Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, February 10, 1848, Image 3

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la your Utter i m these
aava M fellow'tollng wlihtho
i and hafevaeHn the moat friendly
16 hie People, and I am convinced
I enter into any combination against
iltee, unleaa there bo great mltman.
M on our narl. In hot when we
r the uMaot of Mr. Orion lournov
folia Walla, and that tbo Urea or DO
Mlow oreaturaa were under rrovi.
malaly dipeadent on the celerity of
jTiat. It oarmet be aupaeiid that
uld allow any minor ooaaideraiion
aa'avaia-h one moment in hi mind aiaintt
'if anat object of their preservation. Aa
k mold not oarry hi boat over the nor
aafeA'IM rant wnnoui inaauianoo 01
I ?5a lii'llan It would have bean an art of
II f ifct Indiscretion on hi pan. to have) n
?ik.t alarm and created euaplclon In llieli
MibwlK, by withholding the compensation of
iir fi'DOund of sun powder, and load, I
...,, u. .
"which they had been accustomod to ro. l
.Jt.. . ftm aiinl. anrvlnaa f Mrhnn ll llraa nnr '
i' tain Ibtt tho omlHion would I regarded
a rlJenco or a hoetlle Intent, ami luiluce
Uieni in put every possible obstacle In his
av whsrebv the nblect of the ioumov
iiiiisI bavo been entirely dofeateil, and the
unfortunate women and children left lo
F .!,flrruel fete. Tho eneral (toppue
tjvld and hanh mnaaure. The Thlo.
eut. and other friendly Indiana who live
by llm chae cannot diapente with ammu-iitii'-n
; It ha become to them a poaltlve
ricrrtiary of life, and they murt abeoluto
iy tarve without it. It i, in fact, a mea.
um fraught with danger lo the country,
and there U no aaylng how the Indiana
limy recent a proceeding, which they will
orrulnly regard, a an aot of unjuttltU.
bl cruelty. To prohibit the aale of am
munition within certain district In arnu
agaiaft the while, would be the proper
ii mmiktm hnt tn uml itui mnaaurfi lo sve.
iuta nf ikta iMimliv la In malftt llin tn.
ocent lufter with tbegullly, and a depar.
aam fronj the conciliatory courao of icdicy,
ajrkann urn ha.vn MlnrAVa rmiml III ailawrr
beet with Indiana, and will I much Tear
"""""-"".". 'i- - "-"- I
drive them to tho moat doanerate oouraea.
1 am now only expreaalng an opinion on
, What the law I reported lo be, and await
tho next lasuo of the ' Hpcctator;" with
noma impatience to discover It real elm.
raoter and value.
You may real aaaured thai we will do
nothlns Improper, or which will in any
I way endaugorlhe aafcly of the country.
wo navo not yet heard Irom Mr. Ug
deu ilnce he left the dalla, bul are now
ally expecting lo hear Irom him.
I nave the honor lo be, air,
Your moat Ob'l. Herv't.
r a U1KI luuirll in
.. --!," nrv w..nw
i .ii" CMerraetor
Hay Co.
port tow ii
n to
i thedu
wa about to
. orb ho auildeii-
IJMa head ou hli pulpit,
fcr fcv rnonienta.
MM MktTM M become in
th4eeei. recovered bimaclf,
ItW.esawret), aaid, that
MMaaucouraf , no org-
mwmtn aaecnoto.
Kie now exactly fifteen yean," aaid
lie, "tlnce I wan latt within tlila place of
worhIpf and the occailon waa, aa many
here may probably remember, tho very
same a that which has now brouolit us to.
tr.lKnr.AmnnAal llinan Mrlmpainn lMlli,-r I
thai n.nnno. wom il.mn Jlaanluir, vniin.. ,
.... .....,, ........ .. . e ,
wao came aot omy wan mo intent
of Ineultlng and mocking the venerable
pastor, but evea with atoaea In their pock
eta to throw at him a hejatood in Ihia pul
pit. Aoeordlagly, theyrhad not lineil
long to the dlaoourae, wben one of Them
aaldlaiaatieatly, 'Why need we listen in
the Meekheadl throw I but the second
atoppedhim.aaylag, Let u flrat oe what
tie makee of Ihl point.' The curoaity of
tho latter waa no eooner satisfied, than he
too aaid, Ay, confound him, it is only as
1 canceled throw now I' But hero tlio
third Interposed, saying it would be bettor
aiiogeinerjo give up me uesign wmen nan
brought lem there. Al ibis' remark his
two friends took offence and left the church,
while he remained to the end.
Now, mark, my dear brethren," con
tinued the preacher, with much emotion,
what were afterward the aeveral fale of
these young men I I'ho flrat wa hanged,
many year ago, at Tyburn, for the orimo
of forgery ; Iheaeeond I now lying under
sentence of death, fur murder J the third,
my brethren" and the apeaker'a agita
tion here became exceseive, while he paus
ed and wiped the large drop from hi
brow " the third I he who I now about
to kddreis you listen to him!"
The cost of all the New York canala
la S0,XI7,SM,M. They yielded thn
last Aeoal year-la toll 9,704,131,10.
Tbo nelt revenue, after deduollng all
aapenaaa, ia $9,166,486,76.
An AMiaicAN in Mexico.- A lettor
writer from Gen. Worth' army ay.
There la but one American residing in
ram Dr. Woodworm, formerly a cm
sea of the State of New York. Ha I
married to a Mexican lady, and Uvea in
lusurloua etyles the Interior of the houae
(Mecjou and magnlfloenl. There la
a piaaaa around the oourt yard aupported
by heavy ooiuma and cooneoted by
arobee, between the arobe I a atone
trough, about two and half feet high, Ailed
with earth and planted with choice flow,
era. The oourt yard la orowded with
trap leal treea and Beware, la the centre
ofwWahla a large oranga tree loaded
with rip fruit.
Abstract at HI cchnitlc.
or matirr.
1. Every portion of rnattvr Ik ncatcd
of tlio following prtijtortlrM, viz : solidity,
extension, divisibility, mobility, Inert in,
attraction, anu rviniiaion.
'J. Solidity thai prnHrty by which
two hodlo cannot occupy the tamo pliu-n
at tho aairto tlmo. It lo Knmllmi' cull
ed Ilia Impenetrability of innltnr.
8. Tim rttcntio. like tlio solidity of
matter, li pmvd by tlio iuixinlhillty of
iwo imi t-o-oxmtln In thn mum place.
4. Dititlbllity, In that prnpi'rly by which
bodies rt capable of U'iiiK illvliliil into
art removoabln from each oilier.
"n. Mobility orrnrn tlio capacity of
matter lo Ira inoved from win position or
part of npacn to another.
(I. Inertia In Ihe term mIhi li ilmi'mitr
I... ...i. .... ..r ...kit... ..i.i.i. it ...
iiiit iHinniiL'iirni u, Hinui'i. mm n, li m
rest, will forever remain in llml tnle. mi.
til comiiclb'il by wino cnuvVi move ; nml
.. II... imii.),h,w If It, ttinfli.,.
on (lie contrary, if in motion, thut motion
will not cease, or nliate, or elmiign iln
ilirention, linlisn llin IkhI) Imi risisl"!.
I. Hliace In either obvilule or reliillvo.
'1. Abtolut tjuicr in inerrly extennioti,
llllmllalile, Imiiciviahle unci Hitlmtit pnrtx;
yet, for the coinrnlence of liuigiine, it U
imiially apokon of an if it hml pnrtn.
llencn thn enireloii.
it. Hthtirr tHirt, ulileh xigmlien thut
IMirt of nhmlute pnce which in oei iljili il
ny any body, an eompiireil uilli nuy part
occupied by another lly.
1. Attraction denolcn the properly which
bodlcabavu toapproueli each other.
'J. Thcro arc lite kimln of uttrucliwi,
tho uttractlon uUnhuimi, of rimlalimi, of .1. 'I'ho lulcrtim ought to bo o little high
tlt(triclti), mmgnttum w tlirmnn' iiurur. ir thiiu tho centro of gravity . i. Tho
!l. Tlie attrattioti of (oheiiou n n.
erteil only at very small ilut ineen.
4. The Mringlli of the nil no lion of
cobenion being ililler-. . in ilillen ot kneU
of mailer, ia niiooom'il In he iln i ini,. .if
... - -,, --
' I li.. r.lil! vi ilt.iri..ui.rl.ir. In. m j.l'.lilt! r
...V .I.-...- -.- h..
0. Capillary altrnilioii m only a panic
ular mollification or hranuh of tlie nitrm .
lion of cohesion,
0. The atlrnclion of gruvilHtion in v
erlcd by every particle of mutter on i cry
other parlklo ut all dinlaucea, hut l. no
meaiii with iiiial intenmty ut nil ilmlnui en.
7. (iraMtatioii ihcrcn"M Irom the nor.
fuceof tlio inrlli uinrarilt nn the Miimri-
of tbu dintanco tuvreavn ; hut from the
niirfuuu ol the i iirlh doirnirardi, it ileerenn
en onlv iu a direct rutio t the iliituiice
fiom tfiv entire.
I. Itenulaioii in llmt lr"t"rtv in IkkI
p, wlmreliy, if liny nre .,u cil just lie '
yoml the aphere ol i in li other a iittrui'tion
of cohcnlon, they mutually lly from ench
other. j
'J. Oil refunrn to mix with water, from
ill A Ballailu lanl aa ana llui liartinlna nf tint
v ivi'iimui( vviniiii iv iiai iivivi ua inv
twotubetaacei; and from the namccaute,
anevutugruiiy laid uponwaivi nin.i,H,
I. Abtolule motion in tho actual mo.
lion that bodica have, cnnnlderrd indepen
dently of each other, and only with re
gard to the part of apare.
lirlalttf motion in the ilcgrcc nnl
directlonolhu-motim ofonu laxly, when
cninpflfedwitli that of another.
il. Accelerated motion is hen the loc
ity continually iucreiisen.
4. Retarded motion in when the veloci
ty continually decreases; aixl llie motion
in said lo bo uniformly retarded, w lien it de.
creases equally In cijual times.
fi. Tho velocity of uniform motion in
estimated by the lime employed in moving
over a certain space; or, which amounts
lo tho same thing, by the Mace moved
over In n certain lime.
u T.t nuiinHii (l.i. ... liu.itt .1.. ..... al...
space rim over by tho thou.
7. To ascertain the tpnee run over,
multiply the velocity by the tune.
8. In accclern'ted motion, the hpnee run
over Is as lira Kjiiarc of the lime, instead
J AW HnVLI laii lllii at IWII) VII l nn, (IX"
ol lielng directly as tlio lime, an iu uniform
0. A body acted iioii by one force,
will always mojii in a straight line.
10, llodles ne'ed Uhiii hy two single
lmpiilos, whether eqtiul or unequal, will
also describo a right line.
11. Hut when a body In acted iion by
ono uniform force, or singln impulse, and
another accelerated or retarded force, die
two forces will cause it In describe n rwrrc
Vi. Tho curve detcrilied by a Usly
Ii rejected from tho earth, and drawn down
y tho action of gravity, 'would, iu nn
unresisting meiliuni, lie that of n imrnbo
la ; but from tho resistance of tho air,
which, when tho velocity is very great,
will ollen amount lo ono Hundred tunes
tho weight of tho projectile, the curve
really dcicribed approaches more nearly
to that of a hyperbola.
13. The momentum of a body in tbo
forco with which it moves, and is in pro
portion to tho weight, or quantity ofinut-
lor, multiplied Into its velocity.
14. Tho action of bodies on each other
are alwaya equal, and cxerl In opposite dl.
reel loin; so that any body acting upon
another, lose a much forco as it commu
nicates. CENTRAL rnltt'KS.
1, Tho central forces nro the ccntrifu.
gal and tho centripetal forces.
J. Tho ccnlrllURal forco is tho tendon.
oy which bodies that rovolvo round a con
Ire, havoto fly from il in a tangent lo tho
ourve tlioy movu in, as a stono from a
3. The centripetal forco is thai which
prevent a body from flying nil', by Impell
ing il towards tho centre, ns the Mtrnctlou
1. The centre of gravity ia that point
In a bodv about whioh all Its parts exact.
jy balance each oilier in every position.
8. Averiioai lino parsing inrougninr
centre of gravity of a body, I called the
tint nf dlrrcllon.
II, When thn linn of direction fill with,
in tho liana of ii body, tint body cannot dc
aoi-nd; but if li falls without tho bmo, tho
body will fall.
1. Thorn arnlhrmi kinds of levers, the
difference. Im-iwccii which in constituted
by tlio illllirciioi) In tlio situation of tho
fulcrmn, and tho (xiwrr with respect to
each other. In tlinyb-'f kind of lover, the
fulcrum in placed between tlio power and
the weight. In thn nrcmvt kind of lover,
the fulcrum li at onn end, Iho power at
llin oilier, and thn weight between them.
In thn third kind of lever, the power li
applied helwi i ii tho fulcrum and the
v. In nil these let orn, tho power i to
the weight, ui tlie ilmtauea oftho height
fruiii the fulcrum in to thut of tlio powor
Irom the fulurum.
!l. A litnl or hummer liicr, differ only
in tnu lorni I'um a lover ol Ilia limt kind.
I. Sauart, twicer'. inulTrri. and tho
eommon irun tcrcio, urc all luvora of tho
fimt kiml.
fi. 'I'lie ilriilrnt or Itouiun ttcelyard, ia
a lever of tho fimt kind, with a move.
ulilo weight.
II. A Liilnnrr it nl v, a lever ofthofin.t
kind; Willi i-iial urinn a urfcct balance
hhoiilil coioljine tlio following rc'ultitca.
I. The arum ol thn beam nhould bo exact
ly ioiiuI, Injili unto weight and length,
, uii'l hlinuhl ut the name timo bo an long a
I iKniilile, n lutnely to their tlnvkncaa. i
I'lie iiiiiU from which tho scale: Mil sua
I h nib il, Hhoiilil bo in a right line, paolng
I iiiruugli tho ci ntrc ol L-rmity ol the beam,
uxii of 1 1 lot ion ahoiilil lie formed with an
nice like u knife, iiml, with tho riuga and
othi r Im ariiig purtn, should lw very hard
uud Miiooth. 5. 'I'ho pitotn, whlcli form
llieiixinof iiioliou, aboiibl l in a straight
line, unil nt right uuglen to tin; beam.
?. The lent ImliinccH are not cnlcula
l"l to ileteriiuue neightn with certainty to
more mini nc mad oi ngures.
". 'I'lie oarn and rudder of vessels
are levepi of the Mcond order; a pair of
iM'iiowa, nul-emcki m, c, arc composeu
ol two lew rn ol Ihe name Kiml
U 'I'lie Ihinl kind of lever is used as lit-
tin an vei-nhle, oil uccollllt of tlio disail
I tantuge to tho moving mcr, the intciis!
ly of winch inunt alwayn exceed the re
JMilutnc, yet iii some cuhcm thin dinadvan
luge h mcr-lalunciil hy the quickness of
iln ohciutmns, aiid the Munll coinpsss in
I whit il it in exerted; iieuco its fitness for
i the Umes of the arm, and the limbsof ani
uiuN gi nerully.
' III. In coniKiiinil Icvors, tho power is
lo the weight, in a ratio comjiounded of the
set crul ration w Inch thono pow era that can
mihtaui the weight liy hall ol each lever,
wIiciiumiI ningly' ami upart from tho rest,
huvc to tlio weight.
tub roLucv
t. Tutlvy ana, ,t V . ' 1 a 1 1 I l
mortalle, .
'2. Tbo fixed pulley only turns upon il
axis, aim auorjs no mccnamcai advan.
lagc ; therefore, when tlio power and the
weight urc equal, they ualanco each oth
er. Il in used (ut the convenience of
changing tlie direction of a motion.
II. The tmireable pulley not only turn
u hiu iln axis, but risen and falls with
t'.T weight.
4. livery .moveable pulley Inay be
considered as bunging hy Iwo ropes equal
ly stretched, and which, consequently,
being equal Hirliousnf tbu weight, there
fore each pully of this sort doubles the
.1. A pulley of one spiral groovo upon
a truncated cone, an the funro ofa watch,
is calculated to maintain a constant cquj
iiitriiini mi ri'iiiintii iuiIumui iu.ii imwah
ibc rclaiitn forces of which arc continual.
ly chiinging.
I vviikul amd axle.
' The wwcr mul Iw lj tho we'ght,
j in order lo produce nu equilibrium, asthg
. - ......, w. -.. v. aiusi ,
""wirrrurr oi uiu wneei is to tlio ev.
cuiiiferrnce of the axle
V!. As ihc diameters oftlilTorcnt circle
Ix-ar the satno proportion to each other-
that their respective tircuniferences do,
lie power in aisoio inn weight as 1110 ill.
ai'icttr ol the wheel to the diameter of tho
nxle. '
il. If one wheel move another of equal
circumference, no mcr will he gained,
as the' w ill both move equally fast.
4, lint ifonn wheel nioio Biiijlher of dlf.
ferent diameter, whether larger or small
er, tlio velocities with which they movo
will ho inversely as their diameters, clr.
cuinfcrcnccs, or number of teeth.
0. The wheel and axlo msv bo conald.
cred ns n perpetual lover, from the con.
statu renewal of tho points of suspension
and resistance. Tho fulcrum is tho cen
tre nf tbo axis, tho lunger arm I the
radius of the wheel, and the shorter arm
thn radius or the axis.
(1. Tho crane, and many other ma.
chines, of tbo lint consequence, arc com
poocd principally of tho wheel and axle.
Tin: iMCLi.MKn i'Lane.
1. The power and the weight bal
mice eucli oilier, w ben tho former is to the
latter us tlio height of tbo plane to ita
'.. lu estii. inline tho draught ofa was.
on, or other vehicle, up-hill, tho draught
on tho level must bo added ; so that, if the
lull rises ono loot in four, ono fourth part
of tho wclchl must bu added to Ihe drausht
on level ground.
t. When tho rcslstanco acta perpendlo
ularly to tho sides, that is, vJien the
weiigo does not oleavo at any dUlanoc,
Ihoro is an equilibrium lietwoen tho roaisl
unco and tho power, when tho latter ia to
Iho former aa half tho thickness of Ihe
back of tho wedgo I to the length of one
of its aides,
fi. Whon tli resistance on each aide
act parallel ia the baek. thai (a, whoa th
wedge olaeve it om dletaaoe, the bower
I to the mUtaae. a the whole length
of the back W double iu perpendicular
8. Tlie thlner the wedge, the greater
lu power.
4. The further the wedge I driven into
any material, the greater aleo U It aow
er. Ute aide of the etfV aafertttag k the
advantage of paratlnaea two lever.
8. Ate, ipide, chltele, knlvee, and
all Inctiument which begin with edge or
point and grow gradually hlcker, act on
tlio principle of the wedge.
Agreeable to previous notioe, a num
ber Of the citizen of Clackamas County
met at the Meeting ilouaa near Robert
Arthur', on Saturday the 16th Inst., and
were organized by calling tho Rev. Jno.
Foster, aen'., to Ihe chair and appointing
,1. Hull, Seorctary.
Tho object of Iho meeting being under
stood, it wa on motion
Renhcd, That a committee ofthreo be
appointed to report resolutions to the meet.
ing. Whereupon Iho following persons
were appointed, via: J. D. Holman, W.
Arthur, Seap P. Baker, and Jo. Hull,
who in due timo presented the following
preamble and resolution :
Whereat, we deem it necessary tn view
of the approaching difficulty with Iho In
dian, that the citizen of Oregon should,
adopt timely measure for the protection
ol thcmaelve and property, and
Whereat, in addition to Ihe men alrea
dy called out for tlie prosecution of the
war Bast of the'Cascade Mountains, It i
necessary that a force ahould be raised to
act upon the defensive, and that wo be pre
pared lo repel any incursiona of the In
dians into tho settlements, therefore
1st. Rewind, That we the citizen of
Clackamas County, organizo a Military
Company for our protection.
3d. Revolted, That a committee of
three be appointed lo enroll Ihe names of
said company.
3d. Raohcd, That said committee re
port at the next meeting.
The above preamble and resolutions
were unanimously adopted ami the follow,
ing persons were appointed said commit.
tee, viz: Wm. Dement, Solomon Wheel
er and Jos. Hull. On motion of J. D.
Holman, il was
Reiohed, That proceeding of thb
meeting be published in the Spectator.
On motion the meeting adjourned to
meet oa Saturday the 23d mat. to receive
Ibe report of the coeaaalttae of eurolli
Pursuant to adjournment the meeting
to organize a Military Company convened
on Saturday the 33d inat., at the Meeting
house, Rev. Jno. Foster ia tho chair, aad
Jos. Hull, secretary.
The committee of enroUment reported
30 men enrolled
No further business appearing it waa
on motion,
Rttoktd, That the meeting adjourn.
Jos. Hcll, Sec. Chairman.
After the adjournment of the meeU.in
the company went into an election foroffi.
ccrs; when tho following persons were
circled, viz:
' JOS. HULL, Captain,
WM. DEMENT, let Lieut.
J. D. HOLMAN, Orderly Serg.
DccMam at Character.
it surest, rrr.
The mind of men are varioualv const).
luted. Some are rash and headstrong in
their dispositions, other are alow and dif.
fidrnt. Somo aro bold and determined,
whilo other aro hcskaiingjmd wavering.
Tho peculiar trails and qualities of one
man'a mifld are a different from those
that characterize hi neighbor aa are the
ilineamentaof hia countenance. One man
haa a noble and commanding appearance,
while another exhibit every mark of
meanness and cowardice. Thus it is with
dinerent mind. No two qualities, how.
ever, aire auch a marked difference to the
charaotoraormen, aa those orVrcwiea and
initcition. Decision ia that cower which
enable its poaaeaaor to act with prompti
tude and energy. When anything la pre
sented, the decisive mind view it calmly,
thoroughly aad rapidly, and at oaoe forma
ila resolution, and aot unon it. Thl
quality of mind, like many other great
gift of nature, ia co-existent with Ihe tint
evidence of moatal preeeaoe, bul educa.
lion will promote ila. developement, and
cultivation and care will strengthen ita
growth. An Indlclaive mind (a Ilka the
feeble atreamlet that wander through the
plain, obstructed by every obstacle, aad
turned aside by every hillock; but the de
cisive mind, like the mighty river, aur
mount aad aweepa before it alloppoaitlon,
and rushes ateadlly onward lu it resiat-
i cm course.
, uecisiaa oi cnaracier i not raaonaaa,
nor ia It a mere raaolutloa to do thl or
thai, udob oertala cdadlliona. It la the
oalm, delermiaad I will. It ia the raeult
oi juogmrw, aaa produoe unswerving
flrmneaaofpurpcee. IJaclaioa ia geaeraf.
ly the mark of a atrong mud. No oa
who la deetltul of It will aver riaa to baal.
nance aad diatlaoVloe, or area make hla fa.
(luenoe Mioaithawotldareiiadhim. You
might aa well expect th feeble gVmmar.
Ing ofa taper to Ihe dark kkiea ef
atlahmeot eTiiobWieeV by it nVtoSa
aot deeteioa of eMraeter. Who werathay
or whom ram eaeeae whi etanM rata i
Who ware thy who' aamea, have tra
bledonthe. torwaea ofa Ihouautd aeaafa.
tloaaf Who we tber who wtM are
re-echoed from tbo mnksM amataUaaf
aeearaiy oa ata vavaa at i am. Maan
argeaiaa, freijM ,W.'e4trtrir
ware mea who MM, aot wkh WtSm
or doubt, but with decleloa aad enerty.-
Lifeisa warfare, and h win would
successfully engage In It, mwt paaaea the
neceeaary requisite for tho Mrgle. The
timid and the hesitating wllFhever eome
ajf aitaJnslHa.a IVaaaftam UaaSSV aaanatak aajaaaiaaawl ttaaat.
VII Tiuaviavun iinrio tmaa,mr. wfaatya-w WW I
on the field of life, not to doubt and dream I
but to lite and i; and Mwao acta with
moat daclaion and energy, beat falRIa the
object of hbj being. He haa alao hi re
ward. Saoceta crown hi eibrU. aad
self-confidence nerve hi arm, ia all hi
undertaking. Dut the waverhtg aad in
decisive are either obaoorrt,M
their own raising, or fall health
of the more bobi and eneiaretle. t
aa it anouid oe, lor no
victory who neglect lo aetat
with the deslra of life, or rata
pllali that for which be had hut
1 rememaer having road a i
told ofa donkey that died wia
tween two bundle of hay, wbMa
about which to nartaka of Brat.'.-
may smile at this, and tr
sport to think of anas that
want of decision but It
whether the atory U true or not, If
ral la com. Indeed, there are
have not eeea men act aa perfectly riffle.
loua aa the animal in the tale. Wa Cad
numbers In every day life whose mUfor.
tune and ill auooeea are entirely owiag to
their own want of decision. They are ia
votved ia perplexity and trouble deatU
I tile of aelf-oonKdenoe. and the ore of ere.
ry doubt and anxiety that tan to the lot oi
. . . ----,r -- , . -
A want of decision of character ia pro
ductive of awful and innumerable evil la
many of Ihe moat important relation
which man beam toward man. Take, for
example, that of a parent. The parent
who is defective in this respect, fa wholly
unfit for family government, and iacaaa-
bio of teaching the child In the way that
he ahould go. Hera la a aoaroe of mis
fortune to the world. The aoaa take pal.
tern after the imbecile aad wavering fa
ther, or, at least, do as tbey please, and
ultimately go forth among men uadleei
plined for the contest, aad destitute of the
moot important requisite for raaaaetabHI
tyaadaaocea. Ia like meAMr the daugh
ter are' let looaa uaon the world by the
mother, livin mlafortuaee. both to theav
selve aad to all who amy biaoaaa aequaka-
tea with litem.
Every yoaeg maa aawild endeavor lo
f owim di.lalw of dmractar. Itwttlaot
oaly Improve ah aaaa aamii bat k wM be
the oaiaioa of aealaty. It wiN gala aim
TSTwIII amxlThirte ta what
U mihi to ha raanha ----
A VastUkdxiMax..-A London nor.
respondent of the N. York Journal of
Commeroa mention aa undertaking, re.
rnaraaDie aiixe lor lie noveiiy ana vast.
nee, which ia in nrojrrea at the Maaal
Straits: The boldest idea yet Marled by
any living Engineer, ia that of Robert
Stephenson, now engaged upon tbo con
(traction of the Cheater and Holy head
Railway, who proposes, and ia dob- execu
ting a tubular iron bridge over the Meaal
Straits, (to connect tne shores of Ccernar-
vonsnire with the island of Aoglcae a
leat accomplished orevloualv bv Telford.
but on tho old and well tested plan of sus
pension bridges.) Mr. Stephenson' ore-
icci is one purely oncinai. ana oi ctcan-
. , w I . . m
lie poportlou. He propose to cosatract
a tubular bridgo of plate-iron, one inch
thick the plates lo be riveted together in
the form of a rectangular tuba or tunnel,
having a cross section II by So feet out.
aide measurement, and to extend over
ihe Strait in three apana of 400 each.
Two lofty pier will be erected in tbo wa-
terto support the central span, at a auffl-
oient height over the channel to allow the
largest oIim of shipping to pea free, with
out striking their royal roast head-
There are to be two of these tube laid
parallel to each other, the entire lenatb
of each being 1330 feet, and thus allow,
ing free transit of tbo trains in opposite dl.
rectiooa at the same time. The clear
apace left in each tuba for the paasage of
a. iimiu nituy ii icci leaving nine leet
of verticle dimension given above to be
accounted for. This i appropriated to the
purpose of rendering .the tuba sufficiently
etlfrto bear It own weight and that of the
tram by dividing 0 by 14 feet of Iho up
per portion of the tube into 8 smaller
tube arranged in two horizontal rows,
to resist compression, aad the lower par.
tlon or roadway of the tube. 3 by 14 feat la
divided .into 4 aimilar email tubas to re.
siat tension. The two tT,rand tube contain-
SI the eeparate roadwaya for each train
oara, are to be bolted together aide by
Ida to resist lateral pressure from tke
heavy aalee of wind common to tUa m.
fjkxi. II la aot to bo aujspoaetl that My
Board of Dlraotora would have aoeeated
mtltth A bbKpiWiMaUs. AlVtUafvl aava fUa aTljLrhiaa-
ana aalag waU aatlaiidTif taa fe.
nf aaaaiiiMlaa II aad the aaaSaMaav
. a a-'i'-.iiiij r ... a . - -
Caraful aai aaaat alaaorMaiMiiaaaaHa
ware andertakaa by Maaam. Falraavlna
aad Hiaagalaaon maa aaually etaaaaat
for thalrpraetlaal aaJyatatJa JiwyUa-a
of th aire of Iron aa'a aaaaUaiMS.
ni mmmmym uaatrjmat vanaafoiaa. ?BajiBWBBmrMH
oaaaMpimaalaMra,a rjnil4g1JM
AelroawMk erad Jerfiaart. ttSSKmmmmmmmmmm
' ' ' jO -ilaBlsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal
h(HM 1
0"?" iFP.ff'V
MoHay aaei aMgawi ji
tbev aaaitJav-ahaJaaM
aa .11 aJJ ft fA U. "Sr.iT
. . ..-! -j,i5'J;
-wo aa Jirnaai wm w ear a
It U loovrcUva;r n(M1
ihleKy-Wa giva tta
what il la wa.Ii'Mii-aTi
arma aad atinMagnlwa laaaa9Maa6
AtjU.volaateera for I
iaaaaeoiad taaf'aH
vrerultjifx BUm to
a alaifJA ffgggmm
ton or MMMfMMp
3HN . oMULT,
J. A. COaaNWALIi. 4
TimlatMCaaaty Jam. Itvlttf.
bma aaaar.laatfiafi
Jaa tf
us Asa ivwiiaW,
weasiew, a7oamlS m
b Jaty'last Mr. Ihma la afl I
Psjra, aautad lelw
Mlauani afmsel
saasW I MiliWfa
m .!
Mia tian. f maat '!.-lamfj I
ffak; pMam aad-UaaMl i
tsssi iaxaak ssat WIN' I
naksty aai Qmaaw WaaMl
isaa Caaafca , "" WiTtZ
rsraabsaaaaifttOaaa erlaiiialkVS;
atWaa,lBT. ' y ""ifa
assign u laaJw Haw a laajaaaaat aak
paat sseaaat aad laag aaaeasaaa aa
Ushsr wkifithatshawalMvaam
a. -j-ji.
napaa wa a aaaajxe aaaa aaa
Hla - Ila. - - -
Bee, Waa. Mmnc
JJmartN aaaaa
ataiitiiaS aMsad aa
n,aa aiaa
Cheats CUv. Daw. IL HiML''
' T '-Ja ' 1. - 8B-8
PwJ VnaH Wn
aawaa .v ')"
JaaaarrssaVMam wmtftmggtm,!
she FarlVi ,iUk4WA.Wmr
U raass-hiaMHi ts IMtOaWaSh' .
-j saaaaam amaa aaftaM dajH
UftMHaf fVpmilM
ybwIlaW aasaaiaBr mAMMMMUbB
" i aHy IWi V""W9aaBaBal
9m - "i.rTsiB
MM JWarTil aWailHlH
P E- Zllmmfflla.aaaaaaaBlaaaaaal
F ynM M&ajljSOH
TtanaM; pwiMei' sapubfMHjH
aSSS yaajaja Sjaaaa 'mMPaT. 9 LWWWm
Cnakaty sai aa WamaMaaMHI
Faux Waaa. WtaaaM
VaVataat m aLaaaSfaV --
BVWaaaaWaBI aaaW aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ' Wt ij '
,lFaaJa lalM7,
am i ejatBaaW " MTXaVaaaaa1
BtaiCt aattMUkM Waal ta) b?HM( WkM WtfUfW
fTa TMr?TSgMaaa.
AOHinikTTaVaTOalV IRataBEal
fam .fiaU agajamaEZgZaA
- tmiiimmmmM
- " arBKaWaWaWJ
'aaaaj .ill .al aaajjaaaaat aaaaaaaaaj
" 'nMaaaaaa&kalaalWSaaWaBBBBBBBBBBml
F(o oti8Ae