroono law,"
tat wtnwi rmttiMm
, POWl.
pArtis, iwrai HIM BY Latb AbJ.
lo Jalana tha robber and guerrillas
have full frway, making war only upon
their dereuosleee fcHow uHlxens, and tho
Msxloan government of the State of Vnra
Crui war talking ofadoptlng measures In
put tbam down.
Gen. Pillow wu wounded early in iIm
action at theitonnlng of Chapulti-pce.and
the command devolved upon Urni. Cad
wallader, who showed himself a fearless
In If hi aa able in command) 111 aid,
Lieut. Irene, wu killed by hi aide. Ocn.
C. reoeived the aword of Gen. Dravo In
Major Cook of the United Slates Army
peassd through Mobile on Ike 33th Octo
bar. em bia era la Waahtoatoa. whore he
Uauimaoaedu awkneu ra the trial of
Col. Preeavaat,
It li Hated dial the number of emigrant
lo Canada who died during tho three
montha ending Oot, 13. wu 7,140, 'either
on shipboard or alter they were landed.
Fbanci. We have advlooi from
France to 6th of October. Tho country
li represented by the American paper u
on the eve of onotber revolution. It li Ira.
Ileved the death of Louia I'hilllpe will be
the signal lor another outbreak. Serious
diatursanoea have occurred in different
parti of the country.
The common council havn voted 6,000
Roman oroM to arm the National Guard
of Dblogna.
Acstsia. Six Austrian regiments were
on their way to form a military cordon on
the Piedmonleae frontier. They had reach
ed Milan at the latest date. It U said.
Auetria already has 60,000 men on the
lino of ihe'Po, between Ptaisoncn and Ter.
rara. An Austrian ofliclal had been de.
patched to Rome, to obtain porifftulon for
tho paetasoof a body of the army-destined
fur the Kingdom of the Sicilies. The I'ujw
is opposed lo this postage.
SwirxxaLANP. The affairs of Hwitzr-r.
land, are becoming more and more threat,
cnlng. The Cat hollo Cantoiu are array,
log themselves against the Proirsant Can.
toua. A private letter in tho London
Time of lha 6th !nl., from llorne, states
thai a meeting wu held on tho 30th of
September In the Catholic Canton of
Schwarix, at which .eight ihouaand men
capable of bearing arm were preaent, in
which It wet received to retort in armt If
necessary. Similar demonttratlona were
upeatad in other Cutout; and the nation,
-tl Tlillifr "iPTlk"rf reporlad actually
lo have croaeed itotoundary of their Can
ton, and fired volley of ball-cartridge,
against lha Protectant villagoof Aliligrns
Satisfaction had beendetnandnlofthoau.
thorillea of Friburg, and if not promptly
afforded, A eivll war might Immediately
- lien, waddy inumi
in a speech to
Ida fellow cithtras advocate tho taklntr
more Mexican territory than that cnibra.
ceil In the propoulaof Mr. Trial.
initrtiotiona had been given tho com.
mender of the Oulf Squadron not to inter
rupt the paaeage of Santa Ana should he
attempt to eaoapo out of Mnxlco. It waa
believed Santa Ana would ralae ono ntom
army and try another batllo bufuro ho left
the Republic.
After the capture of Mexico and ihe
fliaht of Mania Ana. Dona Srnora IiOpec
do Mania Ann reenaaiwi orucn. Boon per.
mlaelon to Join bar kejehand, which waa
sranted. Cant. Harral of the draooona.
wu aelecled in aaaart her ladyship, and
aucoeeded In dlaihargtnt bla taak lo the
aatlafaction of hen ladyship, receiving
many " thankM" aaliHatlaos."
Uen. Seott lseuad an order dated Moxl.
no. Sent. S3d. reeeaotlns a coniniraoy,
.'.. - ' ... ".'i
of which he wu In poeeeeeioo of. The plot
wu to gat u uuuiy of the American troop
drunk u peeoiMa ana inen nee on tnem.
Another order of the earoe date wu iaaued,
commapdiag all Americana to either keep
out of Ike way or pay, every mark of re.
apect and oeptrence to catnoiio prooes-
It ia eetlmaled that about 89,000,000
buibelaof crato ware eat from the United.
Btatsflrdrett Britain during 11 montha
andtof August let, 1M7, which, at a Mr
eumate wu worm annul .vio,vw,uuw.
. , The yellow, fever had, prevailed to an
alarming extent at New Orleans during
the aununer montke.
Railway Acaoea tkb Isthmus or Ta.
nana. N. Klein, who wta aent lo Bogo
ta to treat with the government of New
Grenada, far the eetnwlehmenl of a rail
way urate the Isthmus of Panama, hu re
i hu completely euo
m, hariog objalned
turned to rrenoa. tiea
oeaded la hie mission
moat advantageous ooadltlou
pany he repreeeated. The work will
shortly" se oowmiucrd. London Kail-
Way Tto, Aug. 99.
Amltuatw Wihm. A gentleman of
Waaklngtoa, wall knowing, ttyi varfcma
kind aal aualhUa of foreign aulalaaoea
mixed with the wbtaa to, the general mar
ket, which njare boahhaad nrornota abuto
Vdiwuaa, huorl a rewaUsf 10 par
B niwi w wi
AlblM'AA tk MllAM AT'tall
wove byahetlanl
id, green v(rol,
at. I
i . wmpw, ,v, im
febttSaifar, hraady, laurel ,wly,.
TirifiTTiTrrrriYT' -
I 't : a a ! a . .a
lamb'i Mood.'draawi'e Mood, red eandere.
all of tartar, oooulua ladlotti, poleen ham.
look, hu vomica, oil of vllrol, Pruaalo
aeldr henbane, tto. jot any other foreign
admixture," 5 ''
fma Iks Cellftrala marKM.
Ian ffwan ! I rrmmV.
tale Mat ? lupaifai
AaaiVAi, or vaults Iiabilla amp 8w
din, wm Taoora roa CAuroanu ua
Vlon. t -
Tho Tranapnrt ship, Isabella arrived at
Monterey onibe ItHb ultimo. She sailed
from Philadelphia on Ihe 10th of August,
1847, making tho passago In six montha,
havjng touched at Jlo do Janeiro, and Val
paraiso. She is laden with Government stores
and munitions of war. Sho also brings
Lieuta. Roach and Norrls and OS non
cominlsaioued oflioera and privates, re
cruits for the N. Y. Regiment of Volun
teers. Cspt. Turner, of the samo Regi
ment, camo u far as Valparaiso. It is
said ho tendered his resignation before
ailing, and lhat its acceptance met him at
that port.
.The U.S. Transport Sweden arrived at
Moalarey on the Both of February. She
ailed from New York on the 31st ol
lember, 1847, touching at Csllao, fronT
which port arte inado her paseace to Hon
lerey In 40 days. Sho brings Government
stoma and troops. Having landed at
Monterey 03 recruits for Ihe N. Y. Reel'
ment, under Ihe command of lit. Ketch
uni, she proceeded to this port for the pur
pose of landing her stores, where she ar
rivod last evening at 7 o'clock. She
brings a large mail from Iho United States
which dales up to November.
Tho brig Eveline had arrived at San
Dlrso from Mautlan. from which an over
land express reached Monterey bringing
many private letters. This mail reached
this nlaco from Monterey by tho Sweden,
and we hutrn lo lay1 before our readers
the important intelligence wo have been
enabled to est her. with the kind per-
mission of Capt. J. L. Polsom, toff.hcr
wllli the aid or bloul. ISdward Ulltwrt, we
makn copious extracts from private letters
which wo giro dciow. uompany u, !.
lork Volunteers, commanded uy uapt.
Nsnlee. with a portion of tho now re.
crultt In all U4 men are to sail from
Montoroy Imnifdiatcly for La Par., in tho
Tho remaining recruits aro to go down
iu the llriu Lady AdaiiM to join Col. Hte.
venson al Pueblo de los A.ngeles.
The latest dates from Mautlan are Jan.
4, 1U10. In a private letter we find the
following account of aflairs in that vicini
ty, and also at La Pax and San Joae, The
latest dates from La Pan are Deo. 10, '47.
Col. Burton and hlaoommand were in fine
health and spirits after their late success
ful reelsUfioe of the twoalUokiLaMiauo
on them by the California.
Novansxa 10, 1847.
A small narly of sailors were sent out
this morning, shout 8 o'clock, undor Lts.
Stanlov and Parrott. to accompany Lieut.
Ilalleck in reconnoilering Ihe position of
Ihe enemy. After marching several hours
through thick chaparral and marshes,
thov reached Ihe road to 81. Babastion,
about day light, and surprised a body of
Homo :i( or 4U Mexican norsemen. as
noon as our party wero discovered ibey
fifed unon the enemy, who fled in confu-
Ion. Invinir behind them llicir beds.
quantity or corn, anveral lances, muekeU
and sabres, and about a doxen saddles.
Having no oavalry wo did not go in pur
suit of them.
Novanaxa 30, 1847..
A party of about 00 sailors wu aent
out this rooming, at 10 o'clock, under Lt.
Seldrn,wkh Lieut. Ilalleck, to ooeupy the
road to the village of Urine, (about ten
miles from Mautlan) whilo Lieut. Rowan,
with another party or utiora, asoeaoM
Ihe Batero in boata to cut .off the enemy'e
retreat to lha presidio. When witben a-
bout a miloof Uriaa, the vanguard of Lt,
tnui sm iiiiiarui uiisw. aiuf ibumub
of lha enemy oonoealed In thefChaparral.
They wero driven out, and our forces ad
vanoed to within n abort distance of Uriu
and laid in ambush Until night. In the
meantime the boata approached the town,
and u soon aa it wu light opened their
Are upon n party of tho enemy, who had
formed on the beach. The land, party at
the aamo time left Ibeir ambush and poured
u n rapid are or grape and musketry up
on n portion of the enemy who had eon
oeated themselves in tho houses and bush
ee.j .The Mextoana relumed the fire with
apirit for few momonta, but soon m
throwing away their arrua and hiding
themselves in tno wooos. ,
Our loss wu one private killed, and S
officers and 18 wounded total, 83. We
do not know the force of the enemy nor
their lose. The foroe Is estimated at 300
and their lose must have been pretty no
vel. Wo saw four killed, and rumor
says there were in. i neir wounuea were
Uken lo San Sebastiat . and are uid to be
numerous. "ElSlooloanse" uya their
number or wount'ed wa, only nine out
then Ihe aamo, paper makee our killed, four
men and cine oJRoer, nod our force MO.
Vondarful loaay, ihey oobfeee that they
were driven from the Held.
DtcaiUU 18, 1847.
. A party of, M aallora under Lieuta.
LewUVnd Wise, abolit I o'clock this
morning surprised party, of the anfrny
at Lq. Hlgueru. astoVb mlUs from Ma
utlan. fc or tUetiW were UA dead
upon the field, and tlw'rasBelnder iaeaped
to ie buahss, leaving behind them .their
baggAge.TrK, sadOls' ,ui arM 'their
beda.ud olothjiur.. Our parjy brought In
with them IB or JW aabrae, eaveral saddlea
number of lancaa and muafcata, 4 horns
and tlaaiiwyoi the remainder of the ene
my'e ajrme and amnallisw'. Not atogU
an of'our pariy wu lainred.
Novmhs 10, 1847.
About) wo O'clock on Ihe morning of the
lath, n nertr of some AM Mniaaaa and
CtdlfomtanVttnder Pereaa,
snade aaM-
Ixib 1 Pit. 'um araa
a HUla over 100 Hi Y. Voiaasaera
xr r -ryjrjmi, -T-.a
iWBsfrt WsWaJsf y
Lleot. Col. Burton. A few ofcnrgen of
grape from one of hie field pteoM aeon
orove tnem on. i no anaoa wu reenasea
about 10 A. M., when n party of tbeewU
my aoeoeoded In occupying eenw of the
bouses in the lower part of the town
Col. Burton now opened upon them whh
both hie pieces of artillery, and aeon forced
them to retraet In creat confusion. Our
loan wu one killed and two wounded. ,
The enemy's Ices la reported to be M kUled
and u many wounded.
NOTMBflB 37, 1847. i
Paveda again attacKed tale place on im
37lh, with near 400 Mexleaaa. CaHlbrnl.
ana and Indiana. The notion lasted from,
a P.M. till 8. The enemy had
niece of artillery. They were asjan drlv
en off with great4 lose and have not shown
thsniaalvsa stnoe. ' -
Col. Barton had but one man wounnad.
The Mexicans are reported to have lost
t least SO killed In this attack. Their
m wu captured by a sortie party from
Ihe tmrracaaounng inengm.
Novanna 19. 1847.
A parly of about 150 Mexicans and Ca
liforniana, attacked the garrison of this
place, whiah consisted of only about 90
or 90 sailors, under Haywood. The as
sault on the barracks wu several times
reneweeV and the enemy as often repuls
ed. The action waa continued at inter
vale for about two days, when the enemy
gave up the attempt, and retired from the
town. The Mexican loss must have been
severe, u Ihey buried on Ihe field 10 of
fleers and 7 men. Our loss was only one
severely wounded Lieut. Haywood's
force wu so small thai he wu tuipslhsrsngrsas. As soon u be Joiu br she is
to act entirely on the defensive. The ene
my have not ventured to renew the at,
Novanaxa 17, 1847.
A laren party of Mexicsm havinr en.
'lorcd this town, a part of tho crew of tho
Dale, landed and drove them out again,
after a pretty smart action, in which 7 or
H of Ihe enemy were killed. Capt. 81
fridge, wu very severely wounded in
the foot. Ho wu Ihe only person on
our side who wu injured. The enemy
wee completely routed and hu not re-
I have not aeon the ofklal account of
this affair, but gather the facts from a let.
In connection with thle imeiligenoe, we
publish tha Mlowtoc naneral orders
1 OWMr-)1t4M Desire: WeafebMT
Oanaa, No. 1 . J rtoramoer, in, 1847.
1. "Capt. Lavallette, hereby aann
comrnariaVaa Civil and Military Govorner
of MaullaWjeut. Ilalleck, u LtojKV
Governor, will aofls staff." f
3. eTuleut. Ureen la appointed tollie
command of the Cuartel. He will be
charged with the good order and polio of
lite DarrecKt, anu too reguiauen ana ai.
cipllM of the troops. Lieut. Zelln of the
Marines Will act u Adjutant ol the post,
No person will be allowed to leave or
enter the Town during the night, and those
living beyond tho Cuartel will koep them
selves within tho walla of their houses af.
ter dark, for one found outside will be lia
ble to be fired upon. No person with arms
win bo permitted to icavo or enter toe
Town at any time.
4. Any Mexican oncer within tno oat
Cwlll Immediately report himwlfat
I quarters, and any ono found in dls-
Lgulse within such limits will bo treated u
6. The Munioipal autboritloa wilt be
held responsible for tho good order and
quiet of tho Town, and in case good order
is not maintained by them, the Town will
be fired upon, both by the shipping and
the guns of the Cuartel,
0. Any person having in hj- possession
arms, Military munitions or other public
property, or knowing when such property
is oonoealed, will Immediately report tho
facts at head Quartern and any one foil
ing,to comply with this order will be sub
jeoted to military punishment.
7. Head Quartern will be established.
for the present, in the building adjaoent to
the uuartei.
8. Lieut. Russell of the Marines will
act u Military Seo'y to the Governor.
By Order of the Governor.
II. W. Hallbck.
Lt. Gov. df Ch'f. or Staff.
Our advloee from the oily of Mexico are
up to the 14tb. of December 1847. We
auote from various letters u follows t
Scott wu receiving reinforcements and
would soon detach n column to Join Gen.
Taylor at Baa Louia Potoal. Bolt wu ru
mored. Taylor hu done nothing sirioe
the Battle of Buena Vleta. In Ihe valley
of Mexloo Soott lost 74 reaular officers in
killed and wounded, and a large number of
volunteers, mm wboio roes in ine eeverai
batUee about the City wu 9,791 killed and
wounaW." '
'anta Ana bad fgnUrom Ihe city of
jhmioo ana nan eucoeeoea in meaning,
Hatano." ?
-uen. nooinumaronearor Mretaro
whh 40M men. Another army ia noiaar to
Oejtnaaa h ia thought tho' Amerieana wHI
ink UlMeJajara wmi Teplo by IImW of
maron, toao, ana tui Amertoan traoae
win arrive at mauttan or way or uuraa-
go by that time."
Tho mieakm of Mr. Trial tow JMroved.an
entim railure, and he hu returned to
" Tho Mutcaa CongreM lain aesaleo al
Mtj'jM iMl rsrdMtwas(Hin
l MMMMSe iM MaM MsH m WWsaastssl
QM.BteewUtrMlfVlV ..
BWatstsstirWaraiMktW. liosati
raulvad orders not W'ianke.arrtr ifM)r
--- - -. ,, r u aalaaasaa if
nm sar nai sw v ia vTasniiKVi n
Aer'wUed ii':.& JUS'lii.
Ti'a fcflare JW Oyttmmml
iaM'make any.aiaMvaalaseto.
w aaaoe-Any prneeeali Ibwarde a
treaty maat oonaa' front tfaaleo. aa thn U.
B. war determined to oarnr on lha war
with vigor." .
" Gen. Soott hu reoeived orders to oc
cupy nil the principal cities in Mexico.
irooae were onuy arnving vera uraa
andTampioo. Onthe7lh Dec. Gen; Pat
tenon' arrived at Mexico with 1099 men.
Soott bad then with him about 90,000
men, and it wu Npeoeed that by the end
of December, ha would have 50,000 troops
under Ms eemmand." ' .
"The Meiieau still cry out for war to
the knifo. It la auaaoeed W n great nta
ny totba United seeTthatU wlirbe -seearyto
take allr Meaioo before peace
an be made. The war ia said to be very
utMar In tha U. Statee since Mr. Triet'a
"m atinafpel etliasew of Mexloo do not
wish for paaoe, untH tho Mexican Army
u entirely oestroyeo, inaitney may not no
burtbened with n lam standins army
hereafter. The military and civil onocre
of high standing of course do not with for
peace, for fear of losing their situations
and emolumaata."
Movant rs or tux SqoAnxoM.
Tho Dale (a ai Ouaymas, the Sloop Cy
au at La Pas, and the Southampton at
San Joes." The store ahip Lexington Is
merchant Bar
ng at Ban Bias. -The American
rk Whhon Iwa been convert.
mi lata smwil nrulur bv Cam. Mia,
brick, and under command of n Naval of
icr Is blockading Maneenilla.
Commodore Jones and, Capt. Geiainer,
U. 8. N. were at Valparaiso awaiting tho
arrival of the Ohio. Capt. Geiainer hu
been assigned to oommood of the Frigate
lo pruevw iv urn umn inuicv, iw iwm aiivr
the Interests of American Commerce in
that quarter.
A court martial had been ordered for
"the trial of Lieut. Col. Frcuont.onchargca
preferred by Gen. Kearny. The court
wu in session at Old Point, and lu pro
eeedluge wero dally published. They ex.
cited much Interest. Oen. Brooke, and
Cola. Da Russey, Crane and DelarWld are
members of the court. Col. Benton hi act.
tog u counsel for his son-in-law, Col. Fro.1
Com. Stockton had reached the U,
States, and wu to tho . !; of Washington
on tho 13thof November, 1847.
It to said that 199 men of the d Infant-
ry, sailed lor Uelllbrnia a Ocueej.
'Oasi. Tnvtor bad raaaJvataU months
buIsToTaieeiceTanil M4 returned tothe-1
" A line of American steamers are run
rung from New York to Vera Crux, via
t We aro only able to extract hurriedly
from American papers of September, u
Enauura. Judging by the Steele, the
Knio in 'England continued. Among Ihe
rthcr failures is Mr. W. Robinson,-the
governor of the bank of England. He wu
mnroioailaed bv the Brain speculators'
The Duchese ol Kent, Queen Victoria's
mother, bu been visiting Hamburgh.
The London Gaxcttc of 37th August,
contains treaty made between Great
Britain and Tuscany.
Her Msiestv is Hunttnc in the Hlirh.
lands of Scotland with Prtooa Albert and
a lot of Ine Lords and Ladles.
PaAnct. The number of bankruptcies
in parts during the past year ia l.iiw.
. Onibe .night of the IPth August, the
Duchest ofPraalln wu cruelly murdered
in her own bod-room. She wu the mo
ther of nine children, and the Duke) her
husband, wu chanted with the awful dead.
At fari, on the SOtb, Count Alfred de
Moateeqnlcu, an officer of the Legion of
Honor, brother of Count Abalole, peer of
FreK, etc wu found dead In his bed
chamber ; having been pierced to the heart
with n dagger.
Fiaa BnaiitE Strrtacxcxo. The fire
men will learn 'with pleasure that Mr.
PMIIId, of London, bu lately Invented a
" Fire aanlhilator for. instantaneously ex.
tiagalshlng area bv sjrated vapor," The
principle says a foreign Journal, aro che
mical, and they prooeed from leota" dedu
ced from considerations of tho source of
all power chemical action. Fire, to tho
ordinarr acceptation of lb term, is a pho-
nomeoon whioh results from tho union of
oxygen, tho supporter of. combustion, by.
urogeo, tae dement oi nam, anu carooo,
lha element of light If the oxygen be
withdrawn, the fire otaaea. Thle the fire
annhllator aoeoropliahw. A jet of pecu
liar gaseous vator, which pomeme n
greater afiinlly for the oxygen of the air
than the oxygen hu for tho nydrogen and
lb carbon with which it ia combined, la
I tanUMOualy generated by tha machine,
and thrown with extraordinary rapidity on
tha Ire, which, being toetuUneoualy da
prived of tho upporter of oomustloa. at
oaaaoeaaee. TSaaxtlacUonbsoaudien,
thaitoobf of n atrong Ire, which Mr.
PtoWa pit out on board a vowel to the
Thame, the operation did not occupy mm
sesnd, and It wu compared by tha speo
Htomio a fiaah of Itotonhap- Y.Fv.
Br. Pavl's Clock. Lombom. A writer
to tto Hartford oouraat thus deeoribee tto
clock work to ito lowar of this oatbedral:
- Tha pendulam to 14 foal long, and tha
weight at tto waf Uen ewt.j lha dkla ok
the ouMdeara rogulattd by aBsalltrow
tstsTkWiekA aassi asTassv igSjis1a jBsaastssl
ll tlnhl alajnastalal
lwMr htad to aMfaatosvagTsBM
ri.Ttof-stoo suasl MsVlliiasfj alltlissV.toi
Iw IM IROTsfVVfesF( IM RM ' lneWs1 4WfJsWJ K
tho dHatanaoof 99 aJaa.-,HtonbMiJ
WMt M wMMbMNT WM M MUll wv wVMJIv 4awsnsV
TWe aafl h4aHHonilMXrasi
oaavmsaiksrartne iwM . aV rbe
lOfsl HMVMf ' MstllMjP Ol dVsM0Pf Wf iMaMUl tjfj
the oMkedfal. ' ' y JW-'
POTCRlHT. i".ig
Rttr f CmmtUtlmtr,l(itHmtiatt.
sjtMMsV7e)sSs9V tjf -tfMs)M JkjmlTw-m mMRtr
WestoailteiireMtounouaco the rs
turn of Meistn. Newell and Ftmar'to.
tUaclty. Tho CnmnilasVxatra nasi Butaty
faMendent of Indian AJUrs, have aaaatweV
ed in securing bo nswtraliiy of m Pto
Psreea, Walla Walla, n stnaH-aortlee) of I
the Cayusrs, and (ho Yasksasons. Tbry
have-also intelligence apon waieb tton
oasifidenily rely, thai thr Hehsu, Ftot.
heads, and moat of tho upper country In,
dlansKnre disposed to bear, thaatnMvoa
fricndl V-wwards the white. Upon tho
return of Messrs Lor, Newell and Pabner
to the Dalles, they held a long talk wkh
the De Chutes Indian the confirinu rev
suhtd inan aMmnoe.owthe'partofllM
Indiane, lhat from' thai 'tltM aba wet ttot
IfriemUtflkt AmmHemM; Tim"mmt4mmr
have n force of about 999 aieu,
of Cayuaoa and the vtoteue and reekleasef j
tho neighboring tribes, who have transjy
left the Ceyuse eouatry-Abey ore follow,
ed by Col. Gilliam and party.
Capt. McKay Is to feeble health, aid
will soon return with hie whole party.
We repeat, 'much food tout been ac-
complished,' by tho Castjatottoum and tno
Superintendent of Indian AsMra.
GiAkn Padiarr or ExaLAsw
sxoixD to Mi CoLoeitu-"! Ctwrsir
det Elatt Unit, say letter from Lonisn,
written try men well suiuum lor oatajaiac
informatinn with regard to the ptoi of
the Cabinet of St. Jamas, paaklvely state
that it lias rewtved In retoMtsh xunto An
entirely new basis,' tho rtlatlen of thn
mot hsr country, and lnsrcwlwha); and that
tno principal posataor we onioniai naaan
cipauonaralohothcao: "i .
The British BaakM ana to to elvMsd
into five rloe-nnhlii. whtoh Ik. tat
Upper and Lowar Chxtsdn. v
. fk-.i -. -Hj -j, tgusMsWtr'fx
BaaJiak Artiltoe. (or kj Wat
tha third, Australia: thsfeur. ttossaot
Indier. and the Mb. tto variouo to.
land which forma tto ieetoted. past of
the Immense empire of QrcU Britain
Taeao vtce-royaiues are to to
tlniy todependent of the another ejunlnr,
and govern themselves with the aid of
two elective bouses. They aro to
freely with all newer, just u ttoy new
do with the nwtherooumry-4heUtUr mr
y reserving n few, small ntivUege. Bu.
prcroe wttn regard to weir own asirjai
admutlstrrtion. ColcnUe eo oonstkuted
would be bound by oertato traMral tow
or the empire,, juat aa tto ataiaai eoaaat
sing tho American Union-ore bound Thy
the acu or umgreat; and, u to lu rest,
they would take part to' their , enact
ment oy an eteoure repreneawtNi m wo
English Parliament -lhat safrnialiljin
being proportioned to their population.
These five vtce-royaltiee(adde tto Cour
ler) are to be givsn to mtmber of tto wy
al family, or to the most prominent poUsl
cat nerscnaaaa. and it baa already nun
stated that that of Canada and tto aim-
coat province, am destined for tho Duke
of Cambridge, the uncle of Queen Vieto
Agreeably to prevtoua nottoe, the mato
citiacns or the sootnern utetrict oi unam
poeg county, metal the bouse of Jease
Lewy, and botejr called to order by Nor
rfa Humphry, Esq., and tto object of tto
meeting being elated briefly by Mr:H.
CampboU, it wu reeolved ttot tho matting
Ei Into the forming and.orgonlutlon of
ouated Rifle Compnv of Volunteers (
whereupon, the following uMetn wore
duly elected t Oliver Pickard, Captain j
Wra. i Frailer, 1st Lieutenant r Btmron
Smith. 3d LieuteMant. and Thomu Holt,
Orderly. Sergeant, tm maeting tton
voted thataome person be appointed to
give notlei to the Editor of the Oregon
BpecUtor, with tto request- to havn tto
proceeding of the ateetlog published to
his paper t whereupon Edward Bv Far.
rishwUdulv elected to do aaid busiaew.
Tho meeting then adjourned to meet again
to two weeks, for tha purposa of trJak&at
HAt sUttjl Dnwlak tklasAsk kxf WmiAmMm
sWVtoa VSJaaw aaasua m w iaiBiioA
It wu previously reeolved that tto Gov.
eruor be requeeted to eonmueekm said oft
fleer: B. E. PARRtSff.
Feb. 99, 1849. J
QMi TVTmlmi fimiimT Wk
lh tot tarn Asa.
IU M.'.etAVu'Jto'Ai.
MaV ---
ssraauusjm r . .-'-
ssxMat) I L72s
tint tot bu wamt.JsfciTw stotastn. Hstta
aas.toJtto O.Ofkil aai Mm Pay, gjr
' sfr.rrc.mV.aWeias SBT
-y -w a.. AaaBUmsA kanaaaBkggtTsaaaaj lkaxfhaXBpag1M 3
kusttlsiiki iististadatttols!! fjjjninnii ZBt.
9J9aVtVV wW em?gt sjfJis8j9i JL- a a
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C? btr tslasa SSJffmWSmii
Mm . r. - -T' ?TV i
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HI Ksstnaasy, T,B2'RlatojBsW IsasV'
OwtsnOfcisn; m
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