Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, December 09, 1847, Image 2

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"CW,,Miirea's far form Wing discouraged
Tjr.isa ftussUii auooess ; for four days after
.tUttle DMr RataachJ, .4000 TacheUae
jyyi ' A .tHe Torek, carried the ouiposts
miUh. Daniel, at the head of 2000 of
ifMM troops aeat by Hobamy J, made an in
jrMyuouaMUawiiereiie bm been tight-
lM.RoirialMi.lJLtbp.Koiibcn. Masour
; &rhak&v!j1mtt agalast Russia, and
miM PWftw JfpWWxof the Abases.
sfehamyl to exhibiting wonderful energy, and
i preaching a holy jrar against tho Empo
wer Nicholases far aktfEreeroum. Notwith
ataaiing the most favorable bulletins issued
iY ft. Pctersburgh, it is evident that the
tale of affairs in Circassia at this time is
anything but favorable to Russia. N. Y.
The company tu etpakti by tho election of Ilea
ry A. G. Leo, Captalsn J. Magee. 1 Ueuleaaat
J. E. Re 8d LUoteeaat J. S. RUbmmm, OrdeHy
Seargat Stephen CaMaitag. J. II. MeMillss, O.
W. 8vage, ud Wm. Barry, Boargwrts i C. H. Dtt
endss Company's Commissary; W. M. CarpeeUr,
Surgeon. At 3 o'clock on the afternoon or Thsmay
the company assembled at the City Hotel, when they
wen preseated with an- appropriate flag , by
NaapiUi,iti behalf or. foe, Indies or Uregoa
an appropriate address. iiBptam lice, on uie part 01
the company, made an exceedingly happy reply upon
leceirlag the beautiful token of the patriotiam of tho
lorely donors.
In two houra after, the command had started, amid
tho firing of cannon and the cheer of assembled citi
sens. It speaks well for our city that iu lew than
twenty-four hours thisdetncluncnt wa raised ar.d had
started for the sccuo of action.
r. Hudson, raLvrca.
OnfH City, Jec. 19,1947.
CJWe hare delayed the publication of the pa
lter till the lateat moment, in order to lay before our
rwtdm all that we conld of the recent melancholy in
atfjgence and the consequence thereof. Wo aro tn
rewlr for the Dalles with Captain Lee and his excel
lent command and trust to be able to keep our readers
rally apprised of the tran.'pirstion of events.
c O8otne communications hare been necessarily de
fend UH our next, in consequence of the press of other
important matter.
CTWe understand that a petition to the Legislature
far the erection of a breakwater, at the head of the
rapids above the city, is now circulating for signa-
- Ijf isiTiTa. Tho House of RepreaentaitTec has
latea organized by the election of Robert Newell of
Gbampoeg as Speaker; CM. Cook, Clerk; J. E.
Lyle, Engrossing JClerk, and William Holmes, Bear
gist at Anns. The Governor's Memge was receiv
ed oa Wednesday morning ; it is a very excellent doc
awent and we shall take pleasure inspreading it be
sero our readers as roon .is wo shall reeeiro a copy.
A special Message from the Governor, (with accom
panying documents,) in relation to the recent outrages
ssBmitted by the Indians at Waiilatpu received by tho
House, oa tho same afternoon, wo subjoin.
E?"A Bill passed tho Legislature this morning, au-
Ihe Governor to iaeno his proclamation for
500 men by volunteer enlistment for the pur-
pas 'of chastising tho Indians engaged in the recent
korrid massacre at Waiilatpu.
QZTWo understand, from gentlemen from the Month
of the river, that our pilot Mr.Ilerve, after taking tho
bark Toulon safely out to nea, could not, unfortunately,
be landed, and has consequently continued on with that
Tfsscl either to the Islands or Culifomio. It appears
that when immediately on the bar, the pilot's boat with
its crew, which was lowing astern of tho Toulon hear
ly swamped. The wind was exceedingly strong though
favorable and the flood tide was setting in rapidly ; tho
bark had all her canvass spread and was making very
swift progress, whes Mr. Reeve saeiasj tho dsHM
his crew gave the orders to cut loose and follow , after
him as well as they were able. By the time the tilths
craft was boiled out and in sailing trim, the Toulon
had disappeared, according to tho statement of tho
crew, who after continuing on for a short distanco re
turned. Our pilot may psibly bo enabled to get
back cither in the Cowlitz or Henry, which vessel wo
look for by the lat of January. This circumstance,
however much to bo regretted we aro disposed to re
gard as only the "fortune of war," and nothing more.
Pilots from our Atlantic ports nrc frequently taken all
the way to Euiojw in cuiutqucuco of inability to get
back to jrt.
DjTThe following extract of a letter received from
Mr. McLnne, formerly editor of the "Platte Argns.'i
who has many friends in Oregon we gladly publiah :
" The St Louis Union, which took the place of tho
Reporter after Mr. Penn's death, is published by L.
Picker Ing (c Co. Link still publishes the I nquire?,1At
is no longer Stalo Printer, having bcci' displaced to
make room for Hampton L. Iloon & Den. Jl'ckrr.au,
who publish a paper called tho Metropolitan. You
Know lio gentlemen. The whigi, ai-Jed by John C
Calhoun nnd his tail, prevented the jumajjo of tho
Oregon territorial bill at the lart tcrn'on of Congress.
Calhoun it a crooked ttick. Ho is now renewing the
game he attempted umlcr General JuckMn's adminis
tration, and wilLas signally fuil. Tell our friends iu
Oregon to bo of good chetr to tland fast, nnd turn
neither to tho right or left, from the noble purpose of
making their beautiful country one of tho great family
of sovereign States. By this course, they will defeat
the aim of those who, by throwing obstacles in the
j way, expect to irrituto you, and gain their object by
inducing you to set up for yourselves. I feel confident
Ohkoon City, Dec. 8, 1847.
GKNTitouNIt is my painful duly to lay
1110 inoioscu communication boioro your
Honorablo Body. They will givo you tho
particulars of the horrible maataoro commit
ted by tho Cayuae Iadiana on tho residents
at waiilatpu. This is ono or tho most dis
tressing circumstances f that has occurred in
our Territory, and ono that calls for imino-
atato aua nromni action. 1 ain swam tn
rbieet this case fuiidji will-to required, and
suggost tho propriety of applying to tho Hon.
Hudson's Hay Company and the Merchutils
of this placn for a loan to carry out whatev
er plnn you may fix upon. 1 jmvn no doubt
but tho expensed unending this ufTiir will 1h
promptly met by tho United States Gcvern
mc'nt. Tho wives nnd children of tho murdered
persons, Ilcv. Mr. Sjinuliliiignnd family, am
escort to convey tlicin to n place of safety.
I imvo tho honor to remain, O'etitlemcn,
lour ob'tscrvunt,
To the Hon. Legislative i
Assembly ef Oregon.
hut nioro csjicoially at tho Ooolor's nlacn
whore ho attended upon tho Indians. About
80 souls, of (ho Cuyuse trilw dicjd, ono after
another, who ovcntually'beliovod tho Doctor
poisoned them, and in which opinion they
were unfortunately confirmed by ono of the
Doctor's party. As far as I ha vo been able
to learn, this has been tho solo causo of the
dreadful butchery.
In order to satisfy any doubt on that point,
it is reported tho thoy reaucntod tho Doctor
lo nduilnifitor medioino to three 'of their
friends two of whom wero really sick, but
the third only feigning illnons, and that I ho
three wero corpses next morning.' After
they wero buried, mid while the Doctor's
men wero employed slaughtcriiig ait ox, the
luilitini camu ou by one to lii'i house, with
their nrniH coneenlcd under their blnnkcts,
nnd hcmi! U nHtcinbled, coiiiiihiilciI firins
all others who may be in tho upper count n, on those r.lnulitoriny tho unimnl, and In a
should at once bo proffered assiMuncc, niid tin , moment tin I looter's house wan surrounded.
1 lie Doctor tmil a voting bid brouglit up by
himself, wc re hhot in tiio hotiho. His lady,
Mr. itognrs and the children hud taken ref
ugc iu tlio gnrret, but wero dral'ued down
nnd ilisutitclied (excepting tho ulutdren) out
side, whoro their Indies wero loft exposed.
It is reported that it was not their intention
to kill Mr. Rogers, i:i coneueiico of an a-'
vowul to tho following effect, which he is
8uid4o Imvo made, niulwliloh noUdug but a
dcdiro to save his lifo could have prompted
mm to 110. lie paid "I wns ono ovciun" Iv-
Fonx Vancouvhh, 7th Deo
' Sir Hating received intelligence Inst
night by special express, from Walla Walla
s-if I tin find fllnlintl C tltn Xliusinnnsii m,.
ment nt Waiilatpu, by tho Cay use Indians of '',' Jo"'", ml I overheard the Doctor telling
that place; we hapten Jo communieate tho 'l(iV 'r Spaulding that it wm best you
particulars of thnt drcudful event, one of the, should bo nil po!oued ut once, but tllut tho
most attrocious which durkens tho aunul.s of 'u,l(''" til 'dm it was bct.t to continue slowly
Indian crime. (and cautiously, nnd betntcn this and spring
Our lamented friend Dr. Whitman, hij,,10t a txiul would remain, when they would
nmiablo and accomplished lady, with nine '"k0 Ksesioii of your lands, cattle, and
other pcrbons ha vo fallen victims' to tho furj liorhe."
of theso remorseless bavages, w ho appear to These aro only Indian retwrts, and no per
have been instigated to this appaling crime " -' believe the Dix-tor capable of such
by a horrible suspicion which had tukinpos."11 action, "without being as Ignorant and
session of their superstitious minds, iu cou-,,,nital ns tho Indians themselves. Ono of
sequence nf the number of deaths from dys.' the murden rs 11 if. having been mudo no.
entery and measles, that Dr. Whitman wrw miamtcd with tlio above utmerstnnimig, plwt
silently working tho destruction of their
tribe by administering poisonous drugs under
the semblance of sululury medicines.
With a goodness of heart und tcuevolenco
truly his own, Dr. Whitman had been la.
bonus incessantly smco the nnnenrnnco of
tho measles and dysentery among his Indian the establishment I ijio preK(red to give them
converts, to relievo their sufferings, and such ' a warm reception ; the gates nro closed day
jias boon tho reward of his generous lubors. ul,(i m'ht, und bastions in rradiness. In
Acon'of Mr. Mellean'.s letter herewith, :-'ompany with'Mr. Munsou's two sons was
will givo you all the particulars, known to l"'e"t a young Idilf breed Lad, brought up by
Mr. Rogers.
It is well understood that
wero lost and three wounded.
mored thoy are to iiiuko nh atlntjk iijion t
Fort; let them come ! if theyvill not list
to reason: tlioueli 1
mvo ou
eleven lives
It is also ru
y live men at
us, of this iudiscribably painful event.
Mr. 0"dcn with n htronir nartv will leave
this place as soon as possiblo for Walla Wal- ' this horrildo butchery, nro Tulocpj
?vent further ovil; nndjs0" 'g nelly, lumsucliy, bsticu
Ii . tf 1 . . is
uoetor t iimrian tnoy are an iiero utnl
have "ot over their friulit. 'J'ho ririL'-leadern
uoit, hta
In, to endeavor to prevent further ovil: nndiso"i Dig Dully, Tumsuchv, Esticus, Tou-
wo beg to hUffgcst to you tho propriety of moulish, oVc. 1 understand from tho inter
taking instant measures for tho protection of' prefer thnt they wero making ono commoa
Thu houses were stripped of ovcry thing
in tho shape of property, but when they came
tho llcv. Mr. Spaulding ; who for the .sakc of.
his family, ought to abandon tho Clear Wa
ter Mission without delay, nnd retiro to n
that tho next Ccn.TeM will do lis dutv In l),i
m . a ... . . ... I - - o
u ayposea inai me ooremor win issue ins proc- . Jndc,di x know ,. , f . n-n-u, vo!m
' ! t l. I I.. ?s ?". , it -f a t .
tarnation imcaediately n'pon his rArarronr Vonoon
ver for which place he started at 10 o'clock this wom
Jaf in company with the commissionrs appointed lo
negotiate a loan for the prosecution of the war.
UUpon the reception of tlm special message on
Wednesday afternoon, the House immediately passed
the following resolution submitted by Judge Nesmith,
Rttoltti, That the Governor be and is hereby au
Acrized and required to raise a company of riflemen,
Mt to exceed 50 men, rank and tile, and despatch
Item forthwith to occupy tho Mission Station at tho
Calls, oa the Colombia river, and retain said statiou
eatil they can be reinforced or other measures taken
by the Government
The Governnralled the citlaens together in tho
vstilng and after the statement of tho objects of
' tie meeting and some forcible and earnest remarks
fifom, Judge Nesmith, Messrs. Lee, Barlow, and others,
fca-earo!lment of the First Company of Oregon Rifle
)asmcernaioed. The following named bravo gen
HaaaM constitute this company 1
JaatpkB. Proctor, J. 8. Sineanon, The, Pnrres,
H. A. G. Lea, J. Magooe, A. J. Thomas, George
Waatby, DenJ. Braitoa, Bamuel K. Barlow, Wm. Ber-
af, Joba Bolton, George More, Henry W. Coe,
WJpsun Wckman, Edward Robson, Andrew Wise, D.
Avewa, O. Kkhardseo, J. E. Boss, Isaac WalgamoU,
g. Jl Jaeksoa, Jacob Wltchey, John Fleming, J. II.
,HeMllton,JohaO. Danford, W. M. Carpenter, Lu-
'sssi Xasii Jno. G. Gibson, B. B. Rogers, Joel
KaJCoe, U. Laralley.O. W. Savage, J. W. Morgan,
l&.Keewartli. O. Tuppsr, Jacob Johnson, R.S.
Tvper, StoahMi Cummlngs, C. H. Devendsrf, A. C.
IU, Joba Hiaer, Geo. W. Weston.
nation is heard in its couusels. " Oregon" and " kridti-
alion" will be the leading measures of the next seitton,
unless the old federal cemeteries are opened for a whig
" Tho war is still progressing, and I think near its
conclusion. I have dates from Vera Cruz to April G.
At that time, General Scott was in full possession of
the city and castle. General Twiggs, with 3000 pick
ed men, had started for the city of Mexico, and Scott
would follow In a few days after, with the malu army.
i hey will probably reach Uie city without serious op
position. A revolution was progressing in the city of
Mexico. Tho print party, vorsus the government
tho lint named, refusing longer to furnish the ' ready.'
Santa Anna was sold to be near Jala pa. His present
object not known. Ills army mostly disbanded after
his defeat by Gen. Tuylor, near Buena Vista. Taylor
has full possession of the country from Saltillo to tho
Rio Grande. Our arms ara triumphant in New Mexi
co. The crowning act there, was tho late capturo of
Chihuahua by CoL Doniphan. ' ;
" I am proud to say, that Democracy Is in the as
cendant. Tho Independent Treasury and lo tari'f,
aro working admirubly. Gold is literally Sowing up
the Mississippi. Hemp brings f 90 per ton In St. Louis;
wheat 80 cents per bushel ; corn 5 cents, and ether
produce in like proportion. Mr. Polk's adwinlstration
is deservedly popular with all except those who would
rather see the country go to the d I, than pusfir n
der Democratic measures. Remember JM.te at) my
old friends. I wish I could jobs yen; bat if tats can
not be, I shall always pray for U welfare of lbs so.
plo of Oregon. Your friend,
confident , :" ; "v -v - " -----, r.r.v, 7
i resjn.ee P'00 ' MfUy os ho ennnot remain nt that " divide tho sjwil, they fell out among i
ortlw '0,c tation without imminent risk, in tin- solves, and all ugreed lo put back-thotti
fi&U PrcDtcciUul,,aiidJrritablp.s,tat9.Qfjj)oIi.ty. 1 om hatipy to stale tho Walla
dian population.
1 have (he honor to bo, Sir,
Your mostobedient servant,
Fout Nsz PEncES, 30th Nov. 817.
To tub Hoard op Management:
Gentlemen It is my painful task to make
you acquainted with horrid massacre which
took plaoo yesterday at Waiilatpu, about
wlticli i was first apprised cany tjus morning
by un American who had escaped, of tho
namo of Hall, and who reached this half na
ked and covered with blood. As ho started
at tho onset, tha information I obtained was
not satisfactory. Ho, howevor. assured mo
that tho Doctor and another man wore killed,
but could not toll mo tho persons who did it,
and how it originated.
I immediately determined on sending my
interpreter ah'd one man to "Dr. Whitman's
to find out tho truth, and if possiblo to res.
cuo Mr. Mansan's two sons, and any of tho
aunrfrera. it so happened that boioro the in
tcrpreter had proceeded half way, tho two
boys wero met on their way rutliox escorted
by Nicholas Finlay, it having been previous
ly settled among tho Indians that these boys
should not bo killed aa also tho American
womon and children. Pcloquoit is tho Chief
wno rocoommonucd this measure. I pre
sumo you aro well acquainted that fovcr and
dysentery has beon raging hero, and in this
vicinity, in consequence or wnten a groat Dear Sir A Frenohman from Walla
uumuwsi luuians tmvo ueort.swej away, j walla arrlred at my place on last gatuxtjej
had no hand in tho whole busineW-Ihcv
wero all tho Doctor's own people, (tho Cr.y.
uses.) Ono Amioricun shot another and took
tho Indian's partj to savo his own lifo.
Allow mo to draw a veil over this dread
ful affair which is too painful to dwell upon,
and which I havo explained conformably to
S St IrlMtMSlI Atm VAAhiliAil iin.1 aIal - - 11.1!.
iiiivtiiiuuuM icuuivcu, uiiu wiiu ajrinpuiuizing
feollngs. , p
1 remain, with much respect, Gentlemen,
Your most olw't hum. sorr't.
N. D. I havo just learnt that the Cayuaos
aro to bo hero to-morrow to kill Serpent Jaune
tho Walla Walla chief. W. McB.
Names of those wuo wt.be Kiluo.
1 Doctor Whitman
2 Mrs. Whitman,
3 Mr. Rogors,
4 Mr. Hofman.
,5 Mr. Sanders, (Schoolmaster.)
u xnr. usuorne, (Uarpontbr.)
7 Mr. Marsh,
10 Mr. Cannold,(Dlaoksmlth.)
ii rar. ., Bailor.;
Besides three that wore wounded, more orOu-Ij
loss, Messrs. -Hall, Kemble, and aaetaer v i
wnose namo i cannot icarn. w . mod.
Fobt Vancoutkr, Not. 4, 1647.
fj iz.ftii,.iiJ'. A: