Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, December 09, 1847, Image 4

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    i-rrvTiTfrrli T" -ys
ijyVv itwJM.-ifiSFj
r4gmfmD$U''lriiiM4M. I
l la tlw evMiaft r mm fai Um MRiiBK,
jahaa jnn'n lawWitfirr TT-m'T rl'lrin Traming
ssdwalesnws tasted hero tosara yaw, o
'AMt ( yN mow aeib u nera Til M you.
IMkU say heart atom the day we were Blighted,
7AiMUMUatejtef, "True loteri don't Terr
reea a? the treea leaks far rreeaer than ever.
ff - ,.
vrtml yea: awsat anran, ta wear if yon choow them,
Or, after you've kissed thBthcy)l lie on my bosom.
n Mali faralfce aasitaln iu brceie to inspire you:
mMeli from say faaajr aUle that won't tiro you.
t)! yaar step's like tfcp rain to the sumnieMrcxed furm
Or ssjhn and aniekl to av Kaj1it withoat armor, cr.
Ill staff you tweet eanga Mil thettan rite abovo mo,
3m wandering, jliwjeh you, ineilcnce to love mo.
of Fork Cornwall! ami Grlorson. With
tho Legion, under General Greene, lio par
ticipated in tho attack upon tho British fort
ress of 'Ninety Suti Tho storming party,
led by Rudolph, succeeded in entering tho
Lester in his Artist, Merchant, nnd StntosrWusles Increased, "' ,h wMi
man, n work which wo noticed a few dayn
From th ViUl.
Pewcrv, Ike Amvrfcim HcMlpfor.
JH&FpX? p,tlon:
WaTTfcok tteaUrTand we'll Ibc to the river, I '" '". "' "
TB yon auk of toot dsriing what gift yon can pre her.
O t shell whisper you Love as une
. . f . .' - -C " .
lort, but tho other was less successful, anjj Jince, tells tho following capital Mory of our
mo Americans wcro lorccu to retire. At countryman. Powers, as ho hail t front tho
tho battle of Kutnw ho led tho Lesion In. artist's own lins. r
fantry, and broke tho British line, and In rtu- Powers, who was bom In Vermont, hnil
nierous daring fonts afterwards signalised found his wav to tho west, at an early dav,
himself, nmong which wua'the capture of omjiilgd while trying'hii hnnd nt sustaining life
of tho enemy galleys. - ffiy honest menus, Tomid himself nbmnd, on
With tho retiring of the British from tho horseback, upon u collcc.'ing. tour through
south, Rudolph's cnteer in tho American ' tho hnlf settled west ; and it is into the chap,
revolution closes. In lTUIi wo ai?aiii trace t r nf tlmt eventful ride, tlmt tut thmu-u tin.
him, at tho head of the cuvalrv. with Wnvno following scene. : for tin first tiino in innny yean, perhaps, an
in the northwest, where ho again sorved with I must tell vou a robhrr story. Miuiv a lll"e'1 lomowhat serious uttitude. J look.
.1!...: :..i..i .:.. !. ., , ... , : ..,,! .......lil,. ...! ....... .. ............ :.. ..t.,...1w
hi. rrom mere lie re wnu scene, vou Know, pasties in those old V n.......v, ...... nu ..u. ,.,.. ..K niun,7
revelation of a domes ' woods. Wiii this tour of collet-tiny. I hml J ,ro,1 lcliinil a tree, at less than a rifle-shot;
tic calamity, of tho most humilintini? char, urrivrd one nrternoon. n t a In., invent. .m 1 " was lolloweU by jiiMt enough ol a man'
-'. . n ii- . ! S a
dom, htm, only rendored still mora evident,
liut I iountf the roots Uilokor, and the mud
leiMiur, qi course, jiiHi in proportion aa mi
u, all
my twitching, and spurring, and beating, ou
ly acted Uxui my beast, llko w much frio.
(ion in machinery, to diminish tho ipotlon. .
Tho only living things that I saw fur the
next inilo or two, wore a largo flock of wild
turkius standing on a log, with tho gobbler
strutting before them; a moment, 'after a
slight noise in tho woods to my right, gave
mo an involuntary start. Tho bushes wovrd
mid the sticks cracked Rosinanlo stopped
short, mid bciruu to nrick tin her cars, and
And trust, when in Peer t, most tunefully
TO the starttnt of Heaven above us
And our eook dew in one down Eternity' river.
. . 1 .. .. .. . o -" - ....-...- ..,-.. ... , .., . - 1. . V, I.,.
ngeablybcam- acicr tirovc mm lorth on the very next dav. cnrlv to Mop Tor the njght ; hut it was nine j ,UL' "JK',V" "ion giiinpsoin ms eve. 1 ieu
In a small vessel, laden with 'tuhuecn. he niih'q tit nnntlu.r hmis... nn,l id.. r..n.l l,.vi'y hair lill from my head. Suddenly tho
streaming. snilc, rwm the Chesancake for St. Doniin.'ii tlirom-h n ilrnsn fi.rosi ; I kIii.hI.I i.rr!v n' 'np dodged behind aldrgolrro. I knew es.
Shall qUIVCI, l? .. . l. I ... ... . ... .... .....f.. .... . !.... .I . .... b llli tt-nu lli.twrwuil.1o r.,.. I it !...! umii. I.n...
t ... a tiiivii uii.i iiuiu iiu is iusl M..111 111 (iiirm.r iiiinr iii.ritiritii. nun nnr ittiiii.iii ftif.r.itiiinr ",- ..... .'.....', M..u .. ubtm ...v.v hwh-
It.tn l..r..wi!l fC tlm ...rtl... a..
...L. iiiiiiiviivi tllU 1 V. I.IIIII1.11
letter is received from him hv
At length
Major .Mcln
some danger, and I thought I wuld .stop.
nun 11 nirL'f Mini 01 iiiouov in mv siuidle.
orahlc to rcceivo a bullet loflro flinn behind,
I ilt'teruiined to nwait the result where I was.
So. come in the ercninc or come in the morninj;,
SCTiSH!! "'''" ,,,c" latter to seek bags, principal) v in silver, and as I dismount-! '" u ,mcn, orlWu ,l10 cap mid face appear
&encSheth7S revolutionary Krance; an.! here all ed the host tno'k off llio bags and hee,ed ' el t8ni. ""! end of tho riflo ,x)inted
lirhtiimvhertincetliedavwewcreili2litcd, ""-" u ."" "u'l" . ". " ifle somowiiui a irpriscn ai incir w.ignt ; re-1 1" ;,y. "" v ......w...
I w . . .... ..' '. luilrirA1llilltnllMi t.lImlnAl -K..t? ....
Ked is my cheek that they tola me was uiiRiiim ,i iin" wiiiuuui u uiin-urs,
dieill would carry them to my room as I I l'lT.u uwn' '"' oy " thought I, "you
ished to take out something for immediate '""?l ,, tt Brt,.at otifyou miss." Tho
WukflPV. uliilo in Krniioo. lnnrnml llcv I Colli SWfftt mil doWII 111V brCBSt. Olid KOtl.
thattlifrri was an American ofiicor in tho f "Two sumiclous looking men wcro wit. Ilflte trembled. I looked aa steadily, how.
French army, in Italy ho was in Klebcr'slncsses of all this, as they stood by the cor-' uver i0WaH thman, as though my life de.
a n a 1 - vvj.iii.ti iii.iii.itn. mB k .. ..a.i.K.
but I shcok my
pression which I
The green of the trees look for greener than even a meteor, in tho military history ol France. ' wish
And the linnets are singing, 'True lovers don't sever!') Gen. 'I'ickucj', while' in France, IcarncdjUBC.
- j that therj7 was an American oittcor inthof .
I French army, in Ilalv ho wns in KlehrrVi nrs
German Legion ami Rudolph, born of Ger- nor of tho house, leaning on their rifles, ami IM''luil ol dwlging the bullet. 1
rary man pnrents in America, spoke the language it was evident 1 was the subject of their con- JnVv,,l' ,lis '"'" ,0 K00,,: uul
ting of iiis father. Ney's character iu war was versation, which wns carried on in a sup. ! !1L'!, J'1'1 n w,rl of n" c.xpressi
come with on i 1 uraco from an Italian Imn. crs '" ,I1C "P" or soutn, innKcs very uttiu
lit- Therowas no lock on mv door, anil dillon-nco to me in the place where I fall."
that looked a littlo suspicious," f ir J could ' . "I.l!1llIl"n repeated the gesture with a
linvo sworn. n i .nm?ntMl l.n ,!r.r n.r.,i. drendlul, I might say, an infernal expression
JfctnUaal fcy,
Wrt condense, from the Southern Litcrarv
Mossemrer. the l'ollowinc very interesting
nd not imorobablc identitication of theccle- the very counterpart of that of Uuiinlnh. nrrsvil voire, with morn ilinn nn uinL- .....i intended should say,
hrated Marshal New Prince of Moscow, with and. like him, he wus unfottorcil. On tin- slirmr ofthn siionliler. wlii.-h wnnhl nnt ln. I "Hlazouway whero I am! for a few
-Michael Rudolph, a distinguished soldier oi trial ol that celebrated Marshal, his counci
the American revolution. Further inquiry called upon the court to remember and
may yet unravel tho mystery, and give to make all allowances for one who was a 'for
th western continent the honor of bavin'' einner.' Many wondered wliv the Mnrulml
famished Europo with one of her greatest did not fly to America with the rest of No- ly on tho inside when I retired, tlmt n lock " ,,!s fuc,' "t ,1C" o"ed with his linger
modern heroes. I polcon's followers : but it may well be sup- had been recently removed. Hut never he- wine object on the other side. of tho road.
" Michael Rudolph was born at Elkton, in poscjl that the causes which drove him from ing much given up to tho control of my fan-' . '""ked slowly round, casting to ro.
the State of Maryland. His parents were home prevented his returning, and made him cy at any period of my life, I half pursua. lvlV1' a lm" '"V" "''"' ono (""" "is mur
etther German, or "of German extraction. rather resolve to front the storm. .Marshal ded mysri fit was groundless suspicion, an, j "orou companion oposite to him; but you
TbjBy are represented as very worthy people, Grouchy, .when in this country said that Nov pulled oft my clothes to go to lied. But I '"' Ju,Jgo f iy surpriso when I saw in
but in humble circumstances, and not able in! agreed iu description with' Rudolph, and iiad not reasoned away mv fears si com- J fc,ead, six lino deer, nearly in range with mo
coBsequcnce, to confer upon their children! that Ijc- spoko English woU.', W. II. Craw, plctclv as not to bethink myseirortho means ' n,n'1 ,,,c nmn "IkinK behind the tree, I saw
aMtny of tho advanUgcs of education or soci-' ford, of Georgia, was often visited by Ney ; jfif . defenoo in case of need. So i bnrrica-1 l"" I 'J.01 rf ,,: butcra in a flash.
oty." "JJlchael grow up hardy and promising while the former was in Paris, yet iu all his Ted tho door as well as I could with the few I " We'' ' h as an involuntary blurt burned
in" person and spirit; eager, intelligent and conversations with him, he would convcr.se chairs and stools the room contained. jHt i"11 '"' C'I'CC' "aint it strango I should muko
bold, but illiterate. He joined the American in nothing but French; ami tho reason as- contrary to nil expectation, not a noise was M,cn an extraordinary ass of myself? 1
army at a very early period, as a common .signed fir his friendly regard for Crawford, made around the premises, and mv testimo. , I"" 8,I",rM t0 Ro.siiiantc, and had hardly got
cnlriior. when hV wns little more than six- is attributed to the fact of his comin'? from nv on this noint oiwht to ho nrfttvi.niiftnuivr ''.l,ar l tho shot of the honest hunter, bo
teen years of are. Wehavo reason to be- the ueihbo-hc
teen years
lievo that
he was with a corps under Lt. raided.
hood, where ho was born and, for if there had been. I think it more than ' ,on' ' l"'anl ,l nfle-ball whistle by tnc, which
MriicK a line uuck MIM biiout lint
iroiiaoie i siiotini have heard it.
"lint ItyaH not a little annoved, as I was
Col. Lee, while that brave partisan was only Hum, who was driven from Franco ini
a.captain, and Romctime before tho forma 17!!, and never alter permitted to return, preparing to start in the morning, to see those
tion of tho celebrated Legion. To have been denies the identity of tnc two persons; but two men at the door leaning on their rifles.
Tho deer madu
instant I
u ttjngla
a captain in such a body of men at its forma- in 1702, Ney was unknown, and of him, af- Ono of the.ni stepped up,
tion, argues a reputation already well recog. terwards, the citizen Genet had no opportu. 'seemed to me nn directed i
and with
heard the n port.
leap niid fill dead.
'.o much," says I, "for tho diflcrcno
between mi honest hoosicr hunter.nnd a high
'It bbows what suspicion will do whoa
nizd. and the oossession of qualities for scr- nity of knowing. (Jeneral Lallanand. who " '.StraniW.' snvs lie. 'tvn smn in Im m
rico which wcro well known to tho Coin- resided in Philadelphia in 18H and 1S10,' ing tho same wny. Minriose we keencominuiv. ""coiMi'ttd ; but I miibt confess suspicion
This was the commission fully concurs in the Identity of the two per- as the gals say for I kinder rcck'tui my legs l ""spiiltyiiatiilal under tho ciicumstaiiccs.'
is also well autlienti- won t full much behind vour blasts I and
mander in Chief.
held by Rudolph in the Legion, when our at- sons as described
tention is first drawn to his achievments. In cated that Marshal
Ney spoke very bad this neighbor I've fell in with, nro going Novel .SYkculatio.n. An enterprising
1790 he was chosen as the leader of the for- French, nnd was frequently styled, sneer- 'down about half way to the settlement, down Vnukce at Canton, has recently built a Chi
ramus ingly, 'tho tobacco trader Hudolph
lorn bono when the British post at
. . a.. . . .. .
Hook was to bo attacked., lins post was America with such a cargo
left 'vondcr. nnd then wo eo nil' i!in rnml Inr n ncso iuuk of about .'100 tons, fitted and riif
Young Counffiitj'nf. " ' gcd mtliely ntlcr the Cliintjo .noticlT:iuh.
held by a strong body of British and Hessians Ney, accompanied with tho Due do Monte-i "I didn't 1 now exactly what to do, rw you ho intends taking to New York, loading her
under tho command of Major Southcrland. bello, a few years since paid a visit to tho may well imi.i'iiie. But I did not hesitate with every Mux-ic of Chinese nicnacks.cu-
The fort was token by surprise and storm, neighborhood where Rudolph was born nnd long neck or nothing thought I; nnd to I riosities, etc., to Im sold on board aflcr her
and the conduct of Rudolph, at tho head of raised ; he did not reveal his mission, but it immediately replied arrival at that city. Ho takes also a China
thaaisalling party, amply justifi"'! tho conli- is generally believed his object was tho ob.i "Oh yes, company shortens tho road:
decce of his commander. The Legion being taming of facts iu regard to his fathers we'll go on together.'
ordered to the south, Rudolph assisted Man- early history. A nephew of Michael Ru- "Tho truth of tho latter sentiment I fell
crow, a theatrical ami juggling company,
males and fcumlcH, and everything curious,
illustrative of the manners and customs of
"fal-flnri n l.nlltnnnnt 1.1 llin anmn .stm. Inmiinnl e . n..l I!.m llm I...i.m .-.I ... jw..i
( ff,VMW'.., ..l.M.W..M.. ... ...V .Ml..'.. .VI. lUJ II.IIIUIIVII , UIIU ll 1IIVIJW1W .J UUI Vitltlll-
an.and, writes: There was not an officer of try, we hope ho may csfablish the identity.
CfM amiHgrad iu tbo'soutliern army whoso .
fStlvltV and "daring' spTrit produced suches. i
sjifatlif advantages to tho scrvico: yet, in I It appears by lato discoveries, that tho
tif paka of' history, he is scarcely named. ,Lcvencr planet is continually approaching
'At we battlo of Guilford, under Greene, , tho earth. When first discovered, it was
hia bravery was tho subject of special ap- with difficulty seen with tho most powerful
plaits. At thoslego of Fort Grundy ho . telescope ; hut it is now nenrly visible to tho
tatheJiTt to occupy its principal bastion, naked eye. It is said 'to travel at tho rato
i&dl' BaaalagjTroiri tliis point towards the pos. , of a million and a half miles in twenty-four
eC- .'Nieety-ai! then under uol. (Jruger, i hours, and om it is heiievcu by somo to par-
iuko oi mo nature oi a cnmei, somo puuospt
rith asjuaf rapidity, end succeeded in surpri-
Jri i(. ''He afterwards assaulted and cap.
tuil'ortllilfli an Indian trading post,
llllaa with royal presents for tho Indians.
He followed up tnU success by the capture
e . m ' i- f
pliers apprehend serious results irom its up.
nrouch. Tho most learned professors iu
England and France are anxiously ciidcav-
joriiig to eoIvo tho mysterious problem.
oompanions. It was a now road, through
what was called tho Beech flats, whoro tho
MI Mug thin,anrl rating upon a hard
clay pan, tho roots formed a kind of web
work just beneath t surface, -which 'tho
traveling had laid' bare, and rendered dan.
gcrous for rapid movement.
"Finally they left .motoric., to tho right"
.1 si... ..!. a., tt. l X e a .P
linn uiu outer 10 i no ieu, assuring cacn other
as they did so, that they would rendezvous
at Hog hollow," wTiloh was not put down iu
I ho Geography I had studied. "Bandit hoi.
low," saysl to myself, "you'd bettor tsaltit."
I now plied (ho impliments of war noon my
steed with increased activity, hoping! might
gain upon the follows, and defeat their in
fertial plot, which this, as wo say in Yankee
4w Vaa. . .... ... . . .,... .
on In tlm oescent upon ucorgetown. no doiph now commands a cutter on tho ucor- tholorcool; tor v. hether we went in compa. thoelestiais. it is expected sho will mako
led ono of tho attacking parties, and was gia station, and all who arc intiinato with ny or not that time, depended upon tho walk- tho passage iu five months. Theccstofth
huccessful, though "tho expedition partially the portrait of tho Marshal, und have seen ors and not upon the rider. But thoro was whole ullkir will bo about 830,0110, und tha
failed. Tho British commandant of the ( the young American revenue oflicor, ngrco no backing out ; so oil' wo started ono of proprietor will undoubtedly realize a largo
place was taken in his bed, many of his in recognizing a striking resemblance. I tho said gentlemen with a shouldered rifle fortune. After Jfavingcxhuustrd tho United
troops' were slain, but the lack of efficient, TJicso facts mako out a strong case in fa- walked on either side. .States, ho has liceu offered $UO,0()0 to dcliv-i
co-operation bafllcd the full desires of the vor of the supposition that Marshal Ney was1 ''Now," thinks I to myself, "is mypriuci. cr his junk in England. Tho junks aro said
assailants. The part played on this occa- the bravo American, Rudolph. Tno writer' pal chanco. Go it Rosinnnte !" to he gooil seaboats, and nothing worse (keji
aion'by Rudolph was true to his well known who gives forth theso facts purposes to pur-J "But neither jerk, whip, nor spur could delay is feared in tho voyage'. W'oonlywoo
skilli courago and audacity. Isue tho interrcstiug iii(uiry to u satisfactory urge her into an inconvenient gait for my j der soine ono never thought of it before. . '
Tho reply of Mr. Jefferson, to an enquiry
of an eminent functionary, on --hiir; pneijfay
lion at llm Court of Franco na Minister of
tho United States, was in excellent food
tnstot'You replaco Dr. Franklin, ?' ,
I mcctcd Dr. Franklin,' was Mr. Jtifftt't
son's prompt reply no man ,can revhH
him.' ' ' '
'A splendid triumph of science,' said Mug
gins to his wifo ; a Mr. Hartlird hat give
a bov z new lip, which ho took from ha
cheek".' ThaCe nothing, pa ; I saw1 a dot
tor tako two from Patty's cheek, tho other
day, and the operation didn't seem to he
painful either I'
w. rf .v. tl
--L' -- .
ki ,.jiffiaw,.
aT.,t . l'JiMkhMitAituXUSM