Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, December 09, 1847, Image 3

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,7 ? If
." -i
-.- jnwyi r jjiiw-jf tw imwmiv'ii&tmmmm&n l.IVubbH
and informed mo that ho was on his way to
Vancouver an wished mo to assist in pro.
curing him a 'canto: immcdiatblyT I waa
very Inquisitive to know if thorn wan mv
difficulty above. Ho said four Frenchmen
ad died recently and ho wished to get others
to woupy their nlaccs. I Immediately got
i ami m'ciijoo ana conoiuaca to go down In
company with him in order to act some mod.
ioioo for the Indian as they woro dying off
wiiu me wjcuiet ami oiuccuucasca very last,
' -I ra'TBhargcf with Mndlllcrchcq. ' They
aid wo wero killing In not giving them med
icina, and I found if wo wero not exposing
our lives wo woro our poacunnd coiiKcqtienf
lyHI aot out for thin placo. This i,ido of the
Cascades I wus mndo atcmiuinlud with tho
horrid massacre that toolcpkeo ut Waiilnt
mi last Mondny. Horrid tX relate! The
I)octor and Mrs. Whitman, Mr Roger, Mr.
Osborn, Mr. Saunders, (n school toucher) tho
D We have eopy of CoL Bes speech, 4Hr
ered hi secret wadse, tin Orvfea Treaty,' whWi
wadcdfapuUfaMcf boor next
two orphan Kovh, viz. John and Francis to.
gcther with nil of tho men at that place,
numbering elevqn in ull. Some are jiving
at tho saw-mill which is tiittiutcd about 20
miles from tho Doctor's. A party net out
for that placo to despatch them ; alco a party
for Mr. Spaulding' to despatch 'them, and
they am not satisfied yet, hut a partv is said
to have started for niv placo and doubtless
has, if true, reached there before thin time.
,D.Uro&I.krJuwjKvU. wat koine. .I
can ncitlior sleep nor taleo.nny rest on the
account of my family and those with them,
vis. my wifu uf.d child, the Doctor's nephew,
Doet.j3ftHaran8, Mr. McKinney hnd wife.
If I kid ten men I could defend myself with
perfbcyeasD by occupying the meeting-house
which is vory roomy and close. You sec
my situation, as well np Mr. Spaulding's. I
have perfect confidence ' in your doing all
you can to gcta party to como up and spend
tho winter herb; likewise to go to tho rescue,
01 tne women and elulurctf, and Mr. Spnuld
iiur if alive which I think von doubtful.
Dolay not a moment in sending a few men
lor my protection, a row moments may
savo our lives. I axpect to leave to-morrow
for homo, and perhaps tho first salutation
will bo a ball. My family is there and I
must return if it costs mv life. Vo arc all
in.U.Jank,of.,a .wnroUul GnUSJXUy.
auvum we uo aiarmcy r i win cioso ny say
ing again send a small forco immediately
without the delay of one day. Farewell.
Yours truly,
ivi tnofffo MJae4 wlfieseor
meraUl advantilsi as the ooloa'y will aoi like'
rsmain here as lolaaf si It5 cast W of anv aar.
The CoionTaatlsfi Soefety sept 'tk. WtUr
. ... j..,l, - - ;... AiGJmtriMr It la therefore probeM that be-
Oskat FiiuaKy-UiBMa k, Co., gnat laafl esa
traelen, whew iwnjeasstaadid "all om tho W
have (lbd for a buy som. Thai, fnUmiikkm
amount to $34,000. Tho catastrophe was. btsesfht
ZZ - ZEJT121 Tr.r,r4:toyiiiHofIaWDewar4 largo an wOt
cousHsr mtmltBmiUMimtnfmlfcti wpply of Sods'fcr tlif
' 7ZZZIZr-ZTZ7&,JlMntori7 ft Is tTrtforiprobsito that
oil b taik kRpMod upon mie.'
privilege granUd In mercy 7
Fur the Spectator.
Mb. Editor I obsorvo in a communica
tion, signed G. W. Doll, published ill your
last number, somo allusions to a rcjort of tho
refusal of tho Secretory to deliver a commis
sion to a Justico of tho pcaco of this county,
which I should scarco consider worth notico
did they not seem to imputo a sinister motive)
$o my part. Upon receiving tho blank com
missions for the sovcral Justices elected, I
learnt that Mr. Hull wished to decline ac
cepting tho office, and abovo four months
elapsed without his appearing in order to bo
qualified, .during- which timo tho blank in
tended for' him, waa used for a special com
mission, viz. tho Inspector of tho Mt. Hood
road ; at tho timo Mr. Hull called and ex-
Crossed his "'willingness to accept, I had uo
lank, (tho Governor always Keeping tho
same,) but observed that if his delay to qual
ify had not injured his right to tho office (a
doubt also expressed by tho Governor I
would procuro ono as soon as I could ; tho
statutes being borrowedfrom tho office pro
vented my ascertaining tho fact at tho mo
ment, sinco which time. I havo not seen Mr.
Hull; though the commission has been ready.
Theso are tho simple facts that leads Mr
Bell "to follow ho same channel still far
ther" and as. for any motive I could havo, I
will leavo thosot citizens who know me, to be
the judges. i
Oregon. City, Deo. 01847.
points along the coast which can at present
no obtained.
Mr of old Gov. MeArlhur of Ohio, one of tho pioneer
Cuim laf'sTSBAWis FovnoAa. aad
fsarttsftsAM of sBvor.aad a boa coatajiilsf aatlque
jewok, sit wkh dlsaioBdi and other prtckws stooee
ksstUMdsf from the wrecks of KUd's veael,
asar Coftr Daa oa tho North Rhrer. The whole
TNdatd at 100,000. Certaialy enooaraglof after
sWVi Is) sW ifUMi
For the Qrrgon Spectator.
The Washingtoninn Temperanco Society
mot uccordipg,t adjournment ct the City
Hotel on Satufday evening Deo. 4ih. Tbo
clioir favored tho audience with a fong.
Messrs. Elliot; Barlow, Berry; Magone,&
Hartlessj made &omo remarks b6tli agalajst
nnd-ibr tho cduso. r
Tho pledge being offered for signatures, a
considerable number of persons camo for
ward and joined the ranks. ',
On motion ailjmimcdto meet at this placo
on halurday evening next, Dec. 11th, at
early candle-light.
Kov. Lewis, Thompson, orciatsop, it is ex
pected will address tho meeting.
t v J. R. ROBB, Chairman. ),
Indiana. Some extraordinary scenes were
presented during the last day of the last ses
sion of the Legislature of Indiana. The en
emies of a bill providing fur tho funding of
uic ucutoi tne Bute, and to secure tho com-,
pletion of the Wabash and Eric Canal to the
Ohio river, finding that if they remained in
their places tho bill must nass. took unon
thanselves tho alternative of desortintr their
.posts, in inonopo, oyuits revolutionary move
ment, oi leaving tno Senate without a quo
rum. The Hesskm of the Legislature was
.spcciaMy prolonffect; for the .purpose of aiv-
mg inc.n . cnanpe to oe ncare rtucy spoltel
against umc, caiiea we ayes ana noes on ev
ery motion, and whea all othcr-nwasurai
proved fruitless, 'deserted the al? leaving
thisuid other bijls unacted upon .'''But gl
turned" out tha'Cupm'"nitT'IinaI vote, a 'SjuS-1
rumwas present .nr. uyrus labor having
left a sick bed, to take part in tho delibera
tions, and to save tho state from tho effects of
this dishonorable conduct. Before tho final
adjournment, two other Senators camo into
their scats, and all tho moasurcs of the ecu.
sion were carried, notwithstanding the rev
olutionary, proceedings to which wo have al-
iuucq. x nero was umc, ioo, io ncaa an sucn
disorgMizelnc ..Attempts hereafter, as tho
Legisiardrti intwjjijtcly passed a law which
covers tlia jweV- Ttis entitled "An act tho
better tolsialthe members of tho General
Assembly AisjK Bjjbscopding from their senf)
aaia!uai( 1 auorum ;!rand provides that
then Treasjrwr shall not, before tho adjourn
mentof tlieviislature. pay to any member
a greater atnount than ono half of; the por
' ArrotNvsisirr sv ths oorslUMSt'iMrssksa 99.
Comimsu IAwcATaa, gssrisss' Jaago of Olegaa
Territory, tyi. J. Quinn Tkenimtmigitfi .
' ssssssmmmmmmmBemsam
Itcidence In the two ttory buMiag Oppeeite the 'Drag
Store. .
Oregon CHy, Dec. 9, lftt7. ' v 23
.giro notice that ihcy have keen sppeintcd
agent for Mr. Jbnjamin Stark Jr. an4 arajanoraed
to attead to htt bminw dming hie abwnca . '
Oregon CHy, Nov.25,lM7. ' Ui-Ct.
V IJEREDY forbid all Mnena from imDrorlat- and
M. fattrodlnc noon or in ncv vav whatever Interfere.
. wOhnojr part WtM. f .lot No. 2 and. let No.
wwa ei uregoa uny.
fi. H. L. MEEK.
Oregon City, Nor. 18, 1847. 22 3t
4HsV aafeaanaiaBlvrikBkaiBBBBBBSBBL
'''rTa V tia WfftWmWw
VHI Vw.yWsMsry r'tf&AiFMKtrtHx'. 5J
JsU PfcrIfrJs;Taee;iB, ; ;3
toteord(,re Hog; imiiZtiSii'IiMmr: z$m
&. sun . ? ffiteWig.'' ..;,
. JOIuTh.; covch, .jptoipad: cMXUi-
nteeuoti snnw: neM 'SBk4i'BHnMWiSBtaa assBBBBSbi':, s.--,i
h-' mm t ifiifn if isfMsi asTtiifsWisf -' -" - -:
Oacnenai JoVmb '" - aUbK . 'A r-::t
it Tij liileisi lTBBSlaBW
JHsfi!f,,"StJStllE 'i
Bem;nadiLb9s.OSi . &!
wsiffl' 41
'Tf- Zfw?Jitt t t 'Aifl
JTsut Pabllsltcfi.
THE necond No. of tiie Main street House, cor
ner of Main and third croes street, Oregon
City, U now ready for inspection, where Ine'proprie
toretill continue to fumih the best accomodation in
hi ptwtrto both Man and Beast and charges nothing
at all, you know tho ml.
There i Htaktisg attached to ihe Eetobiislurient
aScient to acwoimodato 100 Hones. A few No. 1
Saddle Hone on hand at all lime and will lo let or
eta tow lor cami. . ,
I still continue to bay anything that no one etta
Want. ?. " .JM&JKOSS.J
OlcffanCitT. Nor.lR. 1A17. OI jr 1
Notice. V y
dirintowrrtcli ho may be .efpititlefl,,and if aiiVTCartors SaL,
.-. i - '-1..H ...r.i . i." . A. i. ii
iiiuiuuur siiuii, wiuiuui icuvo Jirei uau anu
obtained, abandon his kat, before tho timo
of adjournment, ho shall forfeit one-half of
ItlC. .Ittll.. nn.. INI I Alltn OnniltitinnH
ma uuiijr J'jr JW- uuuio !VUIUUiii;uil.
DsiTH at Washhwtox. Mr. Allen Trifo of tho
mMtim 4Vmm niiU. ilU lui winter l . Waditnvtnn
City. Bbe wu a most eatirnahU lady, and a daugh-'polony on this coat. You-will perceive that
Fkom Libema. Tho National Intelligen
cer publishes the following extract of a lit
tcr from an officer of the United States nary,
datod Monrovia, Dec. 13, 1840 : ,
This colony seems to bo in as good a con
dition as usual. Wo havo a rumor that Eng
land and Franco have agreed to withdraw
most of their cruisers, nnu adopt a systomJo(
general colonization of tho coast. An En
glish 8loop.of.war, thto Favorite, Capt'. Mtir.
ray, is now here, Capt. Murray has called
upon Gov. Roberts, to knewyiha present re
lations of tho Colony to Amorica, and to tho
Parent Socioty ; also to knew -if, tho Colony
will mako a btmmorjl tffeaty with England1
in easo of its declaring its independence;
and, finally, to ask ah exact description of
tne territory now owned or claimed by the
these are important questions.. Gov. Rob-
oris will not do anything rashly; and Com.
Reed will do whatever i required for the in
terests of American commerce on this coast.
If the goods for the purohaso of territory
are not now on their way hithor, they, should
be hastenod as much as' possible. If Eng
land or France obtain any territory between
this plaoo and Cope Palmas, the continuity 6T
territory will be destroyed, and those powers
THS nfrtignod hereby ghea notice that he in
tendstopetkiontleermtlMsiataMforleweeto erect a breakwater near the hoadof ilia mniiWktnT
seftyrwierwWTaow-lefcleryTte Urtsaftr mt
mere ccnvealent passsce or boat.
Oregon City. Nov. 11. 1847-21tf r
TM2E SVBSKIBCRg ofler for anlr on
reasonable terms, at their Stosk in Oregon City,
Uie following articles, viz:
Silks, MonscIauM da Ia!ne, Coflimeres, Cashmere
do Ecokhj, Balzarine, Jlutliiw, Lawns, brown and
bleached Cotton, Cambrics, Tartan and net wool
Shawls, Canton Flannel, ladies and mhoe cotton Hose,
wnne aua caorta, cotton and sillc Handkerchiefs,
Mohair Mill, cotton qud lace Caps, lace Edging and
Insertion, Castunercs, Doe Skin Uambroons," tie.
Melatae. Sugar, Cofibe, Nutmeg, ground Pepper
and Ginger, wlido and rpcrm Od, Salt, -c. ac.
, L cfry Ware.
Dishes, rlates. Cud and Sancam. Chln.i T k.k.
Bowb, Mugs, Pitchers, plain and cut aUaa Tumbler.
cn 1
Bureau, Bedsteads, Chain, Writing Desks, ladies'
Work-boxes, Looking Glosses, Ac.
planes. Rules, hand and back Saws, Sad Irons,
Looking CssaswstJi
Heary and Light
msr.t- j ft
Sou, MisriBg L; Saki.l
4-pirit. Taifesthio ; BWek nkd WU
vinw, yrocsery ana tatisi T
nan urae uiedss.
or sair .ejwnei nr uasa or
- . vat.s. j, .- .i w. iL
7sBBSsSSa "fTSBiSITT T'T ir s i-
iv !r"tsrWftMVarfi,i-Kt,
Z 'mfr, 1 ".wl gpj
Josktl-'Wstfh dsl
Tiif.sL B
DMfpi mm ,, I
a t - SL .- FM
n.nMa;jBjjr fi
ssmsBv -K' J 1 1
2ms os-V i
ry.UCBjtsmissMt i
mumimMm Ah.. m
Pw!f!llfcajv .a
: UsnMLSjBSBUiJBa SA ' .
. OttiSmm, ' w?rt!i'J- , . .' Am
fttjirVTsmsasv w:tl)' r '9
MgiBUfltjrjhyigjUciat t.;sj
.-..J.JLLiyy's,Sh.f lasj
" " '" wss st
four m
BBBkMl. ') V I
nnilE undeninod oaVsior sala Urn
M. k situated in West TualityPntai,
du ncresj or wmea m aaenr fence, wiia
necessary tnproreaaent upon it)
aiU is lasttocessfnl eperation npn
wwnug Dnsmaaa uai !&
fasrnIiL;..Thk water c4fe indeed
wom great nwmf unprprosBents. '. iv:
propeitr.aU of wMeh wfl biUw
It wwU bo to tb&terek of aay.sssfi
cliasing an improved claim to rtisifciClfcs
ror iimner.iaeanaaiioH am
Is, Gouges, Traco Chains, Bolto, Nails; SDikes.
carpeatera Compisses, Raxors, Hand yfce. File,
Pocke and PeflKtures, Tablo Knives and Forks,
Scsjson, Padlock cheat aujl door Locks, Gimlet,
nssortea urooi, nrw noa. 1'ercuwion Caps, Sauce
Pane, Bellow, measuring Tape, Axe, Hatchets,
Spoke Shave, SteUyanV, Shovel and Tonga; Wood
Screw, Brace and Bitta, Iron Spoon, Powder Flasks,
Shot Belts, ShcanJlIand Bell, c77'
Six and -four qjnart Coftee Pot, - four quart Pails,
Strainers, Cup, Grater. Scoon. CullemW Wash
'Basins, Skimmer, Milk Pan, Dipp en, Tunnels, Can.
die MoaU, Tea Caddie, Nunc Lama, Britannia
Tea Pot, ac. ,-
Booto aaa'Shoff.
Ladies pec and sewed Boots. Kid run nmniU. hM.
ken' nnr llonll. lmv Lin Ttminin'a m.... .kut.
(BoowVinen'. kin Boots, ac '
Men's and boy's Beaver Hat: Clacks. rnVtnw
Stove) and funnel, Soaps, Window Glaaa, Dutch
uveas, c
" Auo 30 Tom) of Coral at Portland.
Ortpm City, March 17. 1847 tf
aliaailaXJ .,
TIHE copartnenbip hereteeem oxisting betw
, Robb . Morrison, tt this day eteoivod by m.
tatdsoaseat ,AU penona indebted to said company
ass tbtrekyriotirM to make immediate payment to J.
R. Robb, who 1 hereby amhoriaed to settle all do'.
wand fee and against said company.
J. R. ROBB, '.iV
. . J. L. MORJUWir.
Oregoa City, Nor. 4, 1M7. Hf&l
- W. C. TTTjjnw
their can, n any of the
n-.- rim.- A "n- . . s. i ' 'vJ
w , :", n" y, wnere one of ass
can always be coBmited.
oigojoa City, October 13,I8;7.
x-bamk wao. - WruiAst m
Ward fc
C931MISS10" moi4jijr$
s. Curotimk:h a
Faaaal' fla.t
mrmwwi J4-WJZ -Til. ww,wt,
rijiiit. euuKTH smaamx 1
m. TiioRNToira school.
conmienco on Monday, October 11W
tinue eleven weak. AH tha '- - --
prised in n thoroagh English Hnntsae, ajai
S j miTT WKa aea'aaa 1
Needle Work, Urawinr. and PaJaafakr in
and in Water Colors. 'T
omci uteaUM wia ha haU.-arita. . sOr
lectnal ImproveineM f Qi nesnat sitaJaaeaT
rnoraai and manner. ItkMn. TaoratoaVaaiMjZ
make this a permanent Sehooi j and bar rnkmSmm
nndlongenencMateaaho,; euU WtolS
lh",lS.w,SlPT0 PwrsMWa. .. -' v
Pupils will bo charged fnan tho aha aT.ttnir asil
ing the. School, unuutlM !' v-- "- V..
HiaExceUency.GeowAhorBetliT, . W'h'Xfi
Hon. A. A. eUmm,: OtaM.CsaiJ '
ui. jnarcas vYhMaeasi .- . ..
CtMnimA IBiiV .'f?'
( Aii
Oregon City, October 4, 1847.
4Ms Yeat A, ir-mi '
fBJIHE uadeniffndhavinBanA
friendslutl ihmlrSmMf&JmmSmt
wins, aaa laiBBSBf BtSsBBV'' ABBBBh
noaring Augers, Balls, Gob W
pcnpuon una many otter ih
on as reaoouabn tamnarVl
CUclcaMC. J1V LS!ur?
TaJu--FWa J-aSiT
paM at the ilhlll 1 I 1 '
aom the HgM-to elMntanat,
.yygA. .hoirftv.
1 i!??'-' V"1 :snaBja
IS 'aSjaiaathltil
a .-.ITialaiMuSi,.!,
I'ny.fcy.aML.'. aJ..; .iM.iaJ,,
! III.' ""'" .I"H1 1. I..II.IW
. t.fl'l.wifc-TiMi1