Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, November 25, 1847, Image 3

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OTSiS Mssa
1 ', W:
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB ,tir.y
I ,
iii Now York, Boston, Philadelphia and Bal.
timore during January , February and March
to tliuir friends in Ireland, amounted to littlo
abort of 1, 000,000.
Tlio American Pcaeo Society have oflbred
a premium of $ fl00 for tho bent caaay on the
Mexican wur.
( Thb Mission i.n China. Tho aflair of tho
I'Vcuch Mission in China has been settled.
And tho French Consulate at Canton in sup.
pressed. A French Charge d'affaires is ap.
pointed to tho Celestial Empire,. Fourth
llouert has been nominated to tho post ; ho is
to rcsido at Canton, wliero tho Viceroy re
idea, tho legal representative of tho Empo.
rur of Cliiua towards the Europeans. If
foreign agents arc admitted into Pckin, tho
Kruneh representative is to tako the title of
Envoy ' Extraordinary and Minister Pleno.
potehtiary to the Chincso court. An inter,
iircter, a secretary and u chancellor, aro to
to attached to tho Mission. M. Lefevro do
Uieoitrt, F reach Consul at Canton, has been
appointed Consul General at Manila. M.
I'abrc, Consular agent at Manila, has been
appointed Consul at Santiago, in tho Island
of Cuba, uairJM. da Montigny hat bocu ap
Kiintcd Consular ugent at Shanghai.
Tlio following is the account given in tho
JJoIctitn do Goveruo, of tho attack on tliu Co
vhin.Chiiief.o by the French vessels of war u
"To.diiy tho French Frigate La Glairc,
commanded by Captain Lapierrc, Coiumo.
doro on die Chinese Nation, anchored in tho
roads. They camo from Cocliiu-Cliina,
where provoked by the authorities, and hav
ing found among tho papers of tho master of
u boat visited by the barge of tho Frigate, an
order by the Governor to attack the frigato
itml tho corvctto Victori'-Ubo, when tho Com
mudoro should go on shore to hold a confer
fiico with an envoy from the king, whero he
was to be assassinated together with those
who accompanied him. 'I he Commodore at
tacked and destroyed flvo Cochin. Chincso
vessels which were prepared to fight tho
French. It appears that in leas than half an
hour, three of tho vessels wero on fire, and
two lowered their flags. Tho corvette only
lost one scamao.and had one wounded, al
though she had sustained a brisk fira from
the vessels and tho fort, an honor which she
ho owed to tho circumstance of her draw-
ins less water than the frigate, whose Cap
tain pays many culogiuins to tho Captain
und crow of the Victoriouso. The object of
the mission was to solicit tho King Tor tho
same toleration thut has been granted byjho
Emperor of China to the Catholic religion.
(&h Russia tho jwlicc have forbidden all
trade or manufacture of cotton fowdkb. Tho
ostensible reason is its dangerous character.
In Prussia the artillery committco havo con
demned the new invention on nearly tho naino
ground upon which it was rejected in Eng
land. In France, on tlio other hand, constant
experiments are being mado to apply this
new articlo to warlike weapons. 1 ho pro.
gross mado in tho manufacture is already a
Kufficiont answer to tho principal objections
brought against tho original invention ; ana
it is quits probable that it nwyyot bo shown
that tho English and Prussian committees
havo been altogether too hasty in their con
damnation. Tha schoolmaster of Gen. Taylor, thoclic
roof tho lato brilliant victories ovor-a great
ly superior forco of tho Mexican army, re
sides in tho town of Preston, near Norwich,
Connecticut. The news of 'Gcnv Taylor's
bravery enkindles in tho old gentleman's bo
soma dogrro of patriotism which causes him
to enter Into tho subject of our difficulties
with Mexico, with all tho ardor of youth, and
to look with patriotic interest for whatovor
may relate to tho glory and fume of one, who
when a lad, was placed undor his caro and
Instruction. ' His namo is Elisha Burns, and
lio speaks of Zaohary as being a smart boy,
who gave promiso of usefulness, and relates
with much satisfaction various incidents and
anecdotes connected with tho family.
(KrThe colebratod painting of the "Do
parture of tho Israelites'' was nearly destroy,
ud by fire, in New Orleans recently. It was
valued at $10,000 and insured but for a
small portion of that sum.
OSrTho total value of exports from Jtoe.
ton and Charleston to foreign ports during
tho year 1846 waa t8,247,834. The ioe
exported during the yoar was valued at 906.
(ill ; domestics at 1,000,000, and bread.
fituffattl,06MQ1. .
When General Taylor was a young man,
says the 'Louisville Journal, he and an elder
brother, William, long since dead, swam iron
tho Kentucky shore across tho Ohio river to
tho Indiana shore, and back again, without
resting. Thb feat was performed In the
month of March, when tho river was swol
len and chill. It greatly surpassed the fa.
mous cue of swimming tho Hellespont, which
is about a mile across, and of delightful tern,
peraturc. The Taylors were not accompa
nied by a boat, ia Byron was when he swam
tho Hellespont, which makes all the sflfeW
enco in the world. One winter, when Gen.
Taylor was stationed at Prairie du Chien, he
used to walk every inorning from his lodg
ings to tho barracks without a great coat,
when tho thermometer was forty degrees be
low zero.
Gen. Taylor Ampudia has at least dis
covered that ho waa a Tailor who understood
well how to tako his measures, and that tho
officers and army under his command had
shown to the Mexicans and to tho world that
they perfectly understand tho art of making
0tr fend trirl in order to nrevent hir tnv.
or from going to tlio war, throw a basin of
iiui waicr 'jh ins tooi ine uay ueioro nis com-
Eany (the Cincinnati Grays) was to march.
!ut ho bound up his walker, and marched
with the rest, tho poor girl declaring that she
" meant it all in kindness."
ftSTAn old man. who had been dmarifiillv
hen-peeked all his life, was visited on his
acatn-ucn by a clergyman. The old man ap
peared very indifforcnt, and the parson tried
to arouse him ty talking of the King of Ter.
rors. " Hout, tout, mrn, I'm not scar't. The
King of Terrors I I've been living six and
thirty years with tho Queen of them, and the
King canna bo rnucklo waur."
OCT Two Yankees took lodgings for about
ten days, at a tavern in Lancaster county,
and fared sumptuously, drinking two or three
bottles of wine daily. Tho last day a dis
pute arose about the speed of their horses :
they at last agreed to enter on the " profita
ble contest." The landlord was appointed
judge, each being the rider 'of his ewa horse.
When they were mounted, the judge, like
those at the Olympic games, gave tho words
one, two, three and "oo." Off they went,
and havo never been seen or heard of since,
leaving the landlord fully compensated by
having had the honor to bo their judge.
Tub Coquette. No woman is a coquetto
by nature, blie is mado so only by circum
stances and self-protection. This may bo
affirmed, and would doubtless bo proved by
tho history of every coquette, who has prac
tised thoughtlessly, or even with pretty ma
liciousness, her arts of deception.
Wo havo always pitied the mistaken girl
who endeavored to trifle with right thought
and pure feelings. In her conduct wo have
read tho history of one who was familiar
with that grief which cankercth ; who knew
of the loneliness which is added to desolation
who had poured out tho gushing streaxs of
iilo's earliest and best affections upon one
who was unworthy and was now proud of
Ini MPrnw nnrl nlmnat vtn1fr.4lvA In Ita. wav!
talliation upon tho world. Let it not' bo sup.
posed that ono liko this is tho heartless thing
sho seems : there lives ono green spot in her
memory, watered though it may bo by tears,
and kept verdant with tho dows of.griof,
whero thought represses oft, and where af
fection retires to weep over violated pledges,
and broken mementoes of faithlessness.
Terrible Rumor. It is rumored that the
ladies are about adopting gun cotton, Vor
"bustles." Several bachelors havo been V
larmcd, and daily expect to bo blown up.
Shako a bustlo, and a coal of fire, at a re
f rectory husband, and he immediately "cornea
." Tho "lords of creation" aro done.
ther Era eraatad tha aHsaiHy tt'Wt&tlmg
that Maefal gams sat flatted a start,) W aba
mm of Adam, thjreaare, Hiatal jpmimhmt
aaufhters to war Utoa."
at aettos MMMrsmtw ajiili I
aw Mr. Iiajias Stork Jr. aad an adftfeM
to ahead to h
Oregoa OMy, Nsv.fi,
fltaHAassMl Meats ef stomsaNfcssaf w
Ami,U,m. wU MU m
uiesaisir. 1947. at sat taosse sr
tfcagea Friatiag
Tv4 MasnMM
Orogoa City, Nov. 7th 1847.
IHEIEBY Uiitiuiwitnmm
latrailsg apoa a- la say way whatever is
isff with aay part or parcel of let No. Bead
7,aUoekNa, l.as tmmi
tswaaf OnpaCKy.
hi HsllaayHstufta
Owyw City. Nor. 18, 1847.
8. IL L. MSK.
Jbh ParilblM
ffJtHE sseoad No. t taa Nsia stnot
JL aer of Msia aa4 aW era
City, is aw rtsdy tm tatfssaea, wboro tbo asajsis.
tor still contia-Mo to fiai-ai tto awt seiisnaitiwi ia
his powofto both Mas aad Boost sad ckaigso asifclaff
ataH, jwm ksow tbo rt.
Taon m ttuwtg atueboa to um grtsMM-aust
cioat to aeeoauaoaato 180 Horns. A fcw No. 1
8tvtMUUoawoaatu4 at al Ksmo sai wal 00 lot or
I sul eoatiauo to boy asTtaiaffUiot aaoaooko
waats. S. W. MOM.
OregoaCity, Nor. 18, 1847. 31 tf
Fauras t ke Iiet.
a THIS sBtoerBer win, for the tamtam year,
lot 70 or 80 acres of bis farm, oHoaio oa tbo
CUcksBMs river, two niles (tarn Oregoa City,
which knd is ready foe seediac .
Tbo uade-otaMd woold iaform tbo pabUe that be te
trads to engage bt tho rasaafsetaro of FANNING
MlbLH, sad ay um am day ofOetober aoit. wal
have soBM far sale, and by the aext hamot will bo
eaabled toaaosly say doauad for tbo articlo that assy
f; C. CA40N.
. 8pC 11, 1847170
ffJIHE MtnmmtmMMM tm for sals m
M.m waowsshtoaws, at tbia- saa la Oregoa Qty,
Haa, MisiiIiIbi tVUiae, " CaaaaMss
do EoesM. Bolsariaos, Mssias, Lawas, bmra aad
bleached Cettoas, Cassbries, Tattaa aad aot wool
8bawls,Caaioa Flaaad, ladles aad nilawsBoitoaHaw,
wake aad colored, eottoa aad ss Hsadberohhai,
Mohair Mkajbosttoaoad lace Capo, laceHgsaraad
Iaeeitioa,CssiaMne, Das 8kia Usasbioeas7T
MfUuotn, Soger, Ceflee, Natawgs, groaad Pepper
sua uwger, wasie aaa epersi uu, bok, ac ac.
Crockery Waure.
DidMe, Fktos, Caps aad gaacen, Chiaa Tea Setts,
Bowk, Mage, Fitchew, phla aad cat gUoj TnmWrts,
Csetort,'Ssa, ac.
Fuiitsrt, '
Buretns, Bedetoade, Chairs, VYriUsg Doske, kdW
Worh-lwaoi, Took bo; Olsssto, ae. .
saaaWal HasV sasaV sHmMPBpvV aBaWsBWaWBaraaw THP BSHsbbbsV' A J-M
WWsW Way WswIlT jBaaal aWaMsBtt Wfwffjjf 'Isffi'tffP '!
HpsW -,W aSBsaMR f gfgpsV wawoy saiwaw WawaBBMyTWaW PV'f
ctrfflJCsLi1' "" 'w.;?5v ? Jnm V"4
Ofogoa Cay, eat R47. , ' , - -fW-. .j
tofoeo, Feat, ! Maj eW eWTTTT-''i ' M
t Y '
4ft ,1 BLff 1 K V f UaAJiwWja
T ww mvmw4- --- s "iitTi
1 """mmmmmmMmmammmmmmfmmmmmWmmmmm
war aTaCKITMD aai aaaatfaa'ams
Kswaajr ami 1
White Bed Q,
r aai Uga a aWaoi'atea sak '-
"T"--j -fTitiuij-tl liaiTTaali
Aariaf imx Jalk aeaat aaal' IdassesVOlBV
Crooaorjr aaa usooas Wssst Fastfaaa 'eVaalsa
J .
30 acres of whiehki
am sfiasaeeoaaai oeoraaoa aaaaa'i
-" g - - - - -
MMgsjf SajaW
aaaeas a nilsi aMa
ThJswesBi iiaisi MiidhaaaasaM-
aaMavaaaW laaVaBlWVVBBBBBBVk .A. gassgMajh4ai
er a saw
letof begswaBaewiee
7isi Baaasaaaswisiaaaa w .
For farther ieaaraaaaaa aaasvihfleoa. aaffB.OaF
cheetag aalaajtnniliilshaa
10 ii, vip! ajsjt
.W M m
, w. . 1-thw ea.
rATSflanaai a
gffhBJgfJBf- Wh
"iBI b
Uavb fersMi a faeBaaaab farbjojsaafJso of
mil Trial meal is s-ssii oa ii 1 1
VWyjWs) aiBrvlVBVTo
tlcnceiorth we commenco a
history of tho world.
now era in the
09" A rooster was flogged recently in Con
necticut for crowing on Sunday. ,
Save Jack to 8am, "let's go and ship
Oa board, the Mexican to whip."
San Ham, "bat first I wfftt to know
If Hie to Vera Cms we sot
They say the castle's very otresg,
The fight wia be bouYhard aad long.
Says Jack, "that is, for glory' sake,
The trry cntim I wish to take,1
Plaaes, Bales, baad aad back Saws, Sad baas,
Ouels, Uceteo. TrsMCbaiBe.Beha.NaUB. Safe.
oatpeaterCeaipaaws, Rason, Head Vleee,-FHes,
rooaot aad roa aUlree, Table Kairee aad Forae,
SchoMS. Fadwcks. cheat and doer Loakx. Gtoibta.
naajrtoiBatde, Braes Naiks Percaadea Caps, Saaeo
raas, Boaews, ateaeariag Tapes, Axee, Uatoaotf,
Spoke Shares, Sleelrarda.Skorel aad Toage, Wood
Screws, Brooeo aad BiUs, Iroa Spoeas, Powder Flasks,
ShetBelis, Shows, Haad Bea. acT ,
Tlai Water. V
Six aad km qaart Ceteo Fete, fear eiait FaHs,
Straiaers, Caps, Graton, Seoops, CaReaSn, Waoh
Baaiaa, gUmawn, JTdk Paso, Dipp on, Taaaek,Caa.
dtoMoakasTea Caddies, Neno Laaps, Briiaaaia
Tea Fete, ac '.
Boots suai BTmi.
ladies peg aad sewed Boots, Kid ma toaads, ehB.
drea'e peg Boots, boyo alp Brogaa's, tea's thick
Boots, bmb's kip Boots, ac
Mea's aad boy's Beaver Hals, Clocks, CooUaf
Stores aad foBael, Soops, Wiadow Glala, DataS
Ureas, ac
oregoa City, March 17. 1847 . , tf
11HE uadoialgaed hereby grros 1
toad to BotiUoa the aext leeM
erost a breakwater Bear the head eitbaf
Um etty, with oae or sasro bwkajler
sore ooaveaioat pasoage of hoala.1
Oregoa Clty.'Nor. II, 1847-illf V '
h vv. nu pvtwf rw w boos oesapaj
B, Wwho lo hereby aatborieed & all as,
aaaaas for aad agalast said 0 wpaaay ,., ft '
Oregoa Crty, N,or. 4, 1847. tl It
by tow b
eaa always baaoasaaMt: "
OiQaCfr. October M. 1847. , Ifaf
FaajarWaaa. WsuiiM.4-mi
WfJifcffailk, -V .
J. tm OMKTOira acmZtLFL
TimmHTOira mmf!tiw hi aab"'slaypsl
.otTaT b . .
rsaianats oa Maaday,
Haaw.awvoa wsoha, Alike
pneea ma UMSsagh Eaeah
this Ttbiil tisTiin lT
noeoM wers Onwaw; aastFaaaaaal hi'
ZA"ZmZwmmL.. . "7 ' ,
mMHwiiMi wai as
aaaaac at
l ty
twaa, ast aai as'tha , toad.
" Jeraooa deaajato
" I mrif aad asj psat
ywi'U9" saataaahor, csaU aatla
UywidgarrisaMaair Tk TT
. !VNtaoth-aWa.-a-v
lagaMBoaeoi, aatal tha olaeo at aha aakdoai: lb
tarihot yartleahm, fcajaha of Mat ThawiaF -
. BBraaaacaa. ''"V 8v s.
HbFls.Gftkraafty, . .,
" A. nuaaar,' -.QeiasKGsv,
OifMCIry,Oa4oaaritaTr . V7
- . ri
Z ""'OMSBsaaaaBM-MooiBB-
OTfBJMSM MfittsM9 MeaMMaaWa aaam
asMssr eld w22rW2f1tllff5 W
H Taf.aBsalaasaajaMaaaaaSSlifflB
r' - aMpaas) aai asaasr aitHwaMaMeMaaCLXTSBKf i
MaWJfers- !? JI?"?". 1mmmmi JlMaBaaaaaraaBaaaaBMalta '. '3d
taetaalorsad "i"V"tJsB. yMOMaTMB ft.CSBTaaaaV'' , im
" mmTrrn7m aajBaWayaafej)iia 9
"TJ'.'i F""" f " aaseaaak BWeaaaartEaBsW law Tm
eecro tha cUat to dasaBaaeBaTTr JsTTrS :.W
Tifgw"itf. ...w - ..iSZvi m
. &HmXmmmmmWWjM
ImKmWmW! M
. .. $ dAi&BBaaaaaaaal
i.' -' , Ki.i Ji'i-'"-' . it t . iVjMXti. w'jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa