Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, February 10, 1848, Image 4

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1,1a mnj U n
ia lb niW ata.
baa ii'lilmil i '
tMMkklMt axUattfal prayarl
lirfn-. " i ....
I ! snraoaa lot wwm.
Wo astfkty fAft imrarld,
lit wtas W IWr sirs
ftM SSJ Mrf ' Um dMK
r "iVhap. iHMM thMfbt nsssvifeaih tu tin,
L)$fJ.a Sft that' an Um w.t. I
W'AAlMiJmrr bib alfht-
sil wimp Ik bMau light
I km tike hat
rat balds, bar ths coast
Tn Ife eal Wik, appear t
(sasWkir) aarstisr! father bear!
1 1 tadun the wroaf
I aril bands and tmtgxwa commit.
iMKiMchmcat of tha iron.
llkaftrfcaltunnr amliriti '
I aiaraVal ttartAf ,0? tl proud, ,.;
I awtn and laughter of the crowd. jj , M.
.'' As Uj aiik ..W - aUafeuT,
. .il rat rf-t-w
U fOM um n lV , M
i Manas af what n ajT
ran j a. . . k..
. . . s" .rt-i
'. ftWatM by lb aUadenraW; 1
k aUry aa, or fm yoo as-,.
', .7 ,1 "v
I UM fntada, hi whs yaat tal
raa steadfast aa the mountain rock, ' -
I are scattered lik dw dost,
"IrWkWHriakbaitoebm tow fall.
aaaaaaf M CT
rJ t
fel 0v 1W la aaafe terrible than all.
this aaj thaw ay, mora
Caaba asfctared, and hops eurrir
Too aaUi spirit still mar aoar,
AMnafh tha boJjf fails to thrive ;
Pais aea and waat nay mar tha flame
.jilTkaakUodl Iba tout ia atill Iba tamo.
j llaM igiyaur bead, then, man of frief,
,, sf mgvr.w nam iwm 0CIM1 1
I or aooo or uit man come reusi g
"TWMMtdarkat VM wffl end ;
Hon la tba traa heart ncrerdiea!
j Traateu Iba day-star ret aball rue.
Coaacioaa af witr tad vrortb,
.Yaa may with calm aamranca wait
. nMtefdjrraeampeaaeof earlbt
Aad'e'ea should jaatict coma loo lata
T aaoth Iba spirits coward flight,
b a Hmtcs, al Uat Iba wrong aball rif Ut
leaner odi to Paeems. Not only
JCrfsT,"1" f lo'orgei mo rcapcci uuc
la, Dut oitenuincs we see cnuurcn
f growth iorgcttlng.tnoso wiio nave
1 tEem .from infancy, and by ihoir
avwmraneaa causins their parent to
jihad tear, when it should be their duty to
1 fpeni trasai ior siiiuca.
fcera is bo aitttt whlxh isao revoltlas
Cau-upiijat bib, a toiae youth ditre-
I' aftictlng gaty fcaiwi but who', wo find a
pJaaav Crrirad at the age of discretion, no.
his ilverhair:j parents, and
r them with contempt, no one word
M anouflli to express tho feeling
aatarally arise in every honest
, Tha very idea that the babe,
b pare has caused them so many sleep.
istjcats, should in later, years prove a
OTlasjtead of a bleating, and repay its
nU for all their love by unthankful,
."make one almost wish that the pa-
Lt'ranl'a maleaictlon micht bo urxrn him.
- Ysrt bawoflen do we see cases in which
ttha child forget the respect duo to his mo-,
'"ihar, and I regardless of Ids father's '
i .. ' i
tx Wiaaaai. i
'CKHdrcn! learn in carlv BLe to respect
. . . r. , i,
jtbat commandincnt which says,
Ik father and tnetkr. that thy days
ir oa 1MB in (he lana wuioii llio Ltoru
' . . . . .. . .r
". . . .. . . .. i
fsTTT'. . ..". .i i. .. ar
HWVioa givetn inee. -uo. i..c.ngcr. ,
., , , ... , , ,
. Ox F.Mn.orME!T. Daniel Webster, in
, late .peech In the Senate of the United
ite. utterta tno louowing iu aim
athful mlhoei.t pon the ...bject of cm-
lauohodunlricia America. It ought
tv.ivini iHihiiuvM .-. -- , -
'to be placed In every farmer almanac,
ilirio head tho columns of every 111-.
Imy whero nolwithslandlng what wo '
Ea.Aa a a a ...lift
-....i.. i. i.n..i.i kn nmel. mi
roiir parent, and to obey them in all season of quietude and peace. Gradually, ""''," "'? '!","' ...
.JiTl !T..-?i- .i... i.-i ,i..:... i .i .' i.i. r L.i.f.. 'I Ira wind, lulls wild carcinna
HHIIKSi SSrUKKIOUUl lEailiai llivil auuellis U CX er, ll'J ICIUIIIUO VJ llir iuiiiii-! uauili . , , I .
'.ViJ.rui .tn ...... ..if. .i..i. .i .i. i i. ...!.. iiiuhl, swept not over ii hap. ir homo I
'Write honor whenoldcr, ind never forget cup, until it last off tho Uds of moral re ' lc"cI' UL'uX "i VVillial" ,,.u"l"rJ""
t .. c- t. t. i. ...i iL.i inbA. n mil,, uomaii nno iivo eii.iiiren. ono a
-sjwr, say n ia twiBiuymru hiui ".. - - - - , ,-
ui i. it. ia!- ..... ..i triol. tliiiithier nlmi.l foiirteen. tho other a sou.
":rF'D naw " ", ",.-:." i :;-; : .. i -... . ... ' . ,..,i. . i. ... ' :
Mgnt never to no lorgouen ; iiougmiooo ..iiyi; .i ;- - " '- -,
BOM on the title page ol every u-jok on ihi as ..,. .K .v ..... .v.w ..H... ... ....
Itloal economy luiendcd for America, fold lamp fastened to tho wull, vvl.ilo the
ror tlio usetuincss, ana i Buiniiinonigiii"'i'" -"" s. -..--..-.. ...-..
ulne of cheap food nolvvlthstand. I'll ho was a sot nay more, a pauper.
t that, the irrcnt truth should be mado .in. ,
a prororb, If it could that xviieiu:
J f - ...... . I
I.HIastl aUB 1UBM (VA
i there ia employment there will be
1.-7 And in a country like our own,
all, others, will thi truth hold good,
tatrv llka'ourc where with a re.i
alsfajrsiritand activity among the in: a.
r.tBW Can noa empioymcin, mug is
sm-'irfeat wlllinano for labor. If
f;otai obtain Wr compensation for their
mar win nave bom nousc, gw
;t4 aodi amftha mean of cdu.
r lamilie; ana u met- us
aatrnrHmd ctolhlnt;. and Rood
'ttiii' of educating their chll
n their, labor, that labor will bo
ll,ad IMy will be a contented and
liaH'.-1 halp you' lo the bullet J"
isdy.ofaakaap boardlna-liouse
4kM ffiMal. "Don't -trouble
r,? wa tba reply, "tho butter I
ar ti kit. rniLur kult.
. I' I itm gUJ you have oome Willinin,"
Mid IJoIlt, Pombcrtoti to lior liuUil, im
he eotortd tlio room Uto one evening in
Novembor, "I foci ao lonely m tlio night
wind beat agattut the walls, and Ague
ha been worac all lite evening. Willtam,
I know your business In town demanda
much of your time, yet will you not try
and spare you reel f from It, m tlmt you
can aiK'iii! your cvcnlnc with nic until
our liltto babe is beyond tlio danger of
aiuHuar paroxytmr It I ritfhtotit mo k mucii
when you are awav. When i-lio lias re
covered, I will cnll'oaor to resign inyaelf
toyournccosaary abicnce."
tier kinu wonts and ineailing cc
went directly to the heart of Wliliuiu
rcinucrton, wno, drawing lus young wne
aflectionatelv to his bowm, replied.
"l ok, ldclla, I havo neglected you and I
our littlo Auncs too louii, 1 promise you
to watch with you until ahc is iniito well.
To-morrow evcuing 1 will liriuiut a col.
loctioa of books, so tlint ou r hou r of w uti h-
tag my pass plcasintly and pn hlably.
. 1 JiVmi km i-a.1. L tml irt ..... Xl'ilCn... '.
'".....' ' """'
MM laotta, ,wnuo tear, such as alio luul
I Holla, .While tear, such as she hud
abetl for weeks, gathered in her eyes,
Viiliam i'ciubcrtou was a xoutig man
J..I ....I f -' . II...
CtwiWit and ccneMiis fecliiiis
laid a literal education under the ill.
atSM patrimonv, he embarked in iiicrcuu. she wept, ns it her Innrt wns crumbling
avVskHisincu in tho lycliest illage in the , beneath the intensity of her agony. Sin
Smth., It was thcro ho saw IJclla Chaud. praxrd for the reformation of her husband
Wr ShewasiuM seventeen, and such was 'for it to begin then thai uoiirnt
Ik sent eness and amiabilitv of her dis.
tlst gentleness and amiability of her dis.
position, thata few months association was
sufficient to win lis affections. He waoed I
ner, sua was successful, llicy were as
happy a pair as ever knelt before a bridal
altar; and none that gazed upon him, as
he stood In the manliness of youth, or on
her, as she trembled beneath a rolio cf
purest white beautiful emblem -fa spot.
less heart and were uuitcd in tlio mont '
1 hallowed relation 011 earth, would hae
dreamed that shadows would eicr darken '
tho path on whoso flowery threshold thev
were then standing. '
At the tl.no our slorx- onein. lliex wrr.i '
living fn a retired cottage liouse, a short
distance from town. Two years had glid.
ed by since their marriage, and the mom
of their wedded love had been unclouded.
.. . . . .
The frank ingenious nature of William
Pcmberton made him tho casv subject of
temptation, and unlortunatcly lus resist.
ance was but too unsuccessful. Tor Mime
. . .. ...'. .
weeks ho had returned home Uto at night,
maintaining throughout tho evening a si
lent morose manner. Ho gave as his c.
ly watched his step, tlio wildncssof the
one and tho untleadinoas of tho other,
would have revealed with too dreadful a
certainty, the fearful peril to which' ho
was exposed, she knew that lio was get
as he once was, but the voice of affection
whispered an excuso for him, in tho world,
ly cares with which he was xurroundod.
Of his absence she had not yet complain.
ed; but when her babe sickened, dho ven
tured to plead for the company of her hus
band and prevailed. The recovery of
Agnes was rapid. During tho evenings
which William passed a( home, it seemed
as if he and Idella had entered upon a now
existence. All his lormcr tenderness re
,l ll mml I., I.!, uifn n.,,1 l..,n
' rs-viiml tit fxnnrli f.f tlio littlo fitVntiil mi.
.M...1.U. . , -"H '
'ministered needful rertoraliyes with a
husband's kindness and n father's love. ,
When tho child was rccovcrcl entirely,
sr.,.. ...hi . i.i. , ..i. i'.
ii liiiani mil ipcih mscvcnmgs nun ins.
fm-Mlv. In rem mr or r.-unb mr. t was a
4 . . i . r , ,. I
MruiUl, UItU uuuiiii nun mi itximimiiiia t
saloae. Idella tho Kentle, tho devoted
. ii' .i i . r i ii ii
iae a was mo last v ncnevo xviiuam
. . , ...i ,
n .1 i I I
rcmner.on a oruiiH.ru.
it via a stormy uigiii in mo w n icr ui
,Bln ti, uln.l l.l..?ln f.iri.l.Mikid n,,l
1510 The xvnd blew in fi ful gusts on I
the novv n: 1 through tin. clap. taan roof
i.i.sK.a...u.w.w ...-,.-w... n....,
of l.aihcrc. ;.m ha.U u o
-"'"B """' "' .'".-' "--,"' ""'' ""
a .
daughter, read to her the oxpenenco ol n
rclormed (iruiiKaru, wiiicti nau ucen sup.
P'o unusr a craggy i..wr snuuer uy some
unknown Ir end. l lus wns mo once nan.
py Idella Peinbcrlon, and her w-orso than
na.r.l.nn .lllilaisn Ilicliitsiliinil It ml tlrntib
"is projicrty w as gone, his k udncss
was gono, nnd uiion mo iccwo lueiin , ami
lia ilnlinl.liiii ft. 1 1 llifa at II Iklttrt fil IlliSi r.ltitl.
"" " " II "" ""- "" I
Iv. Sim u- n frail eroAlur?. and tho Mil. '
Iv. She was a frail creature, and tho suf.
It-rings of tho mind, combined with those
of the body, wcro wasting her away. It
was apparent that, without a chango alio
would soon ho beyond tho griefs that wcro
preying upon her bosom. Vet sho mur.
mured not. Amid tho want that poured
upon her, and tho reproaches of her hus.
band, sho was uncomplaining. Ucr trust
was in God, To him she bad committed
hor causo, and upon him she rested for
support. S
" Oh, mottor, what ihall wo do? I
there no bono for my dear father?" Said
Agnes', laying down tho book, and sobbing
as if hor heart would break.
"Yes, my child, thoro lajhopo In God."
lio haa said, " Call upon mo in tho day of
trouble, and I will deliver you." In film
havo I confided, and in him do I (till hope.
He ha novor forsaken u altogether, nor
will he while we trust in him."
"Dear mother, how- can I bear it? You
vusc, nisi uiw wm.,,i,irt u, ,.,, mil Jiuvs ui ! ". --- . , , . . , ., , " . Will relll.e I 1 ill Ii III Ills eolllllrv.
goods required lus unueasing attention, and J01"''1 !'" M ashlngtonians. a id it there is , M( u1(i ( hi f ()i ( i , ni(.(
tho confiding Idella, with n credulity In. , grace ' h" ' "jJ n p ".ilfering ,,,,, )Mlti fts , mm , (.ir;.t ,.lm uh ,iaf
.1.-. .1 I f ..: r.11 ........ . 1 nrnver is nnsxx'ereil. I .inn, this molil
scparawo iroin truo amcuon, uouutcu it """ .' p; " - '", asad ..rn.ul 111..11. r.nn.l b,.,i,i.s, ).e.
not. Perhaps if she had marked closely, . 'Anicii, fencntly rcs.lwUho U-. , a t H, ,lmi, ,,,,.,,.
llu oxnrossirm nfliia urn. nr lm' nnrrnxv. ' Wllllercil, WCelUIIS Wife. , ...... , ... ,
are dying every day, and when you ore
ono uliat will become of.mo and my xx)r
tlio bruthei Wllltof Oh, inothcr,' cnti't
We get father Ionian tlio plcdgof"
lie calm, my oliild. 'i'hu Lonl
I i g'KVl
and should he tnko me, lie will prut ido for
vou and your brother. You miixt go be.
?bre hint with your wants. Tako your
father s cause bcloro him III rough Jesus
Chriet. Hcmcmucr that tlio promiHo
that if VOU ask. x-ou ahall rcceiio. C.il1
your bunlen on him and ho will mntain
you. v
.ty near liminvr, lei u go u nun niw.
f.et m Kneel Ivioro him here, i feel u
if he would answer out prayer. I Jlieie
he will, Oh, mother, let in tiy nnd prme
him now."
And in that lonelv hour, while the wild
wind wai moaning piteoiiHly without, and
coiuiicts naspiucuing iiiesiiiiurertnniiin,
I did that girl nnd Iter mother lam before
uou, in lesi mi luitniuilieM. ami ueier
illil nuri.r nnlrttllnii nernd tn lli'iilon.
1 ' .1 1 ' i- .1 . ii- 1 1
than the pleading of that siillering band.
Neier did nngrl watcher aui.t by their
m iterious miiiistrutions in a holier eaiiie.
It was the nuony of a breaking heart us it
ttro.inril nii.h.r tin. nprltniiilnli.il w nini's ol'
vears. Hie slon ol the past w,pt ie-
fore tho wretched Idella. and her soul
)ecmcd to emliody nil it hope uiln one;
! nn.t (nilitiira ll ,1 till (lln lil..-ul nCPLrul .It.
;: ,r , , n 1
venrs. 111c muii 01 uie p.isi (fi r
ninl staining it with the blixnl of Christ, -he
laid 'I 'vwro t.od, nnd pleaded lor its re.
ahatlon. Mie wresllul, Mie struggl. .1.
wliercxer lie might be. Her wonls seem-
wiiercxcr lie miglil Ik-. 1 er wor.ls aei-m-
c.1 to bo the raising of laith far nboio un.
Wtcf tho sundering of its fetters the
laying of the torn, bleeding heart before
"O thou richtcous Heine!" sho ex. ,
, , ,..,,. ,, , . 1
claimed, "who hast prom.sed help in need,
hear from thv holv habitation tho wretch. ,
ed inmates of this cold hoi el. Thou who
hast In thy mysterious dispensations ban.
',,c,, ,nc (ro,n 'I'0 protection of parslital
bne. ami who hart for thine own wio pur.
I1", ''" "10 ""J '' "" ones to slrug.
gloouin misfortune and want; oh, look
Uon us in our misery, nnl miswer our
supplication's. Oil, reclaim hint nnilllld
.. 1...
"v .' '". " .im..,
degradation, and sain him from 1 tenia I
. js 1
wo. Uli, Ileaxenlv l-allirr! Uh, riglitc.
ous God ! I Jo believe, help thou my im.
belief! Itring him back to the path in
xxl.icli wo once walked happily log. tlier,
. -
a", ", , , , ,
At that niimcnt, tho iloor oiienrd, nn I ,
,l..,l. n 1 . 11...,
xi imam 1 emoenoii rusueu una ine aim.
ol Ins kneeling wile, exclaiming,
" Oh, my suffering angel lilella,
" Oh, Idella ! can vou, will vou fop'ive
all my unklndncss, my cruelty ntnl
may nexor depart from my rcsoluli.ui'
"Oh, ,111V near lather I will love you
more than I ever did, and will always pray
for you." said the sobbing girl, ns she
threw her arms about her father's neil.
A. 1 .1 I, I II Mil I .1
ml father," Mini Willie, who M.,.!
by, weeping at tho strange m one. y.i.i
'" ituneiovcyou aii'i hissjon, iiko . u..
"""'or. won t ..u 1
"es. mv un. nnd strive to be vvnrll.r
, - ,,. ..',, ,
"'. '.' ."""' '..wi t"""
lii. ii In his lmsn.il.
.,, . , ....
.f " J.". " ,asv .!.
vv iiunti. l'emiierinn. nv wi uneix ii.i'j in-
, , . V ii- ' .. .' i
i iixrv-ha reeu ued hiscotta7o homo, ami
. - . . . ." . .... 6 B,10ie,;,tl
:. , , ,, ,., , .... .i .i ,i.i '
tlio Idooiu of licaltli lin rctnriinl, nnii tlirir
,..,,. ,, ,,. ,i.,..s !n ,.:,,.
-j . . ,
. . . ,,,.... n. ,,.
lo ,- - - u Af -
di.mkanl. nr ..nuoVrato drinkcri lie.
, -...... .-, w. w . -
member tho vvlfo of your love, nnd the sour
you posscas, which is or incalculal.lo ,
vorlh. May God hies ill's narrative to
your goK Vr
n, t ... I,
Tcr. CocrtKsv. "Manners," soys
tho eoqueut Ivdinund llurke, "nro of
nioro importance than laws. Upon them
in a great measure, tho laws depend. 1 he
Manners aro what vex or kooiIic, corrupt
or purify, exult or debase, barbarize or re.
film, by a constunt, steady, uniform, inseu.
siblo operation, liko that ol thn uir u
orcaiiio m. ii.oy givo ui-ir wnoio lor.u
and color to our lives. According lo ihoir
iiuallty, they aid morals; they supply
llii.m ii- I iitv .nlnlK' rirmtrnv llii.m " i
...V... w. ...J .llV u...U .......
, ; ; t-7 , , i
hi 'Wr0'0! ,,'rcn.ino'lc!, of l1'in1ri"R ' ,p '
ii.sui iiiej ,,f iii.ii..ureui;e, nnivii un
most common; by philosophy which Is tho ,
most ostenlatlous; and by religion, which
I the most effectual. It has been acutely
said "that philosophy readily triumphs
over past or futuro evils, but that present
ovil triumph over philosophy."
Philosophy is a goddess who Is in heav.
en, but whoso feet are on earth. Sho
attempt more than alio accomplishes, and
promise more than she performs. Sho
can teach us to hear of tho calamities of
lie of
other with magnanimity ; but It
' rcli-
ir our
glon only that can tcacn us to near our
own with resignation.
t.i.vi.1 in, iii'un sun i-.ii.Ki, i-si'ii 101,,,, 1; ,,.i 1 , ...
roni tins 11 gl.t lurwanl, Uo.1 u-inp 11 , tWl';i ,1,ll, , M,V..... grenrni " f, .. . . ..VrfTT'Cii. t
helper, I will bo a sober man, nnd will . , h Mil 'Ves I have l,lrrrible sh11s I
seek to make you happy."; 1 t '" "'"" """. 1 havo le. When I git upIHjhe. morning.
"Dear husband! lePt Jhopart I- forgo,. JBT.'J'V; 2 n' ,i !" ,r l- I- .tel-tl-.- are t, !, aTTfTTrvy l
ten," replied tho happvife. while die . ', . , ' lIK,r1",r' ' w "" ,rt t '' " 'r N.uked in u wash tub, and then agin, the
cried .Told In tho IP her joy : '; ," ' ' ?! '?-?'" . "" eoblc cine un, and I fid a. ff I was
.. , . . . r 1 r i f . ,, I'oilor, that it I went into Hie armv; aiel 1 ,,..r,..i .. ....,.,. .. :,i, ,,, -c ;,,.. m.
" let us truit in God for-1 10 future. 1 . .1 . -i . 1 1 1 Mvereil nil over w it n u coat 01 ice. im,
iiiu.i,u.iii(v. uiuiuiui.i ' .ui 111 11 battle, nnd our M.lo got Inked, i,,i 1 ,, i. ,., :tK.
" Acnes, mv daUL'htcr! will you fircixe .,, 1 , , 1 1 . . lijttor! yuil 1I011 I know what n sickly
r . 1"' 1 1 i' .1 . 1 arid had 10 run; vxhv I cmldii t ke p un .,.,., 1 .;.. ;r .,,,, ,i:,i , ,nl,i,., ,,l
vour futlutr unkiiiducss, and pray tlmt I , . . ' . .. ' ' , en tur I um; 11 you uid, you would ut ask
The dovil Ilea down In tho nilsora'cioi cougu, countcrieiiiug ayinptoms oi i
chest.' Wo wlhome cue would turn Iho great pain,) just exomiiin me, Doctor, ond
key and keep him there, )u'l Hml I am not jokin', oh, Doctor! if
The dovil Ilea down in tha mlsor'a '
IMajini Oht Soldier.
Wo nro liidelilnl tu I In- l-'ullnu I'iMiiily
DeiiUHir.tt fr tliu lotlou inr ludluniiiH im.
cdunl ufiiili.il ijjiic that rrccnlly lo.ik (iliinc
in tlmt tillage lioluccn 11 Siirgcun unit a
Militia .Mini, Im had lii'vonm miieli iilurm.
nl tit the pnwHx't of lieiu dnifii d for llin
I Mexican War, Hint uihIuiI therefore, to
preeuro a certllieulu of inability to per
lorin iiniii.irv i in iv.
'I'lio oream of The ink,, islluil ihciiniill.
'emit Winn larceiiihlclic pervm, perlvi-ll)
mjiiiiii anil well, in fii r ii'sikuI. II
uaikeii inl.i llir Kurgeou
llii-e with 11
low in 11st iippearuiiei', 11. id uppuivnlly in
Ureal InhIiIi diHtreii; mid then eoniiiieneed
tlio following
.Milm.i Man Well, D.nMor, I'm- fail
ed in m-i)oii, uml want to get aeeitilieale
to elenr ine I'roni training.
Suic'iiti. WVII. Tu. ii. I nl..., i ,i...
,Ui,Itl.r ;
I ii.i n i ... . . .1 .
' "' " " "' '" "" "r'M puiee. I um
,lMl- , lm ,,, ,..,,. , ,..,' llMr ( ,(
,lllllM,, ; , ,. ,!,,., ,. 1(, )illv, u ,
(orn ,,.,,, , ,1m1 sltU,
, s-.t i, .., ,. ,.,.,,.
. 1 1 . .1 .1 n . .'.
iiii'iuii "in iiiui iiioiie win ii"i sini hi hi
,ri mllUn ,,v , , ,;,
.l -but x".u can h.ur m the other e
,.,, s,m f
.. ." .....
I .Mil .Mil t Wl'lt win .. I lake eobl
it -1 ttl. s in in lu-iiil tiilt it up light, iitnl
III 11 one ir iiiu'l 111111 h b Iter th 111 tile
I 'oilier I'll' it's iif nul'ul b'din to Is'
deaf, .iii.l inight To cliiir. iinv nun from
trauim' "'
.xiupail.. with sm.'"Km ?" '' ''u-v fh't Whfr """,,or' ",l7
' . iiuiriiiiiif hlielll net llll. MmJ, ilivvv atMillM
J'liri; I ileriilv
Mr ,, ,,, r ,-riUl;ar; ..jr,.,,,,,,,,,,,,-,.,
,,, l)(. ,, , ,;, Nn.r .,,. ,
,ut the-iii.'tixnii! time times ul , '
I 1.1.....1.1....1 xv 1
i. xi 1... 1... ....... 1
l"ii .M,-nw en .in- n'ii.,11. I.I1UIIIIH1 .
,ri.atPIH ,( UxU. .,,.. .-.. ,,. .,.. ...,
11 she iliies, wo Mill surniilliMisI ell all
sides bv enemies, uml We shall witness the
"most terrible strngule ,e world ever
saw." and further, sir. I Imieh, nrtrue. I
till liv the c niHii.in.lin general not to
....... '.....1.1:. ... .T. -.!...!.. i..
............. 1 -..1
uiuiii L-iiiut mi s nn tiii, ,-anses iiuriii"
r. . .. . r r.
me c innuuiiiiiv ui uie war.
Mil-T xi. tli. 'I not tih-li me n
Texm... I'll no, ,. ,;M, lrli,' ate
' Spnufiir;! and bbnlv lntunr In s.di s,
' ail 1.1 1 i'i is (i i-' " ! II I 1 1 '
iloeti'i;in 1 iivtituiiii vx 'iiilihe'j sMml it.
I'd die in li'ssthiin a weik. Itjs horrible
to ilr.ig a in. in nix, iv nil'tu 'i'xiio to light
.. ,ii - 1 1'. - .1. .. .....
dent teller like me. I in to 'iVxico! no, bx
,, . .. ..... ,,, .,... ,. .
iiiiiii'ii i. iii.il 1 1 11 lie' inti.
'urg Ml the sound. nbe Isnllnl nieiij
11 this reouuiiit Wlllvsil. be I'lllleil II.'IOII
nnd sun Iv 110 patriot
lame, fie. Id urely b" liiken pri-
ner, and then like 1 iiuiigh they'd have
nil Injun jhiWiiw oxrr me. mid lie hi" tu 11
slake nnd ro.it me to death by inches ns
thi v did John ItoL'ors. tlh, Doctor! do
1 : .. I i ..:... :.
fcO' Ol' II I ' .HO' 111' , ," ,.1 I 11,11 , III
p , n. u ,ir . ,lti ,p ,
Ti.xie'i, I v. .n't di it. N, by Llixnm, I
won't! ,
Sing Y.uit vx ill bo obliged logo if tin )'
call iijfin you, fithrrwivi they will hang
Tun up or fh'l you ns h traitor.
Mil rUuHit me! I'd rath, r di" heie
among Christians and il'i cut folks, tli.in
to be torturid lo diiith by tin in infeinal
hlmsly Spaniards. I Hi, oh! I think lln-y
iht let a poor il.-al and lame I. Her like
me -my at homr
Hurg xv II. fin ud, I hh'.iil
lui'iiiiply wiih your n quest.
I he pl ae.l
but the He.
ner.il s oiii-rs n rr
imperative m t to i-runt
less th. p-rv.n apply ...
mix cerlilieut' nut
soul.-b.tter i.xeiise Ibmi u nppenr
In 11, ,n ! I 1 XI. 11 .
xeiiisii'-i . Mil 1 ins HI" ine uiro noil 11 n
and it s in xir b 11 x.cll sin. e, I liaxe In
.. 1.. . 1 . .1. .. r. . , ....
, I "no llie .', 1 II fill, I'll mi-"t,iii 111 iinf'ie ,:....j
lohtiv.-n d-..renr or u lam-toMsa small , .f, , ,f,., w ,f , d,j B ,;
intitler in such tunc, mid will not cbiiir ttl)M Ml(., , w, hg ,, , cout ,,,
"i'.i m n . i i i . , i lr my b.sil on for a vnek. I halnt no appc.
Mil-s-Oh, Doclnr! 1 1 h.iiiit told you half ,i,,. enn't eat imthln hut delicate vitals,
of my diseases y. t. I hat P-, nnd .nr, i ,, rurlh.r.noro, Doctor, I have a dread.
mut not lm ti.lh.sereconsmnptiond.iy.ng fll, inll Bcro!H ,lu klJuoVH and in the
lus hand mi hi breast and trying lo coug I.) Hlili;.t ,arls through my hull body like
nnd this couuh; oh! it il.stn-f.sih m- niaht,. ,... ......,... .... i ..-.t ,i...
ii il.. ! i
and day, und Dm lor V . mivm, thut south-
on. choir.!., vxi.idd nl iigr-i. with my .lis-
ease. I le n-iys il would kill me.,1 in three
sliiys. And be..!, s, pocior, nil the neigh.
hours know I nm a mi k ud vvrakly filler
mid en n't do n ihv'n xxoik. I
buy's wuj-s, I enn'tdo iiothin1 but littlo
. , , ,. ,
in1 I. nl Itlll.i
ll.irf n,r n
ebons ..bout th" Ir.us... I iiiu'l oriiille,
nor mow, nor ploxv, nor rake, nor
nm.i gram, nor nny hcii i.nr.i work,
and l iiuiiii nny man unit s got the c.ui-'
sumptiou and rnn't :. a day's work
.....nld'nl nn In U.1IP. I
............. k
Surg Tis a Inird miller. I knuxv, hut
in en.ns of war in p r.loiis ein-rgen.
V,VH ,lc) t0uiitry exp. cis every patriot to
, ,;H ,lllVi
Mil Well, Doctor, I would lm n first
rato patriot too if I was uhle, but I niut
ublo. I cnuld'ul stand tho wear nnd tear
of war, I expect lo drop off with tho con.
sumption ono of these, days, I cun feel my
iKcr is about eat up with il, and so what
thiuiqjo taku i no uway oil' to dio among
tho xxUtl Tixicniis.
Surg Tlly friend I'niu really sorry for
i... .' ... i,.i ..i... .i. ..r
nuru.iiv irii'iiti i mil rriiu v uirrv mr
lli""ll UIU lll ItllfWIIIIU 14 MUX.' I UIU (,! I
foots of cotisuuiplion-
xm 'iv. i. J i i, ...... i i.:
Mil To Ik sure I um (I
I I .i.ii -' i- ni.ii. mil yiivn iiu iiiiin ,iin ,
hand uiion his chest, and raises nn nrllfi.
... '. i p .,
i10lll ., ,u chest, and raises
clui cough, counterfeiting tyinp
you had halftho pain I suffer, you'd give
inn a certificate quick, '
Hero tho Sursoun approaches' thooon.
suniitivo "Militia Man" nnd examines
him 011 various point ns follows:
Surg Well, sir, your pulse boats rapid
uml indicates u high fuvvr.
Mil Yes, sir, but t'.lut lialfsohlgh uow
us 'lis somi'liiiict. Scinctlini's I fuel us hoi
as if I was in a p't ofbllln' wulor.
Murg How often aro you troubled with
this foxcr I
Mil Mnru or less cxery day, it's a
emit ileal worse this hot weather. How
llieu could I ittaud it ill Tuxiuo, w hero they
mi Mm inn iHiKoegg", nun oiuor victuals
1 111 the sun, w ithoiit either kullh) or water!
j I would'nl go there, for till the ulggnrs and
' 1 ..... ... ...... 1 11 ..- 1
I.lllll III lAll, 11,-VHUH'. lVVIUI, I VUUIU III
Mm ml it,
Hurg You say jour liier Is nearly des.
IroM'd with coiisuinptiou, wlmt is the
Mine 01 yii.r ooweisi
' Mil Oh, dreadfully out of order, Hoc.
lor. I Ilimi In lukn two Miiusjiin' doses of
salts eiery ilay to kej'ii um riulit, ami eve-
r uighl when I lay down I'um in horrible
p.itu, I li'el us though leu thousand bricks
ne.e pibd 0.1 tho lop of mo. I roll over
fioiu one hide to (other, and uowr get any
sb ep till art er midnight. Doctor! Ooctort
ou dou'l k iVlVvt hut misiTy I suffer.
Surg iij Ibiug wrong ubout your
Alii Oh, yes, Hoclor; my head uiut
mill h lH:ter lliaii 1.11 l.eud ul all. My
br.iiy mi'iiis to Im' joggled out of lis place.
I li.lie siel. ilriadful hcllilui'lie. 11111I iheu
'"' B "i.e.. 1 get
.." on, and I huvi
b. d pM, to keep fn
1 nine on, and I huvc In ilineh hold of the
mi fullin down, I stay
ill mo nun
in the house mul never do iiuthm' till alter
... , ,
. .Nurg-llo xou excr dream any during
' the uiKht!
1 Mil... Vis, I have frightful dream. I
see dexils mid witches dancin' cotillion
TT " "', . "' " ft T . T . . """T"'
UU'M ,";,,,!r 0uml droll caper lliry
cm 1111 : 1 s imwj i.iese urea. its nn cnusis. ,
b iu bein' init of order.
. . v , 1 . e.i . 1 .
iirif...Ao 1I011 it ul thut. lull ns lii xoiir
', " .. i . ,, . '.1 t
'"'B-. '' uAj ' troubled with a
''" ';'-! ''" "" ,r"w !' any matter, j
.... . ., r .......... v ..-. ,
i hiiim times iil.ii'int Mriiggles uiu. Uh!
oh ! (ruimig 11 cough)
Surg Do you raise any bluudl I
Mil Ves u great deal. '
.Surg IVrhups it pruceids from your'
ii'e, il'yuu are subject tu bleidiug at lint
I Mil No. no: Doctor, mv noso never
b'eeiN, ibis IiIismI lonies right strait up
Iron. 1 1 iv liver, und it's as fresh as if it was
tiiken from u hog, I raise it by moulhfula;
si you see, Doctor, I can', stand it long at
ut lli.s. rate, and 'iwimld lio nonsense to
si ml a dyiii' nun like 1110 awuy oll'lu light
them savage Spanish Diggers. If I could
lijhl Doctor, I would, I uint no coward by
11 itm'.
Surg D.i you havo any sweats or cold
Surg-Yuur pyr..ighl is good is it not, I
M.l-N..t ut all, Doctor. I'm very
near sighted. XV lieu the sun shun it da..
ir.lis my eyes, and in cloudy wcuthcr I
can't iu.i Iron, ono end of thu gun to the
utlier, mi you si u I would bo of no kind of.
use in war. I'd lo likely In shoot the stars I
as Um Mexican. Don I you. Hunk so
.Surg Am any of your bonca dialoca.
u in
Mil. Yes, sir, limy lire, there's hardly !
a sound Ismu in my bodyvtho foro finger
mi my right hand is out of joint and very
wink, mi that I cuii't shoot off a gun, and i
tin ho fit I spoke of ure so orful hard that '
they havo iiniointed three of my rilss, and I
tie n agin, I bioko my bnait bones four!
years ago ly lallur oil a horse, in three
i.ii cf. mid. Hotter, mv bones never Ileal
., ,(. ,rtak ,.,,. Tn0 , r
u ,,a, ,f nJ( ((iru l0 LOI1(,lt.(, ,rc'Illc(.
ii t" mix i i iixiv; nv lsxil; ii,i iii.iiiLti
,..!, v I ...,..,.... ..... t Ti.- t..i.. .1.
mi.. ... .. i,,ii. n kiv.iii i mi iui, , IU..S IIIV
..,, ' ,. .? ..,
,, w, ,,, , ,,;, , yKViX Vm'M
,,, ,, 1tBt.ry rrolll ,l0 ,,, uf lny ,raillll
)(, ,.,, , ' W(, nI )o link g
riuhtH. Uooloi'. to kcnd a..nr. miserable.
. ".. .- . . '. ... ' " . .. '
HUH U ml
id skeleton liko mo lo fiuht tho
Mi-Mcaim; besides, Doctor, I'bi a Whig
xx i. r Is agin my principles, the Lokic
nihil war uml let 'm fight II out? Oh!
iiiikIo tlio war uml lei 'miigii
,,,; , hoxmH hrrnks my heart
i:,,,,ir ,i.', .. i. i,, ,i I, i Thnv
.. ,,, , n bllrn ,nc ,m, l.,lbo
. ' . . . - '. .... ...
ilarn'd if I uo lo Tcxieo. I alnt no cow.
nr.l, neither, hut 1 could'nt stand tho hard,
hhip, thn inarchin,' the fightln', and so on
that all. Now, Doctor, do take pity
on me, und write mo a short certificate.
Oh, do I'll pay you well, Doctor, (put.
ling his hand hi hi pocket) I've goMCl?
f change. I'll glvo you t6or 910. Cofno,
IJoctor, coino
Surg You are certainly an object of
mpathy,jny friend, Jnit I can't disobey
y Instructions. Porsfcj, friend, If you
can't endure foot aorvico you might join
t m ti
o bag.
gogo wagon.
Mil Worso nnd worso I I can I
rldo a
horso faster than a alow walk on account
.r M.r .It...... !., ff intnlil llimtiln nfT and
" " . -" -
brook my neck.
Suag Really fiitnd.youarelnadread-
Ail sltuatlou If your ataUmant Iw aorNat,
and I don't know but 1 oiulUlograaAypu
a certlfioate, notwthUnding my laatruo.
lion to tho contrary. Would you (wear
lo Ihostaloiucnt you havn mado to met
Mill Yes sir, and more too, what I tail
you I a truo as the Gospel. '
Surg Well I'll wail a few day to e
If my order may not bo cduntemvkndaat
probably It may not be nwoeasary to seaa
off thi regiment, and if o I will Ibaa
grant you a eerllflcato. Call again nest
Mil Very well, If they only wait a fuvr
days, thank Uod! I'll ba in my grave I'll
bo out of their reach In spile of cm and
then they cau'l send me off to fight th
bloody savages of South Ainsriky. TV. Y.
Katiiii nr thi: Caiiii. A ureen 'uti
from Oranuii county determined loapend
a fuw weeks in Nuw York, for the pur.
poso ufsee iiiu all the sights and in order
lo strike 1.1 acquaintances at I hi with
u proper idea ofll.e greatness of his visit
ho look up lodgings at tho Ailor House.
When ho was ushered in In dinner,
the first day, ho was astonished at llio
number of hmm.1o whnsat down, as well as
thcvaslnt'si of the dining nsjni. Ho was
equally surprised to sun that each man
had a printed account of his dinner before
him, and that each one, as ho thought, ate
accoidiug to the direction. Ho waaqulto
hungry and wetl ho might bo, after wait.
Ing throe hours over his usual lime so
ho attacked llxjfiead of his bill with vigor
and ate down as far as ho could, but ho
soon uame to a stand. Just then the gen.
tluman on his right rtqucWd tho waiter
to bring him some oyster pie, which our
friend heard, and Instantly nlerrcd to tin
list to seo whero it was.
"What!" rxolaimed he with astonish,
incut turning to his neighbor "are you
all the way down thoro f IPiy, (act
only got lo roail brtf, and I fttl already
at " tcou'J burn!"
Auction or Sadies. An auction of
unmarried ladies used to lake place an.
nually In llahylou. " III every diatriil,"
says ine nistoriuii, "liny asemiiled on a
certain day of every yrnr, all of tho mar
iageablo age." Tho most K-autiful vi-cro
first put up, niv. the man who bid tlui
largest sum of money gained iiossesilon of
her. The siiMutd in npj.cn ranee follow.
ed, and tho bidders gratified themselves
with handsome wives, according to thn
depth of their purses. Hut iilos ( it seems
there were in Ilabylon some ladles for
which no money was likely In bo offered,
yet iheso Were also di,icd uf, so provi.
dent wern thn llabyliNiians. "Winn all
the beautiful virgins, '"say the historian,
" were sold, tho criurordurrj Mm. moal de.
fnrmeil to aland up, and after ho had
openly demanded who would marry her
with a small mm, she was at length ad
judged lo tha man who would bo aalUIW
with thn laaat; ia lid ir inner thampiv
.) riilnJlhoMlLaXjt)lBjMBa
anrvr'd a aTSirtimTio ihssan wkn m,',t.
Ithrr of diaaareeablo looks, or that had
any other impcrfertinn. This custom
prevailed about five hundred years before
Christ." ,
A lady once borrow i-il a dictionary of
i an acquaintance; on returning the book,
sho was askid how sho liked it. "Oh,"
, T,,., 7 ' t "" un U'u:
",ul' ,,ul ' ,l"" ' """k '"'inhof the .lory."
u...i .1... i-. .. .""
TllR I.XiT I'lbllT. Hill SlU.ims ll.m.1.
cued tu ihrash Turn Hardy. Tom, who
xx as a steiiinlsiat pilot, Iw-nrd ufit, and sen.
ing a crowd gathered, one day, al the sot
tlenienl when. .Stumps livid, Handy roun
did too his boat, lied il lo a Iree, and went
'Hill Stumps," exclaimed Handy, com.
ing direct to the business n hand, "you
want to thrash me, don't you I''
"Why no, Tom, not' J know on
you halnt done me nothin' pcrtlclcr, a I
knows on."
iWcll, Dill, If you dw't want to whip
me, I feel just liko whipping you, and
I'll give you una dollar and ilia lu fust
licks, if you'll stand up (4 me.",'
"I'll do it hou!" exclaimed Bill 'atrip,
ping for tho fight. Two stalwart fellows
wcro selected for second, or lo seo fair
play. Tom paid over to Hill his dollar,
and stood un. Hill drew off and nonncd
Tom in tho eye, knocking him down.
Tom roso and stood up liko an honost
man, lor mo other iick. Hill popped him
in thn other eyo with tho same effect; but
un Mioncr had ho dono so than ho auna
nut "miff! cnuff! tako him off! tako him
off!" Tho ccconds, aa in duly bounds,
caught Tom and held him fast ; Ihe'rl.
wa cnacn ; ono pany nau enru 'rnougn.
Tom Handy went on board tho "Snort.
er" with two bunged eyo, and with a les
son of wisdom that lasted him a long a
ho lived. Ho ncvcr(offcrcd a premium
to fight after that.
A Milk Man's CoNmsstoN A Ger
man had mado a fortuue in PhlUdelphia
by telling milk. Ho started home with,
two bag of sovereign. On blpboard,
he counted ono bag of Id treasure. A.
iniscl 'ov oils monkey watching operation.
A t on a it waa replaced and tied up,
am. tho other bag emptied, Jacko snatch
ed up the the full ono, and wa aoon oa
the mast head. Ho opened tho German'
bag and alter eyeing the. pretty gold,
he proceeded to drop Ma pleoa'.'upM im
deck, and another .In tha Water! Uattt' ha
had emptied tha bag. When he finish,
ed, tha Dutchman threw up hla hand)
exclaiming. ' "He must, bo the Duyvli;
for what camo from the vale'r,' h,dbe
give to tha valerand what camo from tho
mux, iu give io me.,
Well Susan, what do .'you ihlnkof all
married ladle being happyf" Why I think
there are mora thai atnt that fr,.than ther
it tht aim. -.'rr
' hi