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About Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1847)
ttAi&fi&Mi T7 ' . ?& Wi? -W M ' .In ligation ef Ifco Calamfcla The Oregon Treaty.' V find in tliti Union, tlio journal of the Si cuid'h proceedings in secret MMion on the r"'on Treaty. It appears, that whilo the rs(jution advising the President to accept tho nfl'iT of the British Government wu' pending, Mr. Nii.f.s moved to amend by ad., iiiil' thereto tuo tallowing:. With the following proviso at the end of him -'(! articlo oi (lie proposed Convention, to wit : "Prowled, That tho right j?f aaviaatlng the Columbia river, secured to tfie Hudson Hay Company, and to all British subjects trading with tlio name, bo limited to the year A. u. 18u:j, when it shall cease and deter initio." On tlio question of adopting this amend merit tho Yens and Nays were as follows : Yeas Messrs. Ashley, Atherton, Bagby, Dix, Fairfield, Houston, Jenncss, Niles, Sim mons, und Woodhridgc 10. Nays Messrs. Archer, Ronton, Berrien, Calhoun, Clinlmcrs, Thomas Clayton, J. M. Clayton, Colquitt, Davis, Dayton, Evans, Grccno, Haywood, Huntington, Johnson of Maryland, Johnson or Ijouisiana, Liowis, McDufhV, Mangum, Miller, Morchead, IVarcn, I'nnnybackcr, Pholps, Rusk, Sevier, Speight, Turney, Uphurn, Webster and Yu. lee 31. So the proposed amendment was rejected. Tho resolution advising the President to urccpt the roposa1 of tho British Govern ment was then adopted by the following vote : Yeas Messrs. Archer, Ashley, Bagby, Henton, lierrien, Calhoun, Chalmers, Thorn, as Clayton, John M. Clayton, Colquitt, Davis, Dayton, Dix, livnns, Orccne, Haywood, Houston, Huntington, Johnson of Maryland, Johnson of Louisiana, Lewis, McDufTic, Mangum, Miller, Morclicad, Niles, Pcarco, Pennybackcr, I'helps, Husk, Sevier, Sim mons, Speight, Tuniey, Upham, Webster, Woodhridgc, and Yuloc !J8 Nas Allen, Atherton, Brcese,Camoron, Caw, Dickinson, Fairfield, Hannegan, Jar. nuL'in. Jenness. Scmnle. and Sturgeon 12. When the Treaty itself camo before the Senate, and whilo the resolution to consent to its ratification was under discussion, Mr. HaNNEOan nioved'to amend try slrikfng'oot all after the word rcsnhed, and adding the lollowiug : "That the President of tho United States Ik- and ho is hereby advised by tho Senate to offer to the Government of Great Britain as n just, fuir and equitable compromise of the conflicting claims or tho two uovern incuts connected with tho country lying a. long between the Hooky Mountains ana the Pacific Ocean, extending from tho parallel if t'J degrees to 54 degrees and 40 minutes north latitudo and including tho Islands em braced within said parallels of latitude adia ( eut tothocoast, tho following aa the funda mental provisions for a treaty between the two Gotcrnmcnts: "First. Tho Government of Great Britain shall acknowledge the right of soil, andtho -mcreignty to exist, and bo with tho United Stale to the whole territory abovo described, nrnl shall abandon to the United States 'nil i-Iutm ulii'li slmll in uny manner con diet with the jiiraiiioiint jurisdiction of the Uni ted Stntt h therein. "Srrowl. The 1'niteil States shall gimran t to th Hudson Hay Company for twonty eurs I'm-iii the elate of such treaty tho most l' rf ct si airily in nil their possessions, und tin- riht to pursue their business of hunting .Hid truppiug with nil tho iiuiiiuiiities which p.-iUin thereto, and urtrado during that pe riod with tlio natives; ami thu usu during that time of tho ports, rivers, and harbors within h.iid territory, without chargoor hiti flranen. "Third. Within twelve months from tho date of huid treaty, commissioners shall Im ..ducted by, and on behalf of, tho respective gnwrumcii Is, whose duty it shall bo to assess at just and liberal prices tho valuo of tho propel ty of tho Hudson Bay Company with. in said territory, which amount, when ascer tamed, hhull bo' paid by the United Statito -atil company, in mich niatiuor and at such tunc as shall Im agreed upon between tho I nited Stairs and Gieat Britain." On tins niiK-udinenl tho Yeas and Nays w i re n follows : y.tA,s Messrs. Atchison, Cameron, Han ne.Mii, Sumnlu and Sturgeon ft. Nay: Messrs. Archer, Ashloy, Alitor, t .n, Baghv, Harrow, Benton, Berrien, Cal. .., .n, Clinlmcrs, Thomas Clayton, John M. llMSsW-S tlJmttmmmmiimi aasa 'bbb- H i trade assWMaiBiiBMBkJHBB-u SB , a - -" , h. . Aa .. aBBa .. . Ill :fcCidaSHBnBBBm BB1 fBBSSSSSSSSSk'SSSSSSl JBmmBSSSBB iSBw SPTBBBBBm' SSSm SSBSlSSSiSSSSl BSSB JBmmtMlBmSI 1 " UUF1S1 BBBJS1WB""BSL mmtmMMMmM m " lafaaSaiBnkBalsl MM m-m-MMmw . lantio. M imMmWmmmmtmk in nv im tAijnr.iniiti ttsmam sssrassl KVamaFMHH iPKif kwsw fJaWVJram m lawwaMlml8HvmmPJm . B. '' ' .. ',r jiJUtj ' .!, ' ' ' " hiwsaiiV' Westward tii Star fBNafr takes ks way." .r t Ytl.ll OnmmOttrA rt "Mt- 'ni -rr '" vn fr v "u. 3SZ TmmtmiMx "I t-T 'i i J.: I .,11 Clayton, Colquitt, Corwin, Criieoden. Daris, Dayton, Dix, Evans, Greene,' Haywood,' rioustoa, Huntingtoa, Johnson of Md., Johni son of La., Lewis, McIJume, Mangum, Mil Ier, Morehead, Wllos, rcarco, fennybacker, Phelps, Husk, Sevier, Simmons, Speight, i urney, upnam, weucter, woodbridge and Yulee 48. TcaiiT Revolutionized. An intelligent correspondent ot the Jouraal ol uommeroe, writiaw from London, sketches tho "move. ment"of tho time in various parts of Europe and that of Turkey in particular he presents ta the following Interesting light. This is indeed. revolution, though bloodless and tranquil: The Pope having entered the lists as a re. forsMr will not surssin vou more than to find tfcattte Oiarf TarklBM done the same For the first time ia the annals of his dynas. ty, the Sultan of Turkey baa paid a visit to his Asiatio domiaioas, and on his return re. ccived the congratulations of the Embassa dors to the Porte; Thui is tbo first instance on record of the carjm diplomatique having had an audience en matte with tho Imperial Sovereign of Turkey; and by way of show, ing still farther innovation, his Majesty re ceived their Excellencies in tho state-room, to which they were ushered, and remained standing during the whole of their visit. Education is to proceed in Turkey with giant strides. 20,000 schools aro to be es tablished forthwith '.brougbout the country, and aaornal schejUbr teachers is to Jwia sOtitted at Csr-umtiaople, under Emir Pacha who wu educated at the English University ot -vaaierwge, -where ao'ioor'-nt tor mathematics aud classics, Another circumstance without precedent in modern history, is the fact that the Sultan on his return from his tour, went to tho Sub. lime Forte and mado a report to the Vizier, as to the condition of tho provinces ho had visited, issuing orders for their future better government. Among other things he declar. cd that he had abolished all custom duties at Adrianople, Brausta, Konian and Tokat, and then went on in tho following free trade style : "As it has been acknowledged at all times A New Planet. A French Philosopher, Mr. Leverrier, at the meeting of the Paris Academy of Sciences on the 30th of June, read a paper which attracted a great deal of attention. It related to nothins? less than a new world which ho affirmed he bad diseor.- ered. Ho said there existed in the celestial space a planet which nobody had yet see,' not even hinvtelf, but tho existenco of which ho could di t castrate. "It was in tbo depth Of his study," says tho French paper from vftich wo translate, "without opening bis wiBdow, by a combination of figures and Use I MJ Wl UOTCIIIt'f UiasVTUfVU allfj UMUtCb rnjatsdred WmiSm. It remains' for the as- troaomer to verify this calculation by actu al a'bservation with instruments. lr. Lev. errier is not.uncasy as to the results of this proof; he indicates tho region of the heavens to whjch observers must direct their glasses, and the precise moment when the star will pass them, i. e. the first of June, 1847." -The writer goes on to state the circum stances which led theSavan to his important discovery, if such it be. It seems that cer talajrregular movements in the planet Ura nus have long been the despair of aatroao-' mars'. While the other stars move in the 3 'it orderly manner in their appointed pUu , this distant member of the solar ayssaw attimes plays the most aaaoeowrtaMe pranks. Seme have imaated these to arma-fa tha ing collected au necessary intormauoo on the subject, that henceforth all duties of the kind, affecting the City of Constantinople. shall bo entirely abrogated, and that this act shall como into effect from the date of the 1st day of ne.t March." Tho Imperial Solvman, you will pcroeive is becoming u good Cobdcnito, and now' ho has only to give a cheap postage, to aid him in carrying out his reforms and rendering them effective. There is ono point mora ih tho character of this reforming Moslem which will entitle him to and secure for him tho gratitude of tho wholo Christian world. Youhavo alrca. dy had some powerful details in your col. umns of tho persecutions of tho Armenian I'rotcstants, and all that thoy have suffered from the excommunication of their bishops. A Vizcrial loiter to the Paoha of Erzoroum says that tho Protestant faith has spread in some degree among tho Armenians partic ularly at Constantinople. They havo been anothomatized by tho Patriarch, and thcro. by injured in their trado and business, and obligod to close thoir shops. I ho Sultan had forbidden tho primate to act at Constantinople, and thosamolaw must bo enforced at Erzoroum. Tho Armenian primates uro "not to bo suffered in any way to pcrscuute or intonoro with the converts when engaged in their trades and commerce. His Excollcncy is finally ordered "to protect and defend them." Tho Morning Chronicle correspondent ut Constantinople, in his last despatch, emphat ically states that "Protestantism is now plant. ed In the OttomanlBmaire. and it is nv be: lief that It will strike itsfeotsdeeo and snread j them wide." V yniyerstty l..diticns of the gjansMricjjsjfc tad gw egrecTa)iwa disturMnjr tafkiioeoe oa the aait Saturn or Jupiter. But Mr. Leverrier says that neither of these conjectures is right; but that Uranus is exposed to the eaeeta of another planet not yet revealed to sM. This is beyond Uranus at double the distance of that planet from the sun. Mr. Leverrier professes to be ablo to prove this by the most unquestionable mathematics. isaaas) ' fka Ws AslaWV 3rrJ ilifir yiui' im aaawry of the At- VAsvwassjsjT i. Jtis known sMBafssnans Pawvss Itm atoaatboats avteatad Lafcst'lHdasnsi; la 18M tfcara a ssjrvsaTCs,Vias7i ssaaaas wasjBjsissjsj spisaTsjvjsya3p s?ar anavsi sarir sWs"PjwsMBsajBjspBaT BsTPiaPaWflaPW wlkVWatsjsWtJMl' vessels narisjsted'llw"! un.'nauimiTiXMmLMLiitf'fi prdoelleTsi: !UI00fiMfc'BTisW ions: 'scbcoiiers'm'4MW lamiJTWl SM, 7,0M tow. JU eoat of t conatracl Uon of tnasa vaiflMMM.v r -u .Inthesaae vmrmmnwmm m LakaOa: ii- m l. ."'!: 'i' L'.ii" v-Tm"-: . vaJXJ 17"f "f ivvniniiwHimws, UiMatiSJtZtW - i a. -'J j fj J msjs,crmca4aa4 iajM iwi aaMaassasr ment.FaUgh Dorr.ctc. . JUM4Miefi.ava,YaaiJsv thab 400 lives have Tieea lost, and last IL during the boistorous.wsather, CM) Uvas.wisre') lost, M vessels driven' aSovi '&imZ tai wne ertywat not leas thari lflMflHWlk. of flour over the Lakaiaa'1aMil makimk At the -ntfaenr tttftf "imefWrof thr Lakes may be nUriv estimated at tl0O.tMJl. 000 per annum.-' TWtoraevJdbeeofwhet' that oommeroa wiH W hereafter; and hoV neoessary it is for the Gvernmesjt to "foster aaeyprotect that trade; ia the imprevenimt of the 'harbors aad hays-&wJsad Phhr VHUtr. ' - ' A Gesat Stxambsut Paajacr. Vesea- siaa EJlis,' Esq., faamlj Uafted mates Charge at CaTaooas, sMMaasMsaed -front ihsy uoverasaaatof VsastnalatlfataMelMal right of navigatiag the asigaty Quash i siJaVatiaaa; vessU,.for twaaty4wo yaasa, osi Mass Mgkv ly, advaalsgiiBi 'What a thaatN toaW whsi ivawatfisli Rome. The naV Pope, Pius IX., is mak ing himself vary popular by his liberal re form. Railways are now the order of the that duties on foods, oroviaions and cattle-arc -dax4abis pontificate. It is thought that his extiwmelv nmiiutiVUi inBoriniiitiira urXLw retsn wiiKbo of Brest benefit to hu sutriects. roerce, we order, inconsequence, after bav- if-prolcwgW sufficiently for him to carry out all his measures. But there are fears.tbat hA Will hn fnnnit tnn mnaJ in Urn Psn that JsHjbj noma ia fora liberal share of his pri- vsaa;i0BariueSf He has granted a general amnesty, which has caused unbounded en thusiasm in his favor ho has also paid from his private purse tho debts of all prisoners detained in tbo capitol for debt. He has late ly said "My people may expect justice and moroy Iroin mc, lor my-only guide is this book," (tho Now Testament.) Ex. Paper. The Explosive Cotton Valve of its discovery to America. The new discove ry that cotton prepared by being saturated with some acids, has aa much explosive now. or as gunpowder is one which will bo of vast service to this country. The fact that it ia larchrapor than gunpowder will, soon bring it into universal use, and then what a mar- kot tho entire wbrld offers for the staple of our Southern States 1 This is a prospect of great interest both in a national and com meroMi point oi view, we can now grow as much cotton rs wo please without any fear that it will become a druu in the mar- ktt, or that it will depreciate in valuer aflcr n certain supply. sv "FJcVt Know Beans." In 1773. at Ins wich, beans woro ordered to bo used in volins tuo wnito denoting yea, tho black nay. J" rom this originated tho eld phrase, "You don't know beans," as no one was allowed to votownouia not Known wmto uean trom a bluck ono. ' STi ar. lis infii si iiiisB i ami mtU. ----'--' lkj 'Mji-ii -tJCduJ-IL. drained ayli 4M.0M sore a'or SittV e08.0M of .mnL AUi'wmAitimL I calves she Paraguay, or' Oarssa, the Wtf large tributary which aagtwsnU its volasaa' from tha flbuth. 'For SMk. mm k mm if rejmected author, "few rivCTSoftheworW af ford a more exteaded and hjaa iaternptad navigation.".: - ' - Miss Parur, who was .captured atjaer father's fort on.the Naviaslo, tea or twelve years ago, has nuuned asvIadta aUef, aad is so wedded to the Indian atodeof lift., that, she is unwilling to vetum to hcr:s4dta. ,l(ia The Cfarmmssuaera. mda rry ,! their power to reokiai tmrim,, shouldUbo restororkuKlriTCrf E; would probably take advahtata M.tWlaK opportunity, and flee .away tolIhaHrusjaof ' Pforthera exuTexdVlUmr' Daniel Wwwter Rxattsss; Tha London Sun gives a grapaio sketch ef Jfri Webster, into which is Introduesd the follow ing characteristic anecdote, which we do net recollect to have seen before: f This distinguished man, justsefewjjtfcr te's last visit to Ameriea, ihraied one laf a fishing party in Masssaesstts Bart lie tai hasn selected to deliver the walooauaf spseeh, to the Kreacaman, on ate pareachlafviait; and during, his osupaUeaef hjuiUaaof oeaV fish and toswaa. observed tohejvesjr. abetraeted., It apaeand aAwramais taatba must have been studyiaf that part; oCikssV speech in which he afVMd adi'ssd La fayette, for" a sUsmaniwbo.IFas Ihaiag next him observed himvpdWM.if.,hia,yae, hand over hand, with asma aaWW K large fish was hooksd.yet w4tast ayhlhitias; any satisfaction 'o'his.fcos lsfvhaffh tured a prise.' At' length the nsh.WM.asea approachioff thaaailaoe and glsamiftg thM, . i man! the renteesatativea 'of tfcViwe nhores welcome vou to our scores," aad flopped the '"moast'er cod" 6a the dyelt y rx twrt rHii il 6-J - vs i ji J ' ii si .1 ,i '!flS&. J BSsl'l in rfai