Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, September 17, 1847, Image 2

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wurihllof is dittriat .oourt of
I Italaa frf.tki pmiat tarritory of
: a ahalLia aHitlna. ba Mid
iwoMHMHwm mmmjt;m aooaipaa
Mtim-totMkn,-ityiam. -. a
ife9.1'...Mii( 7wtM-tMf. Tilt
thywrt wiHwy;,ohtof jimUob aad4-
: soa-asa iiido, attamsy, aad Maiakal, hall
btMiblli'Mi .W.ajktVvUli the advioe
awl eaaaat f ta aaaata aapafatad, by tho
prsaHiaief tW0aitad8taaa.t Taoaovora
or jatol aaaraUry toai ajtpniatad as aforesaid
abati, .fcafcra thayat aa Mtafc, raapeotively
taka aa aala or aAftnaUoa, kfcfore the die
triatl m jayjaa ar aarMjtjatioa of the peace in
.iin.-ri j-i. j.. i :-
aid territory, duly authorized
ift.aMaUtarttt!aa and affirmations bv tho
laws JsMnia oim tlterain, or before the chief
gaaaaa aci sana asaawaie justice 01 mo su
preia aottrU grinds of district court of tho
United States, to support the constitution of
the United Bute, and faithfully to discharges
the auuea of (.their reepectivo olhcesj hta of.
fiec ; which aaid oaths, when so token, shall
bo certified by tho persou before whom the
same shall have been taken, and such corti
ftcatea shall be received and recorded by the
said secretary among the executive proceed,
ings. .And the chief justico and Hakodate
justices, and all other civil officers in said
territory, before they act as such, shall tuVc
a like oath or affirmation before tho said gov
ornor or secretary, or some judge or justico
of the peace of the territory, who may be dtx.
ly commissioned and qualified, which said
oath or affirmation shall be certified and
transmitted, by tho person taking the same,
to the secretary, to bo by him rcconlet1 an
aforesaid ; and, aAcrtvards, the like oath or
affirmation shall bo taken, certified, and re
corded, in suph manner and form as may be
prescribed by law. The governor shall re.
oeive an annual salary of fifteen hundred
dollars as governor, and fifteen hundred dol
lars as superintendent of Indiau affiiirs. The
chief justice and associate justices shall each
receive an annual salary of fifteen hundred
bee thousand dollars. Tho secretary shall re
ceive an annual salary of fifteen hundred
dollars. The said salaries shall be paid quar.
tcr-yearly.rot the dates of the motive up
pnintmrnti, at the treasury of tho U. States ;
bum suchpaymenl shall be made until said of.
t fiats skafl have entered upon the duties of tlicir
- rtsptcuvc appointments. The members of the
1 leaskdative assembly shall be entitled to re
..aatva three dollars each per day during their
. aHsppance at the sessions thercoi, and three
.;doMas each for every twenty utiles tracl in
r going to and and returning from the said ses
svjoa, estimated according to the neurcst usu
ally traveled route. And a chief clerk, two
atnttaut clerks, a sergeant-aUirms, and two
assistants, may be chosen for each home; and
? the chief clerks shdll receive fee dollars per
day, ana the said other officers three dollars per
day, during the session of tltc legislative assent-
ily; hut no other officers shall be paid by the
United States : Provided, That there shall be
Sut one session of tho legislature annually,
nleas, on an extraordinary occasion, tho
governor shall think proper to cull the legis-
lature togetner. mere snail oe appropriated,
aaaually,"tho sum of one thousand Jificcn
hundred dollars, to bo expended by the l-ov-
ornor to "defray the contingent expense;; of
the territory, including me salary of a clcrl;
of the executive department; and there shull
also1 bo appropriated, annually, a sufficient
sum, to be expended by the secretary of the
territory, and upon an estimato to be mudu
by tho secretary of tho treasury of 'the Uni
ted States, to defray tho expenses of the le
gislative assembly, the printing of the laws
and, journals, and other incidental expenses ;
andlhegocernor and secretary of the terri
tory shall annually account to tho shall, in
the disbursement of all moneys intrusted to
them, be governed solely by tlie instructions of
the secretary of tlie treasury of the U. Stairs,
and shall semi-annually account to said see
rotary of the treasury oi the United states
for the manner in which the aforesaid (sum
. ... . . .. ... .
moneys shall havo been expended,; ana nii ex.
'i ptndilure shall be tnade by said Icgisltitivc as.
Vsnmbiy for meets not specially uullioriied Inj
fmmwm ot congress tnaxtng uie apvropriarion-M
i sums thus appropriated J or such
for the government of said territory on tho
thirteenth day of Julyf seventeen hundred and
akfctyaava ; aad shall ba eubjeet to all the
a&na, and rrstrifXioaaati prthlfcitions
in atid articles af compact ittmd iipse lha
pefpla of aaid territory; anil That the inhkh
its $f said territory sfutH Wmays be tmtithd
to the benefits of the writ of habeas corpus and
of the trial by jury, of a proportionate repre
sentation of the people in tho legislature, and
of judicial proceedings according to the course
of the common late. All persons shall hthmjla
blet unless for capital offences, Kherethesajfft
shim be evident or the presumption great. yAtt
fines shall be moderate, and no cruel or un
usual punulunent snail oe mjuctea. wo man
shall be deprived of his libeaty or properly but
by the judgment of his peers or tlw law of the
land; and should the public exigencies riake it
necessary, for the common preservation, to take
any person's properly or to demand his par
ticular services, full romjHtisation shall be
made for the same. Ami in the just pre-ier.
vation of rights and property, it is understood
awl declared that no lata ought ever to be made
or have force in the said territory that shall, in
any manner whatever, interfere with or affect
private contracts or engagements, Imna fide and
without fraud, previously formed. The ex
isting laws in force in tho territory of Ore.
gon, under the authority of tho provisional
government established by the people there
of, shall continue to bo valid and operative
therein, so far as tho samo be not incoraasll
wiui mo principle ana provisions 01 hub mci,
which law shall be subject, neverthete, lo be slier
ed, modified, or repealed, by the governor and legisla
tive amembly of the mid t'rrrilory of Orrgon, until
tht tna of thtjirtl tctnnn of the irginlatite attcm
and required to continuSMo exercise nnd perform the
aWtiM of their ropcclive office m officer ot the terri
t of Otmob temporarily, and) until they, or other,
Ml btfdafr artsiated aa uMUd ia ill their bUcm
b lh tasaasr hareia airsctal, t until their UBcm ,
ehsMbslsslihiil. ,
Bee.; 17. 'And leftfmthtr tnuted, That the mm '
i Uiraa tkwawna tMlaa be, aa4 the aame is herrby
appropriate, out of any money In thatmamry not
otherwiae appropriated, to be expended, by and under
the direction of the aaid governor of the territory of
Oregon, in the purchaw or n library, to be kept at the
eat of government for the me of the governor, trgi. I
lative ajBeniwy, judge of the vupreme cotirt, ecrela
ry, nijaaaW, aad attorney of said territory, and mcli
other penwM and under iach reguUUfl a ihall bo
preecribod by law.
Sec. IB. And It it further enacted, That when
the land in Uie mid territory hatl be purveyed under
the direction of tho government of the United Mtatct,
preparatory to bringing the earne into market, unction
numbered sixteen ana llurty-aix in each township in
old territory shall be, and tiie same are hereby reserv
ed for the purpose of beinc applied to kIiooU in said
ti-rrtlorv. and In llin KlalrM nnil lfrri(finMi hmrnfifr In I
be erected out of the name ; and tiro entire town
Aim Unit in aaid trrritoru, one in (Ar northern
ami the other in the mutlitru irelion thereof, irAirA
May be located 111 tction, ihall be in like xnanner
re$erred for the use of the future inhnbitattti of '
sqii tectionl, retjirctirrly, iiwn (Ar ailmiitinn of
one or both of raid tectum into the Union ua State,
maid of the eitiiLliihmrnt of titriiwituty of learn
ing in each of taitt tectum ; mid Imrmhipt to be to
Cfitrd b the ftiiiirtior of taut territory, in oon a '
taul land irhti eon the location may be made are
Sec, 19 .lm.i!fif further enacted. That, (tetii.
pornnly, antl liitil utl(iTi.o ironird ')) law, llic
goieruor of said U'irilory may ilrtina the judicial !i.
trict of said territory, nod umiu the juIjre w)in may '
be appointed for said territory to the -evrral ilniricU, I
and aiao apjioint the time and place for holding court
in the several counties or miUiivinioiui in rucli of tnul
jiidicml duttncUliy irocljiualiini to lie immimI by ti.ui ;
but the liguUmi iiiM'in,biy, iit tlirir liri or au n.li-e
i quent wHPifiii, tin) off an I, :i!trr, or modify -in h ju-
.f.. rM. ... ............ Um. l.lm.i JL....
w.w vi ifi. uifiivi .rii .vffr . M iviiurvnuu
te'er That no jnJrhion, of ,uch lair vr any act f.'c,aI "T. '" siw ipi Jtage. oii.i alttr ll.r
hereafter Paed by the legi.latne a..rmbly of aid I !mM nud lc ' li-Wmif Hie court, u- lu tl.em alial
lerr.WyAiHter0,iirur(0rr,nc(cii0 m irrojwraiid ien.eiii.
any of the United State,, or of any territory there'. $",c- .2"- -lrf". ',' ""th'r "'J' " M &
of, from emigrating with their vrLrtu to and et-, crt0 U -J-p-n'- l-yUie IV.drnl. - and .ll. ilm
aavice ami conwui ui uir r unir, lor uif i ernum l
Great Britain, concluded on the ffth day of AuguO,
eighteen hundred and fvrty-ix, thall, an or bejore
thejirtt day of January, eighteen hundred and Jor
ty-eight, file a memorial, in trrtttng, letting Jorlh
and deienbing the tame particularly, and ij land,
by mete and bound a nearly a vracttcublt, and
when and huw luch claim tea acuired and obtain,
ed, together with a ropy of each and ttery contract,
agreement, conteyance, trantfer, or other fettling
upon which uch claim may he founded, and pray
ing a confirmation of ouch claim, with the clerk of
the dittrict court if lh judicial iliitriet where eurh
property may ill and hereupon tht judge of taut
court ihall proreia HUM all pomtie aeepaten, un
der inch rule aa h may prucrtbe, to receive en
done in relation to,iuchcUim, and ihall make lack
decree confirming the tame, in ichole or in pari, vr
rejerting the tame, ai tuck court may deem lawful
andjnit, according to tht true intent and meaning
of laid treaty.
Sec. UG. And bt it further enacted, That it ikalt
be the duty of the United State dittrict attorney
for tuck Jitlrict to at' end to tht iuretigaton of
tuch cote on (Ar ;ir of the United State, and the
clerk of laid court ihall, once erery tkrtt month,
make a report of atd cate; and tht proceeding
thereon, to the tecrctary of the territory, tth ihall
report the tame to the prettdent of the U. State,
with the executive correspondence of iaH-ttnilBtt.
Src.U". And he it further enacted, That if any
claimant, or if the United State dittrict attorney,
ihall be duiatitjied with inch decree, an appeal may
be taKcn, within one yeat afltftkt caute u made,
to the tuprrme court nt the Untied State, a in ca
' of opptal from dtrreei in chancery ; and the
ilerttinn vf the taid tupreme court of Ike United
State ihall be final.
March .'I, lb I? Considered in committee of the
whole; Mr. Kvmw muted to le on tho table yea IV,
nays lid aflrr coiitiilrriilion, Mr. Wescott moved tv
lie on the tnb'.r, sml ngfinl lu jeas 80, ay 18.
Yeas Mewi. Archt-r. Umlffrr, Ilagby, Jlerrien,
Ilutlrr, Calhoun, Cillrj. )ai, I Aim-, reene, Hunt
lnitun. Jiunnjjtii, Jolmroti of Mil, Mtmgtim, Mmnn,
Miller, .Mini-limit, I'eaicr, l(uk, HimmoiK, tmil-,
rplmiii, i l-!i r, S -colt, U idbndge, Yulee UC.
Nrs Mrwr Allui, Atlilry, Atcluwui, llriiloii,
llrrr'f. Urit-ht, ("nun run, Cut, C'orwin, Dickllu-ou,
Dix, I'nirfii III, Il.un.f.iii, llbiuton, JoluuKin ot Ja,
Nile, Mutui mi, Tumi v lr, y
ifoif mmmieltttiai ,mf ti. si mtmul iniinit
A....,;,,.- i..v ,-.,., th.r..'J f.,11., n,. Oregon, who, by irtue of the protuioiu of any
.J7.. ?n i..i.. ., ... . y.-J7.1.. i now exwtinir. or which rnuv be inactcd dnnnirtlie
iirjnaiifzfinaii wear nrntm.uuraiiini'eM. nrirMirtrrm. .
. , . .
Iirjjnt I .iliirrjl. tir rilliirlt In Til kfiirifv Cnr min.
and immunitie thereof a a territory of the United r - - ,"; --"" ,."', ;.",' ,w "
State, vitkauck proferty, on eyuai footing teith ) hat ii.ayl .utnirtedH.Ui them for d.-bursemrnt,
citizen, of ony ofthiUniUd State ; and all laio , ,,a ' "e "ul, " al ",eh '"'"' pi-". d m
and partioj lair which thai! orvratc in rr,(ro;t och ,"ttm"r' M ,,,e l""-"- Treawo" may
of or detriment to the full enjoyment nf tuch right
art hereby de-tared to be null and roid; and the
lawi of the United States are hereby extended over
aud-declared to be in forte iu said territory, m far as
the same, or any pronoun thereof, may 1 applicable.
Sec CI. And lie it further enacted. That lh leg
islative assembly of the territory of Oregon thall hold
it first session at such time and place in suid territo
ry a the governor thereof shall appoint and direct ;
uud ut suid firat wntK.011, or aa soou therealter us Uiey
fholl deem exjiedivnt, the governor and Ifgolulite at
fcctnbly kltall proceed to locate and establish the Feat
of goternment forfuid territory at Mich ptare as they
may duiu ol.yilile; wli'(.'lijlace,liuwei-r, thall there
slur Ik- Miliji'Ct to be changed o) llm mill ('otcnior
l'acd the Kouto of itcpreiw nUtives January 1G,
Attnt: 11. B. FRENCH, Clerk.
Seciil. And be it further enacted. That erery
free white permn born without the United State,
and not a ettisen thereof, and who wa a rendent of
laid territory on the fijth day of Augut,one thou,
tand eght hundred andfurty-tix, or who it tuch re
title nt at the time of the piittage of thit act, and who
continue tn reiide therein, and who may dmre to
be reengnitrd in taid territory a a citizen of the U.
State, und to arml hmnelj oj tin privilege there.
1 11J in taid tririlury, ihall, within one ycarjrom the
jiattage nj tin net, make lu declaration in wri
ss TuaiCTa
. IL -
oro. u ci'kxv, rurrox w. r. nuioi, raiirrxa.
and ie;ilntne avtmblv. And tho miiii of twent) ting,aml an oatl.,rj iiirh dew, and of hi intrn
fee tiiou.iild dollars', oiit of jii mcii-y 111 the trrj,u " '0 become inch citizen, trtttug forth the plare
ry not otherwise upjiroprrtti-.I.'ii hereby aiiroirijtft ' of hi nalirity, lime of emit-rnlwii lu laid territory,
and granted to raid lemtor or Oregon, to be oppliid, ' "' hi renuncwtwii and abjumtutn uf allegiince
by the "iiwnwx and legislative aiembl thtr-of, to to all foreign poirett, und particularly to the pmcer
the erection ol i-u.lubie j.ubbc bujIdingN ul thl wut ol r ttate of which l.t hath Jnrmrrly Arm a tubject or
goveriilillli'. ruizeii; anil auo an unin iij aiirmnre 10 me vnilea
'N5ec. II. tn(.r furt'hrr enacted. That ndehgnte State, iimilnr to that required of appliiant for
to the ll(ine of Itepnwiitutivevof the LuitHil.StuKw, nnturalizntwii under the net of eongre now tn
to erve lor the term of tw yearn, whu kliall bo a it. iyorrr; and uUo prooj by tuu credible wttneiie, on
izctt of the L'mled Stales, may l- eh tied by Hie vo 'JA, of hi good muiat rhaructiKtiud of h't bfyng
. i!i .t . I . . 1 . . r.l.. 1 1..... . - .II -ill-. ... - it It. tL- tnirrtunmt.t iTnil rn, - nC iL Ir
ie iuaiuieii 10 cicci iiii'iiiu.-m ui mu icjmiuiitu own-in 1 -.""" " - , .......... ... u.. IUM -y . .
lily, who shall lie eutillcd to llic nam" right and prmN Stale; which declaration, oath, and prooj may be
(gen as are cxeH'iVd ami enjoyed by tin' delegate
fftoiii theMvriul other 'JVrritonr nfthe United Wtstesj
to the said J I hum- of ltrurrreutattvc. The tin-t clec
tion thall bo held njiicii timn and placer, anil bo con
Seo. 13. And he it further enacted, Thitt
the inhabitants of said territory shall bo en
' titled to arfpy all and singular the righti,
privilage,laal advantages granted and ho
cured fVth'peoplo of the territory of tho U.
' Statea'nortlHNatof tho river Ohio, by thoar-
u tlalccbf cfltriiitt' contained in tho ordmaiicc
made mid lal.cn uejore me gorernor or tecretart.or
any judge arjuitice of the peace, or the clerk of any
dittrict court of aaid triritory; and on the tame be
ing filed in the office of taid trrrelary, a certified
lumiH; lllw 1:1 ..mii Plum in; " - -.- - j - -, -.. .......... ...
1 person huviug llm greatnl I "aid territory to all the pricilegr thereof: Provided,
ij dedurrd by tho gotinmr to however. Thai w It pcrion thall nut be entitled tu
rtificate thereof hall Iw given ' " prml'ge of a cilizi n of the United Slut, rhe-
ducted in euch manner, iw the goernor shull apoint tpy thereof ihall begiren to mid per ton, who ihall
and, direct; und ut all subsequent elections, the time, I thereafter be If Id and deemed in laid territory to
places, und manner of holding tho election shall bo '" a citizen oj lite Untied mate, and entitled in
prescribed by law. Tho
number of oterhall bo
lw il!ilvilelift- nnil 11 ni'-tififiili llii-ri-itl .li.il Ih tnv
aeronliiiflv! Prodded. That tin- Liimnensatioii lor where than in raid territory, until he fhutl nai r hri 11
mileage of' tho taid delegate rhull not exceed two nilmiltril to ritizemhip under the act of rongrei
tboiuaud dollutr: Prodded, further, That the Dml rrtpectiiigthrntil.iratizatiunofforcigntit.
delegute hlmll serve only fur thu Congrim lor uluch Sec.Sl!. .lurf be it ftirther ei.arted, Thtlthetec
he is elected. rrlanjoj the tcrrtloiiAihall be entitled lu 11 Jee of
fee. 1.5 And be it further enacted. That all smln, one dollar for said crfiijitd copy of aid papern, to
procew, und proceeding, ciil und ciim.iril, ut law he paid by taid applicant; und it thall In the duty
und iu chancery, and ull indictments und inlormittioiiH, nf tuid itecrctnry tu muke a contlencd return or al
which shull bo .tending uud undrterinmed in thu court ' -fi net, once erery fix month, of ull urh certificate
iwnmuucu uy auiuuiiijr ui tuc jiuvi-iuiiui u,ri,iiuvui 1 iteuea irom HI vjjtcc iu inc teou luiy uj time oj tne
ui vfivguji, wiiiiiii 1110 iiiiiiui iu rum ii-iiiiory, wucii 1 united iMUict,
this act shall take cneul, fliull bo tritinMcm it In Ixi
heard, tried, pronrcuted, Und deli rmim d m the dinlrlct
courts hereby o-lubliehed, which tuny incliidn the
counties or ddtrirls wh tc miy nidi procei thugs limy
peuuiug. All uouus, rLiogmuuce, uml oMigutioiw
(Inu riiutsoeer, vuhd iiiiilir Urn cxikUrtg
ISW-WttgmtiHt limit of mid urn lory, hli.ill lo vulid
under tins act; and ull crime und iiiinleiiieunort u-
guirurt Uie luws in loico within mid liuiils may be prm
Sec.ii'l. And he it firlhrr enacted. That all pro.
tecutioiw for criminal oJTence vnder the lairinf mid '
territory, or othertnte than under lite luwi nj the U, J
State, ihall be in the name of laid teirilory, and ,
Pe etpente thereuf thall be pai.i by the territorial
government, in tuch mmimr a limy be prettiibid
by the Into of mid terrilmi.
Sec. 2 1. And be it furthir cita tfetf, That the leg. I
inlnlirr ntHrmblii ol the lerilloiti thall nroritle I111
routed, tried, and puninlied in thu court.! rnlubli.lied , jr the election, by the iuoUJifd votri of nui'd
oy irusuci, mm nu iwiiniiieH, lurienurc.i, uctmiis, ami territory, ol a utterly in inch it.untuuj lltr nu,f,
cuusts of action, muy ! reioetvd under Ihii net, irho hall iricc two inir and vi.til hit tuccritur ii
the same in like manner kj. they would Inyo been I elected nnd nuidijicd, and who thall erectile pro
under the law in lureo within the limit oofiirxiniin; cm" until r tlte lttr of taid tenUnni m may he mr
said territory ut llm liniu this act rhull go Into opera. rn7W by tltc mid laic, and ichoe fri thall be
-0"1 1 provided by the taid late.
Soc. 16. And be it further tttactrd, That nil ju. .See. 13. And be it further enacted, That erery
lice of the pcuce, roustuhlel, sherilKf. and ull other nerum r .,-..,. eomnanu or romnanim. r'uimimt
judicial uud ministerial ollicem, who shull bo in ofllco powmory right, farm, land, or other property,
Witliin tliolimiu of said territory when thi act shull ro Aarr .rr;i lawfully acquired withm idid territoru
take cfli-ct, shall be, uud they are hereby, uulliorized under articles third and fourth of the treaty with
Oregon City, Fritf. 17, It 17.
To CoxxmroMirMn We hare git en up our col
tiinrui nlni'i-t ruiirely to the nerrs and our cormpon
denls. We rhull mduator lo make amends nnon. A
particularly iiili-ir'iiug 1 dilonal, nboul our trip in lh
Cascade Mnunlain, l3 brn crowded out of thi
number. An article rigned I'-tcr II. Burnett, now in
t)ie,we hmc bi II coiiiwllrd to defer to another imm-Ix-r,
likewie, S. S. White's couimunicatmu to the im
migratmncf 1-17, rlintl uppiur in our next. Cssca,'
iijuii public miittetv, will uUo have a place iu our next.
The prueirdiiig of the Wmhingtonian mriling, wo
rrgnt to say, ut arc couijxHed to pontpouc to nuulhvr
Usui llonv or NKwsi'RiroaT, xaxiiv. Wo hatu
beloru us a letter from Hue no Ayres, dated lifis. J I ,
by which' it appenrs that Mr. Swaney had matin hi
apMarati(o there, with his family and a Mis Han
nali IVulKsiy. He -aid that tho letters for tin Oregon
iniiwou were thrown overboard from tho Henry ; that
hi -burn of the brig win bought by the Captain at Hi
Catheiine's ; the umounl, which he sometimes said was
$1000 uud ut other limes ll!.5(), was paid out of the
pecio coiirigtud lolho misxion; nud that the residun
was spent by tlieCuptuiu. Mr. Kwasey gave nut lint
he won going oierlnnd to Valparuiro, und actually rtait
til, but 1 iiiun back ufter ftghlceu duyK, and Iheu lull.
etl of riliiriiing to the United Stales; scmetimes giv
ing out, liuwi wr, that ho wuh going luengugo in bun
tiih-w tli ;i ri lniie muirwliero iu tho interior. lln
ut'ciiunt met uilh little rredeiiee.
Sumo beuetolentgenllimtn selMiin IVnbody up in
a ktlmol, uiitl lor u lime rhe went 011 well; hut h r
fiilntqiuul iim 1 1'lhugi disapioiulil nil Ihrir hop,
and induct d tin; belief that she was parliully do
The New York Commercial Advertiser is thn first
paper w e ruppn that gun publicily to tho ulxnr,
We feel it our duty to muko romo rrma.ks ubout thi
matter. Wv wnuM state for llm information of tin
jouinitl and the public iu general IhntCiiptiiiu William
K. Kilboru U now u cilumi of Him Territory, respect
ed as such, mid luis niinilicrlem friend who urn til
tnehrd to him by Ih'k gMk'nrss of charucler who uie
not dirjNni tunc ihut character availed wilhuut mi
elliirtm defence. .Sulliceil in say Ihut tho llrig Hen
ry is now Iriiihng between lliir pml, Culiforriiu nnd Ihe
Kuuduhh IkIiiiuJh; that nil Ihu hiininrni ol thiMirxl
M-rliiiuiiig lo her outward ojogc hits hcen utlv;iilid lo
with thu nlinoKt satirfuLtiou to ull concerned. Willi
regard In uny mistiiulumiumliug ihut muy exist In
lu ecu Capl. Kilboru uud Mr. Swuseywn havo nntli
iug tu ray, they can settle Ihut bu.-iucw tliein.ehoi.