Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, February 24, 1848, Image 1

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"Westward Um Mar ttatr talui lit waft"
LAttaM -cjrW4
Vol. 3.
li ! Wi
ummwMi. 'Jf' JoiiSrjLoi
1 I T
Oregon City, (Oregon Territory,) February 24jr$48.
-v ?-., rii?0V
AN ACT aa aaartiaamaal. fw I MIX.
Sec. I. Hi it enacted by the Hums. i.
Ktprttenuuttt of Uregon Territory, 'Hint
Vancouver county bocntlljud tcinliel one
member to llio iiouao or lUpriwiiUiivi'ii,
at ino annual election or 11.
Seo. 3. That Clatmip County Iki cm I
tied to .elect one member In tin. Uoinm of
aicprcacntatlveii, at tha aiiimul rlei lion of
Hoc. 3. Tliat Lewi Cnunty Iw entitled
lo elect ono member to the Irouae or Rep.
roeentatives, at llio annual election of
8eo. 4. Thai Claokamaa County ho cn
titled to elect three tnomber to the llotiafi
or Representative, at the annual election
of 1848. ,
Sec. ft. That Champoeg County been,
titled to elect four member to the linu
nf Representstirca, at the annual rlrcliot'i
of 1848.
Heo. A. That Mini County lie entitled
to elect two member to I ho House of
Representative, at the annual election of
Dec. 7. Tliat Yam Hill Cnuntv lm en.
titled to elect three member to the llntiae
of Representative, at tho annual election
of 1 8 IH.
Heo. 8. That Polk Cnunty be entitled
In elect three mrmberx to I (in llono of
Reprcucntatlvca, at I lie nnnuul election of
Heo. 0. That Tualatin County be en.
titled to elect three membrra to the limine
of l(rpreentallvo, at th-annual election
of I84H.
8ee. 10. That Ilenlon County lie en
titled lo elect two inenilxTi. to lb"' lloue
nf ItepreM-nlatireii, at tlioannunl election
of 1HIH.
See. II. 'I'liii act to lake rllWl and lie
in force fmin nod alter in piiiMitfe.
Attert. HOIIKIIT NKWIil.l..
C. W. Cnoxr, Clerk. Hieaker.
Approveil 'JHth lleeeiiiln-r. I "17
" AN ACT la rdatiWi a TrrnUilal Iloi.l f,ooi
IJl a f lly la Ixt Martina, &r.
Str. 1 . He it enntttii Ay the Hitiur ofltf.
prrtenlalirei of Orrgon Territory, That
Jeremiah (lowland, d'cjirco Niln and
William T. Nefit, andlliey nre here,
by appointed a board ofcommlaMoner, lo
mark out and locate a territorial road from
iilnn city, Tualily cnuuly, tho uca'rcat ami
beat way to Cbefialfin valley , la. or near
'..'Itronilth' fann; llirnee iBo uenrem
and beat way to the iii-w liri'lyi- on ili"
north fork of Yamliill rier: llimce tb'
nrareat and iat way to 7.ni .Mnrtin, on '
the aouth fork of Yniultllrhf r.
Heo. 'J. Haid cnnimiMioiieriire hereby ,
reuirril to meet al I. inn city, on tlm firM
:nv. on um iimi
nml .nciMl in
hey nre furlher
ilay or May, A. 1). Ihin, ntnl
mark out id rond, nud they
miiirel, lo rriorl the annio to tln rounty
counau niui; i "lieu "' rin may pn.
Keo. 3. naiil Lommiioiiernn hneliy ,
required, to meet at I. Inn city, on the llrl (
day of May, A. I). IH 18., and proctcd tu
mark nut aaid mail, nml they are lumier
required, to report the Mmf lo the ennnly
cnurta, thruugn wbieh tnid reml mny pn.
Heo. 4. If aaid roimnlHiloni n, or uiiy
one of them, ahall neglect or refuae t'o
erve, it alwll l Uio duty of tlm governor,
and aw li Bafdhf Buthorued ami reuulrcd
8te. ft. TWB Mt to Uka afoot and bo
to fertw, Ami iad afUr It jtaasge.
0. W. OtWaafvlerfci Speaker.
Aaffor 9M, Deo., 1847.
AN ACT ta Havtaa far la pajmrot of lh
ral aaataaJi f Ottn Tcrrllur) , u ptatUlf d
for br law.
See. 1. He il enacted by the House of He.
jtretentmlicei of Oregon' Territory, That
tha aum of twelve hundred dollura bv, uud
the BBmn It hereby appropriated, Tor ay of
tiogldatlve department.
Boo. 3. 'That llio nun nf three hundred
dollar be, and tho sauio I hereby Appro
priated for execulivo department.
Seo. II. For pay of prosecuting attor
ney, three hundred dollar.
Seo. 4. For tho relief of Frederic Prigg,
aecrctary of Territory, eighty dollar and
thirty-eight cent.
Seo. ft. For llio relief of b W. Dell,
Auditor of nubllo account, aixty.einht
dollar and clnhly-iovcn and ono half
Seo. 0. Pay for territorial Treasurer,
ilva hundred dollar.
Sec. 7. That the aum of lxecn hundred
ilollara be, and the aame la hereby appro
priated, for pay of the Judiciary. '
Seo. 8. For pay of Indian department,
(wo hundred dollar.
Bee. 8. Contingent expense, five bun
drod dollar.
Seo. 10. Thla aot lo tako effect and bo
la force from and after It pataago.
C. W. Coon, Clerk. Speaker.
Approved 38th Deo. 1847.
AN ACT aatejemlBg lbs laoatlon of a Terri
torial tU from Oxfars, en Ike Wlllametta rivar In
Chmpaig Cessxy, U John MeCoy'e farm o
Haas vis, la uaa ceoslr. n
Sec. I. B Unacted by the HoSte of
ntfrttmiwtMt oj uregon Territory, I IM
V. X. Mathews, WT II. Wilson, and
Mora McConnel be and they are hereby
appointed CominUilonorn lo vlow nut and
loonlu a Territorial road, from Oxford, on
tho WlllaiiH'tto riror, by thu nearest and
moat praelluablo roll I, la, Malum, in
Clnimpoi'K county I lumen lo Halo' Ker
ry, on the Hnnllain river, from llirucu lo
mild MiCny' fiirin In i.inn county.
Hvc. 3. Said Cotiimliuiloncir nliall meet
at Oxford on the Ifitli .lay of Muy, A. I).
im and proceed to view mil and louato
aid road.
Hcu. 8. In cano cither, or all of nald
Commissioner nliall Hall or neglect to
comply with the rrquliiillona of llil act,
It ahull ho the duty of the (lovornor lo
apioinl aultnlilo pcraona In fill audi va
canclcn: and further, said CoiwnUxlon
era hlmll rort their action thereon to the
aovorat uounty uouru, through which
said road ehall pnae. ' -
Hrc. 4. 'I'liia aot to take effect, and be
in force, from and after it paiaaue.
C. W. Cinikk, Clerk. Speaker.
Apprnwd 3Htb Dec, 1847.
AN Atrr to local Territorial im4 kadiag
from Tualilv plaim. tet'lalaon Plain.
ire. I. tie U enacted by He Jlotueof
nntrmnuiurrt of uregnn Territory. That
H. IMoiiKiniloe, J. Toller, and J. Lama.
aou lie appointed Commiiuloncr. to view
out, and locate a Territorial mad, (run
Tualatin I'liiin to Clalaon Plain, com.
incncinif at tho Territorial itamd, leailliiL'
from 1'onland to t!io Fall of tho Yamhill
ripr. wlii.rrt aniil mail !&,. llimin.ti
III it 'l'..nL...' in.:.. u.!.if... :..:..
... . .nv, , .Ml. I. ii.ni .'lllll(l.ui(.
ball meet at Coluuibia, in Tunlatiu
I'IkIiik. on the third Mnnilnv in May next.
ud prnccril forthnitb lo lew out and lo.
cute nai.l rond. Ami in cito a vacancy
incur or tii t
!ommiciioncr fnll In moil,
um pniviiled form llili bill, llio lioveruur
i reuired lo lill any micli acanoy, and
e ouotbi-r day for the Conuuiaaioner to
meet, to carry into cllcct the proVlaiom ol
thin ud.
Sec. 3. That aaid CoininiMioncr bo
required to nuke return of the looullauof
aid road, to the Clork of tho County
Court, in the rcapectivo counfic, through
which an li road may pan.
Atlet. KOUICIIT NliWliLI.,
C. NV. (!ooxk, Clerk. Speaker.
Approved, UOtli December, 1847.
Judiui awl W. V. WAmm to imrtracl a MiU
YX,um tiaiu nyMaJHlc.Ma.i .v v
lie If rhiieirii fty Mo Haute of llefreten.
tnl in t of Drefinn Territory, m foliar I :
Hep. I. That llio 4lh flection of an act
entitled, ''An act BUthorixing I.. II. Judaon
iV W. II. U'illwm tocMf'ruLt aimillraco
fitiin Sanlinm rier, to Mill creek," pa.
;, ,ut.cllllK.r3llli, A. I). IS4I, benmend.
r,,iv Mrilill.. ,,, iltf wnnUree wurf,
, ....iv....,,!.' :,..,.) ..a..- ...
aaii turn iiiiih (" (f yt nr
'i. I'liii net to take elll-ct ai
and be
i , (,.., BIJ llner!lnai.,ce.
,,., linlil'irp si'U'l'l l.
C. W. CniiKr, Clerk. KotuKer.
Appnuid '-Huh Dei., 1 1-17.
AN ACT lo Jcnuiuinale E.Drulow'n-J4fae,
lleaunt lliU."
He it enacted bv the Home of Heireten.
tnlirei nf Oregon Territory, at follow :
sec. 1. mat tho reaiileuce ol li nrts
tow, aitualo in the second fork of the
Willamette ricr, bo and it is hereby de
nominated "Pl.(UMNT IIii.l.
See. 3. Thin act to lake edict, and bo
In force, from nml ufler it paanage.
C. W. Cookk, Clerk. Speaker
Approved UHlh Dec, IH47.
ai:o. AnuuNETiiY
A niLI. authoriilnff Ilia
Teintory to iiucrt i-nnclinj clauafa In reitaln
Sec, 1. He it enacted by the House of
HriresciiLitiret of Oregon Territory, That
ull act pained a't this scsalon of the Leg.
islaturo, without tho enacting clause, the
wmo shall bo inserted by the Secretary
of tho Territory.
C. W. Cookk, Clork. Speaker.
Approved 28lh Dec. 1847.
AN ACT auUwritluf tha location ef a Terri
tonal road (rani Orfou Cil) to the Calapaoah
He it enacted by the Legitlature of Or
egon Territory, at folloiet :
Sue. 1. That Jco Loonoy, Morgan
rtoy, ana Atexauuor Aim, aro nereuy ap.
pointed commissioner to view out, and
locato a Territorial road, leading from Or
egon City to tho Calapooah rlvor, at the
larm ol Aiexanuer rum.
Seo, 3d, Said road to oroas the Molalla
rlvor at Wright's farm, thenoo to pasa the
farm 'of Dantol Waldo, thonc.e to Hale's
ferry on tho Sanliaut river, thenco to Mor
gan Koys', and termlnato at aaid Kirk'
farm, on the Calapooah river.
, Seo. 3. SaiO Comraisslouers nliall meat
at tho House of Jmso Loonoy, on or Ap
fore the let day of June, A. D. 1848, and
iiraocod'to view out and locato aaid road.
Seo. 4. In case a vacanoy ocouraby
either, or all tho Commissioners refusing
oruegiociing to nci, muviuiviuur huiu.
by authorixud aud required to appoint por.
sons lo fill such vacancies ; and further,
that aaldvCoinmlssloncr aro required to
make return of the location, of said road
lo Iho (everal County Courts, through
which iiuu ronu ma pass.
Hoc. ft. This act to take oflool, and
no in lorce, irom and alter its paaaagq.
C. W. Cookk, Clerk. Speaken"
Approval 3-ilh Oco.,-1847.
AN ACT lo jcraot Ultabath SBwaM a HU
of Dlrvrta
Aire. 1 . He it enacted by the Hoiue ofRejh
retrntathet of Oregon Territory, That the
bonds of matrimony subsisting between
Elisabeth H. Sweet, and Charles II.
Hwcal, be, and tho ama are hereby dla,
aolveil ; and tho said Elizabeth divorced
from all obligations of aaid marriage fonA
tract, and bar name changed to slWhi
Hoc. 3. Thla act to take effect and by
in rorcc from and after it passage.
C. W. Cooki, Clerk. Speaker.
Approved 33d December, 1847.
AN ACT.aDMDalorrlaaasetaJaMlaaae
la um Ulatt laws f lows, aaaaasf Ok atlt of
aaona w awcuaaa, m m ssvaadM la IM BIB ae.
UaaaT that act
He it enacted butke Haute of Heoreten.
lajiret of Oregon Territory at foliate t;
Sec. 1. And it shall bo tho furlher du.
tics uftho judges, lo depotlto all the votes
in the box, and no votea shall be counted,
until tho wll arc clotad, when Iho judges
hall put thu ticket on a striiig, and with.
in ten diiy 'after iho election, tho judge
hall depoailp them In the county clerk'
office, to bo kept for reference.
sec. v. Airacta or parts or act In any
wny conflictiflg with tliia act, are hereby
Sec. 3. Thl act lo lake effect, and be In
force, from and after it passage.
C. W. Cooke, Clerk. Speaker.
Approved 3eth December, 1817.
For Uis Oeia laastiUr,
To Oxo. L. Ciraar, Esq.
bib : You will no doubt recognlxelbe
writer of thla article In the reaiarits 'that
will be made ha baa bo dlsposltioa Jte
cooceal his name from you evea had yoo
not Ilia maaae In aaift hats - irf hi
it. a inta time ne reels, mat aa ,oiaiav
! mon J'!W-aJfWWaTfca4'wJtr-B Iniamajlna in tna Mhlle.
ami tnVt you have equal privilege
himself to defend public character, and
public acts. I intend sir, tliat you shall
havo no cause to complain of me for want
of courtesy ujward'you. Aa a private
citizen, and a gentleman I have nothing
tosav nualntt vou or your character: but
sir, as an editor or the first newspaper
published West of tho Rocky mountains,
a n public man expressing great rcvor.
encc for truth, and Iho "palladium of hu
man liberty" I have (not) a fow words to
say and should I call your attention lo
stateni) nts you have mado in tho Specta
tor Bt different limes, I hope you will be
able, and will be allowed to explain yourC
self in a manner satisfactorily to thai
Menus oi irutn. lou win rememoerejr,
that you was requested to explain a state
ment you made in llio Spectator for Au
gust ftth, 1847, umlor the caption "Ore.
gon and tho United Slates," you say at
tho closo of that article, "It is necessary
to stalo perhaps, that tho model of n law
which oloscs tho Trlbuno article, was
knocked into pi two or three year ago."
Was it so or was it not 7 The cliargo I
bring against you in this case is no more
nor let than wilful misrepresentation of
what you know to be not the case. If
from December 18th, 1840, to August Slh,
1847 seven months and eighteen days,
makes "two or thrco years" I wish to know
sir, how near you camo lo tolling tho
truth 7 Did you sir, in making that state
ment think that temperance would be
promoted thereby t and that when you ao
triumphantly threw back upon tho Tri
bune a statement, that nn ono would ever
bo ablo to correct you, or (.hat at least you
would enjoy tho benefit of this statemint
until it could bo corrected from sorao oth
er source. You will allow me to olose
this paragraph by quoting a word from
yourself sir, under date of January Slat,
1847, and subscribing moat heartily to the
sentiment there expressed, "Oregon
needs no (awdry ornaments, or false gloss
lo set oft her charms" and I fancy air,
that your statement respecting the Tri
bune's artiole is qulto aa superfluous and
gratuitous aa a statement of "a friend tij'
truth" was, whioh you at that time
was prompt to correct.
I havo called your attention lo one
slaicmont that you havo doubtlofs long
sinco forgotten, I will now speak of more
recent transactions, and in dolnu ao I wish
thtt yu and the publio generally better
understood, or it least appreciated and
were willing td act upon the principles
laid down In lb preamble to the' eonetlUK
lion -n loe Oregon Printing Association.
Hy personal aequaintsnen with a raajori-
ty of the stouklioldors who first engaged
and undertook lo get a press -JnVOre.
gon, enables ino lo say with considerable
assurance, that Iho promotion of tho causo
of temperance was one leading motive in
procuring that press. Sectarianism you
know, 1 excluded by the ooustllution.
Now str, please Inform me of Ike first
loading editorial article that has taken a
decided stand in favor of temperance.
Truealr, you havo In your paper "spoken of
certain aainpsranoe meetbsga, bat.lBava
generally noticed tho namo of some other
person attaclied lo tlwse notices, and that
most temperanoe articles are admitted to
your paper by special request. rtspw J
you assumed the Editorial chair you 1
knew what you contracted to do; among
your first duties was ''the promotion of
science, temperance," A;c. and no' exolu
sivoncss in politics. You know air, that
tho (Stockholder of that press havo ap-
pointed a board lo manage and superin
tend the whole or entiro printing concern,
or procure a porson to do no. How tboy
could reconcile yourcouno with the con
stitution and their duties to thciraasociatc
I Icavo with them to c'xptain. You ap.
pear lo think you havo obtained aqi-jitl
inumpn over litem in ucmg able rto main
tain your pot ai eilitor for al--Icat thirty
days longer." I hate notseen your ex
tra and know not what you atlemntctl to
do, or what sutements you made, unless
you havo published tho whole of it in the
Spectator for December 35th, 1847. If
that la your extra, I think you have- hut
little to complain of, for I confess air I
should have regarded your case with more
sympathy and good feeling had I never
read it. You say the bo.rd informed you
tha wight previous, that your services
were no longer required aa editor. Ton
Mam leXsn ear kins to hold your post, net
ao much for pwUke geoa;bM far aaaae-prl-
oaject rest have in view, that toUBbV
saeltkTT -M v,. p '
yockerriot it out, to and b
hold, it amounts to but little, and at most
itajmUic tltuitr, and in accomplishing
thla, to you all important object, you injure
yourself and very possibly some others.
You ought certainly to hare hnowntlaJ
nineteen twentieths or the people or ure
gon cared but little about Judge Thorn
ton, and less about any attempt of the
Legislature to mcddln with htm. Derides
air, you forgot that in J'our attempt to
atauuer llio leguiature, you injureu two
hundred inoccnt citizcus to touch one.
It appears to me, (I know not nor do I
care how others look upon this matter,)
that the whole concern was a private mat
ter in which you waa too deeply Involved
to net with becoming independence, and
the blow designed to be struck, chimed
in with your feelings and came out in "our
extra of this morning" in an attempt to
arouse "our clique" to maintain ourselves
as editor for & sjiccino and special pur.
Now sir, pray tell us, I say us, for I am
a citizen in common with thousands ofoth-
era in Oregon, what wcro the wholo pro
ceeding of our legislature From what
I havo seen in Iho Spectator, I regard
your statements about the legislature in
no better light than I would or did tho
anonymous statement made of tho Legis
lature for 1645. Y'ouglvo us what pleas
es you, and what you disliko you with
hold. Your cummary for two years a
mount to a perfect agravatlon, and noth
ing more. I agree with the board that
you had no businqssVtb rprble a single
resolution tnai was vuijuoorn, simpiy ue
cause il suited your purposo ; in doing so
you not only lowered yourself but per
verted the press or "palladium of human
liberty," aa you are pleated to term It, to
a most desperate and unbecoming object.
Your valedictory, I have not yet seen,
but I can anticipate its character from
what I have aeon. Your talents I res
pool, and muoh regret that, you should ao
much mistake the object of the press you
A Cmxxs or Ouooif.
For th Onfon 8petater.
Ma. EniToa : In your last paper you
have the following paragraph t "French
FomuVtr. Captain Thomas McKay left
this city, on the 8d Inst, for the field of
autlon." I beg to observe, Mr. Editor,
there is an error In thla statement, and in
to which you fell by uvlng the common
mode of expression of the country, 'of j
calling the Canadian the "French," which
I of no conseouenco here, aa we all know
who you moan but In other countries,
people will bo surprised to learn, that there
should bo so many Frenchmen in Oregon
as to bo able lo supply forty or fifty Vol.
untcers out of their nurnbor for a wet par.
ty; and eome will naturally ask, what are
lbs British" subject, 'the Canadian: aqdj
half broaib-tb) oldest InhaWUais laaaW
country about, that none tf tbem vol,
untecred on such an occasion T wkea hi
Act the party comdats of 'two CnaHaL
fifty or sixty half broeds-all Brisish 'mK
Ja,,"lBa'B I WW Wf tWiaf JSNVsbbVHMHsvHPH"
t SJiJ'..t avL.-!'.'. fJJLLi
While there Is not a single Freaeiaasaaaf
it. It is duo to the Brillhubjecte,Csf
nadians and half breeds, to state, that
many more would bava aaae. kak lsW
inow well that ariuter la aot the thaw, la
this country to go to war, and thai art that
can be done at this season, Is to rescue Ike
prisoner, which could be elected only by
negoolation, aad aaeeira eerreet toasrma.
tloa, and make all preparations nectaaary;
so as to be able to aot with the propjiety,
decorum and energy, wkloh the case re
quired. p ViaiTAS.
Far taa Oirgen Specular.
San FajtNctaco, U
-.. 23tbNxvja4ii L
JiDrroa or nti UaEoo.t SracTATOB. -
Sib In a late number of your paper,
I find a very false and slanderous comsatl.
nication over the signature of "A. Q.'-' in
reference to myself j and must ak the
privilege of publishing a reply through
the same medium.
The writer, whom ' take to be aorae
djsappointed oAoe seeker, in Ida wrath at
my BBpointasent of Indian Agent for Ore
gon, and having naught of troth to una
against my oUqsater and Mr; taws w-
ssrtstoeavetnLfaJanlkexi (a
osjejsnltiea to any
aadyeMr. Cdftar k
mee wj
sxwcruraa a pise iMawawa annwr
..." ....".-.. . :. . -" i,
cJwractejr generaUy, bat pnrwmilarly in
reference to my aiiianthrneao ftillaajs and
sentimente lowarde tha Indian, he aaahes
use of a letter from ma to enakrranla fear
ihg Oregog last epring for this oountrgr,
wjiich was published in your paper; I
wherein ho not only perverts my anetTVT
meaning by hi pretend quotation from
that, but actually quotas' a sentence no
where to be found in the lctter.f "Kill all
the Indians you may find from Qjegon
to California." And this he exuitlngly
exclaims "is sufficient to tell the man."
I have said that you wero a participant
in this affair, because you suflered a
falsehood to go forth hero, uncommeated
on in reforenoe to n publication in yoar
own paper, whioh might easily have bean
corrected by turning to look at your Alee.
The following was the advice contained in
my letter to the company on the subject
of their Indian relations:
"Treat the Indian kindly along tho
road, but trust them not though you risk
nothing In a couple hunting apart frojslhe
mainbody along Iho whole route. After
you get to tho SItklu mountain, uaeyour
pleajuro In spilling blood, but were I trav
eling with you, from thl on to your first
sight of tho Sacramento valley, my only
communication with these treacherous,
cowardly and untamcablo rascals, would
bo through my rifle. The character
of their country precludes the Idea of
making peaco with them, or their ever
maintaining treaties if made: ao that
philanthropy must be aet aside in cases or
necessity, and eelf preservation here dic
tates theso savages being killed orTaa
soon as possible After getting into tha
Sacramento valley, you will find good In.
dlans and peaceable."
It oaS be seen from thla extract, how
far the article referred to has done aw jus
tice, aa out of 800 miles travel thesis
lance from Oregon City to thla ptaoe, along
the whole of whioh route Indiana 'feral
bo'met wlthJ hava-advised bosUlfttea
against tham ef ant one hundred. And
thla because whJtaa have aver anJhrad
here from pursuing a different peBey.
I might adduoe several arguments in fla
vor of my aoaltioa, or at any rata In ex
cuse, for, what no honest man who knows
me, would charge other than aa error in
judgment but 'twould neeeesarily length
en thla oonununloalion too much, i Tata
la tha oourat pursued hy all moUBlaiaasri.l
whilst traveltot' through hostile' Whs,
a GwVwhMI
FtMlwwv IwW fpPPwVw
eamo IsltiaVaJghaiaf j
.. . a
Llcnt. OittMM
en atasr -aaai rtwwi
iavsw tMiiitr saiiiMl
lsiif aaWiee, irsiwii
en sUaV'RsWr'wtwt'
jnatly I.
them a saw yanaa i
tl.alr .treachsVTM neshhs
incnns epa sworn ,a,M.i
i. m'sxzrzzzL-r
naitr. TTsanaalll
fun the faBev. anaaa of asor'aaa
. . . m. -. -t-a"t
IbHsAM Ired alehs) asMrfl
. aa a ar .". -Ml
oBQ Mneea i siasn rBsafesaa-ajf
of humaalty,nasi tha
having a aeisesja
mosa wna. wnstn i wnaassssv--
tor mm nertkM or atsm.
hie ataaa 4Wk
ha4i (k.tf.MH!
log aaakon, and wnttMJhswi
before I did, sjtcnqr-i
. ,"-
law an. stm.' i
U aay klnd'frknai an.
me the honor of writing ars).i
way enwmtls my nnWaa.Wa)
as a fit oandidata ht,mf,mH,,
Tarritonrs k.wu aloM.vaaW!
eat. intiaaauon or wish an I
such haw bean tto.aaaa, t am
kMtokaow vaMntatnanit. mh
tuitona fcvor. . . urAitxrTf.
rrssn sw mmmimmn.wwwm
i a . -
uverieaa, tnkasniapi and. wits
of your sWrai atsfwa mt
repraaeat, ,r
claima of raiisitiTa Massdal
erat wasfclagtan, si
Bntjaa"WJsr WIHwW BWIMIsf JMf'
moua I aver kaat alsa'aNMMfl
log others in ,4la nor Baking ani
auDoort ma. v-v ..
The only proposition of the) UsaV4
, . .r'Av.-'
mado me, came frosa .Dr. , WJsWt i
spring or ,184a, wnust
house in copying and eawtasjekag 7d
ports to government. He 1km Mt
for the purpose I pissunw, at t
ma and bribing my aupaort'ta
rant and Imnroaar aeheasea t
ad me to hara aomo oaWe .lit tin I
and would Uko .9wJp41
ionarienci a snsa
for tho Battering uaa kn
of my name, but rMaaaaal I
larly not tomsntien it.at Imim I
lion with any auah aaldaoi-Mr
In Orenon nsai MstJ i
onfoa if no fBBiight MsfaOi
hi4(' $.vif:i
the nnsai
pregoa, turn ajtuwr i
tana nawiysffty j
any onaaf Haw
conoaiTad fnanaasf i
"""y'T' awaSBasswoFaaj m
by raaaannTMai
eW sWW49 VWWBaWJ 1
aa woM'ssli
A ., ."sukJ
7 , 1 . ."V iV.K
..R!LT oM?
A .
i ,.!, v -tt. .v.tf.i", Vaifjffl
. WM