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About Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1848)
cs4 ' jf ' & ,ASW f , vse; ,. Tk Alottht SB crlWl u2 If., 1 ',. i j3(famw tho intelligence of the .ornuioj,,,,. . xv.m-T.. .- iti ly0 jmclnncholy aft-diNMhoo hp; j VMio . r. cwTbn ahd children It la with fcoilnrii "ijjhnd pleasure that wo announce thsir & mldBt. Th6 nloRiurn Indent ib Hwc'tfd from danirir and' eanllTuV.hi W i ..' ''v. vw,..Vi i r?J5?r, nniqiinui JfjUMOM &t a feortioa of thorn have been subjected further outrage ahd insult tlio basest lUio deepest that can possibly bo cpncciyod, I and from which our mind recoils witihdrror. In our career as a public journalist, for tho lost firo years, tvo hovo never shrunk, from our duty, in recording events howsoever painful snd abhorrent to our feelings, but in' t this case our pen refuses wo daro not chron- Iclo tho tcrriblo story of tlioir wrongs. Pity for" tho poor sufferers for tho gre- k.. .. . . . - ivtously Injured: let there bo, for thorn at i, leant, an oblivion of tho past ; let human iqdness assiduously strive to assuage tho Utorncssof tho pang and again rcplumo lho tspirit that has .been crushed in tho violation l its. honor. rfrf6"1)a'fbtlrMi" tnuWeroW an lators lot thoro bo an ctornity of remem- liranco; let thcnfbe pursued with unrelent ing hatred and hostility, until their lifo blood has atoned for their infamous deeds ; let them ;bo hunted as beasts of prey ; let their namo Fend race bo blotted from tho faco of tho earth, and "tho places that onco knew them, know them no mora forever." Oh, how tcrriblo slipuld be tho retribution. There aro no mitigating circumstances. They knew tho 'enormity of thoir conduct. Their unpar- ifonablo insult was achioved with tho coolest a determination and tho most unmistdkublo in. tcntion. Then let tho knifo bo bared and in : throwing away tho scabbard, let the cry bo .ttiji r!Avsr' rfv-MMMf- fU ' i ui ' '. i tjfHlm.r. v 5 r fi, . ft I BtHW-fU (.. .JtA.I' ' " . .. urcuiiajiiJCcLdiui. r f Ml 'ii f. i i i - t'W ifif -fMM Sir iff MVltilP -'- - " - - lf fk I immF j !!! ! .MMM ll I SBgSJBBSJSSMV. jJtJSSy j-W,BSg.SlKgSSSHWBmRqnL . I2BQSB2.E: m.S1 S7JBSlBBSlBBEB7BSSBBSa ibcb wwmam k aw pleasure to tho gentlemen of tho Hudsoaty Bay Uompany an to tho1 numerous recipients thereof. Tho tfoy after tho restoration, the promised ransom was paid and many speech es followed. Aday or two thorcoftor brought Indian reports of tho arrival jof our troops at 1hp Dalies, and tho excitement cori$cjuciit thorounon, among tho Indians, was so great tliat Mr. Ogdcn. assures, us, tka it was hist firm ckmviction that had not tho women and children been given up, thoy undoubtedly, would'all havo been murdered. At tho saW timo Mr. Ogdcn could mako no downward movement in conscqucnco of having pledged nimson. to await tno arrival oi nr. opaiamzif r . MfrrJpirtllIyr Bnd-J0-fnneAOn tho cnsUinir Satrirdat sale and well- they iweraaotoBsidorcd to la danger. Teereports Of tbo later raur dera comraittcd at Waiilatpu, are all absq. lately wUhbut.foiiadaUonaotalifoiiavinf seen lost there etoca tha day of Dr. WMU (Ban's. dcErt&i j , ,k Mr. Ogdea will Visit tho Falls oa Monday asd glvo you every information ia.Ws foWr re)ectins:.tho8lndiaBa of that Interior. TUb Cayuso, Walla, Walla. Ncz Perccs, add Yakanias aro said to havo entered into an alliance for mutual dofeqeo. In haste, Yodrt reapoctfully, JAMES DOUGLAS, ; Ciia Wateb,Dcc. lQtb, 1847. mtWT ucar uin r ,it yuu nayo mu juuuucoa nnco on tho cnsumir Satrirdav lend mo four blankets? Uivo two ottnem think it worth wbilo nt rfrrernt trr rivtr it nwfcf d tTJetqlfo to'tho hllt.,rt Jfcation. Ono of tho most horriblo circum Pctor SkeeA Ocdcn, Esq. Chief Factor of the II. B. Co,, reached this place on Wednes day evening, ..accompanied by tho survivors jf thoMassacro, whom his courageous encr- aud ihdcfatigablo cflbrta iiid delivored from fearful servitude Thanks would socm Lmt a trifling recompense for such distinguish ed service. To hitn we aro indebted for our principal information and the various docu ments subjoined. Mr. Ogdcn arrived at Walla Walla on tho loth of December last, having-accomplished Imj jounioy from Fort Vancouver in ten lays, immediately upon ins arrival at rort fee Pcrccs, in tho evening, and during tho ond day, ho dcspatciicd couriers to can a cting of tho Cayuso Chiefs ; on tho third in tho evening two Chiefs arrived ac- npanied by a'tout thirty mcq Cayuscs. he council asscmuieu on uio .u un., m iiioh tho several specoiics wcro made, tho tanco of whieli will 1h found appended. Council continued until lato at night and ss concrudod upon lho savages agreeing to liver up tiio captives within six days, on promiso of a ransom Loing paid fr them. I'tlio into 'mediato timo speeehcu wcro mado ftho Nck Pcrccs in regard to tho Btirronder Mr. 8paulding. During this spaco'of timo Ogdcn suffered. Considcrablo anxiety pf id, fearing from tho various rcpofts in iculation and constantly rcaobing tho Fort, It tho attempt had been fruitless and that prisoners would not bo restored. )u tho evening of tho 20th ult. a few of principal mop of tho Cayuscs arritod ut, fort, bringing witn tnooi tno tjajwrc lio, with somo of thoir property, worol(rf. tod in fivo wagons. Every preparation;, ! bocn inudo to rccoivo then) so tar as t tit cortcd by a formidable body of Ncz Forces. Tho greater part of that night was passed in council with theso Indians, and on tho fol lowing morning tho line of departure was taken up for Fort Vancouvor, tho safety of tho party, and their nrrival at which place, was first commtinicatcd by the subjoined let ter from James-Douglas, Esq. which was re ceived on Sunday week and its gratifying contents imparted to tho congregation of tho Methodist cntlroh. Wo havo received considerable other in formation relative to this melancholy affair but so desultory in character that wo hardly stances of tho tragic1 event is, that of tho two men who Wcro prostrated by sickness at the timo of tho massaorc, and nino days after ward dragged from their beds, killed and manslcd in tho most shocking manner. This shows plainly that there had been no reac tion of feeling after tho first massaorc no thing like regret for what had been done. There will bo many painfully interesting incidents, doubtless, hereafter to bo told of this terriblo tragedy of intonso euflbring and hair breadth escapes but iho forco of cir cumstances will prevent us telling them; may thoy find a moro efficient chronicler. Wo cannot closo however, without alluding to tho surprising csoape of our friend Mr. Stanloy, tho Artist, who was returning from tho mission of W,alkor and Eels, and on tho day of tho masscro encamped op Snako ri ver. Two days after tho sad event ho reach, cd, within less than two miles of Waiilatpu, bfiforo Iiq was atmriscd oi it. whertho took tho trail to thoPort, whoro ho arrived in safety having oncountored in his unarmed con- ditio'n, but ono of tho murdorous villians, who, by ready stratagem ho, succcodcd in getting rid of. Messrs. Walkor and. Eols, whoso Mission is situated in tho "Spoktfp" country, it is thought aro not fn daHgor,- in the ovont of it however, they will, of courso, fall back, up oi) FoColvillo, tho nearest placo of.&afcty, It is intended wo understand, to discontinue tho Cuthojio mission among tho Caynsea, for thonrcaont. Vtj v R . .Q, tnm.,P M. Geo. AnRimiJTHY, Esq. ) - '"Governor. S ySir Mr Ogdcn hasthjs momont arrived, Ititnrco ooats irorn ,)vaia, yaijn, apu i to, pay, that hoihas broiiaht down all r " .T 4 1 ii t m Bnaattj.oqMaren ?rom wn TTTtX. Iiixl tnnans of the'Would allow, and " -i -i . ' IhlVAiitAn .Warl. nh IHn from Wiilrttnm o wo aro that the hosfdllllos dWerided MrTandM'rrSpauldlng, ond Mr. s(nS! casion were uioswurpo wi u inucn u,0 artlw 'W8jm, vvaiKer una Ucls rrero id theso men, ono to each. The fivo you had tho kindness to lctmo have, were among the goods plundered at 'Waiilatpu. Pieaso to send also 10 shirts, 10 lb. tobacco, V2 J scalpers and 20 awls. I am in great need of these things to pay for moving my proper ty and family up tho Valley, somo 10 miles tvhero the NezVerces aro camped. I reach ed homo on foot, travelling six nights, suffer ing from hunger, cold and sore feet. Mr. CanReld escaped wounded and reached this fdaco thrco days before me. There are if rcG Americans, ' Frenchmen and my fsjnily, except ovy daughter, who is yet at Wjiiilatpu.. Pieaso let mo know about the 'women and children, and givobther informa tion. Theso people havo pledged to protect a . w. - i. .we wilt do m weeanio mef leans from comtnc tin to vengo tho lato deaths. Wo havo agreed Jo do so, and hope you will havo iho goodpess Govornof Alrarnctby and request Tor sako orour lives, that thoy will keep qui ct. Should .lhlTAmericans como up I think it wouia provo our ruin ana invoivo mo country iiy war. Wo beg you to keep quiet. iho iVez f erces wish to have peace contln- ms&i JiLVt'bLl VMtiXfcZitii asftiM slsMHlipMMHfc 'KMBBBmBk ' ;- Of AM WW MUmMki m vSL' mMmi;wim IIMHW MK'DrOBOHUSrSI.II fluUr havW ImrfMi'ilMi stHftA Willi Chfrf Wiffladfc CalUblniat Wish' us 6 biirv ih&:oAoee'. Tt Mfarl .. jif. . j' sic. I mtljait. 3tai C ??w'i2ffJsL,sri two iaoiaiw. an bk wnre 4 autaa gresVla'&ir frm'd&W I tust learn. tMK'twa mmmm remain ia'ibe;c4nf ai fmjm&m W They wlsS taaKiWliflJiiWK cans to do aepvor rVfrSVZ main so If peace eak -be liiii.pil gf not seen safe fork .to Wt Nf' , country ia anyjway a Cad of awil-Wi niann. Theso twa tHAS CO M. and when tbev retqrnifwwecsarat Cayuso they will go to WaMaaMt tV hiA losvnail iht nun inaa m Walla Walla; wmc rawed irtrUm Hftiwi wnnt bnlow. ha trxMild natwMyaJSiiusi'Miai all were Mllcd;,lMleysHi rfsjsWysjNr man escaped wpuasW, ami' SstrfWajk house 3 days befori I &A1 I hwB - port says that aowowwajwyW swfcJWWi'. man or children wewTlijWdt'7 att afc fe. coaeenti will WAUOty'fff fc I travelled wily n'Ms and WmywMitfi, , most of the way 6a fcot as tyim'mmm from ma--auwsred tkntf psa,,fcsajpssj boot away jkkAm9HM W "wM left bUaiet, God iow ?) ta ,v ucdi Could Mr. Grant come to sco us it would be a great relief. May tho God of peace protect us and stay tho work ot blood. Yours in love, H. H. SPALDING. Clear Water, Deo. 10. 1847. To tlie Euhep ef Walla WaUa, or either of f . A,nfhn7itL Priest. tfoverend and Dear Friend, this hasty note may inform you that I am yet alive, through tho astonishing mercy of God, the hand of pur merciful tod brought mo to my family, after 6 days and nights from the time' my dear friend lurnisjieu mo with provisions and I escaped from tho Indians. My daugh tor is yet a captive I fear, but in tho hands of our kind heavenly fathor two Indians havo gone- for her. , My object in writinorincipally is to givo information through you to tho Cayuse, that it is our wish to have peace, that we do not wish Americans to jcomo from below to aYengo tho wrong ; wo bono tho Cayuso and Americans will bo on friendly torms, that Americans will no moro come into their country uplqss Jhoy wish it. As soon as tliceo raon rqturn, I hopo if nlivo to send them tcjtho Govorner, to prevent Americana com iitp to molest tho Cayuso for what. is donrf. (know that vou will do all in your power for. tho roljef oftho captivo woman and chil dren atiVWaiiJatpu, that you y sparo no pains tp appease and quiet tho Indians. There aro I) .rpcrlcans Jioro, my wifo and throe children ono young woman and two Frcnohmcn, Wp oannot leave tho country without helD. Our. hone, under God, is your hands and the. hands oftho H. H. BCo holncomo from tbatisourco? Pieaso lot this ItaknQwn.Jo the ll H."; Co. Aak , their uuyiup:B.i,t4SntV;K.!l0M':j lain uuriiuivlHl shpuld Amer)qaa'ttempt to come, it would ITi ve'lNi Mt'itll filf.l Kn WutMlliu i Miliix'nf Tr Whttl man, was af tbe lieaoT'lirt yorfct; helped demolish the wtadowa feM m?m nrooertv. We think tha CvtmV Saw mm. urged on to do iW mMI dMkC 3 ,G$k mercy forgive ttiaib MwMt they do. 9 ' " Perhaps these min cm bfa-m htok and things. Please give all tfte )MHbiai you havo been aU to learo mtir&Mt imv X !.- TT J. jL.a!!. .j(.l,J navo gone ueiow. now Ho.iae' m urmi m. children fare? How extsMtvek the 'wJf la gaping tliis infbrmatioo aiW'by ssallifc this letter belowto Goveraor Abaraadty t will oblige yodr aflioted friend. ; : t 0 I would vrite directly to tha Gave mar, i but tho Indians wish ma to lt tHl ahay Re turn . - ft8ifft 'Tours in aifllctiofl aad-wltsi ", t j Fort Nez Forces, Decaj; 847. j Rev. Mr. Spal&oio, , . (f r ' Dear Sir I have assembled, all tha Smm . asd addressed.tlMjm. ia reaard to. His, immm situation of yourself &ri'2tr&& niK&ndl have got tawn to oiiiunt 1m dilror the all to majTfafldyij sayo tho two CanadiaaswtojarajsMMqM among tho Indiana. And aiyer jww vice vou to lose noaime ia ouiiasr jnal aa tha samo time bear in mind sir, ywhavt W i iso to maKO inoro or pymts 10 iwivimui more uso all tho diligence possible to erat, talcb us. , . ,.YoMtnily,.. . st;?tg9m ffo Pimaffwr1f)E.W' ctjj, MvDear Sir. vour kiad fcve eCtt fctft. came to hand this evfninvJt jrivaa us'awai joy to learn that you are about ta yeaasiala . captives at Waiijatpu jnay ta;iJUfi MMe you to load them safe, .atjVaficir..! TSUi people are unwilling tfitf l MKd,)w thjjr count ry ana i nave prqnuaa i. mum .aao fta liyo With tliem provrded.tha iBateaMlv-'aA- 4k &fiat WailiAtpu ean baBMlc4.aMAaJVt Percos continue friendly, to tka ' -A , a Iceethejr Jiadaji frofB,VicCi r. . A - . iAM." ffVJ -i e i t In -l2r U Lki .? ..Ah ' V ,Kh te,-,iii