Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, October 28, 1847, Image 1

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    wmwfci 'fitmtm
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, J .flliWiWMi , aMW i ejl M I
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! ,i r 'i tiiii 7krf i 'iM.'tr
.4--' i-ffjfe
,.., TIm JMnUtv f UfeK
, There tn xpvKMTvt flu prpanm of
ny.'peopto IhJhoarU and, ssier of clvjll-l
swu Hie, won raesuiMuon, in wnioa laooris
In the ruder 'rages of society, personal
prowess tot phyitari vigor constitute the
Manure of Worth.1 As civlllwtlon advaii.
cet, icllt inane and marital accomplish:
menlifetopoittf ttWrifcf rewmrnen'dstioQs to
rMMiMi and finally,' the miroh
of miiM'taiMjfciinultitpdtbf ftgcnbieVthe
chief of whiofli the preew, eetabltsbes the
greet truth, that excellence conaistftalowe In
u oombbatioa ef mental power iai-wal
virtue. It tnty provoke amlW to think that
men physical power should havo over been
the measure of a man, and that his charac
tor should havo been estimated by tho num
bor of pound ho could lift, ttio distanco ho
could jump, or tho forco with which ho could
hurl a stone. Yet notionH far mora rcdlcu
lous,if possible, prevail at the present day.
How many youn men aro there, who csti
mato thrir gentility by tho smoolhnoss and
whiteness of their hands ; whoso standard
of manhood is tho length of timo they can
wasio in idleness, we numocr 01 c narstnev i.t... k 1...1 ,. k.n .. i...i,. -.. . u...
can smoke the quantity of champaign thoir I ))ad worUght with his own hands: and his
heads will bear, and whose highest ideas of j,Jjvjno Mlulcr Ml t,e rtampi tho signet of
worm in uio umu
squander. How
'.ill Li' - .y'lij jyrwJLv.'f W8I' '
Wfj?Jri. &r . i.bOj F'0Bk21ji i yijilHlhhw.'jMjif lnjBmil awi err eTStilftwiHHHWfik ' friswl fa H
I1 1HDlFMIV''lniilBf rVllVF1! The fowMlMfctJ-wags m,;wM l
' . i-i ilr.u vWaanwl l' tiffin ,i'i4.n mrw nlt3"'cm mlt tMy taltkrtif pfCeweA'eMiMkrettlttbiriiii99el
. - ' -ni tv,en-MmiffrijV ,TirrT-fTTi--TtwrnygTii rTTfcrywrrfilwwnrrT-mimg iTlvm I I'll 9L'K0TaiiHiEEt y
ji ii ii Mm i ii 1 1 mi ii imirrnii nTnminir miiiii in 1 1 ammmmm m "ix-rt&n Tnl-ruiM.mrrW- Wmumt JniH: Vst '
i.JH'- " -..-'.-. - -Mf '-' tM. HVnPeTHB .IWHVPirBllSWBMr T I
n sua saewiweeinwn ,w rwtw'Tmrrvmmm9mwmrmihmrmmimm .- -..- -..J..- -..-, x. -..-
end hntrfirf Mnrarif tntfca niijJMi li . J..TT.:T.T'T5yKr3S 3
'T"'!' Mefl4aeeSt)tMeBHHMBHtiejBMMM V'l
.fhiaa iti ..ni-.i. wt...r,u..m l.- ,.-
iiHihiialiii sun .
eeysMli . )1
bly.ho had imbibed sotnething.of the maater,
for whoso aDPcaranoo he was waitinc with
such exciting anticipation. . But bo soon be
gan to seo ins error, "i owo you an apology,
lh iiiiJ
to him. , wbv have '.I. fimnd fti
eyes, tbatihou.abouldff take kowldfe1.rf
mo, seeing i am a stranger 7" He retarn-
j -& , r rt - -- . vo -
sir," said ho to tho Judge. "It matters nojt," j cd the book pointing to the 12th'verse ol,A)m
Haul the Judge, "wo will take a glass or epmie oi jonii: "Maying many, tnugsto
wine, nnu uecoino uciier acquainica. ana uum iuu nuuiu uuiwim wi
. . v. . . ' .. " . fc- I 1 W . .. i '
less asnamca ot nciping ourselves." And
thus it has been, in all ages of tho world,
that tbo truly wiso and groat havo sought
iionnr from labor. Tho upostlo Paul thank
ed God that ho hail not lived an idlo drone ;
that ho had not born a burden to
wonn is uio amount oi money inev can ,ii,.:, ii,. -.i mj :, ii., ,.i
many younir ladies Brelintini.L wi,, M ianiiu .,i .,.;.
lIlAIIA Vk t. k aaa.iKBaAl &.. . -J. LI l. .. .'
..,. ,w, ,ro, rcvu ui iuunuiuinu B"nnd forests and streams, until labor has civ
refinement, have no higher btandanl of wortlJcn lhcn, va,uo? ciioorily work on, then,
flian Ihn amMint r all Mill nml lnn 1. . . - .. -.... . . L
ftiiv hiiivuikui vuou aim aiau iulu lliu
can exhibit
which they
la.zlo the
Hinall consequence, what opinions such per
hoiih may entertain or lalwr, or those w
perform it; but the iliscsteem of lalxir, is the
uucmiiK mani oi uio ivrani : in every ie-.,,ii,i ..r .:..-- ,n . I.:-i...i :
-!.J..fVl .1.1 :.:rt . i.i ..: .l"i''i wmnn."., w -. hid ii-i.u hi
1Uu ui u.u wur u, u coniumpi mr ia.r ana 10 HWont of hj8 facc " is tho iruy honest
1 4 thou man ol toil : Jor. althoiiffh the nnde of
, the quantity or jewelry witlii.,,,,,,, nn, the fadolenoo orotfions ny tfanvr
can cutch tho vulgar eye, and ua, burdon m h can no
perceptions of tho weak and ,i:.Mn . ,i, uinn ...,.i...:.,i.. . .i.-
may appear n matter of ,!. t;,i r ,i, unu. rr .!,. . nm.......
v..... .....v, ... ...v, ....., .v.. ...vuk.i "..."V..
l may' exempt its possessor from the nccossity
0; of toil, it can give no right to despiso labor,
firude thee, no who rulhlls the great
tho inoMt abicct slavery on ono liaud : and
the most oppress! vo tyrrany on tho othor,
have existed togclhcr.t Tho ancient Luc
idcmonians may nerve as ono example. No
people over mora utterly despised labor ; it
wa.i consigned to the bands of thoir Helots,
who were, in consequence, tho most abject
and degraded slaves. Persons who thus dc
spise labor, und contemn tho laborer, may
not know, or may not earn, what miseries
they inflictmion society, by thus striving to
overturn Uio basis or republican liberty und
xocial prosperity; but neither their igno.
ronco, nor wilfufness, can palliate tho guilt
of such efforts. Tho direct tendency of
their example, is to degrade t lie majority of
mankind, and to render labor less honorable
than their own ,rmastcrly inactivity." And
suppose, for a moment, that it should prcvuil
so laraito make the mechanic ashamed of
his tools ; lead him to r.-puiliute his trade and
forsake his shops; how are men's wants to
lie supplied ? Evidently by compulsory la.
bor: the poor, driven by necessity, must be
come slaves to the rich, thus widening tho
invidious distance between them, until the
reward of tho laborer's toil shull be u bcanty
subsistence at tho discretion of tho master.
This is one effect ;'and it is easy to see what
otheniliust follow. Perhaps one of the most
cuttins robukeH ever uivcii to this unirit of
aristocratic arrogance, was administered by
hat great man, Cliiel Justice -JMnrshall. A
gentlemen recently settled in Richmond as a
merchant, went to market carrying his own
basket. He observed, however, othor gen
tleman attended by servants, making purcha
ses, and felt a littlo ashamed of his Ksition.
Turning to an old mun, whom ho saw rather
rustily dressed, und lugging a well-filled has.
hot, he asked him to tuko his also. "Cortain
ly, sir," said the old man ; and taking tho
merchant's basket, curried it to his residence.
Tho gentlemun offered him a quartor for his
trouble, which wus refused. This created
some sprpriso, and led tho merchant to notice
where tho old man went. Passing on, tho
old man stopped at a house which had been
pointed out to him as tho residenco of Judgo
Marshall. "Ah," said he, "that accounts
for his refusal of tho money, ho is Judae Mar
.shall' servant." In a littlo whilo, tho irter.
oliuut received a polite note, requesting tho
ploaauro of his company to dinner at Judgo
Marshall's, un arriving at tho door, tho
vorv same old man answered his summons.
unrJ showed him into the drawing room ; but
imotfino his surprise, when too old man scat
od himself on a sofa, and commonced one of
his animated and delightful conversations.
with tho freedom of a master, and t!w wis
dom of u philosopher. At first, ho thought
man; tho man of truo honor and worth; and
such art thou I
tho printer,' said
a poor creature."
The Printkr. Ipty
my uncle Toby. "He's
rejoined Trim. "In tho first place," contin
ued the Corporal, looking full upon my uncle,
"because lie must try to please every body.
In tho negligence of a moment, perhaps, a
small paragraph pops upon him ; he hastily
throws it to the compositor, it k-ineorted and
ho is ruined to till intents and purposes."
" l oo much tho case, 1 rim, said my uncle,
with a deep sigh ; "too much the ense."
"And pleasn your honors," continued Trim,
elevating his voice and striking into an im
ploring attitude, "this is not tho whole."
"(o on Trim," said my uncle, feelingly.
"Tho printer, sometimes," pursued tho "cor
poral, "hits upon a pieco that pleases him
mightily ; and ho thinks it cannot but go
down with his subscribers. But, alas! Sir,
who can calculate the human mind ? He in
serts it, and it is all over with him. They
forgive others, but they cannot forgive a prin
ter. Ho has a host to print for, and every
one sets up for a critic. Tho pretty Miss ex
claims, Whyyrtott't ho give us more pootry,
marriages, and bon matt fc away with these
stulo pieces.' Tho politician claps his specs
on his nose, and reads it over in search of a
violent invectivo ; ho finds none, takes his
specs off, folds them and sticks thorn in his
itocket, declaring tho paper good for nothing
but to burn. So it goes. Every ono thinks
it ought to bo printed expressly for himself,
as iio is a subscriber; and yet, after this com
plaining would you bcliovo it, air," saya the
Corporal, clasping his hands beseechingly,
" would you believe it, sir, there are tome tub.
scribcrs who do not heeitato to cheat tho prin
ter jiut of his pay? Our army swore torribly
in Flanders, but they never did any thing so
bad as that." Never 1' said my uncle Toby,
emphatically. N. 4 AT. Gaz.
A Religious CovRTsmr. A young gen
tleman happened to sit at church in a pow
adjoining one in which sat a young lady, for.
whom lie conceiveda sudden and violent
passion, was desirous of entering into court
ship on tho spot ; but tho place not suiting
a formal declaration, tho. exigency of the
case suggested the following plan : He po
litely handed his fair neighbor a biblo opon,
with a pin stuck In the following text 2nd
epistle of John v. 5th : "And now I beseech
theo lady, not as though I wrote a now com
inandment unto thee, hut that which we had
from tho beginning, that wc love one anoth
or." She returned it, pointing, Ruth 2nd
i 't
per and ink, but I trust to. come a' speak
face to face," From tho above interview
marriage took place tho earning' week.
Farwcll to tfce BjJc.
rajreweD long fsrewstf,
Thorn nirth-erestlag ttfl,
No ram to tkoe
My soap dull be,
Drinking, atagfaf,
UIsmm ringing,
Men pa nine, enr,"
WMHamwr hear;
- My nwn me innHwit
And now at last
There cones a calm
" A hallowing balm,
For feveritti ebtJuo,
And all the aMetfniag Uafa
Of ill that, ever fill the brain,
When whukcy's fumee o'er reaaon mount.
For now that eril working' fonntali
Iltth ccawd to cHarm ma with Ka Kqaid rt4w
And reaaon o'er the bottle's wUnanw imiiailfcil
Lieatf uie calm mind to a mo
That gives a clearer view of every taaw below.
Yet, ihere were rapturee, I can ne'er ergot,
And many momenta o er the (rablet'a brba nawaated,
For friendfhha ardour eparklea ihrongti them' yet;
Aal tnaVa in anfieaa rartat ft'. ----- - ! .&J
Wliile all Uie uncloaed fondnem of the aoai
Waa breathing fragrance round the joyoas bowl
And nmilea I've loved, and tiearU that I have tried,
Hare beamed, and beaten gladly Ky nrr nide
And yet, naaidat the bliat, then aretr wo. aaVy,
For wretched mora'aiepooo haafafcwed inenlai'iiej
In darklmg ahadowa on the eainnaM hnmf
But clear and calm, the aenlahall, tbrooirb'tha eyes;
tspcakbc; thoughts, nor know, her beinrlo
No more the Man ahall sink beneath hk apbete.
Ana mug cacn towiier imug tning nia peer;
nm prouoiy aeep we place he wae aaMgaed.
Creation' lord and broths or wankihd!
And will not friendthip abed a brighter flame,
When reaaon apcaki the justice of her claim T
Will, not ArntcTioM have a ateadier Blow,
Unhealed by the filful wine enpa'a flowt
Yea yea, I feel that Fleaanre's punat gUaee,
Come with the peaceful aonwl of Tannuuncx.
trm md.mktwnktinh
w- .
kwSMtr lad andnianaaanefiraaiaianl
of inveuiou to.;aWwn eaMr.tei VriMf-k
taka bn4.os hw;toymmjvm-mt)i
aifbtT-not a oeot oCjiieiwtui aaya, 1W y
"iiua u.ine tmnotiM ioaVToiiif aWal a
follow. 'It aewie ViillPi aiiia(l"MaWaawi1)
gp.H Mcdy-:Py. ymiMtflm
wmae au our, mowmMn'.l M
all our grudforhmubm mtim mtm H
uIirt,rHilliooarej.and.if k hM.Md
wnjifuane, u naa ooviated .eej
xmow i nave oased my oat door
dine tie houiehoTd mnm$:
in evry corner, aad.wbejirtf,
spent maajHUfjmMTqr.
"Pay as yoti G6,T,Wi
practical , principle; tbo Mterii
seems lb overbear it and ambit
puUive.and4 too' proud tli. ainJritIeJ
of .recUtude; but whercoTa ait;
uiua vo iia lurnuu exaouona.iMea aoiemvy
thPjfre i'" Crosido or tiT' rnaiV
pocket. It is and shall'
plamVaad although I do hot ,&'&&
it -t; . .vr?,: ".u,-Ti?,5?:r;.,T.r!rr.
wiuii investment or napMias -aW'"sm
m it goes," awl return, at tke ewd,'the 'oKp
ital otirtfijhd."--x. iiw.' 4 " -
) . -. , r- . 1 p.. . i. . . . l
- Lwrf- .ji-ujii -n.if' .ui
famn 1 1, Miiaw .ww wi thai
- ; .t'i.f jijnjiuapwa
KBmi' laaaaffaaanal'
Bathinr in Wine. It is not generally
Known mat wine vain are quite common in
France nevertheless such is the case.. The
duke of Clarence is not the only gentleman
who has enjoyed an immersion in Malmsey.
Punch has tried it with the very best Sherry.
Only imagine I Punch the veritable Eng
lish Punch swimming in French wine; and
kicking and plunging, and laughing, until
tho tears ran down his cheeks, and never
thinking- of expense a five frano niece !
"What ! a five franc piece for a tub full of
wine 1 Hurrah 1 Kire la France "
"Gently gently. At least Jiffy others
bathed in the same wine afitr Punch. The
keeper of the bagne had a preference for
Punch, and gave him the first dip. After
him came fifty others making in all jMs
five frano pieces. A good price for the tub."
"Tho wino was then thrown out V
"Not at all. Not so, by any means."
"What then?"
"Bottled, of course!"
"Bottled I And for what purpose?"
"Why for drink, to bo sure."
"Drink ! Who would drink such stuff?"
"Why tho English do-the Yankees do!
The .latter import it in largo quantities. It
is a great favorite in Yankee-land." k
Now, dear wine-drinking friends, anti
temporanco friends, when you next smack
your lips over a glass of champagne or bur.
gundy, reflect that a Lyoncse alderman may
possibly have bathed in it, and see if the re
flection will assist you iu appreciating' its
flavor. f i
. BT Col Cualilng haa given a good pair of basis to
ecou aoiaier in dm regiment. ,j '
fruits of some yesM
exceedingly Imports. "Try dMa.
In preparing fori tell, It kTOr1 to
on a coat before rjattoainf it. niiilwifcaaV
who" adopt this course wflFnad that tWe W
can be much sooner rWaiwd treM Dadept-'
irig a mode directly the reterseV If fHiniJ
lar despatch be desired, at the- saiBe'tMtf
never attempt to draweo a boot over the Mia! 1
One half the time that ofermtJoal wllliftev
found exceedingly dkSoult to eeomplish.
After joininit the tempewoa KWaatKaWatat
care should be observed is. Ik .ukm'.Mlk
quality of drinks. Brandy if taken i iaSaU
crate quantities, will be sure tocAt.iJBA
oauon, mucn sooner tun ootd iratfMr., '
temperanue man soouia not BaVMsn .U
street Very drunk, in less than two or
he finds too bsavr a brick IjiiXC
should remain at h,oime. j ' " f ' r Z
iiniiiwiaieiyBiirpurooaaiM an, umDfSjU
la, be careful to' have the Uutials of, jcir,
name engraven on the handle, si ihat is sun
to prevent its being stolen. Nobody, would
think of erasinc vour initials. - . K;iT ..
Tf. '- AVnA' ua:-v 'IJi'k
uunu iu uio oucvif fu gtott YVUmVIl ,HD I
going much farther. If person .wis
inaao muiu ncauwav. inai DBrnaaaK
sition is infinitely, prefentble to, the
tal. ' K ,"v, "
If badly bitten by a surly our. turn iasttft i
ly and bite the dotf fa1: inttttiicciiv
maxim "the hair o?bk''cW;Willpura,So
A i- A .-A'.i2r-ii'I!a?:
' BY"", " w,,i
u.wn i
wwnmasHeu a
ing cards.,'' r .v-""JW"M'
6ir'(HtJiAN dooW
iT . IsniiJ "" KkU S.I-I LUI.l bir.I
B BBSt OLVCBlM Haa naJaV 'kla' "&.'
the head.
NiseTlw Pittsburg Ga
who' forth
ryvv ;f
i .t'llt.-nwot 'fii (
. ,,ifrHft.'J
, . -J... .WM.-.l