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About Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1848)
BM i.r fcVje; r "1 . VA Y - 5! 1 SV avaawaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal WlvPIRaMa.H BV AI)VHHIITVt A Ifff.f.tjh .Llll !-. .-. 1 I ,; nwwiwniMIHIIIIViniMliMlllli j ojc Utcnaaeaov inc uouseot tupresenuu lives' of Oregon Territory at fofhie:-- . 8co, 1. That tho Govoraor of Oregon Territory bo, and he s horeby Aitbdrlxed and required, forthwith' to isque hia.'proeliu inaiion lo tho people of said Territory, to ralso a regiment of riflemen, by volunteer enlistment, riot to exoeedlSQO Hen ; to be s xubject to tho' Vdlrfs' and 'Melee of. war' of the U. S. army, and whose term, of service ahall cxpiro ai tho end often month, unlcs'i eoonor discharged by proclamation of tho Governor. 2. Thu! said regiment of volunteers shall rendexvoui at Oregon City, on tho 26th day of December, A,D. 1847, and proceed thence with all possible dispatch to the Walla Wal la valley, for the purpose of punishing tho Indians, to what tribo or tribes soever they may belongs who may have aided or abetted in tho masaacro of Dr. Marcus Whitman, his wife, and others, at Waiilatpu: or to bo othcrwiso employed, u tho Governor may direct. 3. That the Legislature of Oregon shall appoint ono Colonel, one Loiut. Colonel, and one Major, to officer said regiment of volun teers, when raised by tho Governor, as pro vided for in. the first section of this bill. .Jk. And further, "that the Legislature alsoap- pint a Commissary General ; whoso duty it Miiau be to Keep a regular account of tho disburncment of all tho funds placed at his disposal, and faithfully perform all other du ties pertaining to his ottico ; and who shall also perform the duties of Quarter Master General for tho army. 4. Said regiment shall bo organized into companies, to consist each of not more than one hundred men, nor leas than fifty ; and each company ahall elect their own officers, viz. : one Captain, ono 1st and one 2nd Lieutenants, ono Orderly Serjeant, and four Duty Serjeants. 0. That Josse Applegate, A. L. Loveioy, and G. L. Curry, be, and are hereby author ized, to negotiate a loan, not to exceed one hundred thousand dollar, for the purpose of m Trying put tiw provide or uw act and that said, and are hereby authorized, to pledge tho faith of tho Terri tory for tho payment of such sum as may bo negotiated for by said commissioners, on tho. most practicable terms, payable within three years from the dafo of said loan, unless soon, or discharged by the Government of tho United States. 0. Said loan may bo negotiated for gold and silvor, or such goods as may bo ncces tmry for tho use ofMo army ; provided, how ever, that tho holdcVof such goods bo requir ed to deduct from the. loan, tho value of tho p.'s negotiated for, xjut remaining hi his Jiauds at tho cessation orfapstilities. Attest. ROBERT NEWELL, C. W. Cookr, Clerk. Speaker. Passed Dooomber Bth, 1847. ved IOth December; 1847. GEO. ABERNETHY. .jaaa"'ilaan jJeM.iaP!ca'flPBfll,jWsr7TaW ' Mi M I i m ll'm ---Sf----Jt-St-l'paaiBSSSSSSSlBSSSSSaaBlalBBBBtSSl r"r , ad n i ,i , yrrsKw, cm-ui ii' ,itnanv'i'.H'i tnO l1ctfM natnntl wll i't jjuli ri it'ialtwuie AttA t 3 ' . 9l&Tf(0nffak'Y9T,,l ai.V yfc25ST ELiC-Tf 'i'j rji yes i..t It uixiimx mi,uwu-i jim , 'urn 6. Tab aot to tako effect,, from and after ita passage. . in. ,. - , i Attest. ROBERT. NEWELL, . , C. W. Cooxa.i Clerk. ' Speaker. . Approved 20tb Deo.,;1847, t GEO. ABERNETMY. AN ACT to provide for soadiaf a Meateager to Wotiiingtou City. Sec, I, Beit enacted ly the House of Rep. resentences of Oregon Territory, That Joseph L. Mock is hereby authorized and appointed a messenger, to proceed with all possible din natch. 'bv wav of California, to Washinirton City, and lay before the ExccutJyo ofthoj United elates, suon omciai communications as ho may bo charged with, by tho Executive or L.egisfativo department of tho government of Oregon. 2. Said messenger, before entering, upon tho discharge of his , duties, shall take an oath, faithfully to disohargo his duties, ao cording to tho best of hi? abilities. , .. 3. Said mc&scugcr shall receive, as full compensatiou fiir.his servioe,' uek sum, or sums, as tho government of the United States snwi minx propor to aiyiw. , ,u 4, That sttid moaseger be, and he ui hero by authorized, to negotiate a loan,, not to ex ceed Ave hundred dollars, and, to pledgeo faith of the government lor' tho payment of uoh amount, aa may;bo "negotiated for by said messenger, for the ,'pur pose, of carrying into oflcct the provlaloaa ofthis act'.' '. t' , 0. And be it furthor enacted, thai the 'said messenger bo .require to enter into bond nd I ,flurety,wn tuo executtveo) Oregon 'ior,r; toryi In tho amount ofpno, thousand collars, brf. f.lfnK porrawnwi oi,wp tjuiy. AN, ACT spproprkUnf Firo lluadrad DoUsn, to daisnr Um spetmt of J. I Meek, a Me inner to WasUactoa City. See. I. Beit enacted by the Legislature of Uregon Terrmry, That in addition to the sum of five hundred dollars already appropriated, that five hundred dollars be, ana is hereby aonroDriated. for the nuroose of facilitating tho departure, and defraying the expenses of J. u. .Meek, messenger to the United states. 2- Said J. L. Meek.-messenaer, is hereby authorised ,aad empowered te), jpledgo the faith of the Oregon Government, for tr pur pose of procuring a loan, to tho amount of five hundred dollars, fro video,, that beforo executing bonds on the part of the Oregon Government, he shall enter into security to tho cxeoutivo, in tho amount of ono thousand dollars. 3. This bill to tako effect, and bo in force, from and after its passage. Attest. ROBERT NEWELL, C. W. Cookb, Clerk. Speaker. Oregon City, 90th Dec. 1847. Approved. . GEO. ABERNETHY. . YTyn AN ACT appskstaMj toasfsUalea BeU enacted by tke'Hmue of Representa tiees of Oregon Territory, Sec. 1. Taat A. L. Lovejoy, Hugh Bums, and W. H. WiUeti, Jwrcfcy appealed a Hoard ot UommuaMoaera, to nil the vacancy caused by the resignation of the former board of commissioners : who ahall have all the powers, and be subject to the same restric tions, as defined in the, act approved Deo. 10th, A.D. 1847. 2. It shall be tho duty of tho board of commissioners, to lipid all funds negotiated for by thonj, subject only to tho draft,, or drafts, of tho Commissary General. 3. All bonds executed by tho board of commissioners, shall bo signed by tho Gover nor, arid countersigned by the secretary of the Territory. 4. Each Commissioner, before 'entering upon tho dt 'fof his office, shall take' an oath, faithiully to demean himself in office and to render Must and truo accounts, when ever they aro required by the Legislature. L ,v And snau turtnermoro give oona ami seen rity to tho executive, In the amount of three thousand dollars each,' conditional for the faithful performance of his duties; and 'to pay over all funds negotiated for, and re. maining in his hands, whenever required so to do, by the Legislature. ft. Said commissioners ahall have power to appoint appraisers, whenever it shall be necessary, to affix' the cash Value of any article, or articles, which accepted by thorn, for the use i of tho Government. Suoh oppratsment, however, shall alwaya be under oath, whioli may be admiaisterea .by ono of theicommiaaipners.i t . This act to taksx .effect, and be in force, from and after ita passage. , , .Attest. ROBERT, NEWELL,, C, W. Cooks, Clark,' , , . (Speaker.. Approved. 22nd. December,, 1847. GEO, ABERNETHY. , .ANt ACT deanisei tU Mm of Attstaat Geaatil. Be it enacted lf ite HonseMt Repretenla. tives of Oregon Territory,, j t ttti , 8co. 1. That it shall be,b duty of tip Adjutant General tokeepihiaiofficeat Ore gon City, until otberwise,pr9iYWffl,by law.r uy.oraeiD iua ,es,MHTe fjna,ie(B IBWUIUV,.,, .fT7 ". WW tory.of Oregon, and this, date, of .their 90m roll of all offiora and .nen engaged, WW of nmii also to keep a raemrd of mHpri otamatioas, aad wdUUrviordenuriaasaiDVjMr the Geveraor, on the Comnnndariaj Obttf eVj inoanwiay 10 uwue au owew rseetved Ami the, Goveraor, or. Cbesmandetiia .Chief, 'aad keep a repord of tae same-Toiiasiia tsssas to aloffioera required to make retavnavnTe receiaod .record all, munivor.jeJUUa ocers. , , , u 1 1 - 't n 2. It. ahall be taedntv.of all thorixad by law to reoetva.nilUanr stosaa. er funds .for, obtaiaiog theeajne'; to repoatj iiwAqjuteai ueaerai ueJUad;of tuadfpr stores, and to whom delivesed : and it shall be the duty of the said Adjutiut,Geoeral;to record the same. It is aJso.rnMie ha'uty of the Commissary General', to Mpprit the add Adjutant General' the miy rtpehd, ofdlspoie,' of roiliiary' fuBda.aad Biiliury stores ; and it shall be Ae jduty1 ofl me aaia Aojutant ueaerai io,,reoor tae same ; and report quarterly the state, of the militia, .aa well as the state of the military stores, to the Governor of Oregon Territory. 9, It shall be the duty of tfae said Adjutant General, if no statutory provurfoM exist, to db and transact'the duties of aaid offioe of- Ad jutant General, aa prescribed byHhelaws governing the army aad otnw ef Adjutant General, of. the' United States, where the same is applicable to Oregon Territory. -' 4 ThUajtottanbVbtibroe irom ana aner iu paasffe. 1 Attamt. BbKSJWWELL ' ,r -. C. W.Couo, Cm: Z : 8peaW.r Vtf 9oly 1 v . mwwM tfSleft v A-n7-iut-LJir:,r, . Be U enacted by Ae Hme of Represent. Sec. 1. That each private, a.nori-ebni. missioned offiqer, volunteering in' the eervfoe of .the army, to punish the "Indians in the Walla Walla valley, and fqraisfcinf his own horse' and eauioments. ahall be entitled to one dollar and fifty cents' perlla'yVfW the time of his enlistment until he' charged. Provided, that no volunteer ahall be allowed pay who ahall leave the service, until dill 2. Tl from and after Attest. ' 'ROBERT NEWILL. Ci'Wi Cobo, "ClerW l "''Speaker. arr.iwiun.,ni. . ,r ' GISO.'ABERNETnY rEWnWf5Ml ' H to taiatiM'fjHHHHMBriM ;ftMksa it mint to tlKalsalaaWaaWmalaaWBaaaWJ : 4 .! tUaW:Wa4pAA;''ta ' -,; 'U said MlillfMaaffairiSesa ;i aKwpiO(tdWlfer'asllsaaaillulli. U BBBMaataTiw akaaaaV at kk m PEfJ -juL w ,j.f9K atji":aMia wtAiCaaVA3li SSHIfM ''M alatiSSdaaaWCUSSb'' '' I stffili aiaiTaasTaaaaalBljl aal 'VM Wto iauSatilMaMvWiW ll dlNJdyaWaWSaaatV V f aaaaaaiaaaaattfc '' H laasMMsAaiid .. -. -r( tmr 1 -1 iaaa- in 1 aaa n a aaiaa aaiu T 'tt ufLuf&7TWmnlMaKkwtrmW fc!. amflaW-aTaT!WfVifBBWBBi- ", nil mamiin TW7MvninmWFv!imTVI y aKnTai.RaaaakiaK.aaaaaaaa sbbhi- M efpTuuertylii mtmtmtk WIUXH aaH)hwwsrf1i miat'k'm-iumty4itl P wmrmrTwrnTm Wr Wbb aeesor snail maawntttni 1 W'tiirealtfylitl t, aad NrMHMaai ssl asses "'13 Lt- m 1 ' XI 4k--e a-ed pay who shall leave the service, Jl y discharged, by the propel1 ofioeri his act'to take efcet, and be ia force.) id-after Ita' pUsage. "f T ? ' J AN.ACTtopnvWtlM iaraiaetlaa of FuWriaa MattMUNWaat.-' -l tm -' 'See 1. Be itenacUdWike Sense of Rm. resentalkteef Oregon Territoryt'.TkM if any peraenianall barter, 'eellgtvemejcejsr. re--nalft-.ssr.any Indian, any. aiud ciraianaa. or other munitieaa of war,haa ortbey,.fer wry eueaueaaMe euaUiba fined aotvlees thantwenty-ave douar. neraBere.thanlwo juMaKdf.dellan, atithe dieeaatioa, of. .the court t U reoeven4. by ituHetaseat tatjae ouit ex-art ifi:(tWcoaatylUwbareuitaa af. faaoe,asayieoonuqlUd. iccii.v c iiriti),' 2. This aot t.tka.tttKt, and be.MifoNe ironi ana ,atarawjasseje. , , ,-, .B,i tr , AtteeU, ,, ROBERTi JEWELL,, Wino rt3A, W,CooK,,pleri!T, , m ,t!nfmmtfi a row nGBOrtAJSMWlY. 1M AN ACT 'lTiea .W'iii ytoaaAet, satHMMAet aaaaaat aMaaaMaJaaaC aaaaaf MVaaaVaaaV ". Bt'miSH''milVK "ikwemssssi tw,iy.:YhyT. w urine-ta rrlinirial i and CMinlv sttue. it shall he ik duty of r theahi 2' et4ieov krthk TerrHoVy: aadtthey Are ooid iv 1 t.ii....i lii.u JI...I. ji i. : j 4 n,,u j.?-; .j rJ;? .F rwreoy apaoiawa. asafssoi? anowieeipffa m : ,i,.it. xmm vwwmwmVpm mm ..'. . . '. l2K'-l--1" IIU .IIP aaid toastUaWpinrlMMifraat naJMiaas aw aaad w avajvaawa i aooeptlnr of said 5. ItaWlbe the oouity cottri wii coaaty cooft shall hi oepttog the ssiiwtt, liver to the sheriff of sal lector,' Utk, tt the Maaalf Waanas Mhil'aa aa? tmm 2 aV the ferriterial tiaiaWsWi lie ocUV'ari'rtslsak anowt of TeTrHerW atraat aMR fte-jHi wajBaaHaVamu mmnwmmNmmm afasa: aaataa. Jbaaaaaaawrfi ' Wtnfmwmmikm1-i(rftminiw&i?rar. jjiktm ys!t' ' J2aiKf aPSnWnWnm& vmmmiwwi as aMPWaaaaamal Haw aaW .BOB irihifaalaallaafk' ) afaftti t arivlf i -- aaaKaaatfiaYaalhl jPFHNHB VllaBBB0aB 8aV Treawrer, and atscef liMtilti nrfiha CViofe-tU.aat,laSaaBa'klajb, yeaA, mtv&mrmmiA tt uTirr rrnfff tTMrnilm Mlmmmit '! l rv-jry WBjjaaaaiBjBaaB(iaaBBaBjaaap"Bi;aaa irBKy- satyat warn oooaiy. aoavt aaWHr the aaid. miwii treawrMahall ! abstract, e tha saaseaidi-j aheris; aawoaleplajtaiv,i oouaty jfveaut. a--m eAt lUsMaVft .. 6. ItihaU beta duty of aaid, attain, proceed, aa ie bow pmMii ay law; to amid "'--'-"-'"" make ret arm to this MadHetit on.or aHbretboifst' ia each yearj theaaaaaaat Tetifioaial reY- eoua by fail seMsessd i-otm'hrtrt -Wd'it W? sollect lAZtTTTTW' faaHtfvas lalriliitT A aaaaMSlT .aBBBTSaTVJBaBTaaBDBWr eat aM'awwartailhr '-aajal. saeiTbethe daereV'ssM itnWkmft m aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaUBBBBalaBaaaak AjBBBtaBBBBft BBBU jMelVVIMIi usasjss, a stUaTfja) aiais taaai tk aid elsatwalaiHfbrthariah f4athe tecrl tarialireeMir tlaisiianaiiHUviy lha auditor of pnblio aoffatMaW AnJl.?iwvt h 7.Ushaii b.tW.sWjiof.artlaeterto i preeeed to'Heotlha.i on or ' hefcre th trei 'Iftraaay'sli tymmjm& uffijfflSMaawi SLWa uX.l UMKN rtftftw1 wri inil ii-v! aaatnal 1 t titfv .jua vu.-v t .fjr iT i". n't h anaif aaj iBaanyiaoiars iia,HB)r uvea. 10 ng Uhe asaetttnen --A.,,aMM offitftruffi'S-ia. ?1 pitu?3-ni A inAMuIairl!i2mvSiS3l'alRii!&Ff 1 . 8.1taliUXthe&PiPCa I pourtiia.eaaheoiclMha im aiui -"- mmtaut rJMMSivaxLMZGi:; vaai "' ''.' iVaaweanHaaaaaaWaawasUSB liaal JBaUsBBBaaaKW .IB fHaWanaBBBHaSaBBK. BBBBBBnlMBBBBBBI . tBBBBBBBl BBsHUl BflT f sssM Vssssssst sAsT ssssi Vaaaasalt n saTsil sWl fiWniMlafMc 'H ?IWfuMBBBHBBBBUKvflBBBaaMBBV ' -fSBBl Ii V""" TTSaSBBBBBr 1K39BB ZWKW'P tin. ' (MBS V.J-j 11 M