KtJt T WtyT 1. removed from the town In 1808. ktartUrtban that, my sister would art Men old enough 10 recollect the ataBOe. Th met of tho great length during -.tWMM tni gin lay apparently ueaa, be a warning never to yield up a ; par burial, to long a Me lean in. i of life remains, and wilt stimulate to tho ptrtmriiui use of meant RtaUL ..!. iMJlAAllnMa ! liAwmwii Mfclat' Tk. Mnnllnrt nC P.v Willi. m "vzii. " " rr: r: . . . 1 17' nana apparently dead three or four day, us , to Ufa ud heaitn. slier he hail "4M Ma rriear bad been more than once btmm ior nu mneraii u a wen Known Kren Ma own brother was so con. that be was dead, that he becamo I Inpatient at what be thought the folly of grdMBfcyalotfn In bta pertinacious attempts at lector animation. k Tat following account of a practice M to tome eitent obtains in Ucrmany, r furnish useful hints in this country: I order to guard against premature there w attached to most or i in Germany, a hall, where remain some time before beta luad to, the ground. In this ball, the neatly attired, is laid uvea a couch before the lips is placed a mirror which Lf the slightest breath would dotal, and be. btwaea la finger string, Wbleb an the ibjbtett raarenientoauaeabnMiataaa. it of the keeper to rinavV Tab kail I plsbt and day, inspector, and rriia rut rattan that n om or t Drecautiona should ba adnated nr burial place In America. In ible facts couclusively indicate aaVOOMnjTa HE SPECTATOR. r AAisa a. wait, serros w. r. bvmok, rtwrs. City, Fe. 19, 1S4S. The undersigned, in accepting the Edi torial chair of thVOrrgoii Spectator, un dertakes to dischargelit duties honestly, 1 faithfully, and frith such ability as ha possesses. We fare awaro that tho obf the paper in its increased , la Mien manner as to imuro a fa- i reception In an intelligent commu ting to tho extreme dearth of In. kftotrtabroad, requires much la ir aad careful attention. . Tiro ooruhiul'mof the association own- tho press ssd roattria! of tho Spec rr, rroyJdrai eubstaaco that, n H!l 'ofTJe tho bigaa of exclusive o .... ,io!i. tie, nor of Sbuiananisin, and that it shall "ai'vnaal temperance, good morals, dec. -la aea provisions we see nothing arbitra ry, anthlng reprehensible ; but on the con 'trary a InudlMe appreciation of the ficl- ,iaf and sentiments of others, and a de- sire to make the Spectator a medium of tmmunlotlon acceptable to allot what w political or sectarian preferences. The Oregon Spectator is the only news paper published In this Territory, and wo feel that, with the news, incidents and pleasantries of the day, it should not only contain such information as Mould be in etructlre and useful, but it should also peak freely and fully of Oregon's great resource and peculiar advantages with out which it performs but a small part of Hsdaty bi the people of Oregon, and wholly falls to meet the reasonable expec talks of the friends of Oregon abroad. We feel our Inability to mako the Ore gon Spectator what It should be ; but it ball be our desire and endeavor to make 'it interesting to the merchant and the mar fear, useful to the mechanic, and instruct ive and valuable Jo tho farmer in short, we shall uso our humble powers to make , it a weloome visitor to all : and while our limited abilities shall bo exerted to make the Spectator a newspaper worthy of Ore- tana ner citizens, we invito and desire i or the people or Oregon In r and eneourairinir It. and in pan. 'tr)bn.ljag for Its columns. rtAtVU.I IS. VVAI1. IT the Feapte ! Oregok. A report has been circulated in the up- -per portion of the Willamette Valley and perhaps In other portions p( tho Ter ritory, that the army was already abun dantly supplied with provisions. We wish for tho sako of thoso who havo nobly i forward to avenge the murder of un- American citizens, that those fl-aorti were true, but thoy aro not : the ; truth la, and we speak advisedly, the ' ba not to exceed twenty days ra- i of flour. 'considerable quantity of meat has i obtained ; there la an abundant tup. l-r, by W. aaaaat) nut asa&MMor wgnr F maw I.lfly of eat tie In tho upper country, and the E array can fight Its way to them; but valor tan avail nothing there towards obtaining bread. What can, what shall be donot JJtjfctrutlhat the last wheat crop of tho Rtetatry vnd extremely small, and that the last Immigration waa (mutually large; yet Oregon's heroic volunteer should havo bread, aslongaslhcrcis bread In Oregon. When the appalling news of the savago ruasMoro of tho Into Dr. Whitman, his Lady, and tho other American citizens reached this valley, a gloom overspread tho countenances of its citizens, end out of that gloom camo up a voice, deep, clear, loud, yet single for it was tho voico of all, as of one; "those brutal inurdars mutt and shall bo avenged." Doctor Whitman's mission among I he Indians wat a minion of loc, he and hit worthy associates hao spent years in faithful and active endeavors tu impruvo tho mental and moral condition of those In dian, and in tho tnidtt of that mission he, hit worthy lady, and twelve American ci tizens have fallen victims to Indian ingra titudo and insatiable lovcofblood ! Sure ly, "those brutal murders must and should lie avenged." Nearly fivo hundred of your fellow citi sens have rallied at their country's call, and are advancing into tho enemy's coun try. Shall they have bread! They have leA property, and home, and friend, and relatives for tho vindication of tlie honor of their country, and of justice, and for the punishment of crimes, which to have left unpunished, would have teen shameful, craven and wicked. Shall they have bread) They have gone at your bidding, jour brother, your sons, your fa. then to execute the laws of earth and heaven against those who have shed inno. cent Mood. Shall they have bread 1 War Jfcw. Letter have been received in this city by Gov. Abcrncthy and Gen. Lou joy, written by Major Lee and C. II. Dcfiii dorph, Esq., at Fort Wascopsm, (Dalle) January 20th, 1849. Wo havo been kindly favored with a perusal oftliose let ters, and submit to our readers the sub. stance of them, so far si they relato to tho military operations at that post. It appears that, on the morning of the 6th of January tome Indians were seen a bout two miles East of the Port, herding the cattlo and horses for tho purpose of driving them on". Mr. Dsrlow and Mr. flosworth immediately set out to prevent tho animals from being driven off, and were followed by Major Lee and five or six horsemen, who in turn were followed by others of the company. The Indians opened the firing and continued it for a- bout two hour, keeping at a great dis-J tanoefrom Major Lee 'if parly, when tbey retreated. Seventeen of Major Lee's party were engaged in the skirmish, oppo sed to twenty-three Indians, eight of wltom were Cayuscs. Mr. Berry of this city, was wounded in tho leg, and it was tup posed that ono Indian was wounded Most of the Americans w croon foot, while all the Indians wcro mounted. On the morning of tho Oth, a party of men started out to bring Sclctza and fam iiy to the Fort ; but discovering a band of filly or sixty horses, they determined upon driving them to the tort, which they sue cccded in doing. On tho 10th Sclctza and family were brought to the Fort, where they havo tincu remained. It is said that tho hostllo Indians have stripped Sclelzaofall Ids property, in consequince of his friendship for the Americans, and that ho has been of great service to Ma jor Leo and party. Wc learn from Lieutenant Uoss, who was in-tho skirmish above mentioned, that the Indians succeeded in driving off about 300 of the cattle left at tho Dalles, owned by tho Mission and immigrants. Although no mention is mado of this in either of the letters above referred to, vet it is ungues, tionably true. News reached this city on tho 2d lust. that Major Leo had learned, that three in- dians woro killed In the engagement of tho 8ih ult. Lata News f raist-UH) Anuy. Wo hasten to lay before our readers tho contents of letters latoly received in tills city, from the Dalles, brought by Mr. S. K. Barlow. Tho thunders of war have commonced! Let them bo continued until Amorican properly, and Amorican Lire shall bo sc. cvnc upon American toll, Fobt Wascomm, Jan. S3, 1849 Joel Palme. Etna. Sir, I hopo you will uso cvory oxortion to forward provisions to this place, wo have only enough to supply lho men until tho boats shall return. I with to movo forward, as wo aro doing no good by re malning here, and cannot movo until wc have a better supply or provisions. I remain your Obcd't Sorv'l. C. GILLIAM. FoaT Wascomm, Jan. 35, 1848. His Excellency Georob Abebnetihc, Sir, On reaching tho Casoadcs, I ro- ccived a letter per express, from Major fc, informing mo of a skirmish which ho had with a party of Cay us Indians at this place, and that ho expected an attack un on tho place dally j I immediately started with a company oi nuy inon and reached hero on tho tt.lrd. lho main body ar rived this evening. The mrn aro in Rood health and spirit. tho horses aro much jaded, and ninny oi tliem will not bo lit lor service until thoy rest and recruit. Tho hosiilo Indians aro in tho vicinity and frequently seen. Our horse guard were driven in this evening, after ex- changing a sliot or two, by tho Indians, I have learned that there is a party of mo enemy living on uio mutes river, wlin nau a I true mimlicrol horses and cattle, many of w liich thoy have taken from this place, andlrom lho Indians living near. I xhnll leavo to-morrow with as inanv men as can be mounted, for Chutes rivef. and endeavor to obtain powmion of the siock tncy nave, limy will probaldy c'wo us battle, as I leant from the friendly Indian that they tell them they wish to see us there and win lij-hl u. I wish that every exertion may lo madn to forward provisions to this place I am anxious to take the field and proceed to tho enemy s country, as soon as wo re turn from tho ttiedilion to Chutes river. with the addition which will bo mado to the army when Lt. Col. Waters arrives I shall bo enabled to proceed. It is highly necessary that a sufficient number of men may bo sent to tho Cns cade to protect that place and assist in making the rtagp ol prov Ision, cvc. 1 remain Your Obcd'l. Serv't. C. GILLIAM, Col. 1st. Keg. O. It Cvxr De Ciiutks, Jan. SO, 1849 Mr. Siieldom, Sir, Immediately on tho receipt of this, you will send Ml men w ith prm islon and ammunition. Mr. Jen ning w ill send a irood supply of prm isious, ns wo are out. The Indian will pilot the men to lho upper cringing on the Do Uhute river. Tho enemy aro encamped in a kauion a short distance above. Major Lee, with a party of 18 men had a skirmish with the Indian vestcrday, ono Indian Killtil and more wounded ; alao, ono of our friendly Indians killed. If Lt. Col. Waters has arrived, he will taka com mand of the parly. Wo start this morn ins for thu placa where the enemy are en- camped, we shall not reach tho place in time wr any auion to day, but are in hopes of meeting ihcm to-morrow. For ward tho provisions and ammunition as soon as possible. lours in haste, (Signed) K. WILCOX, Adjutant. DisrATCiiEDTnL'jiLiiiiii.MA. JcsscAp- plcgate, Ew. witli fourteen nxr., started about tho first inst., w ith ilcpa'.'lie to tho United States authorities in California, soliciting such assistance in our present difficulties as may bo in the powerof those authoritl to rrmr It U trJ the Commodore in the Pacific squadron has been inttrucled, by tho homo govern, ment to reudcr to tho peoplo of Oregon such aid as should bo required. Unless unlooked for difficulties delay Mr. Applegate, he will arrive in Califor nia by the last of the present month. His undertaking is an arduous one may it bo attended with abundant success. Commissioners to the Indians. On the 3d inst. Hon. Robert Newel), and Gen. Joel Polmor, with Pcrriu Whitman and two other persons, left this city for lho Dalles, where thoy will join Major Lee and proceed into tho Interior, for the pur poso of having a "talk" with the Nez Perce chiefs, and preventing that umj other neighboring tribes, from joining the Cayuscs in their hostilities against lho citl. zensof this valley. Messrs. Newell and Lee, go to tho In. dians in tho capacity of Commissioners. Mr. Palmer goes in his capacity of Su. ' tierinteiidaiit of Indian affairs. Thoy carry tho pipe of peace for lho acceptance of all those Indians who nro not Implica. ' ted In lho murders nt Wniilalpu, or in the robberies of tho immigrants. Justice requires that tho forces now in the field should tako effective measure to provent further aggressions upon linmi grant. Htcrn justice and duty demand ,he uitlaliinctit of all implicated In tho ll(J gouLjioknlng inurilors; but mercy as- plainly and loudly commands, that thu wrongt of tho guilty should not bo vlsitod upon tho innocent Frnich Volunteers. The last of the French company, under Captain Thomas McKay, left this city on the 3d Intl. for the field of action. The numbor of the company passing through Ihi placo was about 40 ; whiph number, as wo under stand, was expected to be Increased to a bout 00. Tho company left this place In high spirits thoy will rcudcrbflicient servico on tho baluo field. V-, A flag emblematical of tho prescntslf uatlon of tho country a lono star with several stripes, mado by somo citizens for tho company, was presented to tho compa ny by their Captain, accompanied by tho following short, but appropriate address : "This It the JUig which you are expected lo defend; ano you must UErr.Nn it too!" Tho enthusiasm of tho men evinced a do. termination to merit a conllnuanco of the confidence reposed in them byjhoir coin, insnder, lNDartNi'NT Military Cokmniks. Wo aro glad to leant that some of lho peo ple aro moving In tho formation of hide. pendent military companies. Whorcvor In tho Territory there nro twenty, thirty, forty or llfty men, thoy should organize thciuscUcs into n military company, for homo protection. Tho call is not now: "In peace pre pare for war," hut In war prepare todo. feud your own, and lho lit cs and honor of your families. Krkata. In the '.'(Ith line of thu letter of Gov. Abcrncthy, tu l'eter Hkien Ogdru, Kf., published in the luxt niimhcr of the Spectator, tho word "horttti" npiienrliig in a few of the Aril uiimhcV, should have read nrir. MrTlio following lelterof I'eter 8kc u Of-dcn, Km., received too lain for puhlicu. lion in the luNt number of tho Spectator, wat written in answer toono ly Gov. Ah cmethy, published in that number. Tho act of rescuing so many defence less men, women, and children from the bloody ami cruel grasp of savages, merit , and wo believe receives the universal thank and gratitude of the people of Ore goii. Such an act is tho legitimate offspring of n noble, generous, and manly heart. Fokt Vancouver, !!8lh. Jan. 181. liKom.i: Annn.iKTiiv, Esijr. i Gov. Oregon Territory. Sir, I have to acknowledge lho re. celpt of j our highly Haltering letter of Kith lust, and the high value vou lay on my services in rescuing so many fellow crea tures from captivity, hut the meed of praise is not due lo me ulone, I was the mere acting agent ol lho Hudson's Hay Company, lor without its powerful !uid anil influence nothing could liato Iwen ellct ted, and to them the praiso is due ami nt miLinn to add, should unfortunately w hieh God avert, our sort lee be again required under similar circumstance, I trust you will not find us wanting in going to their relief. I have tho honor 10 remain ours most Itenpetlfullv, I'KTUK SKEEN OGUEN. Hugh Hum, Esq., ha kindly furnish ed us w ith a copy of his journal of the wetther, from tho 1st day of November, 1147, lo the a7thof January iHti.inclu. sive, which we tako pleasure inlawing before our readers, and for which Mr. Hums will please accept our thanks. 1847. Nov. 1st, cold and cloudy, at sunset rain. yd, somo rain injtho jnornlna. the 3d, clear. " .. VjCO 4th, clear. ," L. Oth, rain all day. ft Oth, rain and mow all day. 7lh, clear. 6th, clear and cold, ico on tho wa ter at the house. Oth, clear and told. 10th, clear ami cold. 11th, clear and cold. I'.'th, cloudy. JIHli, cloudy. 1 1 tl, cloudy with rain from 12 o' clock 'till nlghl. 15th, rain in thu forenoon, afternoon clear. 10th, clear. 17lh, cloudy, sundown rain. 18th, sunrise rain, forenoon clear, hail in afternoon. J 9th, clear. '.'Oth, rain all day. 21st, cold rain all day. 22d, rain all day. '.'3d, rain all day. 21th, a light mut until 12 o'clock, lho afternoon char. 251 h, clear. 26lh, clear. 27th, rain. S8lh, clear. 20th, rain 'till 12 o.clocl., afternoon clear. nOtb, clear all day. Dec. lit, clear. 2d, clear. 3d, clear. 4th, clear. Oth, somo rain in the afternoon. Oth, clear, somo hail in afternoon. 7lh, cloudy, not much rain. 8lh, rain, and in the afternoon snow. Oth, rain all day. 10th, cloudy, no rain. 11th, clear all day. 12th, clear. 13th, clear. 14th, clear. ,' 10th, clear. 16th, some rain in the afternoon. 17th, clear. 18th, clear. 1 Oth, clear. 20th, clear. 21st, cloar. 22d, clear. 23d, clear. 34th, clear. 30th, cloudy, somo rain, 20th, cloudy all day, no rain. 37th, cloudy, no rain. " 38lh, rain all day. " 30th, rain all dsy. " 30th, rain. In lho fornoon, afternoon jf clear. " f 81st, clear. 1848. Jan. 1st, clear. 11 2d, snow in the forenoon, aftomoon cloudy. ' 3d,'olear. " 4th, clear. Jim jui tin wammmmm Jan. Mh, clear. dih, clear. " 7th, clear. 8th, clear. 0!h, cold rain nil day, 11 Klih, cloudy, some rain. 11 lltli, cloudy, somo rain, 11 12th, clear. " lillh, rain. " Ulh, rain. i " lAlh, cloudy, somo rain. " inth, clear. " 17ib, clear. " 8th, clear. " lllth, clear. " '.Oth, clear. 'J 1st, clear. " 22d, dear. " 23d, clear. ' " atth, iloudy, rain at night. " a.ltli, cloudy, no rain. " aillh, cloudy, somo rain. " a7lh, cloudy, some rain. Wo understand that last winter was un usually Hooro for an Oregon winter not for lirntii7 Thu for its snow and frost. Wo arn informed by a gentleman who kept a journal of (he weather In the win ter of 184.14) hat between tho first day of November and the first day ol March, there wero 20 rainy days, 40 clear day, tho balance of tho d)s between those time being cloudy, rainy, and clear. We lone seen ico in Oregon of a thick, lies not lo excei d J of an inch ; this was In still water in small quantities, and tho result of three days and nights of the coldest weather wo have had this winter. On lho 27th nil. a 'Frenchman by the name of Joseph Slsnfield, was arrested on a warrant Issued Iiy C. Wheeler, Eq. upon n charge of aiding and abetting in tho murder of Dr. Whitman and other A me. ricuu at Waiilalpii. Tha examination occupied lho most of tho two succccdiuj, dnjs, mid resulted in binding over the ac cused for trial, at the next tcrmoftheGlr. cuit Court for Clackamas County. The substance of tho testimony tending liisusluin lho charge in thrcoiiiplaiut, was a follow: Mr. Saunders, and Mrs. I lav, lestifiid, that tho accused told them that, he knew on the morning of the mur der that thoy were about to be committed. Mr. Kiinhlc. testified that, lho accused told her that ho knew, sometime before tho inurd-r wero committed that, I hey would bo committed. Mr. Kimble, fur. ther testified, that aim inquired of tbo sc cuwd, why ha did not let it be known thai lho Indian Intended to kill the Americans, so as lo have enabled them to defend them, selves, or mako their cscapo ; and thai he replied, that, tho Americans we so few tnat It would have been ot no use. " The ackagcs of goods brought here by the accused, wero examined in the pre sence of the court, and several articles in them were identified by the witnesses as being their property and tho property of thoso w ho had been murdered. Tho ac. cused w as detected on the day of his arrest in attempting lo bury a watch; whioh watch was brought into court and idenli. ficd u the proorty of Mr. Kimble. On tho (telling uftcr tho examination, as we lire inform) d, o" dollars In bill of the hank of the Statn of New York, part of "." dollar which lho accused had been seen lo have, and being tho some kind of money a 0.1 dollars left by him with Gov. Alx-niclliy, a having belonged to Mr. Hoffman In hi lifetime, was found secre ted near tho pluco whero tha watch was attempted lo bo'buried. Ket th Orrjon HmcUIw. Mil. Eiutou There is an item or two set forth in tho last numbor oi the Specta tor, which I think calculated to mislead till- public. Ill the second paragraph of tho lato Edi tor's valedictory lho public aro led to be lieve, that thcro has been a great change in llm ownership of the press, since the J'Mitor first entered on his dutios. It is true that ono of the stockholders owns a number of shares, about ono third of tho wholo stock; bul, ho purchased those shares and paid for them In oash before tho Isto Editor camo Into Oregon Territo ry not that ho wanted to own a largo amount of tho stock, but because no one else would purchaso and relievo tho press from tho einbarassmenls, it was laboring under at thai time. In that respect thcro. foro lho Spectator haa not etated to be owned and controlled by a number of our fellow cilixent, sinco tho late editor com menced his duties. Anothor thing that will ahow the chango spoken of has not been made to lho extent the artlolo would lead one to bcllovo, will bo found in lb laot, that thoro has Keen no malarial change In th Board t thoWame persons that war la the Board when tho late Editor waa ohown, aro in tho bbard now with two exception, and ono of tliam, John H.Couoh.left this for tho United HlStes, and therefore could not bo re-elected. As to tho muzzling of the pre. It I all before the public, and they oan ce how far any attempt was made lo muzzle the press. II wouM ba wall for th public 1 oa nw minis. Mr. Thornton. Inlthl plaee. The resolutions' sod by lho legislature. The I not wish tho Bpectator to be hlcJo to lujure any person feelb notlessarlly. A to the InstaualMaV H contained In tho few late numbsi paper, I no not feel called upon j any reply to Ihrm but nubliu that nu Individual In tha I any intention (a far as 1 know taif I bors composing tho Hoard) to dicta! control tho Editor or to advooat aax mi'(ir doctrintt or opiniont" beyopl what it set forth In the preamble to thittl tutlon of the Oregon Printing Asaoolnskm ' which requires that the paper tromt science, lemwrance, morality asljeu ral Intelligence." I liope howtW ',mT - ulll 1 A..H .il.MI.I- Kit MB M' pajierwiu iioiriiici uwv.v,, psrlmcnts, and thus fulfil the those who sent fur the press. ONE OF THE BOA v Fobt Vancouvbs, 31st. Deo. 1847. Geosub Arrrnrtiiv, Esq, i ""itAt" Oovaanoa. J f 9 Sir, A rumour having been l?fra.' lation for some days past, that it Mgjf ral Gilliam's intention to levy OaMMM; lions on the Hudson Bay CowpMJ !(. perty, for the purposv. or eompi s eulpnientorilio troops ordered ou i late proclamation for th Intend. I I ions sirs Hist ine iiwis m in n wwo feel it my duty to communloe' 'iaVy frankly on the aubject; a It la iat tin. porlant in the present crllloal atat of oat, Indian relation that there should Id as, ff tiro absence of distrust, ana we. fssi j prrfoct unanimity should exist aaa litnfvir' class. t.e Knim niv nrrsonal knowledge of-1 Gilliam and his highly respeotaU tU) meter, I should be the last person tv liava him eanabl of oommhtlna i j rage, which may prove so dlsastmatln i immediate and remoter conscqsjeiakM, t tho iesen and best interests or ll irv at ilu, asina time, as th rrn ilvn .if a inwerful British AtaoeJsansanaav become my duty, lo take Inst sure for tlm protection or their tajptty, mil I rri'.-lvr. ihrouuli vou. adiaalaaSaaa avowal of any such Intention, asjsv I herein ttstcd. K tr,s Difficulties or lhat nature werM ly not conlcmpUted by us, when" uatched a large part of our eflectH Into tho Interior for the purpose of inr. th unJortwsaa. Mrvirstai Orkoon Citv, 3rd. Jan. 1818. Sir, I received your" favorof 31st. ult. yesterday evening, and in answering 'it would thank you for your frankness la communicating with me on th subject. Having had aonvarsatioa with Cut. Ojb Ham on this snbject. I can uu, taiTae has no intention of levyhtg eaitriatttion on the Hudson Bar CoatpsayV anaarty, for any purpose whatever. Ifowlfl pro bably eras the Columbia river at the mouth of th Sandy. I trtHtaatluaf will occur that will la any way aaaa atstnut among the whit, duriag lato artsis. The report fraai abova kad lo lb con. clusion.that Mesaw.Spaktog, Walker and liellt, ha been cut off, and the women and chll M tparod in the lint plao, baft since been murdered, should these rumors provo true, we know lhat peace eaaaot ba restored between the Indiana and while, without bloodshed. Capt. L lafonM me that Mr. Ogden paid the Indians pow ler and balls for making lb portage. The Legislature passed an not durfo(UwlrH, last tetsion, prohibiting the al of poVfleo lead, caps, ico. lo Indian. I trust you will see the necessity of complying with this act, It will be puUiaaad In lb next number of the Spectator, ' I trust the disavowal i.tbU latter will provo satisfactory lo you, t" 1 have the honor to reraajn. air, GBORpBrABBaMmKr. Oov. ofOrtmTarritory, ToVamU Docou. Esq. 1 ' . C. P. A. H. B. Co. ) FotT Vakcoot, 4th Jan. 1648, Gxobob AuiniTrrr, Esq. i Gov. Oregon Territory. Sir, I have to acknowledge your let. ter of yesterdays date and oopaktor ll pr. factlyaatlsliotory. .' r I plao littl ooafldeaea In tha haw it. port from th dalles, and atortala mb. HV'.feP8 tlMt 'by wlUprtvtaafcaad. ed. Whenever wt raedra 'latlkeno from the Interior, I will let ao Ura ta communloalusg the m to yen. Tbo Indian have bam always nald with Ammunition aad Tobaoeo, by our travailing nattlc, for paaalai btatt at Ike PortMa ot this rlvar. , Mdl that Mr, Ogdta bad any rtaaaa to dart . irvm in 9mmiHH BIBtttMOa Ut Otta MftM.3l K; crn SSS1 tssa Btf mraar na. I waaxaBBBBBBBaaaaatki, PH,ajjW"-fwjBBaajjjjjjjRjjj- dMUljr.jn9HBU es(Bwtfn4JMHH orfV9u!dBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBal ira9HDJtafMHSSBK .nisBsjad tty.mTygm&i any & umfljnKm I traatjhla planBtto,i1tjJJJJ at yaatiftlltat agiiBliauH I Wwfta) V mkiJJmm&B".Z'4 a.'ia'Ui . rfc . BBtea L.. JfiC. ' it l JEJ2& ,sa,iarstsW-MaVfc. Cffic ', V la