s ift'W'u 'vyg "Ti-i -?fr : 5SJ til I I 11 when Santa Anna mw that his all depended upon hit breaking Gen. Taylor' lino, and xitonuing of Bragra battery ofalx pounder, which had boon pouring death and destmc lion Into hi rank all day, he ordered ono desperate- charge, of about five thousand in fantry, upon the battery. .Brawl saw them approaching, and fearful, from the over, whelming number, that he might lose hi piece, prepared to take a mora defenceable iMMition . The eagle eye of the gallant Capt. Mansfield, of the Engineer Corp, aaw, at a glance, that tho fate of the day depended upon Bragg' holding hi notttioa. He im mediately rode Up to Gm Taylor, (who, from hi position, had notobaervod the movement,) explained the oiraumtanee to him, and then Haiti, 1 beseech of you, ir, that you will not allow the battery to move!" "No, air! no nir! not at all!'' said tho General. "Tell him not to movo one inch, but to give them grape and canister." While Bragg was (laying them, right, led and centre, Gen. Taylor quietly rodo up be hind him without being observed, and in an undertone ofvoico said, "A little more grape, Capt. Jiraggf" Those few words so com pletely inspired him and his men, that they fired with redoubled vigor, and the result xfiow the effect of "a utile more grape." N. O. Tropic. Europe and Amkhica. Tho aggregate public debt of Europe i about five thousand million of dollar, tho annual interest on which is about two hundred and fifty millions of dollars. This latter sum is taken year ly from tho industry of the working classes, in tho nhapo of tuxes, ond paid away to the fund holdnra, who nro nearly all an idle, re. fined, luxurious race. In addition to this vast drain on industry, there istlro rant cluss nf Government officer, from sovereign down to soldier, who also livo in idleness, and con. Mime nearly as much, without contributing unylliing to actual production. Here is an annual drain upon Europe of $500,0(10,000 or more, which has been created under tho genius of finance, aiding and assisting the existing Governments in their wars, pageants and other movements of the system of socio. ty. In tho meantime, during the last thirty years, the different imputations have been in creasing, till in certain portion of the conti nent, auoh a Belgium, PraneeV'and Ireland, tho means of subsistence is unable to support tlio pcoplo of partiuulttr-ilistricts. This new crisis of human society has been hurried on by tho failure of tho potato. The pro.spcct ahead is worse than tho realities of tho past. Europe, hercaAcr, will annually rvtjUiro nn increasing quantity of food from some other country to supply tho growing deficiency. This can only bo got from America from tho United Stutc from the great north.west of the Union, (into work, therefore, plant corn and sow wheat, tor tho oriod has como when tho accumulated wealth of a thousand years the gold, silver and jewels of Europe r must cross the Atlantic, and tako up thoir residenco in the great west. During the last three thousand years tho precious met als and stones of tho world havo traveled from the east to tho west from Hindostan to western Europe. This law of movement is produced by the laws that regulato tho el omenta of population, industry, civilization and luxury. Tho great movement has bo gun to cross the Atlantic, and nothing can Htop itf .till all the wealth of Europe that is portable will find a home in North America. Betmett'i Letter. Thb Cost of War. Tho expense ofthis country, in specie, of tho revolutionary war, wascKtimatcd at about 135,000,000. Be tween the years of 1770 and 1,781, Congress issued f 357,476,241 of continental, or pa. per money, which during that timo, depre ciated to a vory low standard. In addition lo this issue Congress obtained, a loan from Holland of over 4,000,000. Tho war of 1812 cost this country between 100 and 150 millions of dollar. m Singular Mabiuaoe. A widower at Camden who was not very young, becamo . smitten'with a young and beautiful girl, and v inarrTed hor. A short tlmo after, the son of this man by a former wlfo, becamo also in love, not with a younger person, but with tho mother of thofathor'anew wifo, a widow lady still in ,tho bloom of lifo. He offered himself, and soon the young man and tho wld. ow wore united in tho bonds of matrimony, so that in consequonco of these two connection', a father became the son-in-law of hi own sop, and the wife not only the daughter-ln la of her own son-in-law, (nit still more, the daughter-in-law of her own daughter; wMkk the husband or tie latter U UM father-in-law of.hi own mother-in-law, and father-in-law to hl0wn father. Singular confusion may arise, if children should spring from the peculiar marriages. & Cuaika Ham. The foilowb metbb is aid to be unexoelled; For 1001k. of meat taktt 5 pints good molasses (or 6 Ibs.brbjrn sugar) 0 oxi siltDe'fre, 8' lbs. rock salt, J gallons water, ana boil over a gentle Ire': kirn off the froth or sown as It rise. Boil till aH the salt is dissolved. Pack your Rams with the shank end down. When tho piokle is entirely cold, pour it over the ham. Let them, remain in the pickle from two to aix weeks, according to tho size of tho piece and the state of the weather more time be ing required in cold than in warm weather. Beef or mutton hams, or tongues intended for Hinoking and drying, may be cured accord ing to this modo and will be found excellent. df mrfvcKr jkawsIcTiiTi" iHim -, ur Ijmm y Casks smsssst' Bmsbk Bkmte Mat! Im4k mtmL. ster aadLsl SwssssKMea'saAMlsfers Hate aad sift, as aettoa TllE ADVANTAOF.S or BEINO BOBN WITH two heads. "Judy, have yo seen the chil dor wid two heads ?" "Divil a bit. Is it alive ho is, Mr. Mul lowny V "Troth, no : they kape him in whiskey. Judy." "Faix, it's well it's not the like o' you, Mr. Mullowny. It's the ruination o' mo to kopo yo in whiskey wid one head, and if ye had two och ! but ye'd bust up the show man, clean sure!" "Be asy, Mrs. Mullowny ! 'Two heads is betther than one, any day that's in the bible. And, sure, if I'd been born wid two heads when I was young, I know what I'd be afther doing, honey ! "What's that, you fool iv the world V "Troth, I'd let my sins, whether of omis. sion, or cormission, Mrs. Mullowny, all rest snug enough on one iv my beads, and go to heaven wid the other!" OBe content as long as your mouth is full and your body warm remember the poor kiss the pretty girls don't rob your neighbor's ben roost never pick a printer's or an editor s pocket, nor havo an idea they are going to treat kick dull care to the douco black your own boots, and pay for your own newspaper. OCT A vilo wit says, that man being the only animal that laughs, docs so because he has no tail to shako when ho is pleased. ArrolNTNBXT ST TUB OOTHXOB, OCTOIEB 18. William K. Kilbob, Treasurer of Cluckama County, Tice John II. Couch, resigned. Marine Intelligence CLCABKD. Oct 19th. Sailed tbe bark "Whlton, Gekton, for San FrsMisco and Panama. . 33d. " " brig Henry, W. K. Kilborn, for San Francisco and Oahu. MARRIED On Sunday the 2-tth hut, in Cham poeg County, at the house of Rice Doniab, En., by Rev. A. F. Waixsb, Mb. D.H.GOOD, to Mm MARY E. DUNBAR. On Thursday, tba 14th In, by the Rev. E. E. Pal bum. Mb. W. J. HERREN, to Mua EVALINE II ALL ; all of Champoeg County. Take If Uce. THE next meeting of tbe Woshingtonlan Society willmeetat IheCky Hotel on Saturday eve nlug, Oct 30th, at early candlelight A full and punc tual attendance is requested. i ' 2 . C. W. SHANE, Sec"y. Oregon City, Oct 98th, 1847. 20 tf. DiasolHttou of Psurf menklB. THE partaerrltlp heretofore existing between the uadeaimed, C.D. Smith and. Wm.p. M'Clar, k thla day dUolved by mateal ceaseat Tbe said Smith undertake to nay all debts existing and here tofore contracted by we firm. C. D. SMITH, WM. C. M'CLAY. Oct 18, 1847. 90 It Cammtjr Caaanalsslaaer' Cesirt. A SPECIAL term of the county commkioner' oourt,ef Clackamas coaaty, wiU be held la Ore fou City, at the house of Dr. JPrlfjf, ou Saturday, tbe 3th day of November next, at S o'clock, r. m. OlO. L. CURRY, Cltrk tf Clttlanxat County. October 14, 1847. 19if .pdL, TMEhIiiiHii wJeVsw. tea asjaslag year, mmfmAsl4 111 timtmTV aW'smWfssmV' 'Tfi taaii toeafafSmlfce n hi lull uMWAKMSMm MtUMTSnt f l day f Oeteber mV km seme far sale, aad by tto aeat laifreat wfl be wiWiitoieyer any aVaaaai mftfc ailMaaaatmay ' F. C.OA90K. 11, 1847-17IT t t Mea'saadBeVsHaM.aW aUk aad Glased CafK Lemae Beaaetaj eVaale aai mi Vaa Imaet mmeesaai BMaR Chliilr. Goewer. Ceawaav as) vBiseeierf s Raeert) Kaleej Asgetsj 0eiewet mraav Tacks; Haarasiet; DeerLatehesi HeelMaadtlmfei; Straa Hiacee: aram and iroa BoUe: bram aad irea CheM and Tit Locke; Boltr, SpokeahaTer, Haawaiiii; Hoes; Head Axee; Irea Sqoares; Ceoaen Adse; FBee; Mill Sawt; Back Saws: Vice: Ladwr, MraJaeaa; Tm Plates; Bhee Paacbet: Mmemt: KaJves; Jack Kaives: Steel Peas; Raseea; Bmaviag SesK Gtoej Pasenweod pocket Camas; Chest HamMea; : Piae: Trace and Log Chains; Cast aad Ger- Saad Pi Cloak maa Steel: Cast Plows; Had-iroat; Wagea Besea; Uaseed Oil: MeJdlm; Bridles: Beswe Ban; B)ana glee; Girths; brass aad weed Cloaks. Amgaat 4, HH7. 14 it WiSt BJS . wmr,mmmmmi,w MTke . sjejsjs'Sssmm. mmmm Bamvamfjesmmvmm awp emmaitiesea irwas that m mqMMmfamjWiimmM- ilea a4aassajiiaMMfc ntJi ejsjSMf tmmmd m. smmlakmmmmmVV jjgjaaajaaajBBjBBBmt. eaejasj sen bbbbjbbjjjv sb HBBeBmBHBaMJJ.VBMPeBBJBjBBBJBJmmV T The as iiarfaiil damme M araaju BjaS) a BBBml SmBBmBml emsHaWi tea far Km 53JJJ!Bi?S'TIb3 ""t1 ta,t lifeUff itl(jtmtt'A TatmMAMM at -my mma'm1 , W TriTT'-jl 'Mil I mi J - eft-W Stp. 30, 1847. TUBT BECKTrCD 'mit IP JOHN H. COUCH, Hswmg Wake BU Gfaams: Heavy aad Light Qaaae ' Bat Cemaat ' Meiaaaw; Coffee: Tea: esa Awrkm; eW Mb'l tfelrltB TtavemeJ.BlMk NOTICE. THE ffUBBIBlIBERfl o fler for aale ea loaaoaaM terms, at thek Stob fat Oregea City, u fdjeeiaf arttelea, vk: D1T O00D8. Bflka. Moaaelaine de Lalne. Caehmeres. Cashmere de Eceaw, Baltariaea, Mmima. Lawae, brawn aad Heacbed CoUowa, Cambrics, TarUa aad set wool ShawK Cantos Flannel, ladies and rnimwTcotton Horn, whke and colored, cotton and aUk Haadkerchiefs, Mobalt Mitts, cotton and lace Caps, lace Edging aad Insertion, Caaameree, Doe Skin Gambroona, dec. Oroctdvi, Melamee, Sogar, CoBee, Natmega, ground Pepper aad Ginger, whale and eperm Oil, Salt, ac c Cr)ckerv Ware. Dishes, Plates, Cups and Saucer, China Tea Setts, Bowls, Mugs, Pitchers, plain and cut glass Tumblers, Castors, Halts, ac FlUitBXf, Bureaus, Bedstead, Chain. Writia Desks, ladies' Work-boxe, Looking Glaw, ac HAasawWABUB. Pamea, Rales, baud aad back Saws, Sad Ireas, Chisel, Googea, Trace Chalaa, BoKa, Nab, 8ajkes, eafpeirter'a Cuaffimii, Rases, Head Vlcesi'FHes, Poeket aad Pea KaiveeTafela Ksfvee ami Tarks. Jhefcs, eWmJldasr Leeks, GtaOew, assetted Brads, Bram rraikslPereamiea Caps, Saaoe Pans, Bellows, measuring Tapes, Axes, Hsicbets, Spoke Shaves, Steelyard. Shovel aad Toags, Weed Screw, Brace and Bitt, Iroa Spoon, Powder Flasks, Shot Belt, Shears, Hand Belb, ac. Tla Ware. Six and four quart CoeTce Pots, four cnart PaUa, Strainer, Cup, Grater. Scoops, Cullemier, Wash Basin, mummer, JUUk ram. Dipper, Toanels, Can dle Mould, Tea Caddies, Nana Lamps, Britannia Tea PoU, a.c. BOOtf tad fflatwf. Ladies per and aewed Boot, Kid ran round, chil dren' peg Boot, boy' kip Brogaa's, raeu'a thick Boot, men' kip Boots, ac. Bauselrles. Men' and boy'a Beaver Hal, Clock, Cooking Stove and funnel, Soaps, Window Glass, Dutch Oveuv, A-c. Auo SO Too of Coral at Pcrtland. KILBORN, LAWTON, &. Co. Oregon City, March 17. 1647 tf a,AwvkwWi vieav; ureekery a aad Bram Clecka, Fee sal ekeaa far Cssa at a, IM7. BijjajLn'' i 'fi kwsslmsiaBa?Ommt asar . A asm smjsm . ABBBBml amssssssssssssl Z aBfBJBBSK SSJBBSJBBSJBBSjmi T aBBSJBBBSjmBJ SSJBBSJBBSjmW Tejasm:mam4miKa aeaJWmlSTlrlaaa: Qwatas WslfMfamT .Mai Tum.K'lHii'ti r aw?- VALUABLE PfcOfF fsTfHS M h skmiied ftWeetTaaaWl 36 aens of waieh is wader fMMi.'i necessary Improremeala ssjaa lt aa , muiMimaaoeesBiM osetsmeB aaeaa thremmthe BremiMe that for a aaw mffl. " This water bio of great nitta lot of hef wiU Ukewias be aald with .( property, a or which w01 be said sani It weald be to the interest of any aaa emaiavjialaesx H j 1 m 1T 1 IjjWK eTeiUE. raWmssMlamHaSBaLL SssamTamsWal aseamsttfpsa L AmKAjt a f s'ssssmmt asiag aalmprored claim to riisjiai'tht MfT ' Far fmihTiafenaatka appmsSeaaar 8tfU 30; 1647. olB-ef V the 6th met, aa the read leamssil maw lammi raMas,ajaajssMsjssaaa,sa nan . ii i TiiaamsaslMrammsssBBmsTJr bar. Aa peieai wbe jayamf; aai JemBajiHaf pca.wiatfWlfafasyr.waasss.by w , T Salem, StfUmbtr 16, '47. A FEW No. 1, Saddle Hones, at Mom Livery Stables, corner of Main and Third Croat street. Oresoa City, Aug. 19, 1847. Itf N.B. I will paystwd fund for 1.000 boAekmer- chantable Oats, dsavered at my stable. B. V. NU8N. Fbank Wabd. William M. Smith ' Ward ft flmlth, COM3IIBSION MEICHANTI, mi San Fkancisco, Califouma. Icw Irrsasemrat THE anderalgned will ternifa the bast accommo dation in libs sewer, to both Maa and Horn. and will ekurgt Bathing at U, as he wiU expect ready pay in all caaee. Hemes, Bought and Sold aa nmaL tt. a. sstoi w uregoa scrip waated m exebaage for Hones, a' aarment of oetataadkr accouata. 8. w, moss: 1ilasmetteFaUa,Nov.6,1846. ( tf. f T'TAULT dk THaTMBTOir, w1(trsey and CsmumUm's et Lam uuiStUcifn in v. CiUaeertf. r W. G. TVault A ent THOBsreif, HAVE formed a paKaerabJp kmepraetioe of law, and will attend 'to besiaess aatnated to their tare, la any of theaewrai setabashid by lawJa uregoa lenwety. tr OSJee, Orerea Car. wham oae of the aaitaam caa1 always be oiasaltud. uxefw vny, votsatr 13, 1847. 18tf FLOUR for sale, myaulMtes to the brick store, OrVgea Ckjr. oyu M M , lO I 1 1 u ' " ttltsd ' -ttA w esassi! ' -.H - f HE FOURTH SESSION OF Mr. M. M, THORNTON'S SCHOOL, ia this wfc commence ea Moaday, October 11m, aaiwslTamv tlmw elevea weeks. AO the flliil fa m Ilium..! - --"-' . ihk Sekaal. iflh..S7tiilL M.L .J iieeoje wore, unwise, aaa Jnswtew to. and ta WateTcrtem; , Strict atteatioowia be gTe,asJy to the lectaal Imsmianat of fte Basal, Isaiaaat memhamlsssaaeie ItfaMes.,Tkattoaaj ea .. aaakelhlaa Bta4; aad bee vieaeral taslattr to S?I55 . , , ,a aad leaf ezaarieaee as a toaober, that ake w)H ,umI i baAi --, -- "-'--"-" i FBfM. -W h. A.yJ , U ,T jf A.l, ,-fcf ag tbe School, mMeTtiie, ekes of aba Bassiea. Wm further pankaJaie, haseim of Ma. Tsssateav Ksrsj faaawnM , mmj4vsaass uw Excellency, Geo. Aberaethy, Hen. A. A. 8khuer, Bar. Was. Baha. Dr. Mara WWtesaa, WaasHraBa. s Oregoa Cfcr, Oetobsr 4, 1847T- y 'I Oregea Cky. falHE OhYsat Teat Imtisi,. . iiu- nw '; SSfuT. rious bnnelm.Z WmmAI ImiaW ws bia at friend aad the on the various Mill work, sad finite l&JiZZB!L x Ps m tjasaa aai ! ssbbbbi msaaasBfem ' llosriag Auraaj, Belle, Gea W( acripuoa aad maay ether J oa as reasonable tama't erakewwOssiJWL " -IN uaebMaHCKy.Jato ,1647:' masv mWk rf BsamijT'aaaia I' ' akjstoatodMato sssiatsss. IKjsstaBmArfVlsV anVMawmssMBMeMmsl : , g ';li4f' W , SJBjsssssBBassMamssBsjsssaBM Stoamw, Ja iSkm'tMM sat fakia4slsLiBawsatoam. UMumtiaiieaefl paMattheeaawe sarv ue am to amaasmaaa. IritUhMm peraaBum. . . 7 . .. yr AdretwaameatoaaM4asm.deim coats pet -t-- - -Vmi BaiS kMaTmraha saw (sMNaa! TCS2ZiteTS( itaii us 'Tso$ro'i 41 .,4V- .- 1t'l um ,'.fi,AJ,pii ?a .ym tBjBwiesjaT' , i'i i :, Hi l m fl,,t..ir,J.f.tiW. m&mjitfmS&